Everyone knows of the Justice League and their heroics. They even know of the young group of protégé the League train to keep the future safe. But what people don’t know is what the young heroes actually do. Young Justice is a team of the great young heroes of the current generation. What do they do? They handle the missions the Justice League don’t have the time for. Not only that, they handle more secret operations. Infiltration, recon, etc. What they do is kept secret from the public. Why? Well… The official story can be explained in 2 words. Plausible Deniability. But when it gets down to it these young Heroes can make their own rules and do as they please. So long as they remain within the limits of the hero code to an extent.
EDIT: I just realized I hadn't placed the time frame. It's meant to be about 25-35 years after the events of the series. So given that I'm going to make it the year 2044 making this about 28 years after the show's end.
I know the intro doesn’t seem like the best but please bear with me. It is hard to really explain. Still I have a few ideas of where this can go. Nothing is completely definite though.
1) We’ll need to meet. Group up. Mentors allow us to work as the covert team.
2) First mission. There’s gonna be a little trouble, but we’ll get it done.
3) Taking inspiration from Cart’s government official idea I figure a corrupt man and or woman(both?) working with someone like Queen Bee and the nation of Byalia from the shadows and perhaps other villains. We get close. Too close and because we run secret ops they find out because of their connection and frame us for something.
4) We’re now in some deep crap. We need to get various heroes including our mentors to believe we didn’t do something that one or two of us might actually have done and get the public back on our side and hopefully expose the officials.
5) We find out someone on the team actually did some thing so now we’e got some serious problems with trust and mentors.
That’s about it for now. None of it is definite with the exception of number one and 2 since those are so general and obvious. I welcome suggestions and ideas within reason. Things can be moved. Side stories. I want this to be long term and work out.
1) I accept ideas and suggestions, but I do have the final say. Depending on the subject at hand I may put it to a vote if enough people are into a certain topic. However, always keep in mind that I am the GM and I do hold the power in this RP. In addition I will have help on this. Drakel and Stry will act as Co-Gms with the power to accept and decline posts so long as proper reason is given. They cannot ban members of this RP, but will bring problems to my attention so I can do so if need be.
2) As far as characters go I believe it goes without saying that I don’t want to see any godmodding, powerplaying, overpowered characters, Mary sues, Gary sues, etc. So don’t do it.
3) I want characters to start off at a fair and somewhat even level. I want them to have room to grow not only personality wise, but power wise as well.
4) Please keep arguments to a minimum in the OOC. If it has to do with RP I will try to help resolve it. Otherwise, drop it or take it to PM.
5) As heroes we won’t be killing. It’s kind of hero Code. Although we may be forced to break the rules while on the run so some of us may need to be prepared. Still primarily the rule is no killing until I say otherwise.
6) Please be active. I understand that there are times when we cannot post or things come up. RL is important. You don’t have to talk about it if it’s personal, but drop a message or something if you can.
7) Be sarcastic, be playful, do whatever to have fun and enjoy yourself so long as it isn’t at the expense of someone else.
Character Sheet
Age: {Under 18, please and thank you. I’m thinking from 14-16.}
Abilities/Skills: {Things you can learn, study, practice, etc.}
Powers: {Super powers that you gain from birth, mutation, heritage, etc.}
Equipment: {Items, weapons, etc. Stuff your character carries like all the time. Don’t get lethal on my. Or at least fight in the nonlethal way.}
Personality: {At least 4-5 sentences.}
History: {At least 2 paragraphs. Come on. There has to be something.}
Appearance: {Description or image(Animated images preferred). Please add your characters height and weight. That can’t really be portrayed through an image.}
Other: {I might have missed some things}
My Character{Complete for me}
Name: Nathaniel Bartholomew Allen
Alias: Kid Flash (Or KF for short)
Age: 15
Gender: Male
1) Nathaniel is gifted with a photographic memory, meaning he can memorize anything he has ever seen, heard, read. Anything. This comes in handy a lot.
2) While he isn't a genious Nate is highly intelligent noted, by his ability to not only memorize thanks to his memory, but also take in and comprehend high levels of information. He's smart.
3) He is skilled in gymnastics, parkour and both armed and unarmed combat. He is very far from being an expert, but he is adept.
"Nate has, by far, the most potential I've ever seen in a speedster." Were the words spoken by Barry Allen to Bart. It is true. Nathaniel's powers as a speedster far exceed the expectations of the heroes before him. However, he has yet to realize this potential. He can currently only run at supersonic speeds as opposed to much of the light speeds shown by The Flash and can only just barely tap into the speed force. He has a long way to go.
1) Nate doesn't understand at the moment, but he is mentally blocking his powers. It is unclear what happened, but something traumatic caused him to block off a fair amount of his speedster powers. While he is as fast as part he cannot utilize many of the techniques and abilities he should as a speedster and even keeps his link with the Speed Force partially severed.
2) Nate although unable to be hurt by most viruses and what not can still be killed by normal human means.
3) Nate’s metabolism functions several times faster than normal, so he must constantly take in large quantities of food to maintain his energy. Whether or not it tastes good is not a primary concern. For emergency situations in which he must be away from food for more than 24 hours, Jake keeps food in hidden compartment on his gloves.<--- A suggestion from Bart.
4) Nate is claustrophobic to a point where he’ll freak out and do anything he can to get out of wherever he is in. If he can’t he’ll probably just shut down due to the fear.
5) Nate’s temper over his mother and father being insulted or bad mouthed can make him do things that could get him in serious trouble.
6) His somewhat reckless attitude when it comes to his heroics can get him into some serious trouble.
1) New Kid Flash Suit made to Nate's design with a little help from Bart and Rose.
2) Snacks which are kept in the compartments on his gloves
3) Other little things.
Personality: In a nutshell Nathaniel serves as the relative outgoing joker and girl crazy speedster. He's a lot like his father and the late Wally West in many of those aspects. However unlike them he can get very serious much quicker than one would expect should the time call for it. This is most likely the influence of his mother. In addition, he has a bit of a short fuse when it comes to people bad mouthing his father or his mother, especially if they try to bring up her troubling past or question them altogether. He has nothing, but admiration for them. He's also very protective of the people he cares about. He’d do near anything for them. Nathaniel is pretty helpful, more so for girls than guys, but still helpful. And above all he could never sit still while someone needed his help. In this aspect of heroics he could end up getting himself into some really bad trouble since he’s one to help and jump into action first and question later. Not always the best.
History: It was about 4 years after the events surrounding the Reach Invasion that Bart Allen met the woman who would later become his wife and the mother of his child. Although at the time he didn’t know it. Especially since she was on the opposite side of the moral spectrum. He was a hero and she was to say the least a mercenary. Her name was Rose Wilson. Bart came face to face with her on multiple occasions. They seemed to have a mutual love/hate relationship. Of course, the love in that wasn’t really figure out for another 5 years.
By that time it was 2025. This year something happened. Nobody would say Rose pulled a 180, but she did decide to change her ways. She wanted to escape her life and her father. However, she ended up getting stuck in a tough spot. She was in trouble, but like any hero would do Bart saved her and help her get herself together. A year later, March 8, 2026 to be exact, the two had a relationship. They already knew each other quite well due to the meetings and situations they’d been in throughout their respective hero and villain careers. There were people who didn’t like it and many who thought she couldn’t really change, but Bart trusted in her. It paid off because on July 21, 2028 the two married.
That wasn’t the end of the story though. On May 13, 2029 the next chapter of their lives began. This was the day Rose gave birth to their son Nathaniel Bartholomew Allen. With Bart and Rose each about 26 or so they seemed to be ready. And in their line of business you couldn’t really afford to wait too long. So they went into a brief retirement. Raising and teaching their son the basics of normal life. At least until he began to show signs of having powers. His father’s powers to be exact. With that the normal learning became training. He needed to learn control and how to defend himself. And of course, the choice of what he would do with life was completely his. He didn’t make that choice until he was 13. Normal life? Or hero life? Boring, but safe? Fun, but dangerous? Needless to say he chose the latter and become Kid Flash. With that he and his parents became heroes. His parents join the current Justice League and his was a side kick. It wasn’t until 2 years later that the team was reinstated and he was made a part of it. Now he’s technically on his own. All of the sidekicks or young heroes are. But they have each other. Right?
Appearance: Appearance wise he takes a bit more after his mother. Not power wise though. Nathaniel stands at about 5’6” weighing approximately 134 lbs. It’s pretty much all muscle despite his large food intake. He maintains a lean yet muscular physique. As far as his uniform goes, the headset which normally rests on his ears can be pulled down (in case you can't read the notes.) And they serve multiple purposes. Music, communication, etc. Switches on the headphones can change the settings on the electronic lenses on his suit for various vision modes. He also has compartments for snacks on each glove around the wrist-forearm area. Electricity can be discharged from the fingertips of his gloves. The energy is not limitless, but it seems as such since they are kinetically charge with the impacts of his movements. Meaning he can’t just wave his arms. He has to punch or kick something for the units to charge. Finally the spike like protrusions near his elbows are in fact dangerous. They stab and slash. Although he wouldn’t use them on an enemy who he knew wouldn’t be able to handle the damage.

Other: N/A
Name: Unknown
Alias: Red X
Age: 16
Gender: Male
- Peak Human Conditioning: Due to his training with the current Batman, Dick Grayson, Red X possesses peak athletic strength and endurance. He has displayed peak human strength, agility, reflexes, and endurance because of his training at a young age.
- Peak Human Strength: Red X possesses enough strength to break a holographic construct of Bane's back, throw a criminal through a concrete wall, throw a refrigerator and use a bed as a weapon. He had even been able to damage Blockbuster.
- Peak Human Agility: X possesses peak athletic levels of agility. He is one of the 4 people able to do a quadruple backflip. His agility also enables him to survive at heights that would even concern the likes of Superman and Starfire.
- Peak Human Speed: X possesses peak human speed, able to keep up with and even catch his mentor on a good day.
- Peak Human Reflexes: He possesses enough skill to detect a Sniper and evade bullets at point blank range.
- Peak Human Endurance: He is able to go for 3 days straight with no sleep and is capable of holding his breath for 5 minutes from training with Batman
- Peak Human Durability: He is able to withstand attacks from Blockbuster, who possesses Superhuman Strength, and Osiris.
- Amazing Acrobat: While not on the level of Dick Grayson, X is a prodigious natural athlete and acrobat, possessing a peak human level of agility/acrobatic skills. He is arguably the second greatest human acrobat in the world. He is the one of the three people in the world who can pull off a quadruple flip.
- Intimidation: He is skilled enough to get Scarecrow, who only fears Batman, to talk and can single handedly contain a riot.
- Skilled Detective: Having been trained by the current greatest detective in the world he is currently just as skilled as some of the better DC Detectives like Tim Drake.
- Leadership: He is also a brilliant and experienced leader with superlative team skills.
- Near Expert Martial Artist: Due to his training, X has learned dozens of martial arts disciplines, with an emphasis on Aikido and Eskrima, taught to him by Grayson. Aikido, Boxing, Capoeira, Eskrima, Hapkido, Judo, Ninjitsu, Savate, Taijiquan, Wing Chun.
- Weapon Proficiency: Due to his training with Batman, he has displayed skilled in various weaponry like Shurikens(Wing-Dings, x shuriken, Batarangs), Eskrima Sticks, staffs, spears and swords.
- Multilingualism: Having had the finest education as under Grayson’s watch, he speaks with fluency in English, French, Chinese, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, German, Swahili, Mandarin, Cantonese, and is possibly fluent in other languages. He has some knowledge of the alien language of Tamaran.
- Stealth: He is capable of breaching high security facilities without being detected. He is also skilled enough to even sneak away and keep hidden from Speedsters.
- Expert Hacker: He is skilled enough to hack into the Justice League emergency override codes.
- Indomitable Will: Like his mentor, he has a very strong will. He is able to resist potent fear toxins as well as certain forms of mind control, etc.
- Expert Escapologist: Due to his training with the current Batman, he possess extreme skill in escapology.
- Expert Marksman: X seems to be skilled enough to use modified Shuriken(X shuriken) to hit thugs at a great distance with his eyes closed and disarm others with them. He is also capable of using firearms, as he was trained to do so should the need arise.
- Genius Level Intelligence: Although not super he has vast knowledge of different fields. He often shows this when in use with his Detective skills or rather criminal skills. He was intelligent enough to build his own "X Rider"(motorcycle), fool a polygraph and maintain his highly advanced Red X suit.
- Tracking: X is a skilled tracker able to do so even without the help of technology.
- Disguise: X is a skilled disguise artist.
- Driving: X is a very capable driver be it a car or motorcycle.
Strength level
Red X possesses the peak human strength of a man that has intense physical workouts at the height and weight of 5'8" 163 lbs. He is able to lift at least twice his own body weight; enabling to press lift 320 lbs.
Powers: Red X has no super powers of his own.
Weaknesses: Aside from the fact that he is simply human and susceptible to nearly everything that can kill a human his suit also runs on the element xenothium. He needs it to be powered and while the power lasts he will always need more to sustain it. So if it runs out and he has none on him he’s left without a good 80% of his tech and gadgets.
Equipment: Red X's powers derive from his suit's belt. The belt relies on power from a (possibly artificial) element called Xenothium. The suit is also fitted with an invisibility or cloaking device, and a teleportation device. The palms of his gloves can also form x-shaped (possibly nano-moleculary created) manifestations which can act as shuriken, wrist-mounted blades, restraints (by constriction or adhesion), timed explosives, instant openings, or any other conceivable function.
Personality: Red X although a very capable leader and holding many qualities of a hero is simply out for himself in the long run. You could be his partner for years and that wouldn’t matter if it came down to what benefits him the most. He’s the type to joke in the middle of a fight. A bit talkative at times, but he can back it up. He’s very confident. Almost arrogant in a sense, but if you were as good as him you would be too.
History: Little to nothing is known about Red X. He seemed to just show up out of nowhere one day. But we all know that would be impossible. In fact he did once have a life. A nice normal one. For about 5 years that is. After that his life took a turn for the worse. His father was killed and his mother pretty much abandoned him. He couldn’t believe it. However he was found. Who found him? Red Robin, Tim Drake. He brought the young boy to Dick Grayson. He didn’t think he could take care of him, but Dick could. He definitely could. The two both had a bit of influence on the boy, but they couldn’t shake him of his subconscious fear and distrust of others.
After years of training and working with the current Batman he left. He even took the suit they’d all been working on together for when he was ready to make his hero Debut. That was a few years ago. And suddenly someone has popped up. Someone only Dick and Tim are likely to know should they find out he has resurfaced.

Other: {I might have missed some things}