Avatar of Letter Bee


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13 hrs ago
Current Avatar: The Last Airbender RPing like you've never seen it before... Accursed Tropes: The Last Airbender has its Int Check posted!
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2 days ago
Two years, nine months. Noble Arms: The ASEAN War, my RP, still needs players.
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25 days ago
Two years, eight months, three threads... Four months more until my RP as a whole lasts three years.
1 mo ago
My Elder Scrolls RP may reach a third month... or die in a few days. It depends on luck.
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2 mos ago
My RP, despite many challenges, has ran for two years and seven months across three threads.


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I mostly prefer quality, write your hearts out, but yea i seen some good rp y'all got to offer :) do check mine at Advance Roleplay Echos Of The Void

I did, but I prefer Casual RP and the pool of players who go there, sadly (One of my own is linked on my signature; wanna check it out?).
@Letter Bee mostly 1x1, just because my schedule’s a bit too busy to keep up with groups and i haven’t done one in a looooong time lol. hopefully one day i could give a slower paced one a shot. thanks for the welcome!

Thanks for the polite response; note that most group RPs (including mine) slow down for long periods of time, although OOC Discussion on Discord is very dang fast sometimes...
@BloodySweet, so, have you looked at any of the RPs on offer, just to get a sense of the usual formatting and writing quality (and quantity)?
@grimreaper, welcome! I presume you're mostly interested in 1x1s, right? I mostly group RP, you see...
@LONG LONG SWORD, welcome!
@LimeTime966, nice profile picture/avatar!

Do play with us on the Casual Section some time; I myself am running a game!
Mission Four - Knives in Phnom Penh

The Skies above Phnom Penh - 11/11/2022 06:45 UTC+7, which is 7:45, UTC+8

Mei Yuanyuan had left the Diamond Island Convention and Exhibition Center, keeping her promise to leave Cristina and her friends alone. But that did not mean that she would not walk out of the building and conjure up her Noble Arm, the flying Sloop-of-War that was, despite her being against Noble Arms, her pride and joy. One day, when Noble Arms was not even a memory, she'd make enough money to construct one of her own, purely for vanity reasons.

But for now, the floating ship rose to the air, where the Cambodian Air Force was scrambling to control the airspace above Phnom Penh, their loyalties uncertain as they faced the most fearsome asset that ASEAN had in their arsenal - Lotus Squadron, Vietnam's best pilots in their best warplanes. To tell the truth, even she was not sure she could defeat them, or that she wanted to - As a former Disabler, she saw them as everything she wanted to be; proof that Humanity did not need Noble Arms to advance.

Sentimentality won out, and her ship's cannons, which could have fired back with the same potency as a modern anti-aircraft gun, sealed themselves up as the vessel itself turned around, ceremoniously signaling its Captain's decision to leave the battlefield, and doing so as slowly as possible, to signal that said decision was not out of cowardice. She then sent a radio message to everyone with an open channel, saying, "I am Mei Yuanyuan, formerly of the Chinese Foreign Volunteers' Squadron, and although I am an Arms Master, I have come not to fight for China or ASEAN, but rather to announce that the Disablers are reborn again, and have found a way to remove all Noble Arms - And even the memory of them - from existence."

As the Cambodian Air Force realized that they were going to face Lotus Squadron alone, as well as additional planes from the rest of ASEAN, many of them stood down and surrendered; others actively began to defect back to ASEAN's ranks, joining with Lotus Squadron rather than be utterly ravaged by them - The tide had turned.

Diamond Island Convention and Exhibition Center, The City of Phnom Penh - 11/11/2022 06:50 UTC+7, which is 7:50, UTC+8

Myron, Berto, and Cristina had finally joined up with Marta, Henri, Aoi (and maybe Nico), and the Cambodian ASEAN Loyalists. Upon not seeing Noel, Myron grits his teeth and speaks, "I see that Yulian got here before us."

Turning to Marta, Myron spoke to her, Henri, and Aoi, "You three; you're still combat-effective, right? Same for Volunteer Nico Makri? If so, the Philippine Civilian Diplomats are being evacuated to the Thai Embassy, but we need to take stock of what we have right now - The People's Republic of China has denied involvement in this and is saying they won't help the Cambodian Government if we try and 'pacify them'. Why are they saying that? Because they do not think we can do this. Thankfully..."

He then looked at a text message he received, then showed it to everyone else; it said, in English: HELP IS COMING.

Don Muang Royal Air Force Base, Thailand - 11/11/2022 06:45 UTC+7, which is 7:45, UTC+8

ASEAN Forces, including Volunteer Units from the Philippines and America, had been training in the HQ of the Royal Thai Air Force; these included Arms Master Len Vuong, plus a few Filipinos, including Dior de Danggal, who had been specially requested to head to Thailand with some of his best assassins to prove his renewed loyalty to the Government of National Salvation. And of course, there was Airman Mykhailo Martinez, a Non-Arms Master who had come to the base with his KAI T-50 Golden Eagle (the F-50 Variant). They were now in a briefing room where a Female Thai Officer said, in clear and fluent English:

"Volunteers and ASEAN members, we have received bad news: The Cambodian Government, under its Prime Minister and his son, the leader of the Army, have trumped up charges against ASEAN-allied forces to justify a defection to China and an attack on ASEAN assets and ASEAN-loyal units, including those in a Peace Conference. The Chinese Government officially denies involvement, nor has it formally accepted the Cambodian defection. Still, the nation of Laos, once a fellow ASEAN member, has accepted People's Liberation Army troops into its borders and left ASEAN, declaring war on us in coordination with the Myanmar Military Junta and some of Cambodia's border forces."

A pause for her to let this news sink in, before she continued, "This breach of International Law cannot be condoned; you are to go to Phnom Penh with everything we can spare - Combat and Transport Planes and Helicopters. Cambodian Forces loyal to ASEAN are still holding the west of Phnom Penh, but the northern and southern portions of the city have gone all-in on the defection. Not just that, but the Cambodians have brought in Russian and Venezuelan mercenaries they have secretly hired with Chinese money to squash ASEAN-loyal forces in the East of the City. So here are your objectives: Fly to Phnom Penh, reinforce ASEAN and ASEAN-loyal troops, and punish the Cambodian Government for their betrayal - The Cambodian Air Force has defected back to ASEAN rather than face Lotus Squadron."

The Thai Officer then pulled out a map of Phnom Penh, before saying, "The main targets are the Royal Gendarmerie of Cambodia's HQ in the south section of the city, as well as the Royal Palace of Cambodia and the National Assembly Building. Do not cause excess collateral damage to the Royal Palace and the National Assembly Building - The Gendarmerie, however, must be made an example of..."

She then faced them and continued, "Any questions? You deploy in five minutes."

@Gerlando@Nimbus@QJT@Amidatelion@Digmata@Chiro@Creative Chaos@4wheathRmany@Urizen
@BloodySweet, welcome!
@aurebesh, personality is too short, bio is too short, and you got some of the formatting wrong on the space above the picture. Can you fix it?
@Damo021, wanna join the Discord?
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