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8 mos ago
Current Sorry for the delay everyone. I've been absolutely swamped with work these last weeks. I'm getting my replies up slowly.
8 mos ago
Keeping track of things makes it easier to avoid bad experiences! And to not make the same mistake like an idiot... :-/


"Humanity takes great pride in three things. Their willpower, their greed and their mortality.

Their will and endless greed allows them to grow and accend past other creatures
But their mortality denies them divinity

It's a delightful purgatory between being Fallen and being Divine"

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I got the seal of approval for her!! XD


Maeve let out an acid, sarcastic laugh as she heard Kistal's words, unfazed by his threats and his posture. Despite that, her hand was still on her rapier and both her eyes and the temperature, which was rapidly dropping around her were a clear, nonverbal warning to both Kistal and anyone nearby.

"Thieves, murderers and liars are indeed all birds of the same flock, aren't they?" she said, looking to Kistal with a disgusted expression.

"It is amusing how your attitude serves only to further reaffirm all the prejudice and reputation the beastmen have. I wonder if you are even aware of that..." she said.

"Without even a modicum of education or respect, you see everything that happens as an affront against your 'kind' and, true to the reputation your kind has, your first answer is insults, threats or even violence..." Maeve continued.

"I wonder how much of an inferiority complex one should have in order to think that a traveler, a complete stranger, entering an inn and politely asking for something to eat and drink was calling him a 'servant'. You owe waiters an apology, don't you think so?" she said with a sarcastic chuckle, referring to the first time she met him after arriving on Kalla.

"Oh, and you should be very careful with your assumptions about me... Many have paid dearly for thinking I am just a naive little princess. I am proud of who I am, of my name and my hometown. Tundral stands proud and mighty and will continue to do so, despite what happens in the outside world and I am a reflection of that. While I am definitely above crude and barbaric beasts like yourself, I am not afraid of resorting to violence when needed. The rapier I carry isn't just for show." she finished, with a cold stare towards Kistal.

"Ignorantia legis neminem excusat. Ignorance of law excuses no one. I care not who it is or where it came from, the fact that it does not know law doesn't make it any less wrong for it to have invaded my privacy and stolen my posessions. Be it my rapier or even the silk from my shoes, even if it had stolen a piece of paper, it doesn't matter. Would you all say the same if someone arrived on Kalla, killed someone and gave you a similar excuse?" she said, this time addressing not only Kistal, but Allanon and anyone else who spoke. Her hostility clearly extending to them as well instead of just Kistal.

"You were all so quick to turn against me that you ignored the fact that I never mentioned I would kill anyone. Punishing is different from killing. If I didn't know how to control myself, all the arrogant and ignorant nobles who dared to duel me back in Tundral would be either missing limbs or worse." she said with an acid tone.

As Suzune shouted and Allard arrived, Maeve's disgust with the entire situation and how outraged she was with everything couldn't be more apparent. By now, a thin layer of ice began covering the ground around her, quickly expanding outwards as the situation continued to take such a ridiculous turn.

"You should lower your voice when speaking to me, Suzune. I am merely defending myself from someone who is clearly threatening me. Or should I simply forgive them and let them threaten me because some creatures do not have the concept of 'education' and 'courtesy'?" Maeve said, completely unfazed by the gust of wind coming from Suzune, which only made the ice around her react even more violently, it's surface cracking and ice growing from beneath.

"We have known each other for only two days, Allard. Don't you dare tell me you 'know my heart'. If you truly did, I wouldn't be hearing those words. Even after everything that I did for this town, despite being a complete outsider, I am still treated like this." she continued.

"While the theft does annoy me, the fact that I was treated like this, despite risking my own life for this town is what enrages me. I will not stand by after being disrespected like this. You were all so quick to turn against me and chastise me, not even bothering to hear my words." she said, shaking her head, disappointed as she began walking away.

"I didn't bring much with me, my room is already empty. My stay was already paid for and the silk that was stolen from me should be more than enough compensation for any inconvenience, given it's price." she said towards Suzune and Allard as she began walking towards the exit.

As she was doing so, she couldn't help but hearing Bizdil speaking about some kind of treasures he wanted to gather before exitting the inn. While Maeve didn't really care about what happened to Bizdil, the story about the artifacts, including how many people sought them for their own reasons and the summoning of a certain 'Vanishing Kingdom' wasn't ignored by Maeve. Those were informations that she had to deliver to the Queen of Tundral. She wouldn't just stand idly while her country could potentially be invaded... It would be prudent to find a way to send this information directly to the Queen in a safe and discreet manner.

Interactions: Amanda and Madeleine @Kumbaris, Ullross @ReusableSword, Morgana Faith @King Cosmos, Micheal Crane @BigPapaBelial, Xaviron @Martian, Scarlet @AWACS

Faye didn't understand the words Madeleine said, but she could feel the magic she was using, how her mana permeated and moved through her body, delicately moving her own mana inside her, slowly putting order to the chaotic flow, thanks to the exposure to eldritch energy. Faye could feel the fragments of eldritch energy being moved inside her body, gathering together as they were moved to her feet, before being expelled. While it was the first time Faye had received such treatment, the moment it was over, Faye's breathing immediately became calmer. She couldn't feel the influence of eldritch energy on her body anymore. With that done, it was but a matter of time until the flow of mana inside Faye went back to normal.

"The Shattering... I only came to know of that name after a good while... I was only twelve years old when it happened." Faye said, with a grim expression as Madeleine asked what she had felt when it happened in 1989.

"I was completely oblivious of what was happening in the Moon at that time, but the eldritch energy I felt almost completely broke me. Both my magic and my mind..." she continued.

"I have very little memories of that day, but what I was never able to forget what I felt back then..." she finished, before shaking her head and giving a deep breath.

"I don't know how the gods managed to beat it and not be corrupted by that terrible energy... But something like that, having such a huge amount of eldritch energy to be focused in one point... It can never happen again..." Faye said, with a dark tone and an incredibly serious stare. The moment Faye looked deep within Madeleine's eyes as she said that, Madeleine could clearly feel the fear deep within then as she mentioned those words.

Madeleine might have noticed that Faye didn't really mention the creature, but instead talked about the strange energy it emanated and how she refused to call it 'magic'. It was almost as if deep within Faye's unconscious, she knew something, something she had experienced back when the Shattering happened. Something that might have been too traumatic for her and instead, was locked by her own mind, forced to forget in order to preserve her own sanity...

It did take Faye a few minutes in silence before she turned her attention towards Madeleine once again, but once she did, it was almost as if all the tension, the fear in her eyes as she spoke about the Shattering, it was almost as all that had completely disappeared from Faye's mind.

"Thank you for your help, Madeleine. I'm feeling much better now." she said with a smile, giving her a hug.

"I should really thank Morgana too. Well... That and return her hat to her. I'm afraid it doesnt fit my style that well." Faye said with a giggle as she got up.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Yenworth Tavern
Interactions: Vrexen and Astra @FunnyGuy

Myra was visibly satisfied and way more comfortable after Astra took her dress off. Stretching herself, Myra was ready to jump on the bed again when Astra asked if they cleaned themselves. Looking at Astra with a thoughtful expression, Myra looked at her hands, then her sides and bringing the tip of her tail in front of her. After a quick analysis, Myra nodded her head to Astra. While it wasn't really that dirty, she could certainly use some water to clean herself. That said, no matter how much she looked around the room, she couldn't see any water she could use. After spending a few seconds searching, she walked back to Astra, looking at her with a confused expression as she made a gesture of wiping her arms and tail. She didn't particularly care about the bed getting dirty, but Myra herself always had a habit of remaining clean, so it was better for her to clean herself before sleeping than having to do it later.

Interactions: Amanda and Madeleine @Kumbaris, Ullross @ReusableSword, Morgana Faith @King Cosmos, Micheal Crane @BigPapaBelial, Xaviron @Martian, Scarlet @AWACS

Faye didn't understand exactly what magic Morgana used on her hat, but it definitely came as a blessing to her at that moment. Even if she was in such close proximity to such a high concentration of Eldritch energy, she could feel very little of it. It was almost as if Morgana's hat served as a filter, keeping most of the eldritch magic away. That said, it didn't seem to filter only eldritch energy though. To Faye, it felt almost like wearing sunglasses at night. While she could still 'feel' other types of magic, she could clearly feel her magic senses being dulled down and 'muffled' in order to prevent the Eldritch energy to reach her.
While it was still possible for Faye to feel the faintest trace of the eldritch energy coming from the being Amanda and the others were fighting against, it was so little, so insignificant, thanks to the spell Morgana put on the hat, that Faye had almost no adverse reaction to it.

Faye had only partially recovered herself when the loud noise coming from Scarlet's rifle and the strong magic coming from Morgana, brought her back into reality. Having 'woken up' to such a chaotic situation was a overwhelming for Faye though. The loud sound coming from Scarlet's rifle, the complicated magic that Morgana was weaving, the thunderous roars coming from Micheal's attacks, everything was still too much for Faye to process still being mentally weakened an suffering the residual backlash from the exposure to eldritch energy. She could hear the sounds of Amanda struggling against the abomination, but Faye dared not to stare directly at it, even with Morgana's hat. Everything around her went on in a blur, the loud sounds of battle, the traces of magic, 'muffled' thanks to the spell on Morgana's hat. Confused and disoriented, Faye could only stand where she was, still recovering from the shock.

It was only after some time, when the reinforcements started arriving that Faye realized that everything was finally over. Slowly kneeling down and taking off Morgana's hat, she began looking around, situationg herself. Only to be surprised by the demoness she met back at the headquarters, Madeleine, looking at her with a concerned expression. Surprised both by her presence and the spells she was preparing, Faye flinched, falling down once again as she looked at her with a wary expression, only to be calmed by her kind words and soothing voice.

"I-I'm sorry! The Eldritch energy I-" Faye tried to say, a myriad of emotions flooding her mind. Feeling guilty for not being able to help, afraid for what she had seen and felt...

Breathing deeply and taking a moment of silence to order her thoughts, Faye looked at Madeleine again, silently nodding to her offer of help.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Yenworth Tavern
Interactions: Vrexen and Astra @FunnyGuy

Myra kept her mouth open, letting Astra analyze her teeth until she was satisfied, closing her mouth soon after and looking at both Astra and Vrexen. While Myra was a bit confused on why both of them seemed to be so satisfied with the things she could do, she was still happy they were praising her, opening a satisfied and proud smile, completely oblivious to what the "sex work" Astra mentioned really meant.

As Vrexen's turn to show his abilities came, Myra moved nearby Astra, standing as she curiously watched Vrexen. At first, he showed them both his teeth and his claws, which weren't exactly interesting for Myra, but the moment he started growing, Myra gave a step back, a bit wary but still curious and amazed. Was Vrexen able to grow even bigger? If so, where did all of the extra meat and muscles came from? While Vrexen did explain something about the weird third eye he had, to Myra it was still just a boring, adittional eye on his forehead though.
Her bewilderment and curioisity with Vrexen's ability to change sizes was cut short though, when he suddenly yelled at Astra, making Myra give a small jump backwards, wary about Vrexen's sudden outburst. Having already experienced what it was like when Vrexen lost control over his temper, she was even more careful around him now, knowing he could change his size. If he had changed his size like this back when he held her head, he would easily be able to crush it.

After a moment of silence and after making sure Vrexen wouldn't lose control, Myra looked towards Astra, assuming that they had all finished showing each other their abilities. Approaching her, Myra pointed towards the bed, before pinching her dress and raising her arms, just like she did when asking her to help her to wear it again. Since they were inside the room, it should be okay for her to take off her clothes right? Besides, if they were going to rest, Myra definitely wouldn't want to do so while wearing that annoying dress.
@Stern Algorithm@AzureKnight@Rezod92@Restalaan

These last weeks have been kinda hectic here, finals week in college, really busy days at work, so I'm really sorry for the delay. I was really afraid of these last tests too.

That said, thanks for everything! It was a blast RPing with you all!
It's been truly a journey. 4 years is a lot lol.

Hopefully we'll meet again in other RPs!
Sorry for the delay guys! I'm really pooped after two weeks studying like mad for the finals. At least won't need to worry about college for a while now lol.

Promise I'll have something done either tomorrow or monday :-)

Interactions: Amanda @Kumbaris, Ullross @ReusableSword, Morgana Faith @King Cosmos, Micheal Crane @BigPapaBelial, Xaviron @Martian, Scarlet @AWACS

Completely oblivious to what was happening around her, Faye was still trembling in shock, hugging herself and cowering behind the car. Due to being very sensitive to magic, the presence of an eldritch abomination a focus of dark energy so close to her could only be described as agonizing and maddening. She could feel the abhorent magic, it's chaotic flow, wriggling under her skin almost as if it was trying to corrupt her, her magic, her very being was rejecting and reacting violently to it.

Words and even thoughts failed to describe what Faye was feeling right now. While natural magic flowed through forests, rivers and deep within the earth like veins in a living being, Eldritch magic was different... It was so different from most other types of magic that it was incredibly hard to consider to even refer to it as a type of 'magic'. Whenever it was used, it was clear that it didn't originate in the same place as natural magic did. But what scared Faye the most was what she could feel behind that energy whenever there was a significant focus of Eldritch energy. It was almost as she could feel something behind that energy, the traces that that energy left, leading to it's origin... It was almost as it served as a small window unto the abyss and behind it... an indescribable feeling that there was something some type of entity watching...

"No... NO! GET AWAY FROM ME!" Faye shouted, as a wave of magic pulsed from her, making the objects that were warping and blinking around her to increase in velocity and with their patterns becoming more unpredictable.

At that very moment though, Faye felt something being put over her head and a distant voice saying something to her. Focusing on it, past the chaotic noises, the whispers and the terrible sense of foreboding from the Eldritch Energy, she could vaguely hear Morgana's voice, saying for her to pour mana into the hat.

Without thinking twice, almost as if purely on reflex, Faye grabbed the sides of the witch hat, pulling them down, trying to cover her ears as she cowered even more. As her magic unconsciously began flowing through the hat though, she could immetiately feel that it was blocking the eldritch energy from reaching her. While it didn't fully prevented her from sensing it, it was almost as if it greatly muffled it down.
Only a few seconds after she began pouring her mana into the hat, Morgana and the others nearby could clearly see the objects that were warping around Faye to slow down and after a moment to fall to the ground. Despite still being in shock, Faye as well seemed to be way calmer than before, her breathing was calmer and more stable.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Yenworth Tavern
Interactions: Vrexen and Astra @FunnyGuy

Satisfied after finishing 'her' food, Myra watched as Astra put a bunch of shinies over the small piece of paper the woman had handed her over a while ago. Watching that strange 'ritual' with curiosity, Myra leaned closer, looking at the pile of Amas resting over the piece of paper, stacked over each other in a pyramidal shape before the woman came and carried them away. While Myra was a bit worried that Astra would end up giving all the pretty shinies they had away in order to get food or other things, the meat they ate was indeed very tasty and food was definitely more useful than the shinies, which only served to be pretty... And to use to get food in cities, as Astra had shown them. Besides, all the eating was making her a bit sleepy, so she decided to not worry herself too much with those things and simply let Astra take care of the 'city stuff' like she had been doing until now.

Getting up, she followed Astra together with Vrexen as she took them further inside the building. Entering the room after Astra, Myra immediately started walking around sniffing the air, trying to identify what exactly that room was. Fortunately, her question was soon aswered when Vrexen asked Astra if that was a place for them to rest, which she promptly confirmed. Looking at both of them with a happy expression, Myra immediately started looking for a good place to rest. At first, she was pretty interested on the rug right in the middle of the room due to being relatively warm and definitely softer than the floor, but it quickly changed once she began investigating the bed. The moment she tried to get up, she immediately stopped, amazed by how soft it was. Gently touching the mattress with her hands, she looked at Astra and Vrexen with a surprised expression as they talked with each other. Climbing on the bed, she walked above it for a moment, both amused by it's softness and the weird feeling that was walking over something so soft before she laid down on it with her belly down and her arms open.

Myra was already getting comfortable when Astra told her to get up, with earned her an annoyed stare of protested as Myra got off the bed, walking over to where Astra was sitting over, looking at her with a confused (and still slightly annoyed) expression. Listening to Astra's words, Myra thought for a bit about her question about what she could do and how she should reply to it. Deciding to start with the things Astra already knew about her, she looked at Astra and began gradually camouflaging herself, until she was completely invisible before appearing again after a moment. Continuing the demonstration, Myra assumed a low posture before she gave a small dash, quickly going from one side of the room to the other in the blink of an eye. While the room wasn't big enough for her to run and she definitely left some big marks on the floor after using her claws to help her to stop before hitting the wall, that small dash would hopefully be enough for Astra to understand that Myra could run very fast. Last but not least, Myra approached her, lifting one of her feet together with one of her hands, showing Astra her claws before she put them down and opened her mouth so she could see the double row of extremely sharp teeth, a rather rare sight for someone who wasn't her food nor she was trying to intimidate.
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