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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Thatguyinastore
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Thatguyinastore Just a Store Guy

Member Seen 11 days ago

During the short period that Negan was on the ground, Date wouldn't find any noticeable marks, oddly enough. His vitals seemed to be all well and good as well, other than unusually high spikes in his... heartrate? Well, it sort of made sense, given what had just transpired.

In reality though, the bearded man was actually far from unconscious. He'd taken one HELL of a hit, to be sure, but that didn't mean he was out for the count just yet. Which was made obvious as she rested her hand on his chest cavity. That intrusive hand was promptly slapped away by the man, and what followed was a dry chuckle.

"Ooooohhhh.... MY!" he shouted through the laughter, slowly climbing up to his feet. His bat's business end poked against Red's, nudging her away from him. He turned to her soon after, "Little girl, I do appreciate the concern..." he paused as his bat was given a good twirl and promptly slung over his shoulder. He nodded down at her, smiling smugly all the while, "But I do believe that I can handle myself!" Still, though, that goat... thing had eased his pain a bit. BUT, Negan wasn't in the business of even acknowledging that thing's presence - other than staring at it for a long moment, before ultimately shaking his head and walking away.

The sound of laughter could then be heard in the other direction, and with its presence, the man slowly turned to face it. His brows furrowed at the noise, and his eyes narrowed all the while. Negan seemed less angered by this and more... intrigued. He paced on over to the rodent, keeping his smile up all the while. He stopped at only a few short feet from him, and it was at this point that he pointed the bat down at him.

"Well aren't you a cocky 'lil asshole?" he said. Up close, Dris could definitely make out the dried blood on the weapon. It seemed like it had been there a while, too. "Word to the wise, though..." Negan proceeded to kneel down next to the rat, getting right at eye level with him. "It really ain't wise to laugh at someone who didn't just craw out of the worst smellin' dumpster - quite frankly ever." to prove his point, Negan sniffed in, before mouthing a gag. He turned and exhaled after doing so, before eyeballing him one last time...

And then he chuckled to himself and walked away.

@Kagebaka @Jeff Jones @Spooky Birb @Cloaked @BoltBeam
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ratKing
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ratKing King Rat

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Cloud Strife

Cloud was used to horrible headaches out of nowhere, but this was different somehow. It started small and grew so quickly, before the mercenary knew it he was on the ground. Everything was slipping away, going dark and quiet. Surely that wasn't how he was going to die, it was too simple.

Everything slowly came back to him, voices starting to become clearer and the feeling to his body returning. He's felt worse after an unseen attack like that, clearly it was merely meant to knock him out. Albeit in the worst way possible, Cloud has felt much better ways of being down cold. Whatever was going on didn't seem good, first some lady talking about some "Luther" sounding name, then the aggressive and cocky voice of a man who had quickly been taken down. Clearly this wasn't going to be the first and last time it happens, watching his mouth was going to be a must here.

With his arms out in front of him, Cloud pushed himself off the ground with a pained grunt. He's had worse days, but the merc has definitely seen better ones. Rolling his shoulders only provided a small relief, sighing after and glancing around. No one of interest- until he spotted him. Of course he would be there too, did anyone else even see him? Was he here taunting him or was even the mighty Sephiroth taken down by these people? Perhaps that was a much bigger issue than him simply being here in the same enclosed area. Trapped here or not, Cloud should investigate anyways. After all, any funny business and the proud angel could end up on his knees like the one with the bat.

Sword already equipped, Cloud walked right up to Sephiroth. It was useless to stay a distance away, there was such a small space to break out in a fight around so many people. It wouldn't be wise for either of them, and hopefully this could be some level playing field. For now. Cloud knew very well what was in store the second an opening was up. Just looking at the man made emotions appear behind those eyes, a multitude of things he could probably say.

Cloud hesitated for a brief moment, hands slightly balling into fists. Any relaxtion afterwards was not any sign of trust, rather him just changing his mind about saying too much in front of all these strangers.
"You aren't here because you want to be, are you?"

Even with his hatred for the man, making a fool of himself if he's the only one able to see him wasn't on the list of impressions to make. Plus the question on if the other really was just as captive as burned at his mind too much, the idea of Sephiroth being just as stuck would be almost comforting if the implications weren't terrifying. As much as the merc would love to find peace in mind in that, he couldn't help but have a sense of unease. Being trapped was one thing, being trapped with someone who's supposed to be able to manipulate your perception and who seemingly hates you? The fact the other is even trapped should be of immense concern.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Thatguyinastore
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Thatguyinastore Just a Store Guy

Member Seen 11 days ago

The Director's analysis of his surroundings would ultimately come up at least somewhat well. Surrounding the cage was a rather long catwalk of a balcony. The catwalk wrapped around the entire room, and there were multiple doors that seemed to lead to the outside. However, all of those doors were sealed.

On the ground level, the room seemed to be entirely vacant - save for what seemed to be an elevator of sorts. It was directly adjacent to where they were standing.

Meanwhile, Natal's powers did indeed seem to work as intended. He was able to traverse upwards along the wall rather easily - eventually even pressing against the ceiling itself! However, the glass maintained its structural integrity even high up. At least for now, there didn't really seem to be any means of escape.

@darkred @Lazaro1505
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by TheRealMonaMona
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TheRealMonaMona Literal God

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

What a delight this was. A sinister smirk formed on Sephiroths face, followed by the bloodthirst in his eyes almost increasing at the very sight of the man before him. The way he said the merc's name was a remark of both joy (not in your regular fashion, mind you,) and sadistic intentions, truly.. he could not be more delighted. A shame there were so many others around, it ruined the fun he could of had. Oh well.. He could slaughter them all, and it was clear that he wanted to do so. But that would be oh so much 'Mr.Luthor' would have to clean. A shame indeed, for him atleast, the others did not know it, but they should be grateful. In his eyes, he simply spared them for a cold and precise death.

"Why make so many predictions so early into this litle game, Cloud? Who says I didn't simply come here to.. smell the flowers."
His grin grew ever so larger, to any others that might be overhearing their little conversation.. (to which Sephiroth would glare at them in an instant, shoving metaphorical, and if he feels like it, literal daggers, into their very soul.) it wasn't so obvious, but he was referencing something. Something Cloud would know very well..This was all but a form of very dry humor. As it was clearly obvious he was enjoying himself and this little 'reunion.' He didn't directly mention it, but Sephiroth didn't see himself as trapped. No..

Everybody else was. They were all but rodents lining up to be slaughtered, how joyous it would be if he could just cut their heads off and watch them bleed. A shame indeed, but with Cloud here? Oh, he could have so much fun. Though right now, Cloud was weak. And it was clear the disgust that Sephiroth held for any of those weak.. especially the Oh so great 'Hero' that would assist him with his goal. Whether he'd like it or not.

"Tell me.. Cloud.. How does it feel to be all alone? Right now, so defenseless. In a blink of an eye, I could eliminate you and everybody around you. That would be fun, right? Now tell me.. Do you not see your future? Who truly is trapped here? Me? Or all of you. I think we all know the answer.. Do you still remember each and every time you've failed? This is one of those moments. You are powerless. Weak. A mess of someone who is meant to be a Hero. So many rooted for you, and yet here you are.. With one singular chop? Well..

"Your mother would finally see her child again."

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by cadesmith
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cadesmith twinker bell

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Fret - He's healthy, no scratches or anything. He may be confused, but he's trying to keep his cool. Though, it isn't as bad nor is he on the verge of panic now that he's got some time to get used to it... which isn't the best in retrospect. Nonetheless! He's alright.

Okay, now that Fret's gotten a look at the rat up-close, he has to admit - Dris is also adorable, despite smelling horribly. He was able to tell that they weren't fond of him, however, so the teenager put up his hands a little and scooched back to let the rodent know he was laying off of them and Ralsei.

As for Voss, however, Fret rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly at his complaining. Whoops! Guess he can be a bit too loud sometimes, huh? Still, the geezer looked kind of... miserable. Like how someone that had no one come to their party would look miserable. So, Tosai then waved a hand towards himself and the others he had been with, inviting the sea captain over to sit - or lay - with them. "Sorry! Buuut, do you wanna come over here? It's better than just hanging around being all sleepy! If you ask me, anyway."

As Sougo introduced himself to Fret, he gave a smile and a small two-fingered salute to the icebreaking king. Very interesting dream, huh! Maybe it meant something that Fret didn't know of. Yeah, it probably did. "Nice to meetcha, Toking! You can call me Fret though, really. Or keep calling me Tosai, no biggie." Furesawa pointed a thumb to his chest, head tilting slightly to the right. "I'm kind aiming to just live life, stick with friends - all of that stuff. Thoooough, something to do with fashion and people would be a neat dream."

As Negan had gotten up, Fret watched as the leathery man gave his smug spiel. Once he was off however, the maybe two-time Player grimaced. "Yeesh... his vibes are no bueno."

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by TheElenaFisher
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by ProfSpacecakes
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ProfSpacecakes Purveyor of Cringe

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

All Might

Toshinori Yagi

All Might stood almost in shock as he stared up at the screen displaying the feed from the American military satellites, at the battle currently taking place over the Sea of Japan. His eyes stared in wide horror at that titan of a woman clad in red, white, and blue, Shigaraki's hand fully clasped over her face. His entire body seemed to go cold on him as he watched America's #1 Hero, his first true protege, start to crumble to dust. He started to go strangely numb, starting with his arms and spreading throughout the rest of his body, even as Star and Stripe continued to valiantly fight on despite her disintegrating body.

'Besides, the request came from All Might himself! My Master's in a pickle! Why would I think twice?'

Those words from just a few moments prior felt like spears through his heart upon recollection. He'd done this. This was all his fault. Here was another starry-eyed child he'd lead to certain doom by the power of their admiration for him alone. No, his blame went deeper than even that. This was a monster he was supposed to destroy, but he just hadn't been strong enough. If he'd only tried a little bit harder, fought a little more ferociously, even if it killed him, then none of this would have had to happen. If only he'd… he'd…

But he couldn't even manage to finish his thought, his body collapsing under him, his vision going dark on him just as what remained of his American counterpart's body plummeted out of the sky.


All Might called out the name as if waking up from a nightmare, his stringy blond bangs clinging to the cold sweat on his face. The first thing that registered to him was the fact that he was sitting on the ground, though he was distinctly not in the Hero Commission control room as he's been when he passed out. In fact, he didn't recognize this place at all, at least what little of it he could see through the throngs of people crowded around. Where the hell was he? Had he hit his head when he blacked out? Or, he dared to naively hope for a moment, could all of that have simply been a horrible dream after all?

((Daddy's home~ Open for interaction))
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Thatguyinastore
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Thatguyinastore Just a Store Guy

Member Seen 11 days ago

Joel had been taking in everything from his corner. From the rambunctious rumblings of the bearded man, to the various other kidnapped denizens all having those same damn looks on their faces. They all looked confused. Scared, even. Had he not come from a world of complete and utter shit, perhaps Joel Miller would have felt the same way. But... this wasn't that.

It was a breath of fresh air, really. For a moment. Admittedly, he did have a bit of a headache. Whatever the hell that "Luthor" guy did to them all had left a bit of a mark on the old man's brain. But as his vision cleared, so did his thoughts. And with that clarity came a face. The one person he'd sacrificed everything to protect. The girl who'd... well, who'd taught him what it was like to be a father again.


With her name muttered under his breath, Joel had pushed up off the wall he'd been leaning against. Fuck this place. Fuck this Luthor guy. And fuck whatever the hell they'd done to their brains. Ellie wasn't here. He knew that much by the distinct lack of her voice. He didn't even need to look in order to find that out. And if he'd been kidnapped, then that meant she was alone. And if she was alone, and Joel was here? Well, that just wasn't gonna fuckin' fly. Peri-

Joel? That really you?

Immediately, Joel turned as he heard that familiar voice. It was one he hadn't heard in a long damn time - yet one that he'd recognize clear as day. She'd been his partner for twenty odd years, after all. Yeah... his partner. The one who'd been fucking bit. And then shot.


So many thoughts were running through his head at once. Was this some kind of fucked up dream? It... it had to be, right? Tess was dead. He saw her die with his own damn eyes. Her body was right there, laid out on the fucking floor. Blood pouring out of her dozens of exit wounds. She hadn't even lasted a fucking minute with those damn soldiers. So... so how the hell was she here? This could've been a dream... but since when were they this damn vivid? Joel couldn't recall any time, really. Period.

He was in shock. Words failed him as the world around him turned to a blur. All he could do was stare at the woman in front of him. The very woman who he'd seen die. And as if life hadn't thrown him enough damn curveballs at that moment...

"...what even happened?"

Everything else she'd said fell on deaf ears. Tess herself was even forgotten in that moment - and so was everyone else in that damn cage. He'd turned upon hearing that voice, tears immediately falling out of his eyes as he'd done so. This many fucking years later... and he still remembered her voice. Her laughter. Her sobs. Because what kind of a damn father would he be if he'd forgotten? Sure, Ellie had helped him move on... but Joel didn't forget. He couldn't.

But that didn't mean that he could believe his damn eyes, neither.


He muttered her name for the first time in years. Other than when talking with Ellie, of course. Fuck... fuck...

All at once, Joel's knees gave, and he fell to his knees. Right in front of his daughter. And immediately his arms reached out and wrapped around her, pulling her in as close as he could. He held onto her for dear life - like both their lives depended on it. For the first time in fucking years, he'd held his baby girl in his arms. He hadn't held her since... since...

Joel could stop his tears like a man could stop a train. He didn't give a fuck how he was doing it. He'd either died and gone to Heaven, or he was in a dream. And as he rocked back and forth with his daughter, running his fingers through her hair again and outright sobbing, he could only think one thing. One thing as he held her close to him again. One thing as he had her face buried into his shoulder, just like she'd done when she crawled into bed with him on those stormy nights when she was a little girl.

If this was a dream... then he'd sure as shit better not wake up...

"Oh... oh baby girl... baby baby please don't ever leave me again... fuck... please girl stay with me... don't leave me again... just hold onto me baby girl... just hold onto me a little bit longer..."

@teapartybs @TheElenaFisher @whoeverelse
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kagebaka
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Kagebaka The Potato God

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

--Sougo Tokiwa--
Interaction: @Thatguyinastore@teapartybs@Yamperzzz@Spooky Birb@Cloaked

"To...king? I kinda like the sound of that." To Sougo's surprise, he's been given a nickname! As someone who's basically been ostracized by his classmates because of his dream, this means a lot! Especially since the people he considered his friends only referred to him by his name or his title, Ohma Zi-O. "That's a nice to dream to look up to, Tousai-kun." Sougo nods when Tousai spoke about his dream. Although Sougo had already decided to call him Fret after he transforms--assuming he can fight, that is, which Sougo doubts. Regardless, the delinquent who scraped his bat beforehand suddenly got up--it seems that he was fine after all, despite his fall.

"On the brightside, he's still alive." Sougo comments on Fret's assessments. "That means whoever this 'Luthor-san' is doesn't want us dead, I think." He scratched the back of his head. "I wonder what he wants from us, though..." He glanced around the current group in the cage, "It's quite the group he'd gathered."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BoltBeam
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BoltBeam Freedom Purifies

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Red Riding Hood

Mood - Concerned
Status - Healthy
Interactions/Mentions - @teapartybs, @thatguyinastore

"Hey, Red!" The former-but-could-be-again Player greeted, waving. According to most, Fret was really approachable - and he may as well be just that right now! "I know you don't know what's going on, right? But, uh... did you get a fancy red and black pin? Just wondering!"

"Red and black pin? Unless it's a hairpin, I haven't seen any of 'em - never mind get 'em. This one's staying with me." Red responded as she motioned to the hairpin right where it belongs - though she found this question somewhat confusing. "If it doesn't look like this one, then you're fresh out of luck for a good while, I think.. Sorry 'bout that." Sighing as her tone returned to a lower volume, she returned her attention to what she was formerly doing, and... Well, she was right - he 'was' in fact alive! With his hand slapping away her own and him letting out a laugh, Red couldn't help but smile widely... before he opened his mouth to speak.

In reality though, the bearded man was actually far from unconscious. He'd taken one HELL of a hit, to be sure, but that didn't mean he was out for the count just yet. Which was made obvious as she rested her hand on his chest cavity. That intrusive hand was promptly slapped away by the man, and what followed was a dry chuckle.

"Ooooohhhh.... MY!" he shouted through the laughter, slowly climbing up to his feet. His bat's business end poked against Red's, nudging her away from him. He turned to her soon after, "Little girl, I do appreciate the concern..." he paused as his bat was given a good twirl and promptly slung over his shoulder. He nodded down at her, smiling smugly all the while, "But I do believe that I can handle myself!" Still, though, that goat... thing had eased his pain a bit. BUT, Negan wasn't in the business of even acknowledging that thing's presence - other than staring at it for a long moment, before ultimately shaking his head and walking away.

Wincing a little when his weapon poked against her and pushed her further away, she just shook herself a little - gripping onto her own weapon - which you may have been able to see was a GIANT pair of scissors - and listening to what he said. It's true, he did seem to appreciate it, but... well, he could be a little nicer about it, right? Red sighs as he walks off and just returns to minding her own business. "Well, at least he's alright. That's one burden off my back!" She thought to herself aloud, wandering to an edge of the glass cage - one of its walls - and proceeded to look towards everybody else, looking for trouble that would suddenly pop up. Injuries, just arguments outright (though perfectly valid) - etc. Red just stood there with her weapon to her side and its blades gently poking the ground below her (probably cutting through it in the process, by accient) - and watched without another word.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by StaidFoal
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"It's been a long time, old friend."

Corvo Attano rose, clutching Piero's mask at the side. He grimaced at the pitch black eyes of the Outsider. "Any longer would have been pleasant." Just when he was finally adjusting to his normal life in Dunwall, the familiar sting struck him. In moments, he blacked out—what greeted him was the cold, empty Void.

"What can I say?" the Outsider remarked. He enjoyed this far too much; these multiversal games. "Excitement is always temporary. That couldn't be any more apparent in the Void than anywhere else." He drifted in circles around Corvo, but what he left behind him was an entirely new setting. It was the still the Void, monochrome as ever, but the drifting platforms of rock were replaced with refined walls. People appeared, frozen in time. He and several others became encased in a cage of glass, and a sole woman stood outside.

"Do you remember Cirilla, Corvo?" The Lord Protector whipped around, and there she was. The Outsider moved his hand near her face, refraining from touching it like a statue at an art museum. He remembered how he pulled her into the Void; before that, he believed the juvenile god was solely in it for Corvo.

"Cut to the chase," he snapped. "We saved everything in existence once, what else would you need us to do?"

The Outsider waltzed towards the masked man, hands tucked behind his back. He stopped shy of Corvo, smirking. The god then leaned towards him. "I have no idea." He faded into a black fog, dissipating in seconds. The monochrome world regained its color, just in time for a gruffy-looking man with a bat to collapse with a sharp scream.

Corvo assessed their new predicament, keeping Luthor's name in mind. Soon, his gaze focused on the person he trusted out of everyone else. The Lord Protector removed his mask, revealing a similar smile. His age showed on his face: more notable layers of gray over his facial hair, skin turning a certain color; but aside from that, he was same as he always was. "It's as if we're cursed to forever drift around this multiverse rat-brine," he remarked back.

@TheElenaFisher (Ciri)
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ProfSpacecakes
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ProfSpacecakes Purveyor of Cringe

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

All Might

Toshinori Yagi

As All Might picked himself up off the ground and tried to get his bearings, he began to become aware of many interactions going on around him. Most, like himself, were simply trying to figure out where they were, others making an attempt at greeting one another and making introductions. One group in particular caught his eye, however. A group that featured what appeared to be a tearful reunion between a father and his daughter.

Despite all that had happened that past day — or indeed, perhaps because of all that had happened — seeing such a thing brought a small, bittersweet smile to the retired hero's face. It was nice to see that, even in dire times such as these, meaningful things could still happen. He wondered if, after this was all over, such an interaction would be waiting for him, or if that was even a possibility anymore. Those thoughts caused him to absentmindedly pull his phone from his pocket, unlocking the screen and opening his text messages. The most recent ones were with his successor, Midoriya. Well… it was more accurate to say they were to Midoriya. They were mostly nagging little things, or at least that's how it looked with no responses. Asking after the boy's condition, urging him to take a rest and eat something, even offering to let him take a nap in the back of his car to keep from burning out. All just left on read.

Of course, even though his student had made it quite clear that he didn't need him anymore, All Might couldn't help but worry. He typed up a quick "how you holding up, kid?" and sent it off before he could have any second thoughts. Or, at least he tried to. His phone immediately reported that the message couldn't be sent. That was odd… Even in the midst of a national lockdown and martial law, his phone should have been one of the few left completely unrestricted. He'd just assumed he'd somehow ended up in one of the many shelters scattered around Japan, but had that assumption been incorrect after all? Just where was he?

Approaching the small group that included the man and his daughter, All Might seemed to make a conscious effort not to slouch so much. He'd noticed that he tended to look a bit too ghoulish in his scrawny weakened form if he didn't pay close enough attention to his posture. He already felt bad for intruding like this, he didn't want to creep them out on top of it all.

"Excuse me, miss," he began softly, deciding to address the woman of the group so as to not disturb the man and his child. "I don't suppose you know where we are? I don't recognize this as one of the Tokyo shelters…"

Interactions - @TheElenaFisher @Thatguyinastore
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ratKing
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ratKing King Rat

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Is that all Sephiroth had? Cloud was almost disappointed, he could predict the other would say such things. Being that upset the Angel of Death couldn't get new material the merc crossed his arms with a grunt, staring the man up and down. Still that confident, huh? Was that going to get him in shit? Hopefully, Cloud could only hope he got to see the moment where Sephiroth realized there wasn't any easy way out of this.

"I'm not sure what I should comment on first. The fact that you don't have new threats, or the fact you're still confident after being taken down like the rest of us. No fear at all, usually that kills a man but you must be the one exception..."

Stepping back, the merc scoffed under his breath and looked upwards at the glass. Is he really so confident and not trying to break out or take control? How long will this artificial attitude last? It wasn't off brand for him not to even bat an eye at something like this, but it didn't mean it didn't concern Cloud.

"Seeing them bring you to your knees at a comment is going to be fun, for me. If you're really in control, maybe you should show that and break out. Go on, break the glass, or are you going to just stand there and make claims? If you meant to be here, I wouldn't have had to come up to you for you to notice I was even here. Maybe you should count your eggs before they hatch."

Cloud took another step back, wanting a little distance before this man decided to do shit. Not that it would matter, his sword is long enough to hit him from a good distance away. That is, if Sephiroth still had all those mind bending illusions on hand. It was best for both of them to see what limits were put on them, if any at all. For all Cloud knew it could go either way, a fully powered death machine or a crippled man with his biggest upper hand stripped from him. It's not like the merc was going to get away any time soon, so why not do what he can? To him they were both stuck, a thought much worse than a horrible reunion.

"But please, show me that I should be more afraid of you than the fact they have successfully contained you. A reason to find solace in the fact you're still fully powered would be much more comforting than what it will mean for both of us if you aren't."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by TheElenaFisher
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

That smile grew a bit bigger when seeing Corvo take off his mask to reveal his face, seeing how aged it was. Even the heroes of the multiverse were prone to aging but then again, they were just human after all. “Seems like you’ve gotten older. Guess even if you’re getting old, being pulled into multiversal trouble doesn’t discriminate against age.

Ciri took a glance at everyone else, her gaze staying on the reunion between a father and a daughter a little bit longer than she looked at everyone else before looking back at Corvo, being reminded of Geralt. It hadn’t even been an hour and she already missed Geralt, Yen, and everyone else back home but at least this time there were people there that she knew. “It’s not like we can avoid being dragged into these situations. What do you make of everyone here? Aside from Falcon of course.

Looking back at everyone, she then saw the interaction a spiky blond haired man with a giant sword and another man, this one with long silver hair, were having. “Most of them look capable enough though it looks like those two know each other. And not on friendly terms it seems.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by GaaraOfTheSand
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GaaraOfTheSand Suna's Fifth Kazekage

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Upon hearing a rather cheerful voice next to him, Gaara turned his attention away from the glass, meeting the eyes of girl. Crossing his arms, as he usually does, Gaara listens to and takes in her.. rather odd question. He didn't mind it though... starting a conversation with others while you're stuck in a class case isn't exactly easy. Giving the girl a small smile, Gaara began to speak.

"It's as good as it can be for a situation like this." His voice was hoarse and somewhat deep, despite appearing to be rather young. It was oddly fitting fod the boy though.

Looking back to the glass, and now up at the catwalk, Gaara's smile disappeared for a moment. "Hopefully someone comes back to let us out, however, or someone manages to releases us from in here. I want to try to break the glass somehow, but... I have no idea what kind of consequence will come with that. I wouldn't mind if it only affected me, but it's possible that this case is rigged somehow... and damage to it could lead to something worse than what that man had experienced earlier, which may bring harm to everyone in here."

As Gaara talked, he squinted his eyes up at the catwalk, before looking back to the girl, giving her a much softer expression. "Are you doing well even with the given situation?" He asked, a little unsure about how to go converse about all of this. Maybe it would've been easier to transition from one topic to another if he hadn't rambled just a second ago, but it is how it is.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by darkred
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darkred Friendly blue eyed woman

Member Seen 3 mos ago

VSA Director Thomas Sinclair or "Piercer"

"Piercer" looked at his arm and the new item on his arm. It looked like a new, different kind of technology but something he couldn't worry about at the very moment. He made a metal note on this " Luthor" man at the time, taking short mental guesses on why a man like this could need a group like this's help at the moment.

He eyed the catwalk balcony on the outside, and the various doors on the inside, eyeing the door. Direct observations of everyone around. A cold look appeared on Sinclair's face as he looked over at the father and daughter's tearful reunion. One man's happy reunion and another forced to end someone he thought he could trust.

Even family couldn't be trusted.

[@thatguyinthestore][Open to others]
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by TheRealMonaMona
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TheRealMonaMona Literal God

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"You and I both know what happened the last time I 'died'. And once again, assumptions, assumptions. Either way, that was the past, this is now. Oh and let me just tell you.. I AM in control. Just of something, oh so much more important. Do you understand that, Cloud?"

It was almost like his words were vemonous, especially the way he said Clouds name. He truly wasn't trapped. No.. even if they found a way to stop him, even if they managed to 'kill' him, his will would refuse. He would refuse death itself, until he claimed his birthright.

"I'm rather disappointed you haven't realized by now. And Cloud.. I can tell you're afraid. The fact we are both in here, rather scary.. is it not? Don't lie to me now. I have forseen it. Why beg to die so easily? What happened to your fighting spirit? Were all the deaths for not? Just because I am in this cage with others? I cannot believe it.. a Hero begging to die, for all of his progress to be wiped. I always knew you were suicidal when it came to me, but this is a low blow."

Whether or not it was obvious what Sephiroth was doing, he made sure it would become slowly more obvious. .. He was reading Clouds mind. Every action, every thought, he was foreseeing. All with a grin on his face, as his eyes began to stare directly into his soul. He didn't need new material to scare Cloud.. all he needed was hatred. And it was oh so easy to obtain. Sephiroth is a bloodthirsty maniac, insane to the core.. but he still kept his intelligence from before falling into madness. Something of which Cloud should know by now. He wouldn't pick a fight until he truly knew Cloud was strong enough, and Sephiroth? He was more than strong enough.

"Now let me warn you, Cloud. You asked for this."

Almost in an instant after saying that, Sephiroth summoned his sword, as he didn't even have to move until it appeared behind Clouds neck. He didn't intend to harm him at first.. but just for the extra thrill.. It went deep. Before it could cause any more harm, Sephiroth summoned it back into his arm, however the sheer pain from it being there, even for just a few seconds would surely be difficult to manage. This was Sephiroths loop hole to his whole situation. However he focused his gaze on a different person for a few seconds, almost like he was.. angered?
"I suggest you leave with that comment, and stop intruding on our little game. Or do you want to participate?"

Sephiroth spoke with even more malice in his eyes, and very tongue. He wasn't that accepting of any passersby, whether it be them thinking about what Sepiroth and Cloud were doing, (mainly Sephiroth though,) or if they said it outloud. He would simply bring Cloud into an illusionary world, but that would raise more questions. Something he didn't have time for.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Midle1998
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Midle1998 The Imposter God

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I hear some familiar voices..." Captain Falcon turns around and sees none other than Cloud and Sephiroth, bickering as always. But that didn't stop the racer's excitement from rising "CLOUD SEPH! You're here!" Captain Falcon approaches the two swordsmen and begins alternating dabbing them up and doing some strange, made-up handshake between the two "How's it going guys? You doing okay, guys? Man, I really missed you guys, I really did. Especially you, Cloud! You're my boy!" Captain Falcon gives Cloud a quick hug before looking to Sephiroth "I'd say the same for you, Seph, but like I said before: Cloud's my boy and you hating on him isn't good look for you, man. But that still doesn't mean I'm not happy to see you still! Kinda. Come here!" Captain Falcon quickly hugs Sephiroth "Alright, now that I got that out the way, how'd you guys get here?"

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Smoking Peanut
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Smoking Peanut Grumpy Bunny

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wayward souls cross paths,

Strong roots take hold in our hearts,

A faint hope blossoms.

Breathing a sharp gasp, Baldwin violently stirred from his slumber, thrashing his burly arms to shed the heavyness on his chest and rolling onto his side, buckling over in a bloody coughing fit. Once the storm settled, the leper filled his lungs and sat up hunched over still, pulling his linen hood over his face as he shed his mask, and dug a hand into the leather pouch at his hip. Shoveling out some pungent green powder, he coated the inside of his mask with it before donning his bronze facade once more, hearing the pitter-patter of little feet approach,

"Sorry, sorry! I didn't know- I didn't think that-!" Poppy stuttered, scrambling to take back the greathammer she had placed in Baldwin's hand and on his chest, but he weakly laughed it off,

"Please, do not be alarmed, you did me no harm," he softly assured her in his low, raspy voice, eyes narrowed through the mask at her gargantuan weapon, "Is that yours. . .?" he pointed to it, asking with genuine curiosity while he sat there, taking time to parse what about the fluffy blue child before him was real, and what was imagined,

"Oh, this? Naaah I'm just holding onto it until I find the hero!" Poppy beamed, awkwardly rubbing the back of her head,

"Is that so?" he responded, his curiosity reaching new peaks as he slowly rose to his feet, hefting a massive weapon of his own into his hands, "Yet you appear like no courier I've ever known - in fact, your armour bears the sheen of a true hero's own," he commented with a smile, noticing a fluster in the little warrior through his sickly haze,

"Me?! That's ridiculous!" Poppy was quick to shut that notion down, dismissively waving it off, "I'm just a Yordle with a hammer,"

"A Yordle? Hm. . ." Baldwin's focus turned inward. He had thought before arriving here, with his body turning numb and his eyesight going completely, that disease had finally claimed his life. Stood in the company of such a strange creature as this - a Yordle - he believed it true, yet the heavyness on his chest remained. . . "Tell me, how is it you came to this place?" he flatly asked, taking the first real look at his odd surroundings,

"Y'know. . .I'm not sure!" Poppy took a moment to think before answering, quizzically rubbing her chin, "My body turned numb, everything went black, and then-!" she jumped on the spot and her ears perked up as both her and Baldwin whipped around at the sound of screaming, just in time to watch Negan collapse into a frothing mess on the cold floor,

"A daemon spreads its wings. . ." Baldwin murmured, looking up at the woman looking down on all of them. Holding his weapon with fists clenched, his leather gloves whined in protest, "Quickly, we must brace for the coming storm," the leper firmly ordered, beckoning Poppy to follow as he traveled his glass cage.


"Foreign winds, familiar weather. . ." Baldwin breathed a sigh of relief as he approached a trusted ally with a hopeful smile, "Dismas! It appears the threads of fate have more in store for us, does it not?" the leper greeted Dismas in his usual half-prose, while Poppy trailed close behind him, looking Dismas up and down as if sizing him up for something,
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by ratKing
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ratKing King Rat

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Mercenary was clearly in over his head already, taking a step back once the other had mentioned any sort of depressive tendencies. Cloud didnt think of it like that- was that how he was coming off? No, surely not, Sephiroth is just some asshole trying to get under his skin... And oh boy was it working. That had unsettled him more than any previous comments, visibly trying to gain some distance. Maybe sticking around this guy was a bad idea- he should leave. Right now.

Before he even got the chance to go anywhere, there was that blade piercing into the back of Clouds neck. The pain was sharp and harsh, forcing him to cover the area out of fear he was bleeding. That was a kind warning for that man, and he could do a lot worse if he wanted to. Cloud knew very well now that Sephiroth had no reason to even care, though the thought of that wasn't nearly as comforting as he would have thought. Instead of Sephiroth being trapped with them, he's trapped with Sephiroth which is infinitely worse in every way possible. Even if running was useless anyways, it would have been some relief for all these emotions bubbling up. Surrounded by strangers and being verbally beat down by the guy whos- trying to get you to kill him..? Cloud had no idea what this guy's goal could actually be, for all he cares Sephiroth could be off his rocker. Though that was ultimately probably not the case, mentally deranged or no, Seph was a threat he didn't want- and couldn't- deal with.

Oh how he wanted to come back with some snappy comment, but now the fact he was being watched by someone else- someone Sephiroth was now threatening- and that was a little too overwhelming for the mercenary. This was a terrible idea anyways, an unconscious death wish. All Cloud could do now was slowly step back from the other with a snarl on his face.

"We should break this little reunion up before anyone else cares to stare for too long."

Really all he wanted as an escape, and not to be permanently lumped in with this freak. The last thing Cloud wants is everyone else assuming shit about him or Sephiroth. It would be nice to keep everyone alive- for now. Being stuck with him was the last stress he needed, yet here they were. Being barrated in public, Cloud definitely isn't impressing anyone anytime soon. This is hell isn't it?

"I doubt either one of us wants to hang out with the other longer than we must. So let's just call it here and stay on opposite sides of the glass container, we don't need more eyes staring us down."

Correction: Cloud didn't need any more eyes on him. This was bad enough, no need to make things worse. Sephiroth probably couldn't give two shits, but if Cloud was lucky he would get to go. Even if it was for a little bit, space meant nothing but it was better than just standing there.

But- that was much too late. Now someone had actually approached them. Who was this guy? Did he know him? Maybe Cloud had hit his head a little hard... was that a hug? Did this man seriously just hug him and call him his boy? That alone made Cloud step back over to Sephiroth, more confident in being near the other even if it was a death wish just being near him.

"Hey, hands to yourself. I'm not anyone's boy- I don't know who you are, but you should know better than to just touch either of us."

Sephiroth would definitely not have his back, or at least that's what Cloud assumed. Didn't matter, he rather have his ass kicked then hugged by some stranger.

@TheRealMonaMona @TheElenaFisher @midle1998
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