”If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing casually”Face Claim — Orange Cassidy | Color — fff200 NameVlasiud, spawn of Dormammu. Goes by “Blaise” on earth
Superhero AliasBlaze, if that’s taken he’ll change the spelling, like a tech startup would
Sexual OrientationAsexual – Like most Faltine, he is only interested in energy, not matter
Hero ConnectionProgeny of Dormammu
AppearancePicked a human form based on what he thought a cool person looked like, hence hair that always looks styled no matter what he is doing and the face like an off-brand copy of a movie star. His clothing can be described as “Denim. Everything Denim”, the only other option he will accept is a tracksuit (preferably by Adidas). His sunglasses always stay on, not just because that makes him look cooler, but because it also hides the flaming aura coming out of his eyes, energy from his natural Faltine form
Personality TraitsEasy-going | Lazy | Non-judgmental | Mischievous | Calm | Unconventional
Secret OriginDormammu was used to challengers, seeking to usurp him as ruler of the Dark Dimension. What was less familiar to him was a genuine peace offering. The Dark Dimension was suffering from the devastating civil war he fought against Umar and Clea’s factions, shaking the foundations of the plane so badly that denizens began to reach out to other realms, asking for an end to the violence. A novel idea was proposed to end the fighting, peace talks overseen by a third party. Even more surprisingly, all three parties agreed to a ceasefire, though none could understand why Dormammu was willing to bargain.
Dormammu saw the time of peace as only a brief intermission to allow him to implement a new plan. To overpower his rivals, Dormammu would reproduce in the old Faltine way, split off a portion of his essence and then let it grow into another equally powerful being. Together, Dormammu and his progeny annihilate their enemies and conquer untold numbers of universes. Vlasiud is the product of this plan, and unfortunately for Dormammu, he developed a personality entirely unsuited to conquest. Vlasiud didn’t share his fathers ambitions, and any enthusiasm he showed was only to make Dormammu leave him alone so he could devote more time to stuff he actually cared about. Vlasiud doesn’t openly fight with his father or outright reject what he stands for, he just doesn’t see it as a big deal and doesn’t bother with any of that ruling or conquest stuff. Dormammu is clearly disappointed in how this turned out, but feeling some pride in his creation and having the patience typical of an immortal being, still holds out hope there is something he can do to salvage a benefit out of it.
When Vlasiud began to show interest in Earth culture, Dormammu came up with another idea. Having one of his own living on Earth would provide some tactical benefits, and would also be a way of getting his embarrassment of a son out of the public eye back in the Dark Dimension, possibly even act. Vlasiud enrolled at Mobius academy as part of a cultural exchange program made possible by the peace deal, eager to find out ways to fight evil a passive-aggressive manner that still gives him time to chill.
Family TreeDormammu – Father (Faltine disdain this term, and as they reproduce by fission it is not 100% accurate, but for human purposes it will suffice. There is no “mother equivalent”)
Umar – Aunt
Clea – Cousin
Ayla - Cousin
Satannish – Lesser creation of Dormammu (Wants to be seen as an actual member of the family, in actuality is somewhere between “cousin everyone secretly hates” and “family dog that is loveable but stupid”) (no face claim because he's a big angry metaphysical demon thing)
Abilities• Mystical Energy
o A skilled sorcerer taught by Dormammu, Blaise has become adept at spells and incantations of many varieties, from the basic energy projection, transmutation, astral projection and flight to more exotic options.
o Blaise is something of an idiot-savant at magic, being most skilled at the stranger effects, like the ones that fiddle with space, conjure illusions or interact with other dimensions, despite his inexperience. He doesn’t even really know how he does it himself. He is better at these than raw energy output.
• Faltine Body
o Blaise’s true form is composed of pure energy. He doesn’t eat, sleep, breath, get intoxicated or other do other typical biological behaviors, being sustained by energy and driven to find and sample more exotic energies out there
o He’s difficult to harm with physical blows, energy blasts do more direct damage
o His physical body is easy to manipulate with magic, being just a shell projected over his form
o As a Faltine he naturally produces mystical energy, which is useful for fueling his spells
o He is still an immature sorcerer, and quite poorly trained in theory. He goes by gut instinct, which can steer him wrong
o Blaise is tied to the Dark Dimension, Earth is not his natural home. He has trouble drawing magic from Earth’s ambient environment, and drawing magical power from the Dark Dimension is also difficult. When it comes down to sheer power output, he stands at a disadvantage
o His linkage with the Dark Dimension makes him vulnerable to countermeasures against cross-dimensional intruders, banishing him back to his home or erecting wards are both effective against Blaise.