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"Humanity takes great pride in three things. Their willpower, their greed and their mortality.

Their will and endless greed allows them to grow and ascend past other creatures
But their mortality denies them divinity

It's a delightful purgatory between being Fallen and being Divine"

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Mikhail nodded in silent as he heard Faeril's words carefully. Even though Faeril herself said it was unlikely that someone would create numerous Black Widows to serve themselves, the possibility wasn't completely nonexistent. It was a fact that most queens feared Black Widows due to how powerful and notably hard to control they are and Mikhail himself knew well how most of the queens treat anything that could be even a remote threat to them or their plans. Even though the possibility for 'rogue' Black Widows being created by someone wasn't completely nonexistent, it was unlikely enough for Mikhail to not be too worried about it.

"I see... Judging how queens have a tendency to 'eliminate' anything that can be a threat to them, I don't think any 'normal' queen would willingly surround herself of Black Widows." he said, nodding.

"But that is only true for 'normal' queens. If we have Fatima by our side, it's not unlikely that there might exist other queens with a rather... 'unique' way of thinking." he finished.

"Regarding SaDiablo, finding him will either be incredibly easy or incredibly difficult. In one hand, people like him naturally attracts a lot of attention, but in the other hand, powerful people tend to have a very good way of hiding themselves from the public eye when they want to do so." he said. Finding SaDiablo wasn't exactly a task he was looking forward to but he had no choice but to comply.

"I will walk around the town, maybe try to gather some information. I wouldn't expect too much of it though. It is, after all, a shot in the dark. We can split in order to be able to gather more information and cover a bigger area, Gennar." He said to the Eyrien with a nod.

"We should go. Something tells me that finding him won't be that easy." Mikhail said to Gennar before turning to Faeril, giving her a small bow before walking away.

Mikhail walked through the city for some time without much success. It seemed the feeling he got turned out to be true. Saetan SaDiablo didn't seem to want to be found or noticed by people. While his name wasn't unknown to the people Mikhail asked, none of them had any information about his location.

After some wandering though, he was surprised to find Dareen and Jandar talking with both Thom and Dunny as they got out of a small alley. What did make Mikhail alarmed though was the fact that Fatima and Sybl, who were supposed to be together with them were nowhere to be seen. Out of all the situations, that one was a very bad outcome...

"Jandar, Dareen, where is Fatima and Sybl? What happened?" Mikhail asked in an urgent tone as he approached the group. It didn't need much for them to guess what Mikhail was thinking that happened.

"Finding and dealing with SaDiablo is already a problem of it's own but Fatima is perhaps the only one that might have a good chance of keeping him under control. We can't lose her now." he said, following them as they jogged behind Thom and Dunny, still waiting for a reply regarding the current situation.

In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location: Roshmi Sewers
Time: Morning
Interactions: Torvi @Tae, Kuroi @hide on mana, Baraian @Dezuel

Despite the stench and the location, Ayita didn't find it hard to close her eyes to rest. Not only she was too tired to worry about the location but she was also too worried about everything to even be aware of the smell. Ironically enough, combining the stress, exhaustion and everything she was feeling, the very second she sat down against the wall, in the cleanest spot she could find (which wasn't that much better than the rest), it made her able to rest better than she would have if she wasn't so tired or stressed. It was almost as if her brain had completely turned off due to the exhaustion. Just like she told earlier, it seemed like she was indeed just about to collapse if they hadn't stopped to rest.

At that moment, even though Ayita knew she didn't trust Kuroi and the others completely, she knew she had little choice. She was already incredibly vulnerable and wouldn't be able to fight nor flee if something happened, so she was forced to trust her new 'companions'. That said, at least they seemed to be as exhausted as she was and it was highly unlikely that they would have energy to do anything to her. With that trust born out of the stressful situation they were in, she finally close her eyes, hopefully being able to sleep well enough to recover her energy in order to be ready to whatever it would come next.

Even though it wasn't exactly the best sleep Ayita had, the short rest was very welcome to recover her strength and at least make her able to move herself without struggling after each step given. Plus, now that the extreme exhaustion wasn't that bad as it was before, she finally started to notice how bad the smell on the sewers had. The second Kuroi started moving, she did as well. At least for now, following him was the best option since he seemed to know the city and the sewers very well.


Ada turned to Sir Reed, smiling at him as he praised her. The moment she looked at the bird maid that they had beaten though, it suddenly turned into smoke and flew away, which made Ada look around, confusedly before turning to Sir Reed. She had no idea of what had just happened but the fact that they did get rid of one was still true so she was still satisfied. That said, the trouble wasn't over yet, as it seemed that one of the bird maids, now the only one remaining, had gotten Ditzy, asking for them to give Nero back in trade for Ditzy. Unable to attack her due to Ditzy being in front of her, Ada and the rest could only watch as Ozzy began talking with the maid. Even though the situation was a bit complicated, it didn't prevent Ada from hissing at the maid though.

She didn't understand that much of what they were talking about, but the bird maid did seem to be rather distressed about it. She did say something about liking Nero, but if she did like him, why she did try to kidnap him? Did Nero did not like her back? Strangely enough though, Nero said himself that he didn't dislike her but for some reason he couldn't be with her? Thinking about the conversation that they were having was making Ada's head hurt. Lots of things that they said didn't make much sense to her and no matter how much she tried to hear them and understand, it didn't seem it would change. In her opinion, if the bird maid liked Nero, then she wouldn't want to kidnap him and if Nero liked her too, there wasn't any reason for them to not be together... right?

Looking back and forth as each one of them spoke, confusion was clear in Ada's expression. Having stopped hissing, she was just curious and confused, trying to understand the reasoning behind both of their actions. It was then that, interrupting her thinking, Kira suddenly went towards Nero and slapped him. The noise it made was loud enough to make Ada gave a little jump, surprised as she looked at both of them. While she still didn't understand everything that well, it was clear that Kira was mad at Nero for making the bird lady feel like that. That said, Ada wasn't really in a position to advice both of them nor she knew what she could to to make things better so she simply approached the bird maid, using her tail to get up to the bird maid's height and gently patted her head with a smile. Ada felt happy when people praised and patted her so if the bird maid was acting like that just because she was sad, maybe that could help her feel a bit better...


Despite the... sensitive conversation that was going on, Freyr still maintained his composure, keeping an arrow nocked in his bow and aiming at the kikimora maid. That said, he still understood and could sympathize with the maid. He knew how much love could change someone. how complicated it was, filling one's head with all sorts of thoughts and emotions, making them overreact when things happened and how much it hurt to be rejected. Such feelings and part of his thoughts could be seen through his stare if one paid enough attention, despite his unchanging expression.

As the kikimora continued talking though, Freyr couldn't keep his bow aimed at her and ended up lowering it after a bit with a heavy sigh. It was indeed a complicated matter, one that was not really easy to solve. The only ones that could make a choice and do something were Rayya, as Nero called the Kikimora maid, and Nero himself. That said, Freyr couldn't agree with how Nero thought. He seemed, for some reason, determined in giving his life fighting against the Varjans... Enough to make him forget about everything else. It was a prison, shackles that were made by Nero himself.

When Kira suddenly slapped Nero, Freyr didn't react nor was as surprised as the rest of the group seemed to be. It was an understandable reaction after hearing Nero's reasoning...

"Nero, Kira is right. I don't think Rayya is the only one wrong in all this." he said with a sigh.

"I won't tell a warrior to stop fighting and give up on their ideals, but you act like you are fighting not against the Varjans but against yourself. It seems like the true motive for you to fight is solely to seek for your own death. Ask yourself, what is the true reason for your fight? What do you fight for?" Freyr continued.

"There is more to this life than hate and anger. Sure, we all will fight if we need to. To protect our ideals, our home and our loved ones but no one should think or live their lives the way you do, Nero. Look ad Rayya, don't you see in her, the reason for you to come back alive?" he finished, looking at Nero.


Mikhail heard in silence as Faeril began to talk. The further he was dragged into Faeril and Fatima's problems, more complicated things got. Things which normally, in his 'previous' life, would never be an issue nor Mikhail himself would even care about, were important points. Forced to deal with things he abhorred, such as castes, courts and the very same phenomenon he tried to avoid and flee from... The pull. Ironically enough, said phenomenon could prove to be a boon to his and Faeril's cause... As long as Saetan SaDiablo felt said pull towards Fatima, of course... Which... Strangely enough, was a subject Faeril herself pointed out while talking... Apparently, there was more to it than what both Mikhail and Gennar previously thought, at it was obvious by both Mikhail's expression and Gennar's interjection.

The moment Faeril mentioned the Hourglass, Mikhail's expression almost immediately became darker. The Hourglass was shrouded in mystery. Knowing little about it's inner workings, he only knew how dangerous a Black Widow could be. Hence why he usually avoided those unless strictly necessary. As Faeril began explaining more about it to Mikhail, his expression clearly indicated that he was paying close attention to her words. As she mentioned how Black Widows, which normally were a natural occurrence could also be artificially created, Mikhail raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised by what Faeril was telling him. Not only that but the fact that the Hourglass was a coven of it's own, which extended itself through all the realms was another important information.

The things Faeril told him next made Mikhail seriously worried after realizing that the situation he was now part of was much bigger and more complicated than he had previously thought, to the point that a lone assassin such as he would never, willingly, put his nose inside such a big problem. After being told by Faeril that not only Saetan SaDiablo was also a Black Widow only made him an even more threatening existence and to make it worse, one they had no choice but to take with them.

"This... This is bigger than what I had imagined..." Mikhail said with a grim tone and a heavy sigh.

"Faeril, does the Hourglass still have complete control over the process used to artificially create Black Widows?" he asked, in a serious tone. It didn't need much more for Faeril to understand why he was asking such question. If the answer was no, then it wouldn't be unlikely to exist rogue groups of Black Widows, which could possibly bring a lot of chaos if they aligned themselves with the wrong people.

"Regarding Saetan... We can only hope Fatima will be able to control him. He is much more dangerous than we previously thought. Unfortunately, as you said, we have no other choice but to take him with us..." he said, sighing.

"Fatima already met the black jeweled warlord prince before. Any idea of how we might find him again?" Mikhail asked, looking both to Faeril and Gennar.

Time: 5pm
Location: Alexei's
Interaction with: Vivian @Pink Khione, Finn @Milkman, Valya @Crusader Lord

Ylva chuckled when she heard Vivian saying that brawls were a common occurrence on Alexei's, which was definitely a positive point to the place on Ylva's book, which should be obvious for Vivian by now. When she mentioned that despite the occasional brawls, it was the first time someone had actually done such a mess and actually ruined the front door.

"At least it gave me quite an unique first impression! Not a bad one too!" she said, laughing heartily as she gave a glance to the big guy, still unconscious and the blonde one.

"Regarding the drink, I liked it. A refreshing new take on an old, old classic. I would love to see what you can make with a good mead the next time I come here too." she said with a smile to Vivian.

As Vivian turned her attention towards the blonde haired kid, whom had introduced himself as Finn, so did Ylva, looking towards the scene in front of her with an amused smile. Despite the situation he encountered himself in, Finn still had a lighthearted behavior, making even a joke as Vivian asked for his contact and ID. When Finn mentioned that he had lost some of his belongings on the small 'incident' that happened last night, Ylva couldn't help but let out a chuckle, raising an eyebrow as she looked at him. Thankfully for Vivian, despite that fact, the boy didn't seem want to cause any more problems as he gave her contact information of a friend to solve that accident.

When Finn noticed that Ylva was staring at him though, he asked if he had beaten her boyfriend, which caused her to laugh before looking at him again. Surprised that he didn't get why she was staring at him yet.

"That sorry thing over there? No way." she said, ridiculing the still unconscious man before giving another sip on her drink. Judging by her arms and her stature though, it seemed quite obvious that he would do the same even if he was not unconscious.

Surprised that the boy didn't get why she was staring at him, Ylva gently tapped her own nose twice. An incredibly obvious hint. If he still haven't noticed what she was due to her smell even being that close, either he was still young or inexperienced. Either way, a clear indication that he wouldn't be a threat and highly unlikely that he was going to be hostile towards her.

"Don't worry, Viv. I'll be sure this rascal won't run away while you're calling his friend." she said, with a chuckle as Vivian took the contact information Finn gave her and entered the bar to call his friend.

The very moment Vivian started to dial the number Finn gave her though, an elegant woman who looked like one of those rich types entered the bar. Interestingly enough, she was almost as tall as Ylva herself, which wasn't something that common. Getting closer to the bar, the woman shook her head as she look to the unconscious man before making a small joke about missing some of the fun.

"Seems like you're on the right place. Good drinks and regular brawls." Ylva said with a chuckle, greeting the long haired woman with a nod and raising her drink.

Just as the long haired woman got closer to them, Ylva had a similar reaction to when Finn approached the bar the first time, stopping and staring at the woman for a few moments before turning back to her drink.

"It's also the only place that seems to sell Akevitt around here, so that speaks a lot about the variety of drinks they have." Ylva said to the woman.

"What a coincidence..." she said with a smirk, more to herself than anyone else but not bothering in hiding that from neither Finn nor the woman who had just arrived.

While it was definitely surprising to meet not one, but two others of her own kin in the same bar, in the same evening, she still didn't know if they were part of a pack or lone wanderers just like her. If there was a pack in the town though, which wasn't really unlikely, especially after meeting two others in such a short span of time, Ylva would have to see if they would be hostile towards her or not. Even though she was confident on her own strength and speed, she wouldn't be able to do much against an entire pack other than flee if they somehow turned out to be hostile against her. For that, despite her pride as an Asulf, she would have to thread carefully when interacting with other werewolves in the city.

No worries, take your time. I hope everything goes well :-)

Was thinking in waiting for your reply before posting, since both of my characters aren't really fit to talk about this kind of stuff. There's not much Ada can add to the conversation (lol) and Freyr is hopeless when the subject is love and relationships.

Due to her magic being not exactly ideal for that type of misdirection and the fact that, due to her unique magic, it would be incredibly obvious to almost any cultists that she was behind it, she simply stood by in silence. Chres' previous distraction would already make things easier for them but thanks to Týfurkh, using his magic to further confuse the soldiers, which gave them enough time to approach them.

Following Chres closely, Karina carefully and slowly unsheathed her rapier, in order to not make any sound. The moment Chres jumped on the guards, Karina followed soon after, ready to dispatch of those guards in a swift manner. What they weren't expecting though was the fact that the guard Chres had already struck, would still try to sound the horn he had with him in his last moments. Thanks to Chres' quick thinking though, he slit the dying man's throat before he could sound the horn.

Their attack on the guards was swift and brutal, especially when aided by Octavio's illusions. The guard that was going to attack Chres after he finished the one that was going to sound the horn was now paralyzed due to Octavio's illusions. Confused and probably in fear after what he saw, he was an easy prey for Karina, who dashed towards his direction in a deadly lunge. No magic was necessary to finish him. Two quick and precise movements from Karina's rapier were enough. A single stab in the heart, followed by a slash to the throat in order to prevent the guard from screaming. Death came quickly as the remaining guard fell to the ground, dead.

It wasn't the first time Karina had seen Octavio's illusions but that didn't prevent her from being surprised by it. More than anyone else, Karina was familiar with how dangerous and effective illusions could be, since her father was one of the most famous users of that type of magic. Looking to Octavio, Karina nodded in a silence gesture of appreciation for his skills and help.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location: Forest outside Roshmi
Time: Evening => Morning
Interactions: O'ner (Mathis)@Eviledd1984, Malachi @princess, Belladonna @Potter

Myra had learned a lot of things while living in the wilds by herself and among them, she knew that despite the fact that she probably could hunt or flee from anything in the forest, there were some animals that even her should be wary of. As experience showed her, bright colored insects and animals were, in the majority of times, very venomous. Even though she had never seen those strange spiders before, their appearance almost screamed to her that they too were incredibly dangerous due to that very fact.

Myra watched as the male elf used his bow to take out some of the spiders and as Mathis turned his staff into a bow. Those would be really helpful, since she really didn't want to try her luck and go near those creatures to attack them with her claws. She didn't know, after all, if the spiders were just venomous or if their skin or blood was also dangerous. Not only that but the amount of spiders that appeared, one after another made it clear that if they moved carelessly, they would be completely cornered and overwhelmed by them.

Myra was hissing towards the spiders, giving a few steps back while she did so. Stopping for a moment, she looked to Mathis and the rest of the group, pointing towards the exit of the cave with an urgent expression before returning hissing and trying to intimidate the spiders again. They needed to get out of there and run, lest they wanted to be overwhelmed by the spiders. Unfortunately for them, their situation was about to get much worse, as the spiders suddenly became more aggressive, glowing brighter and with even more venom coming out of their fangs. Now that the spiders were glowing brighter, it became even more obvious that they needed to run. Looking towards the forest, the group would easily be able to see even more spiders approaching and a stronger glow in the distance, what probably was the place where the spiders were coming from.

Judging that staying there would be too dangerous, Myra grabbed Mathis' hand and began pulling him towards the exit, searching for a path that would avoid the spiders and lead them to safety. Myra looked towards the group as well, pointing and signaling that they should also run.

Location: Roshmi Slums => Sewers
Time: Evening
Interactions: Torvi @Tae, Kuroi @hide on mana

While Ayita would be vehemently against the idea of going into the sewers at any other occasion, she knew better than to complain at that moment. No matter the smell or the filth that they would have to face, the sewers were indeed the safest place at the moment, somewhere they may be able to rest a bit better and it was evident that if they didn't rest soon, they would risk simply fainting out of exhaustion.

Even though the few minutes they had spent there could hardly be called 'resting', being closer to a torture, it still helped them to conserve some energy. As Kuroi stood up, Ayita nodded, agreeing with him as he said that they should start searching for the sewers. It did take a while, but thanks to Kuroi knowing well the city, they finally found a place that was connected to the sewers. Just as Kuroi had said as he grabbed the manhole cover, they would be backtracking the very way they came from inside the sewers, which would hopefully take them outside.

"I just hope we won't... collapse due to the exhaustion before we're outside..." Ayita said, fighting the exhaustion and forcing herself to climb down the ladder to the sewer. The only good thing in all that was that she was so exhausted that the foul smell coming from the sewer was the least of her problems and ignoring it wouldn't be that much of a task... Trying to stay awake and fighting the exhaustion though was another story...

Time: 5pm
Location: Alexei's
Interaction with: Vivian @Pink Khione, Finn @Milkman

While she spoke, Ylva watched as the black haired woman prepared her drink. Her hands and experienced movements an indication that she knew very well what she was doing. The ingredients she was putting did make Ylva curious about the taste as well. When she mentioned that the tradition her clan had of slaughtering the meat for the feast right there was 'metal', Ylva couldn't help but laugh a bit.

"You wouldn't believe-me if I told you more about it!" she said, laughing. She wondered how the woman would react if she told her a bit more of what really happened in those feasts.

"Viv. I like how it sounds! I feel we might see each other quite regularly from now on." Ylva said with a chuckle as she watched Viv giving the drink some final touches.

The very moment she finished Ylva's drink and was handing it over to her, a loud crashing noise interrupted both of them, coming from the bar's entrance. The culprits were two men, whom apparently were fighting before literally throwing themselves inside the bar, crashing through the door and landing on the ground.

Ylva watched with an amused expression as the smaller one of the two, the blonde guy, quickly knocked out the big guy with a punch, before grabbing his head and nodding it with it's hands as he said that the big guy would pay for the repairs.

"Oh shit! Someone knows how to throw a punch!" Ylva said, with an amused smile and a laugh as the blonde guy knocked the big one out.

"Hah! Indeed a good finding. If things like this are common here, I'm probably going to love this place!" she said as she looked to Viv, laughing. While it wasn't exactly her intention, her laugh probably helped to disperse the silence and the strange atmosphere that took over the bar after the loud crashing noise.

"By the way, this is fantastic, Viv!" Ylva said as she gave a sip on the drink Vivian had prepared for her earlier.

The moment Vivian asked for the blonde man's ID and contact information though, Ylva who was distracted before finally picked up a rather... peculiar smell coming from the blonde man. She already knew that there were other werewolves in the town so she knew that sooner or later she would meet with another one, but she wasn't expecting to meet one there. Ylva who was laughing and cheerful before immediately went silent, looking to the blonde man with a piercing stare. After a brief moment, Ylva took another sip from her drink, seemingly returning to her usual self, although it would be clear for the blonde man that she was still watching every movement he made.

"Just out of curiosity... How many times you guys have to fix the front door per year?" Ylva asked Viv, taking another big sip from her drink.


Mikhail entered Faeril's room in silence as she spoke. Indeed, it was like she said. Until Fatima could confirm the bond she felt with Sybl, they could do absolutely nothing but to wait. That didn't meant that it wasn't risky though and Mikhail himself didn't like to work with assumptions. Either he trusted Sybl or he didn't. Thankfully, he wasn't going to be alone with Fatima. As Fatima changed subjects, asking about the requirement the old priestess talked about, Mikhail was starting to open his mouth to speak before Gennar started explaining to her. The moment he finished, it became clear due to Faeril's expression that she wasn't expecting that answer.

"Unfortunately, Faeril, it is as he said." Mikhail said with a heavy sigh, a clear indication that he was equally unsatisfied with the old priestess' requirements than Faeril was.

"The candle isn't the problem but... We can't afford to have that black jeweled warlord prince with us... At least not the way he is right now." he continued.

"Volatile, unpredictable, he is a black jeweled warlord prince that might not even feel the pull towards Fatima. He has absolutely no reason to be our ally, just like we have no reason to trust him. Convincing him to come with us will already be a problem and even if we do, it would be akin to walk around with a bomb that could explode at any moment..." he said with a serious tone.

"We need a very good measure to put him under our control before we can even consider taking him. The risk would be too great if we don't." he finished, looking to Faeril in a manner that, despite his lack of words, suggested that she could be the one to create such 'leash' to keep SaDiablo under control.
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