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Hebi Mamushi

Snake Hair Hero - Gorgon

31-8-2109 · 18

Hebi is a snide and sarcastic girl who is always ready with a witty remark. Although she can be quite arrogant, she is also highly intelligent and resourceful. She has a kind side that she only shows towards animals, caring for them with the utmost tenderness. Hebi was raised in a rural community in Hakone, which sparked her love for animals. She is also very fond of her snakes and becomes furious when they are hurt.

Caring for animals, sewing, programming and coding

Venomous Threads: This supportem takes the form of a set of specialized needles infused with potent venom extracted from Hebi's snakes. When thrown or used in close combat, these needles can inject venom into opponents, causing varying effects depending on the type of venom used. For example, paralysis, hallucinations, or even temporary incapacitation.

Hive Mind: A device that allows Hebi to communicate with her snakes with ease, allowing her make more coordinated and specfic attacks against enemies.

Hydra – Metamorphosis
Explanation of Quirk:
Hebi's hair consists of many snakes, but 5 main ones, each one being able to breathe a certain element (fire, ice, poison, electricity, air), these "strands" of snake hair, can extend and retract, and can interact with each other in different ways. If the main heads are critically damaged or cut, two more head will grow in their place, both having the same element as the slain. The minor heads are used for more close combat fighting, able to nip and bite at enemies.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Kazuki Yamagata

Overwhelming Firepower Hero - Armory.

1-14-2019 · 18

Quirkless but not worthless; weak but not irrelevant. That is Kazuki's motto in a world where equality is a myth but symbiosis isn't. Where even the weak are needed for the functioning of a greater good, but not everyone sees the necessity of compassion and cooperation to preserve life as we know it. Thus, Kazuki has contempt for those who believe that might makes right, that society and civilization deserve to be torn down so that the strong can prey on the weak. Those people who believe that a state where they cannot do anything they want is corrupt? Fuck them; he'll enjoy civilization till the very end.

He was born to an ordinary family in a world where the Symbol of Peace is dead. Born in a world that was steadily getting worse, where those with power stewed in their hypocrisy. All his life, he struggled with envy of other, luckier children, went through phases of wanting to be like them, enduring their bullying, fighting back, and getting pummeled with verbal and physical abuse, and all that kept him from killing himself were two things: One, his loving family, and Two, his discovery of weaponry. In a world without Quirks, to carry weapons in school, much less use them against other students, would have been a sign of psychopathy, even criminality. For Kazuki, it was his salvation.

It started with the realization that most sports equipment can endure handling by a Quirk user and thus can harm them if they were hit by it. Then it turned out that knives were easy to hide and even easier to use. Then, he searched on the Internet and found out that (in this divergent timeline), gun control laws were relaxed for Quirkless folk so that they could protect themselves, and this was worldwide (again, divergent timeline). Of course, there were limits, but Kazuki learned to present himself as the victim and make sure that the situation can always be spun as though he were not the aggressor.

His expertise with weapons and fascination with power armor gave him a niche in Eirei Academy after passing its entrance exams, and he immediately went to work building his magnum opus, a suit of non-bulky, compact Power Armor form-fitting enough to allow him to fight in the streets of Japan's cities, while securing permits to use guns with Quirk-dampening bullets and other Anti-Quirk weaponry acquired by entering an internship in Hawks' Hero Agency, which had a monopoly on such dangerous technology. This internship lasted for more than the required five years because he genuinely enjoyed being there.

Nevertheless, the suit of PA that he built is his pride and joy, especially after he made sure it was proof against most environmental hazards and forms of physical damage. Also, he discovered he likes both men and women at some point.

So now, his goal is to fight amongst his heroes; Power Armor that can be hidden under normal clothes helps with that. A secondary goal is also to find a boyfriend or a girlfriend; and that means having to moderate his flaws, namely his tendency for extreme aggression towards perceived enemies...

Power Armor (Craftsmanship and Use).


The Hidden Suit - A thin, almost skintight suit that nevertheless is made of carbon fiber and dura-ceramic plates with a layer of strength-enhancing artificial muscles powered by miniature fusion reactors; a testament to what Quirkless science can achieve. Also resistant to extreme heat and cold and EMPs, and contains a biometric system.

The Otomo Sorin - A modified American carbine that uses an electromagnetic propulsion system, aka a mini-railgun, that propels bullets at a speed faster than sound, and which can also fire globs of explosive jelly at the same speed and is EMP-hardened just in case someone tries to interfere with its system. To prevent excess collateral damage, the Otomo Sorin can lower its output so that it can fire rubber bullets or globs of high-expanding sticky foam at a slower velocity than usual.

Quirk-dampening Bullets - A limited number of special bullets that dampen Quirks, derived from one Eri Kisaki, and further modified to dissolve in 15 minutes after blocking the target's Quirk pathways upon a successful hit.

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JrVader Wanderer

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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Aku the Samurai
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Creative Chaos
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Kujaku Soragami

The Forecast Hero - Heavy Weather

19-5-2109 18

A brief explanation of your personality & backstory bits, I don't want backstory detailed when it can be discussed to me privately, 3 paragraphs minimum.

Kujaku is a quiet and laid back student, who prefers to let his actions speak louder than his words. Unless asked to elaborate, he’s the type to give the most simple answer to a question or problem, even if said problem requires more tact and subtlety. In his opinion, most people overcomplicate things by thinking too much, so it’s his civil duty to give a straightforward answer. Because of this approach, his grades are generally average, with a notable skill in science and literature. Kujaku doesn’t look to make friends, but tends to attract bullies and friendly people alike with his casual nature and dry wit. Either way, he just does what he decides he wants, and tries his best not to interfere with other people.

He’s an innovative student, rarely using conventional methods to solve problems, whether it’s in school or in hero training courses. He’s not a genius by any stretch of the imagination, but he puts in enough effort to make him stick out a bit amongst a good chunk of students in terms of his skills, to a point where he became an intern student with Best Jeanist.

Despite his decent grades, average looks, and reputation for helping slackers with their homework, teachers tend to give the side eye to him, for a rather simple reason: his ability to cause absolute chaos in seconds. Kujaku Soragami is a prolific prankster of a high caliber. While most of his meteorological knowledge is from practicing the use of his Quirk, he also learned a few ways to create mischief. Most of his pranks involve very small use of his Quirk to garner a few laughs, but he takes caution to not hurt people with his antics.

Bluff: While decidedly an unheroic act, Kujaku is adept at gambling and bluffing, using his laidback nature to hide his emotions in dire straits, or while playing cards.

Meteorologist: Even before he got the hang of his quirk, Kujaku slowly became an expert on the weather, now hosting a small radio program that tells the weather and random news in Eirei.

Driver: Being a hero means getting from place to place as fast as possible to save lives. Defensive driving is an important part of that.

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Forecast-o-Vision: A set of contacts that give Kujaku a constant feed of the weather conditions in real time, to facilitate the proper use of his Quirk.

Great Lightning Staff - Fabulous Rod: A superconducting retractable staff that allows Kujaku to guide electricity to and away from him.

Rainmaker – Emulation [Awakened]

The quirk Rainmaker allows Kujaku to surround an area in a bubble, the max size being 15 meters. In this bubble, he can control and simulate various weather conditions, including unusual phenomena like acid rain and ball lightning. The bubble is mostly opaque on the outside, but bright lights and shadows can be seen through it. Kujaku can currently make two bubbles at a time, and manifest them at a range of 40 meters. The bubbles move faster the smaller they are, with the largest bubbles being near immobile.

The bubbles can expand and shrink after being manifested. As the size of the bubble increases, the energy required to maintain it increases as well. At most, Kujaku can currently make ten 15 meter bubbles before needing to rest. The conditions that can be created are partly dependent on the current temperature and humidity. If it’s too hot, snow and ice will take more energy to manifest, and vice versa. The bubble can be popped with a significant amount of force, a large lapse in concentration . Unless Kujaku chooses to, the weather inside is released in an area equal to the bubble’s size x1.5 as the bubble bursts, before vanishing.

ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀ ᴍᴏvᴇꜱ

Weather Report: While the bubble is manifested, Kujaku creates multiple dangerous weather phenomena at once. His usual combination is a dust devil, followed by repeat lightning, then a pressure drop. The combination changes with the target and climate.
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Chinmoku Akatsuki

The Sound Hero

03-17-2108 · Age 19

Chinmoku Akatsuki, known as Chin to his friends, is a bit of an oddball. He is outgoing and loves to be around people, and while he is a naturally loud person; he tends to observe first before engaging in group conversations. Chin carefully watches how people act and respond before joining the conversation himself. He usually prefers to listen and think before speaking rather than acting impulsively. While he prides himself on being honest, he can sometimes be overly blunt, speaking his mind without considering other people's feelings.

Born to a successful businessman who was often not home, Chin grew up in a strict household. His mom was consistently the driving force behind trying to get him to think before he acted at a young age. However, he was bullheaded and would often act without thinking. One day, he and a friend decided to mess with someone they thought was a strange man in an alleyway. This led to a dangerous situation where they both ended up hospitalized. With his mother's words echoing in his head, he made his first thoughtful decision and resolved to become a hero. He decided that it would be him who protected others like that Hero protected him and his friend. He wanted to protect his friend that day but failed and that failure will forever be in his memory.

Academically Chin does well for himself having always found the academics of school easy. If only he could remember to turn things in on time he would probably have a great grade. But often getting carried away doing other more interesting things makes him forget about the things he is supposed to be doing.

Despite academically not being as disciplined as he could be, he has spent most of his life training to protect himself using Martial Arts. This was a request by his father who figured that one day he would need it to defend the family and the familial name.

His Father is happy the path that Chin chose, however is wary as he feels that Chin may emberass the family if he ever makes a large mistake like other heroes have which have brought them down as a fall from Grace. But with the development of his quirk his father looks to profit off of his success and use it to catapult Chin into stardom.


Martial Arts
Speaking (Though an observer first in group settings he has great charisma and knows how to put together a great speech)
Computer Systems


A sound-insulated gun that directs different levels of noise in one direction.

On his feet, he has a device that pushes the sound of drums beneath his feet that he can use to hover using his quirk.

Sound Manipulation – Emulation [Awakened]
Can use sound (within range) and turn it into a physical Shockwave. This is often paired with his Martial arts causing his hand to hand combat to be extremely dangerous, but his ranged combat to be rather unpredictable.[Current Range-1 meter]

Can Silence an area of all sound [Current range - 20 feet]

Can manipulate and increase the volume of sound within Range. [Current Range- 1 Meter]

The shockwave: Think of a shockwave from a bomb, at the point of impact it's direct and small. The further it goes out the more widespread it gets and while it still can be dangerous it's not concentrated enough to do frightening amounts of damage, without just letting loose and destroying everything around him. This requires him to use Supportems for any ranged combat. He has no control of the shockwave once it's emitted.

Banshee Screech [in case of emergency only]
This move is his most devastating move. He increases the volume of his voice to high decibels and a massive shockwave comes out of his mouth unleashing itself on anything that is in front of him. This, however, has the issue of causing a lot of 'friendly fire' from the decibels of his screech to if someone is in front of him he doesn't want to get hurt.

Six King Fist: A devastating attack where he punches the person in the and chest unleashing a loud shockwave at the same time to try and knock them out.
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