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  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

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Do not post your Character Sheet in this tab unless it has been approved in the OOC tab first.
Well, you frothing horde of loons. The wait is over.

As of now, I will no longer respond to the Interest Check.

A New Day

~ Cozy Fantsy Village Life ~


You have wandered for quite some time now. Perhaps sometimes in the company of others, perhaps sometimes all alone. You might've started out a pauper, a noble's scion, with fame and fortune, or a complete and utterly oenniless pauper. Perhaps you've walked this path on your own two feet alone, or perhaps you've ridden some kind of beast, or traveled by carriage or wagon. It doesn't matter how, and it doesn't matter what was. For a new day dawns, and with it, a new life for you.

Maybe you used to live in a bustling city, or a rural village with a scenic surrounding. You might hail from a region that's cold and wet, or dry and warm, steamy and tropical... And yet, you left that place behind. Mayhaps it was for personal reasons, or perhaps you were driven out. Maybe you had no choice but to go, or it might've been the will of fate. Regardless of what your reason was, it set you on the wanderer's path. But that journey is coming to a close, for a new day has come, and with it, a promise of new beginnings.

You don't know when and you don't know where, but at some point you began to hear... Something.. Describng it is hard, for it was neither a voice nor a sound, nor a sight or a vision. And yet, whatever this was, it was calling you. First quietly, distant and muted. But asa you trrekked, it got stronger, clearer and began to lead you, and you followed - whether by choice or coincidence. Eventually, travelling through a forest in the Farland Frontiers, you soon emerged from the underbrush, and there, you found it. The source of The Calling.

An old hamlet.

... An old, crumbling, uninhabited hamlet...

You don't know how or why you were brought here. But there's a feeling welling up inside you, one you haven't felt during all your travels nor in any other place you've visited. For once, for the first time in a long while, you feel... Like you've come home. Sure, the walls are coming downa nd the ceilings need re-thatching. And sure the window panels are loose or mostly rotted. And sure the floorboards are warped and every building is sorely lacking in functional and usable furniture.

But with a little elbow-grease, stubborn dedication and with the help of others who've been drawn here as well, you might just be able to carve out and make a new life for yourself in this strange, unfamiliar - yet home-y - place.

A new day dawnsm and your new life begins. ANd trat day is yours.


Welcome to AND, a slice of lfie fantay village life Roleplay, inspired by games like Rune Factory, Stardew Vallry, Story of Seasons, and slie of life fantasy anime like Farming Life in Another World and I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 years.

In this RP, there's no great, overhanging threat that looms and glooms, ready to poise and destroy the world. This is meant to be a fun, chill and casual story about a group of people, meeting up at an abandoned old hamlet, and getting to work to build a life for themselves. Along the way they'll run into some random events and shennanigans, they may have to hunt or fight some monsters, explore old caves, ruins or mines, go fishing, have a beach party, attract new settlers and residents from elsewhere and build a reputation as a swell place to live. Do keep this in mind if you intend to join; This is a story driven by character interactions and your own ambitions and goals for that character, not by plot-devices or a hand-holding narrative.

In this roleplay you'll be able to do about everything you can do or expect from the games and shows I've mentioned. You can expand your house, learn new skills, find items/treasure, fight monsters, cook, craft, clean, build. You wanna build yourself a Duchal Estate despite just being a carpenter? As long as you can gather the materials and put in the labor for it, you totally can! You wnana invent the pizza and bring italian cuisine to the world of fantasy? Experiment with flavors and shapes and ingredients until you get ir just right. Wanna be the hopeless town drunk who does absolutely nothing productive except lay in a ditch, dead-ass-drunk all day and beg for money from your enighbours? Not sure why you'd want that, but hey, I'm not gonna stop you!

It's your character, their life, and a new day! So set your goals, make your ambitions real, and live your best cozy fantasy life the way you want to!


A New Day is set in a fairly generic, high-fantasy world, full of swords and sorcery, dragons, goblins, dungeons, horse-drawn carriages, castles and knights. The story takes place in a geographic location known as the Farland Frontier, which is a large swathe of land that's largely uninhabited by the "civilized" races of the world. The climate is temperate, think central/western European, with four seasons. The currency used in this part of the world is known as Dol, which is a silver coin. Prices for items and services vary greatly depending on supply and demand, so feel free to set your own prices, or let the magic of GM-voodoo do it for you automatically!

Before you begin epxloring the Farland Frontier and your new home though, please take a moment to go through the information provided below, to get a better, but brief, understanding of the world and it's mechanics, and the mechanics of the roleplay as a whole.


Character Sheet:


If you're a new player who didn't see or speak up in the Interest Check, then I'm sad to say, but this RP already has more than a full roster, and I'm not accepting new applications at this time.

And to those players who do come from the Interest Check to apply: Please keep having your "My House"-part of the CS empty. Sorry, but none of you get to start with a home. :)

Village Residents:

The sheet is fine now, except for your spell books/doexes not having descriptions of what the spells actually do.

And I'm not going to re-work or change the entire magic system that I've already finished writing up at this point. You can totally have a Master or Senior Wizard help you learn a spell, but all that'll do is cut down the time at which you learn and can use it.
@Mistress Dizzy
Like I told Zeroth, you're free to make whatever changes you want to your CS at this point, since nobody's getting "officially" accepted until the OOC goes up. If you want to swap careers, you can do that freely at this point. After your sheet gets accepte though? Then you'll have to go the Remram-way and actually learn and train new skills.

There's no set standard for tomes, and they're really only called that because fancy wizards and sorceres with big egos are the ones who wrote them. They're just 'books' really. And as for an entire book being needed for, and to learn, a single spell? Suspension of disbelief is my answer there.
Sometimes I think my brain just shuts down and doesn't work. I have no idea why I thought he lived in Building 2. Ahm sorreh. T-T
Been emaning to ask...
Is there any particular reason Max lives in Building #2? Like, he's a human, so it would make sense for him to stay in the first building. Is there an actual reason this isn't the case, or was it more just "for the lols" and that it'd be funny to stick the poor guy in with all the night-terrors? :P

Also, go on Qaymu. Beat her ass!
Thanks for being good little noodles. :)

On the topic of the OOC:
It should be ready tomorrow, sometime during the evening (my time, which is CET or GMT+1), if I keep up the pace I've been going at thus far.
Gwah, so many new CS'es to look at. Damnit people, why can't you take your time and fiddle around with them some more or something...

Anyway, time to move onto opinions:

I'm sorry I missed your sheet from earlier.
But the elven adventuress seems charming and fun to me. There're no problems with her sheet either. :)

Frightened Farmer Female seems fine and all. Just be aware that, as she doesn't have any Magic Element-training (in her skills), her "spell" won't actually... Y'know... Do anything. Other than that, she seems perfectly fine.

The only issue I have with Varisse are her spells and their properties. This isn't any fault of yours though, but rather an issue of me not explaiing to everyone (yet) how magic works.

Generally sopeking, whether it is a spell learned from a tome or a spell from a staff/wand, a spell can only do ONE thing. There are no "manipulation" or "amorphous" spells that can be used for both offensive, defensive and utilitarian purposes. If you have a spell that creates a small area of darkness, then it will just create a small area of darkness - it cannot turn things invisible or effect the surroundings. Likewise, if you use a spell that creates a firebolt, you cannot turn it inot mutliple projectieles or use it as a torch. Well, I guess you could hurl it down a hallway and follow the light with your eyes, but it'd go out as soon as it hit a solid object.

Other than this, she herself is fine in terms of everything else.

Chef McDwarf is fine. However, please do list what material his weapon is made from - as most everyone else has.
Other than that, he seems... Quirky...

@Sho Minazuki
Mr. Breaking-the-Law is alright in terms of his persona, history and skills. but, as with our dwarf up there, do list what material the Throwing Knives are made out of, as they're a weapon.

Also, as he doesn't have the "Fire Magic" skill, I'm afraid your outlaw isn't capable of casting that spell of his. Unless you're willing to sacrifice one of his other skills and replace it.

Minstel looks alright, except for the same issue as our fugitive above. His weapons need to be specified what material they're made from (for the dagger) or what quality it is (for the sling).
And again, without any skill in a Magic Eelement, I'm afraid his Darkvision-spell isn't going to work. Also, Adept level and Journeyman level are the same level of expertise.
- Novice
- Apprentice
- Adept
- Expert
- Master

Phew, I think that's all of you. @Mistress Dizzy hasn't finished her Island Dwrf yet, so I'll hold off on commenting on them for now.

I should go on to explain some things about how spells should be listed.

A spell start with it's name, then it's element and then it's level.

So, for example:
Wind Cutter, Air (Adept)

The first part is the name. The second is what element it uses, and lastly is the level of knowledge in spellcraft needed to actually cast it. I made it this way so that I could easily look at peoples' spell-lists and see what element their spells are, without having to read the description every time. I'd really like everyone to try and follow this uniform pattern if they intend to use magic.

Likewise, weapons and armor should always be specified what material they're made out of, or what quality they are (ifthey're a ranged projectile weapon like a bow or sling or crossbow). For example:

- Copper Breastplate
- Iron Longsword
- Simple Shortbow


- Hide Gauntlets
- Mithril Spear
- Fine Heavy Crossbow

Obviouslt, you lot don't get tos tart with fancy mithril or high-quality items, becuase part of this RP is gathering or finding stuff and making yourself STRONKER. But it also serves to show at what "titem tier" you're at, and if something you find or want to buy will actually be an improvement or not when you find it.

If you just specify that you've got a "battle axe", then how can you tell if the "iron battle axe" you found in a dungeon's treasure chest is better or worse than what you already got? After all, you don't even know what your old one is made out of! Wood? Clay? PLASTIC!?

And now for the issue brought up by @ERode. We got a bunch more of you here than I'm capable of taking on and along for this journey. However, since not everyone has finished their CS'es yet, and the OOC isn't up, I'm not going to start trimming down the cast just yet. Because there's no need for me to do so when things aren't ready and properly set up yet.

So, to those of you who've yet to make a CS or are worrking on one. Don't worry, you still have time. Once the OOC goes up and you all inevitably post your CS'es there for a proper review and analysis, then I'll start the process of cherry-picking.

But, until then, enoy each other's cmpany. Form pacts. Gossip. Make bets on who'll get in or who won't. Iunno. I still got an OOC to write up.
Awww, elf-chan~
She looks fine and seems just dandy to me. :)
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