Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Shitsui looked behind him and noticed that nobody followed him..."Oh well, guess that means more fun for me..." He smirked, as he entered the Aqua District, looking around at all the different people. As said before, he always kept his murderous intentions in check, but it was an extremely hard task. As he walked past a bar, he noticed something in the alleyway. There, laying down in a bunch of trash, was a man. Shitsui stared for a couple of seconds until finally walking down and staring at the man. "Why are you homeless..." He said, his voice lacking any emotion to it. "A man came back and took everything from my family...a tax collector. We didn't have enough money to feed the family..." With that, Shitsui stood up, dropped some money for the man and began to head back towards the HQ.

All he wanted today was to have some kind of fun, but just the thought of people going homeless over these greedy fucks made Shitsui tremble with rage. Soon, he would enter the HQ, and kick the door closed as hard as he could. "Those fucking bastards infuriate me! Wait til' I get my fuckin' hands on them..." He growled and began to finally cool off when he sat back down on the couch.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As Hei glances to the group, who some of already took their leave, he also stands up and walks for the door. He knew that now was the time to see how they would fight in groups, how they would fight with each other in a mission... And if they will succeed or not.
Although Hei never shares his past with others, they also wouldn't know about the humans he already had killed, for his name they gave him, truelly reasembled him... Death... It was what he did best, taking lives with just a finger snap...
Hei walked towards his office, wich only was filled with a simple desk, a bookcase and a door leading to his own room, as wich he entered it.
As Hei came into his room, he locked the door, took off his mask and threw his coat on top of the coach that was standing in his room.
His room was filled with different weapon racks, all holding different kind of chains, each with a different aspect to them, or some as a back-up for if the first one breaks...
Hei walked towards the window as he then glances outside, the sky was filled with stars, and soon their mission would start... But the decision of what to do when they screw up... Would he intervene? Or would he just let them die out there?...
Hei sat down on a chair, wich was standing infornt of a desk that was in his room, the bookcases that also stood around the desk holded more information than the one in his office, for this was information he alone needed.
But for now he woudn't even glance in one of the books, he only stared out of the window, as he also saw his reflection in the window, he stoop up, walked towards his mask that he placed ontop of one of the weapon racks and placed it back on his head, as he then grabbed his jacket, put it on and walked out of his room again.
Perhaps it was time to make sure his skills weren't getting old... As he then descended towards the training rooms.
As he walked into the room, he noticed Alice, Amaya and Ntombi in the room aswell, from beneath his mask a small smile appeared but wasn't seeable by the others.
Hei walked towards some of the dummies, as he then let's go of his chains, who now were dragged upon the ground. As he clicked upon a button the dummies started to move, some even 'attacking', well more like bumping into you, for injuries weren't something you needed just before a mission.
Hei ready's his chains as the dummies started to attack in formations, With just a simple jump into the air, Hei threw his chains towards the dummies, as one by one their heads came off. Leaving the dummies broken, as they also didn't moved again Hei sighns....
The chains were to easy to control, and his enemies always fell swift... but for once he wanted to find an enemy worth fighting, who also would make it hard on him...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Amaya sat there silently as she polished both swords. She heard someone enter the training grounds, but she didn't bother to look. Soon after, she could hear the firing of a gun, and that gave away the person's identity. It was Alice. They haven't talked to each other that much, but Amaya knew that she was liable when it came to missions. A probable reason why Death trusted her. Both of them shared the trait of being quiet, not out of being shy, but just because they preferred to be that way. Amaya was never good at making friends - not that she wanted to in the first place. At a young age, she already witnessed the horrible death of her parents. Shortly after, her sister followed. She was used to the silence of not having anyone to talk to. Besides, she preferred silence over --

Amaya's thoughts were disrupted when someone kicked the doors to the training grounds; the sound loud enough to pull her out of her deep thoughts. She was disinterested in whoever caused it, and she didn't bother herself with looking. It was when she heard a loud, boisterous, voice, that a deep sigh was dragged out of her lips."Right, brat, where have you gone and hid-...ah, there we go! Not much of a hider, are we? I'm Ntombi!" The girl hollered. Amaya's eyes remained glued to the sword, not even acknowledging her teammate's presence. "A....uh, Amaya, right? RIGHT. I knew that. We're going to be best friends, you and I, as soon as you stop buggering off to spend some private time with your swords over making plans for these tests." She didn't have to look at her to be able to tell that she was eyeing her with a contemptuous look. How bothersome indeed. Amaya was almost done polishing the sword, so she decided that she would finish this task before jumping on to another - which was conversing with Ntombi.

Amaya would rather take on a hundred soldiers at once, by herself, than talk to Ntombi. No, she didn't dislike her, but she didn't have the energy to listen to her loud ranting all the day long. Besides, it wasn't worth her time. Ntombi grew closer and closer; stopping when she was inches away from her face. "So, Amaya, what are -you- good at, aside from hitting training dummies with a bit of metal?" She couldn't help but notice the slight movement she made, suggesting that she was ready to defend herself incase she attacked; which was unnecessary might she add, because she does not turn her blade against her allies. It felt strange calling Ntombi an ally, but she was, nevertheless.

Amaya finally finished polishing, so she sheathed both swords behind her back before looking at Ntombi; dead straight in the eyes. She stood up and looked at her calmly, as if she just noticed her presence. "I don't tell, I show." She replied in a nonchalant manner. "As for the plan.. it's simple, really. Send. their. heads. rolling. You can do that, right?" Her voice lacked interest and emotion. It sounded dull and lifeless, just like the expression on her face. Her eyes were stone cold, and she didn't bat an eye as she walked away without another word.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Katsu marched towards the training grounds, his spear already in his hands as if he was ready to kill anyone who appeared in front of him. Thoughts raced through his mind. He was trying to figure out what Death was trying to do. Most of them had been a part of Night Raid for years and some had never done a single mistake during the jobs. Hell, Katsu's face wasn't even on the wanted list, and now this maniac was testing their capabilities? He pushed the already swinging doors open and walked in to the training grounds. He saw the crazy girl with the piercings hovering over Amaya, who was polishing her blades with that emotionless look on her face. He heard a gunshot, like the few faint ones he'd heard before. "There's probably something I missed when I wasn't here..." the boy thought to himself

He walked over to the two and tilted his head. "Do you two have any idea of what this test is about?" he demanded. "Not like we're not doing this for the millionth time..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ntombi straightened up, peering down at Amaya after her reply. She had...literally nothing. No sort of emphasis, no emotion, she was just dull and lifeless and that bored Ntombi greatly. "Well, aren't you just a peach? Hiding behind a blank face, most likely to, heh, seek revenge on some terrible life events. Well, you stick to that plan for a while then; looks like I AM babysitting after all." sighed Ntombi heavily. Why must she do all the work? Death had walked in and probably just saw Amaya walk out and leave her, so that might reflect badly on her test scores...ditching a team-mate like that. How rude.

But Ntombi wasn't one to give up!

"Hey, hey..Amaya. AMAYA!" yelled Ntombi, waving her arms in the air. "Come show me how you fight!" she continued, pointing towards one of the dummies right as Death decapitated it. Bloody show-off. At least this way, she'd be able to measure out the fighting tactics of each member and then...and then...what, make up a plan? Ntombi looked away, staring at Death whilst her brain melted at the thought of doing any tactical work. She didn't have the right mind for that, all her thoughts ran amok in her brain and she can't sit still long enough to draw out even the simplest of maps.

Well, she had one tactic at least...Ntombi mused a little as she watched Death lob off the head of another dummy. It couldn't hurt to try, and what's the worst that could happen anyways? She'll get yelled at, that's what. Ntombi glanced over at Kah...katsi? Hatsi? Whatever his name was, and replied with "Well, that's what I'm going to find out."

"oh DIDDLES!" called Ntombi, prancing over to Death excitedly and then trying to lean over his shoulder and observe the 'dead' dummies lying on the floor. "Nice shot..." she murmurs, before pushing herself away from Death and folding her arms across her chest. Her eyes flickered left and right as if she was trying to read Death like a book. "What's up with these tests? I'm not the best of the best, granted...but why am I with these little brats?"

Ntombi gestured vaguely to where Amaya and Katsomething were, once, pulling a face of disgust. She swayed a little, clearly unable to stand still whilst she waited for a reply and probably a backhand to the face for cheeking her fearless and intimidating leader like this.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hei turned around as he heard THAT word... Diddles... The only person who would say that was... Ntombi...
Hei glanced at her, as his dark and cold eyes glanced at her.
"Just for the fun of it, to see how you shall strugle with the team I placed you in, as punishment for calling me Diddles!"
Hei was lieing at this part, for the tests weren't to punish anyone, and yet he just wanted to see her reaction.
As Hei glanced past her, he noticed Katsu, another one who truelly wonders what these tests are about, as Hei could see from his reaction.
"Alice, I'll be out for a moment, you keep your word, and do what was writen on the card"
Hei walked passed Ntombi "And be warned Ntombi, for if you fail, then there is more trouble for you and your team"
Hei loved to talk in mysteries, for he hated to be an open book to anyone. As he walked out of the training room, he walked upstairs towards Alice her room, as he entered it, he glanced around, Alice was still at the shooting range... Good...
He walked towards her case where she always placed her sniper in. As he looked at the door, he glanced back at the case and entered the four digits. As it opened, Hei took out every single bullet, leaving just enough for one clip. As Hei stood up, he closed the case again and placed it back just the way it was, as he then placed the bullet within his jacket. Hei walked out of Alice her room, as he then went towards the roof, from wich where he would go into the city, before the entire team would start their tests... Or atleast one of the teams...


As Hei returns, he goes straight for his own room, locking it, and placing the boxes of bullets within the drawer of his desk. He keeps one box within his jacket, for if things truelly got out of hand... Now let's see how even Alice would react to something like this... When she will have lesser bullets than there will be needed...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Well, aren't you just a peach? Hiding behind a blank face, most likely to, heh, seek revenge on some terrible life events. Well, you stick to that plan for a while then; looks like I AM babysitting after all."

Amaya walked past Katsu and continued to walk away without a word. Ntombi was right about revenge, but along the years, it became something deeper than that. Although what she said about revenge didn't bother her in the slightest, the babysitting part did. However, she payed no mind. She didn't feel the need to prove herself to others. What others thought of her was not significant at all; not even in a slight degree. She simply does and says whatever she wants without caring about what others thinks about it. Afterall--

"Hey, hey..Amaya. AMAYA!" yelled Ntombi, waving her arms in the air. "Come show me how you fight!"

And again. Her thoughts were disrupted by Ntombi's loudness. She signed and placed a hand over her eye, applying a little pleasure. The night was surely going to be eventful. With another sigh, she stopped in her tracks and turned around; only to see Ntombi hanging around Death. "oh DIDDLES!" She chimed. Amaya rested her hand over her hip, looking at them with disinterest. Well, it was probably worth seeing this scene unfold. "Nice shot..." she murmurs. Amaya continued to stare at them blankly; waiting for anything interesting to happen. "What's up with these tests? I'm not the best of the best, granted...but why am I with these little brats?" Okay, that was it. She was bored. Amaya turned around and continued to walk away, not sparing them a second glance. She was supposed to spend her time training but it looks like things didn't go the way she had planned it to. Might as well go hunting--or steal, yeah, that would be fun. Besides, she could use the extra cash to buy important things, such as... chocolate cake.

As she walked out of the training grounds, she couldn't help but feel slightly suspicious. The Night Raiders were capable assassins who executed their missions without problem, so why would Death test them? To be more specific, why now? She wasn't sure whether she was over thinking things like she always did, but it was a possibility to consider -- that Death had other plans laid out for them, that is. But whatever it was, she would make sure to pass the test with flying colors. For now, it was time to get some cake.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Katsu watched the girl as she walked over to Hei and called him "Diddles".
"Oh DIDDLES! What's up with these tests? I'm not the best of the best, granted...but why am I with these little brats?"
"Tch... This is like a joke. How degrading can a person be?" he thought to himself, slinging the spear over his back. The fact that someone had just called him, and perhaps a couple of other people, brats unnerved him. He let out an annoyed grunt and walked out of the room. He made his way out of the building, sticking a note saying that he would be at the smithy on the doorknob, looking towards the capital. "I'm not taking the whole day off just to be tested," he muttered and started walking down the road.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


I had finished cleaning my rifle by the time that Death had walked into the room. I didn't greet him or nod to him - He didn't care if I gave him attention. I returned my attention to my rifle and assembled it, but not timing myself. It was when Ntombi barged into the room that I did pay attention. Who could not, provided how loud she was? She was plain crazy, that girl... My ears were pricked by each obnoxious banter. As she berated Amaya, I wanted to slide in my magazine and put a stop to it... but no, that would be rash.

However, this feeling increased when she moved on to Death, beckoning him with degrading names and walking up to him like she was on top of the world. I shook my head in disbelief. How was some so crazy to approach someone like Death as she did? I listened to his response, but then heard Ntombi refer to all of us as brats. I cocked my rifle quickly, eyeing the woman lightly. I didn't know what bravery came over me, but I spoke up. "You shouldn't berate people with your incessant banter unless you're ready to dodge a bullet from their rifle or deflect a blow from their swords."

I stood up and left the room, pushing away the anger like I had come to do over the years. I headed up the stairs, but stopped one flight short. I turned into the corridor and ventured to Death's office. I knocked and slowly opened the door. I looked at him for a second, then spoke in my light, heavily non-intimidating voice. "I have one question, Death... I-I'll do my job, but I..." I trailed off. "Some of the families have young children... I can pull the trigger on any corrupt businessman, but not on a child..."

"Please, sir, don't think I'm trying to disobey your orders, but can we at least spare the children in the family?" I watched him, waiting for him to respond. I was scared off him, I knew that much for sure. I didn't know anything about him other than the fact that he was devious and dangerous... And he didn't like when people disobeyed what he told them...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by UncannyWanderer


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Well shoot! Aren't you two just the perfect men I need in my life!"
Perfection. Unobtainable. People have tried and failed. For whatever reason people attempt to acquire that which can never earned. No hard work or prowess could ever make any being even think that perfection is within it's grasp. Unless of course that being is on some pretty hard core drugs.
Jack over analyzed and thought about the statement, dissecting the sentence. Jack tended to grasp whatever chances he had to temporarily vanish from reality to his wonderland, through his thoughts he was capable of escaping for at least a bit of time. If one has the chance to leave what is unfortunately actuality it should be taken.

"Now about that food, I hope ya don't mind hot dogs and ice cream, I myself am a little tight on money... lost my last job a while back."
Heh, a free meal is a free meal, complaining about what will be that meal would be dumb. Jack already highly anticipated the free food to come, he absolutely loved ice cream. He planned on being buried in a hole filled with ice cream... alive or dead doesn't truly matter, it is ice cream. Preserve his body or be drowned or crushed in the delicious cold dessert. Sounds pleasant either way.
He just dully noted that she would leave the directions at there rooms, ice cream. Ice cream was all that could fill his head currently. Unfortunately, not literally.
He peered around and noticed Death decapitating a dummy. Impressive. More amusing, Ntombi bugging Amaya. Even more entertaining, Death being called Diddles.
He then noticed the guy who went into the courtyard with Lila. Hmmm, might as well bug him about it in some immature manner, even if it would be too easy. All humor must be appreciated. Jack darted after him, running in a rather strange fashion, to catch up to him and poked his shoulder.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tyrant from the West
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Tyrant from the West Antagonist Punk

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Now, although he would have loved to chase after jack and find out whats flowing through his head, Arua was going to head up and get the address. Afterwards, though, he would have no problem searching for Jack and seeing what had caused him to flee so suddenly. "Well shoot! Aren't you two just the perfect men I need in my life!" He couldn't help but sarcastically think Well I am perfect, and twice the man anyone would ever need. He put himself on the spotlight for a second and laughed to himself, he quickly stopped thinking about such nonsense and was already on his way upstairs towards the dorm. However, due to his waiting around and slight interest in Jack running off, he was in no hurry at all.

On his way up, his boredom and curiosity began to take hold and the urge to run after the others and just see what was going on was becoming stronger and stronger. However, he didn't want to follow those guys around until he had the address, cause he knew jack wasn't going to get it. Arua also wanted to take a second to slightly polish his blade, a little activity he had been putting off for a while now. Who should have a sword if they weren't willing to let it shine when it was unsheathed? An ugly blade is a dull blade. At least, thats how Arua felt about it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marshal


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Gin grumbled silently to himself as he sat on the ground with his back against the wall, fiddling with his boot-laces once again. A few people had passed by and eventually he had come to a dead stop instead of continuing onwards to the training grounds. Maybe he shouldn't have stopped and sat down, but the thought of trying to deal with the laces of his boots was more appealing than being over there. Though it was not like he couldn't use a bit more practice before the night, but, shoes were more important. At least that is what someone had told him. But he couldn't quite force himself to like them, even if they protected his feet from sharp objects on the ground and his toes if he was kicking things... It was all lies and confusion though.

If you tied them too tightly your feet went numb, if you tied them too loosely they slipped off of your feet while walking, if you didn't tie them at all you flung them across the room by simply getting out of your chair. He hated shoes, almost as much as he hated cloths. They were still constricting at times, even if they were loose. They smelled if you didn't wash them and blood stained them if the cloth wasn't dark enough... it was all so complicated, Gin felt as his head rolled back against the wall with a sudden groan of irritation.

Eventually he pulled his right shoe off and had it sitting on his left knee with the entire length of its lace on his right knee. Probably best to try to re-lace this boot before tonight anyhow, it was always the one that fell off while he was running. And seeing as he would be working with others for a while, and they would be punished if he messed up, he should at least take a bit of precaution for his common occurrences. Quickly grabbing the lace and the boot he set to work.

In one hole, out the other. Again. And again. And again.

It took him only a few minutes, but all he had successfully managed to do was tie four knots in four of the eight holes.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I hate this whole thing... Why am I still here?"
Katsu walked down the road, looking right and left. As he did so, he felt something contact his shoulder. In one quick movement, he took a step forward, moving his shoulder away, as he pulled out his spear and swung it towards the familiar figure who had touched his shoulder. He stopped himself when he saw the unique clothes. He recognized their new member who was introduced to them as "Jack".

He sighed and put his spear on his back again.
"Please don't sneak up on me," he said. After a pause, he spoke again, "What do you need?"
Katsu studied the newcomer. "I'm going to the capital so make it quick."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by UncannyWanderer


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jack smirked as he took out his spear with what was used to be hostile intentions. How endearing... His expression returned to a still rather uncomfortingly happy as he then noted that the spear was away. No fucked up foreplay today hmmm? A bit of a giggle escaped his lips before paying attention to what he was saying and not his spear. He warned him to not sneak up on him and then asked him a question.
"What do you need?"
"Oxygen, water, food, and an audience." The amount of sarcasm in his tone made it rather obvious... That he was being sarcastic. "I feel the need to consult you on how many children and illnesses were made when you were in the courtyard with..." Jack didn't quite know everyone's names. How embarassing, the joke was ruined partially. "... Some lady fellow." Jack kinda dismissed the talk of going to the capital unil he realized there are people in the capitol. Perhaps he would come along and select his audience?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Oxygen, water, food, and an audience."

Katsu gave him a cold and unamused glare upon hearing the joke. That was terrible...
He waved in dismissal and kept walking towards the city, keeping an eye out for any monsters that could appear. "The last thing we needed in the team was another psycho," he muttered after noting the smile.

"I feel the need to consult you on how many children and illnesses were made when you were in the courtyard with... Some lady fellow." Jack said.
Katsu shot another glare at him, slightly turning his head. He turned his head ahead again and kept walking, picking up his pace.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ntombi clutched at her heart theatrically, doubling over as if already shot and making a gurgling noise. "Diddles, darling, you hurt me with your cruel, cruel words!" wailed Ntombi, dreadlocks flying everywhere as she shook her head violently. for a while, before stopping suddenly and peering up at Death with those bright amber eyes, just in time to hear his warning. "Well, now that you've said that, I might just set off the alarm just to see what the punishment is..." she crooned, pulling her pale and pierced lips into a sadistic grin. Sure, a bit of pain would hurt, but if it meant seeing mask-girl scream...well, what better reward is that?

Speaking of mask-girl, where'd she head off to anyway? Ntombi just asked her to prove her skills, did she just go and leave her? Rude. What she really needed to do, was to find scarf-boy an-

"You shouldn't berate people with your incessant banter unless you're ready to dodge a bullet from their rifle or deflect a blow from their swords."

-and who was that, exactly? Ntombi slowly turned around to see the other blondie, Alice, start leaving the room. Her grin widened as she mockingly called after her, determined to really make it sting. "You really shouldn't berate people for their banter unless you're ready to beg for an antidote after breakfast, bitch!" sneered Ntombi in a mockery of Alice's tone, letting her leave before heading off herself to find the elusive scarf-boy.

Luckily, Ntombi didn't have to look too far. She found him and his scarf fiddling with the boot-laces on his boots, and suddenly she was hit with a wave of familiarity. She knew that frustrated groan. She's uttered that groan many, many years ago, way back when she was just about ready to produce children, in a land that the Empire burnt, having to wear shoes for the first time in her life...

All of a sudden she was crouching down next to Gin, peering at him critically with bright amber eyes, lip jutted out in a look of concern, but not pity. "Yeah, I hate shoes too. They gave me strap-ones 'cause I didn't know how to tie them up, but I learnt how." said Ntombi conversationally, sitting down by Gin's feet and, if possible, taking the shoelaces off of him.

"You see, it's kind of like this...You make a knot, which you know how to do, and then you put your finger there, and then you loop it, then you turn it around the loop, then you pull like that." explained Ntombi, showing very clearly how to tie a simple bow.

So, one of her members was a boring, antisocial little sap, and the other didn't know how to tie his own shoelaces.

Ntombi had a good feeling about this team.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by UncannyWanderer


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jack dully noted his cold glare, walk, and statement. "The last thing we needed in the team was another psycho."
Psycho? Psychotic? No. Not at all. That is suggesting I am mad. Ixnay. Never. My mind is functioning perfectly. I am Jack Trottel, I am 20 years old..... and am capable of not slaughtering this bastard who dare call me psychotic.
Jack followed Katsu despite the resentful bitter glares. He childishly stuck his tongue out at him while following behind him and in an unsophisticated manner responded, "Your no fun...." As if they were two children who could not agree on a game to play. Except Jack was the only one really being a child. "Have a sense of humor..." He kept up with Katsu's pace and partially anticipated him attempting to impale him on his spear and create some kind of kabob. ... I'd probably taste rather bitter....
Oh well, Jack found his own jokes amusing and like a painter, what it is in the eyes of the creator matters right? No... fuck that. He'd find some way to make Katsu laugh eventually... In the meantime Katsu will have an unwanted companion trotting behind him grinning.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marshal


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Yeah, I hate shoes too. They gave me strap-ones 'cause I didn't know how to tie them up, but I learnt how."
"You see, it's kind of like this...You make a knot, which you know how to do, and then you put your finger there, and then you loop it, then you turn it around the loop, then you pull like that."

Gin's emerald green eyes were wide as he watched the woman before him show him how to tie his shoes. She was a bit too close for his personal tastes, but he really didn't seem to mind it, at least for the moment. He was too shocked that someone was showing him how to do something without him having to ask, or painstakingly go through yet another pair of shoes. But what was more, you didn't always have to tie your shoes? They had ones with straps?!

Suddenly Gin was practically bouncing in place, a bit of a grin across his face as he looks at the tied shoe. "That was amazing!" He manages out with a bit of a shaky voice, lifting a hand to pull his scarf from his head so it rests fully around his neck. "Do you think you could show me once more with my other shoe? Do they really have ones with straps?" Already he was spitting out questions, and even reaching over to pull off his other boot to hand it to her. While he couldn't quite place it, with having showed him how to tie his shoes, Ntombi had reminded him of a few of the people he had met shortly after waking up from his escape.

"Should we go after Amaya?" He promptly blurts out, now holding his other shoe out to her. "We do have to work tonight but she sort of just took off."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Heheheheheh. I like you." stated Ntombi, prodding Gin with a bony finger. "You're not getting shot in the near future, at least not from me." Ntombi smirked a little, again showing Gin how to tie his other boot. It kind of confused Ntombi...she wasn't one for taking little brats under her wing, but she was so strongly reminded of herself in the little boy that she couldn't help it. After all, she was bred and brought up to be a mother, a long time ago. "They've got strap-ones, yeah, but I don't have any money so I can't get you any." she continues idly, double-knotting them so they're not liable to become loose later on.

Her face fell a little when Amaya was mentioned. "She's a pain in the ass, but sure. We'll have to anyway. I hope you can get along with her." grunted Ntombi, standing up as soon as she finished tying Gin's other shoe. She doesn't offer a hand to him - she may be nice to, but she's still as arrogant and disrespectful as she always is. Right now, Gin was a plaything. Something of interest. Without waiting for him to catch up, Ntombi broke off into a slow run, calling over her shoulder; "Any clue where she's gone off to?!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


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After making a fool of herself in front of Katsu, Lila had a minor break down in her room. She was angry that everything came out like that. She felt the cold metal in her hand now, it was the golden heart shape necklace that her mother gave to her, for her 9th birthday. It had a picture of her and her parents in it. She always wore it around her neck. She got even angrier after looking at it. "I will find out who killed you, and when I do..." Lila stopped herself from talking, she just picture herself with her sword, hovering over the person who killed her parents, and she was cutting them in half, from pelvic to their hairline, slow and painful was the way they deserved to die, for what they did. Lila stood up, she grabbed her sword from the case in her closet. She unlocked her door and headed to the training room, to blow some steam off by attacking some dummies. She dragged her sword behind her like always. When she went to the training room, she saw that Ntombi, the craziest bitch alive helping Gin tie his shoes, he still didn't know how to tie his shoes. She walked into the room, a split second didn't even past before she jumped in the air, and she strikes a dummy, she had cut it's head clean off. It wasn't the same as seeing blood on the ground, but stuffing would have to do for now. She kept slicing, and slicing, it felt good to do something, to get rid of this anger for now.
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