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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Xeroth glanced over to where his fireball exploded in huge cacaphony of red and orange. "Heh, your bluster amuses me worm." Xeroth heaved up his tail and smashed in down on the 'roof', causing a tremor that knocked a bit more of the ceiling into the room. The poor facility was just having no luck today. "I doubt you know anything about the dragon balls but if I bust you up maybe that scientist lady will loosen her tongue and maybe you'll even be able to help me warm-up!" Completely focused on Wolf, Xeroth was very quickly forgetting that he was not alone, his instincts already starting to take over. Xeroth got down on all fours like a lizard and almost as soon as he had, bolting toward Wolf at an incredible speed for such a large body. Quickly closing the gap Xeroth launched himself forward, claws extended in an attempt to catch the saiyan in his grasp and let his massive weight and muscle provide the rock demolishing power he was capable of.

Glacier listened to the beast's words with intense interest, "A demon you say? So this creature is of this planet?" Glacier asked Maximus as she watched the drama unfold before their eyes. She could not help but make a mental note at the creature's mention of dragon balls, could the creature be talking about the legendary items that Freiza tried to collect all those years ago? It was too soon to be certain, for now she would wait to see if intervention would be necessary.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Violet had heard all the was said and saw all the was done, from a combination of her own sensitive hearing, and the security cameras. She sighed, and began to fly through the air to where Xeroth and Wolf were fighting. She flew right past them both, and turned round.

"Oh, for Kami's sake! Can we have ten minutes without fighting?

Look, there's a dragon radar at the old Red Ribbon army headquarters, and according to my intel, they used to be made at the old Capsule Corp building. I would take you to those places just to stop this nonsense, but why do you want the dragonballs? If your wish is to rule the world or something like that, then we will not cooperate."
Kaliflur had passed out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Xeroth was about to hit home when Violet mentioned a dragon radar and his reptillian eyes widened in surprise as he looked over toward her. "Really-" was as far as he got since he was already full steam ahead, missed Wolf and rammed into the mountainside with a huge smash, putting some serious cracks in solid stone. Xeroth stumbled back a bit from the impact, shook his head and righted himself back onto his hind legs. Xeroth was still itching to crush Wolf but that would have to wait as this bit of intel was too important to pass up. A rock from above smashed down on his head but he barely noticed it as it split apart over his head.

"If you would take me to the place you speak of and locate the dragon radar for me that would greatly speed up our search for the rest of them. As for their use, it is not for something so petty as conquerering this puny world. All Tyrus-sama wishes is to eternally open up the gateway between this world and our demon one. Once the gateway is eternally open demons will pour in from our parallel dimension opening up new possibilites for demon-kind as we scatter ourselves throughout the cosmos! Well at least that's kind of the speech he gave us, frankly I think he's mostly just trying to amuse himself but whatever the case this world will forever be changed as it melds together with the demon dimension!"

Xeroth brought a claw up to his head and concentrated as he quickly relayed his new information through their madoshi friend. His concentration was interrupted however by Glacier, "If I have heard correctly essentially your master's wish is to allow his dimension to invade this one. Humph, this planet certainly doesn't need to be invaded twice through I have a feeling these demons might stand a better chance when the dark saiyans come to finish us off. However I have a feeling none of us would be around long enough to see the two forces clash."

Xeroth snorted, "As if I give a pea what happens to you guys after the gateway is forced open. You'd better show be where those dragon radars are located if you want even a chance for survival."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 15 days ago

as Xeroth finished speaking, a buzzing sound could be heard, it was getting louder, then a flaming disc sped past Xeroth barley touching the tip of his nose, as it continued it cut into the mountain going clean through it like it was nothing, when it pierced through the other side before it dispersed into flames. in the air above them hovered Amber, a look of anger in her eye's, in her right hand she held another flaming disc ready to be thrown
"hey leather neck... if you want a chance of survival I suggest you leave and fly as fast as you can, because the first disc was a warning..." she warned as the disc in her right hand began spinning, slowing she hovered down so she was eye level with Xeroth
"I don't intend to miss with the second..." her voice dripped with burning venom as she glared into Xeroths eye's
Maximus hovered in place, his arms loosely hanging at his sides as he watched events unfold, he then looked to his left as he began to wirelessly hack into a satellite in orbit, when he had control he used it's camera to zoom in on a certain area, the abandoned red ribbon army base headquarters, if he was to believe what the demon said, then he couldn't let it happen, if there was a dragon radar of some sort hidden within the base, he had to destroy it, when he got the base's exact location he opened his right hand as a silver orb formed in it, it crackled with an electric hum as it grew to the size of a large baseball, he funneled energy into the sphere in his hand making it glow brightly, without a second thought he reeled back his hand and threw the orb in the direction on the red ribbon base, within seconds the orb vanished over the horizon as I sped toward it's target, Maximus turned to face the demon just before Amber had thrown a flaming disc at it, he was going to engaged the demon, but he wanted to see what was going to happen
as a breeze flows through the empty red ribbon base, in a cracked glass case, a rusted dragon radar rested, as the sun set and the sky darkened, a bright silver light lit the horizon as a silver orb sped over it, as it closed in it dived through a hole in the roof and kept going, seconds later silver light began to glow through every window, every crack and hole in the building before the whole complex was enveloped in a massive explosion, the tree's surrounding the area were blown over as a mushroom cloud plumed into the sky, the red ribbon army base was no more
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Xeroth rubbed his snout where the tip of the flame disc had grazed him, feeling quite uncomfortable. Yet another figure had gotten in his way, a female with power over flames. "How dare you try to injure my illustrious snout..and what did that tin can just do!" Xeroth noticed a silvery orb shoot away from Maximus who had recently got within his vision, though somewhat in the background. He stared for a moment as the orb flew away and his reptilian brain cells tried to put two and two together. Then he realized since the machine had not targeted him the only other explanation had to be...as he thought about its destination the red ribbon base was annihilated and Xeroth's mouth dropped open in realization.

"No no no! Do you realize how long it takes to find those bloody things without a radar! I'm gonna be stuck guarding that sniveling worm and rummaging through lakes and caves for weeks!" As the dragon demon complained his ki started to spike rapidly, a sign of his growing rage and frustration. A burning like aura started to rage around his body and fire started to randomly spew out of his mouth whenever he opened it. "UNFORGIVABLE!" Giving himself over to instinct he charged with reckless abandon at the closest target, which at this point happened to be Amber but what he did was quite unexpected.

As he lunged straight for Amber's spinning disc of destruction, opened his jaw and bit down on the disc, while the disc should of cut him severely instead when he chomped down on it and his own fire enveloped the disc his teeth snapped the disc like it was a biscuit and merely let his own immense girth smash into Amber, shoving her aside with ferocity. Glacier instantly took action and torpedoed down at the beast, firing her death beams into his hide. Xeroth covered his face with a scaled arm, the death beams merely exploded on impact instead of penetrating his flesh. Xeroth instantly counterattacked with one of his wings, leaving Glacier no room to maneuver she took the full impact of the wing, knocking her back into the air, but she was able to right herself and prevent further injury. "His hide is tough."

Xeroth didn't bother to retort and merely shot flames from his mouth at whoever was nearby. While he spread his own brand of flames the lizard reached down and tore a chunk of concrete roofing from the ever expanding hole in the ceiling and flung it at Maximus in retaliation of his dragon radar snipe. The first battle with the demons had begun in earnest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 15 days ago

Amber's eye's widened in surprise when Xeroth shattered her inferno disc with his teeth before he smashed into her, she fell to the roof and landed on her feet before she raised her arms to block some stray flames that were coming from Xeroth, she watched as Glacier attacked, taking note to how tough his hide was
"then I'll burn his hide until it's brittle..." Amber said as she closed her right hand into a fist as flaming energy enveloped it, she then thrust her right hand forward and opened it, aiming at Xeroths back
"Blast Burn!"
she exclaimed as a condensed beam of superheated flaming energy fired from her right hand and sped toward Xeroth's back after he threw a piece of the roof at Maximus
Maximus showed no sighs of flinching at the Demons words, he merely hovered in place while Xeroth spoke, his scanners indicated that the Demons power level began to increase, he took note of it, and that the Demons hide might be hard to get through as he observed Glaciers death beam simply exploded on contact with his hide instead of piercing through it, as Maximus hovered in place he watched as Xeroth threw a chunk of the roof at him, as it closed in Maximus raised his right arm and chopped the metal chunk in two, making the two pieces of the roof fly past him
"The longer it takes you to find the Dragon Balls, the longer we have to stop you from endangering humanity..." Maximus droned to the Demon as he hovered down to the roof, after his metal feet clanked onto the metal surface he calmly got into a defensive stance on the roof about five meters or so away from the Demon as it raged just before Amber fired her attack at it
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Wolf stood firm as he watched the fighting escalate before him, his fists clenched in annoyance as he watched the human fire girl attempt to do battle with the dragon being.He had enough of it, the attack that Amber had fired immediately caught his attention, the saiyan disappeared from where he stood in the instant, moving at a blinding speed. The attack Amber sent barreling toward the dragon's back was stopped, seemingly by nothing until Wolf's distorted image began to appear. His palms pressed against the beam opposite sides forcing it to stay in place Wolf was clearly straining, his grunts and growls were making that evident as he tired to hold back the blast, the attack began to violently flare before it was directed out into the air. Wolf was seething with rage and exhaustion , smoke rising off of his hands as he looked toward Amber with angered eyes. Before the flaming girl could even react he appeared behind her, his elbow thudding into the back of her head, incapacitating her. His eyes then locked onto Glacier, speeding toward the ice-jinn with incomprehensible speed, his fist aiming to make impact into her chest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 15 days ago

Amber's eye's widened in surprise as she watched her attack get deflected into the sky, anger filled her as she tried to glare at the one who got in the way, then before she could react she felt a sharp pain at the back of her head, the light in her eye's became faded as she fell to her knees before falling foreword going face first into the metal roof, knocked out cold, her power level dropped dramatically until it stopped just below 1
Maximus watched as Wolf blocked and deflected Amber's attack before knocking her out, Wolf's actions confused Maximus as he tried to think why he attacked her
'what reason did he have to attack Amber? she was just trying to stop a threat, it would appear that Wolf is going to attack Glacier as well, why is Wolf doing this?, the Demon attacked us and they were defending themselves and others, does he want the fight all to himself? if that is so, then this behaviour is intolerable, I will not allow this to continue' as Maximus thought this, less then a second had past when he was in thought, then he vanished, without warning Maximus appeared in front of Glacier to intercept Wolf, as Wolf closed in Maximus positioned himself in a defensive stance as he readied to catch Wolf's punch in his left hand and counter if Wolf was to lash out at him instead
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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"One final question, demon," Droned Violet, who had passively watched the fighting take place.

"Could you race be reasoned with? This planet is your home too. Might an alliance be formed between demon and man to protect it from the Dark Saiyans, and any other alien threats that may be coming? With our dimensions combined, Earth would truly be a force to be reckoned with.

If so, I will escort you to Capsule Corp. If, however, your race will invade us by force regardless of any attempt to reason, then one of us will die honorably, fighting for what we believe in. That seems a fair and simple choice to me."
Kaliflur was dreaming.

In her dream, all the men in her tribe were angry with her. She'd failed them. Planet Vegeta was exploding above them before her very eyes. There were Dark Saiyans surrounding their tribe, chuckling at how weak the last of the Purebloods had become. It was true. Though we had gained honor, we had all become weak. They kept the old ways, and they grew stronger than the old race. Maybe that's what we should have done too.

The moment she thought that, the scene changed. In front of her lay every dead life form ever killed by the Saiyan race. Every Tuffle, every Arlian, every being from every planet they had conquered. There were even humans in there. The sheer scale of this mass graveyard in front of her eyes was more than she could take.

No. They had grown weaker, but it had been worth it. It was basic decency to avoid the need for this carnage, never mind honor. If they should die out completely because she died fighting a weak Dark Saiyan who still trumped her at her strongest, that would be a far better fate than living a hundred years as a Dark Saiyan. We were better than them.

Kaliflur awoke completely restored, full to the brim with energy, and a new sense of purpose. She could feel her new power surging through her, and up above, she sensed a fight going on. She had no context, so she looked around the interior of the lab for Alice Briefs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

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R'yak watched as a new being came to the lab and got into a fight with Amber. He was not too concerned since there were so many of them in the area, but when he saw Wolf go after Glacier, R'yak's anger flared and he powered up to charge after the saiyan.

"Get away from her you evil monkey!" he shouted as he charged up energy into his power gloves and was aiming to hit the saiyan with a powerful punch. He didn't care what the reasons for Wolf attacking, all R'yak cared about was hurting the saiyan for trying to attack his ally.
Djin Ra gave a sigh as more fighting broke out and he kept his eyes on the dragon like creature, waiting for it to make another move.
Orin griped his staff tightly and prepared for another attack from the being before him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Glacier was surprised when she suddenly felt Maximus come up near her to block Wolf's attack. The actions of the saiyan were incomprehensible at the moment, still the robot would be able to block him for a bit, her attention was still mostly riveted on the dragonoid.

Xeroth tried to take in everything that was happening but neither his disposition nor his position gave him much clarity on the matter, all he knew was that there were a lot of targets. "I'll crush you all-" but then he suddenly stopped as the madoshi made telepathic contact with him.

"Xeroth I can sense you're having fun, but Tyrus-sama doesn't want you to hog it all for yourself. Retreat for now and continue the search, you did manage to procure some useful information after all such as that capsule corp location."

Xeroth's eye widened in indignation and while he could have just spoke in his mind he kind of forgot and therefore gave everyone around him one-half of a conversation. "But I could crush them all right now before they have a chance to get in the way! It would be so simple!"

"Oh, so you're saying you're willing to go against His wishes?"

Xeroth growled in annoyance at what the little troll was insinuating. "Grr, fine I'll leave them alone for now but if I see them again," He shot an angry glare at everyone before him and huffed out a plume of smoke, "I can't promise I won't crush em."

"All in good time I'm sure but for now hurry up! You have other things to do!"

"Understood." Xeroth grunted and his power level started to level out, the flaming aura vanished and he flew up into the air. "You're lucky this time but if you get in my way in the future, I'll be sure to break you!" With a final snort the demon jetted away, leaving the headquarters more damaged than before.

Glacier watched him sail away but readied herself to attack Wolf if the need rose.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Haaa!" Wolf exclaimed as his fist made contact, not with the one he wanted though, instead it was metallic hand that he impacted into. The force of the attack cause a minor shockwave, the saiyan growling as he stared into the soulless, eyes of Maximus. He noticed how his arm was now, electricity surging as if he was injured, in that arm, maybe he underestimated Wolf. He repressed every urge to chase the leaving enemy but now he was just glad the nightmare was over, for the most part anyway. He forcefully pulled his fist away from the machine and glared at him, floating back down into the destroyed lab.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

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Maximus felt the impact of Wolf's fist in his hand, he didn't take Wolf's rage into account which gave him a power boost, thus Maximus's arm was damaged, lucky for him Wolf was still recovering otherwise the damage would have been worse, but not by much, he watched as Wolf descended into the lab just narrowly evading R'yaks attack, when he was out of sight Maximus held up his left arm in front of him and looked at it, watching as electricity surged around it, it could be fixed, he lowered him arm and turned his head to watch as Xeroth flew away, Maximus seemed to relax slightly before turning to face Glacier
"are you unharmed?" he droned to Glacier as he turned his head slightly allowing a knocked out Amber to get into his view
As Wolf descended into the lab, an angered Alice was waiting for him, when he got close enough for him to hear her she spoke up
"What the Hell was that about?!" she exclaimed, her hands curled into fists
"what?, if you cant have the 'honor' of being the only one to fight someone or something that attack us you go and attack the our allies so they can't interfere, is that it?!" she yelled at him while pointing an accusing finger towards him
"I know your a dark saiyan, but you have seriously got to get over that dark saiyan honor and pride thing if you even want the slightest chance of being able to stop the dark saiyan invasion, you can't go and turn on you allies in fight unless you want you chances of success to drop dramatically" she scolded in a serous tone with a stern glare as she lowered her arm before crossing her arms and turning away from him
"on top of repairing the lab, I have to put out a warning to the capsule corporation branch on my company... fortunately for us that demon and his friends wont find what their looking for" she said with a slight chuckle and a grin before she frowned slightly
"but that just means they'll tear down every capsule corp. building they find while looking for it..." she said with a slightly frustrated look as she walked up to her desk and picked up her data-pad, sending out a warning to all the capsule corp. buildings world wide, that way even if the demons did attack them, they'd be ready
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Violet grunted in annoyance that her ultimatum got no answer, and tailed Xeroth as he flew away, keeping a respectable distance but not exactly being subtle or inconspicuous.
Kaliflur entered the room with Alice and Wolf, stretching.

"Okay, I missed something. What's going on?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

NacNak said
"What the Hell was that about?!" she exclaimed, her hands curled into fists"what?, if you cant have the 'honor' of being the only one to fight someone or something that attack us you go and attack the our allies so they can't interfere, is that it?!" she yelled at him while pointing an accusing finger towards him"I know your a dark saiyan, but you have seriously got to get over that dark saiyan honor and pride thing if you even want the slightest chance of being able to stop the dark saiyan invasion, you can't go and turn on you allies in fight unless you want you chances of success to drop dramatically" she scolded in a serous tone with a stern glare as she lowered her arm before crossing her arms and turning away from him"on top of repairing the lab, I have to put out a warning to the capsule corporation branch on my company... fortunately for us that demon and his friends wont find what their looking for" she said with a slight chuckle and a grin before she frowned slightly"but that just means they'll tear down every capsule corp. building they find while looking for it..." she said with a slightly frustrated look as she walked up to her desk and picked up her data-pad, sending out a warning to all the capsule corp. buildings world wide, that way even if the demons did attack them, they'd be ready

"Had I let everyone fight, your precious lab would be in ruins..." He said to her, it was the truth after all, if they had kept fighting, she'd have nothing left. He glared at the female, had she any gratitude for what he was trying to do for her? Apparently not it seemed, with that type of ungratefulness, he began to wonder, what would they do if he did help them defend their pathetic planet? Would they just try to kill him as a proper thanks for his service to the earth? "You don't seem to know anything about honor or what my intentions are! If you honestly think for a second, that I'm stopping them to help you, you're sadly mistaken!" He snapped at her, his fist arced back in an aggressive posture. He turned his head in reaction to the voice of the female saiyan, Kaliflur. "It would seem my help is unappreciated.." He said as he crossed his arms, leaving the room, hiding his pained grunts as he willing himself to walk, his internal damage still taking a toll on him, he managed to get to a training room, the door sliding open in front of him, weakly stumbling in and assuming a stance. "Let's go..." He spoke through pained pants as a training droid began to materialize in front of him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Xeroth had been flying for a while, still in a bit of a steam at having been interrupted but orders were orders. As such he was not exactly paying attention to his surroundings and so was quite surprised when he got another telepathic message from the madoshi saying, "what do you think you're doing! Don't lead an enemy right to me!" The little goblin screamed in his mind making Xeroth wince a bit.

"What are you talking about!" Xeroth grunted and turned around to see Violet trailing him, "nevermind, I see it. Guess I'll smash her and be done with it." Xeroth clenched his fists and was about to charge the android when Tyrus stepped into the telepathic conversation.

"No, I want to meet this person myself, stay where you are so we can get a reading on your position." Back at their 'hideout' Tyrus nodded to the Madoshi who looked a little intimidated at Tyrus's sudden appearance.

"Ahem, yes of course." The little goblin creature raised his hands and started to chant and with a wave of his arms, Tyrus was teleported to Xeroth's location. Tyrus was nothing if not elegant, with his long white hair and thing dark blue umbrella he was the spitting image of an ancient aristocrat. He gazed over at Violet with soft, golden eyes and started to 'walk', on air, toward her.

"A pleasure to make your aquaintance my lady, I just had to see one of the individuals who were going to give young Xeroth here a hard time." Every move and action the demon made seemed to telegraph himself as being above all others, though in a way that showed amusement rather than contempt for those below him. "Forgive his actions," he motioned to Xeroth in a careless manner, "he will do anything to please me and can get rather overambitious." He chuckled a bit while covering his mouth with an oversized kimono sleeve and stopped a short way from Violet. "So to what do I owe the pleasure?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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(Bah site glitched)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Violet saluted Tyrus as she would anyone in a higher position than a Colonel.

"I will get straight to business. There is a powerful alien threat approaching earth, and I believe if our dimensions join forces, we have a much better chance at repelling these invaders. Of course, that requires peace and cooperation from both parties."
Kaliflur folded her arms.

"Still don't know what's going on, Alice, but when you get a Dark Saiyan talking about 'honor', there's something wrong with the rest of the picture. He seemed to be fighting in order to defend the lab. Now, maybe my conclusions are more hasty than they should be, but maybe he attacked the other warriors because they were a bigger threat to this base than whatever they were attacking.

Let's face it, if I've learned anything about the rest of our little team, it's that they're all primitives who are quick to violence before thought. Did all the honor here die out with Vegeta or something?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Wolf was being kicked, punched, blasted, and thrown around the room, he was defenseless against the combat droid he fought against. His body too slowly and wounded to react fast enough, he was a bruised mess. "Is t-that all?" He said in a pained voice, trying to struggle back to his feet only to feel a tightness around his through and his body being suspended off of the floor.Gasping desperately for air, Wolf weakly trying to fight back, two hands place on wrist and forearm of his opponent, trying to pry it away. His ice-jinn opponent squeezing tighter before one hand gripped the dark saiyan's ankle, slamming him onto the ground. An elbow came down on Wolf's leg, just were his joint was, a loud snap sounding as he immediately screamed. A hand covering his mouth, one of his hands released the one at his throat to pry away the one at his mouth, pain and anger sounding from the screams. A bright blue light before escaping Wolf's mouth an attack was charging, threatening to blow his head off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 15 days ago

Alice grit her teeth to Wolf's words, a look of anger on her as she listened to him 'goes to show you what you know Wolf, if everyone fought, I'm sure Maximus would had made sure the lab was protected from harm, and I don't know anything about honor? Ha!, I know every definition of honor and every use for the word, as for your intentions, they might have been to protect the lab but they were completely irrational! and it doesn't matter if you're stopping the dark saiyans for your own reasons, if you fight them you're helping us whether you mean to or not...' she thought to herself, unknowingly electricity was jumping around her dangerously as she glared at Wolf when he left, then her glare was directed to Kaliflur when she spoke
"sure at first he seemed to be fighting to defend the lab, but then he got the bright idea the to "help" us by helping the one attacking by attacking our allies!" Alice said in an angered tone
"and I assure you, that Maximus would have done his best to protect this facility with minimal damage done to it, even if it was from our allies, so Wolf's actions were unnecessary... and maybe some on our little team are primitives, But Maximus is anything but Primitive... I should know.. I built him..." Alice finished in a slightly hurt tone as she began to calm down
"and there are more ways to show honor then by fighting with it or for it..." she said quietly as she left the lab with her data-pad in hand
Maximus walked over to Amber's unconscious body and picked her up bridal style then he turned to face Glacier, he assumed she was okay and nodded to her before he jumped into the hole in the roof, he floated down to the floor before making his way out of the lab and heading towards the medical bay to drop off Amber
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