Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Famotill
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"Behind me are two gentlemen that you all will come to know quite intimately," She motioned for the two to come forward. Fiidow came up to her right, while Tracey Gordon came up on her left.

"Animal and Guardian are the Project Overseers to the Bap(BPAP). They are your commanders which means that they are here to mold you into Sanctum worthy soldiers. No matter how many hammers that might take." Fiidow looked on at Bella, and was almost taken aback by how intimidating she was in this moment. He was against training this kids like they were military, they were something different than that, and at the end of the day- they're still just kids. Of course, she was the boss, no arguing there.

"Overseers, if you would, your helmets please. " Bella motioned for the men to take off the helmets to their morph suits. Fiidow Warsame's pale skin and red hair, turned into a dark complexion and buzz cut black hair. Tracey Gordon did the same, as he revealed a light almost yellow complexion, and dark black hair stylized, but short and parted in the middle.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As the woman, their superior spoke, Cora rolled her eyes. She didn't salute like the other pansies in the room, either. No, to Cora, you earned the right to be respected. Rank meant nothing to her until she understood why they had it. So, instead of saluting and being respectful, Cora started to make her hand into a crocodile, moving her fingers up and down as the woman spoke. She mouthed the words, "blah blah" as she did so, rolling her eyes.

Soldiers ain't nothing but dogs. You love your dog, but you'll send him after intruders first. Most of my superiors will likely never need to see the front lines, but... I do get training out of this program. Well, if they want me to be a brainless soldier, they're gonna have to work at it. Cora smiled and adjusted her sunglasses on her face. They're gonna have to really work at it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Famotill
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Animal noticed that one recruit was mocking the salute, and action he had hoped Bella didn't see. He wasn't sure who this girl was, but it wasn't wise to anger Bella Nunez, there was a reason she was in charge. People respected her, and some definitely feared her. She was a human among titans, leading them- that alone was enough to justify her position. Animal just sighed to himself. Hope as he might that Bella didn't notice she did, and made her way over to the girl. She reached out for his wrist, in an attempt to stop her gesture.

"Enough recruit!" Her eyes widened slightly. "This organization is about saving lives. If you're here to play games then see yourself out now..." Her words had a harsh tone laced within, her eyes not leaving the teen girl for even a minute. She understood that she was distrusting of organizations like this after reading up on her files. "You keep screwing around, and you're going to end up getting people killed. You're a soldier now. Whatever happened to you before--drop it. You show me that weakness, I'll push you--you show it to the people we're trying to stop, and they'll end you." Bella released her hand, hoping her message got through at least someone. She wasn't going to change this girls mind in one day, but she would at least show the team that respect is not-negotiable. To disrespect the people you fight along side, is to do a disservice to yourself.

"I hope there are no more objections, and that you'll all think of what I've said." She straightened herself out before stepping back next to Animal and Guardian. "Now, as I said, tonight is about letting go of the past and embracing your new life here. There won't be any training for the night." Bella gave a small smile to the group, she wanted to scare them, but she didn't want to inspire distrust, she just wanted to make sure that they knew the gravity of the situation, but of course it would take more than a few words to emphasize that point.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SaraRPs


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Linn watched in awe at the complexity of the suits. How clever. Better than a secret identity or a mask it was becoming a completely different person. She would have never guessed that the woman was anything that she was when her helmet was on, if anything her new form made her look fiercer and the urge to listen to what she said intently and hold on to every word grew intently. That was until she uttered the word Soldier. She had plenty of family in the Army or in some armed force. But she never had the urge to do so herself, nor did she understand why anyone would want to become on. Whenever she saw them walk down the street or when her father proudly hung the newest propaganda poster wanting people to join she just shake her head. The army caused many of her family members to take their lives.

So no she is not a soldier. Linn always saw Sanctum as something different. They were protectors of the human race, they were blessed with natural selection to make them somewhat superior and that was given to them for a reason. To protect her family and those she cared about. That’s all she wanted to do no need for stupid labels. That is what they were, call it what they want she was no soldier. ‘If you say that people will think you have some fucking God Complex...’ She knew that was what people would think of her so she held her tongue but, she did not have one. It was just simply what she believed. She snickered slightly as she lowered her salute as glancing up at the girl who was mocking the superior woman. She was doing just as Linn was thinking. ‘Now there’s someone who has earned my respect.’
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Famotill
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"With that," she continued. "I would like to introduce you to Vita." Bella made a few swipes on the tablet, before a small holographic sphere shaped drone entered the conference room, coming up in front of her. The sphere was blue in color, and had few bits of data fragments, mostly sequences of numbers, floating around it. There was a small light, which could, with anyone's best guess, perhaps serve as the optical unit of the program.

"Hello, I am the Virtually. Intelligent. Tactical. Analysis unit, or as the commander has referenced me- Vita, an phonetic pronunciation of the acronym V.I.T.A." The female voice spoke with simulated vocal inflections, the synthesized voice merely mimicking actual emotion. However, it had a certain calmness to it, a caring that was most comparable to that of a mother.

Bella stepped forward slightly, now beside this 'Vita' program. "Vita is one of Sanctum's most useful officers. She will provide tactical advice during missions... but for tonight Vita will serve as your tour guide along with Animal and Guardian. As well, Dr. Bonnie Walker, our staff psychologist will be working with Vita to provide you all a comfortable environment with which to become familiar with your new team." Bella kept her stern tone while speaking, making sure to establish that this was still not a vacation. This was a training facility.

"I'd recommend getting down there now recruits. Tomorrow, you will begin your training...Guardian." Bella nodded to Fiidow Warsame, as he gave a salute. "Animal," She looked now to Tracey Gordon who followed the lead of the other overseer. "Take them to the Bap base," she directed at them both, before letting herself out of the room. Animal and Guardian has much different approaches to Bella, and it's largely why she appointed them the roles of overseer. She knew the recruits would be more than capable under their tutelage.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Press noticed how their appearances changed when they removed their helmets. He had been trying to get something like that working, but only got limited success. He was so deep into thought that he missed most of the talk and barely heard the "no training" part.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Famotill
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Day One: Welcome to Base

Guardian and Animal led the recruits through the underground tunnel. The walls to the tunnel were bright white panel lights, that led down a narrow pathway. As the group and Vita followed, the two overseers made their way to a sliding door, without a handle.

A camera in the right upper corner scanned the members of the group, as holographic blue lights scanned the group of heroes. "Scanning," a male voice, similar in fashion to Vita's own synthesized voice brought the group to a pause."P102- Animal recognized. Welcome to Base," the white doors slid open with a hiss.

"Alright everyone, this is your new home." Animal said this with a pleased grin, the base was even better than he had remembered, and when he lived here, it was pretty awe-inspiring. The whole place had an incredibly futuristic look to it, with white and black as the main color skim, with blue HID lights adding a trim to most of the furnishings and walls. The living room was the first thing in view. It wasn't incredibly large, but held more than enough room to host all of the recruits. There was a large corner couch, decorated with a soft white. There was also a black flat screen television hanging to the parallel to the couches. These pieces of furniture were on a lower level, with two steps leading down, creating a stoop like effect.

Vita, glided in front of the two overseers. "Protocol recommends that I first introduce you all to the areas of the base used for training and study."

Vita's suggestions to the group we're interrupted by Ming, the purple haired girl quickly making her way to the kitchen. "Woah, do you guys see this fridge?" Ming opened the metallic grey fridge. Pulling on the two handles revealed that the fridge while holding condiments on the doors, also opened up to a much bigger pantry of refrigerated items. Ming made her way inside of this strange fridge, "This is...wonderful..." Ming cried out over-dramatizing her joy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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When Bruce heard Ming exclaiming about the wonders of the refrigerator, he desynced and literally skipped across the room to the fridge. He followed her into the walk-in and grabbed a yogurt off of one of the shelves and immediately tucked in. He had already finished it and walked back out when he realized that he had forgotten to resync. He snapped instantly back into normal time flow, and tossed the garbage into the nearest receptacle.

"So do we have to not train today?" he asked. He was a lot looser after seeing Ming drop the strict demeanor without getting yelled at. He had been a bit up tight in the presence of the soldiers. Or rather, his superiors, as he was a soldier now too. Or so they said. "I haven't been running in like two days and it makes me feel like a lazy prick."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

After the woman, Bella something or other, chewed her out, Cora didn't really care. Cora let out a quick little laugh at the scene. She didn't care about saving lives or whatever else kind of nonsense she liked to tell recruits. Then, they revealed VITA. Cora flinched at the sudden, new light in the room. They then moved on to their quarters and some girls was talking about the fridge. Cora, meanwhile, was eyeing the lights and the television carefully. She was a night creature, and if the television or lights were on, she might be irritated.

"Hey. Does the television dim? Also, can we turn off the blue lights? I prefer not to go blind late at night with the television lights on full blast." Cora said, hands still in her pockets, she had lowered her hood when they entered the room, but kept her shades on for her own safety. She might have looked a little pretentious, but for good eyesight, it was better to look like she was better than everyone else. She was better than them, but they also didn't have to know that right away.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Famotill
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VIta circled around Cora, her brightness dimming. "One moment please, accessing settings to the base light system." After a few seconds, the lights in the room dimmed down to dull colors. "Complete, is this a suitable setting for you Coraline?" Vita's motherly tone could be a bit off-putting given that she was a program and not an actual person. Still, there was a sense of genuine concern that hummed around Vita.

In the kitchen, Fiidow gave a smile to both Ming and Bruce, "That's right," he spoke up, a clear Somali accent coming through that wasn't present when he had been wearing his morph suit before. "Commander Nunez wants everyone to get comfortable, and get to know each other." Fiidow remembered the importance of bonding with your teammates, a lot of the time, it's what kept them alive. Not too long ago he was in the BPAP, and it was there that he had met some of the greatest friends he would ever know.

Hearing in on their conversation, Vita flew over towards the group in the kitchen before Cora could respond to her question. "I have compiled a list of over forty-three "ice-breaker" activities which the team may participate in," Vita chimed in with synthetic excitement. Animal and Guardian could only smile at this. The older officer, Animal, made himself at home by heading over to the couch, and kicking his feet up onto the coffee table in front of him. This would probably be one of the only days he would have to enjoy himself too, a part of being an overseer was loads and loads of paper work, and even though he didn't have a cold beer, he could at least unwind down here and reminisce.

Ambrose followed Animal's lead and headed over to the couch. "So you into football? " he asked turning to Animal. Like it or not, that commander was right about one thing, this was his team now, and he'd have to make sure that they had his back, and that he could have theirs. Ambrose, was always naturally pretty calm in social situations, of course unless it happened to be a pretty woman he was talking to, but Animal was certainly far from that.

Seeing that most people had headed off to look around, Feng made his way over to the piano, not because he could play or anything, but because he wasn't really sure where to go, but he knew that just standing there would be awkward. He had completely screwed himself earlier by messing up the salute, and they had only been there for an hour at the most. Feng tried not to think about it too hard, instead just sitting down on the piano bench. He looked over to Cora, the girl who had mocked the commander before, he wasn't sure if he liked her defiance, but he at least respected that she was brave enough to show where she stands.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Press followed the group into quite the room. Plenty of luxuries around, naturally, including a large couch, flat-screen tv, even an friendly AI. He got a feeling that it would get even better from here. Maybe there'd be a place where he could beta test his gadgets before using them in the field, which there probably would be. He went past the living room and moved on to what appeared to be an empty room, plus an observatory deck with glass, probably plexiglass. This would be perfect. He unlocked his storage cube and brought up the menu. He attempted to bring out his armor, and felt a pain on his head when the armor appeared above him and landed on his head. Press swore and pushed it off him, while realizing that there'd be another bug to fix on his cube. He brought up an armor stand and set his armor on it, then got to work trying to work out bugs and glitches in it.
Meanwhile, Horus had flown off his shoulder when the armor landed on Press and flew back into the living room. It landed on a table in the corner, surveying the room.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Imagine the surface of a pond. Each small fluctuation in sensation such as a rise in anxiety, or an itch on the nose, creates a ripple on the surface of the pond. The more numerous and more intense these fluctuations are, obviously, the more turbulent the surface of the pond. This is how Magara experienced the world, she is the pond. For now, she was able to let these ripples slide gently over her and maintain her own peace of mind as she waited.

"Nice dog." Spoke her nearest comrade. His low pleasant voice confirmed her suspicion that he was a boy. She had not yet perfected the art of ‘guessing’ the gender of those around her. She was not sure that she had that power at all. She was curious enough to keep guessing, but never confident enough act on her hunch.

Magara would turn her face slightly toward his in response. He would certainly notice that though her face and body responded, her eyes did not. Those remained half closed and downcast, grey and vacant. That far-away look plus the service dog might be enough for someone to guess that Magara was completely blind. She usually wore sunglasses but she had misplaced them before leaving home.

“His name is Carl.” Her own voice was soft and breathy, but more like a sigh than a whisper.

When Carl heard his name his ears turned toward his dearest human. He tilted his head and held his breath, ready for any command Magara might give. When he realized that she was speaking to the other human, he relaxed and let his tongue roll out of his mouth.

A new presence entered the room, disciplined and regal, Commander Nunez had quite the effect upon the room. Even Carl put his nose in the air just a bit higher.

Magara heard a shuffle and ruffled sound as everyone shifted and moved slightly. She could not see what the others were doing. She stood quietly and hoped that it was not something important, or if it was, that she would be excused from participation.

There was a hiss, followed by feelings of surprise down the line. Again, Magara stood passively. It was like when she ‘watched’ movies with her family, it was more polite to simply wait, usually the dialogue revealed what was important anyhow.

Alas, it was the same even now. She listened to the commanders speech attentively, even as she disciplined another recruit. Magara was reassured by the prospect of structure and discipline, but wondered if she could meet the Commander's expectations.

Could someone like me really be a soldier?

Vita took Magara completely by surprise. To Magara, despite the mothering tone of the machine, Vita was a cold ghostly voice without a source.

Can a robot really be an officer?

When it was time to move out, Magara waited for the rest of the group to go ahead of her.

“Carl, let’s follow.” She reached into her back pocket and pulled out what looked like a white baton, with a flick of her wrist it extended to become a thin white cane.

Then the dog lead the way. Carl was a nearly-all-black-dog with small accents of light brown fur under his neck and paws. He was a nearly-pure breed Belgian Malinois, weighing in at eighty pounds, he had a triangular fox-like face, pointed triangular ears, a slender body, and a strong jaw. Though he did not wear a leash, no one would ever mistake which human belonged to this dog. He walked at a steady gait just in front of his dearest human and constantly cast an ear or an eye back to check on her. He walked very close in new places such as this, where his dearest human did not yet know her way.

She was already trying to learn, it was clear that she would be spending a lot of time here. As she walked she counted her steps. Every time she felt a change in the floor, or they used stairs, or turned a corner, she started her count again. Sometimes buildings were designed in strict geometric patterns. Some places were built like beehives and she could expect a door every ten steps, and a corridor every thirty, no matter where she started from.

When they arrived at their destination, the Bap Base, the reticence in the group melted like butter in the sun. Food and football became primary subject matters. (Carl wagged his tail as he smelled food, but kept beside Magara). Someone made a comment about ‘preferring not to go blind’, the comment was obviously made without Magara in mind, but it still made Magara uncomfortable.

She stood by the doorway trying to discern exactly what was going on. Vita’s voice seemed to move around the room too quickly, meaning the robot could move quite fast. Magara was afraid that the robot might crash into her by accident, as Magara could not feel it’s presence at all. She was uncertain about what she should do, at home or at The Home she would have been told where to sit. The relaxed atmosphere also meant slightly lowered inhibitions, and the recruits were allowing their inner feelings to surface as the dropped the militant facade. She honestly wanted to ask where her room was and leave to be alone, but she could not longer tell which presences belonged to the instructors. Besides, she certainly did not want to impose or interrupt. Or seem like she was complaining.

She decided that she did not want to ask for help either. They were supposed to be soldiers now, as the Commander had said. She did not want to appear weak like the other recruit already had. (Magara had not seen what Coraline had done to deserve her lecture, and only remembered the commanders remarks about showing weakness.)

She waited patiently by the door, perhaps Vita would invite them all into an activity, or their tour would continue to another room. She frowned a bit, and touched the sash around her head, making sure that it had not come loose. She felt a bit nauseous, her own anxiety mixing with the errant emotions in the room.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SaraRPs


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Linn was the last to come into the base. She had tripped over her shoe lace, causing her to tumble slightly. She was thankful no one saw her and silently bent over and tied both shoes up tight as to avoid this happening again. Even from her crouched position in the hall she could hear Cora talking about the blue lights and such to what she thought was the Vita robot officer. Now that still baffled her. Her brother had an artificial voice emulator on his video game system but it wasn’t anywhere as advanced and…human like as Vita. Linn felt as if she could actually talk to her like she would a person.

Finally getting her shoe tied Linn rushed into her new home for however long she would be there and was at awe. “So this is modern style huh?” She whispered to herself. Her family ad a simple townhouse that steered towards her mother’s old timey county style and she had been around that all her life. Her everything was so shinny and clean that she didn’t want to touch anything in fear of dirtying it somehow.

Linn saw their commander sitting on the couch and many of her teammates going into the kitchen and then one guy standing by the most beautiful piano she had ever seen. She would enjoy playing that someday even though it had been a few months since she last played. She took a step inside to only brush up against someone and jump up in surprise. She hadn’t even heard the girl standing next to her. Glancing down she noticed the dog that was in the line during their first lineup “Oh so this is your dog-” The girl was blind. She was ashamed to say that she didn’t notice during the lineup and coughed to cover her unnatural pause. The girl looked uncomfortable and she remembered how no one could be in the living room when her blind cousin was moving in because he had to memorize his surroundings. ‘I cannot believe everyone. They have no courtesy to even accommodate her. Poor girl.’ Linn just opened her mouth and started talking to the girl, “So. We have about 4 options. There’s a cute guy standing by a grand piano we can go chat him up, umm and some of our teammates are raiding the fridge might wanna get on that action, our commanders are on the couch we could do some smooching up to them, and there are the bedchambers or whatever that need discovery. Where do you want to go?”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 1 yr ago

“Yes. This is Carl.” Magara was used to that little ping of surprise that everyone felt when they realized she was blind. This girl’s reaction was not so severe as most. “Carl, chill-out.”

Officially released from duty, Carl stepped toward the girl to smell her feet. He would allow the girl to pet him if she wished. Carl was a very serious dog when he was working, but loved affection, play and especially food. After greeting this new human he would quietly trot toward the refrigerator.

Magara was surprised by how the girl spoke to her next, as if they were already familiar. “Um.” The friendly stranger had an easygoing energy, and Magara easily 'caught the wave' and played along. The blind girl turned her head back and forth, as if she were looking around the room. “Cute guy at a piano… Food… Bed… Couch for... Smooching.” She felt her lips curl into a small smile.

She guessed that the direction Carl had walked toward was the refrigerator, and the other large cluster of people was likely the couch area. She wanted to avoid those for now. “Do you play the Piano?” Magara was curious if the girl was inclined to music as well as ‘cute’ boys.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SaraRPs


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Linn smiled as the dog sniffed her feet and giggled slightly as she bent down and scratched the dog behind his ears. "I have a puppy like you at home. His names Oliver." She sighed a bit remembering that last night before she left how Oliver wouldn't leave her side even sleeping right next to her as if he knew something was going to happen tomorrow. His sad eyes and whimpering sent a shiver up her spine as she stood up to address the girl again.

"Ya I meant to say that word that means kissing up to them but I guess I forgot how to spell it." (hehe get it? :D) She remembered the piano she used to have. Wasn't as grand as the one infront of them but still it was nice. Her mother taught her and then she took lessons at school but then the accident happened. "I've been playing since I was 10 but a year ago I..um broke our family piano so I haven't played in a minute."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Press donned his armor and gave it yet another test, like all the others he did at home. He fired 2 rockets from his left gaunlet and had them collide into each other so as to not destroy the room he was in. A very loud explosion was created, and Press' helmet lowered the sound on his speakers and dimmed the lights on his visor screen. A noise that loud might attract attention, but Press wasn't quite thinking of that. Instead, he shot a few bolts at the lowest setting out of his right gauntlet, and smiled when the bolts appeared and fizzled out before they hit the walls. He dared not try the highest setting, mainly out of fear of damaging the room. He decided to test his jetpack, and silently flew into the air. Incredible, really, running on electricity to power a series of fans that lifted him into the air. However, when he tried to descend, the jetpack refused to do so. Press sighed, and turned off the jetpack, making him fall 5 feet and landing quite loudly onto the ground. He looked around and noticed some dust on the ground, probably from the exploding rockets. He opened his storage cube and took out a vaccum bot, which he set on the ground to clean up the mess. After that, he returned it to his cube, which he re-locked. Now he started changing filters on his visor, testing to see if they were functioning as intended.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 1 yr ago

The empath felt the sadness as it welled up within the girl. Magara shifted uncomfortably, and nodded sympathetically. “I… I imagine that you miss him very much. I don’t know what I would do without Carl.” She could feel Carl even now, he was feeling very happy at the moment. He was probably sitting in front of another green recruit, someone with something delicious in hand, and giving them the biggest saddest eyes in the world.

She was surprised to find that the subject of the piano, nor the play-on-words, did anything to quell the sadness inside. Remorse and regret had a particularly tangy flavor, like turned wine. She wondered why these thins made the girl so sad. Magara had the power to feel what others felt, but never why. It was like being given a book with a most intriguing title, but not being allowed to read it... Or watching a movie you can't see. It seemed like a feeble power to little Magara.

"We can do whatever you like." Magara decided that this more outgoing girl should make the decision. Magara didn’t want to impose, nor inadvertently make a choice that would make this girl feel sad like her question had. She tried to think of something else, something to turn the girl’s mood back around. “Though I must ask, and I will naturally trust your opinion on the matter, Who is the... Cutest?”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

(Well, guess no one wants to go to the training room but me.)

Satisfied that his filters were working as intended, Press switched his screen back to normal. He glanced at his battery indicators and noticed that some were quite low. He only had the ones that were low showing up, of course, but the suit would still need a charge. He decided to turn everything off except the essentials, since they'd only waste battery power if kept on, and left the room in search of his private quarters.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SaraRPs


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"He seems like a good dog." Linn said as the dog walked to the kitchen in hopes of getting delicious table scraps from the other recruits. "And I do miss Oliver. So much that it hurts. But my brothers are taking care of him." When the girl said that they could go where she wanted, Linn smiled softly feeling a bit bashful and put on the spot. 'Well dummy you put her on the spot too.' This was true.

Linn giggled like the secret school girl she was at the girls question about to gush about who she thought was the cutest when she remembered...she was blind. 'Idiot.' Her subconscious was right. How was she supposed to feel any sort of attraction to the guy or understand about...physical appeal. Stupid stupid stupid. Linn flushed a deep red that she could feel all the way down her chest. She didn't want to call the girl out though. So she just acted as if she were just another person. Maybe that's what she wanted.

"Well the guy at the piano is pretty hot. But he really did embarrass himself at the lineup so hes looking a bit down. I think he needs some reassurance. And I really want to check out the piano...so.." She took the girls slim hand in hers and put her arm through her's at the same time. "My name's Linnette by the way. I like Linn though but you can call me whatever." Linn began the trip over to the piano, slowly but not so slowly that the girl would feel like an old woman. When they got over to the boy Linn placed the girls hand over the piano and went to sit down on the bench next to the boy. "Hey you doing ok? Your kinda just sitting here like a kicked dog..." She said small smile.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nathan wasn't having a good time. Something he had recently discovered about himself is that drugs don't work as long, which normally wouldn't be a problem but the pain was becoming unbearable. He hoped no one could sense it because it was bad, then the commander lady started chewing someone out.

Nathan was used to yelling but this was like that hangover he had once, cheap beer and super powers don't mix. The lights were too bright, sounds were too loud, and he was getting agitated, making everything too hot. As the group made its way into the base, Nathan had to use all his willpower to stay calm. As the group entered the living area everyone started to marvel at the refrigerator, not making room for him to push through. Wracking his head, he remembered something about bedrooms, there had to be pain killers in there.

As Nathan rushed pasted the pianos he felt his resolve slip a bit, his veins making the tall tale glow of anger. As he did this he felt his pace quicken, trying to find a room. That's when the explosion happened. It wasn't near him, but it was loud enough to cause him to jump, with that last bit of fear coursing through his body Nathan felt his wall crumble.

He felt the skin on his hands crack as the steaming blood began to trickle out, fire came out of his mouth like a liquid inferno, and the temperature rose exponentially. That is until, the spinal rig activated. An unknown sedative created by sanctum flooded into his veins, calming him down instantly and reducing him into a languid sack of flesh on the floor. A dopey grin on his face with the memory of a dog.
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