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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"Ah." Mithias did feel quite relieved that he wasn't going to have to tangle for his life, at least not immediately. So what if she couldn't travel the planes at will, like most other beings Mithais seemed to encounter. She still might have been able to help. Of course, she wanted something in return, and to Mithias, that did seem fair. It was better than getting killed.

"Fair enough. I'm in poor shape to be of much service, but I will try my best." Mithias had no reservations about helping the woman. Hell, he could begin his training anywhere, anytime, and hunger might even make it more effective. Of course no vampire could resist it forever. "Are you a native to this world? What happened here with all these dead dragons?" The vampire gestured around them with his pale hands. He looked at her large, fuzzy form curiously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Holding Coal
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Holding Coal Minimum Champion

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Predator, startled by his immediate change in environment, held a decaying head, the equally decrepit spine loosely hanging from it. His claws on the armband adorning his left wrist were bloodied and extended, and upon noticing this singular being and most if not all of everything accompanying it in this place that nearly blinded the alien's thermal vision, he snarled loudly, translating to "Damn it all! You interrupt my hunt at such an hour?!" As he loudly vocalizes his distress, he stands, throwing the yellowed and rotting trophy to the ground with a crunchy splat. He holds his left arm outward, the claws pointed at the fluid-like lifeform(?) as his helmet's filtered vision automatically adjusts. "Hell's... Coffee Lounge? What is this place?", he sternly inquired in his native tongue, immediately aware it will translate through the barrage of speech and meaning he was quietly assaulted with in this figure's voice. He took note of as many of the people, animals, spirits and definitely otherwise as he could within the establishment, but the sheer number of them and the size of this environment did in fact nearly overload the Predator. He staggered slightly, his claws lowering and shoulder-mounted cannon flailing about in the direction of thing after thing as he marked and read heat signatures, vital information, and otherwise over and over and over. Placing a hand to his helmet's forehead, he forced another automatic adjust upon noticing many of the things here were far too powerful to think of attacking and surviving an encounter with. His vision finally is filtered through a clear, non-modified visor as he addresses the liquid-looking person(?) once more. "Tell me more about where I am. I have important things to do." He purred and clicked somewhat loudly, replacing the dual blades on his wrist with a singular, serrated edge.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Nathan was held limply in the grip of the shadows that surrounded him. Slowly, that began to encroach over his body, and he felt himself start to fade as she would begin to destroy him, but then a thought passed though him...

A memory from far before, of when he had fought hate...he was willing then to sacrifice everything for his friends then.....
Why wouldn't he now?! So much more was at stake!

Rushing further into her form, Nathan shone like a beacon of light within darkness, his soul going nova. Rage, anger, pain, remosrse, all of this fed into this blinding inferno of soular power. He rears a fist back, and he aims it right for Kihaku's center, as he took in a final breath to exclaim a final statement.
"THIS IS FOR LILITH!" He roars, as he rushes forwards, striking her soul, as his expanded rapidly, like an explosion, engulfing the shadows in a brilliant aura, a flash of pure power.


Cosmos would sense this no doubt, but he would be preoccupied as from the water rushing about, the hooded sith would burst forth, his robed torn asunder by the ripping currents, skin patches missing leaving bleeding patches of flesh exposed, but his eyes showed an intense anger. He pulls out his lightsaber, but rather than ignite it at first, he grapples the master mage, and pulls him into it, when he presses the button, it explodes like a frag grenade, directed mainly at Cosmos, launching them both into the torrent of water, just before it would vanish due to the wire creature, the sith lord now missing his right hand, shrapnel ripped into his body, but not all of it. Slowly, he stands, and gets into a fighting stance.
"I'm going to crush you for hurting Minx, asshole." Raiden says, cracking his neck, his eyes glowing a bright red.



Before the void walker opens a portal, covered in demonic flames at the rims, and from it quickly appeared a man, who was now face to face with her. His eyes showed a dark rage deep within him, and in his right hand, a blade, a entity that looks to be a living sword, with eyes lining down the center, all of which are now open, looking at varying portals, draining the nova into them.
"Possession: 99% Warning warning. Total conversion imminent." The blade calls out, in a deep voice. The man's skin is rapidly covered in a large plate armor, demonic looking in nature, save for his right eye. All this happens in a split moment, and then the man strikes the void walker, screaming loudly, his voice becoming warped as he starts his attack. He slashes, and hacks, aiming to rip the void walker apart.

Far off, behind the lines that were created by the fight, opens another demonic portal, Kilroy being drug though it via some mystical force. Soon, out from the portal steps a sharply dressed thorn in the Omegans' collective sides.
"Time to go everyone!" Ozzy calls out, and sure enough, many begin to hobble, and rush though the portal. Kilroy grabs the dying Tsubaki as he passes her, crippled by her bullet wounds, grabbing her with a magnet placed on his back. Bug also flees, and so does Lisa, who slings playfully a blast of fire at the void walker.


As Raven would be approached by this odd evil spirit, many more would rush to her aid, denizens of this realm. A mage once renowed for his demonology casts a blast to repel the beast, as another, formerly a warrior of a tribe of strange humanoid creatures strikes it with a spectral blade, its spectral form beginning to split slightly, under the force of the strike. Then, a torrent of mystical sound launches it far away, like a directed explosion. A loud screech, like that from a banshee....

"What are you doing here?" Eruka asks, floating before the girl. A figure covered in robes, but her hands that can be seen show only bone. She tilted her head, waiting a response from the new girl to have shown up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RavenTLark
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RavenTLark Potterhead Alert!

Member Seen 10 yrs ago


Raven sees all of the spirits trying to help her and sits in shock for a moment, she doesn't understand, when the figure, obviously dead, asks her the question she snaps out of it. "I'm not sure, I was brought here from another world. I don't know how it happened but now it is my turn to ask you a question," and inquires without waiting for approval," why are you helping me?". As she says this she hears a massive groan from the creature which in death is equal to a roar and is ten times louder.

She knew that this was her time to get away as fast as possible but she knew it would be rude to just leave in the middle of a conversation. "I thought you liked being alive though," she heard her father in her head,"shut up will you!" Raven mentally screamed at him. She knew that he was right though, survival had always been her number one, not courtesy. Raven jumped down from the tree and sprinted away from the creature and the helpful spirits, she came to a sudden stop as she saw what looked like one of those portals that she saw previously in the other world. It could lead to safety but then it might not, she figured that it wasn't worth the risk of getting herself into a bigger problem than she already was in. Luckily, her energy levels were back up, if she wanted she could shadow walk out of there but then she remembered, yet again, that she didn't know where in the universe she was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Teoinsanity
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Teoinsanity Lost on Jeopardy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Teo would see the portal ,and grinned .His core started glowing purple ,for as we know ,the core is a dual purpose dimensional stabilizer/destabilizer ,allowing him to prevent discontinuities and breaks in the stream of diemsnsions ,or cause them .

His core would continue glowing ,making it nearly impossible to open portals in the area Teo was in. if He is susccesful in closing the portal ,he would grab the crib gently and walk back to the Tetris as the stabilizer stopped and it drifted off into another universe.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Even from where she was, the Voidwalker could sense someone was trying to mess with her portal over the crib. Had she focused her power, she could easily have maintained the portal in that particular area. She could further most likely have fired some beams at Teo, but at the moment she had other things on her mind. Because everyone and their mother seemed to be suddenly intent on killing her, although this was hardly surprising considering she was about to blow the entire place sky-high. As such, the portal closed fairly rapidly, giving Teo the chance he would need to grab the child.

Several incoming portals, she could sense them with the same ease another might be able to see. The being below her was attempting to warp part of it's body into her stomach, an attack that would most likely have resulted in her death. However, it's understanding of teleportation was infantile compared to her complete mastery of the subject. It was like the fleeting attempts of a toddler to outdo their dad. Shot lived and futile. The hand instead appeared in front of the Supernova, where it was almost instantly annihilated by the rapidly expanding wave of energy, it's very atoms separated into protons and neutrons, reduced to a superheated plasma. Any further attempts by the creature to teleport it or it's body parts would have the same result, quickly discouraging it from this tactic. Even when outdone in speed, strength and durability, Void could not be outdone in her control of portals.

The second portal was a less agressive one, merely used for transportation. However, she had neither the time nor the attention span to allow a combatant to engage her in close combat. Being forced to dodge attacks beyond those of the creature would most likely take up too much of her attention, and force her to shut down her Supernova. Instead, she caused the being to emerge in front of the Supernova, where it would already begin burning even from mere proximity. If it were not to escape it's predicament, it would find itself reduced to plasma, following the fate of the wire creature's arm.

Ozzy served a far more practical purpose. Instead of merely placing him in mortal danger, she placed him in mortal danger AND used him as a human shield (demon shield?). He came falling through the portal instead of stepping, as it opened pointed downwards and gravity pulled him through. Before he would be able to react to this unexpected change, he would find himself hitting the wire creature's first attack, the wires most likely instantly attempting to wrap around and trap him.

She fended off the rest of the wire creature's attacks in similar manner to before, blasts of energy and physical attacks blowing any wires that came too close to pieces. If it somehow managed to make it's way through the assault even so heavily damaged, the portal it reached for would disappear and reopen somewhere else long before it could begin draining it. It had chosen it's opponent poorly, as it's ability to drain relied on touch, and Voidwalker was an expert at relocation. Even after all this time, it hadn't been able to grab even the slightest bit of Voidwalker's powers, both her form and her portals eluding his every attempt at grabbing her.

The ground below would begin heating up rapidly, as stone started melting and the atmosphere seemed to boil. Waves of radiation were streaming through the portals, causing everything below to rapidly heat up. Organic cells would be broken down, the ionising radiation inflicting damage directly to the DNA. Any being not intensely resistant to heat would be forced to seek shelter from the radiation, which could melt even metal within a matter of moments.

In about 20 seconds, everything was going up in flames.
((Guys, Voidwalker's about to Supernova everything. After the previous two posts of buildup, nobody has been able to block it out. As such, I would recommend you move your characters to a safe location ASAP. You may stay and try and last-second it, but any characters not out of the line of fire by my next Voidwalker post will most likely be obliterated. For this very purpose, Voidwalker will only block weak portals leading outside, allowing an avenue of escape.))


KIhaku was so near her goal. She could feel the life slipping out of Nathan as she tore him apart. Her darkness completely covered him, and had dug it's way deep into his skin. Any other being would have died from such treatment, and even Nathan was reaching his limits. Soon, she would have killed him, this abomination that had dared harm Logar. And yet, there was still something. Some power within him, that seemed to be expanding, a massive surge of energy that shot outwards.

Beams of light tore through her, burning her as she cried out, screaming. Her very essence seemed to burn, as her world became one of the purest agony. Not just her souls, but her seemingly immortal body was being destroyed. She could feel it, the death from which she had emerged reaching for her once more, aiming to drag her down into the infinite, cool darkness of the underworld. She almost wanted to do it, to simply let go, to die. She would simply dissolve, nothing left of her but the fragments of a thousands souls, dissolving to return to the Cycle of Life. Maybe she'd be reborn somehow. Her separate pieces, at least.

But no. She had a goal. She could not die here. She could not escape the promises she had made.

So she hid from the light in perhaps the strangest of manners. Sacrificing her body of darkness, she forced herself onto a new host, a body capable of containing the mass of Souls that served as her core. Drawn in by the vacuum left by death, she rushed into Nathan's body, her damaged form huddling within it, becoming one with it.

Nathan's skin turned pale white, as if he had been spontaneously transformed into an albino. His hair and clothes became pure black, a shroud of darkness around his form. His eyes glowed bright red, reflecting the unholy power maintained within. And with a hoarse cry, with the voice of a hundred wailing wraiths, the newly reborn Kihaku let out her lamentations, a roar of agony that would shake the molten walls of Drac's castle.

She would need to escape, Voidwalker would level everything soon. With the last of her strength, she opened a portal to Nocturnus, a planet constantly shrouded in darkness. It was there that she would rest, and regain her strength. Of course, unknown to her, her act had had an unexpected side effect. In that Nathan's soul had not been destroyed, rather left to it's own devices, fighting to prevent itself from dissolving into nothingness.


Cosmos hissed at Raiden as he jumped out from the water. He held up a hand to turn any use of the Force against him, already calculating the necessary arcane formulae in his head. However, it seemed the Sith was too intelligent to attempt to use magic against a being of Cosmos' particular skillset. Instead, he attacked with his lightsaber, detonating it in close proximity. Cosmos was launched backwards by the unexpected blast, the shrapnel penetrating his ribcage as his organs were pushed to a stop. With a simply enchantment, he forced them to continue their function, the shrapnel being pushed out of his chest as he stood back up.

"Allow me to show you that an Archmage need not rely on the power of others." He twisted his hand, waving an enchantment of protection around himself. A wall of force that would deflect incoming attacks. A secondary spell deflected and controlled the radiation that was streaming down from the portals far above. Deadly lances of immense heat were shot in Raiden's direction, blasts that turned the very air to plasma and would do the same to his body if he allowed it to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

After a while, Strygwyr, the Dark One, and Eclipse' ghost came upon a land of green rolling hills and valleys and patchy evergreen trees as far as the eye could see. Strygwyr had chased down a local wild herbivore of some type and sacrificed its blood to his gods and they cooked and ate the rest. The fish people had been left far behind, as they weren't content on such dry, firm ground. It was beautiful out here, but the days dragged on, and they all began to miss home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As the Seeker hunted his prey, he could see the Dark One following him, watching, tracking down a large rat like creature, about half its size, but rather than kill it and rip it open like Blood Seeker may, he picks it up, and brings it back, it making a loud squeal as it is being kidnapped.
"Fuzzy friend!" The One says, holding the rat out, which seemed terrified of Seeker. However, after a few moments, in the Dark One's arms, the large rat calms itself, and soon begins to snore, fast asleep. "Fuzzy friend is hungry..." It says, cradling the rat like one would a baby.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Most people there sorta see that shit was going down, and would rush away. Ozzy would slice his way out of the wires quickly, and the Demon Swordsman is most likely killed by the nova...most likely.

Raiden dodges these spears of heat, and was shielded from the heat for now. He ducked around, dashing and weaving around the archmage's attacks, his speed and senses heightened by his connection to the force...But soon, Raiden would preform a move similar to Kilroy, a fullnelson, but rather than wait for a different person to finish the job, he quickly used his force inbued strength to start to bend Cosmos's head at a odd angle, his spine already feeling the strain. Even without his force imbued strength, Raiden was physically powerful, his human body pushed to its limits.


Eruka goes to continue her explanation when she notices the exploding star about to be dropped onto the realm, she quickly reacts, grabbing Raven.
"No time to explain, we must leave now!" She says, flying into a portal leading away to a hellish landscape, that looked to have been devastated by some sort of attack. Think what hell would look like nuked, if you would. Sitting on a throne of rock, a rather well dressed man, no more than 20, sits, his extremely flashy and well made suit matching his pitch black hair.
"Well, mother, who did you bring over?" The man says, his voice silken, and rather pleasant to the ears.
"She was within our realm, which is currently getting blasted to all living hell." Eruka grumbles. She drops Raven so she would land on her feet just before the suited man, who is she had any interactions with demons, may have the familiar smell of sulfur.......
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


A fire was made. Bloodseeker sighs as they convene over dinner.

The ghost of Eclipse suddenly appears as if he had been sitting on the log next to Strygwyr the whole time. "I suppose we have time for pets. Why don't we feed it some of our extra meat? Then, you can let the creature go with a full belly." He took a ghost-stick and poked at the fire, the ethereal stick obviously doing nothing to the material burning wood. "Yes, you should let it go, eventually, Dark One. The 'fuzzy friend' has family to get back to."

Bloodseeker wasn't much of a talker. He was kind of an animal himself. He thanked his gods and ate, keeping mostly to himself.

Eclipse asked, "Let me guess Strygwyr. You miss the Coffee lounge? Or perhaps your people in the mountains?"

Stryg swallowed a bite, "I miss not having to eat."

"Ah.." Eclipse smiled cheerfully and tried to change the subject. He knew what Strygwyr was saying was that he wanted to be out killing things for his gods, during which he wouldn't need food. "Well now, why don't we um..."

The very foreign and strange sound of a car starting interrupted the ghost. At least, it was trying to start. It sounded like it was coming from some place in the trees nearby. Stryg picked up his head.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


While the location of the attack had been guessed, the nature of it was guessed incorrectly as her stomach was ripped open, the creature's arms being fired at supersonic speed, the warping of it's body having been the wires coiling like incredibly strong springs before launching it's arm at her. Though, her life was spared by the fact that the creature didn't seem very adept at rendering it's limbs into cutting shapes, there was still puncturing and she would still need medical help within the hour to survive. Though, the fight seems to end prematurely once it feels the heat rolling out of the portals before recoiling back towards the 'earth' fleeing and surrendering the combat only for cosmos to be stabbed in the back without warning, pinning him to the floor with the creature's legs as the mass of wires form a pool beneath him, both raiden, cosmos, and the creature sinking into a random dimension to escape void walker's wrath. As the wires connected however, there was an excruciating pain as his actual self, not just his body, was punctured and ripped apart by the magic consuming wires, though thankfully, the portal doesn't seem to actually consume his magic as he passes through it.

The odd trio is dumped on an atmosphere-less moon however, the wire creature not needing basic things like food, water, or air to survive like raiden and had simply picked a place of solace where it could retreat and lick it's wounds, the melted wires rising to the surface as it's stares at them, slowly mending them and returning them to proper wires, the torn sections slowly coming back together as the creature sits on cosmos, draining his magic slowly, his hands and feet nailed to the stone beneath him along with various points along his body
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The Dark one clutches its rat friend tightly, causing the creature to bite into the creature's flesh, some of its black sickening blood getting into the rat, making it act strangely as it runs off. Holding Its arm, the Dark one picks up a small stone spear it had make, and awaits whatever was making the noise, wanting it to show Its face first.
"....Not know that sound....does not sound good...." It says, simply, getting into a defensive stance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RavenTLark
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RavenTLark Potterhead Alert!

Member Seen 10 yrs ago


Raven didn't like the impression that the man gave, she didn't see why he would just sit there and do nothing while that sort of thing was happening. The more she looked at him the angrier she got, she could have a very bad temper at times. "I can talk for myself and anyway, who do you think you are, just sitting there while this realm is getting blasted to pieces?" Her anger had gotten the best of her but afterwards she realised that she had sounded just like her father. "I'm flattered, like father, like daughter," my father taunted me in my mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Oh, this realm? It got blown to shit when I stuck my neck out for the morons you see here now...also, if you wonder why I didn't help before, I had to get a new body after my last one was turned into some sort of strange wire puppet..I believe you s-....wait....." He starts, before sniffing the air. "I smell....a bit of smug arrogance......are you talking to a parent?" Ozzy asks. Lisa, a woman with long flowing red hair, a tanned complexion, which was wearing a red tee shirt, and a pair of blue jeans without any shoes tilts her head slightly. "You can smell that?" She asks.
With a chuckle, Ozzy launches his retort. "Oh please, that sorta smug arrogance any good demon can smell a mile away. It's a sure sign of pride." "....Oh, I guess that makes sense.........Question, are the magma pits still here?" The woman asks, and Ozzy groans, turning to Eruka. "Please show the dimwit the magma pits mother, this place is hell...if she's to dull to not figure out to go look, I fear she needs some sort of guardian lest she break something..." He says, and Eruka sighs, grumbling something, as she leads Lisa off. With a wicked grin, Ozzy then turns back to Raven.
"Oh please forgive my former...appearance. I have to keep up looks for the family, you must understand." Ozzy chuckles, as he walks over, and bows. "My name is Oswald C. Corest, but everyone calls me Ozzy." He says, before, suddenly, gently grabbing Raven's hand, and kissing it in a gentlemanly fashion. "And whom do I have the pleasure of speaking to?" He asks, grinning a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RavenTLark
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RavenTLark Potterhead Alert!

Member Seen 10 yrs ago


Raven snatches her hand away from him and answers his question unsurely," I am Raven Lark, daughter of Hades, god of the Underworld....," she thinks for a moment and then finishes her sentence," unfortunately." She still wasn't too keen on his attitude about not helping the realm but she'd dealt with her father enough times to know that it's usually best to not try to change one's mind once it's been made, or was that her. She could never tell but that was why she didn't like thinking about it and now that she thought about it, it was awfully quiet in her head but it was nice so she didn't worry about it.

"What were you saying before you smelt something?" Raven asked him trying to fill up some time so that she could think.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Seeing as how Void is fully capable of reacting to supersonic threats, she simply opened a portal that deflected the arm to the location of the supernova, where it was quite literally broken apart on an atomic level. Had any significant contact occurred between the portal and the arm, perhaps the creature would have been able to close it. Or at least siphon from it. However the speed of the attack prevented anything more than a tiny taste of magic from being stolen before the arm was through. Perhaps a sustained attack would have broken through Void's defensive portals, but there was hardly time as the creature began to flee. She laughed, the first expression of emotion she had displayed, as she anticipated the complete and utter obliteration she was about to inflict.

Cosmos simply smiled, as he felt the creature attempted to attack him. The initial attack struck the arcane armour Cosmos had formed around himself, preventing a sneak attack from being effective. The creature of course immediately attempted to drain Cosmos of his power, only to find that it couldn't. Cosmos utilized his magic to keep a thin layer of nonmagical matter between the creature and the spell at all times, completely ruining the touch-based effects. When it attempted to escape, however, Cosmos did choose to come with it. Knowing that he could handle the arcane construct, he wished to study it further. It had been able to stand up to and even defeat Bahamut, simply using it's odd ability to absorb mystical energies of all varieties.

Bahamut meanwhile simply stood up, smiling. His immunity to heat made him impervious even to the blazing supernova heading down towards the group. He bathed in the flame, and allowed it to wash over him, the heat replenishing him. He had found a foe that drained him of his power, forcing him to rely on his most innate of powers. His strength and speed, his unequalled skill in swordplay. A beast that had done more than simply stood up to him, but that had fought him and even bested him. Never had he thought such a simple, unknown creature would be the beast that equalled him.

He would have to kill it, and devour it. As he had done with the foolish, arrogant Gods of his realm, as he had done with the fools that had opposed his rule, as he had done to the very heavens that had rejected him. And he would feast on it until it was a part of him, feeding into his strength.

Void meanwhile just laughed, mesmerized by her vision as everything below her was annihilated. Protected by a sphere of portals, redirecting and reshaping the energy around her. She could feel the very barriers of reality tremble, as blood ran down her face. Her body shifted and stretched, fighting to contain her raw, unbridled power. Had she not given herself a minute to prepare, the power would have ripped her to shreds. Even now she could feel the temptation, to simply reach out and crush the very fabric of reality.

But it would end. Soon, she would have to wear the leash once more. Bind this power deep within herself, in order to give her body the chance to rest. To recover. Before she coudl once more cut loose.

If anyone were to return to the Forsaken Realm, they would not find it destroyed. They would not find it incinerated, nor would they find it empty. For they would not find it at all. In the very most basic sense, the entire dimension had been wiped from existence. Nothing remained but an empty space between worlds, a silent testimony to the power of the Omegans.

Already, three Omegans lay dead or defeated. But those that remained had banded together once more, lead by Cosmos. And if they were not stopped, the Multiverse would tremble. For already, the claws of Omega scratched at the edge of existence. The White Holes were spreading, some devouring entire worlds. Perhaps falling to another time, another place. Perhaps ceasing to exist whatsoever.

The end was coming closer.


In the far reaches of the Multiverse, far beyond where any of the heroes of HCL might wander, a strange phenomenon occurred. For one of the White Holes seemed to shift, cracks appearing over it, before it shattered. And through it reached an ancient power, a power that had long not been seen in the Multiverse. One thought to have been extinguished for all time, and yet even now it's aura spread into the galaxy around it. A figure of unparralelled strength.

The figure raised a hand, lightning arcing across it's fingers. And at it's command, the stars seemed to collapse. The solar system pulled into itself, even as thousands of stars were dragged across space at speeds greater than that of light. Space itself bent to it's will, tearing and ripping to accommodate his commands. Billions of worlds, with hundreds of civilisations, crushed into a single point. Devoured swiftly, as if it were nothing more than a light snack. An appetizer.

It could not stay. No, still it was barred from a prolonged presence. But soon, it would return in full force.

The figure retreated, as the White Hole once more returned to it's original state. And just like that, without sound nor scream, within the space of a minute, a galaxy had been ripped from the sky. An omen of things to come.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Holding Coal
((I suck at replying, sorry))

Bob chuckled, as he was addressed by the alien. He could sense the creature's determination. While it was temporarily dazed, it suppressed it's emotions in favour of practicality. A warrior, born and raised. Or nay, perhaps.... a hunter? There were few who survived hunting big game in the many realities of HCL. Those who did were paragons of their particular strengths, unequalled. This being had not reached this point, but one day, perhaps... especially if it had a nudge in the right direction. "This place is little more than a meeting place. A place where Gods and Demons can discuss terms, without it coming to blows. Any violence in the lounge is... frowned upon." Bob smiles, ominously. "In any case, would you like something to drink? I can offer a fine array of liquids, suited to satisfy any palette."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

((I suck at replying, sorry))

The girl shrugs, turning to the corpses. "I guess you really aren't from around here, if you don't know the Guardians. Where the hell are you from anyway?" She continues before Mithias can reply, as if she didn't really expect him to answer. "In any case, these things here are the self-proclaimed lords of this world. They claim they have the divine right to rule it, and use this as an excuse to terrorize and control the humans that share this world with them. They say that there was a war between them and whatever beings previously owned this planet, and that they're the ones who keep the atmosphere frozen." She spits on the ground, her spit freezing before it ever lands.

"These ones are dead because I killed them. Don't know how, but I was born with the ability to transform. People say it's old blood, that I'm part God or something. Me, I just know I'm able to kill these things, and I'm okay with that." Her form seems to revert to a more human shape, and she points into the distance. There, a massive mountain can be seen reaching into the sky. "That's where the help comes in. I want your help to go kill some gods. Don't know how useful you'll be, but I was planning on doing this with or without you. So I figure the extra help could never hurt." She smirks, as she begins walking off. "And hell, if you live, I'll show you the portal thing."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Once the creature's taken cosmos to the moon, it's wires begin to dig in, the small film preventing it from eating him despite the fact that it doesn't really seem all that interested in doing so, it's wires more intent on investigating his body, it's cellular make up, and even the atomic intereactions between the iron and the oxygen, it's wires shifting around a bit to nonvital areas once it discovers said vitals and their functions. Though, the only problem arises when it reaches the brain and begins to muck about in it. Despite cosmos's mystical nature, having his brain poked and prodded does still feel weird, especially when it reaches certain areas to trigger emotional responses like fear, lust, or simply supernaturally calm.

Once it's exploration is done, it's wires shift and it begins to let cosmos up, it's body structure changing and using muscle designs present in the human body, but much more potent due to the nature of the wires, it's three talloned hand warping to become a clawed, humanoid hand while the wires along it's body condense to for a thick, black 'skin of sorts before it's throat begins to be meticulously worked on to recreate vocal cords, it's voice sounding exactly like cosmos's own as it asks "what am i?..." in a long, carefully enunciated sentence
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"Humans you say? There are... 'warm-blooded' humans on this planet?" Mithais swallowed anxiously. It was great to have a potential source of blood, but fuck. How was he supposed to explain what he needed? This woman was obviously protective of them and had the powers to back it up. Of all the idiotic, dramatic ludicracy! He face-palmed so hard and looked at her. ... She probably had no idea what a vampire was. "Alright. Let us go then. But please no further mention of humans. ...I'm starving."

Without explaining, Mithais started walking, reluctantly, in the direction of the mountain. He was trying not to look at her, and her very RED hair... >>

"I have killed gods before, two of them, but I completely don't expect you to believe me. I had powers that I have since lost." He sighed with some frustration, getting his focus back. "I lost them today, actually, but I intend to regain them. There's always someone hunting you, coming to destroy everything you love." he thought of what Bob had said. "You have to be able to fight. It's just part of life."

He kept talking. "Two of my friends died only moments ago. I feel numb. I don't think I'm ready to talk about it." 'Twas best he deflected the subject lest he end up losing his soul. "Ahem, I'm from a world so far away and long ago that I don't even remember it. "The earliest thing I remember is finding myself in a..." Mithais realized he had better not say 'coffee lounge,' "...in a 'interdimentional hub' of sorts, and I've been on countless adventures ever since. I'm not so much interested in returning to wherever I came from as I am in protecting all worlds. Before he died, my enemy mentioned something. He said that there was a terrible threat coming, something that would inevitably destroy all universes and all of existence. I am afraid I may just believe him. Do you see why it's imperative that I regain my strength and find my friends?"

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