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Hidden 10 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by Lewascan2
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Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Mia Mathers

What did I do to deserve this?

Such was the internal lamentation of one observer of the chaos that had overtaken the 1B classroom. The girl wasn't wearing the Eirei uniform. Or rather, she was wearing the jacket, but it was clearly only a token addition... and was part of the boy's uniform to boot, currently hanging over her shoulders with her arms outside the sleeves like the long-coat of a mafioso. Beyond that, the majority of her clothes were blatantly divergent from the usual dress-code. A fishnet undershirt under a sleeveless black shirt, a studded collar, fishnet, fingerless gloves, small chains and armbands, dangling skulls from a necklace and a pair of headphones propped lazily atop her head, leaving one ear open to half-listen to the ongoing events while her attention apparently remained with whatever she was listening to in her other ear, given the slow bobbing of her head.

A strong aesthetic of black and pink dominated her garb, enhanced further by her long hair, streaked with both colors such that it was hard to tell which was actually her natural hue. All the while, half-lidded pink eyes dully watched the proceedings with a practically palpable disconnection. Sitting at the back of the classroom -though not by the window- with her feet kicked up on her desk and tattoos openly displayed on both one cheek and several points of her exposed arms, she couldn't have possibly been more of a delinquent-looking individual if she tried.

This, as many would certainly have known by now, was Mia Mathers. Originally hailing from America -but having moved to Japan around four years ago, she had been one of the runner-up contestants for the Sports Festival, placing second. Yet, she hadn't shown any particular enthusiasm for the achievement... Really, in the moment, she hadn't even looked disappointed to lose to Jun in the final round. If anything, she'd even gone as far as to bow out, claiming she'd been unable to continue after using her quirk heavily across the rest of the tournament.

Some might have had reason to doubt that, however. After all, the punk girl had completely crushed the obstacle course and cavalry sections prior, and she hadn't even done it by putting others down. She'd just made it look easy and quite literally stood above it all by "flying", buoyed by clouds of the petals her quirk was known to create. She'd flown over the entirety of the obstacle course and almost lazily placed second, and in the cavalry battle, she'd largely focused on defense as the head of her team's "horse".

Turning their point-laden headbands into petals and stuffing them in her clothes had functionally made it impossible to steal from her team, and so, the punk girl had lazily coasted through the round, floating about on her petals and letting her own team rampage freely amongst the others. After all, as long as she didn't touch the ground, her team stayed in the running, regardless of if they were carrying her. She would hence only reconvene her teammates to collect any gathered headbands and add them to the tally, and so it went. Yet, having the points of the second-place headband in their possession from the start essentially guaranteed their entry into the final round, whether they took any others or not... especially with Jun depriving the majority of the other teams of what few points they already had in the first place.

Given her performance in the first two segments then, it could perhaps be understood if others looked upon her forfeit just a step from the finish line with some dubiousness. Reading between the lines then, it could perhaps be ascertained by those with the perspective that Mia's failure to give things her all -and deliberately at that- might have contributed to her being shuffled from Hero Course class 1A to 1B... Though the presence of the Sports Festival victor in the same class rather perhaps nixed the idea that the move was a “demotion” of sorts.

In the present, a frown slowly stretched across black-painted lips, as Yusuke made himself a public nuisance...

I think I'll call you Shitboot-senpai.

Though she feigned inattention, Mia was -unfortunately, she sometimes thought- burdened with a mind quite capable of multitasking to a hilarious degree. It was a natural benefit of her quirk, a requirement to control the many thousands of petals it created with the precision that she did, and it meant she wasn't really able to ignore the bickering and infighting her new class was engaging in.

Lips pursing, vivid pink irises with paler pink pupils traced across those that were to be her new peers, and she found herself... ultimately ambivalent.

There were some new faces and some irritatingly recognizable, but all it took to make this arrangement... mostly tolerable was to come at it with the perspective of seeing these teens as coworkers. It was only natural that you wouldn't always get to work with people you liked, but part of this job -or any job, really- was learning to make do with what you had. So, she could tolerate the insults, the arrogance and the immature bristling for a fight. Those were all things she knew how to handle, to ignore. As long as they weren't getting in her way, she couldn't have cared less who she had for classmates.

Still... that wasn't the only gripe she had with this situation.

Rin Himura.

Though, she yet failed to voice her own discontent, Mia was far from enthused with the idea of being taught by a glorified mere second year. Yes, she was aware of the program that fast-tracked students into substitute teaching positions… but she still thought it was stupid. That just seemed irresponsible as a concept in this profession... even if Rin wasn't obviously unfit for the position in a personal sense. Yet... Mia could think of ways this could be advantageous. Yes, an incompetent superior could be dangerous in its own way; if could result in subpar training, which could harm all of the class on the long-run. However, having someone inexperienced in that position also meant that those under her were liable to be able to get away with more, having more freedoms. That had its own inherent problems of course, as despite appearances, Mia at least appreciated the concept of order and professionalism. She would prefer her Hero Academia not be outright sabotaged because their teachers were unable to do their fucking jobs.

Which was why her frown continued to grow, as Yusuke was near-unanimously dogpiled by the rest of the class. Mia's lips pinched in disapproval, as insults and at least one literal book flew through the air. And someone even went as far as using their quirk on him. The arrogant boy somehow managed to get under everyone's skin with an ease that took her back to high-school… more accurately the part where everyone was so thin-skinned. She honestly wasn't sure if Yusuke was really that much of an asshole or if he was just trolling. Regardless, the majority of her peers completely took the bait and retaliated like children. Honestly, she hated to agree with Kaiga -that flaming meathead fanboy- on anything, but this reaction wasn't appropriate. Yet, the pyrokinetic’s own attempt at intervention was instantly shot down and berated... with a few insults tossed in for good measure.

Mia's eyes slowly closed, as one hand rose to rub the bridge of her nose in irritation. This... was just disgustingly unprofessional. Were they fucking college students or not? Where the hell did everyone's internship training go? Surely, they could comprehend that this wasn't how people in their position should behave? Actually... how many of them interned somewhere that actually gave a shit about PR? Had anyone else also interned with the likes of Best Jeanist? Mia was glad she had. It had been a welcome breath of fresh air from two years with the Hawks Agency, a counterbalance to learn the ins and outs of managing public perception and being responsibly conscious of heroes' position in society. These were welcome lessons for someone like Mia... but she could see how the average teenager wouldn't appreciate being morally lectured to, compared to the reckless freedom and power offered by interning with the Endeavor or Hawks Agencies.

Mia opened her eyes and twitched, her gaze narrowing at the sight of Yusuke's body beginning to physically warp with several distinctive traits... Subtly tensing, Mia's legs slid off her desk, as she scooted her chair out enough to move quickly and -given the most recent examples from her peers- prepared for someone to do something... immensely stupid. As she did, unseen beneath her skin, her quirk was going to work, and Mia felt a familiar sensorial void suffusing her awareness, even as she remained outwardly unchanged.

So, he's a power copier... Dangerous... especially with that attitude... Thoughts churning, Mia immediately identified the obvious, which potentially answered some questions and brought up just as many to replace them. This now begs the question... what is the catalyst for his copy to trigger? How far can he go? What are the drawbacks? It's quite possible his quirk's mechanics are responsible his behavior, but it's too early to say...

Even so, it was obvious that someone needed to do something about this before things got-

The familiar shape of a firearm gleaming into open air had adrenaline habitually spiking through Mia’s veins, and she acted completely reflexively. Indeed, in a sense, it could be said that after two years with the Hawks Agency and witnessing similar situations, her body simply moved on its own.

-out of hand.

A barking, ringing noise shot through the air, accompanied by Kaiga’s screeching shout, but both noises fell into a muffled state, as Mia’s body peeled apart into a living floral flurry.

Bang! Bang-!

There was a flicker of movement, a burst of petals crossing the room from the back to the front, as the punk girl -if one were inclined to note it- moved much faster than she had bothered to the entire Sports Festival. One moment, Mia was in her seat. The next, she was physically interposing herself between Rin and the collapsing Yusuke, a flat look on her face and a flurry of petals swirling in her wake, as the tail end of the barrage of anti-quirk bullets impacted her body…

-and did exactly fuck all, exploding into small bursts of petals the moment they touched her clothes. A scowl twisted onto Mia’s lips, as she met “Dark Rin’s” eyes fearlessly with righteous indignation on her face, looking unphased by the volume of the gunshots.

”Are you out of your mind?” she hissed, fingers twitching and then balling her hands into fists. She paused there, near-visibly restraining herself from saying more or potentially lunging at Rin, as she quickly turned and crouched down next to the fallen Yusuke, still largely transposing her body between him and Rin.

Rin's subsequent attempt at intimidation only earned an openly derisive sneer. "Are you actually fucking- You know what, fuck off and put that thing away. I'll address you later."

Her head seemed to split at a diagonal angle, a floating “wedge” containing her right eye peeling off to remain narrowed in Rin’s direction and keep a narrowed eye on her, allowing the punk girl to turn the rest of her head and other eye to the prone Yusuke. A practiced motion saw her slide her fingers down his body, strips of his clothes peeling off into a small curtain of petals that preserved his decency while still exposing the bullet impact sites to Mia’s gaze.

The sight of the beginnings of severe bruising earned a scowl from her, as she observed red welts and dribbles of blood from where the apparently “non-lethal” bullets had broken skin, even through Yusuke’s clothes. The trail of impacts led down the power-copier’s torso and legs, but thankfully, none of the shots seemed to have achieved full penetration.

Honestly, Mia didn't too much care if Yusuke got what was coming to him. The little shit had been practically begging for it, and frankly, if that sort of attitude ruined his life or even got him killed down the line, the punk girl wouldn't lose a wink of sleep over it... However, the manner in which he got his comeuppance mattered. Mia didn't care if Yusuke brought himself down, but letting the little fuck drag others down with him? Well, now there was where she took umbrage.

It was one thing for a single hero to be a bad apple and be an embarrassment that eventually fell to time and foolishness. However, if his "antics" went so far as to drag others down, to goad her peers into making fools of themselves as well and ruining the reputation of heroes in mass? Well, suddenly, this was a problem that could reflect on her future job security if allowed to fester. After all, she wanted a secure position in the profession of heroism. The industry's success was her success, and so it behooved her not to tolerate imbecility that could bring that industry to ruin and sabotage her future nest egg.

In which case, it was only reasonable then for her to set a heroic example, right? Even though she had never been particularly subtle about her cynical view of what "heroism" had become in today's age, that didn't mean the sheeple masses didn't still largely buy the illusion. Therefore, it was her responsibility to actually play that game, to pretend... and show others how to follow her lead. She may have been a "punk" and a "rebel", but those that knew Mia well would find that she was strangely reliable and no-nonsense in an actual legal capacity.

Her fingers traced over the impact sites, and she found her power taking hold faster than normal due to his unconscious state. Without his “waking will” there, the resistance was functionally nonexistent, as each wound peeled away into petals. It wouldn’t do much other than mute the pain for a time, but it was obviously better than nothing.

She stood from her crouch stiffly, eyeing Kaiga with a rare spark of approval towards the boy she’d been treating as a pest basically since day one in Class 1A. Yet, in this situation, he seemed to be the only one that had bothered speaking out against the class’s misbehavior in any meaningful and untainted manner… Of course, she could respect him choosing to be the only other person thus-far to actually seek to come to Yusuke’s aid after he was dogpiled. Peer pressure could be a hell of a drug.

“Kaiga.” As usual, being a foreigner and an American to boot, Mia’s words tended towards the fairly informal when it came to personal address. “For the pain.” Mia gestured with her head towards the petals currently fluttering around Yusuke. The small floral curtain had mostly reverted from the prior transmutation, leaving his clothes and modesty intact aside from a few holes over the areas he’d been shot. She leaned down and tapped Yusuke’s forehead, causing a petal to peel off and float above her left pointer finger.

A flick of her finger sent the petal floating over to Kaiga. "Grab that -gently- and keep a hold of it while you head down to Dr. Chisaki. I'm staying here, but once you're ready for Shitboot-senpai to be treated, just -gently- pinch that petal into a folded position and release it. That'll be the signal for me to remotely revert the rest of my petals -which will follow you- so that he can be healed by the 'good doctor'."

Right after saying that, however, the cordiality drained from her tone, as she fixed Kazuki with a far less enthused look for his attempt at deflection... before blatantly ignoring the quirkless boy's babbling to keep things on exactly the target that was actually important to address right now. Mia's body turned to face the so-called "Junior Professor", and the floated wedge of the punk girl's head slid back into its proper place, once more fully reforming Mia's body.

"Oh no, we're not brushing this off, I don't think," Mia scowled at Rin. "Where exactly do you get off?" she snapped. "Brandishing firearms on students? Openly threatening violence? Aren't you supposed to be a hero teacher? The fuck kind of example are you trying to set?!" Inclining her chin, her lip curled in defiant distaste. "Regardless, you think a pathetic show of force is going to intimidate me? Bitch please, I'm a licensed hero in training. It is quite literally my fucking job to stand up to people who abuse their power, so explain yourself!" Her eyes narrowed. "With access to those bullets... you obviously interned under Hawks, so I think you'll understand perfectly well that just one would have been enough; to be precise, just one is what is mandated as the appropriate disciplinary response at worst. Yet, you put dozens downrange. Complete unwarranted overkill, an utterly irresponsible use of a firearm to boot. And shooting the ceiling? Are you a dumbass? Who even taught you trigger discipline?"

"Honestly, I don't give a flying fuck about your supposed credentials. Actions speak louder than words, and yours already paint you as rather unfit to set an example to aspiring heroes. So, if you do something like that again without actual justification, I promise that you'll regret it." Snorting, she leveled a sneer at the two-faced second-year and crossed her arms. "To be frank, I've more than half a mind to report your actions to the faculty officially. I'm sure the Best Jeanist Agency would be very interested in a matter of the abuse of power from the Acting Teacher of a whole Hero Course class. That would be quite the cause for concern... don't you think?"
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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Aku the Samurai
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Aku the Samurai

Member Seen 3 days ago

Yui Kazuma

Location: 1B Homeroom, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture

Yui was bored.

That was usually the case as of late, much as he disliked it. A boring day was his most hated enemy, though not one that could generally be physically fought, unfortunately enough. The worst part was that he had no one else to blame but himself. Choosing to drop out of the Sports Festival because of a miscalculation he made was something that was remarkably out of character for him, and yet here he was. Well, at least the event hadn’t been too boring, despite his lack of involvement.

The battle section was a bit of a disappointment, though.

Fortunately, he wasn’t one to sulk over spilt milk. The festival was entertaining overall, even as just a spectator. Sigh.

Yui cracked his neck as he mulled over his current situation. ‘That’ move was still a bit too much for his body to handle at the moment, and he wasn’t foolish enough to rush such a delicate process. Patience was a virtue, after all—and that would’ve also been a terrible way to die. It was a regrettable situation truly, but an ultimately unavoidable one. Next time, he’d have to make sure not to do a test run on the same day he had an important event to attend.

For a fleeting moment, he wondered if that was why he had been assigned to 1-B, but that couldn’t have been the case, considering the winner of the Sports Festival was there too. It must have been based on some other unknown metric, or perhaps, nothing at all. That would be a fun time.

Throw a bunch of misfits together, and what do you get? Entertaining chaos. Especially when superpowers were thrown into the mix.

Or, it might turn out to be a dull affair.

He shuddered theatrically at the thought.

Regardless, as long as they didn’t cross the line too far on either side, he could deal. Less so with the latter, but he was nothing if not adaptable. Glancing at his watch, Yui decided he’d wasted enough time before going to his classroom. There was only so late he was willing to be. Putting it off any further would be no–

Suddenly, and rather startlingly, Yui’s thoughts were interrupted by a succession of bangs, loud enough that he could hear them—barely—even through his headphones. His ears would have probably been ringing if he hadn’t already been blasting Korn in them for the past half hour. That was almost definitely going to make him go deaf one of these days, but not today.

It was still enough reason to remove his headphones and let them rest on his shoulders as he paused outside the classroom door. Those were rather familiar sounds, and not just because he was used to hearing gunshots almost daily—he hadn’t been back in that neighbourhood for months at this point. No, it was a more recent familiarity, and somewhat odd taking into account the current environs. Did someone get whacked at Eirei?

Well, it's not like standing around was going to answer anything.

Yui stepped into the classroom, his mismatched eyes surveying the frazzled looks of his classmates and the hole in the ceiling for a moment before alighting on the second year at the front of the class.

“.... I missed all the fun, didn’t I?”
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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Thayr
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Jun Mawatari

Location: 1B Homeroom, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture
Mentions: N/A

A lot happened.

Jun, for her part, had turned back away from Yusuke after she had initiated her quirk, after she had ensured he’d shut up. Sure, some of the other members of the class hadn’t caught on to it, and some of them were far more angry at the idiot than others, but some of those still had some measure of what a hero was supposed to do. Some complained at him, one even threw a book…though that was caught before Jun had really entirely focused in against it, and others talked against one-another. Kaiga and Rin butted heads briefly about respect in the classroom. It was all very, very tiresome to Jun, who was slowly gaining a headache from all the talk and complaint and anger in the room.

Of course, then things got very, very angry. She felt her distance…break, suddenly, as weird as that feeling could be said. It was like another had taken a taut wire and cut it, the tension releasing at both ends, something Jun had never quite experienced save once, long enough ago that she struggled to recall the feeling. Whipping around, the sight Jun was greeted with wasn't an entirely good one. Yusuke had changed, shifted, altered to something else. His hair was flaming and hissing, his eyes full of intent, and Jun’s immediate reaction was to increase that distance, to increase that distance between her and the chimera before her as a snap decision. Yusuke said something, though Jun didn’t quite catch it as she stood out from her chair.

Then he was shot.

The room filled with the noise of gunshots, Yusuke went down like a sack, Kaiga screamed while staring at his pad, and one student exploded into petals. Mia. Jun stared with wide enough eyes at the whole of the scenario, even as Rin fired the gun into the ceiling for good measure. Who in the heck had given her a gun? The question seemed to be in a few minds as Hebi voiced some…cutting concerns about the issue and Mia hissed out her annoyance at the clearly irresponsible handling of something that could very likely kill someone if used improperly. As quick as a flash, though, Mia had already started to look over the injuries of the idiot, look over the welts and dribbles of blood. She gave instructions to Kaiga, who’d volunteered for bringing Yusuke down to the nurse, before turning full fury against the supposed teacher.

Jun stared, not wanting to interrupt the good, honest moment…and the good, honest threat. Then another student entered the room…Yui, one of the students that had also not gone through the Sports Festival. He said something about missing the fun. Jun snorted, shaking her head.

“Not really, no. I wouldn’t call it fun.”

A turn of the head at Rin and Mia, the girl looking at the junior professor for her response with a taut enough look. Jun really did want to hear the reasoning, the excuse, the…something from Rin, the anything from her.
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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Iamme
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Kaiga Asagumo

Location: Nurse office, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture

"Thanks for the help Mathers-san" Kaiga flashed her one of his trademark smiles before picking up Yusuke and beginning to leave, he knew her from his time in 1A they didn't talk much he had a feeling she didn't like him. He waved for Yaoyoruzo to follow him as he carefully picked up Yusuke and headed to the nurse's office. He didn't want to leave Yusuke alone with alone with Yaoyoruzo.

It's not that he didn't trust Yaoyoruzo...actually he just felt it was a bad idea for the person who threatened to beat someone to a bloody pulp to take them alone to the nurse's office.

Kaiga and Yaoyoruzo (if he followed) would arrive at the hospital and place Yusuke down on a nurse's bed before turning to Yaoyoruzo he didn't want to get into what he said right away but also didn't want to shun him by ignoring him so he came up with the perfect plan small talk "Um nice weather we're having right" he hated the moment those words came out of his mouth they were the lamest things to use to start small chat.

but they couldn't be taken back.
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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Gerlando
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Gerlando The Unchosen One

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Yajima Hikari

While she was enjoying the still ongoing drama, Hikari flinched at the sudden gunshots. This reaction from Rin wasn’t that unexpected, but regardless this wasn’t really the context to pull out a gun. On one hand, Hikari knew the psychopathic tendencies of Rin, on the other, she did not expect Rin to be so crazy.

The rest of the class reacted more vividly, some were expected, like Kaiga screaming… at his hawkpad? One quick flip of her own hawkpad and it was obvious, the Top 3 Heroes are retiring, god dammit, how are we going to bear the Endeavour fanboy now?

The rest of the class was still reacting vividly, fortunately they brought the fanboy into their new yapping, now Rin was taking flak for her violent… disciplinary methods, if not straight attempted murder. To be fair Yusuke was acting like a rabid dog, and had to be put down like one, but as always Rin takes violence to the next step.

Hopefully they’re both getting what they deserve.

As Yui entered fashionably late to class, Hikari lazily waved, trying to emphasize this is their new class. “Hello, everything’s normal, as you can see.”
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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Dragon Arts
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Dragon Arts TheodosiaCentury

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

There was something almost funny about the situation at hand. The jerk on the ground, completely incapacitated, the second year being challenged by the punk, and heterochromat over there walking in on the aftermath. Kanako would have laughed, if she'd had a voice in the first place. But instead she just watched it all play out, still smiling, although for once it was a genuine smile and not just a mask. She looked a lot less like the nervous, jumpy, hero in training, and a lot more like the villain she used to be.

The reasonable side of her mind was telling her to get up, do something, help, be a Hero, or some shit. But the much louder part was saying that, hey, this could be fun to watch, and besides, it wasn't like he was dead or anything. And the rest of the class had things handled, they'd already taken Yusuke to the nurse.

The change in her mind had occurred right after the gun went off, before that point she'd been thinking clearly, now telling right from wrong was just as difficult as trying to pick up and reposition a skyscraper. Something like this had only happened once, morals being muddled by something that reminded her of her earlier years in life. It had happened during the Sports Festival VS matches. She'd almost killed her opponent, a kid from class 1A, then forfeited the match after her reason returned.
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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by rexgn
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rexgn Your Homicidal Lawyer

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Hebi and her snakes watched Mia with a curious look. She had seen that quirk before; she could have sworn she had. Such a pretty quirk. The flowers reminded her of home When the "Denim" agency was mentioned, which Hebi affectionately called it, she looked on with more curiosity and interest, her hand moved gently over the scales of her snakes as she continued to speak.

"I doubt we need to report this, at least not now. The Best Jeanist Agency would certainly not take kindly to this situation. Let's just focus on getting through the day. We're all exhausted after the Sports Festival. I'm not suggesting we ignore this. There has to be some kind of consequence or repercussion." Hebi's gaze narrowed once again as she looked at Rin, then shifted back to Mia. "Prolonging this will only lead to further complications."

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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by JrVader
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JrVader Wanderer

Member Seen 3 days ago

In many ways, this whole series of events would be classified as a, putting it simply, "fucking disaster".

Even as Matsuru stood to throw his book, his mind was racing with warnings. Don't do it, He'll copy your quirk, and You know this will end poorly blared like alarms in his mind. Yet still he acted. He yelled and threatened one of his juniors. Yes, Yusuke is a dam idiot, someone Matsuru does not hold in high regards. But still, it would not justify the actions he took. Under all his anger and frustration, he felt pity and remorse. He kept his face in an angered state to help mask his feelings of regret. When some of the students of 1B came to reprimand him, he welcomed it. "Listen to them. Calm down and listen to them." Matsuru took a deep breath and begun to deactivate his quirk, the light from his eyes fading to a dim glow.

When he thought all of the tension would pass, his gut tightened into a knot. His eyes, now fully iridescent in an indigo glow, saw some telltale sings from Rin he was all too familiar with. A sudden, distinguished chill nipped at the nape of his neck. Her soft expression sharpening. Her very aura changing. Thanks to his quirk, he was able to identify these changes much quicker than anyone else in 1B would. He knows what these signs mean, she's changing into that thing. He's seen it some times before. Namely when Matsuru almost missed their anniversary due to a last minute assignment being given to him from Endeavor's Agency. In a flash, he lowered his body and rushed forward, out of the cone of attack. He didn't know what would come, he just knew he needed to dodge.

What Matsuru didn't expect was for Rin to pull out a gun, of all things. He saw her point it at Yusuke, now completely engrossed in multiple copies of quirks, and shoot at him from an extremely close range. Now closer to the front of the room, he saw as Yusuke dropped to the floor (most likely unconscious) and the entirety of Class 1B erupt in a flurry of emotion.

He considers himself a learned man. Given his progeny and potential, he was always blessed with the best education and tutors money could buy. Hell, he even entered both UA and Eirei through recommendation. But none of his years of training and numbered encounters in the streets could have prepared him for these series of events. In truth, he froze up. His mind ablaze, cognitively working overtime partly due to his Quirk trying to absorb the multitude of unforseen events that occured. It wasn't until one of the students, Kaiga, yelled for him to follow. Why was he carrying Yusuke? Oh, yes, probably to take him to the nurses office. Why was I supposed to follow? Rin probably asked me too.

He purposefully ignored all the commotion and comments being thrown around. He was already in a heightened state of agitation, the last thing this class needs is another of his outbursts. As he moves to follow Kaiga, he passes by Rin. He leans in and whispers in her ear "Meet me at my dorm after your class, lets talk."


The walk to the nurses office was, for lack of a better term, uneventful. Matsuru, now fully composed and back to his normal observant self. Held a pensive demeanor. Much of his mind was filled with the series of unfortunate events that followed his outburst. His focus was broken once Kaiga broke the silence.

"Um nice weather we're having right"

A chuckle escaped his lips. He allowed himself a small smile. This boy... He's heard much about him, namely through the grapevine from the other first and second years. A fanatic of his former employer and family acquaintance. A kindhearted gentleman with a true sense of camaraderie and brotherhood. A hero with a sense of "street-smarts" and an awareness not learned but earned. If Matsuru had to akin him to sonething, it would be a Hearth. A strength of a flame yet a homeliness little could match. Even now, the poor boy is trying to make small talk. Matsuru found comfort in that.

"My apologies, Kaiga. It was inappropriate of me to act in such a way, much less in front of my Juniors." He looks up to the first year and offers a quaint smile. "I do believe this is out first time speaking in a personal setting. I am Matsuru Yaoyorozu. I have heard much about you, Asagumo-Kun," He would outstretch his hand.
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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Iamme
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Kaiga Asagumo

Location: Nurse office, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture

Kaiga smiled before shaking Matsuru's hand "It's fine Yaoyorozu-senpai" Kaiga understood perfectly why he had thrown the book at Yusuke "Yuhi-Senpai was being a bother" Kaiga continued on "And no one was hurt...well other than Yuhi-Senpai" Kaiga went silent for a moment before continuing on "You and Himura-Senpai know each other right seeing as your in the same year" Kaiga fiddled his fingers

"I-I don't think she's a bad person" Before Endeavor's retirement Kaiga would have just gone and said whatever he wanted willy nilly but now his confidence has taken a big hit "But that form of her's was scary, did she ever use that form before" Kaiga realized what he said and tried to wave it off "Well I'm not saying Himura-Senpai is prone to whatever that form was"

Kaiga eventually stop talking before sighing "I talk to much sometimes that was one of the reasons my ex-girlfriend broke up with me" Kaiga gave an even more deprecating sigh "Sorry if I'm acting different it's just that Endeavor's retirement hit me hard" Kaiga weakily smiled "hope I'm not being to weird."
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Hidden 10 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by Digmata


Member Seen 1 hr ago

Akira Yuzuki

Location: Nurse office, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture

If you look at the official results of the sports festival, it would say that Akira won his final match. It felt that he lost to every other metric however;

He is the only first year student to stay in the infirmary and missed his classes, he is pretty sure that the entire fight he is on the verge of losing and quite honestly he was sure that he collapsed after they announced his win. His last ditch effort to land a hit had a very huge pay-off.

The Princess Knight definitely didn't expect him suddenly shorten his projected spear and go for a punch, he wondered what would happen if she saw that coming. Regardless a win is a win, hope he made everyone proud.

When he woke up, the festival already ended and his semi-finals match was forfeited. A little anti-climatic but he already showed everything in quarterfinals.

He already had the list of a new Class B roster, there are a lot of changes in the roster and they have the former teacher of Class 1A as their new adviser. He think he was their Bloodline Teacher, a stupid subject in his opinion that could be placed as a special section in history if he is asked.

Professor Danzo right? He was a pretty upright man, a little bit 'political' but he was pretty sure he won't burn the classroom on the first day.

His thoughts are greatly betrayed by the entrance of some of his classmates, some familiar and others are new. They are escorting Yusuke who was sporting.

Gunshot wounds?

"What the fuck happened while I was asleep?" he asked his fellow representative. He only knew one person in the class list who use guns.

But before he judge, he needs context. The world has too many judgmental people for him to prematurely add his two cents.

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Hidden 10 mos ago 9 mos ago Post by Lewascan2
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Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Mia Mathers

Hebi was a girl Mia had met largely in passing. Mia couldn't say she knew her well, but she certainly recognized her, both from the Jeanist Agency and -of course- from the Sports Festival. Hebi had done fairly well, if Mia was perfectly honest. Despite her Metamorphic quirk not looking like too much on paper, she'd had a good run. Under normal circumstance, Mia could have even seen her taking first place... were it not for her streak being brought to a screeching halt by her matchup with Jun.

Beyond that, as a person, if asked, Mia would have had to answer that what she understood of Hebi's personality was mostly speculation. Still, despite doing a bit of "shit-stirring" prior, Hebi's biting words had largely carried an air of rationality that Mia could appreciate. If nothing else, Mia could say with confidence that amongst the class, Hebi at least wasn't in the running for fucking up this situation the worst. Which was why when the greenette medusa spoke up, Mia chose to give her points due consideration.

"I suppose..." Mia's lips pursed in neutral displeasure, even as she continued to favor Rin with a gimlet side-eye. "Believe me, I'd love to be able to just sit back, leave things be and quietly coast along... But are we really supposed to put our health and education in the hands of someone like this?" She snorted. "After that showing?" Her gaze briefly flicked across the classroom's other denizens, a frown twisting her lips at the many intimidated or apathetic demeanors she found.

Despite her words, now that she had the chance to look for it with the immediate "excitement" and danger behind them, she found herself perturbed by the lack of gumption displayed. In the end, as much as she knew her concerns were valid, what could she really do at this stage without more of the class united behind her, without others willing to capitalize on the opening she provided and keep the momentum rolling? She'd expected others to at least take the reckless use a firearm far more seriously, but it seemed as if barely anyone that comprehended the implications of Rin's behavior was willing to seriously oppose her over it.

Regardless, Mia quite firmly disagreed with Hebi's assertion that nothing needed reporting yet. Frankly, Mia was far too familiar with the Hawks Agency to ignore her gut feeling on this. Give them an inch, and they'd take a mile. Rin was dangerous, clearly too used to getting to do whatever she wanted... and that was exactly why she should be opposed without hesitation when she overstepped her boundaries. Frankly, this was a situation that should be nipped in the bud, or they would all likely regret it in the future... But Mia was practical enough to read the writing on the wall. The other loudest voices only seemed interested in de-escalation. And while Mia pegged it for the cowardice or ignorance that it was, she had to acknowledge the reality that without those voices in righteous uproar, she needed to pivot her approach this situation.

Outwardly, Mia scoffed and shoved her hands in her pants' pockets. "But sure, I guess second chances are sort of heroic too, eh? The only reason I even spoke up was concern for our safety, but if none of you really think this is a threat worth mentioning..." Her gaze panned over the classroom. "Fine, call it 'overenthusiasm', a 'bit of nerves' or even just a 'mistake'... Whatever." For now. "Long as she doesn't fuck up like this again, I see little reason to take this further." She flicked her pink-streaked hair and allowed herself to present the words with a certain level of begrudging -but genuine- acceptance, shooting Rin a final half-lidded flat stare, as she clicked her tongue and strode back to her desk, flopping into her seat lazily and returning to looking disinterested with the present events. Adjusting her headphones, she started up the music again and listened with one ear, seemingly appearing "mollified" that her point had been made.

Of course, internally, that was complete bullshit. In a sense, Mia could acknowledge that her reaction would normally be considered disproportionate in a scenario filled with rational actors, assuming good faith from Rin... Perhaps she was jumping the gun; maybe she was judging a book by its cover. Maybe there was context that validated Rin's actions, or maybe Rin wasn't as batshit unstable as she seemed... But Mia had seen far too much of the hero industry's dark underbelly already to be so optimistic. Corruption and nepotism ran rampant these days, and when she took a step back, it was clear as day that "heroes" had a rather concerning number of liberties, legal or otherwise. Mia wasn't much for gambling, and she had no intention of letting this go or staying passive in this status-quo. She'd already decided: Rin Himura was unfit as an instructor and unwelcome as any form of authoritative figure. She had to go. It was just a matter of figuring out how to make it happen. In an ideal world, she could have done this loud and proud. That was something that typically worked out in America, where people often took a particular enthusiasm in ousting corruption when it was brought to light. But right here and now? It seemed that a more subtle approach was warranted, a path of quiet discretion.

Her immediate course acknowledged, Mia leaned back in her seat... and carefully suppressed a satisfied smile at feeling the practically weightless mass of petals in her pockets. Really, it hadn’t been a challenge at all to squirrel those little things away unseen in the chaos, concealed by the petals she’d created when inspecting Yusuke.

Presently transformed into petals, two-dozen anti-quirk bullets were quietly inventoried, all thanks to her “generous” senpai’s reckless behavior, and Mia added yet another precious resource to her available options. Of course, this had all been an unpleasant mess of an ordeal and Rin’s idiocy a pain in the ass, but even now, Mia was more than happy to take advantage of foolishness for unequivocal gain. And something like this, an off the books acquisition of anti-quirk ammunition?

Yeah, I can think of a few ways to put this windfall to use...

Time to get to plotting.

Under her breath, Mia hummed a quiet little tune from an ancient song, whose lyrics only she could hear.

Here’s a little lesson in trickery~!

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Hidden 10 mos ago 9 mos ago Post by rexgn
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rexgn Your Homicidal Lawyer

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Hebi Mamushi

Hebi flashed Mia a genuine smile this time, someone who finally has a brain, before redirecting her attention to her other representative.

"You missed out on all the excitement," she said with a mischievous grin, returning to gently stroke her snakes. "I'll fill you in later, no need to stoke the fire any further."

Hebi kept a close eye on Rin, observing her discreetly. The Hawks Agency failed miserably at projecting anything other than a brutal and almost psychopathic image. It was unsettling to think that these individuals were authorized to carry firearms. Hebi knew she would have to report this eventually, but for now, it was best to handle it, by herself.
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Hidden 10 mos ago 9 mos ago Post by Megatron
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Megatron Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

ꜱʜɪʙᴜʏᴀ, ᴄᴜʟᴛᴜʀᴀʟ ɪɴꜱᴛɪᴛᴜᴛɪᴏɴ ᴅɪꜱᴛʀɪᴄᴛ
ᴇɪʀᴇɪ ᴘᴏʟʏᴛᴇᴄʜɴɪᴄ ᴀᴄᴀᴅᴇᴍʏ
Freshman Building, 1B
@Letter Bee @Thayr @rexgn @Gerlando @Aku the Samurai @Creative Chaos @Lewascan2 @Dragon Arts
An unhealthy ordeal call began with the perceived power abuse of the Student Advisors against the crying justice of the reorganized 1B.

Students displayed meticulous appeal that questioned the superceding authority of the Prefect & demanded restitution to the rightful authorized Professor. Directly quoted from the hero constitutional work ethics alluded to the principalities of the Hero Commission, Mia enforced the Genius Office Code of Conduct & wrestled with Rin's warped mind. Both have dissuaded another's principles despite the rallied majority towards Rin's undoing.

The Himura Heiress let matters ran at its natural course, her Beloved aided the Fanatic with the liabilities to the Infirmary as the tension grew, Akisuji Gendou walked out.

Moreover, nameless students who expressed fear against Rin's oozing bloodlust, left the room as one after another followed to the backdoor, scared off their wits as their beeping IDs prompted the smart door of their departure. All the while Mia ranted, more & more students left & Rin was gazing with sinister eyes of murderous intent & mocking smile as the rant went on and waned, rolling her eyes & shrugging off dirt from her long nails. A moment of silence started & then ceased, the moment Rin replied, Dark Rin or not, there was no difference, her voice in a split moment sounded distorted, as if there were three people in one body.

She muttered. "I have no intentions of humoring a disowned hatchling, Dirtblood."

Dirtblood. One of the foulest racist terms denoting one's genealogy of lesser descendency, either parent having a quirk or not. A word that Nobles, Dynastic Hero & Villain Families alike, loved using to degrade those lesser than them.

Before more prejudice and chaos ensues, suddenly the lights turned off and back on.

"Now, now...Ms. Himura. Do not stoop to the level of your hatchlings." Professor Danzo with his dramatic entrance, Rin remained besides Danzo.

The man dressed in victorian black, looked at Mia and the remaining students and his calming yet deep voice said while he wrote his name on the board and him being 29 years old, who interned at Hawks.

"Shimura Danzo or better yet the Wind Pro Hero, Ravens. I will be your Professor, moving forward." He paused.

The former 1A students knew how strict, Shimura is.

"Ms. Mathers, Ms. Himura, see me at my office after our last agenda." Shimura held back his fuming of how disorganized 1B is actually not only in person but as its new Professor.

"To think Madame Todoroki enlisted me to deal with insufferable & self-righteous Dirtbloods, scheming Nullbloods and entitled Truebloods. This notorious class is going to need more than just an extreme makeover." The insufferable & self-righteous Dirtblood was heavily directed to Mia, which he looked with emphasized intent.

"Until you all learned to behave, starting today, all of you will be in detention, for the rest of the month. Do not test my patience, your Hero Licenses will be suspended. The dorm assignments which Ms. Himura was to deliver is overdue, because of this entitled class's opinionated babbling. The dorm assignments are:
Soragami ✗ Kazuma

Yamagata ✗ Yajima

Mamushi ✗ Mawatari

Asagumo ✗ Yūhi

Mathers ✗ Seiki

Yuzuki ✗ Himura

"And since this entitled class thinks they're better than everyone. Ms. Mawatari, Ms. Mamushi & Ms. Himura Ria and Mr. Yuzuki are exempted from detention. Ms. Seiki, you will need to see me at my office with Ms. Himura Rin & Ms. Mathers, immediately after this class."

He sat down at the Professor's seat and brought his Hawkpad to the table.

"Furthermore, Ms. Himura Rin will continue as your Main Student Advisor. This class's penalty will be sleeping in the House of Hawks Common Room with rollable futons on the floor except for the ones without detention. This is only for tonight."

ꜱʜɪʙᴜʏᴀ, ᴄᴜʟᴛᴜʀᴀʟ ɪɴꜱᴛɪᴛᴜᴛɪᴏɴ
South Building, Infirmary
Overhaul Theme
ᴅʀ. ᴄʜɪꜱᴀᴋɪ ᴋᴀɪ
@Digmata, @JrVader, @Iamme
Reformed Villain — Chisaki Kai

No words are needed to be said but what cannot be ignored was that he was essential to the defeat of the Symbol of Fear, Villain King, Shigaraki Tomura.

He attended to the needs of those within the premises of the clinic, Dr. Chisaki has a strong reputation of getting the job done in an instant, leaving no students even make an excuse to prolong their stay in the Infirmary.

His raspy and manly voice attended to the two students.

"Language. Yuzuki-kun. I will not tolerate filthy language in my zone."

He turned to what seemed to be Yusuke who was shot with Quirk Erasure Bullets, previously known as & now known as Antiquirk Artillery.

"The two of you... Chisaki held back his impending anger.

"Yaoyorozu, Asagumo. You've violated my rules of not wearing facemasks and forgetting to sanitize your hands but since this is an emergency, I will tolerate your eccentricities."

He sighed with even more disappointment & expressed it and reached to Yusuke's body, removing his gloves, feeling every being of Yusuke and put two-and-two.

"I sense Quirk residues around Yūhi's body and you, Asagumo. Use of Quirks without the permission of a Professor is a violation to Eirei's mandates. As the Head Doctor of Eirei Infirmaries and Professor of Medical Technology Courses, Asagumo, you will serve detention for the month, I'm sure that Professor Shimura has already sanctioned your collaborator, you will be serving community service in my zone.

If you've got nothing better to do, I suggest leaving my zone, you've received your overhaul as your bodies rejuvenated, leave my zone, fully clean. Leave before I sanction all of you for truancy. Yaoyorozu, take Asagumo and Yuzuki-kun back to class, I will deal with Yūhi...and Yaoyorozu, Madame Todoroki....have all the Hawks Interns gather two days from now...it's of important disposition, I am sick of their crap, they need a cure.

End of My Introduction Academia! Next Issue; Free Roam Before Internships.
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Hidden 9 mos ago Post by Thayr
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Jun Mawatari

Location: 1B Homeroom, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture
Mentions: N/A

Jun watched with some degree of amazement at the casual just…what? Dirtblood? Whoever would just drop that, with little to no regard to just who they were talking to in an official manner no less, was clearly not fit for the role as student advisor. She didn’t consider it to be proper behavior, no matter what the school administration said Rin was or wasn’t qualified to do or be. They could be wrong, human as they were, or they could be blind to exactly how a person acts when they get a taste of power. Rin hadn’t had many instances of her leading others, Jun guessed, hadn’t demonstrated tendencies before. For that matter, this most definitely was one of the first times she was in a position of power judging by how nervous the girl had acted before. Swinging between nervous indecision when others acted out of line and harsh, overt cruelties when others threatened her…that wasn’t the makings of a teacher, surely, nor a student advisor.

Then the professor entered the room and things were worse. He used the phrase, too, as Jun gave a harsh stare to the man. What. She couldn’t quite grasp the whole of the issue, the whole fact that not only did Rin feel so carefree as to use a term like that, but that the appointed professor was too. What sort of ‘heroes’ did Eirei even produce? What sort of people did it make and hire that it felt comfortable in hiring such a person with such a personality? It called into question much as the man introduced himself, raged a bit at Mia…calling the entirety of the class Dirtbloods, Nullbloods, Truebloods before assigning the class detention…for a month. Of course, then the professor gave a list of those exempted.

Mawatari. Mamushi. Himura. Yuzuki.

She stared still, swallowing while considering the whole of the issue at hand. She’d been given a reprieve, sure, but it was a reprieve shared with the individual who had caused much of the whole event, Himura. That wasn’t quite comfortable with Jun, that Rin would be there, though in all honesty Hebi and Akira were deserving of the out. They hadn’t done anything exactly wrong, not as far as Jun could recall. Jun coughed, though, summoning up her courage to speak up with a long breath.

“Sir, thank you but I will take the detention.”
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Hidden 9 mos ago Post by Iamme
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Kaiga Asagumo

Location: Nurse office, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture

Kaiga thought of complaining but decided that wouldn't do much nurse chisaki was strict he never even let him watch his Endeavor streams here the saddest thing of all. Kaiga gave a wave and a smile to Yuzuki "You must be Yuzuki-San nice to meet you" Kaiga started walking out of the nurse's office "Well you have to take me to mention don't you Yaoyorozu-Senpai" Kaiga gave him a look pleading for him not to cause trouble.

Kaiga felt it was best to respect authority figures, Chisaki-Sensei might be gruff occasionally he needs a cure and not let him watch an endeavor stream in his office he was sure he was a nice person Endeavor wouldn't have hired him if deep inside he wasn't a good person, and plus there was really only one teacher he hated his old one in 1A.

Shimura Danzo

Well it was a good thing he would only see him in passing he couldn't believe endeavor would make someone like him a professor when he's nothing but a spoonfed racist. Kaiga would deal with detention later but would first talk to his classmates he heard Rai had been demoted down to 1B which was unfortunate but it would be nice to see her again with Shimura-senpai.

Unfortunately, the world hates him and when he got to class 1B look who he saw sitting down.

"Shimura-senpai" Kaiga said gritting his teeth and spitting out poison but managing a smile "It's nice to see you but what are you doing here" He could guess, of course, class 1B had to get the worst professor in the school he always went late to his class...by one minute at least it was the thought that counted. Whenever Shimura talked all that came out of his mouth was things about blood.

Kaiga always tried his best to get the lowest grade in his class just enough to pass but not enough to bump up the grades of 1A it's unfortunate that it looks like he'll have to do that in class 1B.
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Hidden 9 mos ago Post by Dragon Arts
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Dragon Arts TheodosiaCentury

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Kanako Seiki

Kanako blinked a few times as the adrenaline from after the gunshot wore off. Her demeanor shifted back to normal, or, well, normal for her, tense and jumpy. Her expression changed as well, no longer calm and collected, albeit the calm came with slight insanity. Instead she was back to being nervous, like she always was. She shook her head to clear it and her mind shifted back into sanity and reason.

She glanced at Rin and made a mental list of all the things to be careful of about her, far too eager to pull out a gun, power hungry, inconsistent with herself, probably would be swayed to the dark side if given a promise of freedom to do whatever she liked and the power to control others. She supposed she could understand the feeling of wanting power, that didn't make her any less wary of Rin though.

This whole situation had easily and undoubtedly earned Rin a place at the top of her list of people most likely to snap and become villains.

The detention was deserved, in her case at least, she hadn't even tried to help. And a month wasn't that long anyways, it was just that, a month, it'd pass quickly enough. She didn't know why she was being called to the Professor's office already though. Why? What did I do wrong? she thought. A few possibilities flashed in her mind: Not reacting to the situation with Rin right, the sports festival match, or something about her past perhaps, or maybe she was just overthinking things and it was something about dorm assignments, since Mia was also being called to the office at the same time.

She didn't know what she felt about the dorm assignments. Mia seemed... sane, at least, more so than she was for sure. But was it really a good idea to put her of all people with someone like Mia. Mia didn't really seem like the type to be that forgiving, at least not from what Kanako had seen of her. Meanwhile Kanako was messing up in literally every way possible, probably the least heroic person in the entire class, all things considered.

Either way she looked over at the professor and nodded, trying not to think that she'd already messed up somehow. She was used to people using language like Dirtblood, Nullblood, and Trueblood, it'd been common when she was growing up, so it felt normal to her. Even if she didn't use those terms herself she didn't even give it a second thought when others did, until she saw how everyone else reacted. So that isn't a normal thing to say here, good to know.

Mawatari, Mamushi, Himura, and Yuzuki, were all being exempted from the detention. Lucky, she thought. But then Jun turned down the exemption and Kanako was utterly baffled as to why she would do that.

She looked at Jun with a curious gaze, why would she want detention when she was being given a free pass? I guess that's the heroic thing to do, maybe. But still, a chance to skip detention, and she's just... throwing it away, she thought. She knew she wouldn't have done the same if she were given the chance to skip detention.
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Hidden 9 mos ago Post by Aku the Samurai
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Aku the Samurai

Member Seen 3 days ago

Yui Kazuma

Location: 1B Homeroom, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture


Casual racism just like that, on the first day? And coming from what seemed to be a second-year student supervisor of all things? Maybe being in this class wouldn't be an utterly tedious affair, after all. Honestly, the crazies were usually some of the most entertaining to watch. That said, while Yui was indifferent to her status, he had enough understanding of her position to realise her actions were less than stellar—in the eyes of regular people, at least. However, if such things were allowed purely based on her role as a student advisor, maybe he should start rethinking his strategy this time around. Not that he agreed with the use of such force on a fellow hero-to-be, but it wasn't like it bothered him either way. Ah, but.... Yui's eyes scanned over Rin's body for a moment, and his eyebrows furrowed. That was odd. She–

Yui's mismatched eyes flashed back to the door as the lights flickered and the professor arrived. Well, here comes the voice of reason–

.... Actually, he'd have to reserve judgment on that. You could never know what kind of person someone was at first glance, not in most cases. That, at least, he could attest to.

Yui was proven right in his decision when, instead of acting like a normal professor (what was even considered normal, though?), the man only made things worse, for everyone. Well, most everyone. He used the same term too—Yui blatantly rolled his eyes at the professor calling them hatchlings. So, he was even more casually racist than the second year. Goody. And here he was thinking, hoping, yearning for this school to be more tolerant than that. Shame on him for even daring to entertain the very thought.... Anyway, the appointed professor wasn't unknown to him, not entirely. He had at least a passing familiarity with the names of Pro Heroes. That was the least he needed if he wanted to succeed. He had to admit, though, that the hero's personality left quite a lot to be desired. The professor raged a bit at Mia—he seemed to have something against her for some reason—and finished his "speech" by calling the entirety of the class Dirtbloods, Nullbloods, and Truebloods before assigning almost the entirety of the class to detention for a month, because of.... nothing? The dorm assignments were pushed to the back of his mind as he processed the information.

Yui could only blink in confusion at the announcement.


No, seriously. What the fuck?

Such a blatant show of favouritism was.... not surprising, to be honest, but that didn't make it any less unfair, which was something a lot of people didn't really like. It wasn't that he didn't understand why they held the sentiment, he just didn't care. That, however, was not to say he would just roll over and follow the whims of a prejudiced teacher with more vitriol than sense. He didn't expect much from most people, but the bar could only be so low and yet this guy had cleared it entirely. Almost impressive, actually.

It was like watching a game of Limbo if it was hot garbage.

"Shimura-sensei, was it? I think—and I say this with all the respect you deserve," Yui's voice was just oozing with sarcasm as he drawled and he wasn't even bothering to hide it, "You should throw yourself out of a window. Head first, if you'd be so kind."
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Hidden 9 mos ago Post by JrVader
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JrVader Wanderer

Member Seen 3 days ago

Detention... Why did it have to be detention

No matter how academic and studious Matsuru Yaoyorozu might be, he's not like his cousin. She is constantly eager to learn and boasting a rigorous work ethic. In truth, Matsuru hated school. It was so... bureaucratic, yeah that's the word. In his mind, he saw Eirei as a big game of politico. It's not about what you learn or what you do, its about who you know and who knows you. Luckily for Yaomatsu, he didn't have to play their venerate "game of thrones". His blood alone is enough to secure a comfortable position within the hero world after graduation. Not even including his prestige, accolades, and skill. He hated the innate hierarchy of the classes, the pompous teachers, and even the perverted seniority many of his older classmates carry with them. The only reason he was here was because of her. Rin.

Rin Himura. The same woman who constantly teases him to sheer embarrassment in front of others. The same woman who atrociously shot one of her students. The same woman who can turn into a completely different person, one of petulant and plight. The same woman who saved him back in UA. The same woman who showed him the true meaning of being a hero. The one who taught him the loving nature of the argent snow.

The one who he loved dearly.

Even now, walking through the corridors of the campus, hearing the rumors of the classroom incident be spread around so casually, it sickened him. Hearing what Rin said, what she did, what everyone is saying about her. It makes him feel vile, makes him want to do vile acts.

Yet he loves her dearly.

Matsuru grumbled as, behind him, followed a conglomerate of students. Kaiga, Yusuke, and many others (namely from the Hawkes Agency) tallied behind him like ducklings to a mother goose. In truth, much about this did not sit well with Matsuru. It was he that instigated the conflict in 1B, a class he has no real authority over. And because of his actions and implications, others suffered punishment while he did not. Matsuru has read many stories where the protagonist was falsely implicated of crimes. And while they ran, an antagonist chased them down. Whether by order of sickle or scepter, they must capture the protagonist. An innocent man. For a crime they did not commit. Why? Because that was how the story was written.

And in this story, he held both sickle and scepter in his hands like a mad tyrant. In his mind, he was the antagonist.
This did not sit well with him.

And yet, Matsuru did not say much. He marched on with the orders he was given like a good soldier. No matter the doubt in his mind or the pit in his stomach, he put one foot in front of the other and ordered around hero's-in-training like a sergeant to his inferiors.

We were not soldiers.
We were meant to be better.

Analogies, metaphors, and references filled his already clouded mind. The bickering between Kaiga and Yusuke dulled out like a muffle echo in a storm. He sighed to himself in a way only he would hear "I want to see Rin."

He brought the students to detention like the good little soldier he was.
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Hidden 9 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kazuki Yamagata

Kazuki arched an eyebrow and said, pointedly, to Rin and the Professor, "Legitimacy is what drives those under you to do more than the bare minimum needed to avoid punishment. You two have none from me from this point on - Good day."

And he marched off to detention, letting Matsuru walk him and the other students out, even as he thought, How did that damn professor realize I was scheming? Or was he using a stereotype and accidentally found himself correct? Well, no matter; I have potential partners for the scheming he mentioned, thanks to his actions - But why would someone so smart deliberately take the most alienating course possible? Doesn't he see that this instance of collective punishment would drive most of us into each other's arms?

He dismissed the possibility it was deliberate, pending evidence, and was now weighing which of the other students he needed to fall in with his plans - His social skills were borked and thus he needed a diplomat, someone who can get others on his side and smooth any potential disputes and misunderstandings over. He also needed an intelligencer who could collect and analyze information alongside him so that he was not blindsided by things he didn't know all the time. What was he useful for, then? Why, the nitty-gritty of combat; he may be a Quirkless, but he had experience in licensed murder.

Kazuki Yamagata can even tell himself that he knew that killing people was wrong; that necessary evils were still evil. That allowing too much violence risked making mistakes.

But how self-aware was he, if he can ask himself? When pushed to it, can he suppress his murderous instincts and not go off the deep end? Pursing his lips, Kazuki decided he needed a counterbalance, someone who could keep him on the straight and narrow and not become as bad as the enemy - No, opponents for now; thinking of people as enemies so quickly is bad for one's mental health and the behavior required to achieve his goals.

He'd wait to be put in detention, and try and get the seat next to Mia; he needed to be in close reach of the no-doubt outraged young woman so that he could try and pass her a message on old-fashioned paper, a note carefully slid to her table, saying in childishly neat and perfect English: Cherry Blossom, I should have sided with you from the start. Forgive me for asking this of you, but can you smuggle more notes to the other students here, if you want?

Then he tried to locate Yui Kazuma, Jun Mawatari, and the other students who were more vocal against their professor's decision; he planned to approach them should Mia give her consent to being his note-passer. What notes did he plan to pass? Well, a simple set of questions: So, who here hates Jun and the Professor after their actions? What can we legally do about it? And more importantly, what should we do about it that won't end our education early?

There was a fine distinction between the second and third questions, an implication that took some thought to see. But that was fine; Kazuki knew that those smart enough to see it were ideal recruits for the conspiracy he was trying to form, assuming that Mia would be on board - Which she might not be.

Senbonsakuraza had always snubbed the more unhinged members and aspects of the other Hawks Agency members, and to be blunt, he, Kazuki, also known as Armory, was an edgier person at fifteen and sixteen than he was right now. So Mia had a good reason to think he had not grown out of the bitter and angry young man who relished the use of weaponry against villains with Quirks. Nevertheless, he held no hate and a massive amount of admiration for the older young woman (yes, awkward phrasing!) so he wanted to befriend her or at least be on her good side.

Was it too late for him and her, though?

All the while, the irritating feeling that this state of affairs was somehow deliberate on Rin and Professor Shimura's parts was still burning at the back of his head... Was this part of an even larger set of manipulations?

Kazuki arched an eyebrow and said, pointedly, to Rin and the Professor, "Legitimacy is what drives those under you to do more than the bare minimum needed to avoid punishment. You two have none from me from this point on - Good day."

...Alternatively, if Mia continued to surprise him with her defiance and ability to find the unorthodox 'Third Option' that was better than the presented options, Kazuki would choose another course of action as well - Swallow his pride and arrogance and just accept that Mia/Senbonzakura was the woman with the plan and go along with her actions and thus reap the benefits of her success and his part in it, suspending his own plans for the time being so he can learn how to plan better.

In this alternative scenario, instead of assuming Mia would go along to detention, Kazuki would openly move to accompany her, saying within everyone's earshot, "I was wrong not to have sided with you, Ms. Mathers - Let's do this together; you'll want an extra pair of arms and legs for what you will need to do."

The irritating feeling this was a deliberate gambit on the part of Rin and the professor to drive certain students into working together still won't leave him even in this scenario, but Kazuki knew better than to discuss this with Mia or anyone else, not when he had no proof at all and could just be indulging in wishful thinking.

@Lewascan2, @Aku the Samurai, @Thayr, @Verjil.
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Hidden 9 mos ago 9 mos ago Post by Digmata


Member Seen 1 hr ago

Akira Yuzuki

Location: On the way to Class B

"You're Asagumo-san right? I hope you will have a good time working with us." Akira replied as they make their way back to their classroom while doing some stretches, his body felt brand new as expected of someone of Chisaki sensei's reputation. "Just tell me what I can do to make you more comfortable."

Admittedly there wasn't much he can as most of the restrictions placed are to tame the storm that is basically half of Class B being their class representative is like holding a leash on dogs running at entirely different directions.

Based on how Yaoyoruzu and Asagumo are acting though something must be happening in his class, he wouldn't ask them what but it seems he would be doing his job as a class representative immediately.

But everything should be fine, right?

A shocked and scandalized Yuzuki passed through the Class 2B marching towards their detention; or at the very least what was left of them. This is not a normal Class 1B mess, this is something greater, and too damn soon.

He marched back to the classroom, violently slamming the door in hopes that it would gather everyone's attention and stop whatever insanity is happening right now. He entered the room like an unexpected arbiter barging into a den of thieves as he approached the one who is supposed to do that job and whoever this fellow schoolmate that he probably passed by one or two times.

"I got knocked out for a few hours when and I return I found half of the class marching to detention and the other half basically missing." he started in an unerringly calm voice. "For an entire semester despite their flaws I had never seen this class serve such punishment nor do something remotely deserving of such punishment." he further defended to his supposed professor.

"But my mother taught me to not jump the gun so everyone has one chance... he gestured not only to the teachers but also to the curious onlookers.


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