Avatar of Nallore


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds I’m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad I’m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

"I'm alright just recovering from some bruises." Jennifer answered the driver and would smile slightly towards him, as she looked inside the limousine she had never been in one before and it was her first time. She got into the seat next to Mr. Scott, she watched as they slowly started to drive through the city until they were at the outskirts of the city then she saw an old looking mansion in front of her. Raising her eyebrows for a moment as the car came to a stop. Jennifer got out and quietly started to follow behind Scott until they were inside of his mansion, she was surprised to see how well maintained the inside was. She could imagine a lot of parties were hosted here at a time, she continued following Scott.

Until they headed towards the cellar and looked at the various wines that were held in the cellar, she listened to him as he told her to keep everything a secret, biting her lower lip for a moment once the door opened and she entered she would be working for him. Jennifer was willing to help out the city in whatever way she could. "I am ready." Jennifer answered him her eyes meeting Scott's to show that she was willing to accept the risks.

@Vicier I know this lovely blind girl! :D Shes good to go! :)
Alice Kennedy

Location: Mako Island inland.
Interacting With: @Morose Millicent Blair

"Ha ha, your funny." Alice said sarcastically towards Millicent as she took out her phone and took some photos of the waterfall in front of her, the island was so beautiful she would look over her shoulder as she watched Millicent throwing rocks into the flowing creek and smiled softly as she asked where the volcano was. Alice covered her eyes for a moment and squinted for a moment and then gently tapped Millicent's shoulder. "It's up there." Alice said as she pointed just west of the waterfall.

It was a very beautiful sight and glad that the volcano wasn't actually active, she turned around and grabbed a flat rock and skipped it across the water, watching it doing five skips before it went into the water. "C'mon lets get a closer look, race you there!" Alice said with a loud laugh as she suddenly got a head start over her friend Millicent as she ran through the foliage until she was at the base of the volcano.

What she wasn't expecting next was loosing her footing and suddenly screamed loudly as she fell down a small hole in the side, as she slid down the wet rock until she landed in the base of the cave. Alice started to groan loudly as she tried to look around for a way up and tried to climb the way she had fallen but it wasn't any use. "Milly you there?!" Alice yelled loudly to try and get her friend's attention.

Riley Walker

Location: Red Lake, then the Red Lake Clinic
Interacting With: @ChaoticFox Charlotte, @rivaan Natasha, & @Lord Zee Billy

As Riley waited for Billy to say something, she froze for a moment as she could easily hear some rustling in the woods, and slowly started to make her way towards the source of the sound and looked around until she caught a glimpse of blonde hair in the corner of her eye and then. Then there was a loud groan and several pants coming from the woman as she managed to get a better look at the strange woman who Riley didn't recognize at all. And she knew every soul in the town and almost everyone of them is family, so Riley instantly assumed that the woman was actually an out of towner. Then there was a red flag for her as she asked about the wolf attack, even if it was news in the next several towns over it didn't really get that far.

Then Riley could hear the familiar voice of Charlotte coming out from behind the woman and started to interrogate her about how she had gotten the information. "The wolf attack happened on the northern side of the lake from what I've heard, though it was already cleaned and fixed up. I usually ride my dirt bike up and around that area, I could maybe show you or something?" Riley asked, she was of course lying as the attack was in the southern portion of the lake. Riley would look over towards Charlotte and would smile slightly to her hoping that her friend would actually get the hint she was trying to lure the woman away from the real sight of the attack.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Stuck in Traffic

"Breaking News, this is Christina Orukevic from I.N.S. and boy have we have a story for you this morning. As was reported last night there was another suicide on the streets of Boston Heights. A Danica Graves seems to have eaten a bullet and taken a back flop right into the sidewalk during last nights Block Party. Guess she really wanted to crash the place. You all might remember the tale of Peyton Glencross from six month ago. She to chose to end her life during one of Boston Heights now infamous little soirees. You might want to attribute this pattern to some really bad food and drink but we have a little something to reveal to the rest of you. Danica Graves is none other than the older half sister of Peyton Glencross! Seems suicidal tendencies run in the DNA. Makes you wonder doesn't it? We will let you know more as the story truly unfolds! This is Christina Orukevic sighing off."

Riley put her phone away as she turned up the volume on the radio as she started to listen to the story that was being played on the radio, it seemed like a very interesting story that the reporter somehow found out. Riley would look over her shoulder as a bus started to slowly come up on her right, she couldn't get a good look at who were in the bus but she shrugged slightly as Riley turned her attention back to the radio and listened in. Then came the same story that was broken earlier about another Boston Heights member who was living there drowning in the park, something still didn't seem right at all for some reason someone was killing them in the apartments.

Three deaths, one six months ago and two within twenty-four hours of one another wasn't really a coincidence and decided that she could talk to Cecily about it later. When the story started to play once more Riley decided to shut off the radio for now and leaned back into her seat slowly moving with the flow of traffic inch by inch.

Kristina Smith

Location: Newnan Watchtower.

Kris looked at Bridgette the moment she opened her mouth she seemed nice, until her voice changed Kristina stood there and glared at the Viking woman all she wanted to do was be friendly to the newcomer but instead she decided to treat her like shit. "Oh, well i'm fucking sorry that you've been on the fucking road the whole time." Kristina glared as she stepped away from Cadence she clenched her fist trying fight the urge to punch the woman, though she would most likely loose if she did. "You don't even fucking know me, and I was trying to get to know you and I've been through fucking hell the last few hours!" Kristina suddenly yelled just as Sally came over with some food, she would take the food and then glared at Bridgette.

"So why don't you take that food you got and shove it where the sun don't shine." Kristina said as she walked past Bridgette giving her one last glare before making her way back towards the courthouse, she would look up at the clock tower and decided to keep watch for the distraction team to come back. Kristina entered the courthouse once more as she looked over at Astrid, Richard, and Niesha hearing the other Viking woman asking for a knife she sighed slightly to herself as she took out her knife and handed it over to Astrid. "Here, to cut her restraints." Kristina said as she looked towards Richard, she might as well apologize for attacking him early and decided to just answer Astrid's question.

"My sister, a friend of mine and I did that to him, something that happened three months ago. Basically left my sister to die, but she was still alive and made it here before me or my friend did." Kristina said as she started to make her way up towards the clock tower where a guard was taking watch. "I'll take watch." Kristina said as the man at the tower nodded as he handed her his rifle and eagerly left, she looked out over the horizon as she could see the large bulk of the herd started to leave slowly. Kristina would look down at the wrapped food that she had been given, she would lay it down on the floor for now and leaned forward getting a good view of the sun slowly setting before her.
@Thundercrash Awesome. :)

@NarcissisticPotato My character good to go? :)

Maria Sky

Interacting With: @BlackPanther Tiras
Location: Corevial Castle then the Tournament Grounds.

Maria crossed her arms over her chest and glared at Tiras as he like always hid and bottled up his emotions and rolled her eyes slightly towards him. "You know one day I might not be there for ya if you don't vent on whats wrong." Maria said softly as Kit got out of her arms and started trotting behind Tiras, she was starting to get hungry and she was looking forward to getting into the feast. Maria followed behind her brother as she walked back into the grand hall, she chose to sit with her brother. Maria looked over towards Grey for a moment and then over towards her family, though her half sisters and half brothers looked down on them she was content being close to her brother. Maria continued to eat the feast in front of her occasionally making small talk with the guest next to her, then finally the tournament was about to begin and the guests started to head out to the tournament grounds.

Maria walked along with the others and found a front row seat in front of the grounds and proceeded to sit down and watched as the horse and riders started to get ready. Maria would look around as everyone slowly started to gather and take their seats or to get themselves ready for the tournament for the young princess.
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