True, Velvet is relatively easygoing if you mess with her personally but she honestly likes her job and it funds her gaming addiction, touch it and die.
"Do you have any idea how unbelievably skilled I am at causing small inconveniences for EVERYONE?"
<Snipped quote by Lemons>
I smell a prank-war.
Someone is gonna wake up with their car in their bedroom.
*Gremlins take notes*
<Snipped quote by Foster>
Someone's going to get a 40mm up their spinneret if they aren't careful.
<Snipped quote by Massasauga>
Not every character I make is secretly three hurties in a trenchcoat.
Ooh, Eilidh was used in the background?
Finally, I have an in lol. Expect a post in the next few days
Edit: Aww, got excisted Elidh was mentioned in a post. But the background's fine
-Baked onions are super-simple. Take an unpeeled onion, cut the stem/stump off so it lays flat on a plate, then cut it in half, have them have open-side up and add butter. The layers will swell up as it broils causing the onion to be self-peeling. Chop as desired or eat whole when done. 2-3 minutes on high plus a minute for each additional onion.