Avatar of Nallore


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds I’m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad I’m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

@sakurasan It's all good I've been really busy for the past week myself i'll have a post up for you tomorrow. :)

Samantha Hunter

Location: Jake's
Interacting With:

As she put as much distance from Jake's as possible Samantha started to feel very dizzy from the blood loss, she looked down at her bloodied shirt soaked with her blood and feeling it flowing down her stomach. Sam stumbled leaning against a nearby car breathing heavily as she shook her head slightly to get rid of the dizziness. Her bloodied hand resting against the car, she knew she wasn't safe out in the open she looked back at Jake's in the distance she managed to get far enough from the café. Sam sighed as she got up again leaving behind a bloodied hand print on the hood of the car, she looked forward as she just focused on one thing and trying to get back to Aunt Sue's.

She had seen people getting shot before, but never thought she would end up having that happen to her either breathing heavily as Samantha she eventually made it back into Aunt Sue's Sam stumbled onto the floor as she tried looking around the building as she limped and stumbled towards the reception desk. "I need help please!" Samantha yelled out hoping to at least see or hear someone inside of the building that wasn't dead. Sam held her chest tightly to try and stop the bleeding. "I've been shot!" Sam yelled loudly once more trying to hold onto the counter and stand.
Riley Walker

Location: Riley's Bed & Breakfast (Her bedroom)
Interacting With:@twannyman Gabanre, @rivaan Valencia & @Zhaliora Patricia, @Vicier Syleste, @BlackPanther The Twins, @Caits Cody & Cassandra Quinton & Abigale , @ChaoticFox Echo & @Metronome Yoska

"Don't worry there wont be any drinking, other then a crap ton of soda and caffeine and the like." Riley reassured Patricia giving her a soft smile, they certainly have been closer then they should truly have been they were secretly dating after all and she knew that it was really illegal for them to even be together. But she was getting really close to graduating high school and then they could truly be together without any problems. Riley watched as Gabanre getting up and leaving the building without them and rolled her eyes slightly and gave Patricia and Valencia a friendly smile and nod. "I'll meet you guys at the door then." Riley said as she watched the other two women getting up and leaving. Riley made her way towards a closet where she had stored her shoes in pulling out a pair of flip flops that were there and slipped them on.

Riley opened the door seeing Valencia and gave the woman a smile and then Patricia as they were ready to get to the café, she was happy to see the two of them ready to go. "Alright lets go." Riley said as she looked towards her parents and gave them a friendly smile and a wave goodbye to them she would see them all later. It really wasn't that far of a walk as Riley made her way towards the café she was walking when she looked over her shoulder at the back of the alleyway seeing a scrawny looking man there. He looked really homeless she dug into her wallet and approach the man Riley pulled out a twenty dollar bill she knew it would at least give him a few meals at least for the day. "Here you go." Riley gave him a soft smile, she was always a person who was more then willing to help out anyone who was in need.

Riley then turned and made her way towards the front of the café and opened the door seeing quiet a few of her friends and then waved towards everyone. "Hey everyone!" Riley said happily as she made her way towards the counter seeing Echo and gave the girl a smile, remembering that she worked at the radio station and they talked a few times around town. "How are you Echo?" Riley asked with a soft smile and looked towards her group of friends. "Hope everyone is ready for the trip tomorrow." Riley said happily.
@Vicier Accepted i'll add him soon. :)

@twannyman Sorry I haven't been able to post sooner, work has been busy six straight days aren't fun, and the weekend was really rough i'll try and get a post up tomorrow. I'd post now but i'm to tired to think of anything,

Location: Alf Leyla Salah at Opera Square

Lauren looked between Harry and Aziza the two knew the language more then she did, but when Aziza answered the question and what was scribbled onto the stone she froze. Lauren considered Aziza a friend of hers and she didn't want to see anything happen to her even if she had known the woman for only a few days. Lauren quickly reached over and gently held Aziza's hand seeing the color fading from her face she quickly shook her head. "I think leaving the building right now would be a really bad idea." Lauren said, she had seen and watched people get brutally attacked after leaving a bar. "I suggest we sneak out of the back, or wait here a bit longer until things die down." Lauren said brushing a strand of hair out of Aziza's face.

"I'm not going to let a friend get jumped after leaving the bar." Lauren was tempted to ask why Aziza was attacked but she decided against it at least for now or if Aziza was willing to tell her that Lauren then looked over towards Harry for a moment. "What do you think we should do?" Lauren asked the man looked like he could handle himself in a fight if it did end up coming down to it.

Kristina Smith

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Kristina looked over towards Niesha and then gave her a soft smile. "I saw Sophia leaving towards the our building I think." Kristina told Niesha knowing that the woman was probably extremely worried about Sophia since she hadn't seen her since this morning when they had the crazy moment with the raccoon running amuck around Newnan. Kris grabbed the food and quickly started to dig into it her stomach growling slightly as she was hungry, though she didn't eat much of it she really wanted to save more room for the deer that James had been smoking all day.

Kristina ran a hand through her hair and sighed for a moment and shifted slightly in the seat as she looked around the room seeing the kids from earlier and the elderly that Meg had brought in just moments ago. Kristina quickly finished eating the rest of her food and got up making her way towards where the dirty trays have been set up. Kristina decided to just sit around the mess hall at least for awhile or until it was closed for the day. Kris then looked towards the big Russian man just as Meghna came back out from the back and approached Kristina. "How are you holding up Kris and what happened to you?" Meg asked her.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 9 (The School) -> Building 2 (Mess Hall)

"I'm alright and I ended up riding a spooked horse and it bucked me off, and I landed in a pile full of shit.." Kristina answered still sounding really embarrassed about the whole situation. Meghna couldn't help but laugh softly and gently gave her friend a pat on the shoulder Meghna turned her attention over towards Bazhooli and Tatiana as she left the room with Jack the other new comer she hadn't gotten a chance to meet yet. "So you must be Bazhooli, am I right?" Meghna asked normally she would let Ashton deal with greeting the new guest in Newnan but knowing Ashton he was most likely busy dealing with the aftermath of what has happened.

"I'm Meghna Kumar it's nice to meet you." Meg said as she extended her hand towards Newnan's newest Russian, she wanted to get to know the man a little bit better and then maybe talk to Ashton about it later on. "And I hope you are holding up alright after our little problem, also can I get you anything some food or water?" Meg asked.

Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall) -> Building E Room 1 (Sophia & Niesha's Apartment) -> Building 2 (Mess Hall)

As Sophia laid there on the bed looking up at the ceiling she started to feel a little bit bored as she then sat up again she knew that she didn't want to get a meal just yet. But it wouldn't help but to just make some conversation with some of the other residents, and it was her first day being out of the infirmary. She also wanted to see Niesha she was worried about her once the shooting began and she really wanted to make sure that she was actually alright. Sophia started to make her way towards the front door to their apartment as she left the building and headed down Lagrange Street the same way that she had came moments ago.

Once Sophia opened the door she scanned the room hoping to find Niesha there and she did and quickly made her way over towards her friend and pulled her into a tight hug. Sophia would let out a soft sigh as she held her, she still wasn't sure if Niesha felt the same way as she did for her. Sophia backed away for a moment rubbing the back of her neck for a moment and blushed slightly and smiled at her. "Sorry just glad that you are alright." Sophia said with a soft smile towards Niesha and then looked over towards Ms. Sally and gave the older woman a smile. "Sorry needed to come back to see if Niesha was here or not." Sophia said softly.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Heard County High School - Infirmary

Raymond watched as Tiffany got up and went towards his pack and pulled out the bag of Doritos that he had managed to snag from earlier, he looked towards Tiffany and then the bowl of liquid that was in his hand. "I was actually thinking that we could share it, theres a few other bags in there I managed to scavenge we can give them and the fox to the group." Ray suggested as he grabbed a handful in his hands and then started to crumble it into the liquid. He yawned slightly as Ray continued to eat he was starving he eventually finished and set the bowl over on the table next to him.

Ray turned his head over towards the door as he heard it open seeing a nurse coming in he listened to the woman he was glad that he wouldn't end up being in a room all alone with no one he knew. He trusted Tiffany more then anything at this point, she saved him after all from becoming a mindless man eater. Once the nurse left Ray grabbed another handful laying them down on his chest and then thought for a moment. "So what do you want to talk about?"
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Alleyway near the store.

Riley looked towards Tim for a moment and then over towards her sister and Roxane as Cynthia continues her weird ramblings and started to sound like something out of The Shining and of course it was redrum which someone was murdering them all one by one. "I don't mind, it's probably the safest place in town now or something." Riley said as she moved towards Cynthia and helped the girl back up to her feet she looked towards Tuesday for a moment knowing that her sister hated the police. Riley moved Cynthia over towards her car and opened the door pushing the front passenger seat forward to let her in. "I'll be right back, just stay there." Riley said looking towards one of the officers and asked to watch over Cynthia for a few seconds.

Riley quickly turned around and made her way back towards Tuesday, Tim and Roxane looking towards her sister more then anything. "I know you really hate the cops more then anything Chloe, would you be alright going there with everyone else?" Riley asked softly, she didn't mind going to the station hopefully it will be alright there so that they could try and jog Cynthia's memory. "Should we get Ada, Kai, Marc and Ashley over to the station as well?" Riley asked.
@Sigil Don't jinx it you might bring in some walkers. :P
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Classic Building 3C - Top Floor

"She honestly hasn't been here that much, that and being cooped up in the hospital for three days I saw her there. And who isn't in some sort of danger here, getting rear ended in the pileup last week wasn't all that fun." Riley said as she took the bottle of beer in her hand and started to take a drink from it and setting the bottle down next to the counter. She was slightly curious why Roy and Cecily have been working closely then Riley raised an eyebrow at the detective when he got a text from Cecily that she had found something apparently. "I'm going to assume that it's something related to one of the recent killings in town?"

Riley ran a hand through her hair and sighed slightly as she took another drink. "And i'm gonna assume also that it's something you probably wouldn't tell me." Riley said jokingly though she was worried for her roommate since what had happened to her the day after the block party and her being shot at. She then started to wonder when Ronnie would swing by, she knew that he was going to be coming by later in the day but she didn't know exactly when he said he would be over.
Post will be up this afternoon after work.
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