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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by amorphical
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amorphical Admirer

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Becky Hill /Marcon Brand


Dwanhaven/ Aurelia west 7pm today / yesterday

Yesterday, 7pm

With a long sigh he tossed the glass of brandy into the flames. His hazel eyes stared at the fires enjoyment of the drink rising higher in the hearth. Sitting shirtless in his home he looked around at the spoils of his life with disdain. Had he known just how utterly tedious the retirement life was going to be he might have let his last challenger stab him through the chest. The lie to himself caused the warrior to smirk a little. Like that pompous fool had any hope, constantly leading the thrusts with his right foot made it so very predictable. Shifting to the left and dropping his swords edge to the back of the mans neck made it almost too easy. Yet now the ancient warrior was left to rust in his home. Even building it was a feat he relished for the time it took and the many skills h had to learn. It was refreshing to feel his muscles become sore for the effort. But now after ten years the place he cherished felt more like a luxurious coffin.

He stood and grabbing the bucket poured water over the flames. Tomorrow it had to change, something had to be there just out of reach to give his life purpose again. The morning came without the sun and still his body responded as it had regardless. Dressing in his civilian attire he gathered some things a short sword and coin purse before stepping outside. The old gal was waiting in the lean to, trotting up to her master with the hope of food. He chuckled and patted her grey nose. "Not this time gal, we need to get out of here." Recalling a few weeks back while getting supplies for the local town he had heard others speaking of some new doomed place called Dawnhaven. Supposedly some prince or another made the bright idea to make a new settlement dangerously close to the blight lands. Marcon did his signature smirk. He thought of a village hopelessly under fortified, so close to blood thirsty demons, and filled with fools with good intentions, it sounded like the perfect place for him to meet his end! Maybe even with a sword in hand if he was lucky. Gathering his wares into the rickety cart before hitching it to his best gal Rose.

She was getting up in years but a greater demon couldnt budge her from her rider. Battle tested and twice as fierce the grey horse with white hair was a true testament of a loyal friend of her master. He patted her neck before making sure everything was ready. With a little luck it would be the better part of a full days travel before reaching the doomed village, the old swordsman could barely wait! A light flick of the reigns gave the signal for Rose to start the journey. He rode alone hoping to get in some practice before he had to play the role of an old man again. Marcon got his wish by the end of the first day.

Making camp by a stream and starting a 'come and get me' fire he kept his sword strapped to his back hiding it beneath his brown leather poncho. Taking out some dried beef as the water boiled to rid its impurities. The old mans ears still picked up the hoof beats of riders on the trail to his back, he smirked.

"Hey old timer. got room for four more? We're hungry but already ate all of our food. Tell ya what, you give us all you got and you can walk to the next town? Sounds like a good deal right?" The leader chuckled as the others laughed at the hunched over figure by the fire.

"You would harm an old man just minding his business on the trail between towns, how unfortunate." He smirked hiding his face with his back. Listening to the men dismount from their horses. Rose could use the company he thought and they sounded like younger animals.

"Nah we are just going to kick you until you agree to our request, unless you want to fight us? Oh you dont have a blade do you old man?" The second man barked.

"So what will it bee give us everything or let us kick you into the ground. You're gonna die anyway might as well let us make it nice and quick." The third long haired man sneered at Marcon.

"My my... That does sound good." He slowly stood and straitened his back. Standing slightly eye to eye with the leader but a good couple of inches over the others. His hand slipping under the leather garment to the metal handle. "Should I let you warm up a little before we get to the kicking?"

The four spread out their distancing with the stream to the old mans back there was no circling him. "Your choice grandpa." Each unsheathing their blade unfortunately the old mad move to the one farthest left seeing he was within the mans reach and buried the tip of the short sword into his chest while turning his face to the rest of the group with a grin as he twisted the blade making a sickening wet squish.

"Only three left." Grabbing the mans blade as he let the body fall. Now armed with two blades he turned to the group remaining.

The three gave glances at the others and then to the leader, "Screw you old timer one lucky hit isnt going to make you win against all of us! Get him!"

With a extra blade it almost felt like cheating. The seasoned veteran parried both blade strikes and slashed the sword arm of the long haired guy, cutting the hand from his body.

"Aaaaaaaah~!" The sharp cry was the distraction the warrior needed to pivot and plunge the short blade into his heart before quickly resetting his stance and pulling the blade free from his foe letting the hole cry rivers of blood.

"Two left..." He sneered at the leader. His gruff voice like a wolfs growl.

The leader changed his stance and without warning moved quickly behind his comrade only to shove the man forward to the old knight.

A tactic he had seen like so many before. The ancient battle forged man spun on his heel rolling around the off centered guy letting his blade slice the guys bulbous guts while thrusting his new long blade into the neck of the leader with a slick gurgling sound. A quick twist of the wrist before withdrawing the tip had the leader gurgling his words as he failed at breathing. "Hmmm, a bit rusty." A upward stroke through the eye finished the leader letting the man turn to face the fat one holding his guts. "Seems I needed more practice." He dropped the long blade down across the kneeling mans neck and ended their meeting. He looked about the camp seeing them all creating pools of blood, "Well looks like I really ruined the area this time Rose."
Wiping the blades off on their backs before making his way to the cart. The ground near the river was soaked so digging would be easy. The old man grabbing a shovel from the back made two graves just deep enough for their bodies. He searched them for coin and blades before dragging them to their rest. The smirk returned letting the fatter one hold his leader before covering the two in mud.

In the morning he had some food and with five horses, hit the trail again. Letting Rose rest while the two younger pulled the cart. The long blade was a fair blade but nothing he would want long term. Deciding to set it length ways to the cart to hide the blade. It was sad the men had little in value, they died as they lived ...lacking. The rest of the trip was boringly uneventful. As time wore on he sighed hoping the town was being over run by huge overpowered devils preying on the souls of the virtuous for Marcon to have one final glorious bout. His mind filled with glory he flicked his wrists letting the leather leads lightly whip the new additions into a quicker pace.

Becky Hill

Dawnhaven, Eye of the beholder 7pm

Becky stood there eyeing the girl in the brown cloak suspiciously. She wore a mans bouse shirt and trousers, with knee high riding boots. Letting out a sigh before sniffing the air. The food smelled boiled near to death and no herbs beyond garlic and onions. As much as she wanted to, the dark raven haired woman was far too tired tonight to even bother. Picturing the kitchen to probably be in more need of repair than the front door. The woman stood there full bodied and every part of her pump like a farm tomato. The wavy long, raven black hair hung loose down her back, nearly reaching her pinched waist.

“My name is Syraeia, I am the Inn Keeper of the Eye of Beholder.” Sya said formerly and with an even tone of voice. “We had…an incident, we are looking to repair it as soon as possible.” She said smoothly and tackled the Elephant in the room. Or door.

She overhered with her more sensitive hearing the distant conversation, senses had taken a long time to adapt too, shaking her head a little as her world coloured into a yellowy… orange…blues at the very edge of vision… like something is breaking through… something more than what her normal eye saw. “I'm sorry Miss, we are full, the Prince booked the last two rooms we have, alongside two committed to a long term guest. I can offer you a basement to bed down, I can offer hot food, and drinks.” Sya spoke as she looked at the woman who she had to decline due to a shortage of space.
“Would you like to sit down for a hot stew and an ale?” She offered with a pleasant tone and an apology. Sya spoke softly with an easy tone and looked out under her hood, several inches shorter and much more slight than the other woman who was much more heavily built.

Her heart sank. Introductions were the common practice and even though she was tired first impression were important. "My name is Bethany Hill, I am a baker from Lunaria looking to carve out a place in this frontier lands. I traveled far, and too tired for food. If the ...basement has a bed, or cot, and a pillow and blanket I'll take it for the night. Seria, was it? I'm not certain who is cooking but in the morning I can help. I've been baking since I could move the stool over to the stove. I'm very good at bread baked good and can do all the general fair. I'm guessing being way out here has you at a lacking for herbs and spices. I know a man who can start sending us stock items for a price." Her voice all manner of tired sighs and exhausted inflections. She stopped to even yawn and stretch her thick arms above her head. "Seems this place really does need me." She quietly spoke to the room. Her big brown eyes looking to the innkeeper for her final decision.

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Hidden 4 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mentions: Sunni,Octavia-@The Savant

Stepping beyond the threshold of her humble abode, Elara found herself enveloped in the embrace of the night. She was a solitary figure, swathed in a cloak that billowed softly in the gentle breeze. Her eyes lifted to the celestial dance above, where the moon reigned supreme, a silvery orb suspended in the ink-black sky. The stars, scattered across the heavens like a jeweller’s spilled diamonds, twinkled with a light that had traversed the abyss of space to reach her. To say hi perhaps? Or to promise more hopeful days? The woman wasn’t sure.

The full moon, a celestial lantern, poured its luminous essence upon the world below, transforming the snow-blanketed earth into a realm of silver and shadow. The landscape, once familiar in the light of day that had not been seen for some time, now took on an otherworldly charm under the moon’s ghostly glow. Long shadows stretched across the glittering snow, cast by the bare limbs of slumbering trees, and the world was hushed, as if in reverence to the night’s serene beauty.

The air was crisp, a cold that was both biting and invigorating, nipping at Elara’s cheeks and teasing strands of hair from beneath her hood. Yet, she welcomed the chill, for it sliced through the fog of her thoughts, bringing a clarity that the warmth of the fire inside could not offer.

Her gaze remained fixed on the vast expanse above as memories of the day’s encounter with Sunni cascaded through her mind. The replay was vivid, each nuance of his expression, each tremor in his voice, imprinted upon her consciousness. His stress was palpable, a weight she could almost feel pressing upon her own shoulders still. The shift in his demeanour, the subtle softening when he addressed her, stirred a mix of guilt and empathy within her. Had her presence really been that much of a burden to him? Or perhaps, she wondered, a brief respite from his own trials? He had been the one to approach her, after all.

But then hadn’t he also rejected the available offer of taking a break?

Lost in contemplation, Elara’s footsteps began their own silent dialogue with the snow beneath her boots, each step a soft whisper against the winter’s blanket. The village lay wrapped in the embrace of night, its usual bustle surrendered to the quietude of the late hour. Only the faint laughter and chatter of a handful of night owls, perhaps lingering in the warmth of the local tavern, pierced the silence. Occasionally, the timbers of the old houses groaned, a symphony of creaks as they contracted in the frosty air.

In the stillness of the night, Elara found solace in the solitude that enveloped her. It was a sanctuary that granted her the liberty to delicately untangle the complex web of emotions spun throughout the day’s events. Her position as a handmaiden to Princess Octavia was akin to a lone star shining in the vast expanse of court life—a role marked by both honour and isolation. It demanded a dance of discretion and self-preservation, a continuous performance where she juggled the needs of her royal charge with the safeguarding of her own identity. Sunni’s troubled countenance had disrupted the placid waters of her daily existence, sending ripples of introspection across her mind, prompting her to ponder the weight of her presence on those she encountered within the town’s embracing walls and beyond.

It had been some time since Elara had allowed herself to dwell on thoughts of her family.

Her pace decelerated as the cherished memories of her homeland, Lunaris, began to resurface like a long-forgotten melody. Her family had been the bedrock of her existence, their unwavering support and encouragement the pillars upon which she built her life. They had fostered her magical aptitudes with care, rejoicing in her accomplishments, their faith in her abilities unshakable.

Visions of her mother, perpetually immersed in scholarly endeavors or arcane studies, yet always available to share a tender smile and impart sagacious advice, filled her mind. Her father, an embodiment of resolute strength and dignified pride, had been her anchor, offering the serene and steadfast counsel essential for navigating the intricate maze of aristocratic existence. Their absence carved a profound void in her heart, a persistent pang that reminded her of the sacrifices she had embraced in her devotion to Princess Octavia.

Elara’s contemplative gaze drifted upwards, seeking the familiar outline of the princess’s chambers. A subtle furrow of concern creased her features as she observed the darkness that shrouded Octavia’s quarters, the curtains drawn tightly, sealing the room from the nocturnal world. The obscurity hinted at the princess’s slumber or perhaps a wakeful state of deep rumination—a pattern that had become all too familiar. Despite the intimacy her role afforded, a chasm of formality and hierarchy persisted between them, a divide cemented by the very nature of their stations. Yet, if it were within her power, Elara would have endeavored to alleviate any burdens that weighed upon Octavia’s shoulders, with the same fervor and dedication a true friend would offer.

But such bonds were beyond her grasp, a reality she acknowledged with a quiet resignation.

Elara’s hand lingered momentarily on the doorknob that led to the royal cabin, a heavy sigh escaping her before she mustered the resolve to turn it and step inside.

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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mentions: @c3p-0h Tia

The silence of the forest was a living entity, its breath the whispering leaves, its heartbeat the soft steps of Orion Nightingale. The moon, a silent sentinel, cast a silver glow upon his marble-like skin, turning him into a spectre of light and shadow as he moved with purpose through the underbrush. His crimson eyes, glowing like coals smouldering in the dark, scanned the darkness—not with malice, but with a sombre resignation that spoke of a burden carried on broad shoulders.

He had come to feed, to sate the hunger that gnawed at his insides—a hunger for vitality, for life itself. Yet, he would not succumb to the beast many believed him to be. He sought out the creatures of the wild, the unsuspecting fauna that roamed the woods. It was a compromise, a way to survive without sacrificing the principles that tethered him to his fading humanity. A way for him to prove to himself, and to them, that he was not a complete monster.

A rustle to his left caught his attention—a small deer, its coat dappled by moonlight, unaware of the predator in its midst. Orion approached, his heart heavy with the weight of necessity. As he reached out, his hands glowing faintly with a shadowy dark energy, he whispered an apology to the creature. It was a small act, perhaps meaningless to anyone else, but to Orion, it was a necessary ritual of respect, an acknowledgment of the life he was about to disrupt.

The energy flowed like a whisper of wind, the deer collapsed, and Orion’s strength returned. He stepped back, the glow fading from his hands, and looked up at the stars. They were constant, unchanging, a contrast to the turmoil within him—a turmoil he chose not to, simply could not, dwell on tonight.

He had a sick priestess at his home, after all.

With the vitality of the forest’s denizens coursing through his veins, Orion’s stride was purposeful as he traversed the snow-laden paths to Dawnhaven’s marketplace. The full moon, resplendent and unyielding, bathed the world below in a striking luminescence, its rays dancing upon the crystalline snow that swathed the town in tranquillity. The marketplace, once a cacophony of commerce and camaraderie, now whispered the day’s end, with only a handful of stalls still aglow against the encroaching night.

Orion’s quest was one of urgency, for the night was drawing its curtain, and with it, the vendors were sure to close up shop. His crimson gaze swept over the sparse offerings, seeking sustenance fit for Tia, whose magic had left her as fragile as the snowflakes that now adorned the earth below him. The remnants of the day’s trade were meagre; the bounty of Dawnhaven had been all but claimed.

At the lane’s end, a modest stall stood resilient against the hour, an elderly vendor meticulously shrouding his day’s labour beneath a fabric as thick as the snow. Yet, a few loaves lay bare, their golden crusts catching his attention.

“Excuse me,” Orion’s voice broke the hush, a gentle yet firm call to the vendor. “I’m in need of some bread.”

The vendor halted, his gaze lifting to meet Orion’s. A flicker of recognition sparked behind his weathered eyes. “Your face looks…a little familiar,” he mused aloud, his hand idly stroking his chin. “Were you here earlier?”

A moment’s hesitation, then Orion replied, his voice as smooth as the night’s breeze, “No, this is my first visit tonight.”

The vendor nodded, accepting the response as he unveiled the remaining loaves. “Fortune smiles upon you then. These are the last of today’s bake, still fresh and hearty.”

Gratitude warmed Orion more than the bread he now held. With a few coins exchanged and a courteous nod, he secured the loaf, its crust a promise of the comfort it would bring.

“Thank you,” he said, the bread now nestled under his arm like a treasured find. The marketplace was yielding to darkness, the vendors disappearing into the folds of night, but Orion’s side quest was complete. He turned homeward, the bread a hopeful and humble offering for the priestess who was surely awaiting his return.

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 18 min ago

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Open for Business

Sya Twitched as the woman spoke a little, her implication that her little Inn was not to her standards. Sure it was a little rough and rudimentary, the things were not the biggest or best they could be. This was a new town, a border town and one on the edge of the dead line as some called the border. Blight line, cursed woods…so many names. But this place was not the capital if she wanted fancy paintings and city living… Dawn Haven was not the place. She had used spices and things…it was however that they were far from a fresh supply of the highest quality goods even with Sunni aid and contacts. Dawn Haven was still being built. Sya had…plans to double the Inn and even start to engage in production of refined alcohol.

“Greetings Becky" she said cheerfully, replying as she ran though her words, Sya kept listening but handed an ale to the knight who headed back to his drawings. She noted his order on a book under the country and tallied I against Lord Coswains account.

“Just call me Sya. It's easier” She said as the woman had a harder time with her borderlands name, she was not Lunarian, not Auralian…both…but not…. Her people just had a pact with Auralia at times. “it's not pretty, but it stays at a fairly level temperature and it's dry.” Sya said honestly about the basement, it was utilitarian But has been built properly and was at least dry and would not dip below freezing. “One moment. I'll be back with bedding” Sya put her name into the book and set up a margin to get any expenses or credits recorded.

Sya vanished quickly and quietly up the stairs to the second floor grabbing A spare set, it was not the best, but it would have to do for the purposes today. The Inn was maxed out, she had 7 guests in 4 rooms though one might be invited or come to her bedroom instead sometimes. Finding a blanket, it was a little…well…less good but the set would have to do.

She returned in a few minutes with a bundle of bedding and a dish with a candle and a spare. “Sorry Miss Hill, I am already full upstairs so this is the best I can put together. No bed but there are a sturdy few boards and old crates that can keep you off the ground.” She gestured at the bedding. It was not the best but it was mostly clean, warm and did not have holes In.

Its warm, and you will sleep a lot better than in the snow.” She said, Sya had slept In far worse places with far less but did not voice that and nudged her hood to maintain her Blight born traits from being too obvious. Sya knew Lunarians…were actively hostile to her kind in their lands. "It can do till, better.. other options open up."

Sya remembered what she said earlier about baking, she was not going to take this woman on her word about contacts or her skills. “I tend to cook, I try my best, we have some spices, but imports are difficult and expensive and most luxury caravans prefer Bigger cities.” She spoke honestly and looked at the woman, judging her body language and It seemed… Well not outright hostile… She could work with neutrality. If a bit suspicious. She also challenged the woman a little to insult her cooking, it might not be the best, but Sya tried and honestly worked hard to run the Inn, however humble.

“You can try in the morning if that's OK with you. No promises, for all I know you can burn a salad. practical test.” Sya was a little blunt but honest. She had no idea of this woman's skills, the only way would be a test. I'm the real practical world of the kitchen.

Sya spoke softer and more carefully chose her words. “This town is… your find that Emberkin…Blightborn live here freely, you do not need to like them, But the Prince will punish trouble regardless of who. This place is not like anywhere else, its only fair to know before you find out by ending up with his displeasure.” Sya said she had not believed the claims that blight born walked openly in Dawn Haven till she saw with own eye.

“Dawn Haven might be a challenge to adjust, I will not lie to you.” Sya said everything honestly but had chosen her wording extremely carefully. She hoped Becky knew what she was going to be walking into, Dawn Haven was a place that some would not last long in.


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Hidden 4 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Sitting in an uncomfortable wooden chair beside Orion’s bed, Eris nervously glanced up from a book she had taken from one of Orion’s shelves: The Art of the Blade. Though she had no real interest in mastering swordplay, the book served as a distraction and a small barrier between her and the mysterious blight-born man she had been tasked with overseeing. The man, introduced to her as Willis, had been polite enough so far. However, when Orion informed her that she was responsible for keeping him in line, she demanded that Willis keep his distance and remain on the other side of the room. He occupied his own chair by the window, staring out into the world beyond, clearly bored.

For hours, the two of them had been keeping watch over the slumbering Aelios Priestess. Eris had offered Willis little in the way of conversation, her fear of him palpable. She knew nothing of his blight-born nature, which only heightened her anxiety. So far, he didn’t seem to resemble Pleiades—at least, he hadn’t attempted to seduce her yet. Not only that, but his clothes were matted with congealed blood, a detail Orion had attempted to explain, but had only left Eris with more questions than answers. Questions she had refused to actually ask Willis. Nonetheless, she had accepted Orion’s plea for assistance. She was a healer and Dawnhaven’s lead researcher in all things blight related, after all.

Peering over the edge of the book, her icy blue eyes lingered as she took the opportunity to assess his features while he wasn't looking directly at her. She imagined he might have been attractive when he was human, though it was hard to say for sure through the blood that speckled him, his messy hair, and the glowing eyes that radiated his distaste for being confined in this room with her.

As his chair creaked when he shifted his position, Eris immediately snapped her eyes back to the book, raising it slightly to block her face from view. Her heart raced, hoping he hadn't caught her staring at him from the other corner of the room. She closed her eyes for a moment, her face hidden behind the book. ‘Please wake up, Priestess… PLEASE,’ she thought, opening her eyes and casting a sideways glance at the blonde woman on Orion’s bed, who still appeared to be sleeping peacefully.
Willis yawned, showing two dagger-like fangs sticking out of his mouth. He slowly shifted in the chair, turning to look back at Eris. Her soft brown hair cascaded behind her shoulder, revealing her slender neck. Willis’ eyes constricted into a pinprick as he felt a sharp pang of hunger in his stomach. Pushing back the desire to sink his fangs into her jugular, Willis jerked upright from the chair, knocking it into the wall behind him with a loud CRASH!

Eris jumped, fumbling the book in her hands and nearly dropping it. Her eyes darted over to Willis as he stood, her heart pounding so loudly she was sure he could hear it—especially with whatever enhanced abilities he possessed.

“I’m hungry…” Willis pleaded to Eris. “Is it okay if I, uh… you know.” He gestured toward Tia’s sleeping figure. “Borrow some blood from her? I just need a sip, I swear!”

"No! Ab-Absolutely not." Eris shut the book more aggressively than intended, then set it down gingerly on the table beside her. "No..." she repeated, her voice softer now. She glanced at the Priestess, considering shaking her awake so they could both escape. However, knowing what Tia had just done to save a child's life, Eris dared not disturb her. Tia's body needed to recover from the mana she had expended; it was incredible that she was alive at all after such a feat.

"You'll certainly kill her if you do that... she's already so weak." Turning her attention back to Willis, Eris narrowed her eyes. 'So he's a bloodsucker then...' She thought, reminded of Kira who had a similar affliction. Kira had never caused Eris any trouble, despite the intimidating presence she carried around with her, which gave her a sliver of hope regarding Willis.

In her studies, Eris had read about sages offering blood to vampire blight-borns to keep them alive as test subjects, often extracting blood through a syringe rather than letting them bite a human's neck. The idea crossed her mind to do that for Willis, especially if he only needed a sip, but there were no syringes in Orion's room. The thought of using a knife to slit her wrist for him was equally unappealing. "Once she wakes up, you need to see the Prince, and then you can find something outside of Dawnhaven to feed on..." She felt bad for whatever human or animal would eventually become his food. "Can't you wait?" It was a genuine question—was he in dire need, or was he about to go feral in the room with her? "I'm sure she will wake up soon..." She wasn't sure at all, but she tried to reassure him nonetheless.

Willis turned back and looked behind him. The chair he had sat on was reduced to a pile of wood scrap. He shrugged and strode over next to Tia, and sat on her bed with his back facing Eris. The Priestess’ finger twitched, unnoticed. “Well, let’s talk for a bit then, to distract me from my hunger.” He craned his neck to look back at Eris. “I’m Willis, but you can call me Willy. I’m a retired Lunarian Ranger. Who are you?”

Eris leapt from her seat as Willis approached, her stomach twisting with anxiety as he sat down beside the Priestess. "P-please don't touch her!" Eris blurted out, her hands forming a few quick ward symbols before a faint glow of transparent yellow light enveloped the blonde woman's body. Nervously, Eris had cast a shield of light around the woman, preventing anyone or anything from reaching her. This use of magic would deplete her resources quickly, risking her own consciousness, but in Eris's panic, she deemed it necessary. There was no telling what a blight-born might do when hungry. Eris had promised Orion that she would keep the Priestess safe and she intended to keep her word. It was at least better for Willis to feed off her than the Priestess of Aelios.

Moving around the room, Eris positioned herself at the foot of the bed to better observe Willis while maintaining distance between them. "I'm Eris," she said softly, trying to ignore the pounding in her head from the rush of adrenaline. She almost chuckled when he referred to himself as retired; dying on duty and becoming blight-born was much more likely. Retired was a nice way to put it. "I'm the Lead Sage here... I research the blight." Her voice trailed off as she glanced down at her trembling hands. Struggling to keep the conversation going to prevent Willis from deciding to attack her, Eris asked the first question that came to mind. "Did you come to Dawnhaven for refuge, or just to find your next meal?"

“Good question, hahaha. I’m still undecided.” Willis made a face, his eyes transfixed on the golden hue that surrounded Tia. He stabbed a finger at Tia, but as he touched the light, a pressure blocked his thrust. “I came here out of desperation. For half a month, the Lunarian king and his underlings chased me from mountain to mountain and village to village until I made it to Dawnhaven,” he explained, knocking his knuckles against Tia’s forehead. His hand bounced off the light, causing a ripple to form in the shield of light that protected Tia. “But a man’s gotta eat.”

“Actually… Eris!” Willis looked up at her. “You said you are the Lead Sage, right? So you must have studied a lot about us… about those afflicted with the blight. Is there… is there a cure yet?” he said, with hope in his voice.
Below him, the soft glow of Eris’ magic rippled like water, reverberations fluttering out from Willis’ touch.

Tia gasped awake, air rough in her throat. It caught, thick and reeking of blood. She was bleeding out - she must’ve been - and her vision filled with golden light. She couldn’t breathe. Her chest convulsed as she tried, but each breath only brought the taste of iron, thick and rotting. Panicked hands shot to her throat, clawing at the scarf that was still wrapped around her. It was solid and sticky, congealed blood clinging to her palms, burrowing under her nails.

Before Eris could respond, her attention snapped to the Priestess as she gasped for air. The shield of light immediately began to dissipate into the air in a glitter of gold and white as Eris rushed to her bedside. Now shoulder to shoulder with Willis, Eris dropped to her knees next to Tia on the bed, her eyes frantically scanning over the woman as she grasped at the blood-soaked scarf. "What—What's wrong?!" she asked in a panicked tone, desperately searching for the source of the Priestess's distress. Swiftly, Eris pulled the scarf away from Tia's neck and tossed it aside, revealing a mess of scars along the Priestesses throat. From what Eris could tell, these scars were old and had healed long ago, though it was still shocking to see such an injury upon the sacred skin of a Priestess.

Lifting her hands above Tia, Eris closed her eyes and focused all the energy she had left within her. Her hands began to glow with a hue of golden light, but as she hovered them, she sensed no major wounds to direct the healing magic towards. Opening her eyes, Eris looked at Willis, realizing she was closer to him than she would have liked, but now was not the time to go running. "Was she attacked before this? Orion didn't say anything about her being injured too?!"

“Well, uh… she wasn’t attacked. More like she exhausted herself helping other people.” Willis thumbed his chin, looking down at the large scar running across Tia’s neck. “I saw her at the market surrounded by a crowd, touching a boy with glowing hands like yours. I’m guessing she was healing him. She was already wearing that scarf then. I got closer to talk to her, but then she got scared, and I got hit in the arm with a shovel. Then people started to scream and run like a bunch of headless chickens. When I got back, she almost passed out carrying that boy, covered in blood. So Orion and I rescued her from the crowd and took her here.”

Reality trickled back to Tia through her panic. Touch - the cloying stickiness of the scarf ripped away from her neck, leaving a sudden chill. Sight - the golden glow that filled her vision faded, unfocused forms and shadowed colors taking shape. Sound -

In the eternal one’s veins…seek the violet flow.

Even as the voices in the room grew more solid, Tia couldn’t make them out beneath the words that echoed in her mind. She could still feel the burning gaze of - of something watching her, waiting for her to catch up and get to work. She knew the feeling of that gaze, all heat and weight and commandment, branding her. She’d felt it in a dream once before.

And then two days later, the sun had failed to rise, just as she’d seen.

A prophecy.

Tia’s hand shot out to grip the arm of the person closest to her - a woman she didn’t know, standing above her. Blood was dried and flaking where it covered her hand. The air was still thick with the smell. But she could breathe again, at least. Her mind whirled to reorient herself. She wasn’t dying. She wasn’t in that field, surrounded by corpses, bleeding out as she watched the stars move above her. Quick, shallow breaths escaped her as she forced her eyes to focus on the woman.

Eris let out a sigh of relief as Willis explained the situation, glad she didn't have to use any healing magic. Suddenly, Tia's hand shot out and gripped her arm tightly, making Eris gasp in surprise. As the golden hue of her magic faded from her hands, Eris examined the Priestess's hand, covered in flaking dried blood. Why did everything today have to be so bloody? First, she had put her face in a dead squirrel, then she had to deal with Willis, who was utterly drenched in it, and now she was getting the red hue rubbed off on her arm once again. Nothing sounded better than a long soak in the hot springs right now.

"It's okay, Tia. Everything is okay," Eris said softly, gently cupping Tia's hand with her own in reassurance. "You're safe." Eris glanced over at Willis briefly, feeling a shiver run down her back as she was reminded how close she was to a hungry blight-born. They were not safe.

"Willis and I have been watching over you." She paused, unsure if the Priestess even knew who Willis was, let alone Eris. "You're very lucky to be alive." She returned her gaze to the blonde woman, trying her hardest not to look directly at the scars across Tia's neck. "How are you feeling?" She asked, ignoring the throbbing in her head that felt like it was getting louder by the second. A small consequence of the magic she had expended today.

Willis scooted closer to Tia, practically leaning down to whisper in her ear. As he did so, he made intense eye contact with the Priestess and whispered, “Don’t you dare tell her about what I’ve done to that boy.” He drew his face away and made a slicing motion across his neck. Then he turned to flash Eris a Brobdingnagian smile.

Eris narrowed her eyes as Willis moved closer to Tia, blocking her view of both his and her facial expressions. He had clearly whispered something, but she couldn't tell what it was. Her eyes searched Tia for an answer, but the Priestess remained unfazed by whatever he had said. When Willis turned to smile at her, Eris could only focus on the dagger-like teeth in his mouth and wondered what the shark was trying to hide.

Tia could only stare up at him, eyes wide, breath too quick. She knew him. Well… she knew his eyes, at least. They glowed in his face, deep-set and haunted, even as he smiled. She knew the shape of his silhouette. She’d seen it in her vision. That pull that she’d felt earlier in the market - she felt it again, now.

Her lips formed a silent word as she looked up at him. It might’ve been ‘blight’. It might’ve been ‘blood’. The difference didn’t seem to matter.

The warmth of Eris’ hand seeped into her own where it held her. Her eyes darted between the man (who had just threatened her life) and the woman (who did not seem to believe her own assurances that they were safe). Tia’s weak grip on Eris’ arm tightened slightly, like this tether was all that kept her from unmooring. But her adrenaline was fading fast. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to reorient herself, and remember past the veil of her prophetic dream.

Dawnhaven. The market. The boy. Her magic, pouring out of her until she was nearly empty. The boy.

Her eyes snapped open to frantically find Eris again.

“The -” Her rasping voice caught in her throat, and Tia coughed, wincing. She tried to swallow, focusing on the muscles in her neck. “Boy,” she tried again, her gaze a mix of hope and fear as she looked up at Eris. “…Alive?”

"Alive," Eris confirmed, a warm smile gracing her lips. "He has you to thank for that."

Still holding Tia's hand, Eris gave it a gentle squeeze. "You should be more careful, though." Her smile faltered for a moment. "We can't afford to lose a powerful healer like you. You're incredibly strong to have survived that..." She wished she could have seen the spectacle of all the energy it took for Tia to keep that boy from dying. It would have been a sight to behold.

Tia let out a long breath that she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. Deflating lower into the mattress, her eyes fell closed again as she offered a silent prayer of thanks up to Aelios. It had been reckless. But faced with the child, all his blood, his heartbroken father… what choice had there been? Eyes still closed, she gave a small shake of her head. The world seemed to tilt and sway with the motion.

She opened her eyes again to properly take in her surroundings - the two strangers above her, the decor of the room (because she was inside, she realized, laying in someone’s bed, getting blood all over someone’s sheets). Her gaze stilled on the man - the very dangerous man who had been the cause of the entire scene in the marketplace, and whom Aelios had deemed very important. Why else would Tia have seen him in her vision?

She pressed her lips together, still looking up at the man, searching for what her goddess wanted her to notice. Swallowing carefully, she tried to speak again.

“You.” It was more of a question, really. He was there, at her bedside. Certainly not because he cared, not if his casual disregard for life was any indication. If he’d wanted an easy meal (teeth, wicked and sharp, eyes that glowed and prowled, blood coating him like rainwater after a storm) then she would’ve been dead already. Was he just here to threaten her into silence? Was he trapped here somehow?

Tia’s gaze flicked back to the woman. She paused when she realized her hand was still cocooned in Eris’, held against her arm. Tia had entirely forgotten it was there. Like she’d forgotten how to move, how to flex her muscles to pull away from another person, Tia’s hand lifted away from Eris. The lack of warmth was instant, a chill cutting deeper than just the palm of her hand. She pulled her hand back to her chest, making a self-conscious fist.

“Hello, my name is Willis but you can call me Willy. This is Eris.” Willis said to Tia, pointing at Eris. “What’s your name?”

Eris followed Tia's gaze toward Willis as he introduced himself, noting that the Priestess clearly recognized him. "Her name is Tingara," Eris answered for her, aware of the strain it put on Tia to speak after whatever had caused those scars around her neck. As a devout woman herself, Eris had heard from the Prince that they had a Priestess on the way. When Orion had told her what had happened, and she saw the caravan stationed around the temple, she knew exactly who this blonde woman was.

Tia could only blink in surprise when Eris said her full name. She hadn’t told anyone her full name here, yet. Of course, her transfer to Dawnhaven had gone through official channels, arranged with the Aurelian prince. This woman was someone of stature in Dawnhaven, if she knew who she was - at least, someone who was involved in some official capacity with the prince.

"Can you walk?" Eris directed toward Tia, standing up and offering her hand for support should Tia try to get out of bed. "The hot springs could do you wonders, I bet."

Tia’s eyes flicked back to Willis (Willy? Absolutely not). Looking back at Eris, Tia reached out to her hand. She stopped herself though, when she felt the winter chill against her skin. She saw the blood, long dried, staining her hand. It had left a dusty, rust-colored mark where she’d grabbed Eris’ pale arm.

Carefully wrapping the ruined silk of her sleeves around each hand, Tia pushed on the bed, wincing as she tried to sit up. There was something else there, besides the weariness of over-using her magic. She could feel the ache of bruises on her legs, her waist, her back. What had happened when she’d passed out?

She shook her head slightly at Eris, careful of her balance.

“The prince,” Tia managed as she forced herself to sit. Her voice was faint, vocal chords tiring after so many words in a row.

“Yeah, I was supposed to meet with him after you woke up,” Willis said, rummaging through the closet beside the bed. He flung out random parcels of clothing until he took out a fancy uniform with gold-trimmed pauldrons and ribbons on the chest, trying to match it with his torso. As Willis crumpled it into a pile, he noticed a hard lump in the fold of Orion’s jacket. He made an incision in the cloth and pulled out a beautiful flower-shaped silver pendant from a hidden pocket. “Bingo!”

Fiddling with Orion’s pendant, he marched to the door without looking, cracking it open for Tia and Eris with his foot. “You all head on to the hotspring… give me five minutes alone, okay?” he said to Eris. Willis jammed a nail into the pendant, and it flipped open with a Click!. Inside was a drawing of a smiling brunette waif cradling a child in her arm. Willis ripped the drawing out and stuffed the pendant into his pocket. The paper fluttered to the ground, next to an overturned nightstand, a messy closet, and a destroyed chair.

Eris watched nervously as Willis rifled through Orion's private things, too afraid to scold him in the moment. At least he was distracted with this and not thinking about eating them. She glanced back toward Tia anxiously, torn between leaving Willis alone with her to find the Prince and letting Willis roam free in town in search of the Prince. He didn't even know what the Prince looked like, let alone being trustworthy enough to follow orders. If he was this brazen right in front of them, who knew what he was capable of when not being watched?

"Hey!" Eris blurted out as she saw him rip open a locket and toss a paper to the ground. Swiftly, she picked up the picture and held it safely in her palm. "That isn't yours," she huffed, glaring at Willis with her bright blue eyes, though her heart pounded in her chest at the confrontation. "Give it here, and we will go find the Prince. Together." She said sternly, extending her other hand toward Willis, expecting him to place the pendant there. "We need to help her get on her feet," she added, gesturing toward Tia, her eyes pleading with him to follow her direction.

Tia was too busy focusing on not passing out again to pay much attention to Willis’ immutable instinct to be a menace. A tiny whimper escaped her as she scooted herself to the edge of the bed, forcing long, slow breaths. The world was still out of focus and tilting, and everything still ached.

The winter breeze creeped into the house through the opened door and Tia shivered. Her scarf. It lay in a crusted brown heap on the floor. Tia’s neck was exposed, she realized, her scars on full display. Shame and embarrassment crept up her spine, but she kept herself from covering her neck with her hand - she needed that still to steady herself on the bed, afterall.

She looked up again, to see Willis all but ignoring them as he picked through the house like a vulture with carrion, and Eris growing more and more flustered.

“Willis.” The sound was more of a breeze than a name.

Willis clenched his jaw as he heard Tia calling out his name. A muscle on his cheek twitched. He stared down at Orion’s pendant with a blank look on his face. When he looked back up at Tia, a slow smile crept up his face. “Okay, Tingara. I’ll obey Eris… on one condition.” He narrowed his eyes, dragging them greedily across Tia’s bare neck. Then he closed the door.

“I want to try your blood,” Willis told Tia, slowly running his tongue across his canines.
Tia froze. Her eyes were wide as she looked at Willis, breath shallow in her chest. Panic was sharp as winter snow in her lungs, up her throat, icy and stark. Her vision flashed. She saw his glowing eyes against the night sky. She felt his teeth in her neck, ripping, she felt her blood hot against her flesh, she -

Eris clenched her jaw as Willis asked to feed off the Priestess, her patience running thin with the blight-born. "Do not touch her," Her voice grew sharp, her eyes fixated on Willis. If anyone was going to die today, it wouldn't be the Priestess of Aelios. She had already survived one near-death experience, and Eris would be damned if she let her endure anything more. Pocketing the picture, Eris stepped in front of Tia, blocking Willis's view of her. Fueled by adrenaline, Eris's hands began to glow with a golden yellow hue as she formed ward symbols once more.

This time, in an instant, she placed a shield around Willis. Entrapped by the light of Aelios, Willis could no longer touch them, and nothing could touch him either. "The Prince will hear of this," she declared, glaring at him. "Now, either you cooperate, or you can stay here until we find the Prince." She glanced toward Tia, ignoring how the magic pulled at her core with each passing minute, draining her own life force.

Reality slammed back into Tia when Eris cut off her view of the blight-born. She was light headed, breathing short and quick. Her hands shook where they gripped against the bedsheets, her knuckles white. Fear had wound its way through her chest like a serpent. It poisoned her blood. It stilled her heart.

"Put your arm around my shoulder. I'll help you get to the temple," she said sternly to Tia, shedding her usual shy demeanor as she knelt beside Tia to better assist her. There was a reason Eris was made the Lead Sage despite her soft nature. This side of her rarely surfaced, hidden beneath layers of self-doubt, only emerging when it truly counted.

Tia blinked up at Eris. Her mind was still stained with an oncoming panic-attack, barely held at bay. She could see Willis again, now that Eris had moved to help her. He glowed with a bold display of Eris’ magic - magic that Tia knew she couldn’t afford to waste. She saw it in the tension of the other woman’s shoulders, in the hard bite of her jaw.

Tia numbly followed orders, holding back a wince as she lifted her arm to do as Eris said. As she settled in close, bracing herself to stand, she brought her lips close to Eris’ ear.

“We need him.” There was no voice at all - just breath in the shape of words, nearly imperceptible. Tia didn’t know this man. She didn’t trust him not to cause their deaths on a whim, and she didn’t trust herself not to become a panicking mess in his vicinity. But someone had commanded her, and deemed him important, even if she didn’t know why yet.

“You should listen to Tingara, Eris, and relax. I wasn’t going to hurt either of you. I made Orion a promise,” Willis said behind the sphere of light trapping him in. “Besides, that was a suggestion, not a threat. Now stand back.” Willis raised his fist, squinting one eye shut as her rotated his arm. With a sharp inhale, he cocked his elbow and threw his fist forward against the wall of light. Twin snaps sounded in the air - one from the wall of light as hairline fractures spider-webbed out from the point of impact, and another from Willis himself as his wrist it broke at a sickening angle. Splintered ivory poked out of his flesh, his blood a deep, viscous purple as it oozed out of the wound. Tia's eyes widened at the color.

Willis cursed. With his non-shattered hand, he scooped up a globule of blood and flicked it against the light. Already, the bone in his wrist was starting to realign itself, to tuck itself back into place as flesh knit back together again. With his own blood to mark his target in the middle of the wall's fracture point, Willis readied another blow.

CRACK! His punch shattered the sphere of light into a thousand tiny pieces, his right hand snapping off his wrist from the impact of his blow. “Plus, I don’t threaten people. I just kill them if negotiation fails.” He tossed the pendant to Eris and ran in front of Tia. Kneeling down, he grabbed her legs and hoisted them onto each of his shoulders before standing back up. “So where’s this hot spring?” He turned his head to ask Eris with Tia sitting on his nape. She let out a strangled yelp, arms wrapping around the top of his head for balance.

As the shield shattered, a shockwave of energy reverberated back to Eris. The abrupt disruption of her magic had sent it straight back to Eris like a freight train. Eris gasped and clutched her chest, the air knocked out of her. Though her vision blurred, she stood her ground, silently cursing the sun for disappearing from the sky; had her magic been at full power, Willis likely wouldn't have escaped.

Dizzy, Eris sat down on the bed, her ears ringing, unable to hear whatever Willis was saying. Blinking a few times, she tried to focus on Tia as the blurred image of Willis began to haul the Priestess onto his shoulders. "Wait—" she managed to mumble, fighting the darkness encroaching on her vision. Leaning forward with her head in her hands, Eris felt something trickle from her right nostril. Wiping at it, she looked at her hand. Her nose had begun to bleed.

Tia’s panic was rising. Her eyes widened as she watched Eris nearly collapse on the bed, blood bright against her paling skin. She started rapidly swatting at the top of his head, desperate to be put back down.

Collab between: Willis @BOOM, Eris @The Muse, and Tia @c3p-0h
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Hidden 4 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by AliceInRedHeels
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AliceInRedHeels Looking for a White Rabbit In Oz

Member Seen 3 mos ago

”Here this should help, at least for a couple of days.”

The body of the young stag was placed on the ground, next to it was placed a bag containing the innards of the beast, another with what fresh herbs and winter berries the young ranger could find. A soft look of displeasure pulling at her lips at the small haul, she had remembered Ivor mention that game was getting harder to come by but truthfully she had not believed him until her own ventures took her farther and farther from the lake shore and deeper north towards the newly formed borderlands within the cursed forest.

Black tresses of curls spilling out over her shoulders as she stood back up, smiling softly at the guard before walking off just as quickly as she had appeared from the night.

Lena reckoned she probably gave him a fright, horns and hooves floating in the air casting shadows against the fenced in walls as she had approached, covered in both dirt and dried blood she was sure she was a sight to behold; a slight chuckle before heading towards one of the shared houses the had first finished building.

It had been a month since she had made her way here, and she was still amazed by how quickly the small settlement had exploded, people finding their niches and purpose and all them willing to help and put in the effort to make this place work. Human and Blight Born alike. Having grown up in a town well developed and with deep roots, it never accorded to her, everything that went into making it work and just how fragile it all was. A cold wind and the first dusting of snow had started to fall as she walked almost as if to prove her point, she admired what the Prince was trying to accomplish here but that was his problem and truthfully she had enough of her own to worry about.

”Ah c’mon now.”

A soft grumble and a grunt as she pushed against the door, as if it did not care she had spent the better part of three days out in the forest tracking down that young buck, scrapping and scourging for what edible plants she could find only having taken a quick cold dip in the lake when she couldn't stand the sight of herself no longer. A change of clothes and the hot springs had her name on it and she’d be damned in a door would stop her. Bracing herself she leaned her shoulder into the door leveraging what weight she had against it, the groaning of the wood as it gave way and she stepped into the warmly light room.

Her boots and cloak swiftly discarded into a heap on the floor, the dagger and bow hung up on their rungs. A couple of chairs and a long table, a small bed shoved against the far wall, a fur rug from her last hunt, and various plants hung up to dry by the fire. The room itself was nothing special, one of many built into this lodging, but it was hers and she was a little proud of how far it had come.
On one of the walls pinned up was a hand drawn map of the area, small marks of charcoal noted nests and where to find different edible plants, deeper marks drew the paths and trails she had found. Red markings for where she had made kills, question marks for where she thought other animals might make their nest or find their food. Blue covered most of it to symbolize the lake and its off streams it also filled with small drawings of fish she had seen and question marks when all she saw was rippling from the deep, another long line marked the border ten miles north and while she had ventured that far out yet she would probably need to talk to Ivor soon to see if it was worth the risk of searching that far for not just food but to also know what was out there, was it safe to just ignore it or should they be more wary and concerned about it with the colder months coming.

Would predators come south for food just as they pushed north?

The thought lingered for a moment before Lena shook her head, she had just gotten back and she’d be damned if she spent the night wallowing in what ifs; rummaging under the bed almost comically trying to reach something that had rolled to the far back; her hand swinging blindly until it circled around the neck of a bottle. The last of the wine she had brought with her, her mother insisting she bring a few things from home so she wouldn’t become so uncultured less she decided to return back. Leaving it on the table, she made quick work changing into cleaner clothing, casting a glance at the trail of clothing littering her floor, the thought of having to was her gear drawing a sigh from the woman. Future her problem, she decided as she slipped her boots back , the dagger tucked down into one of them as she walked back out into the cold night air shivering slightly without the lack of her heavy cloak but the thought of wearing something soaked in deer blood back after cleaning herself was not a pleasant one so the cold it was.

Deciding against better judgement, Lena popped the cork of the wine as she walked through the streets taking a long draw, the sweetness of the summer vintage covered its bite as the heat from the alcohol flushed her cheeks. Part of her wondered what type of image she made walking brazenly through the streets while drinking, but she was tired and damned if she was judged for wanting to relax sooner than later. Quickly enough she found her way to the steps of the hot springs, the pools neatly nestled together, a brief thought on if she could skip a rock from one to the other made her giggle as she sought out the closest and largest one, all too eager to enjoy it, soft hiss melted into a purr as the warm water welcomed her, the bottle left on the ledge as she rested her arms over it hanging off the edge. Blue eyes lazily looking around at the other pools and the falling snow as she took another sip of wine.

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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 18 min ago

Royal Guard of Lunaris

Dawn Haven

Lunaris Temple

“I want to head to the Temple… I have a feeling” Persephone said, forcing herself up and finding new energy. She has been warming up and the meal was basic, but it was a hot meal. The Innkeeper was a passable cook, at least it was hot and filling which was better than many things she had eaten I'm her life. Travelling on the road and other duties, you took hot food where you could get it.

Coswain sighed, he knew his partner was headstrong, he loved her for it but it so made his life harder too. What was the expression Some said, happy wife…happy life.. well apart from not being legally married but who was super upset about that, Lunaris was not so stuck in overly traditional ways. “Fine, but no dipping in the pool for a few days. You ridden moon knows how far” She pouted but agreed as he pulled her up off the bed and wrapped his heavy cloak about her shoulders ad it was dryer, Donning just his heavy leather and steel layers, steel guards in his arms and leaving the heavy chest plate. They did not know much but it was a somewhat organised town.

He slid his bastard sword and belt on, he was still a soldier and not unprepared along with the name engraved dagger, it was a tool of a 1000 uses. Wrapping a arm around Persephone they headed out, he felt her against his side and smiled, maybe they could make some good of a shit situation they were In.

“We are not expecting a battle…just a walk” she laughed but grabbed her own blade, Lunarians rarely where without some blade, tool or so. You never knew when you needed it. “Thank you, I just have a feeling…and they never lead me wrong so far.” Her . Dreams, messages… we'll whatever it was since the endless night her ability had scared her at first, she had seen things…. Things that she was not sure were present, past or future. The only thing she knew was they were much stronger since the caused times.

“just going to temple, Seph has a feeling.” He said and Hector just nodded from his drawings and technical specs he was writing down. “I believe you, should have these ready for Raven maybe tomorrow Adon” He waved them as they bid to the Innkeeper who seemed busy with a woman, thickly built, shorter but solid.

The temple was cool, quiet as he followed Persephone in, Daphne let them have their privacy and headed to market with some of his gold to see if any last minute discount items. She bid them farewell and said she be back at the Inn by evening. “place feels…right…but too…” Coswain said as reached out feeling rough local stone and timber, this Temple was very much built from what was available which felt…right. It was no fancy temple like the capital and felt better for it, more honest. He waited as his partner knelt and revolently found a fresh candle to light the small moon shrine and put fresh water in an offering bowl. Daphne was… she did a good job but missed a few things.

Her partner was less of a follower of Selene than she was but she did not hold that against him. He had seen too much, been in too many battles and so to be really able to believe as she did. He respected it and that was about what Lunaris all but asked of people. “It needs a priest, you can tell its … it's like a puzzle missing a piece. Place is cared for…but.” She said quietly in reply as they looked out over the lake list by the moon in the endless dark.

“It's peaceful, you could get used to this” She said as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Coxswain had spent too long in the capital and what real peace was.

“Same, The moon goddess trapped us here, and I'm not too upset about it.” She spoke with belief, something had guided them here to be in the same place, it had to be for a reason. “Love you,” They shared a short kiss in thanks for being reunited again, it had been too long and it seemed there was little need here right now for a Lord Castelian, a partner yes.

The sound of horses, men and heavy iron shod wheels grew closer but they were not too alarmed by it, merchants and so were probably pretty normal. If it came to it, most merchant security was more interested in gold than fighting. 99% it does not come to that anyway. It did seem to be getting closer though…”love you always, seems Familiar.” They smiled at an old memory, keeping each other warm when stuck out on the road.

He just sat with Persephone as they talked quietly about what all could mean and what might happen in the next coming months. What would they do? Looking after temple would not be hard work and it was rewarding in its own way. Until someone proper came along. It was first time in a long time they both could relax, the current era had them tackling everything from criminals exploiting to blightborn attacks, bandits, minor rebellions and more.

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Hidden 4 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by amorphical
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amorphical Admirer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Dawnhaven-Eye of the beholder 7pm Cold as hell

With a heavy heart she sighed at the thought of another night on wooden planks. Shaking her head. "I'll ask around maybe tomorrow if someone got a room for me. I'm grateful for the lodging. I just hadnt expected more people to be," She looked about choosing her words. "...so willing to explore the frontier." Becky turned to the man who spoke up rather boldly to the robust woman. Folding her arms under her chest because there simply was no other option. She knew how it looked yet her figure was twice as stubborn as she was. "A royal guard? Just getting off shift are we now? Maybe while the tavern lady gets me some bedding for my boards you could tell me about this place? It seems the town is indeed growing yet I cant for the life of me wonder why. I thought knife alley in Lunaris was a shady place but this, barely built shanty of a town has need of some supplies and people if its ever going to grow proper. What's so special about it that makes the inn bust at the seams of people and the rumors of its potential? Oh you know of a shop keep that could get me things and a general goods store?" Becky walked over, turning the chair in reverse to place the back forward, and sat down at the same table as the man named Hector. A lesson taught to her by her loving father. This way there was a means of escape or attack if someone were to sneak up behind you. The knife in her boot was thin but sharp enough to get the job done should she have need of it.

She returned in a few minutes with a bundle of bedding and a dish with a candle and a spare. “Sorry Miss Hill, I am already full upstairs so this is the best I can put together. No bed but there are a sturdy few boards and old crates that can keep you off the ground.” She gestured at the bedding. It was not the best but it was mostly clean, warm and did not have holes In.

“Its warm, and you will sleep a lot better than in the snow.” She said, Sya had slept In far worse places with far less but did not voice that and nudged her hood to maintain her Blight born traits from being too obvious. Sya knew Lunarians…were actively hostile to her kind in their lands. [color=8dc73f]"It can do till, better.. other options open up."[/quote]

When Sya returned, The thick woman stood from the chair and half heartedly smiled. "I'll be up well before the morning time to see this kitchen." She paused and shrugged. "No time like the present If you dont mind me looking in that is?" Setting the bedding on the closets table she walked over to the typical double swinging doors and into the fray. "Mothers love..." The sight alone made her shiver. Shaking her head at the disarray. "You need me." She stretched out her arms in an arch before her seeing the mess of things as they were. "How many people work here? No, how many work here?" She saw the dishes and pots still soaking in the large wooden tub. The stove that was begging for either a deep cleaning or a sledgehammer. "Okay so I'm going to need about three hours, some boiling water, and the hardest, meanest, scrub brush you have ...and two of its friends." Taking out a bandanna she updid her hair out of her face and rolled up her sleeves. Giving the room a shake of her head. "Get ready to meet your match."

In no time she swept the back floor out the door and then got things reorganized. With some buckets and boiling hot water she poured it over the floors and sank to her knees scrubbing and cussing, cussing and shouting. "What in the nine hells is this? I've not seen darker things awake! By the gods what the hell is that?" More things she cussed at while working the stove top. "You #$%^@# @#$%@#$^ !! Stupid @#$%@ $@#% motherless sons of #$^#@$# !" Some light banging of metal on metal as she gave the stove the deepest cleaning in the three kingdoms. By the end of three or so hours the woman drenched in sweat looked about with a smile and narrowed eyes daring grime to show itself before her might.

Sya remembered what she said earlier about baking, she was not going to take this woman on her word about contacts or her skills. “I tend to cook, I try my best, we have some spices, but imports are difficult and expensive and most luxury caravans prefer Bigger cities.” She spoke honestly and looked at the woman, judging her body language and It seemed… Well not outright hostile… She could work with neutrality. If a bit suspicious. She also challenged the woman a little to insult her cooking, it might not be the best, but Sya tried and honestly worked hard to run the Inn, however humble.

Becky smirked and nodded, "I can tell ya when I send a letter to my father back home hell have your stores full of.. well at the very least the basics. Your best will get a lot better with me helping out. I'm not much in the serving area but put me in front of a stove an watch me go. Of course we will need to increase the basics here. Your woefully understocked by the looks of things. Especially if I can bake here we'll need no less than three ties the eggs and flour milk gotta get a butter churner for sure. With the snow it will keep for us."

“You can try in the morning if that's OK with you. No promises, for all I know you can burn a salad. practical test.” Sya was a little blunt but honest. She had no idea of this woman's skills, the only way would be a test. I'm the real practical world of the kitchen.

Becky turned up her face as if Sya slapped her after making the, 'burnt salad' comment. The voluptuously figure was now fully intending on making that tavern woman the fattest in the land. She'd get her hooked on so many new baked sweets that the cloaked figure would need two cloaks. Her eyes narrowed trying to picture the tavern keeper waddling about the floor, huffing as she climbed stairs one every ten minutes. Oh revenge is truly the sweetest dish.

Sya spoke softer and more carefully chose her words. “This town is… your find that Emberkin…Blightborn live here freely, you do not need to like them, But the Prince will punish trouble regardless of who. This place is not like anywhere else, its only fair to know before you find out by ending up with his displeasure.” Sya said she had not believed the claims that blight born walked openly in Dawn Haven till she saw with own eye.

“Dawn Haven might be a challenge to adjust, I will not lie to you.” Sya said everything honestly but had chosen her wording extremely carefully. She hoped Becky knew what she was going to be walking into, Dawn Haven was a place that some would not last long in.

"Right, I'm going to take stock of your wares and then go to ...bed." She glanced over at the door to see if the woman Sya was still about. Either way the stout woman did as she willed and looked about making a list in her mind with the added note of writing an parchment stuff. She was already going to write her father whether he liked it or not. This fresh hell was going to find itself grossly out matched to the hot blooded woman who now graced its borders. After the inventory was done, and she bid the kind Sya good night, she moved to the ...basement and looked about the makeshift bed. Even cleaning she was surprised to find not a single rodent sign, which meant one of two things. There was a predator or the tavern woman Sya was very good. One thing was sure as the sweaty clothes clung to her skin, this town also needed Becky to start a laundry service. Grateful that she brought the 'padding' wherever she went the woman half undressed and slipped under the covers. Tired she quickly slept giving the basement a new dark noise as she snored through the night.

The trail to Dawn haven 7pm

The ex swordsman was setting up the cart just off the trail a few yards into the tree line. The wood slipped into the holes as he placed the ribs of the wagon cover in place. It was snowing as while the trees offered some protection from the falling flakes giving a hunter a uncovered sleeping target was begging to die. No, he would not die in his sleep if he had any say. The craftsman finished pulling the waxed canvas over the ribs and tied them in place. Getting out a blanket for Rose the other would have to fend for themselves. It would be the final night in the wilderness before reaching this fresh hell called Dawnhaven in the morning. Yet Marcon was no fool. Beast could kill a man as easily as any demon. After giving Rose her oats and making sure the blanket was over her fitted figure he patted her backside before setting a few trip snares. Nothing flashy two wooden stakes and some rope. A few feet he planted a set of three stakes with luck the sorry fool would trip and stab himself setting off the alarm to the swordsman. Marcon didnt have much to spare so three would have to do. One for those coming from the trail and two from enemies deeper in the woods. The horses were tied to the cart with three foot leads the young ones would cry out to danger and Rose would kick the cart if she saw them coming. After everything was in place he pulled out the blanket for himself part to keep warm and part to hide the short blade he slept with. The old champion settled in after eating some dried jerky and drinking a little wine for the warmth. Soon he would drift off to dream of glory and great deeds no one remembered.

The time where he was a sword in the company of a lord ordered to chase down bandits in the outlying provinces. Finding out they were actually starving peasants in need. Desperate people were more dangerous than the dirtiest sell sword. The king commanded their execution but the captain offered them the chance of surrender. The memory took a nightmare turn as he was forced to fight. Unskilled and poorly armed the victory was one of many that had left a sour taste in his soul. His principals were clear, if you square off with the knight of old then you are willing to let the fates decide your outcome. When it was over he ordered the men to dig graves and place markers. The Captain even picked up a shovel himself. Saying some random prayer to the dead after every pitch of dirt, hoping it would help. It didnt, the wound on his soul was deep... just one of many. Each one he carried weighed differently and the man felt every one. Marcon was so very tired of carrying so much weight for the dead.

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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 18 min ago

The noise behind caught the couple's attention as they were lost in old memories including their first kiss and the first time they met, in a temple no less of Selene. They were caught into a harsh storm and forced to work together and that mission had led to many more. Command had decided that they made a good team, fraternisation was not an issue back then when they had no ranks of any seniority.

The two turned quickly as Coswain put himself between slightly taller and heavily built… Priest? He looked like one in his robes, but he had never seen one who was this jacked, built like a Paladin and even taller than him. This one was not happy too… He did not reach for his blade but dropped his hand to his side protectively of his partner on instinct but disarmed when he saw the man. ”My. Wi. Partner wanted to Visit in thanks for her survival. We cleaned it up a little as it was vacant, we only just arrived today ourselves. Lord Castelian Coswain, Royal Guard under the Lord Marshal. My role here is rather unsure, Reality vs Capitol..” Coswain said formally introducing himself unsure what to make of the muscular man taller even than him. He respected him enough to give the man an honest answer though. The Priest did not seem to offer a hand though.

Persephone turned and she had to look up even though she was 5'10, and up again. The stern priest seemed not in a good mood and nodded her head, she was the more religious of the pair. ”I nearly died getting here, to get aid for a border fort, Selene reunited us for some reason. I wanted to thank her for blessing.” She paused, How could she explain her rank, well at this stage she was here for the duration. They would workout. ”I am Persephone Laconia, Throne Agent, I was investigating reports of a blight attack from the borders. We are probably stuck till spring. Are we going to have a permanent priest of the Moon here? That was the simple version, she did not say there was heavy losses, corruption or the fact that one Fort had lost over a dozen men to an unknown foe among other details. That and Lunaris was worried Aurlia might be using Blight as a cover to wage covert actions against the borders…

My. Wi. Partner… caused the man’s frows to furrow slightly on the slight stutter and correction. He found it odd that the man was being so close to someone and he must not know what he could call her publicly. With that thought, his face eased up, and he listened to the man speak. “I doubt there is much for such a high-ranking soldier and his partner to do in Dawnhaven,” he chimed in. They only arrived today? He wondered who else had only arrived today.

I appreciate your assistance in tidying up the temple of Seluna,” Desya let out a faint smile. Something that was barely a noticeable difference from the constant neutrality on his lip. His eyes wandered quickly over to the woman when she began to talk.

..Seluna reunited us for some reason… Those words hit home a little too close to him right now as well. Seluna had odd doings but they were always for a reason. It caused the thought about Kira to wander in his mind, how she was a blight-born, and how different she looked. A sickening thought. “It is a pleasure to meet you Lord Coswain and Lady Persephone,” he cleared his throat a little with the back of his hand coming up and covering his mouth. Once he was done, his hand fell away, “Seluna is blessed to have either of your presence in the temple and yes, I am the permanenet moon priest of the Dawnhaven moon temple until further notice,” The man spoke with certainty and finality.

Coswain fumble was not every priest shared the same views, most did not worry about marriages and official documents, He did not lie, Lunaris never had the same worries about being super official like the Auralians tended to fall into. ”Aye, I served in Queens security among others, now I'm building houses, Princess orders, but it's honest work, I never met Princess Octavia before this.” Coswain said, a quiet role that had not really done much but kept the worst problems from cropping up and removed them, she was loved and favoured by people so much intervention was rarely ever needed. ”Dawn Haven needs a Priest, You look like you can handle self sparring? We plan to find a spot by the lake, myself, Seph, My squire and warsmith. We are not the most welcome here. I shall not lie.” He said politely as this man seemed to at least be semi welcoming, Also a little friendly challenge in his voice.

”It seemed it needed a little care” Persephone said surprisingly kindly for someone who was in her trade, the Kings Eyes were not always nice, but they did the job for the betterment of the realm. She did respect the temples though. At being called lady Coswain she did smile, it might be nice to make that formal one, they just never got round to it. Never seemed to have time. ”Thank you, I will certainly return for the pool once I am more recovered.” She did show some signs of her hard ride leaning her weight against her partner.

”Still might make you go to a healer, Any News of the road you come across that will help us?” Lord Coswain deflected, he did not say so but his eyes told a tale all of their own. He had seen far too much, his faith was respectful but he had seen too many horrors people could do in the names of everything from Religion to greed. Royal Guards tended to be the ones sent to handle the worst problems.

A distasteful sourness filled his mouth when he heard the man speak of what he did for his job — Queen’s Guard. It was humorous in a disturbing way. “You are building houses?” The man laughed at that question with a lingering disgust in his tone. He could not believe what he was hearing. Did this so-called guard run from the capital to hideaway in Dawnhaven?

You must be a failure at your job and hiding away,” The priest was displeased to hear about the man being a Queen’s guard. “Where were you when our beloved Queen practically fell down dead before a night's end? If you were her guard, you should have been protecting her, but Queen Antoinette has sadly passed,” His tone was salty, and almost spat those words out with poison. The man clearly did not care for this man by the name of Coswain.

Desya rolled his eyes when listening to how Lord Coswain, Lady Persephone, and their little party were not welcomed in Dawnhaven. He wanted to inform them that they were not welcomed in the temple, yet he held his tongue. “I do not participate in sparring with others, Lord Coswain, I apologize, but I cannot join you or your group for sparring,” The man quietly mentioned. He had only sparred with the monks, priests, and other believers of the temple of Seluna. Most of his interactions were with someone of faith.

He was distancing himself from Lord Coswain for many reasons, and the biggest reason was that the Queen’s death was an inside job. The King was trying his hardest to lower the voices of the people and inform everyone that she had been very sick for a very long time. Everyone had seen the Queen on a daily helping the people without sickness. Without being moved with will or issue. He knew that his loyalty was to the goddess Seluna before it was to the King or his pawns. Everything seemed to not add up since he was visited by the Queen prior to her death. Days before to ask forgiveness for sins and to protect her children. She was not ill. She was not weak.

Desya’s eyes stayed sharp while he looked at the two love birds in front of him, “I do apologize though I have to get back to work,” He informed the duo while stepping away. “Carriages do not unload themselves,” he informed them before making his way back to the front of the temple and not waiting for a response.

Coswains mood soon turned from calm to dangerously hot… He Could take alot but some lines where too far the Officers honour. ”You mean, when they had us sent away, quietly replaced, and sent to border missions… which happen to have the highest loss rates. Blight borders 10 miles away… nice safe… They could not kill us directly, so they left it to others.

Orders of the Princess, she does not want guards at all.. She asked us to help this place, so we help. If I was a coward, well. I would have betrayed them for an easy posting at capital would I not! Turned mercenary perhaps…. No. I refused to betray her. Or my men. We pulled every trick, but King.. is more powerful. He had too many creatures in the high offices and right places.”
He spat The words out, the Queen's guard and any loyal to her had slowly been replaced, sent on missions away from capital, reduced or found themselves given new duties. The claim They abandoned her was a punch to the gut.

color=6ecff6]”What do you think we can do… Do we need a civil war too? Auralia would run past the borders like they were not a barrier. Forts… Have you seen Valors Edge? Whatever out their has it dangerously depleted strength and an early winter. its not great at other more distant forts and bastians.”[/color] He asked pointedly, he was frustrated and angry as any other, unable to do anything about it as they got caught in and Lost the games in the Palace intrigues. He liked many loves the Queen but he also saw that if they did what some thought half the kingdom or more could be destroyed by Auralia and others without trying hard

”Calm Adon.. Not worth it. ” Persephone said calmly but saw as he made his way to leave. The large priest was about as flexible as his muscles. The political situation in the Capital was bad as described, and had been especially when the sun went dark.
”we all Mourn the Queen deeply, As my partner tell you no lie, we are one crisis breaking from major problems, please just listen to us, and try to help keep people calm and sensible. We gave you the honest to Moon truth about the situation.” They left moving0 towards the lake and looked for an old log.

She was not happy about facts but they told no lies as they left, the Politics, the fact even the Royal Army, Royal Guard, Levies and more…they were committed to just holding the kingdom Together. An external invasion would doom them all. A major migration of blight creatures and born could be a major threat, internal pressures, rebellions… the Kingdom had so many potential risks that it would not take much for the whole thing to fail. No one wanted to admit it but they were in a precarious situation. ”Seph, maybe we're better here. It's bad, but it's gonna get a lot more tense at the capital…we have water, some game, timber… we can make something of this. He said with somewhat resignation but Frank honesty.

”The kids are smart, we left a back up plan. I made sure.” Persephone said as her thoughts went back to the capital, she already had told them what to do incase of various situations. It was not Paranoia when you knew what Reality was.

Slowly moving forward and away from the pair of lovebirds, he listened to the guard speak, Coxswain explain, but he did not believe a word of it. How interesting… the king sending all his guard away around the same time the Queen mysteriously dies. I thought so… everyone thought it was an inside job. The man couldn’t help his negative and displacing thoughts occur from both a royal guard and a throne guard. The echoes of his steps came to a stop, and without looking at the figures behind him, Desya spoke with indifference, “I am only a priest. I have no ability to state an opinion if a civil war should happen or not though…” His words came to a gentle voice. One that was eerily soothing. “I believe that our mother will cast judgment upon thy people who betrayed such a blessed soul in our kingdom. The ones that turned their backs will burn,” Desya’s voice thundered through the hall because of how it was set up. Projecting into the more open places and sounding of foundation and finalization.

The man truly had no direct opinion about the overthrowing of the throne or the king. What opinion would that be from a priest? He believed that their mother, Goddess Seluna, would determine each person’s fate after death. Who would be blessed by her calm cooling light and who would be forsaken for their nasty behavior on the living planet beneath their feet, he continued to walk. Going and helping the rest unload the carriage.

Watching they saw the Temple's Carts and supplies being unloaded, heavy on supply it seemed very much a permanent commitment. They did not lie in the Temple, they had been judged harshly but that was life. They had made their point hopefully. Lunaris was not in a good place, one crisis they could handle, a Unpopular king, Blightborn, the endless night, Auralia, standard internal pressures, loss of farm lands and such. A few they could handle but they faced all of them in a single time period.

”We never lied in a Temple. We may pay for it.” Lord Coswain said as they watched the moon glitter off the lake, no one realised how bad it had got in the Lunaris Capital, damn priests much as he respected them they had no idea how bad the situation outside their walls was. They were often some of the first to ask for help when the shit hit the fan. ”Exile could be worse i guess. You got caught up in this.” He spoke softly and thoughtfully.

”Selene will decide. Just do what we can.” Persephone said with an equally calm tone as they sat and watched a bat fly though the sky. They had loved the endless dark, however they ate still was a miracle. ”If I wanted to run I'd have done it years ago Adon. We both knew which sides we took.” Persephone said as they held hands and tried to work things out, they would make plans…

@The Savant

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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 18 min ago

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Open for Business

Sya was upstairs as Hector saw the woman approach and seemed to protectively pull behind a chair, he recognised the action but was not offended by It. “Just arrived this morning… if it ever was one. Sorting out some plans for a repair.” Hector said, his accent was thick Lunarian, it was heavier than the capital accent. “Knife alley, you sure went to nice places, just be careful, we had disappearances on the road past the fort, don't know what, but i'd keep a dagger handy just in case.” He said in a gentle warning, she probably was used to regular humans but blight born with a whole new danger level if anywhere out there, blight Beasts or an Auralian group with a grudge. who knew.

Taking a drink from his dark ale, placing it carefully to not damage his drawing and notes. “It's the Princess Octavia, her husband, they Spent a lot of gold here, asked a lot of people.. you'd have to ask my friend Lord Coswain for exact details but there's a lot of hope placed on that couple. People want to be where the change is. This small place is where history will be made or things will end it seems.” He was for his one eyed and bearded face, thoughtful and tried not to alarm her. Dawn Haven was hard to explain, hard to place and turn into words.

“Try the Market, its up the road. Or I'm told…ask for Sunni.. he meant to live at Inn I think. saw General goods, a smithy and so up there.” He said patching together the limited information they had gathered since their arrival, a name was said a lot, and everyone seemed to be after this Sunni…Even if he was not, he would know who. “If you need anything mending let me know, I can patch most things. Not be pretty but be fixed. I can work on daggers, leather... handles. You name it.”. Hector said, finding this down to earth and direct woman easy to get on with and decided to offer his services if she needed help,

Hector let her be as the woman Sya returned and bounced down hooded as she seemed to normally be around those whom she did not fully trust yet. “Sure, it's in the back, behind the bar.” Sya said keeping a few paces back following her softly making almost no noise as she did. A talent she had been forced to learn. “Me, Sunni helps, I have an entertainer who works evenings, and helps on serving. No one else. I'm one who handles everything from beds to the accounts ledger.” Sya said not hiding anything and deciding that she needed an accurate answer.

The cold did not bother Sya one bit, she could be out here naked in the deepest winter and be fine…not that she would… maybe for kinky activities… who knew… ropes could be fu…. The little woman returned with water, and brought more wood for the fires to heat the water up. She cut her train of thought off as she came back to work, just in case she said anything out loud.

Part way when the topic of caravans came up, Sya would have to work out what they could afford to do, she might have to check with Sunni too depending how much the bill ran to if it was a sensible decision. “I'll run the numbers… Give me a break down, and i'll decide. I need a list, rough volume and what this might cost me.” Sya said firmly, arms crossed and body language showing however much the Eye of Beholder had its… problems she was doing best to run a business as well as was able. Sya was queen of this little domain and she reminded people from time to time, she was Mistress and this was her home.

Sya gave her a wave when she saw her busying over a large book, several plans and a rough schematic drawing from memory. She was engrossed in a project as she worked out wondering how to turn a single home made design into a business. Sya would not be held back, she was going to prove to herself, the wider world and Olivia…Olivia yes that she deserved and earned this. Extra bedrooms, a private living area and one for guests were in her ideas.

Maybe Sya would go to the bath house another day, it sounded nice and today had taught her, pleasure and enjoying herself was not impossible. How would they react to her? She would have to go openly… and would have to show her full self. That worried her more than a little especially because the springs were attached to a temple and temple and blight borns were not good combinations. Hot clean water in her skin sounded so nice though, she was immune to cold but did not mean she could not enjoy the heat too. Food was off the list, maybe a tiny bit, but it did nothing for her now, it was… empty. At first she ate just because that was what she thought she had to, now she had given up that human aspect. You could get drunk… might have to watch how much she sampled of her moonshine.

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Hidden 4 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The trek back to Orion’s residence was a shared venture, graced by the company of Flynn, the Prince of Aurelia. The prince’s presence seemed to weave a spell over the elements themselves, the falling snowflakes pausing mid-descent as if to honour his passage. Flynn’s stride was one of natural nobility, a fluid motion that spoke of a lineage steeped in power and grace. For Orion, the prince’s proximity was both a balm to his spirit and a small weight of duty that pressed upon him like the winter’s cold. Nonetheless, Willis’s recent arrival in Orion’s life had introduced a new dynamic to his daily routine, one that brought with it a sense of responsibility Orion had not sought but accepted with his characteristic stoicism. The prince’s understanding of this situation provided a measure of relief, a silent acknowledgment that Orion’s guardianship was valued.

And temporary.

The loaf of bread, cradled gently under Orion’s arm, radiated a warmth that contrasted sharply with the evening’s frosty bite. It was a simple, rustic fare, far removed from the lavish banquets that graced the prince’s table back in Aurelia. Yet, in its simplicity, it bore the mark of Orion’s deep-seated care and meticulous attention to those entrusted to his guardianship, whether it be temporary as in Tia’s case or not.

Flynn followed Orion in silence, his mind heavy with the events of the day. Orion had informed him of the blight-born’s "mishap" with a civilian and how Tia, the new Priestess, had nearly died saving that boy’s life. The news had unsettled Flynn, and he couldn’t shake the growing unease in his chest. His concern grew with each step, the lingering question of whether he had been wrong to harbor blight-born in Dawnhaven gnawing at him.

Yet, there was Orion — a blight-born he trusted with his life, who had served him dutifully. Perhaps the risk was worth it. Orion had always conducted himself with a calm and confident demeanor, qualities Flynn admired and needed, especially when the responsibilities of leadership began to wear him down. Orion understood the gravity of the situation and the difficult position Flynn was in, yet his steady presence provided a glimmer of hope and reassurance.

Upon reaching his home, Orion’s hand pressed against the wood, easing the door open with a gentle creak that seemed to sing a greeting. The warmth that spilled forth was a tangible embrace, chasing away the evening’s frost with its inviting caress. They stepped inside, the prince’s eyes briefly surveying the living space with an air of quiet approval.

As they stepped into the advisor’s home, Flynn’s thoughts churned. Had he been too idealistic, too trusting in believing the blight-born could coexist peacefully in Dawnhaven? The memory of Tia’s near-death experience and the injured child haunted him. He knew he had to confront these doubts and make decisions that would ensure the safety of his people.

The bread was placed on a table in the living area and, with a shared glance, the two men made their way to the bedroom door, behind which the priestess lay in recovery. Orion’s hand, steady and sure, came to rest upon the doorknob. A breath, a heartbeat, a fleeting moment passed as he steeled himself for the sight of Tia’s vulnerability, for the responsibility he had shouldered, however temporary it might be.

The door swung open with a hush, a silent herald to the chaos that lay beyond its threshold. The scene that unfolded before Orion’s eyes struck him with a mighty force. His gaze, once filled with the calm of a guardian, now mirrored the storm of emotions that raged within.

“What in the world…,” the words escaped him, his eyes scanning the scene with a rare frenziness.

Blood spoke of violence, of wounds unseen. Eris, a figure of strength, now lay pallid and diminished, a shadow of her former self. And Tia, her state one of frantic energy, her hands fluttering like caged birds desperate for escape.

"What happened here?" Orion’s voice cut through the disarray, a blade forged in the fires of his shock and concern.

“Orion!” Willis yelped in surprise, struggling to face Orion as his hair was being uprooted by Tia sitting on his shoulder. “Ouch! Tingara, can you please sit still!” Willis hissed angrily at Tia, clenching his palm over her leg to give it a squeeze. Tia winced, froze in place, and looked at the top of Willis’ head with wide, panicked eyes. “I may need to use you as a human shield later, so conserve your strength for now!” The priestess’ frantic gaze shot up to the two newcomers.

Flynn’s gaze hardened as he stepped through the threshold into Orion's room, his exhaustion momentarily forgotten in the face of the task at hand. "What is going on?" he demanded, his tone sharp with authority. His eyes darted from Tia to Eris and then to the blight-born man, his hand cautiously moving to rest on the hilt of the sword strapped to his side.

“So uh… basically me and the Lead Sage, Eris, right? We got into a big fight over Tingara here.” Willis sort of twirls in place, showing off Tia to Orion. She gasped, struggling to hold on. This was not helping her lightheadedness. “All of that happened while you were gone. Like, I had to bust out of a prison made from pure light, or something. So that’s why your house looks like a huge mess right now. Sorry about that, ehehe.”

"Put her down at once," Flynn commanded, noting the frantic look on the Priestess's face. Eris, on the other hand, lay on her back on the bed, eyes wide open as she stared at the ceiling. Was she dead?

“Can you guarantee that you won’t attack me? I’m scared.” Based on the look on Tia’s face, he wasn’t the only one. Willis gave Flynn a full-body scan, hand firmly grasping Tia’s legs in a threatening grip. The man, though haughty by the looks of him, had an athletic build, and the contour of his muscles rippled beneath his outfit as he moved his hand to the sheath of his prestigious-looking scabbard. He was crowned by swaying blonde hair, and beneath it, he had a pair of sea-green eyes, bearing down on Willis commandingly.

Barely registering the entrance of someone into the room, Eris watched as black and blue orbs danced in her vision, mesmerized by them. Hearing a familiar voice, Eris slowly struggled to bring herself into a sitting position. Time felt as if it was moving much slower for her than for the people around her. Dizzy, she grinned widely as she beheld the Prince and his advisor, though they seemed to double in her perception. "OOoohhhh," She looked towards Willis, a streak of blood running from her nose down the side of her cheek. "Yooouu," she pointed, her voice playful yet accusatory. "Trouble." she giggled, excited at the thought that Willis was about to face consequences for his actions.

Tia was stunned by how rapidly the situation had gotten out of control. Her gaze flicked between Eris, incapacitated on the bed, and the two men in the doorway with menace in their voices and violence in their eyes. She recognized one - the man who seemed to be sculpted from stone, from the debacle in the marketplace. The other… there was no mistaking his eyes, his blond hair, the shape of his cheekbones… he looked just like his mother.

This was how she was finally meeting Prince Flynn of Aurelia.

Tia fought to keep her balance, hands scrambling to find purchase on Willis’ head as he shifted his weight. His grip on her leg burned through the many layers of her robes. He didn’t seem… malicious. But he did act with a wild disregard for others and their mortality, and now he had her captive on his shoulders with promises of using her as a human shield.

But Aelios had shown him to her. She had deemed him - and his purple blood - important.

Tia struggled through the rising, familiar panic in her throat. She dared a look at the prince, eyes still wide. She mouthed a silent plea: Don’t kill him.

Orion’s gaze now flared with an intensity that transformed his eyes into twin beacons of turbulent emotion. The anger that sparked within him was a living thing, a flame kindled by the sight of Tia, her form trembling with fear as she balanced perilously atop Willis’s broad shoulders.

The room- his room- had become a stage for pandemonium, with Willis at its epicenter. Orion’s mind raced, thoughts colliding like waves against a cliffside. He had known Willis to be a harbinger of disorder. But this—this chaos that now greeted Orion’s eyes—was a transgression that eclipsed all prior antics.

Tia’s eyes, wide and brimming with a terror that pierced Orion’s soul, met the Prince’s, and in that gaze, he saw a plea for help, a silent request that demanded action. The fire within Orion grew, fueled by the need to protect and restore order to the world that Willis had upended.

“Just..put.her.down,” Orion commanded in place of the prince this time, his voice a low growl.

Flynn bristled as Willis explained that he and Eris had gotten into a fight, his eyes darting to the small brunette woman swaying on the bed as if she were drunk. She must have used her magic in an attempt to help the Priestess. It was foolish, but at least she appeared to be alive. As he watched Eris, he noticed Tia in his peripheral vision, looking at him with wide eyes. His gaze shifted to her, noticing the way she mouthed not to kill the blight-born she was struggling to get away from. He narrowed his eyes, confused. He did not intend to kill Willis—yet—but why did Tia care?

Flynn’s attention snapped back to Willis as Orion spoke, his jaw flexing in irritation, his patience wearing thin. "If you do not put her down, I can guarantee you will find no refuge here," he growled, his eyes reflecting his growing anger. He tightened his grip on his sword but restrained himself from uttering a more aggressive threat that came to mind. As the Prince and founder of Dawnhaven, he knew he had to balance compassion with caution, leadership with empathy. "You have already done enough damage today. Do you intend to shelter here or not? Step away from the women. Now."
With reluctance, Willis backstepped until his leg bumped into the bed where Eris sat. Lowering his arms behind him, Willis set Tia down on the mattress next to Eris. Then he shuffled back to where he stood, raising his arms in surrender.

Tia let out a strangled squeak as she dropped to the bed. She felt like a mouse that had just been dropped from a cat’s mouth - like prey that couldn’t figure out why it wasn’t a meal yet. Dizzying adrenaline was still pumping through her, trying to power her exhausted body. Her dark eyes were glued to Willis for a moment. Then she spared a glance to Orion and the Prince, before turning all her attention back on Eris beside her. Better to bury herself in work she could actually deal with (because she was obviously helpless if anyone else in the room decided to make her so).

Even in her addled state, she knew she couldn’t afford to use any magic - if she’d recovered any at all after using so much to save the child. But Tia still knew what to look for. She leaned over Eris’ face, forcing her vision into focus to track her eyes, watch them dilate as Tia took up her field of view. She was breathing - too irregular, too shallow. The priestess reached down, fingers lightly folding around Eris’ slender hands. They had grown cold, the pulse there weak.

Tia’s shaking hands fumbled with the knot at her belt, undoing it as quickly as she could, trying to ignore the men (and the ever-present chance that she might become a casualty in their drama). It seemed like an eternity before the knot was undone and the belt lay discarded. Tia pulled the heavy outer layer of her robes off and draped it over Eris from the neck down. It was still covered in dirt and dried blood. But it was thick - warm. Tia’s skin prickled from the cold. Her scar seemed to burn.

Eris grinned at Tia, clutching the robe closer to her chest. "You're so nice," she said softly, looking at the Priestess in awe, completely oblivious to the chaos around her. "And pretty like the sun goddess herself," she added breathily, her thoughts spilling out unchecked as her eyes fixated on Tia. Warmth cracked through the priestess’ fear as she offered Eris a small, shy smile. And if there was a tinge of pink on her cheeks, who could say it wasn’t from the chill? Swaying forward, Eris closed her eyes tightly, trying her best to stay upright. "No, no, no," she whispered under her breath, taking a deep breath as a shiver ran through her body. Tia brought a hand to Eris’ shoulder, shushing her as she tried to guide her back to lay down on the bed. Their positions were a familiar reflection, now reversed as Tia became caretaker and Eris the patient.

Orion’s eyes, reflecting the room’s dim light, were windows to a soul wracked with concern. Tia’s frantic movements, her hands fluttering in desperate attempts to stem the tide of Eris’s lifeblood, painted a portrait of dire urgency that pierced his heart. With each passing second, her vitality seemed to wane, and the sight of it clawed at his insides.

He’d asked for a favour, only for it to lead to this. Unbelievable.

Flynn silently exhaled a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding as Willis released his grip on the Priestess and stepped away. Relaxing his hold on his sword, Flynn moved to take a closer look at the two women. As Orion tended to them, Flynn positioned himself protectively between them and Willis. "Thank you," he said curtly, his eyes never leaving the blight-born. Though the situation with Eris seemed dire, Flynn knew better than to turn his back on a potential threat.

“Yeah, no problem,” Willis said to Flynn. “Are you the prince? I’ve been looking for you! My name is Willis, but you can call me Willy. I was a Lunarian Ranger, and I want to live in Dawnhaven. I was going to clean myself up and find you, but life had other plans for me, hahaha.” Willis smiled awkwardly at Flynn, gesturing to his blood-soaked self and shifting around the prince to block his view of the injured Tia and Eris.

Compelled by a need to provide solace, Orion closed the distance between them while keeping one eye on Willis. He reached out, his hand hovering. Better not to scare her any further.

“Can you…help her?” The words, barely above a whisper, carried the weight of the little hope he still had to right the situation. It was a question, but also a lifeline, extended in an attempt to keep to his original purpose: the balancing of the monster within him and the human.

Tia jumped at the low, smooth voice so close to her, flinching away. She turned to look over her shoulder to suddenly be trapped in the gaze of crimson eyes. And then she was prey again. She was on the ground under the open sky with her throat ripped open.

She ripped her gaze away to look down, somewhere in the vicinity of his chest. Her lips pressed together. Tia glanced back at Eris.

Reaching into the pocket of her linen inner robe, Tia pulled out a small notebook and charcoal stick - the ones she’d received from Pleiades upon her arrival in Dawnhaven.

In the eight years they’d existed, Tia had only ever encountered a single blight-born, and now there were three in one day.

She flipped to the same page she’d written on before, and scrawled a quick note with shaking hands. She held the book up to Orion. Her eyes were still downcast.

Not hurt. Exhausted. Needs rest.

After what felt like an eternity trying to get her mind to stop spinning, Eris opened her eyes and spotted the Prince's advisor hovering over her. Forgetting the situation, she tossed the robe aside and frantically rummaged through her skirt pockets. "Orion!" she exclaimed, as if suddenly realizing he was in the room. "I saved this for you!" She triumphantly held up the picture that had been in the locket that Willis had broken open.

Orion's eyes widened slightly at the sight of the picture. He took a step closer, carefully reaching out to take it from Eris's trembling fingers. As he held the small, delicate piece of paper, memories washed over him, bringing with them a flood of emotions he had long buried. “Thank you, Eris,” he said softly, his voice tinged with gratitude and a hint of sorrow. He carefully folded the picture and tucked it into his own pocket, ensuring its safety. “You did well.”

Willis cringed at the sight of the picture. “Yeah… Orion, I’m so sorry about trying to steal from you and causing this big ruckus. I figured a rich guy like you wouldn’t mind me borrowing some things from your house to pay for my necessities, hahaha. And Tingara, I’m sorry for holding you hostage and trying to sip on your delicious lifeblood! Oh, and Eris, I’m sorry for injuring you; I didn’t know about the magical backlash from shattering your ward! I will do my utmost to atone for my mistakes, so if there’s anything that you all need from me, let me know!” Willis bowed deeply to Orion, Tia, and Eris, then stood up to look back at Flynn. “So… Your Majesty, am I allowed to stay here?”

Orion’s gaze shifted, a silent exchange of understanding passing between him and Flynn before settling on Willis. His eyes, hard as forged steel, bore into the young man who had disrupted the fragile peace of their sanctuary. “Trust is not given lightly here,” he began. “Especially not after what you’ve done.”

“You will have to earn it,” Orion continued. “And it will not be easy.”

Flynn nodded in agreement with Orion, watching Willis cautiously. "My advisor speaks true. You've not proven yourself capable of living peacefully." he stated, gesturing towards the room's disarray and then to Tia and Eris. "You've disrespected this home, Orion's generosity, Tia and Eris, Dawnhaven... and me." His voice was stern, his emerald eyes glaring at the newcomer. "I should have your head for it." He paused, considering it. If he were his father, Willis would have been executed at once. However, Flynn was determined not to become his father.

"You're fortunate that I am a man who believes in second chances." He cast a quick glance at Eris and Tia, wondering if he would regret this decision. He understood that the blight-born came from a world of chaos and survival, and he sympathized with them. Yet, if they were to live here, they must reacquaint themselves with civil life. "You will stay at the tavern tonight. You will not cause any more trouble," he commanded, leaving no room for argument. "I will give you a formal interview there, and we will decide your fate then." It was a vague threat, though Flynn did not actually intend to kill this man unless provoked. Willis wouldn’t be the first blight-born Flynn had to kill in self-defense, though he hoped it wouldn’t come to that within the walls of Dawnhaven.

“Alright!” Willis said to Flynn and Orion.

Tia let out a breath - though she couldn’t tell if it was one of relief, or apprehension. Perhaps it was best to focus on the small victories. No one was dead. Willis was to remain in town (even if this was actually his third chance, if Tia’s memory served correctly). Dawnhaven was still standing. She still had… so much to deal with, but that could wait until she didn’t feel like she wanted to bury herself under a pile of leaves and hibernate for the winter.

Turning back to Eris on the bed, Tia wrapped her outer robe around her shoulders, after it’d been cast aside so haphazardly.

With a gentle cough, a soft, deliberate sound that barely rose above the whisper of the wind outside, Orion drew Tia’s attention once again. She jumped a bit again, turning back to him. “I brought something back for you.” The words were simple, yet given everything that had occurred it was hard for him to say. His small thoughtful gesture just seemed so…silly now. Tia looked down at the loaf of bread, stunned. Her mouth parted slightly.

“It’s not much,” he continued, an apologetic smile tugging at the corner of his lips, “but I thought you might appreciate some sustenance after everything that’s happened.”

Tia’s dark eyes rose again to meet Orion’s. The feeling in her chest was strange, but… oddly familiar. It was the same one that had warmed her earlier that morning when Pleiades had held out the notebook to her.

It was a stunned gratitude that someone would think of her. It hadn’t even occurred to Tia that she might be hungry.

She looked at the stony blight-born, with his carefully carved features, his crimson eyes, his small, shy smile as he offered her food. Tia swallowed around a hard lump in her throat. Then she forced her hand to raise, reach out, and take the bread - her careful fingers never touching his. Tia dipped her head in a small bow.

Flynn observed the brief exchange between Orion and Tia before approaching Eris, who had nestled her head into Tia's robes and closed her eyes, seemingly drifting off to sleep. "Let's get you two home," he said, his voice much gentler than when he had been addressing Willis. Tia’s attention darted back to him, before quickly looking down again. Eris opened one eye, studying him for a moment before handing Tia's robes back to the Priestess. "Thank you," she said softly, then took the hand that Flynn offered and relied on him to help her stand. Her legs felt shaky, but she could feel the energy inside her body beginning to level out once more.

Once Eris was on her feet, Flynn turned to Tia and offered her a hand up as well. "I'm deeply sorry about your first experience here, Priestess," he said with a frown, feeling anxiety rise within his chest. Her experience was not what Flynn had planned for Dawnhaven, especially not as a first impression for a Priestess of Aelios. His mother would be furious once she heard what had happened, and he was sure she would hear about it somehow.

As the prince fretted silently to himself, so too did the priestess. Tia blinked down at his hand, feeling the dried blood that coated her own.She would get it on his skin, she knew, if she dared to take his hand. And if she dared to reject his offer? Her fingers curled in the fabric of her robe as she looked up at him again. Her gaze drifted to Eris, nearly tottering over, to Willis, looking pleased with himself, to Orion, calm and placid like the ocean after a storm had passed.

Then Tia placed her blood-stained hands in the prince’s, and let him pull her to her feet.

Collab between: Orion @Qia, Willis @BOOM, Eris, Flynn @The Muse, and Tia @c3p-0h
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by The Savant
Avatar of The Savant

The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Flynn's words had left Dawnhaven's future blacksmith in deep thoughts. A lot more slowly than usual, his bulked up hand forced the key to turn in the new lock as Wenyr didn't even realize how part of him relished this primitive, everyday bit of action. Closing up the workshop was an excuse not to be bothered by anyone including another part of himself which might want to press on towards other tasks, leaving the most difficult one unsolved: How to pull off an act of duplicity perfectly if one had been told repeatedly to be a bad liar ?

Had Sunni not been on the list of people he could speak with openly, he'd have deemed this impossible from the get-go. A disturbingly large number of people considered his craft to be folding and reshaping metal, but it was so much more than that. It was cooking at temperatures far beyond boiling water, but the dishes one served had to last for much longer than the initial presentation and some brief moment during which its taste would be exposed to some conscience. A meal had to do just one good job at passing through one's guts once, a blade could have to do the same passage many times in its lifetime.

Okay... Maybe -- and as some elderly warrior fighting somewhere close to a river Wenyr didn't know yet was proving just at this moment -- a sword had the benefit of taking some considerable shortcuts in this passage, but it had to hold nonetheless. Could a chef de cuisine do wonders with substandard materials ? Some would claim so, but the truth was definitely a different one. It was the same with smithing. One needed good ingredients and one needed the right ones for the purpose at hand. Without having the facility needed to do major refining of raw materials, let alone the whole discipline really having left its stage of infancy in a more ubiquitous manner, the term 'good' mostly boiled down to the correct source and a trustworthy chain of trade.

Before Wenyr would talk to the overly busy merchant though, he needed to clean himself a little. He had likely already ascended on the scale of olfactory provocation without the fur cloak shielding the outside world from him. Hadn't the prince just dropped the word of hot springs in Dawnhaven ? How could there be a better place than these to get rid of all the troubles that had accumulated on both his skin and mind.

With the plummeting temperatures from the outside interacting with the surface temperature of the hot springs. The massive amounts of steam being created in the larger public pool of the hot springs made it difficult for anyone to see each other when they were not close. It was interesting to see how snowflakes were melting in mid-air because of the rising warmth. The hot springs were telling the weather that it would not bow to its declaration of cold. How could was it going to get in Dawnhaven?

His thoughts wandered as his eyes looked beyond the steam to look up at the clouds and the starry night sky. Octavia spoke about how cold it was going to get and how the elders mentioned that this season was going to be harsher than normal. Was Dawnhaven in trouble? He knew that he was going to have to put more orders for materials and resources and hopefully, they would get there before the pass was snowed in.

Looking over his shoulders that leaned against the rocks while his elbows propped him up. His eyes found the rose wine that he had, not even one-fourth of the bottle had been drank since he was sipping on it. “This is getting pretty boring…” He mumbled to himself. Other than being boring, it was relaxing, and he knew he would feel so refreshed after getting out but he wasn’t ready to leave yet.

As Wenyr approached the steaming oasis of wellbeing, he felt his inner eye's increased stare at his incompetency. Just how had he managed not to discover the hot springs right upon the day of his arrival ? The silent and desperate fight of snowflakes against the hot air from below had an almost surreal aspect to it, but probably so also had the fact that he would take a relaxed bath in a town at the rim of a mysterious and relentless blight while the sun had gone missing.

As the blacksmith closed in, he could see a spot of red hair first making a very brief appearance between the clouds and then becoming a more permanent part of his view. "Sunni ?" he exclaimed, half surprised and half glad about the merchant's presence. "You wouldn't mind if I join you ?" Just when had he taken off this cloak for the last time ? It felt like he had been wearing it since stepping out of his bed... And the moment it dropped to the ground, Wenyr just knew once more why this had been the case. It was annoyingly cold to say the least. That or he had grown too accustomed to the more infernal range of temperatures.

Carefully trying not to create too many waves, he submerged his overly broad-shouldered self in the water right up to the neck. Wenyr's long hair quickly rearranged into sort of a two-dimensional cloud floating on the water and it felt so good just immediately. "How's the wine ?" Wenyr asked as he nudged himself a little closer towards Sunni.

Sunni, caused him to jump out of his skin without moving too much. He was surprised to hear someone else and he didn’t even catch them coming down the stone steps. Am I that out of it? He thought while glancing at the bottle of wine which was barely touched. A sigh left his lips before his head rolled on his shoulders a little bit, “Yes?” he called back to the less familiar voice. He knew it had to be someone that he might have run into before, maybe not? Some names and faces were still not matching up for him.

Oh, I don’t mind at all,” Sunni chuckled slightly while readjusting himself into a more comfortable position. A fresh position that was leaned against the rocks behind him more and sank himself to his shoulders. The steam felt wonderful along with the heat that was soaking into his muscles. “I am in the more public area of the hot springs for a reason,” he added on because at the end of the day, he was social, even if he was worn out.

Glancing at the bottle of rose-colored wine, he shrugged at the inquiry, “It tastes wonderful. Do you want some?” The redheaded man made sure he had a good grip on the wine bottle which was overwhelmed with condensation as he handed it over to Wenry to take if he wanted some.

Wenyr shrugged his shoulders, giving a casual "Why not ?" as a response. To say that Sunni made a rather tired first impression on him would have been a quite significant understatement, but at least Mr. Emberani had not yet attempted to decapitate him for the interruption. The blacksmith first let his nostrils take in the smell of the grape-born liquid, then took a small sip before allowing a more speedy fashion of drinking to be the rearguard of his actions.

"That tastes good. You don't happen to know what the name of it is ?" Having at least a small stock of beverages other than water or what the Eye had to offer couldn't hurt, even though he had found Sya's meals to be quite adequate so far. With his thoughts glancing along the inn, Wenyr remembered some remarkable observation he had made: "Also, on a side note, you know why the inn has lost its door ? Or no, not lost, but... could definitely use a new one."

Sunni watched the man as he took a sniff of the wine before testing it and then proceeding to enjoy it. At least he looked to enjoy it by facial expressions. “I think it is called Golden Sun by the Pelleron family,” At least that was what he remembered from reading the tag on it. The man surely wanted to order more from them.

The man looked somewhat shocked when Wenyr casually brought up that the inn was missing a door or could use a repair, “What do you mean?” Utter confusion came out of his lips when he asked.

Did something happen to one of the doors at the inn? Was it an exterior door?” Sunni found himself looking for answers that the other man might not provide. Was he going to have to get out of the hot spring to fix an exterior door of the inn? This caused him to brush a handful of fingers through his hair as he forced a smile at the other man.

Oh dear! What had he just done ? Clearly this rather casual mention of the door issue had triggered at least half of the alarm bells in Sunni's mind simultaneously. Wenyr tried to give his voice a calm undertone as he made an initial effort to catch the storm he had just invoked: "The main entrance has the quite battered look to it, but it was still attached to its hinges and probably capable of keeping most of the cold air and nosy eyes out. Don't know what happened or anything about the interior situation, but I couldn't hear any turmoil. Only the usual banter... So I suppose it's still halfway alright at least ? That's why I didn't investigate further yet."

The blacksmith bit the inner half of his lips. Just going in right away and bothering Sya with an inquiry would have been such a viable option now that he had a second thought at it.

His amber eyes seemed full of thought and displeasure while hearing the man speak about the door and try his best to undertone the whole ordeal. A sigh left his lips while he began to rub his temples and close his eyes. Sunni was trying to encourage himself to calm down, not get up to check the door and relax.”

"I’m sorry, Wenyr…” he began as he shifted his weight and began to stand up.

I need to go check on the door. I have no idea if I’ll be back or not. I apologize. Keep the wine. I have to make sure everything is fine with the inn,” He felt rude for leaving, but he needed to make sure the front doors of the inn were fine. Moving towards the outer part of the hot springs, and he could feel a shivering cold strike his body when he got out of the hot springs. A faint noise of surprise could be heard from him as he breathed in and out before putting on all his clothes. Getting his socks and shoes on, he began to make his way up to the inn.

Wenyr tried to control his facepalming for as long as necessary so Sunni would not be able to see it, then it just burst out of him. It was barely of real relief though... Trying to get rid of his own stress, he had just caused more of it to somebody else. That was not to mention that blundering ahead had also destroyed the opportunity to talk about the supplies needed for the weapons in a relaxed atmosphere. Great! Now he really needed some more of that wine...

collab @Fetzen
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Octavia-@The Savant

Taking a deep breath, Elara moved around the room, tidying up and ensuring Octavia’s surroundings were as comforting as possible. She adjusted the curtains to let in just the right amount of moonlight, bathing the room in a soft, silvery glow that provided a sense of calm. The shadows danced gently on the walls, creating a tranquil atmosphere that contradicted the storm brewing outside the castle walls and within its occupants’ hearts. One of those hearts being her own.

As Elara worked, she couldn’t help but reflect on the magnitude of the events unfolding around them all. The death of Queen Antoinette, the mysterious circumstances surrounding her passing, the unsettling news about the king’s swift remarriage to a pregnant woman—all of it weighed heavily on her mind. She had always known that life at court was fraught with intrigue and danger, but the reality of it all was overwhelming.

It was all…so much. All of it.

Elara paused in her preparations, taking a moment to gather her thoughts and compose herself. She straightened her posture and let out a slow, steady breath. She knew that the conversation about the letter and the troubling news would not be easy, but it was necessary. She had to be strong, however, for Octavia’s sake, to provide the support and guidance the princess needed during this tumultuous time.

With a final glance around the room to ensure everything was in perfect order, Elara moved to the bedside and settled into a chair. She smoothed the fabric of her skirt, her fingers trembling slightly as she steeled herself for the challenges ahead. The weight of her role, the burden of the secrets she now carried, and the uncertainty of the future all pressed down on her, but she knew she could not falter.

As Octavia stirred and began to wake, Elara’s heart ached with sorrow. She knew right then and there she would do everything in her power to protect the princess and help her navigate the treacherous path that lay ahead. For now, though, she focused on the immediate task at hand: being there for Octavia and providing the strength and reassurance she so desperately needed.

“Your Highness,” she began softly once the other had fully awaken, “I arrived shortly after you had fallen asleep. Pleiades informed me of your situation and the need for my assistance. I didn’t see anything inappropriate, I assure you.”

She looked down for a moment, twiddling her fingers nervously before looking back up, her eyes reflecting genuine concern and unwavering loyalty. “I’m just here to help, as always,” Elara continued, her tone imbued with warmth and sincerity. “If there’s anything you need to talk about or anything troubling you, please know that I am here for you.”

She hesitated for a moment, however, her gaze steady and compassionate. “Princess, I understand that you’ve already read the letter. I actually….wanted to discuss it with you, to see how you’re feeling and what your thoughts are on the situation.”

Elara paused once again, carefully choosing her next words. “And, if I may, Your Highness… Pleiades also mentioned that he was close to your mother, Queen Antoinette. He seemed genuinely concerned for your well-being. I just wanted to ensure you understand that I am here for you, always, but…. it is a little unusual still for him to be alone with you at this hour. Is everything… alright between you two?”

She might be crossing a line with that last question, but she had to know. Had to make sure. The delicate balance of courtly propriety and personal concern weighed heavily on her. Elara’s heart pounded in her chest as she awaited Octavia’s response, hoping she hadn’t overstepped her bounds. The silence that followed her question felt interminable, each second stretching out as she watched Octavia’s face for any sign of distress or discomfort.

Elara’s mind raced with possibilities. She knew that Pleiades had always been a trusted advisor and friend to Queen Antoinette, but his relationship with Octavia was less clear. Was there something more between them? Or was it simply a matter of old loyalties and protective instincts? Elara needed to understand the dynamics at play here to better support Octavia in these trying times.

That is what she truly felt deep down.

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Hidden 3 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 18 min ago

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Open for Business

Sya pushed her cloak back it had fallen in front of her for nth time as she compared costs, lists, her rough idea and the fact her maths was still a work in progress, she had to go slowly and check herself each step of the way.

“Yes. you seen far stranger, carry on.” Sya said to the room with more confidence than she felt dropping her hood around her shoulders, the point to her ears visible, single eye glowing almost with own light and her brown hair in the more feminine French braid down her back. Olivia had left marks too, but those she doubted people asked about, maybe Sunni… Her paler skin by virtue of her nature made them stand out more. She had not shown skin to open sunlight for at least a year thanks to her new second life.

She tended to hide herself by instinct but had begun to realise she was no stranger than anyone else and they were open… Olivia was confident. Why could she not be confident too? Orion and others never bothered to hide though they had Prince's direct protection and household. Maybe not that bold.

Damn, that was a 100…not 105… She was a fast learner but maths sucked and she hated long division etc. Looking across the room the door was still an issue but one she had no answer to right now, she had already got a woman sleeping in the basement and Princes who she hoped did not send anymore to her doors at present as she had to turn them away.

The Lunaris guard flinched slightly across the room but he did not react more than that, he seemed more content to observe and so more than act.on anything yet. She could understand that, caution and observation was the reason she was still alive and would put money on them thinking similar lines.

Sya knew it was a risk but also knew everyone had rumours and maybe this might be the better approach at present. And somehow she felt however whirlwind it was that a certain woman would be most upset if she was found to be hurt. Sunni too, but he did not have nails that felt like they could cut steel…

A glass in her hand she tasted the new batch of wine that came in recently and approved of it, a little sharp kick to it, it was no shine of selene but that had a kick that could maybe even phase Ivor. She could still enjoy alcohol but food was a pleasure denied her, Sya had rediscovered one other pleasure today but food was forever lost.

The tavern Mistress sang softly to herself as she worked, it helped her concentrate.

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Hidden 3 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by The Savant
Avatar of The Savant

The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

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