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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

It hadn’t taken long for the Aurelians to finish unloading supplies designated for the temple - once they’d managed to snap themselves out of their stupor, that is. The Blight-Born - Pleiades - had left them all disoriented, like they were buzzing through an anxious fog. The gravity of the situation had settled in with stark clarity. They weren’t just making a trip, delivering cargo to some settlement. They were part of a mission trying to save their kingdom from ruin.

Tia had fluttered around the workers, trying to find a way to help and being waved away each time as they lugged boxes through the new temple to find appropriate storage places. They hadn’t even permitted her to hold open any doors for them. She settled for just staying as out of the way as possible, hands wrapped tightly around the notebook and charcoal she’d been offered. The smooth texture of the cover, the small edge of the charcoal, grounded her to the present as her nerves tried to buzz her apart, atom by atom.

And then finally, the pantries were full, the beds were covered in warm winter blankets, and there was a tall pile of slow-burning logs stacked along the wall of the innermost chamber of the temple, a fire already sending smoke and embers up from a golden dish that sat level with Tia’s chest. The soldiers and attendants all bowed to her before they left, the old coachman taking a moment to pause before her. A weathered, calloused hand gently encircled her wrist. He gave a light squeeze, and Tia nearly burst into tears.

“May the sun’s glory warm you, my lady.”

She could only stare, watching as the Aurelians trickled out of the temple, onto their next task of delivering the remaining supplies to the prince. The door to the temple closed with a heavy thud, echoing through her bones.

Tia was alone.

Tia hadnʻt been alone since… well. She tried to swallow, to clear her ruined throat, even though she knew it wouldn’t work. Her hands tightened painfully against the notebook.

Being alone was dangerous - it meant there was no one to see her fall apart.

In the absence of other people, eyes and ears to see her and judge and define the edges of her personhood, Tia didn’t know how to stop her overwhelming thoughts as they expanded to fill the space, like a surging river overflowing the embankment, like light flooding a field with no trees to cast a shadow. Her shoulders trembled, her body a feeble container for the force of her own emotions. Tia was going to come apart at the seams until she was unrecognizable. It was inevitable.

She wasn’t a person. She was blood, hot and slick as it seeped into the ground. She was strings of ruined flesh, pulled apart and scattered in the wind. She was a voiceless scream, she was smoke and fire and she couldn’t breathe, she was the flash of claws and a field of corpses, she was dyingdyingdying -

A sound like a clap of thunder jolted Tia back together with a gasp.

She was on the ground, curled in on herself like she could hide from her reality. She didn’t know how she’d gotten there. Her knuckles were white, slender fingers curled painfully tight around the hard material of the book. The charcoal had slipped from her grasp, now laying on the floor - the source of the sound. Her other hand had slipped under her scarf, nails digging into the smooth bumps and valleys of her scar.

She forced a shaking breath in, air catching in the tatters of her throat. She forced her fingers from her neck. When she pulled her hand from under her scarf, the edge of her nails were tiny sickles of red. Tia flexed her trembling hand. She sniffled. When had she started crying?

She was tired. That was it. Just travel-worn and overwhelmed from the weight of her responsibility here exhausted, and -

And she hadn’t been that close to a Blight-Born since she’d gotten her scars. She looked down at the book, still held tight in her hand. She looked at the small charcoal on the temple floor.

Another breath in.

Tia ran a hand through her pale hair, messy and falling out of the bun she’d tried to force it into.

She couldn’t just sit here, pathetic on the floor. Even though she desperately wanted to. A wash, she decided. She would feel better without the weight of travel clinging to her skin. Then she could bless the temple grounds, burn the incense - do the work that was expected of her. Tia didn’t know how she was going to manage it. She supposed she didn’t have a choice, though. Not when so much was at stake. A shaking hand brushed the fresh tears from her cheeks.

Then Tia retrieved the charcoal and forced herself back to her feet. She was the Sun Priestess of Dawnhaven once more.

Interactions: Pleiades @The Savant, Flynn @The Muse
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Hidden 4 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Jonathan-@The Savant

Elara’s eyes were sharp, her mind a whirlwind as she observed the tense interplay between Pleiades and Jonathan. Pleiades’ demeanour, marked by an unsettling nonchalance towards the young man’s evident unease, struck a dissonant chord within her. It was one matter to foster a harmonious coexistence with the blight-born, quite another to stand idly by in the face of undue intimidation. As Pleiades’ presence seemed to loom over Jonathan, pushing him both physically and emotionally, Elara felt a surge of protectiveness well up inside her.

She further closed the distance between herself and Jonathan, her steps measured. Her smile was a beacon of solace, warm and unwavering. “Thank you, Jonathan. That’s very helpful information,” she offered, her voice a soft melody of gratitude. She inclined her head in a respectful bow, mirroring his earlier gesture, as he prepared to depart. “I’ll be sure to speak with Mr. Emberani then about the knitting. Take care,” she added, her words a gentle ushering for him to find refuge within the inn.

As Jonathan’s figure retreated, Elara’s gaze lingered on his back for a moment longer before turning back to Pleiades. Her features were set in a composed mask, her stance firm yet devoid of aggression. She parted her lips, ready to voice her disapproval of his earlier behavior, when a boisterous interruption cascaded through the air.

“Good day, friends! I come back with much stuff, is good, VERY GOOD!”

The voice belonged to Ivor, his figure emerging into view with a sled in tow. Elara’s attention shifted, her eyes tracing the contours of the man whose reputation for amiability and assistance had reached her ears long before this moment. Ivor, with his rough-hewn speech and rugged demeanour, exuded a warmth that transcended the coldness of their surroundings. He stood as a living testament to the possibility of peaceful coexistence between humans and the blight-born, his contributions to Dawnhaven’s success undeniable.

Ivor’s laughter rang out, a hearty sound that resonated with genuine joy. It was a laugh that seemed to embody the spirit of camaraderie, and despite her usual reserve, Elara found herself smiling—a subtle, appreciative curl of her lips. She remained a silent observer of the exchange between Ivor, Eris, and Pleiades, content in her role as a spectator to their interaction.

As Pleiades’ silhouette vanished into the snowy dark sky, Elara’s lips settled into a line of contemplation. The light of intervention that had sparked in her eyes dimmed, yielding to the intricate reality of her station. She was the handmaiden to Princess Octavia, a role steeped in silent influence rather than overt command, especially concerning the blight-born. “Fine by me,” she whispered to the wind, her words as much for herself as they were a farewell to the departing figure.

With a soft sigh, Elara turned on her heel, her gait carrying her across the threshold of the inn as she entered it. The warmth that greeted her was a stark contrast to the chill of the outside world, yet it did little to ease the knot of realization that tightened in her chest. In the haste of her interactions, she had neglected to secure a crucial piece of information from Jonathan—the exact whereabouts of Sunni.

The inn’s interior was a tapestry of life and activity, so different from the quiet order of Princess Octavia’s quarters where Elara spent much of her time. She stood momentarily adrift in the sea of patrons, her gaze sweeping over the lively common room where clusters of people engaged in animated conversation. The air was thick with the scent of roasted meat and the warmth of the hearth, a comforting embrace against the chill that clung to her cloak.

Elara’s thoughts were a rapid current, sifting through the snippets of dialogue she had overheard in passing, each a potential breadcrumb on the path to finding Sunni. Eris’s casual mention of him being in his room was the only lead she had, a slender thread in the simple yet unfamiliar inn she had no reason to navigate before this pressing moment.

Her attention shifted to the staircase, the idea of approaching each door dismissed almost as quickly as it arose; such an intrusion would be improper, not to mention inefficient.

A sidelong glance brought a new challenge into focus as well—the front desk, usually a beacon of guidance, was unattended. The innkeeper, no doubt, was occupied with the myriad tasks that came with managing such a bustling establishment. Elara felt a twinge of frustration but quelled it with the discipline she had honed as a handmaiden.

With a deep breath, she resolved to wait, positioning herself near the desk where she could keep an eye on the comings and goings of the inn’s inhabitants. Patience, she reminded herself, was as much a virtue as action. She took a seat in a corner, observing the flow of people, hoping to catch a glimpse of someone who might assist her further.

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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by The Savant
Avatar of The Savant

The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Subtle twitching of the muscles was visible as the man found himself in a peaceful sleep to a nightmare. A bad memory of him and his father. Something that he had no remembered in a while surfacing in his unconscious state. It caused his breathing to change even if he stayed asleep. The sleep that he was experiencing was becoming more uncomfortable by the second.

I want to be apart of a happier family…

A happier family?” A disgusted tone came from the aging Cyrus Emberani the 4th.

Little Sunni nodded his head while his big amber eyes looked worried with his father’s tone but even at the age of eleven, he was showing rebelliousness, “Like mama Daisy’s family. They are happy.

Misses Puckett and her family are dirt poor, Cyrus,” The head of the Emberani household said such words with such convincing repulsion that anyone could be convinced that money was the only form of happiness.

The young boy stood there in his father’s office as if he were on a platform getting judged by a court. A nervous tick was beginning to form as he held onto his non-dominant wrist so tightly and began to scratch at it with his nails, “I.. I…” Sunni began stuttering under the intensity of his father’s eyes. “I just…” The young boy couldn’t get his words out in time.

With a belligerent tone, Cyrus spat out, “Can you not fucking speak right? Spit it out, boy,” The emphasis on the boy sounded as if it was poison on his father’s tongue. A curse word.

Sunni flinched at the sudden behavior difference from his father, he knew that anger and wrath were brewing in the man, and tears began to form in his eyes. His lips parted to say something but nothing came out as he fell silent. “And you will stop referring to Misses Puckett as mother or mama. It is quite pathetic how you hold onto a woman that isn’t even family. Betraying your mother like that.

This caused the young boy’s brows to furrow, “Mother is dead!” He shouted at his father, beginning to mirror the same anger as the older man. “And I can speak properly! I can speak better than you can! At least I can talk about my emotions unlike you! You use mother against me even though I never met her. I only know her through paintings and stories. She’s not my mother! Naomi Emberani was NEVER my mother!” Sunni didn’t mean to explode in such a way but his father brought the worst out of him.

The room fell eerily quiet while his amber eyes locked onto his father’s amber ones. His father began to move around the desk and Sunni took steps back. With each step that was approaching him, he distanced it with at least one step of his own, and he knew he messed up. Telling his father that Naomi was not his mother. It was true. She might have been his biological mother but the only mother Sunni truly knew was Daisy Puckett. However, facts didn’t matter to Cyrus Emberani when he felt like his son was betraying the household.

A strong grip yanked on the boy’s curly red hair causing him to fall to his knees, “Let go!” Tears began to streak down his face as he grabbed onto his father’s wrist to lessen the pain. Cyrus’s eyes showed that he was not absorbing anything from his son, his cries were useless, tears meaningless, and the pain that he would cause the boy would only be seen as a learning curve to the older man. Sunni Emberani would have left his father’s office that day with welts, bruises, and small breaks in his skin from a leather belt and its buckle.

A gasping realization of coming to consciousness, Sunni groaned, as his hands were pressing up against his face. His heart was beating quicker than he would like upon waking and he felt like he got no sleep at all. “What time is it?” He mumbled to himself as his hands fell away while he looked around the room. His body twitched and ached from that dream since he could remember the pain of that memory.

Slowly sitting up and looking around, the man gave himself a few minutes until a sigh was let out. Getting to his feet without knocking anything over, Sunni quickly stripped his clothes and put on a whole new outfit. The fresh undergarments against his skin felt soothing while the clean clothes over them felt refreshing. Combining his hand through his hair for a moment, he looked down at himself and determined if everything looked fine. A faded blue shirt with puffy sleeves and a loose neck that showed a bit of his chest. His pants were a brownish-gray color that was also faded. Worn clothes. Putting his leather vest on which had a nice amount of useful accessories along with pockets and his belt that had a few things attached to it as well.

The man moved over to the door and put on his boots before looking at the small clock that was near it, “Dammit. I passed out for too long… Sya probably needs help. I need to get back to building that house with the boys,” Sunni tried to be quicker with his second boot though his speediness caused him to fall over — a tumbling crash of multiple things and something breaking? The man was in a semi-awkward position on his back, wedged up against something, with the coat stand fallen over him, and a picture off the wall. A hand went over his eyes as he thought about what he just did, “You idiot…,” He began to laugh at himself.

Sunni decided to get himself out of the situation and clean everything up. The small porcelain trinket he had somewhere by the door got knocked down and shattered. Picking up all the pieces carefully, he made his way over to his desk and placed everything neatly on the piece of furniture. “I’m sorry. I’ll try to fix you later when I have time,” He whispered to the little shattered figurine before leaving the room. Closing his door behind him, he made his way down, and he came upon a disaster.

His face looked shocked — where is Syraeia!? — and why did half the patrons look so unhappy? What was happening!? The man was not focusing on any faces in the tavern in particular but he quickly moved around the tables and people. A few patrons commented about not getting anything for the last however long while others were unbothered and didn’t even notice they hadn’t been served in quite some time. Everyone was being apologized to and orders were being brought out quickly.

That was until he got to a table with familiar faces, Jonathan and Joseph, “What is this?” Sunni sounded shocked while he looked at their table. “Have you two been drinking?” His voice raised slightly while his fingers and thumb began to rub at his brow and forehead. “Nevermind. Don’t answer that. You two enjoy the rest of your day off,” The filtering through emotions was somewhat intense as the boys had wide eyes as if they realized they messed up. Jonathan began to stutter. Joseph tried to explain. Sunni waved them off, “It’s fine. You two are fine. You don’t need to explain or apologize or anything,” Those words were clearly for reassurance though the boys didn’t look reassured at all.

Waving them off, he shook his head and walked off to the other tables. He noticed the royal guards from Lunaris and he approached them before he realized that they needed refills on their drinks and so on. Going up to the bar, he looked at the written notes and glanced at the guards as he spoke quietly to himself. Going around the bar and in the back, Sunni was able to pick up four pints of ale in one hand since they had handles along with the food tray in the other.
Moving around the place easily and quickly, he smiled at the royal guards, “I’m sorry if you have been waiting a long time for refills. Distractions happen here in Dawnhaven though we welcome you with the best hospitality that we can,” Placing the drinks down and the food. He made sure they were neatly placed in front of everyone and the platter was in the middle. “Enjoy. If you need anything or have any comments or concerns, you can come ask me,” Sunni smiled at them before moving away.

Going around and making sure a few of the last patrons had hot stew, drinks, and so on. By the time he got behind the counter, he was combing his hair with his hands in a stressful manner. Then he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly. “Where is Syraeia?” He whispered to himself.

As he opened his eyes, he looked around the inn and was happy that everyone seemed to get their requested items. Leaning up against the wall and crossing his arms, he was determining if he wanted to drink or not, though it was only noon-ish. He couldn’t feed into the temptation of relaxing at the moment even if he wanted to do so, so badly. Sunni covered his mouth with his one hand as he observed everyone in the inn, being quiet, and just waiting for social cues to tell him where he should go or who he should help.

That was when he noticed he missed one person in the corner and he stared at her Elara… Why couldn’t Syraeia be here to do her job? Where was she?

An anxiety-ridden breath could be heard shakingly inhaling and exhaling behind his hand as he went into the back of the kitchen. He didn’t know what to do but he washed his hands out of something to ground him and his thoughts. Wiping them off on a towel and rubbing at his temples, “I… Shite… why does she have to be here… right now..” The man murmured to himself before opening his eyes. A huff of breath out and he came out of the back, went around to a few tables, and talked for roughly a moment. Everyone was happy with their current state.

Sunni walked up to the table where the woman who looked like a moon-touched goddess sat. “Welcome to the eye of the beholder, do you need help with anything? We have a decent amount of drink items and food at the moment,” He had said those lines way more confidently to others only moments ago along with being more of a salesman. The light underlying shake in his tone could show that he was nervous and he didn’t want to interact with the woman though he didn’t want her to be disappointed with the experience at the inn with the lack of structure that was happening. "My name is Sunni by the way," He smiled slightly goofy as he was trying to hide the storm of conflict inside of him. One hand was placed on his waist to the hip area while the other found itself in his pocket. The man was trying to not look uncomfortable by crossing his arms in front of his chest.

@PrinceAlexus Lunarian Royal Guards
@Qia Elara
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by amorphical
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amorphical Admirer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Eye of the beholder

The woman's request was rather simple of less candles and guessed that she also had a sensitivity to the light and found what she needed far less than before the blight had turned them, she still missed food, water was still unavoidable but food was something she no longer needed. Emotions and energy.. were not as satisfying as what she cooked in some sense. “Of course, I feel the same, I keep my rooms so.” Sya snuffed out most of the candles bringing the room to a soothing darkness that would probably disconcert one of the living.

As the light in the room dimed to no more than a few soft glowing spots about the room she felt more comfortable. It reflected in the pale woman's normal resting face than that of the squinting one from earlier. Giving a gentle smile of approval. The tavern woman's willingness to accommodate her guest was quite enjoyable to see. To her Olivia was just a simple patron no titles or airs and yet she still helped out a stranger in need. The creatures chest felt light with the effort on her behalf. There was something so simple and honest about the moment where Olivia felt herself more so than years past. Indeed being around Sya let her relax to a level the lady had truly missed. "That is better thank you." The lady's voice hinted with kind inflections.

Sya blushed when she noticed the woman's gaze turned to her, she seemed to follow her and had no fear of her eye, ears and even seemed to welcome it. The gesture of tucking a hair behind her ear was so very normal, the lady was well shockingly normal, if you could call any of their kind normal. But it was simple, a gesture you could see anywhere anytime. Her heart that probably did not beat as fast as before picked up a pace, so close she could smell the lady wore a scent and the subtle smell the furs had left on her clothes, the fact was plain. Whatever this woman was, she was curious and pushed through her nerves, Dawn Haven was all about second chances even for those who were considered monsters by many.

Olivia was so close it was conspiratorial, she was inches away now, the proximity was both the most scary and exciting thing she recalled recently. I want you… that was a bold statement but somehow Sya was honestly tired, she pretended to be normal for wider people, Sunni had let her be open but this was different. “I… I have seen them, I am glad you have not. I came close, in those forests, the howls, they drew to me, things… pulled at my mind's own corners… but somehow I kept my head. I am truly glad I am your first.” Sya was genuine and she revealed more detail than she had told almost anyone, it felt lighter somehow. Easier, then the implication of her word choice came to mind and blushed, memories of… no, not that right now. That was a different time in a hay loft.

“I was never magically trained, I had to figure it all out… I'm still unsure if I understand it, surely. But I can try.” Sya broke into a smile a faint one but it reached her eye and she was rather expressive. I'm the gesture. “That's quite a story. I fled my home with almost nothing, what little I could scavenge. I am maybe the last of that place. The Borderlands, I am one of the border folk, we are a rare kin now alas even ember Kin. So much is now blighted.” She said with a little sigh, they lay now heavily in the blight zone and she had felt no desire to enter it again, however immune to its effects and toxins. She did not know how she could refuse if Prince asked her though.

The lady's voice was calm and cool like the night air through an open window. "I confess that magic is not my area. I dont know most of what I can or could do. It's more like a instinct or reflex. I have been able to learn restraint and even that is not as polished as I would like. I know you can understand when I say it is hard to find people who would willingly allow us to practice on." Olivia gave the brown haired woman a shy glance admitting her weaknesses was something again her father taught her from the time of her being a child never to do and yet, she couldnt help herself it seemed around Sya. Was it an ability of the giant blue eye to coax the truth or just her own desire to be free of carrying the burdensome secrete for so long, the ruby eyes creature cared not. Olivia ran to her friends openness with full speed never wanting to be so isolated ever again. Sya was going to be her dear friend, she just had to be!

“I was worse than homeless for too long, until Dawn haven… A merchant helped fund all this, but I am its keeper and left it to my hand.” She glossed over what she did to survive, it was far from a light topic but she wanted to live more than they did. Gesturing to the building with a proud expression. She said mode than she thought, her hands rolling the fabric of a skirt between two pale fingers with hands that seen a less comfortable life.

“I would appreciate that, their are others here but.. some Who do know, I do not feel yet able to trust myself, they serve the Royals directly and … I am still cautious of them. My people were left to die by them… they ignored us, as we sent message and messengers.” Sya was honest, deeply honest and risked opening up herself, an open… well if the eyed were windows to the soul, Sya had a rather large gate. A gate that opened a crack as its iron hinges swung slowly. A crack that let out a fierce emotion and a hot fire that she usually kept locked up tightly.

She talked of her sight , how she could see in the night like prevention in darkness black and how the world was a… pallete of not colour In the darkest night but greys and tinged almost blue. How she could almost see something but could not put her mind to understand it, there were hidden layers and an… another layer that had yet to reveal itself.

Sya talked maybe too much but her heart felt lighter and listened intently to what she said about he needs and plans. But Sya felt a hand in her lap and made a choice, maybe a dangerous one but she had died… what was much after being dead? Fuck it. She died once, she had lived through hell.. why not…

Sya moved her own smaller hand and turned It to interlock smaller hand with Olivia's, intrigued how both their skin was cooler and the fact that her nails felt dangerously sharp, hard but also did not hurt Sya.

Olivia felt herself becoming closer to Sya with every hardship the young woman confessed. The lady wanted to kidnap her and carry the blue eyed girl far from here back to her lands and pamper her like some beloved pet. The royals here seemed to be a far cry to her own rule of justice and fairness. How could someone just let their people die so carelessly? It made her smooth brow furrow to hear such things from those in stations far above her own. She would have words about this after more information was gathered of course. A creature yet still her fathers daughter and his lessons were ingrained into her very sole whether Olivia cared for them or not. It was time for her formal introduction except that would mean she would have to formally announce herself to the area, and that might break her friendship prematurely. "That sounds very brutal. You really are a strong flower to have blossomed under such hardships." The tenderness in her voice carried with it the feelings of sincerity of her words. The creature pursed her full lips in thought on how to best handle such a delicate situation. Her new found friendship was far more important then the decorum of some royals who let their people die so carelessly. Yes they could wait, Sya would have to come first. She watched silently as the tavern woman took her fingers and interlaced the warmer slender digits made her sigh ever so quietly. Certainly no one at the keep would dare to touch the nightmare for fear of losing their soul yet here in the tavern she was making a simple connection that Olivia had always been so envious of common folk for.

How hard it was for the ruby eyed nightmare to not pull Sya close and comfort her from the dark like two lost girls in the woods. A deep stirring in her chest like a dozen tiny bats flapping wildly within her chest as she listened on to the destitute servant girls strife living in the streets like a foul creature. In her lands if there were homeless then they were put to work and given a wage even if it was to patrol the streets at night or clean the land for farming families it was a wage they could claim from the holdings and in turn produced a tie to the land and the families that worked it. Far be it for anyone who knew of the demon of the keep to cross those within its boarders. So peace through fear as her father had always suggested was actually a decent way to rule.

The mentioning of the girls blue eye allowed the demon next to her to boldly gaze into its depth. It was so beautiful to Olivia. Held captive by its grandeur, the lady knew why it had such a deep impact after living in the shadows of her keep for so long not wanting to frighten her people she hid and now beneath this radiant jewel she felt completely exposed! There was nowhere to hide from its gaze and the pale lady felt so deliciously revealed when Sya looked at her, almost to the point of being trapped. More tiny bats fluttered about within her chest.

Lost in her own selfish thoughts Olivia nearly failed to pay attention to the information she wanted to know. This Sya was a treasure she had to keep safe at all costs. The two coachmen it seemed would be staying a bit longer then she had planned. There were other creatures here? In the town boarders?! A protective instinct for her Sya grew as did her black nails albeit slightly as it concerned to her nails.

“You have it. I will call you friend.” Sya said, repeating self when she realized she deviated from the common tongue of her former homeland. It is almost said as an oath than a statement.

The snow white haired woman's eyes went wide at the words! Without court trappings or royal titles she had made a friend all on her own! So utterly ecstatic to the new friend she half caught and suppressed a squeal to where it sounded like one of those tiny bats deep in her chest, cried out for joy. Looking away Olivia took a second to regain her composure, even though all she wanted to do was to hug her friend ever so tightly. The creature from under the bed of her peoples homeland was now with a friend which brought the grand total to two. When her face returned to meet Sya it was of a simple warm smile. "I would like this very much Sya. I will also be your friend and no matter the hardship I want you to lean on me as much as you like." Her body froze not trying to imply things or deeper meanings yet the loosely worded statement she realized invited all manner of misunderstandings. Brave faced she let them stand, if Sya, her friend wished for there to me more to them then the simple kindness, well so much the better.

“I have to run the Inn, but I will help you in my spare time, this room… and the room your coachman has. I can do.. a … longer. term. Lease. Yes.?” Sya said she was still unsure of the wording but gestured. “If you wish, I keep it for you, the basement… has room for goods, and strong room? If you need.” Sya said, wondering if her wording was right.
“I do not know why, but I feel like I should help you, like… something important…” Sya shook her head unsure, the big blue eye of hers was confused but content in a way that could not be hidden. Looking at the red eyes of Olivia, she have the hand a gentle press and well. Sunni made her Mistress…it was her choice… and she made it. Olivia she would aid. “I Live up, near the back. There's a stair back near the way down to the bar, if not, my office is on the hall to mine and the merchants personal rooms. You are welcome to find me there if needed.” She smiled at that, she was proud, her office, her ledger. her quill and ink she practiced so hard to learn to list the accounts.

The pale lady with the faint pink tone to her milk cheeks smiled deviously at the thoughts in her head. "Yes, please come to me and I will see you are well compensated for the rooms." The ruby eyed girls voice sounded a little eager for Sya to visit and talk more. Pausing to reel in the excitement, she continued with a very friendly smile. "My coachmen can help out during the day for tavern chores. I think they would also be happy to find things to do instead of being kept in their room while I rested." Olivia didnt really sleep per say but having people think they could enter the room and possibly expose her to light would be... problematic. "They are brothers, the burly one with dark red hair is john while the one with bright red hair is Alex. They are two of.. the most trustworthy coachmen you'll find. I will ask them to find you for things you may need done. Since I will be extending my stay here for the foreseeable future."

Talking of more light topics, fell to explain dawn Haven, some of its characters and some of the gossip she picked up, such as Lunaris soldiers, to be careful of winged blightborn, but not fear him and lesser topics.

“Anything in particular you want to know?” Sya never really noticed she had not let go of the other woman's hand, nore they shifted closer over time.

And.. Sya did something impulsive. She closed her large blue eye. “Forgive me, but I died once, I saw fire consume the wolf and man conjoined I was treated worse than a beggar, and i… I thought no one would ever be truly comfortable with me.” Sya perspective and her very nature and... deep something changed that day, the day the blight took her, and now she did not hesitate when she saw a chance because who knew if she would ever get one again.

The pale nightmare watched intently as her friend made such a deep confession. Her own face turning to sympathy as she held onto as one of the few human qualities like a priestess's rosary. Her fingers moved slowly caressing the warm skin of her friends hand. "How long are the days here?" Her voice quiet and sincere. "My friend I promise that for as long as you so desire I shall hold you close, and protect you form those dark nightmares."

Sya leaned over the short distance, a matter of inches and leaned up cutely to kiss Olivia. A soft and tentative one as she felt the gentle strands of white Cheekily nudging it from her ear.

Though she could catch a bird in mid flight Olivia watched frozen to Sya's movements toward her. Loosing the focus, her breathing stopped as the brown haired blue eyed girl leaned in closer and closer. So bold it scared Olivia a little. Yet when the full lips of the tavern keeper pressed themselves to the nightmare she impulsively squeezed the warm hand in her own. The ruby eyes bashfully glancing at her friend as the free hand moved up to her lips and with just the tips of her fingers felt the spot where the kiss made its mark. The tiny bats went wild within the cage of flesh. In a simple gesture Oliva hoped her friend would understand the meaning, slowly she carried her friends hand to her lips giving the back of Sya's hand a tender kiss before turning it over and kissing her open palm and smiled with a nod.


Alex and his brother had gotten quite drunk as told to by their lady who for whatever reason retired early. Arm in arm they steadied each other to their room and not caring to lock their door John who had been less eager to be the victim tried to drink more than his brother. There was simply no way he wanted to be sober for whatever she had in mind. The images of the lady slowly climbing out of the carriage was more then enough to feed a dozen nightmares. Where ever she was he just hoped the person was deserving of their lady's attention.

Before they could feel the beds embrace or the softness of their pillows they were sawing logs with John having made it to the bed, and Alex on the floor scaring the mice. Both still fully clothed and oblivious to the rest of the evenings on goings.

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Hidden 4 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Open for Business

Olvia comments on restraint and their powers struck deep into her heart, it had taken an so much so so much to resist what pulled at her in those first days, tested her sanity and lured her to take the easy route. To fall to the Blight entirely and forget her humanity. To forget everything and just let it be easy. Even now she had to actively keep a check on her Blight born instincts, the whispers that never went away. But those could be kept In check especially as the Inn allowed her to subtly feed and gather her needs without harming persons or them really noticing. It was a luxury and she knew it was a blessing.

Sya just nodded to that, there were no answers needed and she felt the other woman truly understood her nature. Sunni was nice, but he never could understand her on such a level, to such a deep part of them that had been so changed by their rebirth.

Olivia did not leave her much to say in reply but the comments describing her as a flower made Sya Blush and had not refused her hands touch. Even the Prince did not seem able to look her in the eye, he actively had been uncomfortable. This woman let her be freely herself, looked into the eye without flinching and held her hand softly. She sighed softly and it was first to be willing to even consider her in any kind of romantic fashion. She knew of Blightborn who did… things and engaged in certain activities, degrading in exchange for shelter or coin. Sya had stayed
as far away from them as possible and actively avoided those dark dark places.

Sya just nodded to that, there was no answers needed and she felt the other woman truly understood her nature. "We can watch out for each other, and keep each other safe." Sya said with an firm voice and maybe a little hope, Sya had an impulsive idea but resisted it. A friend, a friend was something she greatly valued. Sya did not want to just be protected, but she could try and help her friend out too.

When they moved into business, business that she could manage and knew more about. practical matters did need to be worked out and clarified. “When I can check my Ledgers, I can calculate a long term price, based on your needs and those of your coachmen” She said smoothly, she would have to check the costs and the exact rates that would apply. “I could put strong men to work, we have plenty of work to run an Inn” Sya said cheerfully, the coachman as long as they were trustworthy could be reliable workers.

“My main rule is not to bring trouble to my door, pretty easy.” Sya said cheerfully as she found self moving close to the woman.

That Kiss, such a small gesture to some but it meant so much, she had trusted Oliva and took one huge chance to do that. Sya had risked everything and put it all down on the table. Everything changed with that kiss and they both knew it.

Seeing her so carefully and deliberately act, it must have meant alot to her, no passing fancy or minor thing. She allowed her hand to be lifted without resistance, the act as Oliva kissed her hand alone, nothing more but even that sent strong feelings almost like lightning striking the ground as she placed her lips against Sya's skin in an intimate act. Sya has not had such an act since before her turning was the last time, and even that was a stable boy she had found handsome that felt forever ago.

The question Olvia Asked was a curious one, about the nights here? The days? The sun had not risen for months, you could tell the time but it was shades of greys and blacks. However, who could call them normal? The second part made her blush, it was a commitment and one said with such a voice that it was a vow of a kind, Blight Born had no real church or law courts, no real formal structure. Your word was your bond. Sya took that bond and sealed it.

“This …is close as day gets, it's maybe noon Olivia, but it grows colder with winter's bite. You soon learn to see its…changes and subtle signs.” Sya was Resting against her now, her voice was so soft and light only she would ever hear it. No one else would hear Sya, not man or beast. The kiss had cut her reply before and scrambled her mind's concentration, what she did want was to know what more of Oliva felt like, how she felt curled against her and how it felt not to be alone in the world.

Sya spoke soft as before barely raising her voice or pitch above feelings like to do so would shatter the moment they shared. “Where I am from, Intent means far more than any legal words or papers like the so called civilised lands, If you mean so, please hold so.” Sya was more form a grip on Olvias hand underpinning how such promises mattered greatly to her, though a little also of her cynical view of the two kingdoms and what their promises and treaty had been worth to her people leaked through.

Though she softened once more. “You might find me in your bed if you keep talking so sweetly and acting so temptingly..” Sya said with a side of cheeky flirty confidence that slowly slipped out of a place that had long thought it was lost and never to emerge. This was a glimpse of the older Sya, the Sya that had lived before the blight. The Sya that was so deeply buried, but also the one that would die a second death if betrayed.

Her free hand reached up and ever so tenderly like the finest most fragile thing in the world curled her fingers though the white hair of Olivia, feeling how it was so starkly coloured yet so soft, and ran down over the tips of her ears where the elfen points where. Sya fingers and hands were rougher from her life and time before but her touch and intent were soft as the finest silk. Tracing the line of her jaw, the form of her neck and a hint of strength that lurked beneath as she traced lower, treating her as the most valuable thing in the world.

Looking Olivia directly in her red eyes without fear or flinching Sya saw how the red glowed almost with a sense of power, and she recognised the same that caused her own to faintly shine blue In the darkness. Sya had moved while she had the other woman's attention and sat directly on her lap, one hand interlocked into Olivias and the second was resting on her Back. No words were needed and the shorter Inn keeper could match the other woman's height perfectly.

“Can we stay while, I have so much to do, but… this feels right… hold me and i'll answer your questions.” Sya said cutely and closed that big blue eye so full of intent and A little tear shed but one not of sadness. She moved again to kiss her, to hold her, just to feel the willing and entirely freely given warmth and companionship of another. Sya blightborn instinct was not caring that she had to check on the bar, her instinct had overridden her mind and she just wanted Olivia right this second.

Sya took what she wanted.


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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by amorphical
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amorphical Admirer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Eye of the beholder

Sya just nodded to that, there was no answers needed and she felt the other woman truly understood her nature. "We can watch out for each other, and keep each other safe." Sya said with an firm voice and maybe a little hope, Sya had an impulsive idea but resisted it. A friend, a friend was something she greatly valued. Sya did not want to just be protected, but she could try and help her friend out too.

Safe... A word so long disassociated from the pale woman now being used so freely felt, like she might wake from the nightmare of her life. Lost in the fresh new possibilities the single word implied. Certain a word her own people had used to describe the nightmare in the red keep. Her rule while fair was one that gave birth to the peoples fear and that fear was what she fed on night after night. Growing cold as she donned the mantel of monster, demon, and death to her people. In this singular moment the white haired woman felt that heavy mantel slip from her weary shoulders. Lost to her flight of fantasy she failed to heed the words mentioned of cost, coachmen, or trouble instead smiling completely smitten for some time and nodding to the syllables.

To this news Olivia was surprised. She had lived her life after the turn in darkness. So much so that her cycles of hiding from the light had become second nature and now there was no need? Normally the dark creature would have been very skeptical about such a bold statement. The training of her father would have demanded she investigate the information at once! Yet... the nightmare was caught up in a whirlwind of those tiny bats beneath her very pale skin.

“You might find me in your bed if you keep talking so sweetly and acting so temptingly..”

How freely she thought the way commoners confessed without trappings or decorum they expressed their intentions so boldly it made the monster hesitate out of surprise, it would last a mere tick between seconds as she, the creature of nightmares let her icy exterior melt like the snow in spring. The bashful smile played one the woman's visage as she looked at her Sya with a deep longing. Letting her new friend trace her own lines with the warm soft fingertip. "Would that be so bad?" Her own voice a sultry whisper. "The nights are so long..." Tilting her face away to let the tavern keeper see the soft contours of her milk colored neck and how the lines connected to other, more intimate curves. Where she a normal woman Olivia was certain she would have felt a shiver up her spine at such an intimate moment, instead she sat there like a statue of marble in adoration of the beautiful Sya's attentions. Leaving the creature feeling like a creation of art receiving the final brush strokes from the master indulging their latest work of passion.

Her ruby eyes casting shy glances at the blue jewel and the features below the heavenly gaze. In the moment the nightmare faded and the dawn of her life seemed just over the horizon. Whatever dream this was she begged the gods silently to never let Olivia wake. The pale lady forced herself to breath through slightly parted lips still moist from her Sya's affection. For the first time in a long, long time, the nightmare didnt think of feeding, or any dark misgivings. There was a warmth quickly spreading from her chest outward, not from heat, but born of desire.

A quiet whisper Olivia replied, "No more questions..." She sighed as the dark monster encircled her prey with both arms and tenderly pulling her friend Sya to her own figure. When the new found friend so boldly placed her very life in her hands and in her lap she swooned like never before. Allowing her to gently, slowly lean in to every kiss, summitted to every embrace, and shared in ever tenderness. As close as two could become....

Even as the lady lay there, her arms never fully releasing Olivia's friend as if their distance would break the dreamscape she found herself in. Loving kisses to the warm skin of Sya's neck as she cuddled in the afterglow. The monster felt the soft whisper of the pit from within, pleading for a taste. Holding onto her friend Olivia told it no in her mind. Never! This would be the one thing she would keep pure! Free from her hunger, no matter how tempted, or so very close... Oliva would feel her eyes roll and her lungs expand taking in the scent of her meal. So easy it would be to just, the ruby eyes flashed open as she quickly regained control. The pit howled in her mind for food, to slowly drink deep the life that lingered in the arms of the monster. With a silent quiver of her lips she flinched denying that part of her the satisfaction of a easy meal. Denied its feast, the darkness within her growled. Burying her face in the earthen brown hair she tried to hide from the nightmare that was herself. The dark hunger that clawed at her even now in her beautiful dream. Trying her best to protect the few remaining bats that still flew in her chest from the hungry endless void.

Eventually she would have to rise, to dress, and go about the town. Donning the mantel of lady, seeing to the reasons she had traveled so far to the newly formed realm. Yet in the arms of Sya she wanted to live out her life, to just be a simple woman lost in the moment forever, end of times, come what may. The ruby eyes looking over every facet of the rare beauty in her bed with smitten affections. Choosing selfish desire Olivia stayed in the bed refusing to move for as long as she could fighting her inner demon and the threats it so quietly whispered to the pale woman's soul. The very selfish Olivia sighed quietly as the monster embraced her lover so tenderly.

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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Sunni-@The Savant

As Sunni descended the staircase, his silhouette cut a stark figure against the backdrop of the inn’s disarray. Elara’s gaze, ever watchful, was inexorably drawn to him, her eyes tracing the tension that seemed to ripple across his frame. His expression was a vivid portrait of shock, eyes wide, reflecting the chaos that had unfolded in his absence. With swift strides, she observed as he plunged into the fray, his movements a blend of urgency and determination, as he sought to weave calm into the fabric of unrest.

The patrons’ reactions, she noted, were a spectrum of human emotion—some vocal in their displeasure, their complaints a cacophony against the inn’s usual harmony, while others remained ensconced in their own worlds, seemingly untouched by the disruption. Sunni, the eye of the storm, navigated the tempest all the while with apologies and swift service, his efforts a clear testament to his commitment to the inn’s reputation.

From her vantage point, Elara’s mind was a whir of contemplation, her instincts, sharpened by her royal service, alert to the nuances of the scene before her. She recognized the critical nature of timing, the importance of approaching Sunni with a tact that would soothe rather than strain his frayed nerves.

She had, unintentionally, unsettled him once before after all. It was a moment that had already imprinted itself upon her memory, a subtle misstep in the intricate ballet of human interaction—a dance she often felt she was navigating with faltering steps. Her role as handmaiden demanded a veneer of unflappable grace, yet beneath that polished surface, she often wrestled with the tangled web of interpersonal dynamics. The fear of transgressing the unspoken rules that governed relationships often left her second-guessing her actions, her words.

And so, when Sunni’s actions had shifted so markedly in her presence, Elara could not help but attribute it to her own doing. It seemed the only logical explanation—she must have been the catalyst, however unintentional, for his unease.

As Sunni withdrew to the relative sanctuary behind the counter, Elara’s gaze remained fixed upon him, her thoughts momentarily adrift in the sea of his evident distress. His silhouette, once assured in front of his guests, seemed to falter, shoulders slumping as his fingers threaded through his hair—a gesture that spoke volumes in the silent language of stress. A language she was extremely familiar with.

A realization dawned on her then. While the princess’s request was of importance, it was not so urgent that it could not wait. Sunni was already shouldering a heavy burden, and she had no desire to add to it. With a newfound resolve, she decided to depart, to allow him space and time to manage the immediate crisis. Yet, as Elara attempted to do just so, she was almost immediately thwarted by the very fate she sought to evade. Sunni’s perceptive gaze cut through the bustle, locking onto hers with an unintentional precision that unveiled her quiet retreat. In the brief communion of their eyes, a silent conversation passed—a mutual recognition of the moment’s weight. Her moonlit eyes retreated to the safety of her lap, where her fingers danced a quiet waltz of nervous anticipation.

The inn’s ambient noise faded into a distant murmur as Sunni approached, his footsteps a measured cadence that seemed to beat in time with Elara’s own racing heart. His voice, when it finally broke the silence between them, was both profressional and warm, with a slight hint of understandable fatigue.

Welcome to the eye of the beholder, do you need help with anything? We have a decent amount of drink items and food at the moment. My name is Sunni by the way.”

Elara’s response was a gentle ascent from the depths of her apprehension. She lifted her gaze, allowing it to meet his once more, ignoring the urge to look away until she was done speaking.

“Thank you… Sunni,” she began softly, a small understanding smile managing to grace her lips. “But I’m not here for anything particularly important, so there’s no rush on my behalf. Please… feel free to attend to your other duties.”

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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Open for Business

Sya was rather comfortable, relaxed and felt entirely content as she lay next to Olivia, things had taken rather the turn and they had forgotten reservations and inhibitions. She felt sore in all the right ways and a deep feeling of satisfaction.

Reaching out to her companion? Lover? Friend? She was not sure how to define her and honestly was not bothered to. It was a rather happy feeling knowing she was there entirely willingly and blushing as she remembered all the places… we'll… Sya reached out to remind herself that the situation was real and could not believe what Had happened except for the rather physical evidence to the fact it had happened. Tracing her hands out, the light touch of a featherlight fingers feeling Olivia lying next to her following the silhouette of her in the faint candle light.

Words were not something she needed to describe her feelings unwilling to move and break the moment that they had so very much shared. Sya had been as much an willing participant has been, feeling a little proud for that part. Sya had explored her task with her characteristic determination and subtle confidence, a lack of experience was not a problem for achieving success it seems.

Sya arched her neck mewing softly from the kisses to her sensitive neck entirely unbothered by the chance there were very likely some marks left behind. The slightly possessive idea gave her more warm feelings than fear. Giving Olivia more to reach and allowing self to be entirely at the other woman's mercy. A shiver that was both fearful and alluring at the thought.

Sya own hunger was not as much a problem with the ease she could feed passively vs a wider pool, it was an ability she had been forced to practise by her time loose without home or help, taking enough to feed but not draw notice and alarm. Perhaps why her own ability had not evolved as some, or she just had no ability to accept it truly until recently… “Olivia” She said revolently as felt the other woman press into her hair that was bound to be a mess. Tracing one hand up Sya found Olivia's hair and ran her fingers through letting them flow through it and soothe her distress. She just had . A feeling.

Sya looked over to Olivia deeply and just closed her eye to sleep for a short time, letting the warmth and comfort of contract with another person's support soothe her. No words, just trust and a need to rest.

Sya moved slowly and did not want to disturb her lover but she needed to eventually find her clothes and cloak she had discarded In the room. They had been a little distracted.

The effort to pull that short distance Away was harder than she could think it would have been, sitting up she felt her be pulled back down and shared another slower and more meaningful kiss with the woman next to her. “I have to check on the bar. I do not mind some company tonight though, Warmth is more than just physical need." Sya said with a hint that receded her eye, shameless but she well, she knew what she missed out on now. Looking at the red glow that had started this whole thing when they looked at each other. “I do not regret a single thing” Sya said with a tone soft as she touched and tracing hands had been.

Pulling away cost her several more kisses and a slow intimate embrace which Sya paid happily before Olivia was willing to let her go, the possessive side might scare some people but Sya was well. Into that it seemed. She really had to get dressed or She might go for extra…

Well it would be silly to be embarrassed when they had already. Well done what they had done. Sitting on the bed first she braided her hair into something quick but tidy, a hair stick she found later. However something made her choose a prettier style and one that was a little more free and Looser than a strictly working one adding a small dried Flower from the vase into her brown hair.

Before Sya left she moved the candle so the light was defused for Olivia, less direct and more comfortable. Leaning down she picked up the woman's pale Hand copying the gesture of kissing it, and also for good measure her too tempting lips. “Olivia, .. thank you, you made me feel… Well feel again.” Sya said softly. Her actions to not don her cloak to show trust only a few saw from her openly.

Leaving the room….was hard. So hard but she managed it and closed the door softly on Olivias room. She would sort the price roughly downstairs once she had checked on the bar and double check exact details later when her time allowed her to go to her Office.

Bouncing down stairs she came to behind the bar with a cheerful tone, unsure and uncaring if the hood hid her marks of passion down her neck and below her clothes… Olivia had been a little fiesty. Oh and the mark on her hand… That one too…

“Hello Sunni, I hope he is taking good care of you miss” The hooded Sya appeared behind Sunni with a remarkable degree of stealth and a tone that had more than a little mischief to it, unlike her norm moving through the Inn almost entirely noticed.

Do you need to take a break? You sound a little tired I can take over the bar and you can entertain your guest? Maybe make a nice 2 person selection?” Sya had missed the first bit and assumed they knew each other and honestly she was too distracted and too just got multiple . well…happy times to be entirely grounded in normal Sya mode.

@The Savant

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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by The Savant
Avatar of The Savant

The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Over and over again, Sunni Emberani kept reminding himself that he was not going out of his way to bother Elara. That she was a guest at the inn and needed to be served. The man felt like he was bothering her even if his rational side was telling him that he wasn’t. He could not help his eyes which wandered for a few seconds, — Where is Syraeia? — There was no sight of the Cyclops around. Did she forget about her role in the inn? Being the innkeeper. Maybe she needed a break. His eyes shut a little too hard before opening and returning to the beauty in front of him.

Everyone was beginning to fade out into murmurs since the rushing of his heartbeat echoed in his ears. There was a mixture of emotion in his amber eyes that reminded people of fireflies and candlelights.

An instantaneous feeling consumed his body as he felt like he was on a stage before the young lady. That he was the center of her attention and he could feel his ribcage tightening around his lungs with that thought. It felt like it was difficult to breathe. A dry swallow began as he repositioned his arms to fold across his chest. He forced himself to blink under the assumption that he was staring at the woman a little too long.

Her words caused his shoulders to slump, not in relaxation, but a similarity to defeat. Sunni didn’t realize it though he was bothering the woman. His face was beginning to twist with emotion though he forced a smile out of it. A smile that looked uncertain and anxious. “I apologize for bothering you Lady Elara,” He took a breath as he spoke those words and kept that unsure smile. His internal thoughts were ragging on him for going out of his way to bother her. Amber eyes fell to the floorboards for a few seconds as his grip tightened on himself in an attempt to feel smaller than he was.

Other duties? That thought rang in his head as he took a gradual look around the inn. He didn’t have any more obligations here at the inn, he didn’t believe he did, but he needed to get back to working on that roof. Sadly, his helpers were a pint or so into their enjoyment and young. They would be useless to him and the worksite. He nodded his head, “Yes, I should,” He agreed with a slight disappointment lingering in his tone.

That was when a bit of confidence took over him and he looked at Elara, looking into her ocean-blue eyes, and thinking for a split second. Not allowing any time for him to backtrack or bring up enough doubt to stop the words from leaving his mouth until he heard a familiar voice. His eyes blinked over to the smaller woman and he smiled at Syraeia who appeared beside him, “Hello Syraeia…'' There went all his plans to retrieve the item from his room that he wanted to get Elara. All that confidence ran out of his system as his nervousness began to shake and the feeling of being overwhelmed took hold of him. His eyes glanced back at Elara before he began to disappear into the background of the inn.

When Syraeia brought up that Sunni should take a break, his face neutralized, and he shook his head in disagreement. “No, I just woke up from a nap,” His voice protested with a seriousness. He couldn’t take a break. The man got off of one not that long ago. “Well, since you are back,” A smile formed on his face as he clasped his hands. Syraeia was able to take over all the obligations for the inn once again.

Taking a step backward, he was putting distance between himself and the two women. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Elara, and I appreciate the offer, Syraeia, though I really have to get back to work,” The man honestly felt so defeated inside at the moment but he didn’t let that show. Giving the two women a semi-forced and semi-genuine smile. Sunni left them to their doings and made his way back to the counter to correct everything that he had done. Catching up on orders and so on. That took less than a moment and he had disappeared from sight.

Going up to his room, he opened the door slowly and made sure he didn’t disrupt anything from falling off the walls or falling over. Carefully, he shut his door and rubbed his face before his hands combed through his hair. He needed to come up here to grab the roof plans for the building and he sat at his desk.

Sunni looked at a drawer before opening it and bringing out a small container that was made of redwood with golden decorations. The area for a lock was unlocked. Nothing to protect it from being opened and he caressed his finger over the little box. “She wouldn’t even like this anyways..” he whispered to himself.

A moonstone. They were also known as moonlites. Aurelians had no use for them and in particular, Lunarians might not either, but they were known to be rare in generality. Something that most Lunarians cherished because it was to reference their beliefs and faith in the moon and the goddess above. He had read about them in an Aurelian geology book. How people would pass them down generationally because of their rarity and what they could mean as a gift. He had no other individual in mind to give such a thing to except Elara. She might not even like it or possibly think it was a stupid little thing.

Grabbing the little wooden container that was dark velvet inside, he opened it up and smiled widely to see it was glowing. He did what he remembered from the book. You set it on your window sill for a few days before placing it in a dark area so it fully absorbs the moon's light and the power of that transition can last anywhere from a week to three months. The longer it is moon bathing the longer it lasts and so on.

Moonstones, when they are not charged are a beautiful iridescent stone. Sunni had got this one to charge with ease so it was similar to how the galaxies looked above. Upon opening that little chest with the stone that fits nicely into his palm. Colors began to dance around his room and he smiled wildly. It was nothing like he had ever seen and he loved the properties of the rock yet he felt like Elara would cherish it more than he could ever do. He enjoyed collecting rocks but there were no cultural or emotional ties to the natural object. Not like he thinks it would be for a Lunarian. Closing that little container, “She would only think I am a weirdo for giving her a rock…” he put it back into his desk drawer and opened another drawer. Grabbing the sketched blueprints for the roof, Sunni stood up and grabbed his coat. Making sure his coat was on, the blueprints were carefully placed in his pocket, and he was heading back downstairs. Not to Elara or Sya. Not to anyone in particular.

Sunni made his way out the back and quickly moved past everyone. Making his way to the building site and bringing out the blueprints. The man placed it on a flatter area while putting things on the corners to hold it down and keep it from blowing away. The Aurelian began to get back to work on the house that he was building. Building the roof alone and paces away from the inn where he would be bothered by others.

@Qia Elara
@PrinceAlexus Syraeia
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Gripping Orion’s hand, Willis rose to his feet. “Thanks for giving me a chance, man. My name is Willis, but you can call me Willy.” He pointed a thumb to his chest proudly, as Orion escorted him towards Dawnhaven’s gate. “I owe you big time…”

Orion’s gaze lingered on Willy without responding, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly as he assessed the man before him. Willy’s posture was open, his hands unclenched and relaxed at his sides. His eyes, though weary, held a clarity that spoke of an inner resolve, a determination that Orion recognized all too well.

It was the look of someone who had seen the darkness but chose to walk towards the light. Or so he thought.

Trust was a currency in short supply in Orion’s world, each coin weighed and measured with the utmost precision. The safety of Dawnhaven, the bastion of hope in a land shadowed by corruption, was his to safeguard. And safeguard it he would, with every fibre of his being, even if it meant keeping his heart shielded behind walls as impenetrable as the magic he wielded.

The forest around them was a living entity, its breaths coming in the form of gentle breezes that rustled the leaves overhead. The moon, a silent sentinel, cast its silver glow through the interlocking branches, creating a mosaic of light and shadow upon the forest floor. It was in these shadows that Orion felt most at home, his Blight-Born nature attuned to the subtleties of the dark.

Orion’s voice, when he finally spoke, was a soft baritone that seemed to blend with the nocturnal hum. “You’ve been on the run for a while, haven’t you?”

“Yeah… they’ve been hunting me like a dog,” Willis said. “I’ve dealt with all of them though, thank Goddess.” He gave Orion a toothy grin, then rolled up his shirt sleeve and slashed his arm with a sharp nail, drawing a nasty cut. Willis’ flesh instantly began to wriggle close, pulled together by some strange purple slime pulsating under his skin. In a heartbeat, the wound was gone.

“Funny how lady fate works. She closes a door for you, but opens another window.” Willis said as he walked beside Orion. “I was originally a Lunarian Ranger, soon to be promoted to Captain. My family was ecstatic. Now they would probably flee or try to kill me on sight for bringing dishonor to the Phillips family.” He spat on the ground. “Well, good riddance. So that’s my sob story…” Willis looked at Orion. “What about you?”

Orion’s silence was a canvas stretched taut with the gravity of his past, each memory a brushstroke of triumph and tragedy. “My story is not so different from yours,” he finally said, his voice a steady current in the stillness of the night. “I was once part of a proud lineage, destined for greatness.” A time when his name was synonymous with honour and potential. A lifetime ago, it felt like to him.

“The blight doesn’t discriminate, however,” Orion continued, the crimson glow of his eyes dimming with the sorrow of remembrance. “It took from me just as it took from you. My family, my position, everything I once held dear—gone.”

The stern blight born paused, a deliberate cessation of sound that gave weight to his confession. “But unlike many, I chose to fight back. Not just for myself, but for others who’ve suffered the same fate.” His gaze turned towards the canopy above, where the moonlight played hide and seek with the leaves. “Dawnhaven is my redemption, my way of ensuring that no one else has to endure what we have.”

Willis whistled under his breath. “Didn’t know you are an idealist at heart! Hahaha… That’s a very noble cause. Can’t say I share the same aspiration but… I admire it.” He squinted at Orion’s pale face, partially hidden by shadows cast from the canopy above. He looked like a real Casanova; a noble’s face with strong jawlines and sharp eyes, handsome enough to get freebies from a brothel. But Willis was drawing a blank on Orion’s identity.

“So… With an ideal this grand, I’m guessing you are very important in town eh?” Willis briefly shifted his gaze to Dawnhaven’s walls as they emerged from a treeline, spotting thin curls of smoke wafting from the chimneys of large stone houses sitting beyond its gate. He heard the peals of church bells, the laughter of children, and the smell of a delicious roast in the air. It seemed Dawnhaven was doing well, in spite of the harsh conditions. He looked back at Orion. “Your majesty? Did you dye your hair?”

Orion’s response came with a smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth, a wry, knowing curve that softened the severity of his features. “Important, perhaps, but not quite royalty. I am merely a shield, that is all.” His words were a humble deflection, a reminder of his chosen role as protector rather than ruler. “And no, I did not dye my hair. The blight has its own way of marking those it touches.” The smile reached his eyes, igniting them with a flicker of amusement, though it seemed the sarcasm in Willis’s voice had gone unnoticed—or perhaps, it was simply unacknowledged. Who was to say?

“And your aspirations? What are you hoping to achieve here, other than a new life for yourself?”

Willis’ mouth twisted into a strange smile, revealing dagger-like teeth that glinted in the moonlight. “I’m dying of thirst… all the time. Goddess knows what I wouldn’t do for a big mug of virgin blood. I’ll be happy when I can drink as much blood as I can!”

He leveled a crazed gaze at Orion… before erupting in laughter. “Hahaha… I’m kidding, I’m kidding. I’m hoping to get a job here.” And with a puff of smoke Willis turned into a brown bat, perching himself on Orion’s shoulder. The bat gave Orion a smug grin and said: “Pretty neat ey? Not many can fly like me. Think you can put in a good word for me when I start to apply?”

Orion’s face was a mask of calm, an unreadable fortress that held back the sea of thoughts behind his stoic facade. “Impressive,” he acknowledged, the word measured and deliberate.

Yet, honestly, he’d witnessed far graver sights, beheld transformations wrought by the blight that twisted flesh and spirit alike. Willis’s antics were but a shadow of the horrors Orion had faced and overcome.

“But there’s no need for theatrics,” Orion continued, his words a gentle chiding. His eyes, those deep wells of crimson, held a glint of caution as they observed the bat perched upon his shoulder. It was a look that conveyed understanding yet demanded respect. “Dawnhaven values sincerity and commitment.”

“I am also willing to vouch for you,” he offered. “But at the end of the day, it is not me you have to prove your worth to, but the prince.”

“Thank you so much!” Bat Willis whispered excitedly next to Orion’s ear as they approached the entrance. “I don’t want to keep our prince waiting but… for now I’ll stay in bat-form until I figure out how to make myself presentable first. I’m still sticky with blood.” He explained, eyes darting around. The guards quickly lowered their weapons, leveling a hasty salute at Orion, and swinging open the gates.

Sitting on Orion’s shoulder, the first thing Willis saw upon entering Dawnhaven was a cluster of tents pitched in the middle of the town center, swelling with the noise of mingling buyers and sellers. The marketplace spread into a semi-circle, surrounding a well drilled deep into the ground, with a line of people coming and going to fill up buckets of water.

A small group had gathered off to the side, half a dozen people surrounding a woman with pale hair and long, heavy robes—a scarf wrapped securely around her neck.

Tia, freshly washed and smelling of incense, had finally worked up the nerve to venture into town. She had kept her eyes downcast, feeling the weight of curious looks as she walked along the path. Probably counterproductive. The point of walking through town was to be seen - to let the townsfolk know that the priests of Aelios had not forsaken them, to smile and be warm. But Tia couldn’t find it in herself to do more than put one foot in front of the other, head bowed as she passed the strangers that were now her neighbors.

Until a shy woman, no older than Tia, had stopped her with a hesitant touch and whispered word.

She’d never been very good at turning people away.

It wasn’t long before more followers of Aelios huddled around her, asking her to bless them, pray for them, holding her hands, bowing their heads. It struck Tia then that life here hadn’t been easy for them. She could see it in their tired eyes, the way exhaustion hung from their shoulders like a cloak, even as they kept their backs straight and proud. Tia supposed life hadn’t been easy for anyone, lately. They orbited her like the sun, hopeful for Aelios’ light after months of endless night.

She was kneeling in front of a little boy, offering him a smile as she examined a fresh scrape on his elbow. He reached up, transfixed by her hair. Chubby fingers tugged at the strands, and whisps of blond hair fell in Tia’s eyes. She made a face and blew them to the side as the boy giggled. Tia smiled back at him.

Then her hand gave off a soft, golden glow as she held it against his elbow. Though her magic was buried deeper now, hidden under layers of shadow, it was still simple enough to pull a thin strand of it up to the surface. The boy watched, transfixed, as her skin warmed his own. It cost her more than it should’ve, but Tia breathed through it. She pulled her hand away, and the scrape was gone.

The skin on the back of Tia’s neck prickled. She tensed, eyes unfocusing. She heard a voice whisper… something. It was like a memory and reality at once, the voice drifting over her skin. Then she turned her head to look over her shoulder, towards the source of the odd sensation, to see a man standing at the village entrance, with a… bat?

The bat took off from Orion’s shoulder, sweeping above Tia’s worshippers, and landed on the boy’s head, the momentum slamming him into the ground with a painful crunch! It turned two beady red eyes on Tia as it hovered above the boy, and spoke: “Oh wow! How’d you make your hand glow like that?”

The screams were immediate.

Chaos erupted amongst the small group of Aelios followers, as Tia fell back from her kneeling position onto her rear, eyes wide and a strangled yelp stuck in her throat. The little boy was twitching, facedown in the dirt. Tia’s eyes darted between the boy, the pool of blood growing beneath his head, and the small, talking bat.

The flat end of a shovel swung through the air.

It connected with the bat with a harsh clang!. The boy's father, eyes bulging with panic and fury, sent the bat shooting off of the boy’s head and smashing into a wooden market stand. The chaos began to spread to the market, vendors and shoppers scattering and shouting at the sudden commotion.

Tia, frozen with panic, could only stare at the small hole the bat projectile had created. Then weak gurgling ripped her attention back to the boy. His father, tears already springing to his eyes, knelt by his body, shovel discarded at his side.

Together, Tia and the father flipped the boy over - gasping at his smashed face. His nose, crumpled into his head, was spouting a thick stream of blood, turning his breaths wet and shallow as he struggled to get air. His neck was bent at an unnatural angle as he twitched, eyelids fluttering open and shut erratically. Tia dug as deeply as she could into her well of magic. Heart pounding, she lowered her hands over the boy as they started to glow - softly at first, then brighter until the light was nearly blinding.

A figure jumped out from the smoking wreck of the fruit stand nursing a dangling arm. He was munching on an apple with a cringe on his face. The muscles on his arm rippled in a wave from his shoulder to his fingertips as his bones reknit themselves together with a crackling sound. Willis squinted his eyes, spitting out apple seeds as he scanned the faces of people in the crowd.

“Who the hell hit me??? This town certainly has some strange customs.” He rotated his arm and spotted a flash of gold amongst the throng of people - Tia’s magic. Shrugging, he strode forward, lazily keeping Tia’s followers at bay with one arm as he advanced on her through the crowd.

Orion’s gaze sharpened, the crimson of his eyes seeming to burn with a cold fire as he took in the pandemonium that Willis had set in motion. The transformation from bat to man had been far from discreet, and the resulting chaos tore through the marketplace with the ferocity of a storm. Stalls were overturned, goods scattered, and the air was thick with the cries of dismay and fear.

Willis, nonchalant in the eye of the turmoil, bit into an apple with an air of detachment. His arm, marred moments before, now showed no sign of injury, the flesh knitting together with supernatural speed. He strolled through the disarray, his carefree demeanour a stark contrast to the dread etched on the faces of the townspeople. It was a sight that stirred a rare flicker of anger in Orion’s chest.

With a swiftness born of urgency, Orion cut through the crowd, his presence commanding and resolute. The townsfolk, recognizing the authority in his stride, gave way, their expressions a mix of relief and awe. In moments, he was upon Willis, his hand lashing out with the precision of a hawk snatching its prey. He hoisted Willis into the air, the ease of the action belying the strength it required.

“Enough!” Orion commanded, his voice a low rumble that seemed to echo from the very earth beneath their feet. The word was a decree, a line drawn in the sand. “Your actions are reckless and endanger everyone here!” His tone left no room for argument, each word a hammer striking the anvil of order. “Dawnhaven is a sanctuary, not a playground for your whims!” The finality in his statement was a clear warning: such behaviour would not be tolerated, not in this place, not under his watch. Dawnhaven was a haven, and he would keep it so, even if it meant standing against one of his own.

“Oof! Wait, what’s going on-” Willis awkwardly pried loose from Orion’s grip to free himself. Falling backward, he landed on his haunches in a puff of dust. He jumped to his feet, complaining. “Listen man, I saw this blonde girl right, she’s wearing a brown scarf, shooting light from her hands! When I got closer to investigate, someone in the crowd punted me into that fruit stand there, and broke my wing! I don’t know why you are blaming me for this!”

Orion’s chest rose and fell with a measured breath, a silent call for the composure that had always been his ally in times of strife. “Willis,” he addressed the man before him, “Your actions, intentional or not, have caused fear and harm.”

“This town,” Orion continued, his gaze sweeping over the scattered remnants of the marketplace, “is a place where people come to feel safe and in harmony with those like us.” His tone was a reminder, a verbal nudge to Willis’s conscience, urging him to understand the gravity of his misstep. “Your presence here must reflect that respect.” It was a statement that brooked no argument.

“Ah… well… erm…” Willis shrank a little from Orion’s words. He took another look at the people huddling behind Orion, spotting fear and anger in their wide eyes. He smelled blood and heard a soft whimper. A golden glow broke through the ranks to his right. “Damn man… I really messed up huh?” He looks down at his feet, clearing his throat. Then in a tiny voice, he mutters “Sorry”.

The hard lines of Orion’s face eased into a more gentle contour. Willis’s apology, though timid, seemed to bring calm to the charged air that hung over the marketplace. The townspeople’s eyes, once wide with alarm, now flickered with a more cautious curiosity as they regarded the new blight born in the town.

“I suppose…acknowledging your mistake is the first step towards making amends,” Orion acknowledged, his voice a balanced chord of sternness and warmth. It was a statement of fact, an olive branch extended with the promise of redemption.

“Dude, but seriously don’t hoist me into the air again alright? I thought you were gonna give me a hug, not try to kill me!” Willis quickly regained his confidence. “Anyways uh… Oh, look, over there! That’s the glowing girl I was talking about!” He pointed a finger at Tia. “Wow, she’s sitting on blood!”

With a motion that spoke of leadership and assurance, Orion beckoned Willis to accompany him. They approached the injured boy and his father, where Tia, a beacon of healing and hope, continued her work. Her hands, bathed in a soft glow, moved with a grace that seemed to draw the very essence of tranquillity from the air.

Tia focused on the boy, sweat beading on her skin despite the winter chill. Pulling on so much of her magic after months without sunlight was like marching through a blizzard - as hard as she tried to force herself forward, nothing moved as it should’ve. Her magic was weighed down, something frigid and opaque keeping her from what she knew should’ve been within her reach

Realign the bone fragments. Mend the cartilage. Knit the flesh. Fill the veins. Spine, throat, face, brain. Tia spread her magic through his body, searching and repairing him bit by bit. She squinted against her own light, hands shaking as she dug deeper and deeper within herself until she thought she might be hollowed out entirely.

There was a final flash of light…

And then the boy, eyes closed, neck and face mended, still covered in his own crimson blood, inhaled a clear breath.

Tia nearly collapsed where she crouched over him. Her body all but gave out now that the job was done. She caught herself from falling back, pebbles digging into the palms of her shaking hands. Tia tried to swallow. All she could hear was the thundering of her heart and her own heavy breathing. But the boy was breathing, too. That felt like the only thing that mattered.

She felt that prickling on her skin again - a murmuring or caress, or a pull, like a child trying to grab her attention. She turned her head again to look up through the crowd. The stunned villagers seemed to part themselves, clearing a line of sight to Orion and Willis.

Willis marched over to Tia, and smiled at her, revealing rows of sharp teeth. Dried blood clung to his entire body like a dull red paste. “So… we meet again! I was the talking bat, by the way. My name is Willis, but you can call me Willy. Nice to meet ya!” Standing over Tia, Willis moved to grab her hand.

Tia couldn’t help but try to scramble back as he approached, all fangs and blood and the scent of iron. A wave of dizziness hit her as she tried to move. She didn’t get very far - not before a furious voice cut through the crowd.

“You almost killed my boy!” It seemed the father had recovered faster than she had. The shovel went swinging through the air again.

Throwing his leg forward, Willis knocked the shovel out of his hand. It flew into the crowd with a thunk, and a figure fell, clutching their head. In a heart-beat, Willis spun to face the man. “What the hell are you talking about?” Willis snarled at him, spittle flying out of his mouth, landing on the man’s nose. Then he narrowed his eyes at the man. “Wait a minute… are you the guy that tossed me like a ball?”

“I’m the guy that’s gonna put you in the ground!” he shouted back.

“Enough!” Orion’s voice rang out once more, a command that cut through the chaos like a blade. He stepped between Willis and the father, his presence a shield against further violence. “Both of you, stop this foolishness.”

“Hey man, check his arms. If he hit me that hard his arm would be broken.” Willis whispered to Orion.

Orion’s eyes, twin beacons of responsibility, moved with a practiced calm from the father’s flushed face to Willis. “Alright, sir, if you wouldn’t mind showing me your arms?” he asked, directing his attention back to the still red-in-the-face man. The request was framed with the courtesy due to a fellow citizen, yet it carried the unmistakable authority of his office. There was no trace of hostility in his tone, but rather a clear expectation of compliance.

The father, whose anger had been a palpable force just moments before, seemed to recognize the gravity in Orion’s stance. With a reluctant motion that betrayed his simmering frustration, he extended his arms. They were strong, the muscles honed by a life of labour, yet now they trembled slightly with a cocktail of rage and fear.

Orion’s examination was thorough but gentle, his fingers probing with the expertise of one who had seen many battles and tended to many wounds. As he inspected the skin, the tendons, and the muscles, there was a collective holding of breath among the onlookers. But it was as he had suspected; the arms were unmarked, the skin unbroken.

Straightening, Orion turned to address the crowd, his voice now a beacon of reason. “We need to calm down and address what’s important here. This boy needs immediate attention still, and we need to make sure this doesn’t happen again.” The last part he said while glancing at Willis, his eyes only moving back to the irate father a single beat later. “I understand your anger, but attacking Willis won’t solve anything. If anything, you’re likely to just get intro trouble with the guards once they do decide to show up. Let’s focus on healing your son of any other injuries.”

The murmurs of the crowd began to soften, the edges of their fear seemingly dulled by Orion’s steady presence. The man, his face a stormcloud of conflicting emotions, gave a stiff nod. “Fine. But this…thing needs to be watched.”

Orion’s jaw tightened imperceptibly, a subtle sign that the man’s words had stirred something within him.

“Oh, I assure you Willis will be held accountable for his actions today. But let us not forget that ‘thing’ is not the term we use for those who are different and whose human lives had met an untimely end.”

“Wait, so he wasn’t lying about his son being injured?” Willis followed Orion’s gaze and spotted a small child lying in a pool of blood. “Good riddance.”

Meanwhile, Tia had scrambled to the boy, still unconscious (but alive, at least). She only had so much adrenaline left in her system after this absolute nightmare of a day. Dark spots seemed to go in and out of her vision. But still, she tried to pull the boy out of the crossfire of the men. She barely made it a few inches with his body. Where was literally anyone else to help? Stupified by the drama that was playing out, it seemed.

“By the way dude.” Willis looked back at Orion. “I never got around to ask for your name. And it’s getting a little weird to keep vaguely calling you my ‘man’, my ‘bro’, and ‘dude’. So… Can you tell me your name?”

Orion cast a sidelong glance at Willis, his features etched with weariness. “It’s Orion,” he said simply, his focus already shifting back to the immediate task at hand. “And I suggest you refrain from making any more thoughtless comments.” The words were not harsh, but they carried a gravity that underscored the seriousness of the situation. “This boy’s life is hanging in the balance. Do be sure to remind yourself of that.”

Orion’s hand cut through the air then, a silent command for Willis to fall into step behind him. His strides were purposeful as he navigated the space between the scattered remnants of the market and the injured boy. Tia was a gentle presence beside him still.

“Willis, come here,” Orion called over his shoulder, his voice firm yet devoid of anger. It was the tone of a teacher, an elder…a father, imparting a lesson that could only be learned through experience. “It’s important that you see the consequences of your actions, even if unintended, firsthand.”

“Okay okay, I’m here.” Willis stopped in front of Tia, who was clutching onto the bloodied child like his life depended on it. Her hands were bloody and her priest robes were soaked crimson. Willis saw two exhausted, inky dark eyes framed in her smooth delicate face, and her platinum-blonde hair almost blended into her beige skin. She’d wrapped a thick brown scarf around her neck, and congealed blood had turned it into a hard lump. But her hands were not glowing anymore.

“Uh, hey. I just came here to…” He quickly cast a glance at Orion, and gulped, before looking back at Tia. “I came here to apologize for my uncouth behavior. Sorry for um, y’know.” He gestured vaguely at the kid Tia was holding. “Actually, what did I do to him? He doesn’t look injured at all!”

Tia could only stare up at Willis. There was that prickling again, but it was smothered by the exhaustion and buzzing nerves that were still working their way through her body. Backlit by the moon, he was nothing but a pair of glowing eyes in a shadowed silhouette. The ominous sight was enough to give anyone pause - especially one as timid and scarred as Tia. But it seemed she had no energy left to waste on bowing and trembling.


He hadn’t insulted her dress at a party, he’d nearly murdered a child.

Even the other one, the one that looked like he’d been carved from marble, had referred to the boy as a ‘consequence’, like his bloody body was an unfortunate mess to be cleaned up. She gave both Orion and Willis a curt look.

“He’ll live,” Tia said, voice as strong as she could manage… which wasn’t very strong at all, considering the state of her vocal chords, and the waves of exhaustion cresting over her. “He -” Tia cut herself off as the words caught in her throat. Her shoulders shook with coughs as her body tried to clear an obstruction that wasn’t there. A bloody sleeve at her mouth, Tia waited for them to subside. The coughs were hollow - she felt hollow, emptied out of magic and energy until all that was left was a gaping, empty chasm that might swallow her whole. She looked back up at the boy’s father. Were there two of him? It seemed like there were two of him, their hazy outlines overlapping with each other.

“I’ll visit tomorrow.” Her voice was a faint shadow, nearly imperceptible. Tia’s magic had scoured his body, looking for breaks and fractures and tears to heal, but brains were tricky things. She wouldn’t know if more magic would be necessary until the boy regained consciousness. Hopefully, by then she’d actually have more magic to give.

“Whoa lady not gonna lie, you look like you are gonna drop dead any second now. Are you alright?” Willis asked in a concerned voice. “Also, I saw your hands glowing earlier. Just who are you?”

It’s just magic, she tried to say as she forced herself to stand. But when she moved her lips, no sound came out. There was only the feeling of air, harsh as it moved through her throat. The whole world seemed to tilt as Tia finally managed to come to her full, unimpressive height.

And then her vision went black and her legs gave out from under her.

“Hey!” Willis performed a leg sweep, knocking her legs into the air, and dove forward to catch her in his arms. They tumbled to the ground. He stood back up hefting Tia in a Princess Carry. “Wow, you got a big ass!”

“Wow, you got a thick skull,” the boy’s father, still looking for any excuse to pick a fight, shouted back.

“I got your son’s savior in my arms and you are still trying to provoke me? You ungrateful piece of horse dung. Y’know what, since you are talking so much crap, why don’t we fight mano-a-bato right here right now? I’ll even go easy on ya, and fight you with one arm holding the priestess!” Willis taunted back, flinging Tia onto his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, raising a fist at the man.

The last vestiges of Orion’s restraint crumbled as he witnessed Willis’ continued lack of comprehension of the gravity of the situation. With a swift motion, borne of necessity rather than anger, Orion’s hand latched onto Willis’s shoulder. His fingers were unyielding, the force behind them a clear indication of his serious intent. “Control yourself, Willis! I promised you I wouldn’t pick you up, and I plan to keep it. But this isn’t the time or place for a brawl.”

“Agh! I swear this man keeps getting on my nerves… Orion, let's get outta here!” Willis scowled, holding Tia over his head, and stomped the ground, hard. There was a moment of weightlessness as he launched himself straight into the air, making an arc above layers of sun worshippers. He landed on the outskirts, caving the ground into a crater. He shifted Tia into the nook between his armpit, and lifted one leg, then the other, to shake them loose from the ground.

“Over here!” he called out to Orion. Then he turned his gaze to Tia, held horizontally like a log. “Sorry about that! Where do you live?”

If Tia had been conscious enough to answer that, she would’ve died from mortification. Small blessings, then, that she was still thoroughly knocked out.


“He killed her!” a voice from the crowd gasped.

“Someone find my shovel, I’ll knock him into next week!”

Willis snapped his head up, pinpointing the father in the crowd. “You better pray to the Goddess, I don’t bump into you again,” he snarled.

“A bunch of Lunarian soldiers just came to town, bat boy!” he shouted back. “They were sniffing around the tavern. Looking for you? Here to drag your bony ass to jail for all that blood you’re covered in?”

“Huh. That’s funny… I just killed a bunch of them earlier!” Willis muttered to himself, thumbing his chin with his free hand. “Damn, and I still need to meet with the prince for a job interview!” He sniffed his fingers and licked off the blood there.

With a frustrated sigh, Willis began tapping his foot, waiting impatiently for Orion, causing Tia to sway in his grasp. “I’m gonna need Orion’s advice on dealing with them.”

Orion’s instincts kicked into high gear as he navigated the sea of bodies to reach Willis. The crowd’s anxious whispers swelled around him, but his attention remained laser-focused on the pair before him.

“I know where we can take her to get some rest care. Follow me,” he said to Willis, his voice cutting through the noise with the authority of a seasoned leader. Without waiting for a response, Orion turned on his heel, expecting Willis to fall in step. The small crowd was left behind, still anxious and panicked at the chaos - and the possible death of the sun priestess. Orion led the way with a brisk pace, the path he chose one that wound through the quieter parts of Dawnhaven, away from prying eyes and the buzz of the marketplace. Just the way he liked it.

Orion’s home stood as a testament to his character: unassuming yet resilient, a stone cottage nestled on the outskirts of Dawnhaven, where the clamour of town gave way to tranquil whispers of nature. The garden that embraced the cottage was a patchwork of colours, meticulously cared for, with various herbs and flowers.

As they crossed the threshold, the interior of the cottage welcomed them with the warmth of a hearth long kept. Orion led Willis through the narrow hallway, the wooden floorboards creaking softly under their weight. He ushered them into a small bedroom, where the light of the moon filtered through the gauzy curtain, casting a soft glow over the room.

The bed, modest in size, was adorned with linens that were spotless and inviting, the pillows plump and the blankets folded with care. “Put her here,” Orion instructed.

“Orion, you are rich as hell. Sheeeesh!” Willis whistled. He set Tia down, then paced back and forth around the room. “But actually dude, I’d need your input on this. I heard a group of Lunarian soldiers are at the Dawnhaven tavern… And uh, I’m not exactly on good terms with them. Since, y’know, I murdered a bunch of them on my way here. So I’m going to seize the initiative and kill them all in their sleep, before they realize I’m here too. Whadayathink?”

Turning to face Willis, Orion’s stance was resolute, his arms folding across his chest as he glared down at the man. With the finality of a door closing on any further argument, Orion’s voice, deep and irrevocable, uttered the single word that ended and sealed the conversation.


Collab between: Orion @Qia, Willis @BOOM, and Tia @c3p-0h
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by The Muse
Avatar of The Muse

The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Eye of the Beholder

“Mr… Porter…” Ivor slowly pronounced, “the man who flew…” it would not be easy, but the wild one would remember this. Before Ivor could test his sharpened vocabulary, the man took off into the night sky, leaving nary but a gust of wind in his wake. Brow furrowed and determination unwavering, he waved to the figure as it grew smaller in the distance, “Goodbye, Mr. Porter!” Proud of himself, he nodded in affirmation of this small achievement in overcoming the language barrier.

"Oh! Ivor, uhm.. Who is this?"

It wasn’t until the young woman questioned him about his companion that his mind returned to the task at hand. With a pang of anxiety his whole body shifted around to inspect the rider; she was still there, good, but seemed..colder now, tired, desperate. “Rider! I nearly forgot!” Ivor planted himself on the other side of the rider and Miss Eris, wondering what he should even do in this situation. The Rider was weak, but the inn was right there, but perhaps she could make it there herself, lean on him like a crut-

“By the moon, I need it.”

A more desperate plea could not have been uttered; with furrowed brows, Ivor knew what must be done. “Forgive me, but I presume to carry you!” Without further context or clarification Ivor’s massive mitts grasped onto the furs and hides of the woman’s armor, hoisting her up with a grunt over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Ivor had a mission, one he intended to complete quickly, but there was Miss Eris. He looked down at the young woman, she looked pale, was she sick? Cold? How long had she been out here for? WAS THAT A SHIVER JUST NOW? “Miss Eris, I presume to carry you too!” Again without hesitation, the other woman was even more easily hoisted to his other shoulder as he began bounding for the tavern doors.

Eris’s eyes grew wide as Ivor effortlessly tossed the injured Lunarian women over his shoulder and proceeded to reach for her. "Oh! Ivor, there’s really no neeEEEED!!" she shrieked, her voice rising in panic. In one swift motion, he lifted her as if she weighed no more than a feather and slung her over his other shoulder. Terrified, Eris clung to his clothing for dear life as she stared down at the ground, silently praying to Aelios that Ivor would not drop her from such a height.

The earth shook beneath him, the patrons inside may have even taken notice, but that was irrelevant as soon as his boot made contact with the wooden door, the timber material flying off its frame. The giant then made his way inside to the shocked gazes of the tavern's denizens before hurriedly scanning for the hearth. When his eyes met with the licking flames he shouted the only warning he could think of at that moment, “Beware!” Beware the wild one as he bounded onward to the open flames, both warmth and sanctuary for his fellow compatriots. “Beware!”

Eris buried her face into Ivor’s shoulder as he kicked down the door to the inn, a mix of embarrassment and horror flooding her senses at the spectacle he was creating. As she felt something fuzzy and soft against her cheek, she recoiled slightly and looked down, realizing with a surge of disgust that she had pressed her face into the tail of a dead squirrel Ivor had recently hunted.

Feeling her cheeks burn hot, the brunette glanced up just as the large blight-born man began to bellow, “beware!” Her heart sank, knowing that his dramatic entrance would either provoke drawn swords or send people fleeing if they didn't recognize him. "Uh- N- No!" She stammered, her voice wavering with every bounce upon Ivor’s shoulder. The words emerged in a staccato rhythm, "I-It’s.. f-fine..Ev-ery-one!"

Persephone was lifted bodily and she did not have the strength to resist or explain before she was over the giant's shoulder and could feel the earth move with the heavy and bounding tread. The Inn was close, had she doomed herself before she could have got to safety in merely less than a minute?

With no energy left to fight the Lunarian woman let the vibration move with her and did not fight it, this seemed to lessen any chance of injury as she could not tense up and held her panic response back even as wood seemed to break and her mental discipline was severely tested.. purely her instinct was both helping and causing her problems right now. Beware... she was not even sure. Was he like some kind of troll or trying to not trample people... for all she could not see! But one voice did call to her, however quiet one she would recognise anywhere. "Adon... is..." She called out with what force of will she still had, "Lunaris, Help... need fire"

The tall Knight turned to the commotion faster than his state probably should have allowed but he felt something, something important. Two women, a broken door and one in Lunarian Uniform? That cloak? It looked like the one he got his... Not one to be unprepared, unwilling, but also not foolish either he kept one hand on his sword's hilt. "Now. Mind your next words. Why you got these women?" He was slow, deliberate and almost knew that one might be someone he was so close to, but remained calm but firm in command.

As surely as Ivor had started, he was just as quickly stopped by a man not unlike himself; vetted by the trials of age, yet nowhere near ready to stop. Though he stood a full foot shorter than Ivor, his firm tone caused the bigger man to stop and think briefly. Choose? Careful? Words? Ivor let out something between a frustrated grunt and an exhausted groan; this man was testing him, now of all times? Ms. Eris had done something like this before, she called them ‘pop quizzes’ and Ivor would need to think on his feet to pass her test. Why was this stranger doing this now of all times? He seemed dressed like the other Lunarian soldiers, but also stronger, not just in ability, but in leadership. Was he a knight? Why would a knight test him? Did he not see the damsels? Did he not see the distress on Ivor’s face? Ivor really needed to reevaluate the accuracy of the book choices Ms. Eris was giving him.

The giant danced on the balls of his feet anxiously, based on the question he decided to just recount everything, word by word, quickly. “Rider. Mountain. Hard. Horse. Neigh. Calm. Help! Cold! Brrr! Sled. Drag. Friends! Hello! Forget. Panic! Grab. Run. Smash. Stop…”

His pace quickened as he watched the unchanging blank expression of the man in front of him. Were these not the right words? Had he chosen wrong? Damn it all, he had no time for this! After a brief pause without a response, Ivor simply commanded, “Move!” Before shoving his way past to deliver the women to the comfort of the flames. He allowed the more lively Eris to slide down his frame first before carefully seating the rider in front of the fire.

"Ivor!" Eris gasped as the blight-born man pushed his way past the stranger. Still clinging to Ivor’s shoulder, she felt her heart race as the tension grew. She didn’t recognize the knight dressed in Lunarian armor, but his presence seemed to demand respect and immediate answers.

"Ivor, p-please!" she stammered, her voice small and nearly lost in the chaos. She glanced nervously at the knight, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and fear that the situation would escalate. It was always hard to tell how a Lunarian soldier would react. Was this one just as short tempered as the others she had come across?

Finally, as Ivor set her down in front of the hearth, Eris sighed a breath of relief. Gathering her courage as Ivor tended to the other woman, she looked directly at the knight. "He found this woman in need of help." She glanced back towards the Lunarian woman who was looking weaker by the moment. "Ivor... h-he only wants to get her to safety. This is all a misunderstanding." She looked back towards the knight, her eyes pleading with him not to be too upset with her companion.

To say Coswain was confused was to say a rather frank understatement. He was still trying to make light of the absurd situation he was in when the giant pushed past him to get to the fire. Letting the momentum carry him and moving with it knowing from long experience fighting it would have been impossible. ”I will not hesitate if you hurt her.”. His words were practically a growl almost.

Immediately he gestured for his companions to stand down, too many civilians, too tight quarters, the two women too close. He had ran the moves several times and alterations in under a second and every one ended up with a bad plan for him or close bystanders, and he did not live long as he had being a fool. He did not have to suffer fools though. Then he was looking down at the smaller woman, her style more Auralian in nature. ”If this is trick, I can carry judgment.” He said warningly and clearly willing to follow it but a look at her gear, gear he had cleaned so many times. He knew well as his own, made his hand drop, his concern magnified past his anger. ”Persephone … by the moon goddess how” He paused mid way unsure how she could have even ended up here, she was In capital when he departed! Yes they took a slow ride with the cart..

”Adon.. I made it …” The woman said weakly and tried to look towards the familiar voice.

Even now, weak as she was, she struggled to move and the angry man did not look so angry anymore. Ivor looked between the two of them and recognized there was a bond as a small smile graced his lips. “Rest now, you are in good place,” he nodded before standing and turning towards the man, “Rider…” Ivor grunted, pounding his closed fist against his chest, “Strong.” Ivor nodded once more and feeling that the Lunarians may want to commune with one another, he diverted his attention to Eris who appeared more frazzled than he remembered. “Miss Eris, are you well? I did not hurt you in the presuming?”

Eris breathed a sigh of relief as the knight suddenly recognized the woman Ivor had found, unaware she had been holding her breath while he glared at them and issued warnings. She observed them closely, trying to discern their connection, but her attention snapped back to Ivor as he spoke.

"Ivor, you cannot do things like that." She scolded him, clearly upset. "You..." She pointed at him, then spread her arms wide, emphasizing, "Biiiig.." Her gaze fixed on him, brows furrowed in concern. "Scary." She simplified her words, making sure he understood. Her eyes then scanned the inn, noting the alarmed patrons now on edge with the commotion.

Ivor’s eyes grew wide as Eris chastised him, and despite how tiny she was compared to him, the roles were reversed as realization and embarrassment settled in. “Oh no…Miss Eris I think I did the ‘too much talking’ and not enough of ‘the listening’ again…” the giant scratched his head.

Feeling something trickle down her cheek, Eris quickly wiped her face and looked down to find the unmistakable color of blood. "Goddess above..." The brunette groaned, wiping her hand off on her skirts and using her clothed shoulder to try to make sure she got rid of any more remnants of the blood.

Glancing at the squirrel she had inadvertently pressed her face into while riding on Ivor's shoulder, she noticed fresh blood speckling its tail, which had transferred onto her cheek. "Ugh," she shivered, thoroughly disgusted. She would surely be visiting the hot spring later today.

Turning her attention back to the mystery woman, Eris slipped past Ivor and scanned the room for someone to assist. Fortunately, she didn't have to look far. Eris spotted Sya and her big blue eye almost immediately, though Sya's expression wasn't pleased after Ivor's abrupt entrance had shattered the door to the inn.

"Sya," Eris called out, approaching with concern etched on her face, "Could we get some water for her? And soup, perhaps? She's in a bad way." She frowned, casting a regretful glance at the damaged door. "I... apologize about the door. We'll arrange to have it fixed..." Eris didn't know the first thing about repairing a door, but she was sure she could find someone to help her.

”Coming right out… Hot stew. But you will replace that. Ivor. you owe me some meat. And not some half starved squirrel.” Sya vanished quickly into the back not before fixing Ivor and Eris with a glare and a stern look respectively; she did not forget him smashing her door off the hinges. Maybe she should have stayed and let Olivia have her chance at more… active cuddling. ”Bloody Barbarians… Rather try that… number. Thingy position Olivia whispered...” Sya grumbled as rushed out the food and drink to the woman. They could work out who to bill…

The Knight saw the situation was screwed up, he was annoyed but right now priorities. ”Its under Control, Hector, try and least get the door upright at least. make some space. Keep us warm.” He called out to try and restore some calmost before he kneeled down and used the furs as a pillow gently holding the woman's hand. ”Hot meal coming Seph, Smells pretty good too.” He tried to be confident despite his concerns digging deep.

Hector was worried for his friend as looked over examining the wrecked door and frame, that was more like a battering ram hit… though watching a giant bring seemingly challenged by a tiny innkeeper was a small light in the dark. ”Fierce little lady, We do not want her angry at us… We have to live here.” He thought that as he saw the small hooded woman heading over and her body language was a little frosty.

“Ack, Feh! Syraeia!” He reverted back to his mother tongue, she was one of the few people here knew it, at least something akin to it, “You’ll get a half-starved stag instead, but I got plenty of kills, take your pick for the door, oh and for Rider’s food too!” His voice boomed out to her in the back. Ivor looked at his handiwork, a solid foot sized dent embedded dead center in the splintered timber, the knights were already prepping to lift it up. He felt it was his responsibility to clean up his mess though, no need to get the others involved. Stepping towards them Ivor spoke, “Please Lunarans, let Ivor fix, is my burden to bear.” The Lunarians looked at one another before nodding solemnly, then he stepped in, gripped the door's edge and lifted it upright. Gaining a better grip, Ivor carried the door back to its broken frame and with a mighty heave, wedged the splintered pieces back together like a layer of velcro, the wood fibers intermingling with one another. This was far from a perfect solution, but at least the door would keep out the cold.

Collaboration with @PrinceAlexus & @BeastofDestiny
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by The Muse
Avatar of The Muse

The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Royal Cabin, Wenyr's Home, & The Blacksmith Forge

For a brief moment, Wenyr had been worried about the prince not reacting to his knock at the door. His benefactor had given him quite the rundown about Dawnhaven prior to his departure, but how to address a prince properly had not been a real part of that. One just so rarely had the opportunity, so he should consider himself very lucky to be here, Wenyr figured. Yet what if he'd screw up ? When the entrance was finally opened, he could almost feel the rush of adrenaline running down his back.

Just as Wenyr finished his probably rather half-assed curtsy, he spotted that the prince had closed the door just as quickly as had opened it before. Preserving the warmth inside one's home was a quite understandable thing, but needlessly exposing oneself to the cold outside was not. Had he... had he just disturbed the prince in some kind of difficult affair ?

"Hello Flynn!" he replied, putting up a slightly nervous smile. "Seems I have found you first. Did I interrupt something important ?" It was a complete shot in the dark, but maybe camouflaged in enough politeness not to be noticed as such. If the situation was inappropriate somehow, he needed to figure it out before talking about his list of items first. Negotiations could shatter to bitter pieces if conducted under the wrong circumstances!

“Don’t worry, you have excellent timing.” Flynn lied, his tone warm and reassuring as he noticed the nervous smile on the blacksmith's face. The Prince had many talents, but his mother often praised his ability to become a chameleon among people the most. Flynn could easily compartmentalize his stress while under the public eye, shifting into whatever others needed him to be in that moment. “As a King should”, his mother would proudly remind him. Wearing a mask every day was mentally draining, but he knew he was adept at making the people of his kingdom feel comfortable around him, never letting on how much stress he was truly under.

Flynn paused, considering how best to steer the conversation away from any potential awkwardness. "Actually, I was just thinking about the progress on your new home. Why don’t we go see how it’s coming along?”

Stepping away from the cabin, Flynn gestured for Wenyr to follow him towards the area of Dawnhaven where they had been building most of the homes, only a short walk from the royal cabin. "I am told it should be completed within the next day. I've heard your forge is already finished in the town center, as well."

Flynn clasped his hands behind his back as he walked along the gravel path lit with torches, his eyes scanning the construction progress of each home as they passed. "You can take up room at The Eye of The Beholder until everything is finished. I will pay for the inconvenience, of course.”

A few minutes later, Flynn paused in front of a cabin home that was nearly complete. Stacks of wood lay outside, evidence of the ongoing work. "Home sweet home.” Flynn chimed, holding a warm smile as he looked to Wenyr, hoping that he would be pleased. It was nothing like the luxury of living in the capital of Aurelia, far from it, but it would at least keep him safe and warm.

On the superficial level, Wenyr's visit seemed to keep going like any one of the clock towers in Aurelia's capital: smoothly and with pinpoint accuracy. Yet it took a lot of deliberate ignorance not to know just how considerable the effort to make them do so was and the blacksmith had little doubt about the same thing holding true with the prince's approach to this meeting as well. To suspect that not every gentle smile and not every lucky coincidence was real, but to consider the possibility that they actually were in the specific instance was the double edged blade every merchant and artisan had to both defend against and wield himself, the question of which of these two was the right thing to do being a complication in its own respect.

Seeing how Flynn paid attention to the construction work around him as they walked was almost even more interesting for Wenyr than paying attention to the construction work himself. He had not met the prince for any significant amount of time before, so trying to have a glimpse at just how good (or bad) hands the future of Aurelia rested was tempting. He halfway inadvertently stayed slightly behind Flynn so the latter hopefully wouldn't notice Wenyr looking at what he did, at least until they finally arrived at the site.

"Home warm hope I hope it will be. I've heard the winter can be quite harsh here." His eyes instinctively wandered towards the skies as if there was any good news to be seen there, but there wasn't. Wenyr was eager to go inside, but also didn't want to waste the prince's time. Flynn had to be a busy person after all. "I'm sure it will look as good on the inside as it does on the outside already." Maybe his stay in Dawnhaven would turn out to be better than he had actually thought of prior to his arrival ? "And the forge is at the center of town, you say ? Good choice! That way the smell and smoke won't annoy the entire neighborhood." The walk back and forth from his cabin to the forge would not hurt either -- unless it had to be in the middle of a ferocious thunderstorm of course, but that kind of thing would put anybody in distress. Wenyr had not really cared much about the local weather yet except for the obvious that it was way too dark for way too long a time during the 'day'. He still called it that way out of sheer convention, but that mental inertia would not hold up for long anymore and he might lose track of time entirely at some point, the blacksmith anticipated.

"So,” Flynn continued, turning towards Wenyr, "Your patron sent us a list of supplies required for you ahead of time, so we have much of them in your forge already. Sunni should be expecting another shipment of goods soon, as well.”

"Let’s go take a look at your new forge as well.” He said decisively, guiding Wenyr out of the designated neighborhood area and towards the middle of the village. As they walked, Flynn pointed out various shops, some already built and others still under construction. He indicated the courier's office, the inn, the apothecary, the merchant's exchange, and the alchemy chambers.

"Here we are.” Flynn said, pausing just outside the doors to allow Wenyr a moment to take in the structure of the building. After a few moments, Flynn pushed open the wooden door and stepped inside, waiting for the blacksmith to follow. For now, the forge was cold and quiet, but soon, Flynn hoped, it would be warm and filled with the symphony of metal on metal, each strike of the hammer against the anvil resonating through the building.

Wenyr craned his neck to have a look onto the structure from bottom to top, noticing the large chimney immediately. It was the telltale sign of a forge and this one had probably been built a tad higher so the smoke could spread out over people's heads instead of coming down onto them. A sturdy construction it seemed, but he was no expert on this. His true realm lay inside and behind the walls.

The sight of an anvil cast that subtle bit of a twinkle in Wenyr's eyes that was indicative of great anticipation. He stepped forward and took a deep breath of the cold air, then touched the large, complex counterpart for his hammer with his calloused hands. "This is the smell of nothing an artisan experiences on only two occasions: Before the workshop is put into action for the first time and after it has gone out of commission." He blinked his eyes towards the prince. "Not that I'd expect the latter to happen in any foreseeable time!" The place looked great and it probably was even large enough for some people to have a stay once the freezing cold had started to reign outside.

"As for Dawnhaven,” Flynn began, walking out of the blacksmith's shop and gesturing towards the surrounding areas as he spoke, "When people aren’t working, you’ll likely find them at The Eye of the Beholder.” he noted, then his eyes trailed to the north, where the Aelios temple stood along the ridge of a mountain, next to a natural hot spring. "Or the hot springs, especially as it gets colder.” He smiled, his gaze returning to the rugged man before him. "Is there anything else I can do for you today, mister Targath? Any questions?”

”There are hot springs?” Wenyr’s amazement about this news was pretty blatant, so far he had imagined those ‘springs’ to be much more like your usual case of a steady water supply. ”That could save a lot on firewood in the winter. I’ve been rather concerned about Dawnhaven starving of fuel and other goods while the passes are likely closed for heavy traffic.”

Flynn smiled genuinely at Wenyr’s interest in the hot springs. While most people enjoyed hot springs, to an Aurelian they held a deeper significance. Not only were they considered sacred in their homeland, but they also provided a comforting reminder of home in such a cold and unforgiving environment. "I knew this would be a good place to settle once the hot spring was discovered.” He chimed happily, making a mental note to himself that a trip to the hot spring would be nice after such a stressful day.

Wenyr pulled his cloak a bit tighter around him as the outside was still significantly colder than the inside with the added wind and snowflakes. "You are probably right. I assume my patron must have figured the same, because at least as far as I know him he's not keen on committing to things that don't have a prospect of actually working out."
At this moment, a brainwave hit the blacksmith: Flynn might be the perfect opportunity to find out more about his own employer. It wasn't that he knew nothing about him, but those nobles tended to keep their secrets and he was just eager to learn more about the man with that much coin. Wenyr had to suppress the idea of asking the prince right now, feeling that it might be inappropriate. "Speaking of him...My patron must have paid a lot of attention when I spoke to him. This looks very good so far. I could start producing the most important things in advance as far as possible if there is any need. Do you think we should put priority on certain things more than others right now ?”

The hot springs didn’t go out of his head but not only for the nice outlook of taking a bath there. A steady source of warmth from the earth could maybe be exploited in other ways, too. He would just have to gather some ideas first and then make a proposal maybe.

As Flynn considered Wenyr’s question, his thoughts drifted back to the Lunaris guards who had arrived in Dawnhaven unannounced. Briefly, he wondered if he should have the blacksmith focus on crafting weapons. Would they need to arm the townspeople if the Lunarians attacked? Was the King of Lunaris planning to declare war? The Queen of Lunaris was dead, and the King was clearly unpredictable. Adding to his concerns, Dawnhaven was also settling on the King’s land, far from Flynn’s home country.

"Swords, spears, axes, and shields.” He decided, trusting that the blacksmith would understand their position. The Lunarian’s posed a large threat on their own, but so did the blight-born that were being welcomed into town. "Horseshoes, as well. We should make sure our animals are well taken care of.”

"Understood." He had honestly not expected this answer, and even though it was a perfectly valid one and working on weapons tended to be much more rewarding than other items in terms of learning and just accepting the challenge, they also meant serious business in an entirely different sense of the word. A sense that left an imaginary, but bitter-sweet taste on Wenyr's tongue. "I will get to work on these as soon as possible. Are you expecting trouble ?" The question had just burst out of him quicker than his mind had been able to catch it. Now the blacksmith bit his lips for having dabbled into what probably was politics.

Flynn turned to the blacksmith, weighing how much he should confide in his fellow Aurelian. "I…” Flynn locked eyes with the man who was clearly older than him and had lived a much tougher life in many ways. "I hope not. But one can never be sure…” He sighed, letting his words hang in the air for a moment “I would appreciate your discretion with the rest of the town. I don't wish to cause alarm, but recent events have me concerned,” He admitted, deciding that his armorer was one of the people he should be putting trust in, if anyone. Wenyr could help him better if he knew the Prince’s concern, though Flynn wasn't yet ready to reveal everything. The announcement about the Queen would have to wait until tomorrow. Octavia needed to grieve, at least for the day. "I trust that I can count on you?”

Wenyr nudged his head towards the door they had just come out of, a gesture that they should get back in. There was no reason to believe in anyone eavesdropping on purpose, but preventing accidental events was often better than not to. The sturdy door's first ever test would not prevent anybody from coming in, but to deny the spoken word the way out. The blacksmith's face had turned more serious than before as he addressed Flynn: "You can. However, if I may, I would not recommend revealing more detail to me than you think is absolutely necessary. Not that I would not trust myself on that, but I can't tell what I don't know even by pure chance." He paused briefly, digging his fingernails into his mane to scratch his head a little. "That being said, I should probably try to make the weapon crafting business a bit more of a discreet affair as well ? I mean, if anybody sees how the town is stocking up on arms and armor, it is easy to add one to one."

"We will provide newer weapons to our knights here.” Flynn said once he had followed Wenyr back inside. "We can use that if anyone starts asking questions, for now.” Flynn’s mind raced with ideas on how to maintain discretion and avoid raising alarms.

"We can trust Sunni, the town merchant, and Orion, my advisor, with this information, and no others. Sunni can attest that we are trading arms for goods, if necessary.” He sighed, the weight of the day evident as his Princely demeanor faltered slightly.

"I hope that we will not need these weapons, but… we must be prepared, if we do.” Flynn added, giving the blacksmith a faint smile, "Thank you, Wenyr. I won't say more on the matter for now. Perhaps my concerns will ease in time...” He tried to sound optimistic, but a sense of unease lingered in his thoughts, hinting that his suspicions might be justified.

Collaboration with @Fetzen


Current Moon Phase: Full | Current Weather: 30 Degrees, a light snow is beginning to stick to the ground | Current Time: 7pm

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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by c3p-0h
Avatar of c3p-0h

c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Her name, whispered in a voiceless breath. It slipped through the skeletons of withered trees. It seeped through the ground like rainwater - like blood.

She couldn’t move. She lay on her back, the earth leaching warmth from her with every crimson drop it claimed. It offered icy numbness in exchange, reaching up to curl around her bones, rooting her into the saturated soil, until all that was left to do was decay.

She was dying.

Her hand was clamped around her throat, trying vainly to keep the life from slipping out of her. It wasn’t going to work. Blood filled her mouth, her lungs, overflowed the tattered remains of her throat as she gasped. But she couldn’t feel anything. She couldn’t make a sound.

The night sky above her was littered with light. Stars flowed across her vision, illuminating the darkness with a river of color. Aquamarine, pearl, emerald, lavender. There was no moon in the sky to compete with the galaxy the stars mapped out. No sun. There hadn’t been sun for months.

And so the heavens shined.


Something lurked in the periphery. It stalked a wide arc around her body with silent footfalls. For brief, scattered heartbeats, it flashed through her vision like a wisp of smoke, like droplets of molten gold. She couldn’t see it. But its gaze was heavy as a brand. It burned and blistered where it fell on her skin.

The cloud of stars glittered above her, pinpricks of light shifting one by one. They condensed, holes in the vast net filling in, the color rippling and iridescent. It settled into a violet fog, dense and opaque. It was as unknowable as death. As formidable as the sun.

In the eternal one’s veins…

The voice that whispered to her bent like light, refracting a hundred different ways as it reflected back on her. It was the High Priest’s reedy whisper. Sister Fumi’s chirping rasp. The laughing boom of the soldiers she’d traveled with. The thin murmur of the coachman who’d held her wrist and wished her well.

The writhing nebula fell.

She couldn’t move. Her body was helpless as the fog collapsed over her, billowing out to consume the land. It filled her, replacing the blood that poured out of the gaping wound in her neck. It congealed in her veins, filled her heart until the organ was nothing but a solid mass that pushed the blight through her limbs. It was death. That was all she could think as it warped her, stealing her breath away, burrowing a cavity deep in her gut until all she knew was hunger.

A shape passed over her - a person.

Backlit by the moon, it was nothing but a pair of glowing eyes in a shadowed silhouette.

Seek the violet flow.

It was her mother’s voice. She didn’t know that she’d even remembered the sound of it, before now.


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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by The Savant
Avatar of The Savant

The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

After Pleiades and Taru had their fun they went to the hot springs by the Aelios temple. The wind was beginning to chill, which seemed to not bother either man. “So, why are you staring in Dawnhaven? Aren’t you supposed to be a nomadic individual? Constantly running about and moving,” The winged man asked while glancing over to Taru — they first met by the outskirts of the capital of Lunaris probably a handful of years ago. The best that they could describe each other was barely friends, though they got along quite alright.

Do you see any of my brothers or sisters around?” The man was somewhat dulled in tone when he asked this. Gesturing a hand to show that it was only the two of them and Amua. The furry beast was wrapped up around Taru’s neck and shoulders as they were making their way down the slick steps of the hot springs.

Pleiades was following behind Taru as he huffed, “So… you gave up on the whole nomadic thing because you were lonely or because no one else is doing anymore because they are all dead?” The man was trying to figure out the ex-nomadic stance as he stopped in front of him. Glared over his shoulder with those dark eyes and got a grin out of the greenish-gray man.

A huff came from Taru, “Has anyone ever told you that you ask too many questions or talk a little too much?” The tone from the baritone man was salty and sassy before he continued down the steps.

Well…” Pleiades began as he shrugged, “I enjoy knowing things about people. Unlike you. Being lonely is boring, so I get it. I understand. I would hate having singular beliefs that no one understands except my immediate family, and they are all dead…” His monotone expression and voice caused Taru to roll his eyes as they continued down the steps.

Getting to the bottom, Taru began to strip, and so did Pleiades. “It is not that I don’t enjoy being nomadic… I’m not needed anymore. I used to travel around to the north, east, south, and west. There are no more tribes. The nomadic lifestyle is not viable anymore, and I am not going to live in those god-forsaken capitals like a few of my siblings decided to do,” The man spat those words out before getting into the steaming pool before him. Amua realized what was happening and jumped onto the smoothed stone shore so she wouldn’t join them in the heated water. She chittered and chattered as she began to search around her human companion's clothes before finding the goody bag with dried berries, nuts, and seeds.

It is from being lonely. I knew it,” The blight-born seemed satisfied that he guessed right or close to it. It was somewhat saddening that Taru’s lifestyle was not viable anymore, though he didn’t blame the man for not wanting to be in either capital. Each capital had its pros and cons, though Pleiades only cared for them because of the large population, which gave him access to food. “Hopefully, Dawnhaven doesn’t turn into the capitals. Did you see the royal guards that arrived early and the throne guard that appeared from Lunaris?” He inquired while stepping into the hot springs and diving right under the water. Taru looked around before getting to the edge and sitting down and relaxing.

Pleiades came up not too far away and ruffled his feathers to clean all of the debris and everything else on the night-touched wings. “No, I didn’t notice that such high-ranking guards from Lunaris had arrived in Dawnhaven. What is that about?” Taru seemed uneasy when speaking about authority. It wasn’t that he was necessarily fearful, but he had done a few things in both capitals that caused his chest to tighten when hearing that they were roaming around Dawnhaven.

His green-gray hands and shoulders motioned in a way that said he was unsure, “I have absolutely no idea why the fucking snake sent his rats,” Pleiades growled with those words. The man’s negative emotions towards the Lunarian King and his disciples were extremely fresh with the wounds of the letter that he had to give Octavia — he truly loved the Queen. She was caring, considerate, and someone who should be ruling the northern lands unlike her living widow — Fucking bastard — he thought to himself as he splashed water onto his hair to scramble his fingers through it and wash it.

A brow perked up from the aggressive outburst that Pleiades showed upon talking about the royals. “You don’t seem to like them,” Taru started with a slight chuckle and a little bit of a curl to his lips.

You can see my distaste for the Lunarian disciples? How about the royal family?” Pleiades joked while moving over to Taru and sitting by him and relaxing on the same edge. However, the man adored Sylestar and Octavia. It might have been because he was infatuated with their mother, yet he didn’t see their father in either of them. Talking about their little brother was a different story… he hated that brat with a passion.

Taru seemed interested in where this conversation was going, though he shrugged his shoulders. He found it odd that Pleiades openly admitted to not liking the royals, which he found himself agreeing with the winged man — he didn’t care for the Lunarian or Aurelian royals at all. “You dislike the royals that much? How about Octavia? She seems nice from what I have experienced,” The man barely had an interaction with her, though the princess of Lunaria did seem to have a good heart even if he disagreed with her religion and how things ran in this world because of her father.

Pleiades sighed, “Octavia is fine,” He stated with indifference. “Her and her sister are fine. It’s mainly their abomination of a father that I dislike,” He hissed out while gesturing outwardly in front of them as if the king himself was right there.

Mhm… That makes more sense. I’ve never met the king, but from what I heard around the common folk of Lunaris… he isn’t the best,” Their conversation continued as both of them relaxed in the hot springs. Washing up. Simply talking and enjoying the energy between each other. It was nice to have someone around at times, and both of them were pretty social individuals, though Taru was way more isolated by self-practice than Pleiades would ever be.

After a while, about forty-five minutes or so, Taru stood up, “I’ll see you around, Pleiades, don’t get in too much trouble now,” The man patted the other’s shoulder before making his way to where Amua was curled up on the pile of his clothing. He shooed her off before getting out and getting dressed. Pleiades had nothing in return to say as he watched the man disappear up the stone stairway, and the bird-like man sighed and let his head fall back. He hated being alone. Maybe he needed to find someone else to socialize with for a little bit.

Taru was making his way back to the horse barn when he noticed Sunni leaning up against a tree with his eyes closed and facing up at the sky. He seemed exhausted and possibly like he was sleeping. The nomadic man wouldn’t be surprised if the redheaded individual exhausted himself so much that he was completely out of it.

Moments before Taru arrived on the scene, Sunni was beginning to feel exhausted to the point of his joints wanting to give out. That was when the redheaded man decided to lean up against a tree in the immediate vicinity. His chest was rising and falling with struggle and heaviness. He came out here to wear himself out, and that was what he did; it helped him emotionally to a point as well. What was he supposed to do? Closing his eyes and enjoying the brisk air of the Northern regions, Sunni found himself feeling a bit better, but he wasn’t whole in a sense.

He was able to finally talk to Elara and everything felt fine… he guessed. The man was so nervous in that little tidbit of time with the woman that he truly couldn’t look back to that point and know how he felt. The only emotion that he could remember was when Syraeia appeared and offered a table for two. That was too much. It overwhelmed him when she started offering such a thing so he had to escape before he started being an idiot in front of the silver-haired beauty.

The man was startled out of his skin when he felt someone tap his shoulder and break the silence, “Are you alright there, Sunni?” he recognized the voice when he was able to process it for a few seconds. Taru was looking wide-eyed at Sunni. The redheaded man realized that he must have been as shocked or more than Taru because of the other man’s expression. He jumped so much out of his skin that he found himself on his arse.

His hand was over his heart as his breathing began to calm, “I’m sorry. You startled me Taru,” Sunni began to chuckle out of nervousness as his body began to calm under the realization that it was only Taru. Someone else. No monster. No random wild animal. Amua seemed to be on guard from his reaction. Her hair was puffed up, and she looked disturbed by the whole scene.

Taru began to pet her to calm her down as he gave her a small mixture of the contents in the snack bag. She quickly shoveled all of it into her mouth and seemed to be way happier. “You must have been focused. Let me help you up,” Taru extended his hand, which Sunni gladly took as the dark-haired man helped him up.

I might have been thinking a little too much or a little too hard on something,” Sunni rubbed the back of his neck on that confession. “Why is your hair so wet?” He asked while noticing that Taru had moisture all over him. Some parts of his clothes were damp. His hair was soaked. It was an odd appearance when it wasn’t raining.

The dark-haired man looked at himself and chuckled slightly, “I was in the hot springs cleaning up. It was nice. They feel extra warm because of this weather,” He gestured to how the snow was gradually coming.

When Taru brought up the hot spring, Sunni almost melted, “I forgot we had hot springs… that sounds so nice…” His tone was almost a whine while he spoke. The man needed to relax a bit. His joints and muscles felt like they were tearing at the seams with the lack of rest he was working with daily. Stroking a hand through his hair at the thought, though his mind went right to work on the roof, and a bit of it was occupied with Elara. Amber eyes moved over his shoulder to look at the half-built house.

You should go. You seem like you need it,” Taru broke the silence between them because he could sense the stress radiating off from the other man. It was somewhat awkward — he really hadn’t interacted with Sunni that much, though he seemed absolutely different tonight than his usual demeanor.

Sunni nodded in agreement, “You know what, I think I will take a break and go to the hot springs, thank you, Taru,” The redhead patted the other one’s shoulder before scratching Amua’s head and walking off. Taru smiled while making his way to the horse barn.

Sunni was making his way to the hot springs before he stopped in between the hot springs, the Aelios temple, and the Eye of the Beholder Inn. That was when he began chewing on his cheek — Do I want to risk going back there? Someone could tie me into doing something or distract me…

A sigh left his lips while he looked back in the direction of the hot springs before looking at the inn again. “Screw it,” The man whispered while he made his way to the inn. He decided not to take the front door or the back entrance. Climbing up the woodpile and getting onto the roof that protected the wood and a few outside items. Sunni balanced himself on the roof before he began to climb up the side of the building and got to his window. Both windows were a little tricky to get in, but he knew one of them was unlocked. He tried the easier window, which was a failure. Jumping up there and hanging on the edge to push it to the side. He felt it hitch on the lock, and he felt defeated by the little racket of noise of the lock catching the wood.

Letting himself fall back on the roof, his knees bent a little, and his eyes widened while he thought about what he did, “Shite… shite… shite… hopefully Syraeia didn’t hear that or anyone else…” The man whispered to himself, yet no one would be able to hear him at the location he was on the upper roof by his room, the office, and Syraeia’s quarters.

Sunni tried jumping up to grab the other window that sat behind his desk. A few jumps and he couldn't catch the edge without slipping and getting a few splinters in the tips of his fingers. Putting the three fingers of his right hand into his mouth as he whined at the little pinching pain that it caused. He looked at his fingers, and one began to pool blood instantly while he carefully used his other hand to take out the splinters. “Dammit…” he huffed out while looking around. Then he got an idea and climbed back down to the wood pile. Putting a few logs onto the roof and making sure they wouldn’t roll off. Getting back onto the roof, the man carefully piled the three logs into his arm and made his way back up to the part of the roof that was on the side of the window that got him into his room.

Making a little pile that was triangular, he stepped onto it and reached up to the window before pushing it open. As he made sure his grip was good, he pushed off the logs and began to lift himself into the window. That was when he heard the logs rolling off the roof and one making a ruckus of noise rolling down. That was when three mild thuds echoed out from them hitting the ground. His eyes looked over his shoulder to see if the logs hit anyone or not before he fell into his room. “Ow,” he covered his mouth as his chair fell over and knocked a few things over. A few papers scattered onto his bed and into another part of the room.

Standing up and patting himself off, he breathed out in relief of being in his room, and he went over to the wine shelf that was resting on the dresser in a part of his room. Looking at the different types of wines he had. He wanted something nice. Something that would taste good and be relaxing. That was when he spotted a rose wine that looked absolutely beautiful. “This is the one,” Sunni was proud of himself as he took it.

As he looked at the door of his room, he moved back to the window and looked out. Looking back to the door of his room. He was determining if he wanted to take the chance of running into people or jumping a handful of feet down onto a slippery roof. Moving with an uncomfortable body language, he nodded and began to carefully lower himself onto the roof, which was harder with the bottle of wine. That was when he felt his body catch air, smacking the roof and began sliding down.

Gasping for the instant predicament he found himself in, Sunni cradled the bottle of wine close to his chest, as he tried to stop himself from sliding right off the roof with his feet. His leather boots ended up catching the edge of the roof, and he found himself at a startling halt that moved his body forward, though he was able to lean back onto the roof to counteract the motion. Lying there with wide eyes, he looked around to make sure no one saw that, and he began to get on his knees. “Hahu…” He left out the noise as he got to his feet and carefully moved to the lower roof of the wood roof before landing on the ground safely.

Going over and grabbing the logs, he put them back onto the pile before quickly going towards the hot springs. The man glanced over his shoulder at the inn to make sure no one was around it or coming out of it. Then he found himself at the steps of the hot springs. Making his way down, he noticed a familiar face and smiled. “I didn’t realize he enjoyed being warm. I thought that heart was made of ice,” he called out to the other, which got the man’s moonlit eyes to glance up. They rolled with annoyance.

Surprise… surprise, Cyrus, I am a bit warmer than you are even,” Pleiades chuckled as he relaxed in the hot springs. The blight-born was comfortable in the heat, and he honestly felt better from sitting in there. Sunni made his way down the steps carefully so he didn’t fall.

The man got to the base of the area, “Do you want to share a bottle of wine?” Sunni offered while raising it, to emphasize the bottle before putting it down and beginning to strip his clothes off.

Pleiades waved a hand to dismiss the idea completely, “No, I am leaving soon. I have something important to tend to,” The blight-born smiled while watching the redhead strip down to nothing. It was disappointing that he had fun with Taru and couldn’t stay to entertain Sunni at all, though he knew the man wouldn’t willingly have fun with him. Not in a sober state. A sigh left his lips — how disappointing.

Sunni shrugged his shoulders, “Suit yourself,” The man stated while snatching up the rose bottle of wine and entering the hot springs without issue. A gasp was let out while the steam and heat stung his body. He had no idea how cold he was until stepping into the hot water, and he hissed a sucking breath into his teeth. “It’s toasty…” He groaned slightly while lowering himself deeper but keeping the bottle of wine above the water so it would stay somewhat cool.

Finding a spot on a nice ledge, he leaned up against it, and his elbows rested on the foundation of rocks, and he looked over the steam. Putting the wine bottle to the side of him and letting his head fall back before he slid into the warmth when his head met the rock he was leading on, and he relaxed there. The water was up to his collarbone, so the majority of his body was covered. A satisfied groan left his lips that sounded like relief itself. “This is so nice…” He murmured to himself while his eyes shut. The dripping echoes and light splashes told him that Pleiades was most likely leaving.

I’ll see you around, Emberani,” Pleiades stated while he was getting dressed. The blight-born gathered all of his things before he walked up the stone steps of the hot springs. Leaving Sunni Emberani to be by himself.

Sunni waved his hand up and let it flop back into the water, “Good luck on whatever important matters you have,” He thought it was odd that the bright-born had important matters, yet he didn’t find it odd enough to question it. The winged man was Dawnhaven's main postal guy. It was probably something to do with that, and he honestly didn’t care enough to keep anyone around. The man was enjoying the heat that soaked into his body to lessen his aching joints and muscles.

That was when the amber-eyed man glanced over to the bottle of wine and sat up a little more. He popped off the cork and placed it on the edge of the hot springs. Taking a sip of the rose wine and groaning into the delightful taste of the alcoholic beverage. “This is nice…” He whispered to himself as he looked around. It was ironic that he found himself a little lonely, but he didn’t want to be bothered by anyone. Maybe Flynn. There was no one else on his mind that he would want around at the moment except his friend.

Pleiades did not want to drag his wings across the muddying ground as he got to the top of the stone stairs. Looking down at the dirt in front of him, he sighed, and gracefully took off. The man was making his way to Octavia’s bedroom window where he usually landed to deliver or take letters from her. Sadly, he realized he was never going to have incoming or outgoing mail for the Lunaris Queen, which pained his chest. He was dead… it was all in his head. That was what he told himself for the most part. Continuously reminding himself that he shouldn’t feel anything for anyone. Except, he found himself upset nonetheless and emotionally bothered in some way.

Hooking himself onto the frame of the window like he had done dozens of times before, he tapped on the glass, and he could hear the jumpscare that he was scared. A chuckle left his lips while he heard bare feet making their way to the window before opening it with a somewhat surprised expression, “Pleiades, what are you doing here?” She looked to see if he had a letter or anything. She hadn’t sent one out. He had been gone enough from her sight to go to one of the cities and get back around this time though she felt like that wasn’t the reason he was here. He wasn’t giving her another letter, was he?

I felt the need to check in on you, my princess,” Pleiades stayed there since he wasn’t going to barge into her room, and when she realized why he was there, her face soured, and she frowned. There had been a few hours between her reading the whole letter and now, though it felt like fresh wounds. Painful.

She shook her head, “I really don’t know how I feel…” Octavia spoke honestly to the messenger as she stepped a few feet back. “You can come in. I am making chai tea right now. If you want some,” She offered, forgetting that the blight-born didn’t need to really drink anything or consume food.

Pleiades smiled while entering through the window and closing it behind him so the coolness from outside wouldn’t taint the heat inside of the building any more than it had. “I would love some,” The man didn’t mind taking a drink every now and again — the blight born did need water to survive. The tea had a bit of that in it, right? It should be fine.

The winged man followed the princess through her room before going out into the larger parts of the house and to the kitchen. “I am sorry about your mother,” He wanted Octavia to have his condolences.

She turned around with widened eyes and a spark of another emotion, “You knew! I knew you knew,” She pointed at him while approaching him. “Did you read that letter before I did? Are you snooping into other’s mail? Pleiades,” Octavia seemed unhappy with the idea of the man reading her mail or anyone else’s for a matter of fact.

Pleiades seemed to tense under the pointing princess as he stood tall and looked at her with serious eyes, “I…” He growled out that first word since he didn’t know what he should say. Why was she being so accusing? “Your little sister Sylestar told me to open it because I was close with your mother,” he grumbled out those words as he stared at her.

Octavia let her hand lower into her other as she looked up at the winged man. She was somewhat surprised to hear that her mother and he were close then again… no one else was delivering the mail to and from the both of them. Pleiades was in constant contact with both of the royals. “Oh…” She let out upon hearing that her little sister gave the man permission to read the letter because of the circumstances. It still didn’t help the flood of emotions she felt, though her face turned to one of shame. Something that she didn’t show often or to many people. She didn’t mean to accuse Pleiades of doing such a thing, but her emotions were high, and her nerves were shot. She began to rub her temples to calm down, “I am sorry, Pleiades… I… I didn’t mean to accuse you of snooping,” She muttered that out as she went into the kitchen and began to make more chai tea. A whole metal pitcher of it so she could keep filling her cup for a little while knitting the villager's warm scarves, gloves, hats, and socks. Something to help with the impending cold.

The man couldn’t help the frown that tugged at his lips as he saw the disarray and stress that the princess found herself in. Was there any way that he could help? There wasn’t much he could think of. “It is alright,” He offered soft words instead of getting defensive with her. “I can see that you are troubled. I probably shouldn’t have brought that up,” He mentioned while walking into the kitchen to see her better as she worked. A light smile formed on his face as he watched the princess make chai tea.

Octavia was working before her mind processed his words, I can see that you are troubled, the man didn’t hesitate to notice her. Her eyes widened as if she was surprised to hear such a thing. To be noticed by someone, she offered a light but warming smile. “Thank you,” her voice was soft in return. Pleiades has a way about him to keep things calm at times. He had seen the Queen distraught enough to know that if Octavia was truly her daughter to not engage in the chaos brewing inside. Not in the way that a normal person would react. The Queen could become a nuclear mess of emotions and tears. Octavia was no different in his eyes, and a quieter voice with a tone of foundation seemed to work.

So… where is your husband in such a moment?” Pleiades was surprised that he didn’t come into their house to find Flynn comforting Octavia in any way or attempting to — the princesses and their mother had fiery personalities though he didn’t expect it to be so hot that an Aurelian prince couldn’t handle it.

Octavia glanced at the man with wings as she thought of how she should put her words, “He did earlier… He has things to attend to and I wasn’t being very open with him,” She confessed while at the thought. The young woman knew she had a horrible time letting Flynn in but she couldn’t help it. It was so hard to stay calm with him in most situations though she felt like they did a good job earlier.

A curious brow rose when she brought up that she wouldn’t let him in, “Is there a particular reason?” Pleiades asked with a slight concern. He knew how much Antoinette wanted her daughter to be happier and she felt like Octavia would be happier with someone her age. It wasn’t an easy decision though the Lunarian king was going to force a marriage one way or another. “Your mother had a lot of hope for you two, you know that right?

She seemed confused about why he was the one saying those words. “I…” Octavia began as her face twisted while she filled the pitcher up before making two cups of tea. “What do you mean by that?” These words were kind and reassuring to a point but there was a lingering confusion from them. It didn’t make sense. “Why are you saying that?

Pleiades sighed at those questions, “I was very close to your mother, Octavia, and I feel like I need to confess to someone,” He took the cup of warm liquid as he looked at the woman with an almost regrettable energy in his eyes. “I am pretty sure that child inside of your mother’s was mine…” Within only a few seconds of her picking up her own mug. It dropped out of her hands and crashed onto the ground. A hissing sound could be heard from her as she stepped back from the shattering clay and hot liquid going everywhere.

Her hands were shaking uncontrollably with the emotion that struck her like lightning striking a tree. A chattering sound of trying to speak could be heard from her as she was trying to form words, “Y..y-uh…” That information was not something she would ever think to hear about her late mother. Her mother was in a romantic relationship with a blight-born. Out of everything, she chooses a blight born!? After years of telling her to not be curious about them… her own mother was being intimate with one. For how long? Why? “I don’t believe you,” Octavia was in denial. She didn’t want to believe Pleiades.

The man stood there and stared since he didn’t know how to go about this. She clearly didn’t believe him and possibly wasn’t willing to believe him. A tension formed in the air between them, and his tongue continuously ran across the back of his teeth with thought. “I have no reason to lie to you princess, and…” Pleiades found himself trailing off into thought more than anything. This was harder than he thought it would be. Confessing to Octavia was not an easy person to communicate with on plenty of levels. For many reasons.

A crash sounded out beside him and Pleiades attention went to a small dessert plate that shattered right by him. Then his eyes widened when another piece of porcelain was getting thrown his way. A cup which he caught and placed on the counter with his cup of chai tea. “Princess, please!” Pleiades put up his hands while stepping backward, catching each dish she was throwing his way, and trying to place them down so they wouldn’t break.

You are an absolute pompous, prick, an asshole! A rat! Someone who goes behind others' backs and causes issues! If you could keep your —” Octavia gestured to his crotch area before throwing another dish at him. “ — if you could keep your toy away, this wouldn’t have happened! You perverse monstrous creature of assholes!” Octavia didn’t even know how to offend him or what to say but she was fuming. Her face was bright red with anger and frustration.

She grabbed the bread box and with all her strength she hurled it at him. Pleiades caught it with a sound that was a mixture of pain and discomfort before he set it onto the ground smacking a teacup plate away and it shattering onto the ground. “Octavia you need —” The man was cut off by her roaring voice.

— I need to do nothing by your command, you wretched piece of half-living disappointment!” She kept slowly stepping closer to him. Grabbing different things and tossing, throwing, and hurling them at him out of anger. Tears were forming in her eyes as she continued her small rampage towards the winged man. “How could you!? How could you do this to my family!? My mother died because of you!!! If you nev —” That was when she froze in fear feeling the sharp nails of the bright-born curl around her shoulders and his palms cup her tightly. Slightly lifting her, she found herself on her tippy toes… barely touching the ground, and she held her breath. “Pleiades…” She whispered with fear in her tone. The woman wasn’t expecting him to snatch her up like he did. It caused her nerves to feel like they were burned out.

Pleiades stared into her eyes while tears began to leave both of them. “Octavia,” The man’s sternness caused her to feel rattled. His voice was soft, “I do not believe my actions got your mother killed, and if they did, I have nowhere to begin on how sorry I am,” He inhaled deeply before hugging her tightly and holding her to his chest. Octavia seemed frozen not knowing what to do. She wanted to beat on his chest and scream at him though she couldn't do it to continue her small rampage of anger and confusion.

One of his arms stayed wrapped around her tightly and a hand cautiously came up to her head and guided her head onto his chest. He began to gently pet through her hair as he glanced down to see if she was going to shank him by surprise or anything. Preparing himself mentally for the woman to continue her meltdown. “You are awful…” She whined out those words as she began to cry into his bare chest. His wings extended to form a barrier around them. Octavia was exhausted from crying most of the day.

I know…” He agreed with her words as he continued to try and soothe her while clouding her in darkness. “I’m quite a heinous individual,” Which were words he truly believed. He didn’t believe he wasn’t. How could he not be horrible? A blight-born, a sexual one at that, and he seemed to be good at ruining things. Hurting people. Pleiades never meant to hurt people with how he was but he couldn’t change who he is. However, he could regret Antoinette’s death for the rest of his life. Regret not saving her or being there more. Something… he was unsure what he exactly felt but he hated himself for it.

A defeated sigh could be heard from the young woman when she thought about it, “You are not awful,” She took her words back after the realization of her mother’s happiness. Her mother was never that happy with her father. In over two decades of life, Octavia had never heard her mother speak about how happy she was, and she was made aware of why — Pleiades.She was never that happy with my father… I should have thought about it more. That someone else was making her happy, so you are not that awful. You made her happy. She always told me how happy she was for the handful or more of letters between us. My mother never told me exactly why or who, but I thought it was because she gave me away. That I was out of the house. No… she wasn’t happy to get rid of me. She was just happy that you were there, wasn’t she?” Octavia’s face nuzzled into his chest a little. A few sniffles could be heard from her as she began to calm down.

Pleiades nodded when she asked that question after her statement, “I think she was happier that you were away from your father more than anything,” He offered his two cents into the topic. “I don’t think I was the only thing that made your mother happy. She always talked about you and the other children. She was always worried for you, especially after Flynn took you as his. Your mother was constantly excited to receive letters from you, so much so that she sometimes made me stay in the room until she was done writing to get her letter back to you as fast as possible,” He chuckled at the thought. The older woman, the queen, was always excited to hear from her daughter for a multitude of reasons. Anyone would have been able to see that.

How long were you two exactly together?” Octavia asked while pulling away and looking up at the man. She was honestly curious about that. The man was talking like he and the Queen were not a simple fling or a few nightstands. It felt like there was something more with how his voice stayed soft and almost endearing.

Shrugging his shoulders as his face fell to a neutral expression, “Does it matter?” With the look that Octavia gave him at that moment… It did matter. It must have mattered a lot. Dry swallowing at that reaction, he sighed while looking around, “Maybe five or six years ago? It wasn’t anything serious until last summer or maybe a little before. It kind of happened… I do not have dates for you, princess,” his answer was honest. There were not any dates tied to Pleiades or the Queen's start — only their end and that wasn’t even clear.

Hearing all of this still did not make sense to the princess since she didn’t believe her mother to be unloyal. She was undyingly loyal in her eyes. Her mother was the epitome of perfection. Someone who stayed in the lines and was the exact shade of color everyone needed in their day. She shook her head. “Why would my mother betray my father in such a way?” Octavia did not care for her father. He kept his royal brothel of women a secret and her mother was the Queen for only one reason. She had children while the rest miscarried or never showed any signs of pregnancy at all.

Pleiades' moonlit eyes stared into Octavia’s blues while he thought about that question. Why would my mother betray my father in such a way? Was it truly a betrayal when she was forced to be married to the man and never had a relationship with each other? “Was there really anything to betray in their situation, Octavia?” His tone was colder than it had been this whole conversation. He was serious about this question. The man truly did not see it as an issue.

Her face twisted and turned to those words, “A wife should not betray a —” She got shut down by a serious tone. One that was not willingly going to argue with her and one that sounded of authority which rattled her bones and widened her eyes.

Your mother was only married to that authoritarian creepy bastard that you call father. There was no love or anything else between them. He saw her as a pretty face and used her for morale amongst the people. She was a puppet to use and abuse in his eyes,” Pleiades did not realize that he was letting out more emotion than he thought he was. A few of the tips of his nails were digging into Octavia’s clothing and into her flesh.

Octavia squeaked as she bit her lip not knowing if the noise would cause him to freak out or not. The pain that was plastered on her face made him realize that he was hurting her. Then he let go of her completely. Her feet hit the ground as her body startled at feeling her weight again. “I’m sorry. I… my nails. I…” Pleiades was usually so good at not hurting people with his nails. He didn’t mean to cause her harm though he didn’t realize how angry he was in those seconds while discussing her father and mother's relationship. The realization that his cheeks felt heated was odd because he knew that he wasn’t living and shouldn’t be warm, though there was the psychological memory of being flustered with frustration or anger in the past.

Octavia was waving him off instantly, “No. No. Pleiades you are fine. I know you didn’t mean to,” Her hands were shaking from all the different emotions as she took a step or two back to feel herself in the comforting warmth and silk soft feathers of the man’s wings. She was trapped. Glancing behind her at the wall of black, she didn’t realize that his wings were around her, and she felt so small.

Uhm… can you?” She gestured lightly at his wings since she didn’t know how to ask him to just move…

Oh, yes. Yes, I am sorry,” His wings fluttered out before fluttering into a formation to lie nicely against his back. “D-do you need me to help you with those puncture marks?” That was the only thing he could think to offer her at the moment since he just caused little punctures into the flesh of her shoulder blades.

The princess shook her head more in thought than telling him no, “How about you come with me Pleiades? I think I can do something to help you,” She grabbed into his hand before leading him back into the kitchen. “Let me clean this mess up quickly and we can go to my room,” Letting go of his hand, she moved over, and she began to clean up her mess. Pleiades stared at her for a few seconds before going over and cleaning up the dry dishes that were shattered. Placing them in a disposable bucket that Octavia placed her own broken cup into.

Glancing at her she began to gather the pitcher of chai tea and a new cup in one hand. She walked over and grabbed onto his hand again, “What are you planning?” He inquired while grabbing his mug as he was pulled along to follow her.

He allowed the princess to lead him back to her room and to sit on the edge of her bed. Pleiades wasn’t sure what she had planned but he watched the woman set down her items before looking through her nightstand. “Have you ever thought about flying your nails down? I can do that for you. They’ll grow back too. I just think it’s safer for everyone if you do,” She spoke out optimistically and hoped she wasn’t offending him in any way.

Trim my nails?” Pleiades sounded almost concerned as if that would hurt when he took one of his hands into the other. He was unsure if he wanted to let the princess cut his nails. He has used them to protect himself before. They were great tools at times. “What if it hurts or what if they never grow back?” Those were his main worries, especially the one about them never growing back.

Bringing his hands against his chest, he seemed so nervous, “I’m pretty sure I have a blood supply to my nails with how they are… I don’t know if I want to…” The man wasn’t sure but he didn’t want to bleed out and die. It was not something that he had on his list of things to do… ever.

Octavia sighed at the man’s anxieties, “I won’t trim them if you don’t want me to but can I at least file them down? So they are not as sharp so you don’t accidentally stab people by grabbing them? Like you did to me a few minutes ago,” The woman gestured out towards the door where they were in the house. Where he accidentally grabbed her too hard and caused superficial wounds on her shoulders and shoulder blades.

Pleiades sighed at the comments and he nodded, “Fine, do what you want with them,” He offered one of his hands out to the woman. She smiled when he willingly gave him her hand and looked away. She sat on the bed with his hand in her lap as she began to file his nails down. They were roughly three inches naturally and she was filing them down a little less than that length.

There were times when Octavia was pressing a little too hard on his talon-like nails and it groaned uncomfortable groans and shifts to come from him. She had the first hand done quickly as she took the second hand to match all the filing she did on the other hand. “Do you want your nails decorated? Since we are already filing them,” She offered as his face turned from out of his other hand and looked at her with a face that could only be taken as — are you serious right now?I will take that as a no?” She vocalized with a slightly furrowed brow.

I told you to do whatever you wanted, you are the princess,” Pleiades repeated himself with a discontent groan as she began to finish up his nails. He watched the last nail get filed down before he took his hand away and grabbed at his palms. The filing of his nails caused his hands to feel overly sensitive and bothered. It was uncomfortable. More than anyone would ever know. They were filed down to an almond shape so they were not as pointy or sharp. Not as big of a nuisance.

Octavia let out a laugh of disbelief more than anything, “Pleiades, I am not going to force you to do something that you do not want. Now do you or do you not want your nails decorated?” She repeated herself with more confidence this time because she wanted a clear answer.

Pleiades shook his head in answer, “No, I rather have nothing on my nails,” The man honestly spoke as he glanced over at the princess. He was disappointed that he agreed to let her file his nails at all. It could be worse. At least he would be able to stab people so easily.

That wasn’t that hard of an answer, now was it?” She teased him because he made it a bigger deal than what it should have been. A simple yes or no answer would have sufficed. The woman noticed how protective he was of his hands when he got them back. It made her feel a little bad for filing them in the first place but they were far from looking human-like at all. Just duller than what they were originally.

There was a discomfort in the air and it was practically radiating from the winged man as he rubbed at his hands. A gentle tingling was around each fingertip and he wasn’t sure if it was because of how sensitive he was or how rough Octavia was being — In truth, she wasn’t being that rough. “My fingers feel weird…” He mumbled those words as he stared at his hands while flexing them. “Also…” The man glanced over to her. “You are reacting very well to being hurt,” Those words came out so accusingly in tone. It was odd to him. He wanted some kind of answer to why she was so okay with being hurt even if it was shallow and not long lasting.

Her face twisted and turned at his words while she cleaned off the file and put it back into her nightstand drawer. “I… It wasn’t a big deal,” She commented almost half-mindedly as if she was pushing everything off the table. She didn’t want to talk about any of it or have it brought up again. There were little things he had heard from the Queen about how the King treated his children, especially Octavia.

A nod of his head responded to her as a silence fell between them. It was about ten minutes before Pleiades cleared his throat, “Before I interrupted you, what were you going to do?” He asked since she seemed to have a plan before he disrupted her schedule.

Octavia let her eyes look at him for a second before looking over to the wicker basket that had a variety of yarns in it with a variety of tools that complemented the tasks at hand. She had many things to help her prepare the people of Dawnhaven for the winter and a faint smile appeared on her face, “I was knitting mittens and socks. Warmer ones for the upcoming winter,” She offered an explanation as she stood up to move the wicker basket to the edge of the bed. Half-done undyed wool mittens were picked up as she began to work on them again, “I have been trying to make more and extra because it is supposed to be a harsh winter. So harsh that shipments will not come in as easily,” This was something that had been constantly bothering her. A sinking feeling in her gut began as she vocalized it out loud. Something she was barely able to do with her husband. It was so difficult talking to him and she didn’t have a real reason why.

The man was slightly distracted by the little stains of blood where he punctured her, “I wish I had skills to help you though I am not that good with my hands,” A chuckle escaped his lips while Octavia seemed to shudder from how delicate his fingers touched around the wounds. “Can I help you with this now? Bandage them up or something?

She shook her head, “Mister Emberani has been helping me. I need to find more help though it doesn’t seem to be a popular skill to have in Dawnhaven,” Those words were followed by a sigh because it was true. If they were in the capital… she would have all the help she needed though they were a month or so out from it. “And no, you do not need to tend to my wounds. I’ll have Elara or another healer take care of them later,” He honestly forgot that people had abilities. In his human state, he didn’t have any or any that he knew of. Never trained in magic. There could be hidden potential though he never dared try. After becoming a blight-born it was a bit more difficult to find someone willing to be around you long enough to train you in such an intense subject or trust you to have the abilities of magic like non-blight-born.

I sometimes forget that healing magic is a thing,” The man decided instead of getting up that he would get comfortable. Lying on the side of the bed that clearly was never used. He wanted to ask why it wasn’t. Why does she not sleep with her husband and share a bed each night? It was none of his business, yet he felt like he was nosy while trying to bite his tongue on the matter. “It might not be my place to ask such a question, but why do you not share a bed with your husband or a room at all?” The cursed man shifted his body a little more as he laid on his side while looking at the woman as she continued to knit and have her back face him.

Her shoulders tensed when the question hit her, and she began to chew on her lip, “You don’t have to be in my room. You know that? You don’t have to be in the house actually. You can leave,” Was her first and final answer. She was not going to discuss this with anyone, let alone Pleiades, so she was hoping that he could drop it.

Glancing away at the tone of her voice, he puffed out a bit of air to try and clear it, “I’m sorry that I asked,” he stayed quiet while allowing her to work her magic with yarn and bone needles. His eyes had a hard time not pinpointing the little wounds that he left on her upper body. There were quite a few fears that boiled in his chest. How would Flynn react if he noticed those? Was Elara going to judge? Were people going to want him burned at the stake for hurting their princess? Then his eyes blinked, and he was looking down at the bed in compilation.

I can feel you staring…” she whispered out with concentration.

A sigh left his lips, “I’m sorry princess but you are bleeding…

A grumbling left her, “I told you to leave it alone. It’s fine. I’m fine,” Her words might have been to reassure him, though they did the exact opposite. That last part told him that she was not fine by how her voice cracked. He could hear her becoming frustrated before the soft thud of needles and yarn hit her lap. She put them back into the basket and put her face into her hands. Her mother always said that when you feel like you are at rock bottom, the only way is going up, yet she felt like she kept sinking lower.

I’m fine,” She repeated.

Pleiades stayed on his side with his one hand propping up his head as he stared at the princess. “What if… theoretically speaking… you are not fine?” The man asked the question to see how she would respond.

Her shoulders seemed to lessen in tenseness, “Theoretically?” She whispered out as if she needed reassurance.


Her lips parted to say something yet nothing came out before tears began to stream down her face. “T-theoretically, I-I w-would say I am doing hor-r-rrible. That my wh-hole life is r-r-r-uined and I have no c-c-cont-r-rol ove-rrr it,” Octavia began to sob the more each word came out. She was struggling to speak but she was honestly in such a difficult position. Today, she found out her mother had passed most likely by her father’s hands, a blight-born, and her mother was having an affair, and her husband whom she had been out here for months with wasn’t as terrible as she thought he was yet she felt like it was even more of a hill to communicate with him.

Pleiades seemed taken aback by her reaction, he stared while she began to break down, and he blinked once during that time. How was he supposed to respond to such a sudden shift in emotions? Reaching a hand out cautiously, his fingers stopped before they touched her shoulder, and he hovered there. Staring. Thinking. The last time she got emotional, she began throwing dishes at him, and he was somewhat scared she was going to freak out and possibly stab him with one of the bone-knitting needles. “Octavia,” His voice was soft while his hand was placed on her shoulder.

There was no immediate answer for him as she continued to sob out her emotions. Something that appeared to be needed. Much needed. “What?” Her distraught tone rang out in the room.

Pleiades sighed before he decided to use his strength, pulling her towards him, and not giving her time to respond before hugging her. Forcing her head to be against his chest as he held her there, “Stop crying. I don’t know what to do when people cry. I don’t know what to say and the last time you started throwing dishes at me,” He kept her there. Making sure she couldn’t escape or hurt him. His one hand began to pet her hair as he spoke to her.

A mixture of a laugh and a scoff came out of her at those words, “I just need to cry, Pleiades. You don’t have to stay here,” She began to laugh a little more at the thought of the man feeling obligated to stay around her when she was like this. It made no sense in her mind. Octavia began to laugh a little bit with a smile though tears continued down her face.

You shouldn’t be in my room anyways. I bet my husband would hate that you are,” Octavia was honestly scared of what Flynn would say or do if she knew that anyone but his trusted friend or Elara was in her room. She was uncertain if he was like her father or not. There were no good kings… was there? The woman barely heard anything about the Aurelian king but she had heard more negatives than positives. Experiencing her own father was an overall negative as well.

The man could not help rolling his eyes when she brought up Flynn and what he would think about him being in the princess's room. “If he really cares, where is he?” He huffed out. Then he sighed, “I don’t mean that… Flynn seems like a good guy for you but I can handle whatever mood he gets put in. You don’t need to be alone when you cannot control your emotions,” He stated since he didn’t know what goes on in other people’s heads. There have been plenty of times someone had hurt themselves or worse when emotions were high and they were left alone. Did he think Octavia would hurt herself? Not necessarily yet she was her mother’s daughter. He remembered one time being in Antoinette’s room after she and her husband had a severe argument. She picked up a glass and smashed it on her desk. It shattered in her hand and he spent hours picking the shards out of her flesh while scolding her. Pleiades knew that she wouldn’t have done that when she wasn’t put into such a state yet out of that state. He was honestly surprised the woman didn’t take her own life with how the king treated her and her daughters.

Octavia’s brows furrowed when she listened to Pleiades and she pulled away from him. Looking into his eyes, “Flynn isn’t horrible… it’s just… being married to someone you don’t know is rough. It’s strange. None of it makes sense because you don’t have any ties or memories with that person,” She wanted to correct Pleiades because she felt like she gave him the wrong idea. Flynn was only trying to do his best. She understood if he was angry at her for having people in her room especially ones of the opposite gender when she barely would let him touch her — it was different with him. He was her husband and an authoritarian figure in her eyes. She didn’t know where she stood with him or how low on the pedestal she was under him. Not knowing her place was the core issue of most things she had with Flynn but she couldn’t find the words to even communicate that with Pleiades.

I didn’t mean to suggest he was a bad guy… I know he isn’t. Excuse my words, princess,” Pleiades stated. “And for being married to a total stranger, I have never had the opportunity, and don’t care to,” The man chuckled at his words since he would hate being married to anyone. At least he thought he would hate being married to anyone.

She looked at the man seriously, “Well, royals don’t have the opportunity to marry who they won't like you or other people do, Mister Porter,” Octavia pointed out that there was a big difference between him and her on the social rankings. Royals were not as lucky to just live freely from her experience. They were constantly pestered for one thing or another. Education. Social skills. Behaviors. Attitude. Appearance. Even down to what utensils they use at the table or how they walk down a path. It had to be perfect and it was honestly an exhausting life. “Plus, who would want to marry a blight born?” Those words came out before she could think about what she was saying.

Pleiades' eyes sharpened at that last sentence while he chewed on his inner cheek, “You are a very sassy ill-mannered princess from my experiences,” Octavia’s expression widened and her jaw fell open. “You clearly can do whatever you want except marry the person you want to,” He teased her with these words with a grin on his lips.

Octavia looked like she had been struck by the man physically, “You take those words back right now, Pleiades Porter,” She demanded. “I am nothing of the sort. I did my best for Dawnhaven and did —” She was speaking as she began to sit on her knees and a greenish-gray finger was placed on her lips to stop her from talking. She looked almost offended by the gesture.

Shhh…” He let that sound snake out of his lips while looking into her eyes. “Stop before you start crying again. It’s childish really. Almost pathetic,” Pleiades licked his teeth while he spoke these sassy and undermining words out to the princess.

A gasp of utter disbelief left Octavia. Smacking his hand away. “You sir, are a whore, and barely good for anything else but delivering letters to people on time,” She realized they were playing. Crudely and rudely though it caused her to feel almost lively. Not being treated like a princess or someone that was higher up like other people treated her. It was how Elara treated her in a sense except she was never rude and almost always kind and loyal to a fault. Maybe it was more similar to how Mister Emberani interacted with her except he was kinder than the man in front of her. “I will kick you out of this bed and this house and this town if you continue,” She stated.

Pleiades sat up in the bed to be on a similar level as Octavia, their eyes almost level with each other, “Oh, I didn’t realize that you were like your father. Authoritarian. What had he said before? If you cannot stand rules changing. Then get out? He always seemed to love to change rules every time it benefited him. Do I sense a princess who is going to have an iron fist?” That was when his weight shifted and a thud echoed out from Octavia pushing him onto the floor. The man looked surprised that she actually did it.

You are awful,” She put her hand over her mouth as she tried to stifle a laugh at him falling off the bed from her push. “I am my mother’s daughter. Barely my father’s so take those words back too,” She continued to giggle and attempt to hide the smile behind her hand. The reddening of her cheeks that mixed with the staining of her salty tear stains from earlier. “You will not talk to me like that,” She tried to take a deep breath to calm down before she began to laugh harder. She barely knew why she was laughing though all the crying must have helped lighten her mood.

Standing up from where he was, he put his hands on his hips, “Maybe if a certain princess learned how to put please in her vocabulary. I might consider it,” He continued to smile with the lightning of the mood. This was better than her sobbing and crying for sure.

Putting her hands into her lap, she smiled, “Please, Mister Porter, can you be kinder and not talk to me like that?

I do hear you, princess, but I doubt I can stop being myself so no. I will not stop,” That was when she threw a pillow at him in response. He caught it. Looked from behind it to throw it back to her. “And stop throwing things. Isn’t a princess supposed to be proper? I think you would have broken half of your husband’s dishes if I didn’t catch them,” He stated with a smirk. The man began to step backward to prepare if she was going to throw something else at him.

She scoffed at him, “I’m sorry. I had a horrible day with that letter you gave me then you came and told me that my mom and you were having an affair. That I could have possibly had a half-sibling that was related to you. What did you expect? Me jumping for joy?” If he was expecting a more joyful reaction to such news. She was going to give him a cold reality.

A shrug of his shoulders with his hands being thrown up in the air was his response, “I didn’t expect a princess to get so physically aggressive. Such ill manners even if the occasion calls for it,” He found it amusing that she was able to relax and get playful. It seemed like she needed it.

The man walked around the bed while putting his hand up and taking a drink of the chai tea that was poured for him a while ago. “I do want to taste this drink before you break this cup too,” He took another sip of the drink with a smile on his lips.

Putting her pillow back onto the others, she watched him drink his, and she sighed while moving over to the side of the bed. Her side. Where she put the pitcher of chai tea and poured herself a cup. “It’s weird to say but you are comfortable…” She sighed out while taking a drink of her tea.

Maybe it’s because I have no expectations for you or something like that,” Pleiades shrugged while enjoying the tea. “You make good chai tea, princess,” The man complimented her while sitting back on the bed.

A smile formed on her lips, “Thank you,” Octavia felt like she could actually relax at the moment. It was nice. She needed to find more outlets like this. Something to blow off steam and lighten the mood. That couldn’t be Pleiades since that was not fair to Flynn.

Pleiades smiled in return as he continued to enjoy the drink. Octavia seemed to get a little serious, “Pleiades… Can you stay with me? I know it might be too much to ask but I don’t want to be alone. I thought I did. I really did but I don’t,” She looked over to him to read his expression.

He faintly smiled and nodded his head, “I can. I won’t leave until Flynn comes back so you aren’t alone,” He offered reassurance with his words.

Thank you. I appreciate it more than you know,” And he understood that the woman was not used to asking for things. She was reaching out at this moment. His mind was curious about where Elara, her handmaiden, was, and if she would show up sooner than Flynn or not.

The room door was left halfway open and Pleiades found himself under the covers, lying in her bed, and Octavia asleep on his chest. Cuddled up to him and completely out from emotional and mental exhaustion. He gently brushed his nails and fingers through her hair as he lay there in his own thoughts. His moonlit eyes were more focused on Octavia’s sleeping face than anything else.

Steam continuously rose and it was almost boring to stare at. It was disheartening that he felt the way that he did. That he didn’t want anyone except Flynn around and possibly one or two other individuals. It was a lack of ambition and an increase in pure exhaustion. An exaggerated sigh came out of him as he wondered who else he would see at the hot springs tonight. How long was he going to be here? “Maybe I should have found Flynn before entering the hot springs… this is honestly boring,” The man spoke to himself while glancing at the rose wine that he opened a little bit ago. It was barely touched. A few sips here and there. At this rate, he was going to have the whole bottle for himself, and that was honestly disappointing.

Putting the bottle to his lips, he tipped it and took another sip. “At least you are keeping me company and you taste pretty good,” He held the bottle out to read the title of the wine. Then he turned to see what it was made out of. What fruits and so on. It tasted sweet and light compared to other wines that he had. Sunni wondered where it was from as well because he wanted to get more of it. Usually, there was a print of location, name, and so on. It wasn’t from his family's vineyards.

Collaboration Self [multi-characters]
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Multi Post

Sya had managed the Lunch shift, her door was still broken but she had quickly and with practice managed to hang up the venison and strip off the meat that was available, it had been a weak animal but any meat was better than none. The muscle was weak, stringy stuff and very little fat on the animal's body. But there was some meat and some was better than none. She had learned that on the edge of the world to take advantage of anything that the world gave you. “This can.. Urgh, I'm wasting half a carcass, but its.. bad” Sya said as she tossed the unusable parts into a communal tip, the cold never really bothered her, it never had since her rebirth. She cleaned her hands off in a communal tap, it was not fancy and a little crudely built but the town was only months old.

The rest of the meat could be sorted tomorrow, that Venison really needed to be butchered, Ivor had taken what he could but the dark, the borders, the blight, Game of any quality was a rare and valued commodity.

Looking about the town Sya saw people moving about with no real desire to engage them and headed back to the inn, she had a list of things to do.

“Olivia, Im fine, all handled. Ivor. I can at least partly understand.” She spoke from the other woman's arms and felt her body pressed against her own, skin sharing warmth and a level of emotional contentedness that was like diving into a hot bath, clean, warm and pure. “Im fine… not hurttttt” She said with a rather exaggerated pitch as her fingers checked she was intact, though that place was not on a normal medical check. She purred at the actions and just curled herself deeper into her partner's warmth, emotional and physical.

She did catch an noise outside but was not going to investigate anything less than screams, destruction or the sound of a fire, It seemed to pass by, maybe it was that Pilades, he did like to perch on things much as she grumbled about him not being the one to pay for roof repairs.

Turning her head to the window she saw movement still clearly from afar but was distracted again by more interesting, more close events… “I'm not going anywhere. Least not for abit, you waited for me huh.” She said quietly with a soft tone and a smile that reached her eye and showed clearly. Reaching out she felt her way down the woman's side and found her hand and threaded their fingers together and held it loosely with a thumb making circles into the pale skin of her hand.

Sya had waved to the document lying on the desk written in Sya's own hand being a little less polished but one that she tried to do neatly and cleanly as possible, neat column of numbers written in black and red, and an end total signed with a flourish. She had accounted for everything including her coach men work, breakfasts and more. Sya was entirely detailed when it came to such things. “Check it when you feel, No rush for a answer” She said and it even was finished with a wax seal like the inns sign, Sya was too happy to have her own little seal however humble to not use it, and giggled a little like she was much younger and far less travelled. A glimmer of her old self breaking through into her life.

Sya was too distracted to think of much else, a slow kiss had grown more engaged and energetic and Olivia had had her well and truly useless to the world. She had begun to learn her sensitive spots and very much seemed refusing to stop her efforts. Sya would happily submit to Olvia and her explorations.

They had talked too though.. they were not that much lust blind, Sya had been telling a tale of her homeland and how an Aurelian lord had fallen off his horse leaving after the local potent spirit, Sya was working on adapting a barrel remembering the old drink and how to make a simple still they called them to produce it. Shine of Selene and she planned to make some. She wanted at least one small part of her homeland to remain, so much had died or fallen, least she could maintain a little piece of her history and her people. Sya had opened up a little and explained some of their traditions and how she had a hell of a hangover as a teanager after the harvest celebrations.

“I Don,t wanna….” Sya said as she heard the distant chime of a clock sounding out with a bell in the marketplace. She would have to head down and work on the evening shift. She was too comfortable and had spent her time talking quietly and enjoying the soft bed, Sunni had spent rather a lot on this bed and it was very much worth the investment. “I have to work, hungry people…” Sya said with a groan, she would work but it did not mean she had not found a rather pleasant way to pass the time. “Inn keeping is hard work” Sya said, she was proud but yeah, some days she did want to just curled up and hide, Sya was … Accepted but the woman knew that the non blightborn who made up bulk of her trade did so because Sya was one of the civilised ones and one of the ones who has gone out of her way to smooth the road.

“Help me?” Sya Said with a hope, no one had helped her braid her hair in a long long time and well. She wanted to be reminded of better times. “Please” She said with a fragile hope in her voice.

She had dropped the letter off quickly while running an errand before her time with Olivia. Handing it to a servant she vanished off quickly as to spend more time with her lover than letters.

Adonis Coswain was a man who worried as he handed Persephone a glass of water and kept her warm in their bed, having shoved two together, leaving Hector and Daphne to work it out, not ideal but they had done and worked out worse situations. “Slowly Seph, slow…” He said with a deep tone and let her take a little more water, he knew basic care enough to tend to her now.

“Rest your voice, Hector is on it. Il look after you.” He said soothingly and pushed her dark red hair out a eye and nudged it behind her ear. she had insisted on writing it down and Hector had already started working out the best way to assist Valor's Edge Garrison. They might not be able to do much but one plan was to use a Raven and instruct them how to repair their water well, clean water was life, the caves could shelter them more than the damaged towers. Maybe keep could be kept open. Luckily they had sent drawings of the old war Smith was looking over and notes.

“Adon, Monsters out there. Picked off… Its Worse than we belived.” She said with a deep worry, something was amiss about Valors Edge, missing patrols and more… the place had lost more men than normal even for an outlying post. The most senior was a Squire Captain.

“We will face them, we Always do Seph” He said, Royal Guard was the one meant to keep the monsters out of the kingdom but there was little he could do for now. First was to secure a point of fortification and to make sure they had a battered but a Keep nonetheless available.


“Does anyone maintain the Temple ” Daphne had wandered and headed out to explore, her compatriots were busy and she had found after a time a Lunarian temple, its pool was clean and cold as it always should be but it looked … dirty. She had found an old brush and cleaned it out, removed dirt from the pool but no priest seemed to be assigned to this place. It would have to do, Selene would understand, Lunaris was not a place where they could keep perfectly to formal religion. They just tried their best with what they had.

Pushing the leaf litter away and setting one of the icons straight, it looked better as she knelt and enjoyed the quiet. The cool water on her arms and the view of the moon from the roof window at least reminded her of the Capital region that was her home and where she had trained for long years before this. “I hope you appreciate it, I am no priest so I cannot bless this place, I can make it ready though.” She spoke and admired the view. It was a simple but honest place… it was a Temple yes. It suited.

Looking over the Lake she saw a dark body of water, some islands and so in the middle, it was not yet frozen but looked like it would be a truly bracing and energising leap into it when the ice formed.

Daphne was leaning against the temple as she had closed its doors, she would check onnit in a few days. Though not the most religious, she had gone to the Island several times, the experience helped her remember what was important and that she was hoping to achieve. Maybe clarity was a reward for a humble faith.

“gah. Always that part.” Hector said, looking over the drawings. He saw what they may need but it was how did you explain it… he found some paper in the market and some charcoal pens and began to mock up what they needed to repair it to hold till new parts could be sent.

“Meals will be served, I Am working upstairs, please ring the bell. I will be down in a few minutes” Working was a stretch but she had left a bell and a note on the bar. Sya could not be everywhere even if work was a little… inaccurate.

@The Muse

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Hidden 4 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by amorphical
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amorphical Admirer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Eye of the beholder

The dark creature stretched out against the sheets lazily as she watched her pretty prey go from the room adorned once again in the cloak she thought could be the first of many upgrades the white haired beast would endow upon Sya. Her pale skin showing like fresh snow against the cream colored sheets as she watched her lover eventually tear her figure from the cool embrace of death. Softly moaning as she left her side after several sensual attempts to persuade the brown haired woman to stay in her arms. The creatures face a cute pout as she watched Sya leave the room blowing out the candles she had lit to help dress. As the door softly shut dividing her from temptation she slowly curled into a little ball holding a pillow that still clung to the innkeepers scent as her hostage.

It was there the real fight began. The darkness in her chest quietly whispering its demands to be fed. Sweetly promising of pains untold if she did not comply. The demons face contorted into a pitiful plea of patience, that food would come but later. The void did not seem to be swayed from her lies. With a deep sigh she glanced about the room before her arms gathered the sheets about her figure tucking them about her slender body, she rose. The ruby eyes glanced at the door as she silently moved towards her unintended victim. Silent as death on wings of deep night she moved down the hall unfazed by the commotion of the door being broken or the loud shouting from below. She was a creature that had caught the scent of prey and she followed the succulent aroma to the door that barred her path of food. The slender hand reached for the metal latch and with a half turn it moved aside as if by providence before the dark nightmare knowing there was no prayer that could have saved the souls on the other side.

In an near half twist of her hips a single fluid motion she moved, turned, closed the door, and turned back on the balls of her feet as quiet as any specter or wraith. The beast licked its lips, savoring the meal to come. The drunk on the bed still freshly soaked in the steamy dreams of the bronze skinned server from the floor below. Pressing herself to the clothed back of Alex as she began to caress his red hair with her fingers slowly drinking in the sugar sweet essence of the lusty emotions. "Yessss....." She whispered in a honey tone as the pale angel of death sipped from the well of life. The void slowly filling from the effort. Both becoming drunk from the feast.

After a time Olivia felt the void quiet to a purr and pulled herself free of the loyal coachmen. He would sleep deeper but not as pleasantly as before. The tender emotions peeled from his very soul as the agent of sorrow silently left the room once more. Unaware of the brother that stirred just enough to shut his eyes again at the nightmare visage atop his brother. Mentally chanting a prayer to ward off her dark embrace. Already asleep once more even before Olivia had left the room.

Tip toes gliding against the worn wooden floors without any tell the sheet clad beauty made her way back to the room like a poisonous serpent slithering to the cool underside of a pile of rocks, she would wait in the chamber for her lover to return. A smile on the pale lips as she enjoyed the silence from the cold pit inside her body still feasting off of the steamy emotions of her coachmen like a child with sweets.

“Olivia, Im fine, all handled. Ivor. I can at least partly understand.” She spoke from the other woman's arms and felt her body pressed against her own, skin sharing warmth and a level of emotional contentedness that was like diving into a hot bath, clean, warm and pure. “Im fine… not hurttttt” She said with a rather exaggerated pitch as her fingers checked she was intact, though that place was not on a normal medical check. She purred at the actions and just curled herself deeper into her partner's warmth, emotional and physical.

Half rising in the bed letting the sheet covering fall where it may as she smiled at the sight of her prey returning to the pale temptations of the room. The slender arms wrapping about the unclad figure pulling the smitten tavern keeper downward into deaths loving embrace. Olivia felt the flutter of her tiny bats flapping excitedly within her chest. "Mmmm... I am so very glad to hear that." She breathily whispered against the woman's slender neck.

Turning her head to the window she saw movement still clearly from afar but was distracted again by more interesting, more close events… “I'm not going anywhere. Least not for abit, you waited for me huh.” She said quietly with a soft tone and a smile that reached her eye and showed clearly. Reaching out she felt her way down the woman's side and found her hand and threaded their fingers together and held it loosely with a thumb making circles into the pale skin of her hand.

Looking at the window in the room gave the pale beauty full play to the slender flesh of Sya's neck to prey upon with tender kisses. "Shhh..." she smiled reassuringly as she felt the fingers interlace with her own pulling her closer still and letting the hands rest about her figure beneath the sheets. Pulling a knee up against the outer hips of Sya as she wrapped about the helpless brunette like a large predatory constrictor. Though she didnt squeeze nearly as hard, it was still enough to show Olivia's prey to not leave her again. More venomous affection blessed the innkeepers flesh as she kept her ruby gaze into the blue jewel she had adored from the moment it shined over the pale beauty like a precious stone plucked from the heavens and set against a figure of Venus herself to tempt the nightmare into a soothing lullaby. Exchanging with words of her Sya with affection and tenderness, occasionally giving a nod or a smile as if she was listening, which Olivia should have been if not for her ...preoccupation of the cuddling taking precedence.

“I Don,t wanna….” Sya said as she heard the distant chime of a clock sounding out with a bell in the marketplace. She would have to head down and work on the evening shift. She was too comfortable and had spent her time talking quietly and enjoying the soft bed, Sunni had spent rather a lot on this bed and it was very much worth the investment. “I have to work, hungry people…” Sya said with a groan, she would work but it did not mean she had not found a rather pleasant way to pass the time. “Inn keeping is hard work” Sya said, she was proud but yeah, some days she did want to just curled up and hide, Sya was … Accepted but the woman knew that the non blightborn who made up bulk of her trade did so because Sya was one of the civilised ones and one of the ones who has gone out of her way to smooth the road.

“Help me?” Sya Said with a hope, no one had helped her braid her hair in a long long time and well. She wanted to be reminded of better times. “Please” She said with a fragile hope in her voice.

Leaving her modestly against the pillow the white haired blight borne rose wearing only her devious smile, standing behind Sya. The slender fingers went to work with a French braid of the long earthen colored strands gazing lovingly at the intimate moment knowing the tavern keeper would be flaunting their intimate moments before a room of strangers and friends alike. The pale digits sinking into the dark brown strands to gently pulled her lovers face to the heavens as Olivia leaned over for a last moment kiss of tenderness that quickly turned to sensual longing. The nightmare sighed, "I fear my room will no longer do. I will require this one." She playfully tugged on the braid. The tender tone changed to that of a stern mistress."I will accept no refusal." Giving a sinister smile.

When Sya left the room her mind cleared and the mind of the monarch returned, there was much to be done. The hour grew late, Olivia dressed to include the black shroud of a fur lined cloak, and like a ghost would leave the room. Looking out of her window she focused on a shadow in the alley and let herself be pulled toward it in a most inhuman manner. With a specters grace she phased to the alley from the room above and moved down the street silent as the grave. Yes there was much to be done. She had to find a guard or a person to point her to someone that might let the prince know death was at his door.

The bear fur cloaked figure silently strode to a royal guard her red eyes kept hidden beneath the fur rimmed lining. Though she could feel his fear growing her recent feeding kept the darkness in check. Reluctantly she lowered her hood reveling the visage beneath. "I am Olivia Tzimisce, lady of Durnatel. I have come at the behest of your Prince. Tell him that I am here in his realm and seek an audience to announce myself formally to him. I will be in the Eye of the beholder, a quant tavern in his new town." After feeling assured that her message would in fact be delivered she retired back to the inn and the warm bed of her new found love.

@The Muse
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by amorphical
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Becky Hill
Luminus port town, 2days ago 7pm

"I hate you! I wont go!" She was furious! Her arms crossed under her voluptuous bust. She stared at the stone figure of her stern father. Her face was red as she grew angrier!

"You're going! This is a huge opportunity for you! You cant keep fattening nobles and peasants the guards can barely patrol! All you do is stuff things with three times the amount of sugar and creams. At this rate the people will become sealions. You need to branch out an this new kingdom the Prince is creating will need you to keep their spirits up and their energy. It's virgin territory and you could make a real name for yourself out there and with the prince tasting you wares you could become a royal baker. Hosting parties and gatherings for nobles just think for a second." He pleaded with his only daughter. She really was so stubborn, just like her father.

"Screw that, they can starve! I work for the people and not to sell my soul to those devils. That place isnt even built yet where the hell am I to bake the woods? I need a proper stove and setting to make my wares. This isnt campfire cooking. I wont have my sweets and baked goods tasting like smoke. Those pompous fools wouldnt know quality from mud pies! Regal peacocks only care about the rarity of a dish if I told them this dirt cake was from some far off shore they would proclaim it to be the finest in the land. The fools. Its not the rarity but the substance and not one of those fools ever get that far in any dish." She turned her back to her father, ignoring the slight jiggle in her hips.

"I dont care. You need to get out there and be your own cook. No daughter of mine is going to live here in obscurity and under my name. You need to stake your own reputation in your own place. I already paid for a travel to this Dawnhaven with the supply train master. "I know him a trustworthy sort he will keep you safe." Her father placed a small sack of coin in her hand. "Now get going your future awaits." He grabbed her by the arm and dragged his daughter to the door. Putting his boot to the ample backside he shoved her into the street and shut the door latching the bolt.

She banged on the door for a time with tears in her eyes pleading begging then threatening and screaming. Two guards came by and tapped on her shoulder.

"What's the ruckus Becky?" The guard was Thomas a local and very fond of their wares.

"My stupid dad just threw me out. Kick this door down and let me in. I'll make you a sweet potato pie for you." She was a sobbing mess but tried to put on a cute smile.

"Get her to the caravan master and I'll let you have first dibs for the next two days!" Her father exclaimed from behind the door. With that the two guards grabbed the curvy baker and pulled her to the caravan master just outside of town. The night air was getting cooler as the the continual dusk setting was falling to night.

"No!! No no no no no! I wont, I cant!" She shouted bringing the eyes of nightly passerby's to her voice.

At the caravan the master sighed and with a shrug hit her over the head with a wooden short club. The two guards snickered as they left the baker in his care.

Becky woke with a headache and the sound of wagon wheels turning on the dirt road. She pouted looking about not even having a cloak or coat. She kicked the floor of the wagon. "Damn them all!" Her hands and feet were tied in rope.

The wagon master smirked and shook his head. "Its a few days ride to the new realm. Better get some rest your cooking for us."

"Hmph, why the hell should I?" She pouted rubbing her head. her stomach felt like knotted ropes.

"Well you dont have to, but your father told me you could cook. So if you want to ride then you'll cook. If you dont cook then you can walk I was paid to bring you but not to let you ride." He was stern in his voice. Not even bothering to turn his head to face her.

"What do you have here?" She started to rummage through the things. "How many?" She looked back but the supply train was long and the road was already dark.

"About thirty. We got supplies but they have to be rationed." He spoke over his shoulder.

She sighed. "Beans beef jerky and dried meat? We have any water? herbs?" She watched him shake his head. "Well it wont be pretty, I know of some wild onions that grow about here and garnish herbs." She rummaged about some more and smiled as her fingers curled around a familiar friend! "Ha! Yes sweet mercy, at least you have potatoes. With a little luck you'll have my travelers stew. Too bad you dont have goats."

"We have goats. As long as you dont butcher them. They have a buyer at the town." He grumbled.

"No I just need to milk some and I think you'll see how good a creamy stew is on the cold road." She smirked indeed at the end of the first leg of the trip she found some wild onions and herbs to add a kick to the creamy stew. Each night along the road her cooking made her friends and people willing to share what they had brought to add to the meals every night. It was when she was cooking she felt more a part of the people then any monarch ever dreamed of. It was her element and she loved it very much the whole process of combining things to make people happy. Becky was a people person and like the feeling of goodness that could only be found in food. It brought people together and was something that made everyone feel better afterwards.

The caravan stopped on the second day by a river to water the teams and gather fresh barrels. She found cover behind a large tree that hung over a part of the bank to bathe and washed her hair. She already missed home, but if that man thought she would write to him after kicking his only daughter to the street he was sorely mistaken. Returning in her still damp clothes she really had wished her father was more of an adventurer or at least had the foresight to pack her some things. Letting out the worlds longest sigh Becky really found him hopeless when it came to the working of things outside of the business. However his network of partners and ability to barter were second to none. That man could get the crown jewels for a song if he applied his barter skills to it. She watched him often get goods for trade that he traded for things he really wanted and at a lower cost. While his daughter was good she had to admit who was the master at the swap.

Making caramelized kabobs with the salted meats and dried fruits from another traveler made for a tasty lunch. The camp fires were the few things on the journey offering comfort and safety. The wet clothes forced her to stay closer by the fires until she was dry enough then slept in the wagon on some sacks of potatoes. She tried to sleep if not for the noises of the woods nearby and the wind slapping against the canvas cover. She dreamed of a soft feather bed and warm blankets.

Dawnhaven 7pm.

Becky sat as the wagon train made it to the gates and it looked like everything was in the process of being built. She rolled her eyes but it was late and after all the jiggling and bumping around on the wooden benches she was more than ready to rest for the night in whatever counted for a tavern in this makeshift town. The baker was tired and sore all over from the wooden bench seat. Looking around the landscape was a whole lot of noting with buildings being built in random locations. Her eyes spotted some rich woman in a black fur cloak sulking through the alleys obviously up to something nefarious but she didnt care. The only thing that move one foot in front of the other was the promise of a pillow and a feather bed. Pushing on the door lead to it falling in and she gave a startled defensive pose. "What a rat hole."

Stepping past the fallen door she walked in to smell un seasoned food and the deep smoke of a hearth. "Hello? I'd like a room?" Letting her eyes wander about.

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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Open for Business

Hector Leant back against a chair using the light from the fire to check his drawing and notes carefully, each line carefully drawn and precise instructions for the most capable to fold and shape the metal into a part for repair. It had a crude repair but he imagined its process and every step he would have had to take to manufacture it.

He had not bothered to shed his decorated armour, for one it was warmer right now with the damaged door, he was used to being cold, the life of a soldier was cold and wet and usually you had to fight in it too. A master Warmaith had to adapt and work their own armour, it was a test, you had to trust your skills with your own life. There was no good weather for a soldier. He noted the woman enter, heavy set for sure, a shorter stout dark haired woman and Lunarian by her accent if correct. The warsmith was older, bearded and had one eye, sure he was not the most to look at but he had lived this long. “Greetings of the moon to ya” He said in his thick Lunarian tone and stepped over deliberately making sure he kept hands away from weapons, the woman was shorter and he showed no visible threat. “The little lady who runs the Inn be down in a minute,” The Royal Guard said as he rang a small bell on the bar. It was rough but loud for her to hear.

“Hector, Royal Guard, I am New myself along with my party. Welcome to Dawn Haven. Irs a strange place.” He said explaining maybe without need but tried to show an open hand however gruff he looked. His friend was the senior officer for a reason, but he was not entirely a troll or monster either. He knew why they where distrusted and did not hold it against people especially Adon and Persephone. Those two held ranks that people were very much cautious of. Hector was honest of his description of the town, strange summed it up, the innkeeper his beneath a cloak, Blight walked in streets, Princes, and more. It was not a normal town.

Sya hered a ring clearly from downstairs, she was In corridor and had waited a few minutes just thinking in the corridor after she left Olivia's room. Thinking, just thinking as she felt the more feminine and less practical braid down her back. French instead of the more viking one she normally wore and one that felt… appropriate given how she felt also she had changed in a short time. The act was small but so very meaningful to Sya. It was a looser style and her dark Brown hair looked…well… pretty, it was very much pretty. Olivia was anything but careless in her choices… Sya felt that she had chosen it as a statement, she was more looking like somthing new, somthing diffrent. Change is not always a bad thing tracing her fingers though the looser braids and curls in her hair.

Olivia's last words rang in her head, a claim of ownership, a possessive nature that she would probably have run from, anyone would but Sya was not normal. She had her normality burned away in the fires of the borderlands, been forced to become something different, her life had changed in ways she could scarcely believe. Anyone else would run… Sya kept running back to that, it made her feel… things and she was happy to risk it and worse to feel again, she felt again and had emotions more than her day to day life. She had already died once, she lived a second… She did not know how long such things would last … she might as well just admit it. She enjoyed the idea that someone felt so to be possessive of her, a humble innkeeper, a blightborn mutant no less.

She felt her clothes rub against the marks that vanished down from her neck and more faded one that lay on her hand, the marks that had claimed her and did not find the idea entirely a bad one… Sya had been discarded and considered worthless, now… she was worthy of claim.

No one else could understand how she felt, and that was good. No one else deserved the hardship and loss she had in her short life and second life.

The bell's ring broke her thoughts and caused her to stop over thinking, she had work to do and could think of her companion later. Sya was unsure, she reached to her hood and hid her braids and her eye… or did she risk the ire and danger of others… people did not react well to the woman's appearance. Sya I'm the end decided to pull up her hood and move quietly through the inn, light and quiet as a ghost. The soft glow of her eye glittered below her hood as she made way down the stairs spotting a curvy woman's form by the taller Lunarian. She moved like she owned the place and the 5’1 small woman came behind the bar and reminded herself she was queen of this little place, this was her… her Inn.

“My name is Syraeia, I am the Inn Keeper of the Eye of Beholder.” Sya said formerly and with an even tone of voice. “We had…an incident, we are looking to repair it as soon as possible.” She said smoothly and tackled the Elephant in the room. Or door.

She overhered with her more sensitive hearing the distant conversation, senses had taken a long time to adapt too, shaking her head a little as her world coloured into a yellowy… orange…blues at the very edge of vision… like something is breaking through… something more than what her normal eye saw. “I'm sorry Miss, we are full, the Prince booked the last two rooms we have, alongside two committed to a long term guest. I can offer you a basement to bed down, I can offer hot food, and drinks.” Sya spoke as she looked at the woman who she had to decline due to a shortage of space.

“Would you like to sit down for a hot stew and an ale?” She offered with a pleasant tone and an apology. Sya spoke softly with an easy tone and looked out under her hood, several inches shorter and much more slight than the other woman who was much more heavily built.

“Dawn Haven only really has one Inn so far, no one else wanted to take over the Inn. It's hard to attract people to this place.” Sya explained as she gestured to the whole town, she had a monopole… monopoly. That was it on trade here, some sold food, ale…but no one had the full services and so of the Eye yet.

Sya grabbed a rag and wiped down the dark wood with its red veins that had noticed was dirty, the potion it was soaked in had done an amazing job to cut through the mess as she was rewarded by gleaming timber of the hardwood top. Yes, the eye was not most luxurious but it was clean and fairly well kept for a border town Inn, Sya had seen far worse places that looked more akin to barely civilised bandit lairs.

“il take ale Sya” Hector said with his rougher tones, it was… hard to get used to everything about this town, the whole town was strange and they were gathering intelligence on their environment and where unwilling to act without making a complicated situation worse.

"Coming right up. I'll put that on Lord Coswains tab, Dark?” Sya said cheerfully and nipped back to grab a clean tankard from the large stone sink and tapped about to find the correct barrel for the dark ale and poured a strong smelling dark ale into a solid wooden tankard. The Prince was paying for their accommodation but their party seemed happy to pay for their food and ales. “Dark aye lass. Not like that weak watered stuff. Adon can foot the bill. Might have to send them some food up if Persephone is not up to it.” Hector said easily and leant against the bar easily and let himself relax but not too much… This town was not yet classified as friendly territory in his mind.

"I never serve it watered, youd be ran out of town where i cam efrom for that." Sya said trying to make... small talk what Sunni called it.


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