Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Phaesaris
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Phaesaris Collection of Curiosities

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"It can't be gone." Yasmine spun around on her heel and took off after Scorn, easily catching up behind the skull-faced woman. "Maybe it's close by?"

She searched for her former companion amongst the ruins, a twinge of sadness hitting her as she took in the broken remains of the fallen city. There was nothing but destruction and chaos -- two of her least favorite things. "Hey, Scorn?" Yasmine ran faster to match pace with her new...acquaintance. "Do you know what happened here? Why everything's all...all..." She frowned as searched for a proper word. "Well, all gone to hell?"

A flash of brown against gray caught her eye, momentarily distracting her. There, crouched amongs the abandoned skeleton of a store, was the cat. It's amber eyes glimmered with what seemed like amusement before it turned tail and scampered away. It weaved through the concrete, headed for what looked like a couple of figures in the distance. Yasmine sharply changed directions. "Hey! This way!"

@Argetlam350@Jones Sparrow@BCTheEntity
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 12 mos ago


((Gonna make Eli continuing walking, as if nothing ever happened))

After the mechanic shop, Eli didn't take any unnecessary risks. He hid whenever he heard a gunshot. He took another block because he saw a recently used campfire inside the nearest building. Any road that looked recently walked through he didn't go down. He was so angry about being tricked that he didn't want to let his anger get the best of him, and he certainly didn't want to die when he had absolutely no idea who the hell he was.

And just when he let his guard down to talk to a man with what seemed to be a calf, it turned out to be much more dangerous than a bunch of raiders. The man gave a smile and laugh, one that didn't sound to be full of happiness... It was much more sinister. "Oh no, He's not dinner tonight for anyone... In fact, you might be good for dinner. He is quite hungry." The man said casually, leaving Eli's instincts to go crazy.

"I...I'm sorry...?" Eli's hand slowly went for his sword. "Oh yes... you're one of them.. The gray streaks in your hair... Your strength. Those eyes. Yes only one could have eyes that severely haunted. You will do nicely for a sacrifice. Can't have you achieving your plan."

As the man talked, Eli tried very hard to concentrate. What was he talking about? It was as if he knew him, as if he was someone he met before and thought it was funny that he was lost here. Eli didn't find it funny at all. "What... What are you talking about?" Eli tried to demand, his head starting to hurt, his heartbeat getting faster.

"Do you really want to know? I'm sure you would enjoy your present self than reliving the agony you call your past. Yes, you are definitely an older being. She loves the taste of Titans."

Eli's head screamed with pain, he almost fell to his knees, but he managed to stay up. He drew his sword, which made the man laugh amusingly and the calf to give a demonic growl. "You want to play before we eat? We love a dinner and a show." The man laughed, this time in a much more sinister voice, and in a second the ground started to shake. A black mass took over the man and animal, Eli stumbled back staring in horror as the two changed form.

The man turned taller, greener, a set of scales moved over his skin, and his eyes turned a neon yellow. His mouth turned into a snout, his hands and feet turned into claws, and a tail sprouted out of him... He was a crocodile hybrid, standing on two legs, and his large muscular arms looking intimidating. The calf's body turned in to a taller, more muscular lion one, its head turned from a calf to a woman's, wings sprouting out of its back, and at the end of its tail was a serpent's head.

He had no idea what the crocodile man was, but he knew immediately what the calf turned in to. "A Sphinx..." Eli muttered. his head throbbing with explanation. He was angry that he knew, but didn't at the same time, as if he should have the answers but none came up! He held out his sword, ignoring the pain of his head.

His attention turned to a woman screaming in the alley. Looking over he saw that she was pointing towards them... No, not them, but the cat in front of them. He turned his attention back to the enemies just in time to swipe his sword, deflecting a large crocodile claw in mid air. The beast hissed. "No matter... More food comes, they smell like you too..."

Eli had no idea what he was talking about, but he didn't want to hear anymore of this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago


"Hmmm, interesting I myself also seem to have little knowledge of anything beyond my awakening a little while ago. However, I find myself able to do something rather interesting. Observe . . ." Set waved his hand out in front of him, and from tiny rivulets of sand flowed of his skin, flowing into the air and coalescing into a small sphere that seemed to be the size of a baseball. He had it hover in the air for a moment, then had it recede back into his skin, letting out a slight gasp as a wave of exhaustion hit him. Looks looks like trying to be fancy with this power isn't a smart decision right now, if something like that tires me out this much. I wonder if I'll be able to increase my power sometime soon

Shaking off the thought with a shrug, Set turned his attention back to Lily, putting his hands in his jacket pockets while Humporhy knelt by his side, waiting patiently.

"Pretty cool, huh? Now then, mind choosing a direction for us to walk in? I've no idea why we here. but I'm getting bored of doing nothing, but I feel like it's only fair to have you lead usto our next destination. Ladies first and all that, and consider it my apology for threatening your silence. While it might've been necessary, it was still rather rude of me, wouldn't you agree?"


Quetzal was somewhat stunned by the woman's actions, gulping down some air as she spoke., For some reason, he felt like he was in more danger with her than he was with those brigands outside, though not in the same way. Everything about her was predatory, yet seductive, as if every movement was one meant to draw the eye and proclaim power. The most prominent statement of this was the necklace around her neck, which he found impossible to keep his eyes off of for long. Something about the way it got the light, how it seemed to pulsate as if it had a life of it's own, it awoke something in him, and he wasn't sure how he felt about it. Once he made his way past her into the room, a slight shiver making it's way through his form as their bodies brushed by each other, he had to take a slow breath to calm himself, followed by a draught of water. The feeling of the life-giving liquid flowing down his throat was very refreshing.

He took a seat on a chair not to far away from the door, out of sight from whoever the woman was addressing, but close enough in case they tried to pull anything. When the new revealed himself, wondering if the woman was alone, Quetzal spoke in a welcoming tone, not wanting him to feel unwelcome if he was hear on benevolent terms.

"Not particularly, though I'm as nearly as much a stranger to her as you are to us. I'm a beneficiary of this woman's kindness, and am thus indebted to her because of it. And while I'm sorry to ask this, what are your intentions in coming here, dear sir? I want to believe you have no ill intentions, but I have a feeling that such a sentiment can't be ultimately abided by in our present surroundings." Quetzal gave a slight sigh, another wave of depression hitting him as he thought of the state of the world today, and what hue had seen of humanity so far. It had onl been one moment and a single group, but when combined with the surroundings he found himself in, it spoke volumes.



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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Kronshi @Kaithas @Jones Sparrow


A graveyard. A place of rest for the deceased. They were generally ... solemn, quiet environments, where those who had known the dead in life could mourn and pay their respects. Yet she knew of nobody, no person, who had passed on from the mortal coil to purgatory, to be renewed and restored to once more be part of the cycle of reincarnation. So why had she been drawn here? Why had she chosen to walk amongst the dead, amongst the coldest silence of this drab, dull world that she had emerged into? What was she seeking to find?

Three men, encircled by fresh corpses?

Her eyes, deep brown, hardened in caution. What had brought such a disturbance to a place of rest? Who were they? What was their purpose here, together, where the dead should be six feet under, not lying upon the cold, harsh soil? She could feel the blood begin to pump through her veins, the tensing of her muscles in preparation for danger. Was ... why was this so? Had she been a warrior in the past? No, why would a warrior be in the garb of a businesswoman?

Yet ...

She would still be cautious.

"Am I interrupting anything?" she asked, composed, dignified. Just as Feng Jidian should be.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
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Kaithas One Jump Man

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I'm Ha-" Des, his mind finished, though he didn't speak it himself. He still didn't know what that name meant, and it filled him with dread. Why share a fearful secret with a complete stranger, even if he was someone that Hal felt he knew from somewhere else? True, the bearded face and fishing harpoon were accompanied with small sparks of familiarity-but like a feeling of Deja Vu you just can't shake, Hal had no idea where those sparks came from. So he picked the easier question to answer, even if the response itself was more complicated.

"No, I don't know him." That, at least, was the truth. Even if Hal was actually Hal Desmond, he still didn't know himself: the massive gap where his memories should be made sure of that. "At least... I don't think I do. But I woke up in his grave, so... I suppose that's a really roundabout way of saying... You can call me Hal Desmond. Nice to meet you, Ben..."

Osiris. The name held little meaning for Hal, to be true, but some feeling of dread did come from it... And it obviously meant a lot to the German shepherd's owner. When the boy knelt, Hal squatted slightly, looking into Abel's face, searching it for any touch of familiarity, anything that he could recognize. He sighed and shook his head, holding out his hand for Abel to use as support to stand up again. "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you, Abel. I don't remember myself, nor you. I'm sorry... Maybe we can find some answers someplace."

And a woman now approached. Hal shook his head, his hand still outstretched to Abel. "No... What's happened has happened. You aren't interrupting anything unless you plan to either avenge them or hurt us for purely selfish reasons... Either one will lead to more bloodshed, and I've personally had enough for today."

Us. Interesting. Two total strangers and they were counted as "us". Ben just seemed to be somehow trustworthy, as if Hal had known him for far longer... And there was something in Abel's attitude that inspired some kind of kinship with him, though what it was Hal couldn't tell for the life.. errrrr, death of him.

@Jones Sparrow @Kronshi @Crimmy
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED08734


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Sophia was deeply disappointed when the man appeared for she did not recognize him. He wasn't whom she expected to see, her hopes still high to find the gentleman who had shared her bed this morning for he most likely held the answers to her many inquires. Azure lanterns gazed with interest as she observed the physicality of her new guest. @Argetlam350 He was handsome, and his awkward smile as he stuttered a response was quite attractive in an amusing way. He obviously lacked any awareness when he pondered if she was alone, which was strange considering he cautioned her a warning, yet her first guest was seated just behind him. Perhaps he was distracted and didn't notice the other gentleman, but distracted by what? She wasn't that captivating....

Her necklace glowed from the reflection of the fire that was raging within her fireplace., providing a comforting warmth from the bitter cold outside. She approached her new guest, locking eyes with him, but before she could speak, Damian@Raijinslayer began a welcoming speech. She smiled softly, her eyes never leaving the new man. "Not particularly, though I'm as nearly as much a stranger to her as you are to us. I'm a beneficiary of this woman's kindness, and am thus indebted to her because of it. And while I'm sorry to ask this, what are your intentions in coming here, dear sir? I want to believe you have no ill intentions, but I have a feeling that such a sentiment can't be ultimately abided by in our present surroundings." Sophia moved closer to the fireplace as Damian spoke and brushed a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. Her voice was light-hearted as she spoke to the gentleman "Excuse my dear friend for not introducing ourselves but in a way, he is right to be cautious with how chaotic this world has become." She offered her delicate hand for the traditional greeting of a handshake. "My name is...Sophia and the gentleman who just spoke is Damian. We mean no harm, and I can offer some refuge for awhile if you would like. But make no mistake..." Her eyes narrowed slightly before she completed the sentence. "if you attempt to harm either one of us in any way, we won't hesitate to end you." And you shall not be allowed entrance into Valhalla. Wait what? Where did that come from? Her head pulsed with pain at that thought.

As if on cue, her two cats appeared from her bedroom and sat, one on either side of her. As if they were protecting her. For some reason, this comforted her. Sophia turned her gaze to roaring fire, then towards Damian. Although she considered him a stranger, she trusted him. She assumed he would assist her in detaining this intruder if he attempted any action that wasn't cordial.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 12 mos ago


As the man near the grave began to talk, Ben's sea green eyes looked at the tombstone, then back at the man's face... His voice sounded cold, but not hostile, or cruel. It was as if it was wounded in the past, or neglected... And there was a small sense of guilt inside him in the back of his mind. When he said his name, Ben simply gave a smile, and nod towards him. Abel was less formal with Hal. Ben stepped back at the sudden reaction from the man, eyeing the two curiously. The name Osiris meant not much to him, but he knew that Hal was not him. His mind told him that he wasn't a man to normally fill something with life, and yet another part of him said that there was much he didn't know (or remember) about Hal. A small smile appeared on Ben's face when he said "we could find answers." It was rather odd to find complete strangers after seeing them kill, and yet have some sort of trust with them. More specifically Hal.

Another voice moved in. Ben turned quickly, his hand going to his fishing harpoon as he examined the figure. Hal spoke up first, but he kept his eyes on the woman. If he hadn't been attacked by countless men and women and awoken with no memory, the very sight of her would have intimidated him. Her stance was strong, her face detailed in someone with power. Her suit matched that well, but it felt out of place in this city. A curious thought ran through his mind. The only people that didn't seem to want to kill people seemed to have no recollection of this place...

"She doesn't look much like she wants to fight, Lord." Ben said in a mocking tone, but turning to face Hal with a small grin. It was a teasing tone, as if he was pressing his buttons for the fun of it. Doing that to a complete stranger would have been considered rude, especially to a man who collects dark screaming energy from corpses... But he had a feeling Hal wouldn't take it as a threat.

"Tell me, Do you know your name? Who you are? Where you're from?"

There was no time to hear a response. A couple blocks away in the nearly destroyed city, a large and thunderous BOOM echoed through the buildings, leaving the four of them dead quiet. Ben turned to face the direction it came from, and felt a sense of dread. He turned to Hal, and then the others. "Those weren't raiders. We need to hide. Now."

He, Abel and Hal just finished from a battle, and although none of them will admit it, they were tired. The group of them made their way out of the makeshift graves, climbing over or walking around cars as they looked for a safe spot to take cover from the demonic howling and thundering explosions coming closer. "There." Ben pointed at what looked like an abandoned apartment complex, with the doors broken open. Not the most welcoming thing, but it beat being out in the open.

They all ran in, hiding next to the walls, all near a window so they could inspect the scene... They waited for what seemed like forever, until a thundering, inhuman voice shook the ground. "WHERE ARE YOU?!"

Ben very slowly peered around the corner to look out the window, and as he did his vision tunneled. The makeshift grave had a new visitor. He easily stood past 12 feet. His arms were the size of tree trunks. From the neck down he looked like a normal human being if he grew super sized... He carried a large axe, glowing in the sun, but the most noticeable feature was his head. Instead of a human head, a Bull's head was in its place. Large amounts of dark brown fur covered his neck and shoulders, his snout was breathing heavily, as if trying to smell, and his beady eyes were filled with rage.

"The smell of death lingers... He is here too? COME OUT, KING OF THE SEA!" The beast bellowed. "YOU CANNOT ESCAPE! YOUR GREEK BLOOD IS TOO STRONG TO HIDE!" The thing taunted. Ben grasped the side of the wall, his tan skin turned a small shade of green. The beast was so familiar to Ben, the way it said the King of the Sea and mentioning the Greek blood, Ben was certain he was talking directly at him, and he had a hunch on why. He wanted revenge.

"If you come out now, I will spare your brother, and maybe the others that are joined with you. I only want you... You made me this, don't you remember? Or are you still recovering?" The beast gave in a few more sniffs in the air, and started to stomp towards the direction of the apartment complex. Ben muttered something in what he could assume was another language, possible an ancient form of Greek? He wasn't sure, and he had no idea why that language burst out, but it meant one thing. They were in trouble.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Wepwawet- Seattle, WA

Kasim looked at the other person who was in the room looking to see if they would attack just like a rabid dog. Once feeling that that didn't seem to be the case he replied to the man's question."I merely was looking for what supplies were left around, didn't really expect to run into anyone here though what brought me to this place was a rather odd bright light. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you?"

The woman then spoke and he gave a slight bow in respect oddly. Why did he do that? No matter it didn't matter for the time, he could get answers to that question later."Well if you mean no harm then I mean no harm. My name is Kasim." He saw the two cats and gave a slight smile. The cats reminded him of someone, but who he couldn't say.

"First animals I've seen since awakening. Everything out there seems to be a ghost town," he added ",Besides the bodies it would seem man was nothing more then a myth." His mind wandered back to what happened to the world, to this once rich and mostly peaceful world to reduce it to nearly ruble and death.


Lyssa/Mania- Chicago, IL

"Oh so two more guests to add to the fun," Scorn said ecstatic to know there were more people. Though she knew she probably would have to keep her other wants down if they turned out to be not so nice people. The cat was momentarily forgotten as they got closer to the two newcomers but one seem to change and shift to something that shouldn't be part of the normal world yet was familiar. The name of the creature was on her tongue but she couldn't seem to grasp it. She gave a huff of annoyance at not knowing the name but then a grin plastered on her face. Since it wasn't human she could have some fun. There weren't any limits on non earthly creatures right?

"A new toy to play with lovely," she said ecstatically once in ear shot of the creature and new person ",Now I wonder what color it bleeds, hopefully anything but red, I need a lovely color palette if I ever want to finish my work." How serious the situation was seem to just go over her head and she skipped happily ready to pounce on the creature herself whenever she got an opening.

"We call dips on the other guy," Scorn said ",Seems fair three on one big ugly creature like that right?"

@Jones Sparrow

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 3 days ago

A light frown showed on her face as her brows furrowed in confusion at the fact that she was not the only one that had a blank in her memory upon awakening but she didn't have long to think on that matter as she looked curiously to the others hand. Her eyes widening a fraction in wonder at what she was seeing, the sand on his skin moved off and into a hovering swirl till it was in a sphere the size of a baseball. It only floated there a moment before it dissipated and slowly receded back to his skin but even that small feet was mind blowing to Lily. It did make her a bit curious if she had anything she could do because so far she hadn't noticed a thing but then again she hadn't been looking for it before.

"Cool? That was incredible!" her enthusiasm and joy clear written in her voice and even if it was clear, the bright smile would have been a dead give away to her happiness at the simple show. Lily in fact was so ecstatic about that, she hadn't even noticed the lush grass and wildflowers that were springing to life under her feet as if responding to her. "I do agree but you have been quite the gentleman since then so all has been forgiven long ago." she spoke before turning her head slightly to look in the direction she had been running before and pointed off in the distance. "I have no idea why but I feel like I need to go this way...like something is waiting or calling to me. Does that sound strange?"
It was as her joy calmed that the lush life that had spring up began to curl in on itself slowly dying off as she became more serious on where she wished to go next.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Phaesaris
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Phaesaris Collection of Curiosities

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Yeah...fair..." Yasmine watched with a mix of horror and awe as one of the distant figures morphed into a--no, two horrible creatures. One she didn't know the name of struck at the man, and the other...
Yasmine gritted her teeth as the headache returned. A large monument, sand whipping across its smoothend back. The images were faded and brief, but somehow familiar. Creatures of Horus. Bringer of light. She blinked hard as the memories--if that what they really were--disappeared as suddenly as they came. Head of a man, the body of a lion. The Strangler. The Sphinx. She knew that name. Somehow, she knew it. It was accompanied with the feeling of warmth and sunlight. But the creature before her, twisted and evil, was a being of darkness. Nothing like the visions in her mind.

A poisonous snarl broke Yasmine out if her thoughts and back to the action. Clutch her sistrum, she bolted towards the beasts and their prey. The land blurred around her as she ran before she finally skidded to a halt beside the man. "Need some help?" Her tone was playful, but it barely concealed the seriousness beneath. Yasmine regarded the man with interest, her eyes scanning him like a predator. He wasn't that bad looking. Handsome even, in a rugged sort of way. Perhaps afterwards...Focus. Now is not the time for such thoughts.

Yasmine turned back to the monsters. Her body almost reflexively crouched into a fighting position. Determination replaced whatever fear she had, and anger pumped through her veins. What the hell were these things doing, picking on the helpless?! She glanced at the man's sword. The semi-helpless?! She grabbed a large rock with her free hand and searched for a weak point. It wasn't an ideal weapon, but it was better than nothing. She felt fur brush against her leg and heard a soft hiss as the cat joined her side. She was scared of course, but less so now that adrenaline rushed through her body. Now, she was ready for battle.

Taking a shaky breath, Yasmine aimed and threw the rock at the Sphinx. A brown blur soon followed it as the cat launched itself at the bigger of the two monsters.

@Argetlam350@Jones Sparrow
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 12 mos ago


Eli should have been overjoyed by the sight of people willing to help. He should have felt a bit more comfort tackling on these creatures now that it was three on two... But one of them had what looked like dried blood on her hands, a skull painted on her face, and the comments she made made him a bit uneasy... But the way she stood, and laughed at danger sparked yet another form of familiarity in his mind, but this one wasn't the same as seeing The Sphinx... The second woman appeared almost instantly, which caused Eli to glance over at her with his golden eyes. Her comment made a small laugh escape his throat, grasping his sword a bit harder. "Help would be much appreciated." Eli admitted. This woman didn't look as menacing as her friend. She had the frame of a gymnast, and the looks of an angel, but those thoughts soon left when he heard the growls of the beasts. A giant Crocodile man and a winged lion-man against three rather interesting people...What was the worst that could happen?

With a small nod towards the other two, and they charged to attack. The boulder hit the Sphinx, but the winged creature simply swiped away and gave a snarl. As the dark haired woman pounced at the crocodile man with blinding speed, the Sphinx followed after her. Eli ran and charged at the beast, and with very little thought in a plan he opened his arms to tackle it. The Sphinx was much larger, and seemed much stronger than Eli, but to his surprise both him and the winged creature fell sideways, away from his two allies.

The Sphinx was not happy. It did its best to try and claw at Eli, its serpent tail trying to snap at Eli's legs but he managed to kick it away. The figures tumbled hard on the road, and the Sphinx easily kicked Eli off, sending him to the air again. The golden eyed man fell hard on his stomach behind a car, and desperately trying to stand up. When he looked up he saw the Sphinx flying right towards him at a blinding speed.

Instincts kicked in. Eli managed to sidestep, twirling around in a full circle before bringing his sword down at the place where the Sphinx was. A screech louder than anything he's ever heard filled the air. On the floor a serpent's head twitched and hissed evilly, the Sphinx looked at the place where its tail once was, golden blood escaping from the wound.

Eli started to run back towards the crocodile man and the two allies, he had a feeling the Sphinx was right behind him. In a desperate (and stupid) effort, Eli dove in between the crocodile man's legs, skidding on the asphalt, and turning back to see what his situation was. The Sphinx crashed into the crocodile, both falling over and screaming in rage. Eli continued to back up until he could stand again, and by that time the crocodile had lifted a rusting car, and threw it at the three humans.

But Eli went forward, and brace himself, his hands out as if he could catch the item flying towards them... Confusion hit everyone, including the monsters, when Eli actually had successfully caught the car. The weight of his car made him skid backwards, still on his feet. His arms felt extremely weak, but he had a feeling he's lifted much worse. His golden eyes glared at the monsters, all his pain and anger went through him again, and in a mighty scream he threw the car right back at them.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

(Dont know if this fits or not)

From not far away the snake like man heard shouts and bumps as if a fight was on. Running over the rooftops to the area he saw 3 people fighting 2 monsters. 1 a sphinx sent a jolt of recognition in his mind. Sphinx, Protect, Pharoahs, Order, Maat, ENEMY! he lost all control leaping off the building jumping past the man with the car at the Sphinx which was getting up. His teeth entering the powerful symbols flesh his aura of chaos (which hes not controlling atm) corroding its soul as somehow the force of the impact sent the sphinx back to the ground.
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