Avatar of Letter Bee


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1 hr ago
Current Avatar: The Last Airbender RPing like you've never seen it before... Accursed Tropes: The Last Airbender has its Int Check posted!
2 days ago
Two years, nine months. Noble Arms: The ASEAN War, my RP, still needs players.
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24 days ago
Two years, eight months, three threads... Four months more until my RP as a whole lasts three years.
1 mo ago
My Elder Scrolls RP may reach a third month... or die in a few days. It depends on luck.
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2 mos ago
My RP, despite many challenges, has ran for two years and seven months across three threads.


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Mission Four - Knives in Phnom Penh

Diamond Island Convention and Exhibition Center, The City of Phnom Penh - 11/11/2022 07:15 UTC+7, which is 8:15, UTC+8

Myron was about to panic; he was an intelligence analyst and a spy and only moderately combat-effective even with his Noble Arm; without Noel, he was just not good in a combat situation.

Nico and Aoi were not giving their input, nor was Marta, while Cristina was still out of commission and Nil was recovering. His next glance was at Henri and Roberto as they put forward plans that, quite frankly, he did not think would work without their combat-effective personnel in play, which they did not seem to be.

Then he received a notification on his communications device, and he briefly glanced at that, then said, "Guys, two things. One, help came; the Thai are sending everything they can spare to this city to help us, and we still have regular people here as reinforcements; the Americans are also sending commandoes to safeguard their diplomats, their embassy, and our civilian personnel, too. But the Royal Thai Air Force has sent their best reinforcements on a direct strike against the Cambodian Prime Minister, H.S., in the Cambodian National Assembly Building and they're encountering stiff resistance."

Looking at Henri and Roberto, he then said, "As for what you two said, we are not separating and while as for spitballing, the plan is to evacuate this building and either go southeast to the South Korean Embassy, or west to Phnom Penh International Airport, or go northwest to help out our new friends against the Cambodian Government; the troops Nico convinced to take our side have vehicles we can use to get to either, but we must get out of this building if we are to be of help."

Sounds of gunfire could be heard coming closer; the Cambodian Government forces and their mercenaries were closing in once more. In the absence of input from the ones with actual combat expertise, Myron had to make an executive decision.

"We're going," the young man said, "Henri, take point until we reach our allies' Transports. The rest of you, follow me and take Cristina; you're going to the Phnom Penh International Airport - It's clear that the shock of this has left you guys unable to fight any further."

Nico Makri had fought 'Yulian' and gotten the Cambodian troops surrounding the building to change sides. However, he went quiet and refused to give input, not realizing or even remembering what he had done for them or following up on his actions. Aoi Mikoto had talked big, but at the end of the day, had been too caught up in her thoughts and goals to help out. As for Marta, she had been injured, healed herself, and healed Nil, but then went inactive after that except for the most basic of movements.

It was clear that he would have to send them away; they were unfit to continue... While he was not.

"As for me..." Myron announced, "I'm going to keep fighting - Once you are on your way, I will use my Noble Arm to transport myself to the National Assembly Building. Be safe, everyone."

And then he went off to lead the way towards the transports; this group needed a break from the fighting and to recover from the betrayals they had undergone...

@Gerlando@QJT@Amidatelion@Digmata@Chiro@Creative Chaos@DammitVictor
@AtomicNut, Aporoval One.

@Gerlando will review the powers and maybe give Second and Final Approval.
Decided not to join due to partial burnout.
In Hi... 5 mos ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
@McNephelim, welcome!
Kazuki Yamagata

"It's Armory, not Arsenal," Kazuki said as he kept shooting at Keyaru while giving what weapons - He had extra weapons? - he still had, all the while scenting victory in the air. He could infer it; Ravens had done something to interfere with Keyaru. Smiling, Kazuki continued to follow the instructions given to him, scenting victory in the air. However, despite all their efforts, he just could not shake the feeling that this was too easy - It probably was.

So he conserved part of his strength for when Keyaru pulled something out of his ass to escape...

@Danyel@Iamme@Dragon Arts@Digmata@Gerlando@BlackMaiden@The Man Emperor@Aku the Samurai@JrVader@Paingodsson
Mykhailo Martinez

Mykhailo chuckled and said, "Understandable, Amazon," giving Fuka an affectionate (well, 'affectionate') pet name of his own.

He then turned to Scott and decided to ask, "So, what got you into this line of business in the first place? I already told Amazon why I am, but what about you? I presume you have your own story as to why you chose the high-flying life?"

Glancing at Fuka, Mykhailo was slightly wary that Fuka might have been too annoyed by his 'needling'; well, Mykhailo liked mischief when he can get away with it, and he liked to think that he fit a sharper niche of humor that Circus the Flying Circus had neglected to fill. Not that he disliked that guy, even though he found the slapstick genre to be bland, precisely because he had liked it when he was six or eight and those were days that he was ashamed of.

He was a grown-up boy now; nineteen. But he was still a boy and he needed to learn from those more experienced than him if he was to survive long enough to avenge Artemio and bring order to his mother's country and contribute in some small way to the defeat of the NCAA and their friends in Russia and China.

Let go, Mykhailo, he thought. Amazon - Fuka - was right that you have to take things less seriously; focus on the job - Not an imaginary fight between good and evil. Calm down, listen to the commanding officer's story.

If there was anything Mykhailo was proud of, it was letting go, shedding his anger even against a target that did him and those he loved harm - And in doing so, lightening his own pain and saving his mind the stress and trouble of someone who hated beyond reason.

@Smike@Rhona W

Face Claim I will use. Thinking of a Swiss Guard or just making up a planet with a Monarchy.
Trying to think up an idea for a living, breathing, character who isn't a self-insert but is still a prettyboy.
Mykhailo Martinez

"Just joking around," Mykhailo said. "An idle thought, that's all."

Besides, I prefer men, and she may not like that, the young man was thinking to himself. Then he sighed, relaxed, and admitted, "That said, I don't mind pretty folk."

Don't come out of the closet yet, Myk, he thought. You know they might not like you if you do it.

He decided to be careful; it's not as if Amazonian warrior women, like Fuka was one, weren't appealing to him. But honestly, if only a young man 'so inclined' was in their Squadron; that would make him even happier than he was now. But alas, all the men here were either: 1.) Straight, and 2.) Old.

So he faced Scott and said, "No romance yet, Sir. Besides, not ready for it."

This was a truth, considering how he had to get over Artemio first, and the ghost he represented...

@Smike@Rhona W
Summary of 'Team Newbie's' Objectives:

The objectives are flexible, but the rough plan was for Reaper to help Lotus Squaudron in bombing the Royal Gendarmerie HQ to dust, while Dior, Kaden, and Len are para-dropped over the National Assembly building to capture the Cambodian Prime Minister and his cronies in Parliament and end the Anti-ASEAN rebellion/betrayal. Yes, this means that Dior, Kaden, and Len are dropped out of a plane, along with Dior's elite assassins, and expected to perform a metaphorical decapitation strike.

After that, it depends on what the PCs in the Convention Center decide to do; if they want to go out to help you, they can. If they want to go to the Embassies, they can. But I will try and make it so that they can meet with you guys if needed.

Summary of Enemy Actions and Capabilities:

The enemy are basically the Cambodian Special Forces Command, the best of the best of the Cambodian Regular Troops. They are setting up a killzone around the National Assembly Building in anticipation of such a move. By that, they are preparing to shoot down the planes coming at them, shoot down anyone para-dropping towards them. They should anyone survive dropping down to the ground, concentrate as much firepower as they can at them in order to overwhelm their Arms Master Survivability and kill them.

Even then, Dior and Len's capabilities can disrupt such a strategy and give you guys a fighting chance. Also, there are 4 fairly weak (C-rank) Arms Masters around the Cambodian Prime Minister, but they have been tasked with staying inside the building to prevent Dior from copying some of their powers.

@LimeTime966, for when you come back, Lime, here are Kaden and the other Newbies' objectives.
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