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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Everyone knows of the Justice League and their heroics. They even know of the young group of protégé the League train to keep the future safe. But what people don’t know is what the young heroes actually do. Young Justice is a team of the great young heroes of the current generation. What do they do? They handle the missions the Justice League don’t have the time for. Not only that, they handle more secret operations. Infiltration, recon, etc. What they do is kept secret from the public. Why? Well… The official story can be explained in 2 words. Plausible Deniability. But when it gets down to it these young Heroes can make their own rules and do as they please. So long as they remain within the limits of the hero code to an extent.

EDIT: I just realized I hadn't placed the time frame. It's meant to be about 25-35 years after the events of the series. So given that I'm going to make it the year 2044 making this about 28 years after the show's end.
I know the intro doesn’t seem like the best but please bear with me. It is hard to really explain. Still I have a few ideas of where this can go. Nothing is completely definite though.
1) We’ll need to meet. Group up. Mentors allow us to work as the covert team.
2) First mission. There’s gonna be a little trouble, but we’ll get it done.
3) Taking inspiration from Cart’s government official idea I figure a corrupt man and or woman(both?) working with someone like Queen Bee and the nation of Byalia from the shadows and perhaps other villains. We get close. Too close and because we run secret ops they find out because of their connection and frame us for something.
4) We’re now in some deep crap. We need to get various heroes including our mentors to believe we didn’t do something that one or two of us might actually have done and get the public back on our side and hopefully expose the officials.
5) We find out someone on the team actually did some thing so now we’e got some serious problems with trust and mentors.
That’s about it for now. None of it is definite with the exception of number one and 2 since those are so general and obvious. I welcome suggestions and ideas within reason. Things can be moved. Side stories. I want this to be long term and work out.
1) I accept ideas and suggestions, but I do have the final say. Depending on the subject at hand I may put it to a vote if enough people are into a certain topic. However, always keep in mind that I am the GM and I do hold the power in this RP. In addition I will have help on this. Drakel and Stry will act as Co-Gms with the power to accept and decline posts so long as proper reason is given. They cannot ban members of this RP, but will bring problems to my attention so I can do so if need be.
2) As far as characters go I believe it goes without saying that I don’t want to see any godmodding, powerplaying, overpowered characters, Mary sues, Gary sues, etc. So don’t do it.
3) I want characters to start off at a fair and somewhat even level. I want them to have room to grow not only personality wise, but power wise as well.
4) Please keep arguments to a minimum in the OOC. If it has to do with RP I will try to help resolve it. Otherwise, drop it or take it to PM.
5) As heroes we won’t be killing. It’s kind of hero Code. Although we may be forced to break the rules while on the run so some of us may need to be prepared. Still primarily the rule is no killing until I say otherwise.
6) Please be active. I understand that there are times when we cannot post or things come up. RL is important. You don’t have to talk about it if it’s personal, but drop a message or something if you can.
7) Be sarcastic, be playful, do whatever to have fun and enjoy yourself so long as it isn’t at the expense of someone else.
Character Sheet
Age: {Under 18, please and thank you. I’m thinking from 14-16.}
Abilities/Skills: {Things you can learn, study, practice, etc.}
Powers: {Super powers that you gain from birth, mutation, heritage, etc.}
Equipment: {Items, weapons, etc. Stuff your character carries like all the time. Don’t get lethal on my. Or at least fight in the nonlethal way.}
Personality: {At least 4-5 sentences.}
History: {At least 2 paragraphs. Come on. There has to be something.}
Appearance: {Description or image(Animated images preferred). Please add your characters height and weight. That can’t really be portrayed through an image.}
Other: {I might have missed some things}
My Character{Complete for me}
Name: Nathaniel Bartholomew Allen
Alias: Kid Flash (Or KF for short)
Age: 15
Gender: Male
1) Nathaniel is gifted with a photographic memory, meaning he can memorize anything he has ever seen, heard, read. Anything. This comes in handy a lot.
2) While he isn't a genious Nate is highly intelligent noted, by his ability to not only memorize thanks to his memory, but also take in and comprehend high levels of information. He's smart.
3) He is skilled in gymnastics, parkour and both armed and unarmed combat. He is very far from being an expert, but he is adept.
"Nate has, by far, the most potential I've ever seen in a speedster." Were the words spoken by Barry Allen to Bart. It is true. Nathaniel's powers as a speedster far exceed the expectations of the heroes before him. However, he has yet to realize this potential. He can currently only run at supersonic speeds as opposed to much of the light speeds shown by The Flash and can only just barely tap into the speed force. He has a long way to go.

1) Nate doesn't understand at the moment, but he is mentally blocking his powers. It is unclear what happened, but something traumatic caused him to block off a fair amount of his speedster powers. While he is as fast as part he cannot utilize many of the techniques and abilities he should as a speedster and even keeps his link with the Speed Force partially severed.
2) Nate although unable to be hurt by most viruses and what not can still be killed by normal human means.
3) Nate’s metabolism functions several times faster than normal, so he must constantly take in large quantities of food to maintain his energy. Whether or not it tastes good is not a primary concern. For emergency situations in which he must be away from food for more than 24 hours, Jake keeps food in hidden compartment on his gloves.<--- A suggestion from Bart.
4) Nate is claustrophobic to a point where he’ll freak out and do anything he can to get out of wherever he is in. If he can’t he’ll probably just shut down due to the fear.
5) Nate’s temper over his mother and father being insulted or bad mouthed can make him do things that could get him in serious trouble.
6) His somewhat reckless attitude when it comes to his heroics can get him into some serious trouble.
1) New Kid Flash Suit made to Nate's design with a little help from Bart and Rose.
2) Snacks which are kept in the compartments on his gloves
3) Other little things.
Personality: In a nutshell Nathaniel serves as the relative outgoing joker and girl crazy speedster. He's a lot like his father and the late Wally West in many of those aspects. However unlike them he can get very serious much quicker than one would expect should the time call for it. This is most likely the influence of his mother. In addition, he has a bit of a short fuse when it comes to people bad mouthing his father or his mother, especially if they try to bring up her troubling past or question them altogether. He has nothing, but admiration for them. He's also very protective of the people he cares about. He’d do near anything for them. Nathaniel is pretty helpful, more so for girls than guys, but still helpful. And above all he could never sit still while someone needed his help. In this aspect of heroics he could end up getting himself into some really bad trouble since he’s one to help and jump into action first and question later. Not always the best.
History: It was about 4 years after the events surrounding the Reach Invasion that Bart Allen met the woman who would later become his wife and the mother of his child. Although at the time he didn’t know it. Especially since she was on the opposite side of the moral spectrum. He was a hero and she was to say the least a mercenary. Her name was Rose Wilson. Bart came face to face with her on multiple occasions. They seemed to have a mutual love/hate relationship. Of course, the love in that wasn’t really figure out for another 5 years.

By that time it was 2025. This year something happened. Nobody would say Rose pulled a 180, but she did decide to change her ways. She wanted to escape her life and her father. However, she ended up getting stuck in a tough spot. She was in trouble, but like any hero would do Bart saved her and help her get herself together. A year later, March 8, 2026 to be exact, the two had a relationship. They already knew each other quite well due to the meetings and situations they’d been in throughout their respective hero and villain careers. There were people who didn’t like it and many who thought she couldn’t really change, but Bart trusted in her. It paid off because on July 21, 2028 the two married.

That wasn’t the end of the story though. On May 13, 2029 the next chapter of their lives began. This was the day Rose gave birth to their son Nathaniel Bartholomew Allen. With Bart and Rose each about 26 or so they seemed to be ready. And in their line of business you couldn’t really afford to wait too long. So they went into a brief retirement. Raising and teaching their son the basics of normal life. At least until he began to show signs of having powers. His father’s powers to be exact. With that the normal learning became training. He needed to learn control and how to defend himself. And of course, the choice of what he would do with life was completely his. He didn’t make that choice until he was 13. Normal life? Or hero life? Boring, but safe? Fun, but dangerous? Needless to say he chose the latter and become Kid Flash. With that he and his parents became heroes. His parents join the current Justice League and his was a side kick. It wasn’t until 2 years later that the team was reinstated and he was made a part of it. Now he’s technically on his own. All of the sidekicks or young heroes are. But they have each other. Right?
Appearance: Appearance wise he takes a bit more after his mother. Not power wise though. Nathaniel stands at about 5’6” weighing approximately 134 lbs. It’s pretty much all muscle despite his large food intake. He maintains a lean yet muscular physique. As far as his uniform goes, the headset which normally rests on his ears can be pulled down (in case you can't read the notes.) And they serve multiple purposes. Music, communication, etc. Switches on the headphones can change the settings on the electronic lenses on his suit for various vision modes. He also has compartments for snacks on each glove around the wrist-forearm area. Electricity can be discharged from the fingertips of his gloves. The energy is not limitless, but it seems as such since they are kinetically charge with the impacts of his movements. Meaning he can’t just wave his arms. He has to punch or kick something for the units to charge. Finally the spike like protrusions near his elbows are in fact dangerous. They stab and slash. Although he wouldn’t use them on an enemy who he knew wouldn’t be able to handle the damage.

Other: N/A
Name: Unknown
Alias: Red X
Age: 16
Gender: Male
- Peak Human Conditioning: Due to his training with the current Batman, Dick Grayson, Red X possesses peak athletic strength and endurance. He has displayed peak human strength, agility, reflexes, and endurance because of his training at a young age.
- Peak Human Strength: Red X possesses enough strength to break a holographic construct of Bane's back, throw a criminal through a concrete wall, throw a refrigerator and use a bed as a weapon. He had even been able to damage Blockbuster.
- Peak Human Agility: X possesses peak athletic levels of agility. He is one of the 4 people able to do a quadruple backflip. His agility also enables him to survive at heights that would even concern the likes of Superman and Starfire.
- Peak Human Speed: X possesses peak human speed, able to keep up with and even catch his mentor on a good day.
- Peak Human Reflexes: He possesses enough skill to detect a Sniper and evade bullets at point blank range.
- Peak Human Endurance: He is able to go for 3 days straight with no sleep and is capable of holding his breath for 5 minutes from training with Batman
- Peak Human Durability: He is able to withstand attacks from Blockbuster, who possesses Superhuman Strength, and Osiris.
- Amazing Acrobat: While not on the level of Dick Grayson, X is a prodigious natural athlete and acrobat, possessing a peak human level of agility/acrobatic skills. He is arguably the second greatest human acrobat in the world. He is the one of the three people in the world who can pull off a quadruple flip.
- Intimidation: He is skilled enough to get Scarecrow, who only fears Batman, to talk and can single handedly contain a riot.
- Skilled Detective: Having been trained by the current greatest detective in the world he is currently just as skilled as some of the better DC Detectives like Tim Drake.
- Leadership: He is also a brilliant and experienced leader with superlative team skills.
- Near Expert Martial Artist: Due to his training, X has learned dozens of martial arts disciplines, with an emphasis on Aikido and Eskrima, taught to him by Grayson. Aikido, Boxing, Capoeira, Eskrima, Hapkido, Judo, Ninjitsu, Savate, Taijiquan, Wing Chun.
- Weapon Proficiency: Due to his training with Batman, he has displayed skilled in various weaponry like Shurikens(Wing-Dings, x shuriken, Batarangs), Eskrima Sticks, staffs, spears and swords.
- Multilingualism: Having had the finest education as under Grayson’s watch, he speaks with fluency in English, French, Chinese, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, German, Swahili, Mandarin, Cantonese, and is possibly fluent in other languages. He has some knowledge of the alien language of Tamaran.
- Stealth: He is capable of breaching high security facilities without being detected. He is also skilled enough to even sneak away and keep hidden from Speedsters.
- Expert Hacker: He is skilled enough to hack into the Justice League emergency override codes.
- Indomitable Will: Like his mentor, he has a very strong will. He is able to resist potent fear toxins as well as certain forms of mind control, etc.
- Expert Escapologist: Due to his training with the current Batman, he possess extreme skill in escapology.
- Expert Marksman: X seems to be skilled enough to use modified Shuriken(X shuriken) to hit thugs at a great distance with his eyes closed and disarm others with them. He is also capable of using firearms, as he was trained to do so should the need arise.
- Genius Level Intelligence: Although not super he has vast knowledge of different fields. He often shows this when in use with his Detective skills or rather criminal skills. He was intelligent enough to build his own "X Rider"(motorcycle), fool a polygraph and maintain his highly advanced Red X suit.
- Tracking: X is a skilled tracker able to do so even without the help of technology.
- Disguise: X is a skilled disguise artist.
- Driving: X is a very capable driver be it a car or motorcycle.
Strength level
Red X possesses the peak human strength of a man that has intense physical workouts at the height and weight of 5'8" 163 lbs. He is able to lift at least twice his own body weight; enabling to press lift 320 lbs.
Powers: Red X has no super powers of his own.
Weaknesses: Aside from the fact that he is simply human and susceptible to nearly everything that can kill a human his suit also runs on the element xenothium. He needs it to be powered and while the power lasts he will always need more to sustain it. So if it runs out and he has none on him he’s left without a good 80% of his tech and gadgets.
Equipment: Red X's powers derive from his suit's belt. The belt relies on power from a (possibly artificial) element called Xenothium. The suit is also fitted with an invisibility or cloaking device, and a teleportation device. The palms of his gloves can also form x-shaped (possibly nano-moleculary created) manifestations which can act as shuriken, wrist-mounted blades, restraints (by constriction or adhesion), timed explosives, instant openings, or any other conceivable function.
Personality: Red X although a very capable leader and holding many qualities of a hero is simply out for himself in the long run. You could be his partner for years and that wouldn’t matter if it came down to what benefits him the most. He’s the type to joke in the middle of a fight. A bit talkative at times, but he can back it up. He’s very confident. Almost arrogant in a sense, but if you were as good as him you would be too.
History: Little to nothing is known about Red X. He seemed to just show up out of nowhere one day. But we all know that would be impossible. In fact he did once have a life. A nice normal one. For about 5 years that is. After that his life took a turn for the worse. His father was killed and his mother pretty much abandoned him. He couldn’t believe it. However he was found. Who found him? Red Robin, Tim Drake. He brought the young boy to Dick Grayson. He didn’t think he could take care of him, but Dick could. He definitely could. The two both had a bit of influence on the boy, but they couldn’t shake him of his subconscious fear and distrust of others.
After years of training and working with the current Batman he left. He even took the suit they’d all been working on together for when he was ready to make his hero Debut. That was a few years ago. And suddenly someone has popped up. Someone only Dick and Tim are likely to know should they find out he has resurfaced.

Other: {I might have missed some things}
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Name: Jae-Mas (Goes by James Irons)
Alias: Superboy
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Vast knowledge of Kryptonian history.
Vast knowledge of Robotics and Cybernetics.
Fully trained in Torquasm-Rao (Kryptonian Martial Arts)
Well versed in the use of weapons. Especially hammers.

Solar Energy Absorption (His body can be sustained solely by solar radiation. Yellow sun radiation gives him these standard powers, Blue Sun radiation supercharges these powers. However, Red Sun radiation is very weak, as such, it cannot sustain him, and forces him to work on his reserves.)
Super Strength (Can lift up to 60 tons over his head, thanks to this, his legs are strong enough to allow him to leap tall buildings in a single bound. He is unable to fly due to being young, his flight should come in as he gets older.)
Super Durability (As his name suggests, his skin is proportionally stronger than Steel)
Super Stamina (Can exhert maximum effort for over an hour before showing signs of fatigue.)
Super Speed (Faster than a speeding bullet.)
Super Senses (his smell, taste and hearing is better than most dogs, and can see through walls, as well as the entire electro-magnetic spectrum)
Heat-Vision (Very unreliable. He's only successfully used it a small number of times, it is his latest power to emerge.)
Hurricane/Arctic breath

Kryptonite (Not as weak to it as Superman is, as Green Kryptonite isn't as lethal to James as it is to Clark, instead of intense pain, it instead messes with his hand-eye coordination and causes him to lose his balance and coordination, rendering him unable to fight in a coordinated fashion.)
Magic (Kryptonians gained their durability by evolution, they evolved to be able to resist the natural dangers in the universe. Magic is not natural, so they didn't develop a resistance to it)
Lead (Cannot see through Lead)
Psionics (His outside is practically unbreakable, his inside however...)
Kryptonian Rage (He is prone to outbursts of uncontrolable rage. Motherbox keeps this in check.)
Radion (Trace amounts of this stuff is fatal)
Motherbox (A box he claims was made by his adoptive father, it has an extremely intelligent A.I. which possesses Technopathic abilities. It also talks to him and keeps him calm.)
History: Not much is known about where he came from, according to Superman, he came from the Phantom Zone. After emerging from the Phantom Zone, John Henry Irons (A new member of the Superman family, by the name of Steel) took him in and raised him by as his own. James was raised alongside John's own daughter, Natasha. For the last several years, they have been working as a Superhero family. This was before the family broke up. Natasha has moved away to College, and John is working a lot more. In order to work better, John decided to set up what he called "Playdates" In which James got to work with other Young Heroes around his age.

He has learned a lot from his mentor, who he now refers to as his father. He is very reluctant to talk about his time in the Phantom Zone, but assures everyone that it has nothing to do with his "Anger Issues." His Anger Issues are something that he suffers from for unknown reasons, For this, he was given a small box that he calls "Motherbox." It talks to him and calms him down when he goes over the edge. He claims that John made it for him, however, the technology inside it is FAR beyond anything humanity has ever seen.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Just wondering, Batman Beyond is set in 2039 with terry mcguniss and their new JL, so will we be looking at that level of tech and reference or will this be completely different?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Well, this is the Young Justice Universe, not the Batman Beyond (which also includes Batman The Animated Series and Superman series) Universe.

I think different but it really depends on the GM

Name: Elin Grímdaughter
Alias: Druid
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Abilities/Skills: She is skilled with gardening and botany. She knows how to tend to fruits and vegetables as well as the biology of plants. She is a great swimmer and can handle water pressure surprisingly well.
Powers: She has control over plants and communicate with wildlife for unknown but possible magical reasons. She has 3 confirmed transformation from a large eagle, panther and able to form gills and fins on her body.As an animal, she is unable to communicate with humans. Her powers are yet to blossom even more. She is also gifted with the power of healing though she cannot regenerate limbs from nothing.

her control over plants is great but not limitless. She cannot conjure new plants out of nothing and has to use what she has in her surroundings. She may accelerate the growth of plants and use them like tendril like limbs. She has barely scratched the surface of her true potential.

Weaknesses: Fire (Powers and Psychological reasons), Self-Doubt and lack of confidence.
Equipment: (Nothing of Superhero Significance)
Personality: Elín is a shy girl and prefers to avoid violent confrontation as much as possible. She is deathly afraid of fire due to what happened to her in the past. She loves animals and generally prefers to tend allies rather than to fight villains. She underestimates herself and sometimes even overestimates her enemies.
History Synopsis: Elín was born in Iceland though she was raised in the west. Her step-father was kind to her and supported her and her mother until he sadly passed away in a car accident caused by escaping criminals. She lived with her mother after that though she often visited their neighbor, a kindly old woman who owned a greenhouse. The kind woman taught her various things on how to tend a garden from flowers to veggies and fruit.

When she was thirteen, she was hanging out with the old woman in the greenhouse and they had forgotten the time and she was with her until the evening. Said evening, runaway criminals were speeding through the street the greenhouse was at. The criminals were throwing molotovs at the cops while speeding and as the driver turned, the criminal who was throwing the bottles threw the projectile at the greenhouse, setting it ablaze. Elin was burned badly and the old woman sadly died.

It was when she just turned 15 did her powers manifest. She discovered she could manipulate and “control” plants and even start communicating with animals. She could even turn into animals and her powers are yet to grow even more.

Natural Haircolor: Auburn
Eyes: Green
Height: 1,75 meters
Weight: 69 kilograms
Other: She makes killer Laufabrauð

Name: Victor Cravos
Alias: Mindjack / War Shogun
Age: 16, turning 17
Gender: Male
Abilities/Skills: Boxing, Driving, exceptional will, sprinting, running and swimming, studies philosophy and movies, okay driver and takes human biology class and mechanical engineering and last of all, sleight of hand.
Powers: Telekinesis and Telepathy (non-magical), superhuman thought process and perception. His Telekinetic abilities are extensive but not limitless and neither is his telepathic abilities. He is able to lift a semi with cargo up into the air with some migraine afterwards and lift multiple tiny things with ease. He may catch up on people's thoughts when he concentrate though some people he has to concentrate harder to catch what they are thinking. He has a very easy time send people mental messages though and he can establish a telepathic connection between multiple people. It is hard to initiate but once it's done, it's easy to maintain unless another telepath decides to mess with it. If a person is very vulnerable with his or her thoughts, he can sort of manipulate their thoughts though not outright control them. More like deceive them into thinking that it's their own thoughts. With his telepathic powers he may also sense people's presence.
Weaknesses: Mental strain of his own power and own reaction time.
Equipment: None of superhero significance except for his own suit.
Personality: He is actually a rather serious when it comes to crime fighting, often going overboard when it comes to using his powers against vanilla human criminals such as giving them a professional boxer knock-out punch from 10 meters away. He is very driven when it comes to his own powers and trains his mind whenever he can.
History: Cravos was a troubled kid during his adolescence. He was bullied by his classmates due to him being weak and “nerdy”. He stayed away from most people during his childhood because of this, barely having any friends until he was around 9 years old where he met up with kids similar to him and hung out. He was still rather distant though he warmed up to people considerably.

Then puberty hit him and it was very kind to him. He was rather weakly looking b before puberty ad then after he became more handsome and he took up more physical activities such as sports and running and swimming. During puberty his powers also began to unfold. He felt his brain become more active as he could memorize things much more easily and then sort of predict what people would say. What he discovered was that he was actually unconsciously reading people’s minds as he was talking to them. He also found out he could move things physically without even touching them.

In secret he trained these abilities, moving heavier and heavier things with his mind without his nose starting to bleed and delve deeper into people’s heads. Reading people’s minds or communicating with them in such a way really differed as he discovered. Some people were harder to read than others until he trained more and he got less and less migraines.

He took these abilities to the street then, first trying out as a street performer and juggled things while actually using telekinesis and doing cardtricks while he actually read people’s mind (even though he actually practiced sleight of hands before doing this). He did more sports and such activities, forming his body to suit his other agenda, Crime fighting.

During one of his escepades as a crime-fighter known as Mindjack, he chased a trio of thieves who had robbed a rich man's manor. One of the loot that they had grabbed was an Edo period jewel which was a host for an old spirit. When Cravos apprehended the thieves and made sure all the loot was in place, he made skin contact with the amulet and the spirit took it's chance and inhabited the body of the powerful individual. Now, the spirit and Cravos share bodies though Cravos is mostly in charge. But for how long?

Appearance: Cravos
Height: 1,70 meters
Weight: 75 Kilos
Other: {I might have missed some things}
Revelent Pics:
Hero Outfit (Ignore lightning and swords)

War Shogun

Name: Daigotsu
Powers: Spirit Weaponry conjuration, Magical Armor, Weapon Mastery, Stealth, Various Martial arts.
Before Spirit-fied: http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/138/a/d/finished_by_jasson78.jpg
Spirit: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/357/d/3/yogo_kono_by_diegogisbertllorens-d5ovpu2.jpg (Other variation of this).
History Synopsis and Description: Little is known about this spirit but by his account he used to be mortal during the Edo period of japan. He was a strong and capable fighter, learned in not only the ways of the samurai but the shinobi as well. He was ruthless and cunning until he angered a sorceress who ripped his being from his mortal form and cast him into an amulet where he could watch the time go by.

AS the years went by and the sorceress dead, the amulet slowly lost it's potency and when the time arrived when a suitable host was found, he could take the body and live again.

When Daigotsu takes over, it differs according to the situation. He may come out in full armor armed with a naginata or katana to slay his enemies or in slim shinobi attire as to keep himself undetected. He cannot change arsenal when he is in charge. What he brings, he keeps until next time.

The relationship Cravos and Dai have has become nearly simbiotic when Cravos is concerned. Dai's claws have digged so deep into his being that if he were to be forcibly removed, Cravos's psyche would be permenantly damaged beyond repair.

Cravos's and Dai's powers do not work with each other. Cravos cannot use Dai's skills and Dai cannot use Cravos's telekinetic or telepathic powers

The more Daigotsu is in control, the deeper his hold is to Cravos's body and if he were to take completely over he could do whatever he wanted again without Cravos there to keep him in line. He will try to take over the nations and start his own Shogun Empire with him as the immortal ruler.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Cartwright's side characters. All accepted characters under carty's control will go HERE

Name: Angelica Rose
Alias: Angel
Age: 24
Gender: F
Abilities/Skills: Quick and agile, explosive experience, firearms usage,
Powers: N/A
Weaknesses: She might be devious and quick but her strength is only her speed. In some cases she could easily be overpowered by those with average strength depending on her condition at hand.

Equipment: Mp5k with multiple attachments (Picture) USP.45 sidearm. Multiple fragmentation grenades, lockpicking kit, camera, and burnt cellphone.

Personality: Angelica is a person with a series of internal conflicts. She has been desperate ever since her life of suffering and survival to the extent of murder being on her mind. The girl fights to stay away from a rough life, even though this life is a life of crime. There was just no other way for someone like her to actually live a good light without having blood on her hands
History: Angelica has lived a rought life on the other side of the train tracks. At a very young age she lost her parents in a shooting one cold night. She was left without any brothers or sisters to help her and she struggled to live on the streets. Her suffering has brought up a sense of rage in her eyes and she wanted out of the tough life she was. Then her opportunity came when a gang member from the Crimson Bloods took her under his wing. ((Lost his CS in the old RPG))

She has become notorious for her schemes and deeds, being looked up on by a series of thugs and thieves alike. Angelica was a theif, and she had the record to prove it. The street reputation brought power, and that power brought knowledge giving her the ability to brush with higher people. It was a ability though, that could endanger her if she was ever believed to be regretting her way of life. At this time, she seems to not wish to turn away from this position one but for there was no other option.
Appearance: Height: 5'11" Weight: 143
Other: {I might have missed some things}

Name: Gerard Lewis
Alias: Detective Lewis
Age: 29
Gender: M
Abilities/Skills: Firearms Operation, Crowd control, Hand to hand restraining techniques, leadership
Weaknesses: Despite his line of experience and skills he is still human, he can be captured, killed, injured, and even persuaded like any other man.
Equipment: His sidearm is a Glock 22 which is in a holster and spare clip holder on his right side. He also carries a handheld radio, two pairs of handcuffs, small flashlight, cellphone, and a pocket knife. In some cases he will arrive with more firepower depending on the situation and the knowledge police dispatch has. If it is extreme enough and Gerard has time to arm up ((Which is very rare)) He will take the UMP .45 as his main weapon.

Personality: Gerard is not necessarily a guy who follows protocol. He is determined to get justice through whether it be legal or illegal means that could risk the case. The detective can be laid back or stern and overall serious depending on the task at hand. He can also be reckless, willing to go to extreme bounds to get the job done. He has warrior mentality, which means he is a person who wont stand by and watch wrong doings happen in front of him, even if it puts his life on the line.

History: Detective Gerard Lewis is a five year law enforcement official who has a interesting record in his background. As a veteran he has been through almost everything every young cop dreamed to be in; shootings, car chases, bank robberies, all of that. Over time in his career though he stepped up to the rank or corporal, then he made the decision to join the detective department. During his detective year he bounced through all the offices from misdemeanors to full time felonies until ending up in a reserve office which took almost every call that wasn't being attended to.

He has recently come back from a mandatory vacation due to his use of force being deadly on a sunday evening in a corner store. Nobody was injured except for the dead gunman he challenged while off duty during a robbery the thug was conducting. It was to be his third time drawing his pistol and sure wont be the last time.

Appearance: Height: 6' 0" Weight: 168

Side character group information

DEVGRU Team (formally known as Seal team 6) is a task forced primarily used by the American CIA. They're the best soldiers who volunteered and they're a deadly force to be reckon with. This squad is a squad of six operatives from DEVGRU, all heavily armed and ready to go where their commander and chief allows them to. A DEVGRU operative is like god, questioning his presence could be fatal.

Key character's name: Mitchell Collins
Alias: (Captain) Reaper
Age: 31
Gender: M
Skills: Military training, assault rifle proficiency, squad leader experience, explosives disarming and disposal, situational adaptation, and forward observer(Calling in coordinates), hand to hand combat ((to a specific degree))

Weakness: Despite the gear and weaponry he carries, he and his team are still as vulnerable as any human. It's their training that makes them quick and efficient and nothing more.

Personality: Military disciplined and mission focused. At times he tries his best not to shoot as soon as he spots a threat, but as a DEVGRU operative there isn't much of that luxury lying around for him to take without putting his life on the line.

History: Captain Mitchel Collins grew up to be a soldier of the United States Army. When he was noticed to have an exceptional career he was offered to take BUDS training which he took up when his deployment was over. He was observed and criticized, trained like any other person in that camp but somehow he sticked out in the crowd, almost glowing with promise and potential. It was then he was given another offer, to be an operative in DEVGRU.

As an operative he climbed the ranks rapidly, doing a series of missions from media covered ones to black operations. After years of active service he attained the rank of captain, and was assigned to a squad that he would lead for the time being.

Height: 5'11" (Weight varies due to the weight of equipment and armor)
Primary weapon- HK416
Secondary: Beretta M9 (Two handguns)
Combat knife
2 M67 Fragmentation grenades
Special equipment: Zipline gear, carabiner and rope, zip ties, 1 flash bang, GPS, and earpiece for communication.
*Wears armor and helmet on a usual basis!*

Name: Jacob Mckoy
Age: 43
Skills: Finances, political science, persuasion, criminal organization

Weakness: He's a DIRTY POLITICIAN LIAR MUTHA F-.. *Ahem* Sorry about that. Where was I? Oh, right.. Weakness protocol..

He is a politician not a gangster or a killer of any form. He doesn't seem to be the kind of guy who gets his hands dirty, but he sure knows how to put his pawns in the right place. Regardless, he is vulnerable like every other human.

Personality: Jacob is a calm figure in most occasions. In some cases though he can get a little 'edgy' during some cases. The man can sometimes make a few calls too soon when under pressure but overall he is able to keep a straight, professional composure despite the fact he is a corrupted congressman.

History: Congressman Jacob Mckoy was your typical politician back in his day; studied political science, had good money, all of that stuff. He was the business man as well running a company that supported a series of military programs. Over time, though he had been through some tough times and he slowly lost money to the point he had to consider finding alternatives. Then he came across a evil, dark way to receive his pay.

Oil, black gold, and there was places full of it if it weren't for the pesky towns and villages that owned them. The congressman saw the opportunity and with the aid of a private military contractor he convinced his PMC assets that the villages and towns were targets for terrorism. Nobody has found out about this scheme, and he became rich off of it. The newly found power of riches changed the congressman, making him more greedy and uncaring for life along the way.

Height: 5'10" Weight: 158
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 5 mos ago

I think I'll reserve a pure magical character, not that druid and shogun aren't enough.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Project Masquerade, Geb.
Alias: Mudslide
Age: 16
Gender: Male
1. Geb is a expert when comes to plant and animal life. He has an extinctive knowledge of most of the flora and fauna on the planet, though this may be the only real field of knowledge he is any good at.
2. Geb is skilled in up close combat, mainly boxing, easily out matching a unskilled opponent. Though do to his powers he rarely sees the need for the skill.
3. Though Geb isn't a highly intelligent person he does excel in the art of acting, convincing almost anyone of his outlandish lies.
Powers: Geb has the ability to mold his body into almost any shape he can think of do to the fact he is made of clay, like his "father" Clayface. He can mimic the form of other people, even matching the sound of their voice, and stretch his appendages to great lengths. Also since he has no bones he can bend his body in inhuman ways. He has of yet to be able to grow in any great deal like Clayface, who easily stands at 12 feet. Though his strength is much higher than the average human, lifting up to ten tons, he hasn't unlocked the full strength of Clayface. He has shown no sign of having the poisonous touch that Clayface posses.
1. Extremely low temperatures can hinder his shape shifting ability to the point that it traps him into whatever form he is in at the moment. In extreme cases freezes him solid
2. High voltages of electricity will cause him to revert back into his clay form, normally just a puddle of it, for a period of time. He is most vulnerable while in this form do to having to focuses to keep from completely falling apart.
3. Do to Geb's lack of concentration he is known to shape shift unwilling, most of the time at the most embracing moments.
1. At all times he carries a serum that helps him keep up a normal appearance until he wants to shape shift. He has to take it every seven hours or he is known to get a bit "melty".
2. Since he is a living weapon he doesn't tend to use any tools beside his powers. Though his favorite choice in battle seems to be to turn his hands to two large mallets.
Personality: Despite his up bringing and heritage Geb is a rather pleasant and caring person. He is know to crack jokes with others, if they are funny is another story. He is a rather simple person, not a complete idiot I have you just not too bright. He is very protective of his friends, of strangers as well for that matter. He is known for talking a person's ear off when it comes to nature. Though when ever the topic of his past comes up he tends to either to immediately change the topic or end the conversation all together.
History: Being the product of LexCorp's dream of making the world's perfect spy Geb was created from the modified DNA of Earth's deadliest shape shifter, Clayface. Geb's first memory was that of being in a test tube, a experience he still has nightmares about. Geb's, or Project Masquerade as he was dubbed by the scientists that created him, childhood was spent doing nothing but learning how to infiltrate an organization, gather the desired information and disappear without a trace. He was also trained in some basic combat skills, though it was quickly ended when his powers manifested. He often asked his handlers questions, such as why he break into places or why he was different, but he was always either ignored or put back into his holding area, which was a 5 foot by 5 foot box made of glass.

It wasn't until he was tasked with breaching WayneTech , at the age of ten, that he ran into trouble. He was apprehended by Batman who assumed him to be Clayface. After revealing who he was and a failed attempt at escape he was given the choice of helping Batman bring down the wing of LexCorp that had made him. He quickly accepted and worked with Batman for several months to bring down his creators. The time since he has worked a form of vigilante in Gotham, partly to stay near Batman and in the hopes of meeting his "father" Clayface.
Appearance: Though Geb can shape shift to mimic anyone's appearance his favorite form seems to be a 6'1 pale skinned teenager with short brown hair that look like he weights 150 pounds. The only non human quality this form has is it's pitch black eyes.

When Geb is in his true form, which is quite rare, he appears to be a 6'3 greyish brown mound of clay in the shape of a human. He has no real features in this form except for two eye sockets and a mouth that normally dissolves until he talks.

Other: The reason he goes by Geb is because he feels that since he is clay he can relate to the Egyptian god of earth.
On a side note Geb has no taste buds.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Reaper
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Reaper Slayer of Dreams

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Rachel Black
Alias: Shadow
Age: 16
Gender: Female

- Trust Issues/Social Anxiety
- Prone to violence when triggered

- A pair of energy blades. Length and size vary according to setting, as does lethality. Lowest Setting is a stun, highest slices through steel with ease.

- Stealth Suit: Near perfect cloaking that renders her invisible to most spectrums of light, infrared and ultraviolet included. This applies only to electronics.

- Dual pistols. Silenced. Range of high tech ammunition for different purposes.

I have another archer character in mind, if I may reserve a spot for that.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dystopia


Member Offline since relaunch

Character Sheet

Name: Ember L. Calder

Alias: Ember (Because he's not really that clever.)

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Abilities/Skills: Ember has done gymnastics since a young age. This started as a way to force Ember to socialize but he ended up loving it. He knows some hand-to-hand combat if you consider P90X a trustworthy source for hand-to-hand combat. Ember is also decent at acting and has been apart of every play his school has offered.

Powers: Fire. This ability has made it absolutely impossible for Ember to ever have a babysitter since he sometimes burps fire. He can manipulate fire and literally "create" flames. However, the creation of flames is usually do to carbon dioxide and/or heat in the air. Ember's body temperature also runs higher than normal. However, he cannot punch his fist at a building and it burst into flames.


Water: Ember is like a cat. He refuses to go near water until he literally has flies following him. Water causes his powers to short circuit and they stop working until he's dry again.

The Freezer: Although this doesn't stop his powers being in a freezer does make it harder for him to use them. He found this out when his older brother locked him in their freezer. It wasn't fun.

Sea life: He doesn't trust anything that can only live in water. He refuses to ever go to any Sea World or aquarium.

School Work: He has trouble focusing and every subject is just so boring. He does love Drama Class though.

Marshmallows: Offer him marshmallows and he will lower his morals to frightening levels.

Equipment: His cellphone, a standard pocket knife, and his wallet.

Personality: Ember is... eccentric.When he isn't acting or with the Drama Club, he prefers being by himself. Even during gymnastic class, he tends to stay on the quieter side and will read a book or comic until it's his turn to practice or learn something. He's very picky when it comes to choosing friends, and it takes him time to warm up to people. However, once he clicks with someone he becomes completely loyal and would seriously help them bury a body. Ember has an irrational, though he thinks it's pretty rational, of sea animals. For this reason, he'll avoid watching Animal Planet and not show up to school on the days the cafeteria is serving fish.

History: Ember Lee Calder was born to Fawn Calder who was a single mother at the time. Two months into her pregnancy, her husband had died in a car crash. Fawn is still traumatized by this and always tries to keep track of her children's locations. If her husband, being as strong as he was, could be taken down by a drunk driver... Well, anything could happen. Ember's older brother quickly jumped up to the plate. Throughout his childhood, his brother would be responsible for driving him to preschool and things like gymnastics. His brother has always been shared the responsibility for taking care of Ember, but stills acts more like an older sibling than a parent. Despite the fact his brother had tossed him into the freezer once, because dang-it he was the older brother and could do what he wanted, he's fiercely protective of Ember.

Eventually, Ember was recruited by Young Justice. He saw this as a perfect opportunity to pay his family back for everything they had sacrificed to raise him. And, to be honest, the whole idea sounded fun. He could meet other children like him and to just be able to be himself it was... nice. With Young Justice, there was no fear of doing something like burping out fire. It was a secure environment and sure he had to worry about things like completing missions and not missing up, but being there put a weight off of his shoulders. To quote a television character: It was the best of both worlds. At home Ember could continue being a normal student that stared in school plays and spent every free moment reading anything he could get his hands on. With Young Justice, he could roast his own marshmallows and nobody would bat an eyelash. It was awesome.

Appearance: Click.
Height: 5'6
Weight: 130 lb

Other: Spongebob Squarepants is the equivalent of a horror movie for him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Name: Amani Fatin
Alias: Djinn
Age: 16
Gender: Female
- Acting, Amani is a gifted actress though not professionally trained she is very good at playing the damsel in distress. When really the biggest mistake anyone can ever make is assume she needs saving.
- Intuitive, She has very strong intuition resulting in her almost always making the right choice, knowing when someone is deceiving her and can tell her real friends from fakes ones.
- Basic self defense, Amani followed a basic self defense class for young women. She kicked the instructors butt and developed a "personal" style of self defense. You can bet she didn't learn those moves in class.She knows when and where to hit someone and that is good enough for her. She's also quite quick on her feet and very flexible due to years of practicing yoga.

Powers: Amani is a real life djinn or genie as they are called. Like these mythological beings she has the power to grant wishes. Although when she first used her powers she was extremely underwhelmed. There were "a couple" or well let's just say a ton of rules to limit her. So don't even think about asking for a million bucks, you're not getting it. Unless it mysteriously disappears from a bank somewhere in the States.
That is the first rule of her wish granting. She can't magically make something appear out of nowhere, it has to already exist somewhere in the world. It might seem like she manifests something but it just disappeared from its original location, much like teleportation. This is the price of every wish, for someone to gain something another has to lose it first.
The second and most annoying rule is the fact that she can't wish for anything herself. Someone else has to say the words. A few funny things can be said about the wording though. The wording is always taken literal so figure of speech is out of the question. You have to be really precise and choose your words carefully. Otherwise the wish is going to make its own rules and take on a life of its own. For example if you say I wish I could fly like a bird, You'll become a bird instead. You can still fly but you know feathers and all...
The third rule is that she can't mess with destiny, meaning bring back the dead or wishing someone dies. It is as simple as that, a rule from the great cosmos.
The last rule is not really a rule but if she is loses consciousness , the wishes she recently granted are reversed. She needs to be calm and focused when granting a wish, when she's distracted it usually doesn't work. At best her powers are unpredictable and often her wishes have unforeseen twists and loopholes, which can be very funny at the best of times or life threatening at the worst.

- Ignorance, Amani hasn't got a clue of the near limitless potential of her power. Because of her ignorance she is holding herself back.
- Wish granting rules, Amani is afraid of what will happen if she breaks the rules of her wish granting and has never tried to go against them.
- Dependency, Amani is dependent on someone else for her powers to be of any use.
- Superstitious, Amani is extremely superstitious and goes to extreme lengths to protect herself and others from bad luck.
- Looks, She is incredibly self conscious about her looks and is meticulous in tending it, making most see her as vain. Mirrors are always a distraction and when you're waiting for fifteen minutes outside the ladies room she's probably touching up and "powdering" her nose.

Equipment: Have you ever looked inside a girls bag? It's like Walmart in there and if a file counts as a weapon then yes she's armed.

Personality: Amani lives by the saying, girls just want to have fun. She hates being told what to do, especially by guys who are older taller and stronger than her. Which most guys are. She's very emotional perhaps even a touch dramatic. She can bawl her eyes out watching the Titanic and then scream when someone talks through Jacks lines.
When it comes to friends, she can easily make you feel like one even if she doesn't see you as a friend. Probably because she's using you. She's an expert at wrapping guys around her finger. It is something she taught herself growing up with four overprotective older brothers and a single father. To have just an inch of freedom she needed to be able to bargain like a real estate agent.
To sum her up she's a nice girl if you don't give her any reason to hate you, like talking through the male lead in a movie. She'll walk through fire for you and even though she'll push you in first, you know she's following close behind to watch your back.

History: Amani Fatin grew up in a family of four brothers and widowed father making her the only woman. She doesn't have any memories of her mother, all she had were idealized stories. Her mother was portrayed as a kind, caring and thoughtful woman. She never argued with her husband, cleaned the entire house, cooked wonderful dinners. The perfect housewife. They missed her and understandably tried to turn Amani into her. She even looked alike with the same black curls and shimmering green eyes. Amani never questioned their reasons and followed in her mothers footsteps, the stories of her father and brothers being her guide.

It didn't take long for the Justice League to take notice of the incredible potential of her powers. Amani wasn't exactly shy about using it to make the lives of her family easier. So when a decent amount of money mysteriously disappeared from the Leage's vault, they went to investigate. She was quickly discovered and simultaneously asked to join some kind of superhero team called Young Justice. As expected her family immediately protested but Amani grabbed the invitation with both hands. She really, really needed to get a life of her own.


Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120 pounds


Additionally she wears a veil that covers the bottom half of her face, made from the same sheer fabric as her blouse. This is to protect her identity.

Other: She loves Titanic and every other romantic film every made, even the bad ones. So prepare if you invite her over for movie night.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

54.9 kg

Name: Elysia Caverly

Alias: Hail

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Abilities/Skills: Elysia has no noticeable traits that makes her 'superior', but she can play a mean game of poker. She lacks stamina, strength, intelligence, which makes her a walking sand bag.

Powers: Ice Mimicry: User is made up of or can transform their body completely into ice. Users transformed form can be either anatomically identical to their normal form, aside of being made of ice, in which case it contains all to organs and is somewhat vulnerable to attacks. Alternately user can transform into homogenous matter, without any part of their form being more important than the other. In such form, the user has a greater chance of taking hits and surviving.

Molecular Moisture Inversion: The ability to freeze water molecules turning them into solid ice.

Molecular Moisture Conversion: The ability to transform organic matter, such as a human body, to organic ice and back again. With this, it is possible for her to project her consciousness through moisture molecules and reform her body at the destination.

Cryokinesis: Elysia is able to freeze any air moisture into super-hard ice. This ice can be formed into any object of his choosing: the only limitations is her creativity and imagination, and the ambient air temperature which determines how long her ice sculptures will last.

Weaknesses: Fire of course is her weak spot.

Equipment: The girl carries nothing of importance, just an umbrella and her rain coat. She feels that if she wears all of those confusing gadgets, she'll end up hurting someone and getting sued.

Personality: She's seemingly distant, she looks to be very detached from world at times. A forlorn expression is usually present and she tends to be very enigmatic.
Elysia is prone to making rash decisions, which usually ends up with her in quite the pickle.
True to her lazy behavior, she tends to be quite lax and takes frequent naps throughout the day and often pushes aside important objectives. This has caused more than enough trouble for her as she often skips out on important business.

History: (It's a work in progress, bear with me please!) Elysia was born in Ukraine. As a child, Elysia indulged in the finer things in life, she was spoiled, lazy and she liked it that way. Her childhood revolved around her and her stuffed animals which she each individually named, dressed, and played with. She was a solitary child, her face rarely got to enjoy the rays of sun that would sneak out from behind the clouds, but Elysia was fine with that.
On her 10th birthday, Elysia clenched her mother's hand at her birthday dinner. She was alone, the poor girl, all dressed in white with only her mother and father there to celebrate with. She felt particularly angry, frustrated, confused. And with a tight grip on her mother's hand, she froze her. The woman who conceived her was a block of ice, a shocked look forever plastered on her face.

Her father never looked at her the same way again, his back was always turned towards her. "Papa?" Elysia would reach out to pull onto the tail of her father's coat, but he would walk away in fear and disgust. He had enough, he wanted her gone. No longer was she his daughter, who he loved and spoiled to her hearts content. So he sent her off, to what he thought would be a better place.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SkyLily27


Member Offline since relaunch

D-d-d-d-d DEMON!!!! Cartwright!!!!!! I found somepeople from my past! :D
I will make a character soon.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Come on *is jittering in seat* Let's get more CSes and get the show on the road already
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm here and will post my CS's sometime

Name: Mason Alexanderson
Age: 16
Gender: Male

Abilities/Skills: Mason is very skilled in many forms of hand-to-hand combat and other techniques; Dim Mak and Ninjutsu. Mason is also a very adept hunter and tracker. Inept understanding of spirit abilities, its weaponry, and technology.

Powers: Super Hearing, Enhanced Physical Attributes(Strength, Speed, Endurance), Enhanced Sight, Enhanced Sense of smell, Enhanced Healing(depending on the wound, hours to days) Telepathic or Vocal(whatever he chooses) communication with wolves, Enhanced Durability, Can take on the form of a werewolf like his mother once could(Not at will, beyond his control)
Weaknesses: Certain frequencies of sound can hurt him badly or knock him out, Silver nulls his powers

Equipment: Mason's armor is stab, spike, and bullet proof(somewhat bullet proof). The bracers on his arms along with his pauldrons are made of steel and iron mix with alloyed titanium. His utility belt holds a few nice gadgets; smoke bombs, flash-bangs, grenades, energy throwing knives, an energy bo-staff. a lunar wolf pendant. His mask allows him to see in X-ray, Thermal, and Infared vison fields whenever needed. Energy Claws that come out from the fingertips of his gloves.

Personality: Mason is a silent person, you wouldn't even know he was there unless you actually saw him and even then you might question his existence. He is steeled and serious, he will always take a mission seriously and won't hesitate to do whatever it takes to take down an enemy. He also has a very daring nature, no matter how the odds stack against him he'll fight still. He has a very calculating, he analyzes everything he can when facing an enemy, he even gauges his allies' strengths and supposed weaknesses.

History: Mason's origin is one he doesn't talk about, his father wasn't the ideal parent, in some ways he was but in others he was not. Wes Alexanderson, the name of his father, he was a very serious hunter, he moved his family to the mountainous forest, making his hunting the only source of income. Mason was often brought along to his father's hunting trips, the results were almost always the same. They'd both indeed come back with sizable hunting spoils but Mason always displayed injuries. Going from bruises and bloody noses to a gash on the corner of his right eye. His mother named Allura was once a hero called Lupa, she hadn't been affiliated with the league or anything of those circumstances so she wasn't known by any heroes. Prior to having Mason she dropped her hero alias and ditched her past life completely. She hadn't used her powers in so long she couldn't even properly defend her son from his father or herself for that matter. She had been just as fearful of her husband as Mason was, as the years progressed the fear concentrated into rage and hate.

Allura confronted Wes on Mason's fifteenth birthday, telling him that she was leaving and so was Mason. She was done with the man's verbal, physical, and mental abuse, they had a violent verbal dispute. That very night as she had been packing her things she was halted and put to the ground by a crippling pain in her head. Wes had struck his wife in the head with the butt of his rifle, to his surprise she hadn't been knocked unconscious, just dazed. The next five powerful blows rendered Allura still, Wes hefted the woman up onto his shoulder, keeping a firm hand on his rifle. He drove off with her in the trunk, about half an hour later, Allura was woken up by a hard slap. She was forcibly dragged out of the trunk, what looked like claw marks had dug into the material of the trunk bed. Wes dismissed the sight and assumed it was only her nails, he told her this was the only way she'd be leaving. With that he forced her to the ground, the large and muscular man raised his fist and sent it downward with crippling force. Allura was defenseless as she was pummeled by who she once called her husband, after what seemed like a millennium had only been fifteen minutes of pure abuse Allura had been beaten unrecognizable. Her eyes were swollen shut and traces of bloody tears came from them, her mouth was bloody from losing teeth and her cheeks were swollen from the force of Wes' blows. Her sobs were silenced for good by a gunshot, he had killed her and he even left her uncovered for the wildlife to take the blame.
During the following week, Mason was plagued by strange events, the activity of the wolves in the area was heightened, he could hear howls every night. Each time he'd look outside his window during the night there would be a wolf standing there, staring at him. It didn't seem to have any malicious intent so the boy went outside to investigate. As he slowly approached the canine he began to reach out with his right hand, a voice startled him. A voice spoke to him that was so calm and serene, the very depths of hell would be rendered heavenly after hearing such a tone. He spun around quickly in the direction he heard the voice but he saw no one. Though when he heard the voice again it was in front of him, turning to face the one behind the voice he took a step back to see the wolf he was attempting to make contact with in front of his face. The wolf spoke to him, it seemed to talk to him telepathically, it introduced itself as a female called Moira and to follow her closely. With hesitation the boy began to follow, running as fast as he could to keep up with the female, finding it somewhat easy, the two began to maneuver over fallen trees and through the crevices of some. Mason halted and dropped to his knees, his eyes wide in shock, the sight was too much for him. His mother lied on a strange tablet, the rock was crystal-like and smooth, glowing a bright light blue it was an unnatural sight at most. The wounds Allura had were no longer present but she was no longer living. The boy began to sob loudly as he crawled through the lush foliage toward his mother's resting place, lacking the strength to walk on his own two feet. "Do you know who did this to her?" He asked aloud as he viewed Moira, the female gave a nod, she didn't even have to speak a name. Mason had already known who was responsible, his father.
He had been informed of his mother's power and had been told he had acquired them through birth but the power he had was dormant. As advised, he placed his still shaking hands on the luminescent rock, in doing that, information seemed to surround him, an light blue wind swirling around him at intense speeds. He was receiving his mother's knowledge, not only that but his powers began to reveal themselves. His muscles began to become more toned and developed as the wind began to envelope him, his eyes briefly changed from their original ash grey to an almost glowing light blue before shifting back. The process was somewhat painful as his body changed in reaction to his new found power.

Within the year he was guided and mentored by the wolf known as Moira, as the time passed he learned more and more, once he had been ready, he returned home. The very day before his birthday he came out of the forest, to his surprise his father had been waiting., rifle in hand "I'm back father, haven't you missed me?" He asked him in a serious and questioning manner as he walked toward the man, Wes responded by attempting to strike the boy. He let out a yell of pain as his hand was stopped and slowly crushed by his son, bone slowly cracked and snapped. As his father fell to a knee from sheer pain he delivered a swift kick to the man's head, as he looked up to his son with blurred vision, Mason looked down. He gave a wolfish grin before howling loudly, the wolves howled back in reply to him. Mason began to growl madly as he viciously bombarded his father with savages combinations of punches. He got up slowly, seething slightly from anger, crimson red covered his hands and part of his face. He walked into his home to see it had been unchanged, the wooden floors still had their luster as did the rest of the house. He opened a drawer nearest the sink and pulled out a single candle. He struck a match, the orange flame flickered intensely as it met the candle, it was blown out immediately. Shortly after, screams of both terror and pain could be head coming from outside, they were soon drowned out by snarls, growls, and the sounds of flesh being torn accompanied by the popping and snapping of bones. "Happy birthday to me..."


Height: 5'8

Weight: 148 lbs

Other: Don't know

Name: Cassius Hale

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Abilities/Skills: A unique understanding of Arachnid Tech and is intelligent when it comes to that in particular and when it comes to common knowledge. He was able to create his own martial art thanks to his danger sense

Powers: Superhuman Strength(Can lift 10 tons) Enhanced Speed(30 mph at sprinting pace) Superhuman durability, Danger Sense, Wall Crawling(He is not only able to stick to surfaces using his hands and feet but his back as well. The strength of the attraction between himself and the surface he is clinging to is considerable, with an upper limit of several tons per finger. If he does not detach willingly but is pulled off by force, the surface usually breaks still attached to his body. He can also run and jump up surfaces) Equilibrium(He can maintain perfect balance on any surface he sticks to, like high wires for example) Superhuman Reflexes, Enhances Agility

Weaknesses: Ethyl Cloride weakens and can even kill him

Equipment: His suit is made of a material that is both durable and flexible; HOSB threat level four and NIJ vest threat level 2 meaning it's resistant to stab and spike weapons along with armor peircing rounds. His gauntlets are "revolver action" switching to whatever web fluid he chooses(For now he only has his standard webbing) His mask as a number of vision fields(Infared, Night Vision, Thermal, Normal of course) Voice Modulator

Personality: Cassius Hale is as quiet as they come, only speaking when the situation requires it and even then he tries to refrain. He hides his emotions, making his social skills nonexistent. Despite this, he is good natured and isn't likely to let anger get the better of him, but he will take down an enemy at any cost no matter what the action does to his reputation.
History: Cassius' father was a scientist named Marcus Hale, he was a man obsessed with cracking the code of the meta gene. He began to come to conclusion that abilities like the control of energy or manipulations of shadows was a goal larger than life. He began to view the heroes and villains who received their abilities from animals. Amazed at how powerful the heroes proved to be he quickly got to work on his newest experiment, he had number of subject animals and insects to choose from. He saw promise in using spiders, he took the liberty of "aquiring" the arachnids from a science museum.

He began studying the DNA of the spiders, removing the appropriate traits and characteristics to form a DNA strand, multiple to be exact. Eager to test the results of his work but unwilling to test the airborne serum on himself he decided he'd use his wife, Laura Hale. He talked her into beng tested and quickly led her down into the basement that very day. A cylinder shaped pod awaited her, the single door opened and she stepped in. As she did, the door shut behind her and the red colored gas quickly began to fill the room. Laura began to panic as she took a breath in, the gas filled her lungs and began to burn like an intense flame, she begged and pleaded for Marcus to open the doors. He kept telling her to stay in just a little longer, that "little longer" was an hour later and her screams had already gone silent.
The scientist came to grips with what he did, he killed his wife but he couldn't just bury her body, he needed to figure out what had gone wrong. He purged the room of the serum and got her out out the chamber, had her lay on an operating table, and began to take blood samples as well as tissue samples. Several weeks passed and to his knowledge he perfected the serum's concentration levels and dosage. He last option to test on was his sixteen year old son, Cassius. Tell the boy that it would be possible for him to get powers was all the incentive he needed to give him. Cassius walked into the chamber, not really being off put by the gas that entered the room, he took steady breaths. Through the course of fifteen minutes, the serum had been absorb into his son's body.

After removing him from the room for tests, his body showed no clear signs of rejection. He amazed at how his son's body had retained eveyrthing, he exhibited abilities that he couldn't have forseen. Marcus taught his Cassius everythng he needed to know about the technology he'd be giving him. He failed to keep his greatest failure a secret from his son, Cassius reacted with anger. His father tried to apologize his best, in an attempt to gain power of his own and keep his son under his control, he loaded six cartriges of the concentrated serum and activated the chamber. There was a reason his wife died from high dose, the serum corroded her lungs like a spider's venom would and it did the same to him. Cassius lost everything to gain his powers, he swore that he'd use them right.

Weight: 145 lbs

Height: 5'7
Other: Hmm?


Character Sheet
Name: Moira(Moy-rah)
Alias: Faye, Wolf-Mother
Age: Does not age but would look to be an very large adult wolf
Gender: Female
Skill: Has vast knowledge of ancient lore and texts, photographic memory
Powers: Chi-Manipulation(She is able to manipulate her spirit energy in various ways but is limited to the amount of energy she has) Vampirism/Life-Force Absorbtion(Only works on plant-life...dormant trait), Touch of Life(Again, only works on plants...dormant trait), Enhanced Durability, Enhanced Strength, Superhuman Senses, Enhanced Senses, Enhanced Speed, Portal Creation(dormant), Technology Manipulation(Limited to her own technology...dormant) Telepathy
Weaknesses: Silver, Magic(but she can combat it very well), Wolf'sbane, Barren and Lifeless environments(Deserts, Frozen Wastelands(Unless the aurora borealis is around)
Personality: Moira is called Wolf-Mother by Mason for a reason, she is very motherly toward the boy, caring for him as if he were a wolf. She is a very dangerous, terrifying, and aggressive being when she feels Mason is being threatened in her presence.
History: Moira is the incarnation of a forest spirit, she has been watching over the forests of the world for over a millunieum. She made herself known to only one child, Mason, a boy who she saw great potential within. She was the one who guided him during the year he was without a mother. The female wolf being a telepath had taken the memories of Mason's deceased mother, Laura and implanted them into her own mind. This resulted in the two having a strong bond, even within that small year, the two were closer than any parent could be to their child. Getting Mason into the team would give her a sense of security with him. She also has a slight worry that something cataclysmic may occur.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I seriously haven't rp'ed since the site went down. I am feeling withdrawal. *starts scratching arm as eye twitches crazily*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drakel


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Drakel" said
Real Name: He was never given one and is told to find it.
Age: 17
Race: Dragon
Appearance: This is his humanoid over all costume, Which was given to him. His costume is black overall and on his costume is silvery mystical markings covering it. He was born with this strange “Birthmark” on his back… A Very detailed birthmark that appears to be almost tattoo-ish in nature. In the center, below the first dragon there is two Dragons, both eating the other’s tail, circuling the other way and inside the created circle is a magic circle in grand detail. The mask he wears though is silvery in nature and at times glows either blue or red markings all over it. His skin is tan and his muscle structure is slim/muscular… Even in his human form his eyes appear rather Draconic and are purple in nature.

In Dragon form he is very steel like in color, depending on the lighting he may look either silvery or black.
Powers: ( I go be a point system of 10/10 per level… other than his passave abilities, his abilities will be scored by 1-10)
His Magics are indeed magic in nature. He is highly resistant to telekinesis (illusions and mind control follow under this) and his magical energy flows within his blood like most dragons (Other than ancient Dragonslayer Magics, his magical energy can’t be blocked out as does his blood hold alchemical magical properties for more potent potions {He does not know this, just that it slightly burns when he touches it})

Draco-Magics: All dragons are born with a natural talent with this magic form, thus my character holds a natural talent in this magic form. This type of magic keeps him in human form and are used to increase the power of his draconic form’s body. He can make his scales tougher, claws sharper and wings stronger, as does this come with several other spells that use his magical energy. (4/10; He can turn into human and use basic Draco energies)

Pyromatic and Cryomatic magics. : He can use both of these elements in combat, breathing them out even, covering his fists in fire or even mix the two elements to create a weird form of fire/frost concoctions (Freezing fire or Burning Ice). (2/10; He can cover his hands in fire/frost and breath out the element)

Skills: He knows quite a bit about Yiquan and LongQuan as does he have a natural skill in appraisal. He is slightly knowable in a variety of certain subjects. (Math, Magic, History, Religion, Strategy, Appraisal) but is no master in any of them.
Traits: He has increased senses and attributes. He has a faster thought process than average. His scales are as tough as an alligator’s and in Dragon form he does have claws and can fly. His sense of feeling is also dulled.
Weapons: Magic, Claws, Tail, Wings, Teeth…
Magic Items: His costume’s robes and mask are said to have certain magical properties but he does now know nor understand how to use them or what they are.
Weaknesses: Being a Dragon he holds a minor allergy to Iron, Lead, & Steel that affects him in various ways. He also holds a Major Allergy to a Dragon slaying metal called Mythril. His Increased senses can also backfire greatly against him and his sense of feeling is greatly dulled. He does have a major mental weakness for certain objects of value (precious metals & gems,) and magic. Chi-energy is also able to counter most of his magics, as does his magics counter Chi-energy as well… meaning both attacks are kill and stop the other’s with ease. (Like Normal matter when it hits anti-matter, both forms of matter disappear) His nervous condition also makes his tail a rather vulnerable and sensitive spot and when touched even his dulled sense of feeling would not stop the pain. When it comes to his “Hoard” he does have a very detailed, almost flawless memory of it and if something is missing he’ll rage and get intense headaches and body aches, almost as though his body is killing itself from the thought.

His True Form is his Dragon Form so his actual abilities are greatly decreased due to the fact that most of his magical energy is being used for staying in his human appearance. When he is knocked out he will turn back to his original form.
Personality: Cunning and likes to pay attention to a variety of small details. He plays chess and card games quite a bit, often times alone as does he tend to read books quite a bit. He is ambitious and rather arrogant and loves a good fight, often, when he is bored he may challenge people he knows to a good spar and when in a serious fight he'll do whatever it takes to be the last one standing and won't give up… Finally is a certain detail that is the fact that he does have a personal nervous condition in which he tends to bite his tail constantly, especially when he is alone and thinking under pressure or surrounded by several people. He also tends to be very cautious of time and would look at his pocket watch often.
Back story: Just know that his teacher is a woman and that he has only just finished his basic training and must now continue to learn by experience and practice. His Teacher found him and trained him all his life on how to use his draconic gifts and only recently has he discovered how to take a human form. Throughout his training he always asked why he never had a name and his teacher would always tell him that he does have one, but he must earn it by discovering it and that the only way to discover it was if he trained. Thus he studied more often, trained harder and paid more attention to every lesson he was given. It took him several years to be able to take a human form and in doing such his magical ability was greatly drained constantly. Even when he was in his normal form his magical energy was still exhausted but even then he continued. It was only last year, after his first success at being able to engulf his hands in both fire and ice for two hours straight while constantly breathing a mixture of the elements was he told that he was finally ready for the outside would.

That same day his teacher cried and told him that she always loved him as her son… and that while he may not be hers by blood, she still have and will always think of him as such. Hearing these words from his mentor he felt more pride and joy then than he ever had in his life. But that was short lived for the next day his mentor was gone… completely vanished without a trace, as was her hoard. Only a small bag of gold was left for him to be his own personal hoard and that day he swore that he will find his teacher again, even thought it was strange that she vanished without any form of a trace. Thus his journey has begun.

Other: He owns 6 books of ancient texts, a very detailed chess board, a Gold Pocket watch that appears rather complex and very detailed that he tends to keep with him most of the time and a large travel-bag full of his hoard and gems that he will not be carrying with him… He Also own a strange metal shower-head that sounds as though it has metals in it for some reason.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Is there room for Jacob yet, or is it too early to tell?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Demon Mon Ami ( My friend ), it's been a long time, if you need another body for this and you'll have me I'll join.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So far we have: {Keep in mind the character's listed are only those who are currently on the team based on those I see on the OOC right now}

Kid Flash, Drakel's Dragon, Mason, Ember, Amani, Elysia, Geb, Elin, Victor, Jae-Mas

Crim I can allow Jacob if you change his element from fire to electricity. I'll leave room for Sky, Mina(I don't know if she's gonna join, because she didn't return my PM on the other site, but I thought she was gonna so I'm giving her the chance.The last position is for CorruptedShadow whom I promised ot keep in mind. .

As for Vaultboy and Whisper, I don't know what happened to them. And I kind of feel I gave sufficient time to transfer CS from the other site to here. I also feel their characters might not fit in well in the RP. So with the current team characters I mentioned and the Players I listed I will leave it at that. If I have forgotten anybody or anything I apologize. If there are complaints please for the love of god keep them to yourself.

I also feel the need to point out that I do not mean to sound like a jerk right now. Just I cannot be bothered to explain or argue. I just went back to college and don't really feel like answering for decisions I've made. I do once again apologize for any attitude I may seem to hae and any decisions I may have made which may bother people.

If I didn't say already i will be looking over Reaper's character but I'm not sure. Also... Are you ReaperZ{I think that's what it was} or just another person named Reaper?

And Spriggs... That'll be 16 which will allow me an even number to properly split up and play around with as I see fit. Also I'm thinking of the team getting split in half and having to face off at some point. It might happen. It might not. lol
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

HEy, you forgot Daigotsu XD
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