Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Well, that was that, then.

Not only was this child a problem-causer, but her sense of something off about him had definitely been correct. And now she had every justification to act on her instincts, chase him down, and kick him to the ground.

In fact, it was practically part of her duties as long as she was posing as this place's maid! Right?

The moment the door gave way, Elizstrazia leaned forward.

"You bet there's something up with that little brat, and I'm going to find out exactly what."

Even if someone caught sight of what she was about to do, it was obviously just part of her duties, right? It was clearly just her throwing all her physically ability into serving as this estate's maid, right?

If they didn't buy that for some reason, she'd just make them take a nice nap. Maybe when they woke up, they'd think it was all a dream.

The Scale Demon's legs tensed.

And then she hurled herself forward, reaching the doorway and going through it as rapidly as she could.

She was going to find this brat, and teach him a lesson.

... And then figure out what he was doing.

The decision came quickly and easily. Even if the perpetrators were no longer there, which was almost certain, at the very least heading to the site of the meeting was the best way to obtain further leads.

And aside from that, given that Cay Mayl was a holy site, there was the matter of discerning if there had been any attempts to defile it. Bringing something as dark as a Shard of Angroron there... it didn't guarantee that was their intention, but it was at least a concerning possibility.

Fanilly didn't want anyone else to suffer like the soldiers at the fort had.

The mercenaries had, under Alette's command, largely parted ways(though not before the blue-haired spear-wielder had informed Fionn of the amusing misinterpretation on Sir Renar's part). Except...

"Why am I still here?"

Clarice, her parasol blocking out the sunlight, had asked that question more than a few times since Alette had sent the mage to accompany the Iron Rose Knights to to Cay Mayl. She quite clearly wasn't happy about any of it, and appeared to be anxious around horses on top of that. In spite of the magical power it surely required, she elected instead to float alongside them, refusing to get closer to any of the horses then absolutely necessary.

"I'd rather be carried by Bors," she'd said, during attempts to convince her to ride on horseback.

Fanilly could see she was a difficult person, but at the same time her knowledge of curses could be invaluable. They were dealing with an opponent to inflicted curses on others, that much was certain. The man whose heart had been severed from his arteries with a curse told them that much.

What this indicated, at least to Fanilly, was that a mage of some description, and one capable with curses at that, was working alongside the Golden Boars. It didn't answer how the madness had blanketed the fort as it had, but at least it was certain that someone capable of curses was there and was likely the one who had obtained the shard.

... For that matter, who had the Fort's captain trusted enough to hold the shard for...? Fanilly had to guess it was the same person who had employed Alette's mercenary band.

It had been nearly a day since they set out, by now. Aside from complaining about her situation, Clarice hadn't said very much.

There it was, the clearing at the edge of Brennan Forest.

Cae Mayl.

The pristine white standing stones, the green grass, the shorter ring of stones surrounding the incredibly deep pool of water, the wild-grown roses in bloom, it was exactly as Fanilly remembered it from the last time she had been there, years ago.

She wasn't counting on finding anyone here to begin with, but at least some evidence, something, that could lead them in the right direction.

"We have no choice but to search the area. Stay clear of the Moon Pool, it's deeper than it appears," Fanilly ordered as she dismounted her mare.

Clarice, of course, responded by immediately drifting to the edge of the pool and peering right into it. Given the fact her feet still weren't touching the ground, presumably she was at less risk of finding herself in the water.

And perhaps she had a reason beyond curiosity.

@Rune_Alchemist@HereComesTheSnow@Raineh Daze@ERode@PigeonOfAstora@Conscripts@Crimson Paladin@Creative Chaos@The Otter@Krayzikk@Psyker Landshark@6slyboy6
"Mmm? Well, I'm enjoying it 'cause it's really good, Whitestone-san!"

It was a little difficult to pronounce the girl's surname, still, but she did her best. After all, Hoshiko wanted to be friends with the other pilots. So even if she got her name wrong, that was fine. They all had to work together, right? So why not be friends?

Besides, the British girl was just so cute! She was so small and dainty, like a little doll, so it was hard to be too frustrated when she messed up her name like that. She didn't know her that well yet, but she did know she had some issues with her memory.

It was likely rather shocking that the aggressive warpath she had waged on her meal had already depleted it so much when she had only sat down a few moments ago.

Berg-san was big, but he was nice. She though he'd be really easy to get along with. To be honest, she hoped everyone would be like that. Even if they weren't, she still wanted to be their friend anyway.

"Eh? Where it goes? Umm..."

The brunette considered the question for a few moments. Wasn't it obvious? It wasn't as if there was anywhere else it could go. There was only one possible destination for any good that entered her mouth.

"My stomach, of course! It's not like it has anywhere else to go," she replied, brightly, before depositing another piece of karaage into her mouth.

So it was impossible for her to directly greet the other pilot as she approached, given her mouth was currently full. All she could do was thrust her right hand into the air and wave cheerfully back at her.

@Raineh Daze@SaltSight@King Cosmos@PKMNB0Y
Velvetica sighed.

She had begun to suspect when the mysterious foreigners from across the sea had been mentioned in the first place, but the sight of the coin had confirmed it for her. She recognized that gold. Roger's report and the words of the others only confirmed it.

Morahti. Sinners in the eyes of the goddesses, but bizarre in the manner of their sin. As she understood, in war between clans of their homeland, they simply accepted that enslavement was the price of defeat. It was an abomination, but one that was conducted in a foreign manner.

And they had no understanding of the wickedness of slavery. They saw those who dealt in slaves in this land simply as those who dealt in the lives of the defeated, rather than those who deprived others of their freedom.

"They simply assume that those being sold are the prizes of the victor," Velvetica said, with a sigh, "They have no grasp of the wickedness of slavery, but that does not absolve them of their sins."

Her hand rested on Starshine's hilt.

"Our opponent is the Morahti," she began, picking up her voice to reach her soldiers, "We will approach and surround them, before setting loose their horses. That will cripple their combat capability and cause chaos, which will will take advantage of to swiftly defeat them and release their prisoners. Those who surrender will be granted mercy, but do not count on surrender from the Morahti."

@Raineh Daze@Psyker Landshark@The Otter@VKAllen@Eisenhorn@Crimson Paladin@Conscripts@HereComesTheSnow@Octo@PigeonOfAstora
However Giselle dealt with her severed arm, Aleksiya soon took it from her.

"You could have been more gentle with it," she remarked, eyeing Kordelia briefly. However, she did not press it any further. The manner in which her fellow lord gazed towards the corpse of the Bat King told her everything that she needed to know.

The ice she'd used to dull the pain of her grievous injury crumbled. Of course, it wasn't as if regenerating a new limb entering was impossible for her. But reattaching one that already existed would be far easier.

The small girl placed it against the stump. Muscular tissue stretched and knitted itself back together, holding the arm in place without needing her to do so on her own. Veins and tissues reconnected just as swiftly, as even the bone itself began to rejoin, growing back together just as the skin began to mend.

In a matter of seconds, there was not even a scar remaining, as Aleksiya flexed her fingers.

Unfortunately, the same could not be said of her damaged dress.

"We should return to the village," she asserted, content to allow Kordelia to mourn for her companion for the time being now that her arm was reattached, "I suspect they'll be in need of guidance, and only a complete idiot would abandon them."

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This
The demon staggered forward when the charged knee struck it in the back. With a snarl, it turned again...

And then it was bathed in light from every direction. Flesh burned and dissolved, soon followed by bone. Its entire head was obliterated in an instant as the burning light cleansed its very existence.

And yet, its lower half remained upright. A red, pulsing orb remained, surrounded by what was left of its smoldering ribcage.

At least, until Andrea struck it.

It was a frail thing, surprisingly, for how the demon had gloated and thought itself superior. A single touch was all that was needed to crack the exposed core.

The thin like traveled up its center, and its light died swiftly only seconds later. The orb split, both halves cracking further, before it finally shattered to pieces.

What remained of the demon's body began to smoke, venting its mass in the form of ashes.

In a few moments, nothing would be left.

It was at that moment that Shiro's voice came to them once again.

"All Demon signatures have been eliminated. Well done."

Was that the sound of slow clapping? There was no clear indication of how it was being projected, but rather then coming across as sarcastic, it had an air of the exact same expressionlessness as the Doll normally possessed.

As if she thought clapping was appropriate, but didn't really get why, perhaps.

@Raineh Daze@Rune_Alchemist@RolePlayerRoxas@Quartz@Emeth@LuckyBlackCat
"Tch...! Damnable stubborn old men!"

This was exactly why she hated dealing with them. It didn't matter what his reason was. It didn't matter what he really thought deep down. This attitude. This self-assurance in his own position regardless of how difficult they were being. This irritable manner of looking down on anyone who even remotely suggested differently.

This was what infuriated her.

"Fine! So we're killing this lindwurm, then! We'll tear through those peoples' territory to do it, fine!"

On the other hand, his dismissive attitude made Fio even more determined to prove him wrong.

"Come on!" she said, grabbing the jar with both hands, "We've got a strategy to plan, and this little idiot seems to be intent on forfeiting her honey bread privileges!"

Even in the midst of her frustration, she had most certainly picked up on what the unseelie said.

"Maybe we can douse her in honey instead and use her as bait! Does the lindwurm like sweet things, Gunnrun?! Does it?!"

It was clear the frustration had boiled over, certainly.

It was around that moment that Alette came to a stop, at Clarice's side. The mage was focused, having inscribed a chalk circle on the nearest wall. Her feet were still drifting off the ground, as she watched a light traveling steadily around the edge of the circle, her eyes narrowed.

"Nothing yet?" Alette questioned, tilting her head.

"Can't you tell? It's going to take a little bit... haaah, and this bloody scent is so distracting, you know? I'm going to lay a curse on whoever's responsible for all this, it's so unpleasant."

Rather then dismay at the deaths themselves, the mage seemed more annoyed at how unpleasant the fort was given it was filled with corpses.

With the barracks lacking any further information, Fanilly took the piece of paper with her as she lead her knights back to the surface. It offered little information that they didn't already know at the time, but at least it was something. It confirmed why the Boars were hiding there, but not how they had learned about this in the first place or how they'd infiltrated the for-

Wait, there was something on the back?

Turning the paper over in her hands, Fanilly examined it again. Those were... stones? It was a sketch of a pair of stones, ones that looked oddly familiar. Perfectly smooth, standing erect...

"Ah! There!"

The scrying circle had come alight, the light changing shape and growing larger until it resembled a clear pool of water. From within, a grassy clearing with a pair of white stones standing erect could be seen.

"They were going here!" declared Clarice, "... Wherever here is. I don't recognize it at all."

But Fanilly did.

Immediately the Knight-Captain approached, glancing between the paper and the scrying circle.

"That's Cae Mayl," she said as she approached, "They must have been meeting there! But... why?"

Cae Mayl was the first shrine to Mayon in all of Thaln. The white standing stones were accompanied by a clear pool of water from deep within the earth. While it was a holy site, the deep pool was also dangerous given how far down it went.

Fanilly had been there once before, years ago.

Regardless, it was their best lead.

Meanwhile, Bors let out a chuckle. It sounded something like a roll of thunder across the sky during a storm.

"You would be surprised," he commented, cheerfully, "My daughter hasn't a scrap of giant's blood, but she is my daughter all the same."

He glanced out over the horizon before continuing, still keeping watch for any potential enemies.

"And she enjoys this view just as much as you do."


Abigail knelt beside the body, frowning slightly.

"These wounds weren't made by a blade," she commented, "Ah, so elegant... but terrible, too."

She ran her fingertips over the injuries as she spoke.

"Extremely precise and swift, and inflicted by magic... a curse? Perhaps Clarice should take a look, she loves curses~!" she observed as she continued examining the injuries, "... They cut the veins leading to the heart."

The precision, and the use of magic, implied that whoever had been responsible for the captain's death and the death of this soldier was not among those driven mad. Additionally, the fact the journal had been defaced implied an attempt to throw someone off the trail.

It wasn't impossible whoever did this was tied to the boars. But just what had gone wrong to trigger the massacre?

The fact that the perpetrator could use curses, and potentially had possession of such an inherently wicked object, could have been the answer.

@Rune_Alchemist@HereComesTheSnow@Raineh Daze@ERode@PigeonOfAstora@Conscripts@Crimson Paladin@Creative Chaos@The Otter@Krayzikk@Psyker Landshark@6slyboy6
Karaage! Rice! A big bowl of ramen!

Aaah, this was the best!

Her brown hair bouncing with each step, a smile as radiant as the most blinding sunburst on her lips, the wielder of the Chi-mechframe Hinotori practically skipped into the dining area, a tray looking positively overloaded in her arms. Of course, this would hardly be an unfamiliar sight.

For Fukada Hoshiko was something of a black hole when it came to food.

And what better way to enjoy delicious food then alongside her fellow pilots?

Her smile parted into a wide grin as she approached the others. Chatting over a meal was the best, and it felt like a great opportunity to get even closer with everyone.

From the very start, Hoshiko's opinion had been that since they were going to work together, it only made sense to make friends and get to know one another. Being cold and super professional or whatever was no good, especially when they were going to live together on Horizon. To that end, she had spent free time trying to get to know everyone as much as she could. Hanging out was the best way to make friends, after all.

These six months had been surreal, to be honest. Hoshiko never expected to experience anything like this. To be living in a base in the sky. To be teamed up with a bunch of other people and use a cutting edge piece of technology. But it was a chance to keep people safe, to make sure no-one ever got hurt again.

She had to take that chance.

"Hi, everbody!" declared the brunette, cheerfully, immediately sitting down close to the others and setting her tray down on the table as she did. "This is great, isn't it?! I'm so hungry! Itadakimaaaasu~!"

The following scene could be described as something of an assault on all that was edible, as Hoshiko began devouring her food at a pace that would have seemed impossible to anyone unfamiliar with her eating habits.

"Haaah~" she paused in her rampage against the food world for a moment, a hand to her cheek, "So tasty~!"
The night sky had cleared somewhat since they went down beneath into the tomb. Not completely, but visibility would be somewhat better for Sir Roger. His steed, of course, would have little problem seeing in even complete darkness.

In the mean time, as the Griffin-riding knight departed, it was an opportunity for the others to take some time to recuperate before their target.


"Just because we know where to look, doesn't mean that we should neglect any other opportunity to locate any clues," Velvetica stated as she examined the wreckage of the cultists' camp, "Perhaps we may find the currency they were paid in, which may lead us to the identity of our targets."

Across the sea could have meant any number of cultures. Even if the Asharaadi was the most familiar to the Steel Princess, she suspected that they were not the ones they were dealing with.

And indeed, some digging would reveal a pouch of gold coins in one of the largest tents, stamped with a distinctive face: A bald man with a braided beard.

After some time in the air, both the griffin and the knight would spy a large fire. It was near to Ithillane territory, but did not appear to belong to their soldiers. Indeed, the domed red tents were distinct and unfamiliar.

A number of figures were moving around, seeming to be eating and drinking, and having a rather raucous conversation in an unfamiliar tongue(especially from this distance). The also appeared to possess a large number of horses.

No prisoners appeared to be currently visible, but it was the correct direction.

@Raineh Daze@Psyker Landshark@The Otter@VKAllen@Eisenhorn@Crimson Paladin@Conscripts@HereComesTheSnow@Octo@PigeonOfAstora
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