Avatar of Nallore


Recent Statuses

25 days ago
Current roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If you like zombies, and want to live out your zombie apocalypse dreams feel free to join!
1 yr ago
Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds I’m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad I’m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Diana Novikova

Location: New Orleans - The Sorcerer's Inn
Current Outfit: Current Clothes
Skills: N/A

Diana nodded slightly she agreed with Zelda she still wasn't sure what to think about it, as she looked at everyone else that was in the lobby, Mary-Sue was talking to Vision, April was still in the bathroom, Leah had left the bathroom and wandered off somewhere else. Along with Sabine probably to her room or something, Gideon was busy with fangirling with Hulkling and Wiccan with Hary and Eva. "I'm gonna head up to my room and unpack my stuff, if you want to come with me." Diana said to Zelda as she looked over towards Vision. They weren't going to have any mentor, and she didn't really trust Vision since he was basically the mentor for the Young Avengers.

"Just let me know when we have to leave for the physicals." Diana said to Vision as she grabbed her things and started to make her way towards the room that she was given looking down at the room key that they were given. Diana started to wonder what everyone else was doing over at the Kingston-Grey residence and how her brother was doing. Diana still wasn't really talking to her brother, and he hadn't come to talk to her since their fight in her room. Diana was able to find room 4 putting her key in she unlocked the door picking the bed closest to the window tossing her suitcase and bag onto the bed.

Madalyne Crane

Location: The Kingston-Gray estate
Current Outfit: Current Clothes
Skills: N/A
Grimoire: N/A

Madalyne smiled and nodded towards Vicky. "Let me know if theres any trouble and i'll try and help." Madalyne said to Vicky, when she felt Danni practically grabbing her by the hand along with Zari she shook her head slightly. "I'm coming, i'm coming." Madalyne said as she held out her hand and a key appeared in her hand. She was led into the main entryway of the house, and the key slowly started to lead her down the hallway towards a door.

When she used the key to open the door it revealed a cozy little room with several book cases to read, a little couch at the foot of the bed and a rather comfy looking. A large red carpet covering most of the room and a hard wood floor to go with it as well to, it kind of reminded her of her own room back at her home.
@TheRedeemedOne Everything looks good you can move him on over and check out your PMs for the discord link. :)
@TheRedeemedOne Looks good, though mostly it’s just aesthetics, some of the parts in the CS are gray just move the info out of the color code and your good. Also like what Caryle said to make the line breaks just remove the periods and they’ll appear correctly.

Also post outbreak skills, remove those it’s currently still day 0 of the outbreak so he wouldn’t have them just yet. As the RP goes on between the storylines you’ll get skills awarded to them.

And lastly in the extras part list your favorite zombie universe other than that just @me again with the changes. :)
@TheRedeemedOne Hey there and yep. Like what Caryle said I just opened it up recently and you are more than welcome to join. :) You can put the link from another site works to if you got any questions just let me know I’ll PM you the link to the discord server when I get home.

@Trainerblue192@Kirah The little kitten would lay on it's back and started to try and grab Hermes' arm that was holding the phone and bite it. Mandy's father moved to sit in the front side seat and turned up the radio so that way Hermes would relay any news from the radio to them grateful to have someone to hear tell them whats exactly going on. Mandy's mother went to sit down in the seat next to Hermes and strapped herself in. As Mandy started to drive they would get a better look at what happened, it looked like someone had driven their car into a gas station pump.

There were already a few firetrucks on scene trying to put out the blaze, along with one military truck keeping guard for whatever happened before she made the turn. The radio would begin Hermes would be able to hear the news from a radio news host. "The Govenor of New York has already mobilized the national guard, as well as the military to New York City, and the Manhattan area as well to. And has ordered the evacuation of the city and surrounding areas. And a mandatory curfew has been issued throughout the entire state, we are getting similar reports in other states, the President is going to be issuing a statement later today and we'll report for as long as we can."

@Carlyle Isaac followed behind Kali and into her apartment, he took a moment to look around the apartment he hadn't seen the inside of her place or where she had lived before. "Right." Isaac said as he made his way towards the kitchen and looked over at her. "We are only going to need canned goods, anything in the fridge would go bad pretty quickly." Isaac told her, as he took the bags that he had been given and started to pack up whatever canned goods that Kali and her roommate had. He made his way towards the tv finding the remote as he turned to the news to keep updated getting the following information from the news broadcaster.

"The military to New York City, and the Manhattan area as well to. And has ordered the evacuation of the city and surrounding areas. And a mandatory curfew has been issued throughout the entire state, we are getting similar reports in other states, the President is going to be issuing a statement later today and we'll report for as long as we can."

Flynn Price

Location: Car Shop.
Skills: N/A

Flynn started to strap himself into the seat as he pulled out his crossbow that he had brought with him setting it down on the floor, along with the tire iron that he had taken with him. He looked over at the cans of fuel that they brought with him, they would last a little while. The roads were a little bit bumpy but Flynn unstrapped himself and made his way to the cab of the car while Gus continued to drive. He looked over at Verity and the route that she had pulled out on her phone from her friend, it was the only way that would get them out of the city. "Yeah that works." Flynn said to Verity as he leaned forward and turned on the radio to know what is exactly going on.

"The Govenor of New York has already mobilized the national guard, as well as the military to New York City, and the Manhattan area as well to. And has ordered the evacuation of the city and surrounding areas. And a mandatory curfew has been issued throughout the entire state, we are getting similar reports in other states, the President is going to be issuing a statement later today and we'll report for as long as we can." Then the radio went to the emergency broadcast system again, as Gus turned down the volume the loud beeping sound was really annoying.

Flynn went to sit down as he turned to Verity and Gus. "We'll need to get some food and supplies at some point to." Gus nodded slightly, that was going to be a problem if they couldn't find a place to stay for awhile. "Well we can't hit stores right now it's probably as bad as it is on a Black Friday night." Gus said to Flynn.

Kaitlyn Carver

Location: NYC, Apartment Garage
Skills: N/A

Kaitlyn was still a little nervous at the whole situation on whats been going on outside, as she made her way over and sat down at the bar, she shifted slightly as Stacy looked at the girl. She made her way over towards the bar and cracked open a bottle of beer and handed it to her. "Here you go." She said as Kaitlyn accepted it, she took a sip of it as she looked over at the others before Stacy spoke up. "Sadly Riley hasn't shown up here." She said as she looked over at Ameer for a moment.

"We are thinking of packing up and leaving, looters will come here at some point" Ameer said as he looked over at Waverly. "They are ordering the city to be evacuated, we'll need to get out of here as soon as possible." He told her hoping that they could get out of the city in time.
I’m in. :)
@ChronicleMan Yep of course you can feel free to ask any questions if you need anything let me know. :)


Locations: New York City & various locations around the US
Time Frame: September 5th, 2024 (2 days before the outbreak happens)
RP Tags: Modern, Post Apocalyptic, Apocalyptic, Zombie, High Casual, Advanced, Large Group, Horror, Survival, Action.
Goal of RP: Survival and finding a group and settlement in a new world full of the undead and hostile groups, and find a cure.
Character Age & Requirements: Ages 15-90.


It's two days before the zombie outbreak, you are either enjoying your rather normal lives getting ready for school, or going to your long commute to work or just enjoying your day off. Going grocery shopping or going out on a date to Central Park with a cute or handsome person you found the night before at a bar. Life in city that never sleeps continues like normal really.

There have been a few weird stories of some riots going on in some third world country you probably never have heard of before. The government is sending humanitarian aid to them. There has been a few weird stories going out on some fringe websites saying that the world of coming to an end and the dead are rising, your basic weird conspiracy theories going on right? You might chuck it up as some weirdo making some weird stories and don't pay much mind to it really.

However the CDC has given some information on some new illness going around at some parts around world. Symptoms include a cough and high fever, bloodshot and or redness of the eyes and yellowing of the skin. However nothing in the US yet that are reported really yet anyway and are monitoring the situation as it unfolds. That at least is what the media is saying.

However in two days from now the world is going to end and the dead will be rising, where will you be when it happens? Will you try and survive on your own or will you find a group of people and try to survive and get out of the city with? Or will you become the next meal for the undead?

Link to The Thread If interested and have any questions feel free to @me in here or the main thread itself or PMs as well to. :)

Events Thus Far:

  • Some strange news stories of people being violent and in some cases have been reported biting one another.
  • The outbreak has just begun.
  • First Zombie encounter was by a first responder Janice Becker and her partner inside of a cafe.
  • Second zombie encounter was made by Hermes entering his school's gym.
  • Blackhawk Helicopters have been seen flying over the city.
  • Third zombie encounter was by Flynn and Verity outside of Verity's business.
  • Fourth Zombie encounter was by Kali Nordstrom and Isaac bin Kamaal, Flynn and Verity at his restaurant the Twin Seasons.
  • Hermes' school was evacuated and was picked up by his cousin Mandy Mason and went to Mandy's home before taking Hermes' friend Hannah
  • National Guard have been mobilized.
  • Fifth zombie encounter was seen by Kaitlyn Carver and Waverly Watts while looking for other students and staff who werent able to evacuate the school and searching for Waverly's sister.
  • Sixth zombie encounter Mandy, Hermes and Hannah were outside of Hannah's apartment to drop her off, an elderly man was hit by a driver and a zombie was able to be subdued by cops and paramedics on scene.
  • The military have been called in, and the state governor has enacted martial law, and begun evacuating certain parts of the city.
  • Seventh zombie encounter by Waverly, Kaitlyn and Juniper M. Mayfield in their apartment's garage before leaving.
  • Eight zombie encounter, Flynn, Verity and Flynn's friend Gus at his auto repair shop, they managed to lock it into the garage of the workshop itself, and are getting ready to leave the city in an mrap in Gus' auto workshop.
  • Mandy, her parents, and Hermes plan on leaving the city.
  • Kaitlyn, Waverly and Juniper are currently at Waverly's Underground Radio Station


Locations: New York City & various locations around the US
Time Frame: September 5th, 2024 (2 days before the outbreak happens)
RP Tags: Modern, Post Apocalyptic, Apocalyptic, Zombie, High Casual, Advanced, Large Group, Horror, Survival, Action.
Goal of RP: Survival and finding a group and settlement in a new world full of the undead and hostile groups, and find a cure.
Character Age & Requirements: Ages 15-90.


It's two days before the zombie outbreak, you are either enjoying your rather normal lives getting ready for school, or going to your long commute to work or just enjoying your day off. Going grocery shopping or going out on a date to Central Park with a cute or handsome person you found the night before at a bar. Life in city that never sleeps continues like normal really.

There have been a few weird stories of some riots going on in some third world country you probably never have heard of before. The government is sending humanitarian aid to them. There has been a few weird stories going out on some fringe websites saying that the world of coming to an end and the dead are rising, your basic weird conspiracy theories going on right? You might chuck it up as some weirdo making some weird stories and don't pay much mind to it really.

However the CDC has given some information on some new illness going around at some parts around world. Symptoms include a cough and high fever, bloodshot and or redness of the eyes and yellowing of the skin. However nothing in the US yet that are reported really yet anyway and are monitoring the situation as it unfolds. That at least is what the media is saying.

However in two days from now the world is going to end and the dead will be rising, where will you be when it happens? Will you try and survive on your own or will you find a group of people and try to survive and get out of the city with? Or will you become the next meal for the undead?

Link to The Thread If interested and have any questions feel free to @me in here or the main thread itself or PMs as well to. :)

Events Thus Far:

  • Some strange news stories of people being violent and in some cases have been reported biting one another.
  • The outbreak has just begun.
  • First Zombie encounter was by a first responder Janice Becker and her partner inside of a cafe.
  • Second zombie encounter was made by Hermes entering his school's gym.
  • Blackhawk Helicopters have been seen flying over the city.
  • Third zombie encounter was by Flynn and Verity outside of Verity's business.
  • Fourth Zombie encounter was by Kali Nordstrom and Isaac bin Kamaal, Flynn and Verity at his restaurant the Twin Seasons.
  • Hermes' school was evacuated and was picked up by his cousin Mandy Mason and went to Mandy's home before taking Hermes' friend Hannah
  • National Guard have been mobilized.
  • Fifth zombie encounter was seen by Kaitlyn Carver and Waverly Watts while looking for other students and staff who werent able to evacuate the school and searching for Waverly's sister.
  • Sixth zombie encounter Mandy, Hermes and Hannah were outside of Hannah's apartment to drop her off, an elderly man was hit by a driver and a zombie was able to be subdued by cops and paramedics on scene.
  • The military have been called in, and the state governor has enacted martial law, and begun evacuating certain parts of the city.
  • Seventh zombie encounter by Waverly, Kaitlyn and Juniper M. Mayfield in their apartment's garage before leaving.
  • Eight zombie encounter, Flynn, Verity and Flynn's friend Gus at his auto repair shop, they managed to lock it into the garage of the workshop itself, and are getting ready to leave the city in an mrap in Gus' auto workshop.
  • Mandy, her parents, and Hermes plan on leaving the city.
  • Kaitlyn, Waverly and Juniper are currently at Waverly's Underground Radio Station

Diana Novikova

Location: New Orleans - The Sorcerer's Inn
Current Outfit: Current Clothes
Skills: N/A

"Yeah maybe." Diana answered Gideon and gave a slight shrug, she did feel bad about Nemo dying though she got the feeling that there was something more to it. But they just found out that he died and there probably wasn't much else to really work with for now anyway, her attention turned towards the group that entered the building, Diana recognized both Harry and Eva pretty quickly. Though they seemed to be in their own little conversation, Zelda still hadn't answered her question on what she thought about Nemo dying. She listened to Mary who seemed to be upset that they were just being told about it right now.

"Personally I would have prefered to know as soon as possible than being told sometime afterwards or being lied to about it." Diana said to Mary, she preferred honesty over anything else really. Though she was curious since Lady Nimue and Ser Nemo weren't around to be their coaches for the contest. "Do you know who will be the replacement coaches for the teams?" Diana asked looking over at Vision.

Madalyne Crane

Location: The Kingston-Gray estate
Current Outfit: Current Clothes
Skills: N/A
Grimoire: N/A

Madalyne looked over at Andy she at least was able to answer her question, Selene was her mother apparently and she seemed to be pretty bad or something. She watched as Max summoned up a portal and the little cat carrier was sent through it, at least they wouldn't have to worry about her. Madalyne heard a voice coming from the neighbor, and Andy seemed to recognized it and she went to leave and headed to the house next door.

"Yeah we could do one later if you want to." Mads said giving Danni a slight smile as her attention turned back towards Vicky, she still didn't answer her question. "Are you sure that you are okay Vicky?" Madalyne asked her, she didn't enter the estate just yet and wanted to make sure that Vicky was still okay before heading inside.
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