Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Far to the north of the Sentrial capital of Edinburg a lone figure trudges through the knee high snow as he made his way to the abandoned Order outpost build into the side of the large mountain. The man had chosen this place for the meeting because of its hard to reach location and isolation from any inquiring eyes. Soon the large steel gates leading to the cavernous cave could be seen through the screen of white snow that was being whipped around by the strong wind and the man hurried past the cracked gate to take shelter from the elements outside. Outpost Akamor had been built into a monstrous cave which was large enough to house a small village if it had not been found by the Order fist, it was rumored that the cave had been home to a giant's tribe before they were forced out by the knights.

The cloaked figure made his way around the rundown barracks and training grounds until he came across building with a worn out sign reading Officer's lounge. Varrik stepped into the door less room to see that there was no furniture in the room and a large barren bar at the far corner. He fished into his jacket to pull out a copy of the letter that had been sent out to all known locations of the surviving Revival members to make sure that this was the place he had instructed them all to meet up. Varrik had been Second-in-Command of Revival under the former leader and mentor to him and he saw this as his time to rise up and bring the team back together to finish what they had started.

First he would have to convince those head strong bastards that he was worth following into battle once more and knew that that would be a task in itself. The former knight drew on his magic to create a stool of ice made from the moisture in the cave so that he was able to use to sit at the bar with his back to the door as he waited for the others to show up. Setting the letter on the bar top, his hand went back under his cloak to pull out a bottle of ale that would help him pass as he hoped others would show up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Varrik did not have much time to enjoy his drink as he heard a sudden voice break through the silence. "So ..." Kayla had always been one of the stealthier of the knights, as her agility and grace allowed her to step with hardly a sound. Apparently even without her weapon, she had mastered masking her presence until she wanted it to be known. As Varrik turned, he could see her leaning the small of her back against one of the window ledges, reading over the letter one last time. After a quick moment, she lowered her arm and looked at the ice mage with a slight smirk. "Attempting another rebellion? ... there's less of us this time, though," she began to talk, her smirk slowly fading at painful memories.

"Besides the fact that you need to rally everyone like 'he' did before... what, exactly, is the plan? - Obviously getting our weapons back.. somehow.." She paused, looking back to place the paper on the ledge and folding her arms over her chest, her tail swaying only ever so gently. "I take it.. you know where they are? It'd be nice to be reunited with my glove." Kayla hadn't looked too worse for the wear, despite how long it had been and perhaps surprisingly, she actually seemed to be getting along quite well. It was a wonder, seeing how her lover had died only moments before they all had to run for their lives. Which begged the question, of course - was she really okay?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Constantine
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Constantine Clockwork Heart

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

The Witch Hunter watched silently as Varrik negotiated his way toward through what remained of the outer section of the outpost, watching from the darkness of a window on the upper levels of what had once been the gate tower. He was alone. The Witch Hunter on the other hand was not. In fact it had been quite busy when she had arrived hours before. Very busy in fact. But it was quite now, save for the sound of the wind and snow buffeting the tower. She watched as he disappeared from sight as he cut deeper into the ruined outpost, heading for the inner sanctuary where he had arranged this meeting to occur. Even now she was in two minds as to this course of action. She had been tempted to just leave without a word. However leave she did not, instead lingering in this place, waiting for more than just herself to arrive in this frozen ruin of the past.

As already mentioned this place had been very busy when she had first arrived, very lively and rowdy even. There had been fires and cooking and music. Then she had arrived. Now the outpost was dead and cold and quiet. The snow had already covered the bodies and extinguished the flames. There was no music now, which was a shame. It had been nice music, very cheerful and bawdy. Unfortunately they had tried to hurt her and so she had had to silence their melody. That was the problem with places like this, they attracted all kinds of criminal vermin hiding from the law. And speaking of vermin…

Silhouetted in the doorway stood a lone figure, tall and imposing, a long coat hanging from his shoulders that resembled shadows more than it did clothe. No doubt he was smiling. He was always smiling. She could feel his eyes upon her. It made her back itch. The Witch Hunter turned toward the man but said nothing, her mask hiding her features completely from view. Not that it mattered with this one. ‘He’ could always tell what she was thinning. She stared at him in silence. His smile only growing in response to her obvious hostility. It no doubt pleased him greatly. It had been many moons since he last darkened her door, making her immediately suspicious of his sudden return. Perhaps recent events were to his liking. Another reason to simply walk away and never return. Her hands, hidden from sight beneath the long sleeves of her hooded coat flexed experimentally.

“You’re in my way,” she said, disappearing in a blur of motion, a heartbeat later appearing in front of ‘him’, her ominous glowing blade of cutting through the air where he had been. She stood up straight, already aware that he was behind her, no doubt perfectly relaxed, looking over his shoulder and smiling at her with that deceptively warm, inviting smile of his. And smiling he was, but not at her, his gaze held by the light of the moon that was breaking through the clouds high above. For a moment the two of them stood in silence, back to back, the only sound that of the howling wind outside. And then he was gone. No motion, no sound, just…gone. She turned around to make sure, her gaze falling onto the body of the man that she had killed not hours ago.

He had been the last one she had killed, the leader of this particular band of outlaws, his blood staining the powdery snow beneath him as he lay slumped next to the window. He had died fighting, weapon in hand and hatred in his eyes. No doubt his gods would be pleased, should he have any. Not that it mattered to her. There was only one place she was going when she died, the same place as all of those who came before her. She lingered for a moment. And then she left, offering no prayer for the departed. What would have been the point, it was not like the gods could hear her any more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

Bane Thronshield had trekked for several days from his comfortable drinking hole through the elements to reach the old outpost. Once accustomed and hardly fazed by the weather, he cursed and grumbled his way, all the while carrying a large bottle that he took a swig from now and then. Getting lost a few times along the way didn’t help matters. Good thing he started out early, or he would have been late.

He wasn’t sure why he decided to take up the letter and join the Revival. It failed once; there was nothing to indicate it would not fail before it even started again. It may have even been a trap. Still, Bane couldn’t care less - he had nothing to lose anymore. He didn’t remember if he had much to lose in the first place.

He lumbered into the cave and through the old barracks, distinctly hearing voices coming from inside. Better be another bottle here somewhere… He didn’t bother with the door to the officer’s lounge and kicked it open, seeing two figures inside. “Well, I’m here, I’m here,” he grumbled, looking both ways and not finding a chair. Disappointed, he took a last swig from the bottle and threw it out the door.

Such a lack of discipline would have been unthinkable seven years ago, but living out of a bottle for seven years did much to the warrior...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Fenros slowly made his way up the dangerous small pass from the north to the abandoned outpost in the empire of Sentrail. Fenros knew this was abandoned many years before because the pass was so small and dangerous no army would attempt to come through it, the leader of the Order of Knights deemed it a waste of manpower and supplies so they moved out. This would be to his advantage because it was the only place of a few that he could slip by the checkpoints with out worry. Despite proclaimed dead his face was still well known, being the face of the Order of Knights basically. He intended to keep it that way as it was to his advantage.

He was on his way to visit Selena again after being gone for a year. But before he would continue his journey he was going to stop at the outpost and rest and warm up. "Curse this cold..." He muttered under his breath. He HATED...despised....Loathed the cold.

He could have used his magic to keep him warm but that would have been extremely reckless, due to the fact that over these last seven years he made very little progress building his stamina for his magic. A process only allowed to be possible with the aid of the Dragon Talon. With out it, it was extremely impressive that he made what little progress that he made in his own. Only those who use the sword constantly for many years can obtain enough stamina to wield the magic just as well without the blade.

This though came to a stop as he made his way into the outpost and noticed people at the officer lounge... That is one at first. A drunk who kicked in door and apparently was speaking with someone, if ANYONE that is. A smile crept onto his lips as he hoped for bandits, something to warm him up and get out of the cold. Slowly moving up behind the drunk who tossed the bottle out and nearly crashed into his head. Balling his hands into a fist he readied himself to kick the man in the ass and send him flailing into the wall in front of him.

But that's when he noticed the woman with Ears... Cat ears that is. Something only one woman he knew of that had them. Kayla.... He then glanced at the other man sitting down on an ice chair who had to be Varrik, which meant the drunk was Bane.

There was a surprised look on his face, though it couldn't be seen due to the fact his cloaks hood created a black void where his face was.. ( though it was possible that Kayla would see who it was better due to her senses.

After standing in the threshold of the door for a few moments remembering the times he had with his companions. He then said in a gruff voice " what are you all doing here?!" Of course he forgot to mention that he was Fenros, and the others would not understand that they were speaking to him actually Because they thought he was dead ... Unless it was lumire in the group as well. Then she would have simply thought he was a ghost or reincarnated demon or something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Constantine
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Constantine Clockwork Heart

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

“They are here to plot treason, treason and discord,” the Witch Hunter said from the open doorway to the Officers Lounge, her form silhouetted by the dim torch light from outside. In the gloom her mask had a creepy look to it. She took several steps into the room and halted, effectively blocking the entranceway. And for a moment said nothing. The atmosphere was so serious. So nostalgic. And here she was, looking like an Order agent sent to put a stop to their little game. The Witch Hunter started to laugh cheerfully. “I’m sorry I’m sorry, you guys probably don’t even know who I am. Well, you might know what I am, my reputation has a habit of outrunning me,” she said in a very relaxed manner. The Witch Hunter took a bow.

And it was a fair enough point truth be told. Her features were all but completely concealed, her face hidden behind the mask that she wore near constantly, a hooded cloak concealing the rest of her. If not for her voice there was no immediate indication as to even her gender. Not a single piece of flesh was on show, which was how she preferred it to be. And if not already distinct enough was there was the fact that she was completely unarmed. The Witch Hunter had no need for steel or flint. Or a name for that matter, having been forced to discard that seven long years ago. Or had it been even longer? Until she had found the letter at one of her old Order safe houses she had all but forgotten what her name actually was.

She hummed thoughtfully as she made an effort to once again recall. “What was it? Ah yes! Lumiere…Delacroix? Yes, that sounds about right. Let’s go with that,” she said conversationally as she strode into the room without a worry in the world, her cloak flowing behind her. She avoided sitting at the bar, simply because ‘he’ was already there, sat on the countertop right next to Varrik, not that Varrik would be aware. Even the meow-meow wouldn’t be aware, and she was especially keen when it came to noticing things. ‘He’ acknowledged her with a tip of the hat and his usual smile. She ignored him and stood alone in the corner instead, an evil looking mask in a red hood.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"The plan was to just wing it and try to rekindle that fire for change we all had seven years ago." The mage knight told the cursed knight with a smile before taking a sip of his bottle. "I know where a few of our weapons are. The list so far is mine, yours, Lumière's and....... Desini's." He took a pause before saying that last name so that Kayla could let it sink in as he watched her reaction. He couldn't enjoy the reaction for long as an older man wearing armor burst into the room with a bottle in his hand and in complete disorder. It took Varrik a second to recognize the man as Bane Thronshield of the Revival, the years had not been kind to the once proud man looked beaten down and completely destroyed.

Before Varrik could speak another man appeared behind Bane shrouded in a cloak to protect his identity demanding what they were doing here. Once again before he could respond a female appeared wearing a mask and declaring that she was Lumière Delacroix. Varrik paused for a minute expecting another person to show up out of no where just to annoy him farther and interrupt him. "Okay then..... looks like almost everyone has gathered plus someone we must deal with." He said slowly as he turned to the cloaked man standing in the doorway. "We are a group who will overthrow the monarchy here in Sintrial and now that you know this we may not let you leave."

The knight jumped off his stool with another sip of his ale as two large ice shards formed above his head. "I do apologize for this, but this must remain secret and I can not risk this meeting getting out. Is there any final wish that we may carry out?" Varrik asked the man before finishing off the last part of his drink and placing the empty bottle on the counter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kayla's ears slowly tilted backwards as a forlorn expression crossed her face at the mention of Desini. She quickly bounced back though from the grief, especially seeing as Bane came crashing in. However through the exchange, she couldn't help but remember her past lover. Her only chance at love, she thought, and now it was all gone - no one would want her anymore, and even if they did, they'd probably be just another man. Still, the sight of Bane reminder her that she wasn't the only one without problems. He was once a sight to behold as one of the noble knights, but now he was all but a drunk throwing around bottles. 'What happened to us?' she thought, pursing her lips.

Then Lumiere showed up. Kayla had known her vaguely before she had become Knight Guardian - she was pretty, nice, though with a slight air of arrogance that underlined her actions. Apparently though, the madness of the demon blood had run it's course after all these years. She may have been alone, but it seemed that Lumiere was the one whom was truly cursed. If only she could help her somehow, but right now wasn't really the time.

Then a voice rang out from outside the barracks that made Kayla look outside the window to the masked man. She could barely make out the face beneath all that darkness ... but that voice, could it really be? She spun around and leaned forward, her eyes growing slightly bigger to take in all the light it could. "Shit..." she said out loud and stood back up, a shocked expression painted across her face. Her attentions quickly went to Varrick as she held a hand up. "Wait!" she nearly commanded - though that thought of Kayla being a commanding presence was an odd one. She had never been the type, which made her tone perhaps all the more shocking. "I think that's ... Fenros."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Constantine
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Constantine Clockwork Heart

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Sat next to Varrik atop the counter top ‘he’ smiled and shook his head in obvious disappointment as he surveyed the assembled dregs of Revival, a ragtag group of drunks, recluses and idealists. And yet the sight pleased him equally as well. It made things more interesting. The eventual outcome was not in doubt however. Forces beyond mortal ken were already seeing to that. And with every step that she took toward her Artefact the greater this truth would become. The best part was that in the end it would be naught but noble intentions that would see ‘his’ will fulfilled. What delicious irony. He was about to speak when he noticed that Lumière was looking straight at him. He tipped his hat in response and held his tongue. It looked as though the drama was about to begin.

“And?” Lumière said in a slightly puzzled manner in response to Kayla’s outburst. “He is not one of the dead ones, so it’s probably OK for him to be here, no? Especially if he was invited. Were you invited? I think you were invited, you know? You should tell them you were invited,” she continued saying in that same slightly confused manner. The dead ones of course referred to the people who had been here when she had first arrived, the ones who were now dead in the snow just outside. She hummed thoughtfully to herself before turning her mask toward the man whom she had originally followed in. “Hello Fen-Fen!” she said cheerfully, as if only just noticing his arrival.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Fenros smirked when Varrik tried to scare him with his casual talk. Under birth his cloak he gripped his flintlock which he now relied on with out his sword. One quick click and he could instantly engulf the ice. That would get Varriks attention.

But before his could as he guessed Kayla figured out it was him. Remembering he had his hood on he was about to take it off when Lumière walked in casually speaking in the confused Manner she always did. When she said hello to him he pulled his hood off, revealing his hardened features from over the years. After a moment he gave a small smile and nod to Lumière.

He then looked to Kayla with his smile still "You look good Kayla..."

Then to Bane "Good to see you are still Alive you old bastard."

"To think Ive been looking for you all these past 7 years. And suddenly I find you all here just by accident. Perhaps fate is telling us something?" He looked to Varrik and said " you must have balls thinking you guys could pull it off this time."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FF_Fan


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Adriane slowly made her way towards the abbandoned post... The snow crunching under her boots with each step. It was the only sound she heard besides the howeling wind in her ears and the flapping of her cloak. She almost didn't come, with each step she was convincing herself more and more she should just turn back.

Seven years. Seven years it's been since she saw her companions on that terrible day. She wanted to see them but she was scared of losing them again. She knew what it was about, what other reason would it be to meet at this frozen location, or at all for that matter.

She paused when she saw the outpost in the distance. The frozen wind burning her nose and cheeks. Her crystal blue eyes scanned the decaying old post for any signs of activity. After a few moments she tucked her cheek closer and lifted her cloak to her nose to warm it after she forced herself to finally go.

What would she say? 'Hi guys long time no see?' Or 'how's it going?' She groaned inwardly she really hasn't spoken at all to another 'human' for 7 years. she stopped again as she saw motion in what used to be the officer lounge.

She froze... Not literally but close to it by now. He wanted to budge her feet but they wouldnt. All she could do was look. She started whimpering. She wanted to see them really bad but for some reason she was scared. Why ? These where her friends. Not some strangers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Varrik did not know how to react when he heard Kayla say the stranger was Fenros. That was impossible, he had seen Fenros get stabbed seven years ago on that final battlefield there was no way he could have survived that. Then again they had all survived situations that most would call impossible during their service to the Order. As the doubt was not visible on his face it could be seen as the ice shards started to drop lower in the air and seemed to be melting as Varrik's concentration was distracted.

Then he pulled his hood back to reveal that the mysterious man was truly Fenros from the past. "How did you even find us? I'm not one for fate like you are but it would seem that we are getting another shot at what is right. This just proves that what we are doing here is the right thing for this kingdom." Varrik said with a smile as he embraced the knight. "Good to see you old friend."

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"So do you, for a dead man," she smirked towards Fenros for a moment, her eyes jumping between those speaking. It suddenly became apparent that Fenros was probably right. They were suicidal to try this again - in all seriousness, only herself, Varrik, and maybe Fenros were even in the right mind to have the resolve for such a task. For arguments sake, even if they did all share the same resolve, there were less of them now than before. Kayla had been more than willing, but seeing this rag-tag group of outcasts? Fenros and herself seemed to be the only level-headed ones left.

Kayla spun again to press the small of her back against the window ledge, watching Fenros smile at the reunion and pursed her lips a little in thought before speaking. "I think this is all this should be..." She waited for eyes to fall on her. "A reunion. Let us have our smiles, our good cheers, revel in our old friendships... and move on." She knew they'd probably ask why. "Not enough of us ready anymore it seems and we're a much smaller group. We have two people drinking ale like it's water for starters..." She didn't want to bring up Lumière's addled mind, feeling that would be going a tad too far.

"So unless we come up with a plan, the path of pushing our way to our weapons and marching on the kingdom will probably get the rest of us killed. The kingdom isn't right - I'll never argue with that, but maybe it's best we find somewhere else to settle? For once in my life... I would like to actually be happy and not so alone..." She spoke with a tone reflecting bits of sadness and uncertainty. It seemed obvious by now that despite it having been seven years, she still hadn't found anyone to replace Desini's love for her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Constantine
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Constantine Clockwork Heart

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

“Oh, I don’t know, I think some of us are plenty ready, alcohol or no,” Lumière said cheerfully as she seemed to materialise out of nowhere behind Bane and draped herself over his shoulders. She turned to look at the man in question before looking back toward Kayla. She rested her chin on Bane’s shoulder as she wrapped her arms around his chest. He really did smell of alcohol. Stank of it in fact. It made her feel slightly ill, not that anyone would be able to tell from her hidden expression. “And what’s wrong with being alone, I've been alone for the last seven years and I'm OK,” she said completely aware of how crazy she came off to others.

Lumière laughed cheerfully as she pushed off of Bane’s back. She did her best to ignore the man in the immaculate suit now leaning against Bane’s side, ‘his’ hat tipped over his head. He smiled knowingly. Lumière stood up straight and crossed her arms, her head tilted on its side. Underneath her mask she was frowning. Where had the spirit gone? The passion and fury that had once burned so brightly in these people? Perhaps they truly had been broken by time. Under her mask she smiled and then laughed out loud. “You have the Witchhunter on your side, so it’s not all bad! Just tell me who I need to kill.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

Bane staggered a little, but didn't particularly mind arms of an obviously beautiful woman draped over him. He smiled a little bit but frowned again when Lumiere came off his back.

Ultimately, however, he had no idea what they were supposed to do. Something about rebelling? That nonsense again? He didn't see a rebellion in here....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"So do you, for a dead man," Kayla said with a smirk

He looked towards Verrik who started speaking,

"How did you even find us? I'm not one for fate like you are but it would seem that we are getting another shot at what is right. This just proves that what we are doing here is the right thing for this kingdom."

Varrik with smile embraced Fenros. "Good to see you old friend."

Fenros pulled back a little as he was embraced. He wouldn't have minded if one of the girls embracing him but Verrik? Fenros was not the touchy feely type. Though he was only two inches taller than Verrik he awkwardly patted him on the head like a child. Despite the fact he was a year younger, his much smaller frame made him look so much younger compared to Fenros. "Good to see you too again as well. I was only stopping in from the cold, I had no idea where you all where..."

"I think this is all this should be..." Kayla pipped in and Fenros glanced at her while shrugging his cloak back into place once Verrik let go. "A reunion. Let us have our smiles, our good cheers, revel in our old friendships... and move on. Not enough of us ready anymore it seems and we're a much smaller group. We have two people drinking ale like it's water for starters... So unless we come up with a plan, the path of pushing our way to our weapons and marching on the kingdom will probably get the rest of us killed. The kingdom isn't right - I'll never argue with that, but maybe it's best we find somewhere else to settle? For once in my life... I would like to actually be happy and not so alone..."

Fenros let out a little sigh... He had heard what happened to Desini After the fact. He knew how much she meant to Kayla. He Really didn't lose anyone during the war, so he didn't know how she felt. But he did feel differently than Kayla did about starting a fight again. He never really stopped. He has continued the war in a much smaller scale, disrupting supply routes, faking ambushes from other countries. It didn't do much but it was something.

"If we give up I don't think anyone else will try to stand up to them. 'Evil will triumph if good people do nothing,' My father always told me that, and I live by it. What is the point of trying to live if you are not fighting for what you believe to be right?" Scratching the back of his head he looked to the ground. " I Know we don't have much of a plan right now, but we do have the element of Surprise on our side. I'm no tactition but i know that much."
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