Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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There they were.

As the air whipped past her body, Hoshiko could see the targets ahead. They were vaugely humanoid, iridiscent red or blue, almost exoskeleton-like skin covering their bodies. Mouthless, noseless, and earless, possessing two slit-like eyes stacked atop one another and a pair of horn-like structures projecting from their heads. The smaller ones possessed one arm reshaped into what looked like a club, while the larger had both arms reformed in such a manner. She'd heard this type of warped referred to as Oni-pattern before, and while they were considerably more alien then any prior depiction of oni the name certainly fit. She also knew they weren't among the strongest Warped.

Even if they had been, Hoshiko's response wouldn't change.

"Alright, let's go!"

Drawing back her right arm, she could feel the heat flowing through her gauntlet. There was a steady thrumming sound from within, which built into roar as a gout of flames suddenly spat from the vent at the rear of her gauntlet, shooting into the air. The flames built, growing more intense, until-

Hoshiko hurtled towards the ground, becoming a red and white blur with a streak of fire behind her, careening directly towards one of the largest Oni Warped. The booster on her gauntlet roared as she came into range, closing directly on her target before it could even respond.

Her fist slammed down, and the monster's face crumpled inwards like a tin can, horns snapping and hurtling off in opposite directions as it head snapped backwards, body carried by her momentum. Hoshiko's fist went entirely through the Warped's skull, shattering its head to pieces and leaving nothing behind.

The sheer velocity of Hoshiko's drop caused her to slam into the concrete, cratering it beneath her, but Hinotori absorbed the shock easily.

It was just like jumping off some playground equipment.

The flames from her gauntlet's booster faded, and as the oni Warped's body fell behind her, the brunette straightened. Fists raised in a boxer-like stance, legs squared, she inhaled-

And launched herself forward, striking the nearest Oni-pattern warped in the chest, immediately crumpling its chest cavity from the blow. Before it fell, she had already spun and kicked one of the smaller monsters in the side, cracking its hardened skin and shattering its internal structures in a single blow.

She was going to help take back Saitama.

@PKMNB0Y@King Cosmos@Raineh Daze
Veilena's eyes widened the moment she heard the fort's garrison was dead.


For a moment her typical cynical, somewhat arrogant demeanor crumbled.

"Th... that's not possible. That shouldn't be possible. Even if someone had touched it..."

Her pale hands clenched.

"I-it should only have been able to affect one person at most," she insisted, averting her eyes, "Even if someone had managed to find it and unwrap it, I can't understand..."

Fanilly took a deep breath.

"Lady Cazt," she began, "What were you doing? Why was the shard in the fort to begin with?"

By this point, it at least seemed as if the Cazt heir had truly intended for her actions to he helpful in some way. But Fanilly hadn't the faintest idea how. None of it made any sense to her. How was there even an Angroron shard present in the first place? What was she doing here?

Veilena paused for a moment, before taking a deep breath.

"That assassination attempt on the First Princess," she began, "Isn't it strange how quickly the conspiracy behind it crumpled? It's as if it was intended to do so from the very start."

Certainly, there were a lot of questions about the conspiracy. It seemed to have been doomed no matter how far it got, from an assassin only participating due to blackmail to the violent hatred brewing between the conspirators. But how could that possibly have any relationship with the shard? With any of this?

"Because it was. The entire thing was a distraction. I'm sure many of their feelings were genuine, as twisted as they were," Veilena continued, "But they were just being used. The very same night, that fragment of Angroron disappeared from the possession of the Mage's College. While no-one was there to intervene."


That was... In the first place, the Mage's College had possession of a shard of Angroron? But how did Veilena even know all of this? Fanilly was completely taken off-guard.

"Heeeh? Heeeh? Were those crusty old geezers in charge of the college planning something baaaaad~?" Clarice leaned forward, one hand to her lips.

Veilena's stare was clearly unimpressed.

"... Get out of my face, you walking pair of udders, before I have Haelstadt remove you."

Clarice soon joined Fanilly in a state of shock, albeit for different reasons.

"I already suspect something as a student, so I-"

She stopped.

Haelstadt's sword sang as the immense blade was drawn from its sheath.

"You. Alette's spare set of breasts. You're an expert in curses, can you feel that?"

"D-don't call me that, you little brat!" Clarice cried with a scowl, ignoring the fact she was about the same height as the Cazt heir, "I'm Clarice Kastin, Shadowy Mistress of Curses! ... Er... but I do feel something..."

Fanilly's hand flew to the hilt of her her blade. While she certainly couldn't sense any sort of magical disturbance, she could tell the atmosphere had changed somehow.

And then they appeared.

They were similar to dogs, though earless and eyeless, their gaping maws filled with jagged, serrated teeth. Emerging from the foliage, a black mist seemed to emanate from their emaciated-seeming bodies.

"Curse Hounds?" Veilena's eyes narrowed.

Fanilly drew her sword.

"Iron Rose Knights, form a perimeter around Lady Cazt."

From beyond the Curse Hounds followed a considerable number of figures, in black armor with golden detailing. Those bearing shields were adorned with boars.

"Attack with the hounds, and we'll be done nice and quick" declared a particularly bulky figure, in full plate, "We're here for the Cazt girl, so take her alive!"

It was the Golden Boars, that much was certain. But how were they here without anyone having noticed? And who had provided them with these 'curse hounds'? Fanilly thought she had heard the name before, perhaps as some sort of mage's familiar.

"Don't let them reach Lady Cazt," Fanilly spoke as she took as step forward, both hands on the hilt of her blade. They were outnumbered, but not by an overwhelming amount.

She had to lead them to victory. And then they had to find out what was going on.

The hounds lurched forward.

The Boars charged.

@Rune_Alchemist@HereComesTheSnow@Raineh Daze@ERode@PigeonOfAstora@Conscripts@Crimson Paladin@Creative Chaos@The Otter@Krayzikk@Psyker Landshark@6slyboy6
Morahti warhorses had a reputation.

They were known for their strength and speed. Their steadfast demeanor meaning not even the most ferocious of battles would cause them to panic and throw their rider to the ground. Even in moments of great terror, it was said that a Morahti warhorse would never turn and flee.

All of this meant nothing in the face of one of their natural predators.

With the griffin's attack, and their release, the horses let out a cacophany of fearful whinnies and frantically fled, training temporarily falling apart in the face of panic. One of the smaller tents was immediately trampled, and the merrymaking mercenaries were suddenly in a state of panic themselves, shouting to one another in their own language as they tried to figure out what had happened.

Starshine sang as it left its sheath, held aloft.

"Find the prisoners and secure them. Spare those who surrender! Show no mercy to those who do not! Lions, advance!"

Velvetica's voice was carried in the cool night air.

They could not afford to have archers soften the camp up. Not when they knew that there were prisoners who could be caught in the crossfire.

But the chaos caused by the panicking horses would serve a similar purpose. The Morahti mercenaries were in an unprepared state, many of them scrambling to seize their weapons and form some kind of defense. Most did not even have their bows at the ready. Others attempted to calm the horses, trying to wrest their greatest advantage back under their control.

They hadn't expected any sort of assault.

That, Velvetica was certain, would be their fatal mistake.

The attack had begun.

@Raineh Daze@Psyker Landshark@The Otter@VKAllen@Eisenhorn@Crimson Paladin@Conscripts@HereComesTheSnow@Octo@PigeonOfAstora
Well, this was certainly a total mess. The last thing she'd wanted was for the village to be destroyed, but at the very least a considerable number of people had managed to survive. Homes could be replaced.

Human lives could not, despite what some of her fellows sometimes seemed to think. And those human lives were what fueled with own. If nothing else, keeping them alive and well was of direct benefit.

Besides, usually blood of a well-kept human tasted better.

Even if the fear and terror of those deserving was also delicious.

Regardless, especially now that they had met another of the Lords(not one of Aleksiya's favorites, all things considered, but perhaps that was simply the feelings of one who governed a region towards one who based his existence around violating the law), there was one thing to do before anything else.

Aleksiya raised one dainty hand, the small vampire sighing heavily.

And, sharply, she brought it down against the back of Kordelia's head.

"... She means undying ship," asserted the small girl, "Kordelia is so excitable she misspeaks at times, you see. Last I heard, our friend here had been able to take his ship through the roughest waters unscathed. That's what it means to be undying, isn't it?"

She smiled, tilting her head as she did.

"... As luck would have it, there's somewhere in the city that should be safe for all of you."

Above everything, that was her primary concern. The lives of these humans needed to be preserved. Both for the sake of their own appetites, and for the sake of the humans themselves.

Right now, the cathedral was the safest place she knew of.

@Rune_Alchemist@Crimson Paladin
This little brat had the gall to threaten them?

It was with a considerable amount of power that Elizstrazia stomped the floor. It was perhaps a miracle she didn't cause any damage, but some things were definitely shaken from the shelves.

The growl that emanated from the petite girl's throat was considerably less threatening, however.

"Us? Thrown in the dungeon? You're the one who's breaking rules! Smashing that door down! We all saw you!"

She was advancing on the boy, now.

"Are you expecting not to be punished, when you were already told to stay put?!" she snapped, "Or do you want to go around thinking you're better then everyone that badly?! Better then me?! You're not better then me, not by a longshot! How can you be better then the pinnacle of-"


As much as she wanted to go on praising herself, it was at that moment she remembered that she was supposed to be posing as a maid.

Her anger at that fact renewed, one eyebrow twitching and her fists clenched at her sides, Elizstrazia gritted her teeth.

"... Y-you're not better than anyone... a-as long as you keep breaking the rules..."

Though she was fuming, she hoped that sounded somewhat appropriate.


Fio wasn't particularly fond of taverns, but at the very least it wasn't a terrible place to start. Besides, the lack of business made it a less aggravating place to be then they usually were as far as the Sword Witch was concerned.

Still, it wasn't as if her frustration at the old giant's stubborn nature had given way. But perhaps that also served as a motivator: She wanted to slay the wyrm just to spite him for thinking that they couldn't.

It was impossible to miss the bow, even moreso then the woman herself. Fio could easily detect the magical energy emanating from it, approaching even as she held Wisp's jar in her hands.

"... I'll hear you out later," she commented to the unseelie in the jar. She'd already witnessed the fairy's capabilities in altering the state of an object, so if she could assist somehow in a fight she might as well hear what she had to say.

With that being said, she also had to guard herself against any tricks. Not that she was worried about being harmed or cursed, more that she didn't want Wisp to escape.

"But if you're lying, no more honey bread. Ever. I'll put a curse on you to make it taste like ashes, so even if you run off you won't be able to enjoy it."

But first-

That bow. She couldn't ignore it, not when simply laying there was putting off so much magical power.

Fio approached, slipping Wisp's jar into her bag as she did.

"I'm Fio Fan Falisse," she introduced herself with a curtsy, "That bow of yours is quite impressive, isn't it?"

Fanilly let out a sigh of relief at the news that the shrine had not been tampered with. Indeed, she had felt none of the oppressive, heavy atmosphere of the cursed fort. Instead, it felt just as relaxing to be here as she suspected. Even with the heavy thoughts of the shard on her mind, it was hard not to feel somewhat soothed in the presence of one of the oldest places of worship in Thaln. Had they not been performing their duty, she would have paused to offer a little prayer and relax at a safe distance from the edge of the Moon Pool.

But they did not have time for such things.

Either the Boars and whoever else was working with them would be meeting here, or they had already met here and perhaps left evidence behind. Regardless, this location was their only potential lead.

"Ah! They're still here!" declared Clarice, suddenly

... What?

Fanilly wasn't certain what she'd just heard. 'They're still here'? But there was no-one visible.


"I didn't even need to look very hard, there's another mage here! I bet they're using a perception-blocking enchantment!" declared the curse mage, a smug look on her face, "You should praise me. I'll make Alette praise me too when I'm back. I've solved this whole thing for you dunces immediately!"

Putting aside her attitude, that meant that... could the enemy mage actually be here?

"Where? Where are they? We need to stop them before they can-"

There was a sound like a ringing bell.

The first figure that appeared was a tall, black-armored one.

A familiar one.


"The Iron Rose Knights? I guess I didn't expect you, but I suppose..."

And the one who followed...

It was unmistakably Veilena Cazt. There was no mistaking her. It shouldn't have been surprising given Haelstadt had appeared first, but the fact she was there...

"Lady.... Lady Cazt?!" cried Fanilly, "What... what are you doing here?!"

It didn't make any sense. Why was...

"... You?!" Clarice cried, "You... you... why are... did you not have any faith in us?!"

The Cazt heir sighed.

"Well, I suppose there's no point in hiding that, anymore," she commented, flatly, "... I'm not your enemy, if my word even matters to any of you right now."

@Rune_Alchemist@HereComesTheSnow@Raineh Daze@ERode@PigeonOfAstora@Conscripts@Crimson Paladin@Creative Chaos@The Otter@Krayzikk@Psyker Landshark@6slyboy6
After finishing her seconds, it was off to the briefing room as quickly as possible.

Sandra was really pretty, but this was a bad time to be thinking about that. Instead, Hoshiko focused on what she was saying. They would be working with her homeland, to take back Saitama and make way to protect the innocent people of Japan and reclaim their lands from the Warped! Naturally, the girl was ready for this. No matter who it was, she was always read to help out. And taking back more of her homeland felt plenty meaningful even without considering how many people she'd help in the process.

"You've got it, Morrison-san!" declared Hoshiko enthusiastically, flashing the thumbs up towards the owner of the Horizon as she did. So she'd be going with Jennifer and Rose, huh? That was fine by her!

Even though she flashed a wide grin towards her teammates, the girl could feel her heartbeat quickening, pounding in her chest. She didn't want to let it show, but she was feeling pretty nervous. But she was going to help retake Saitama today, and that meant there was no way she was going to let nerves get in the way!

Afterwards, she stopped by the engineering bay and retrieved her device from the engineers. It was through this little necklace that she could equip her Chi-Mechframe, and fight back against the Warped. Well, that and the Echidna currently merged with her heart, in a state of permanent dormancy.

She was going to use this to fight for others.

Hoshiko made her way to the hanger.

As she reached the door, the brunette gripped her necklace in one hand.

"Alright, let's do this!" she declared, nodding to herself with a confident smile on her face, "Hinotori, ignite!"

The necklace glowed brightly, like a star on her chest, flashing once before light washed over her whole body. After a few moments, the light began to build, gathering over her as it began to form distinct shapes. With a flash, layer by layer, each piece of her Chi-Mechframe began to appear. First there was the base layer, manifesting over her body, including her small skirt. Then came the first layer of armor, starting a few centimeters from her body but sliding into place, locking over her and forming the most basic portion of Hinotori. The third flash heralded the arrival of the more complex parts of her armor, creating Hinotori's silhouette. The building light disappeared entirely with the formation of the boosts on Hoshiko's gauntlets, the final piece of her Chi-Mechframe.

When the lights faded away, the shining armor that was Hinotori gleamed on her body, a shine of its own seeming to emanate from the anti-Warped weapon.

It was time.

"Hinotori, launching!"

With that, Hoshiko sprang from the Horizon, and into the open air, the wind whipping past her as she began to hurtle downwards.

Naturally, her rocket boosters would be used to control her descent.

@PKMNB0Y@King Cosmos@SaltSight@Raineh Daze
As soon as they reached a certain distance away from the Morahti camp, the signal was given to split up. They would move through the rock and hills, taking positions around the camp. Once the horses had been set loose by Kayliss, she would have Sir Roger mounted upon Shortclaw spook them.

With the camp in chaos, the Morahti's prowess when it came to combat on horseback would be eliminated. That was not to say they were not dangerous fighters on-foot, but by utilizing their most heavily armored soldiers as their vanguard they would have an effective resistance to the curved blades of the Morahti. Such weapons were ill-suited to cutting through plate armor.

The bulk of their forces would have to stay at distance, and use the cover of the rocks and hills in order to avoid detection until the horses had been set loose.

The camp itself was composed of about a dozen red-domed tents. One was larger than the others, likely denoting its nature as a meeting area or the quarters of the Morahti leader.

The horses were to the side of it. It seemed the prisoners were likely being held in one of the tents, while the bulk of the foreign mercenaries were around a large bonfire, drinking and speaking in their own language.

@Raineh Daze@Psyker Landshark@The Otter@VKAllen@Eisenhorn@Crimson Paladin@Conscripts@HereComesTheSnow@Octo@PigeonOfAstora
Watching the operatives as they exited the construction site, Ayako took a cigarette from the pack. Putting it in her mouth, she used a lighter to ignite the tip, taking a long drag.

As she did, the partially-constructed building slowly crumbled to the ground.

"... Oh well, at least there wasn't anyone inside," she commented, with a shrug. Losing the most easily replaceable portions of a building currently in construction was nothing compared to the idea of losing the workers. They could fix the building, the same couldn't be said for themselves.

"Congratulations on a completed mission," she commented, without much inflection, before taking another drag on her cigarette, "For some of you, that's your first time. Good work."

It's not as if she didn't mean it. Perhaps it was just her natural tone of voice that sounded so harsh, however, even as she finished speaking, she was approaching Kaeru and raising her hand... before bringing it down to give the currently-female operative a chop between the ears.

"However, that doesn't mean you can just go messing around. Got it?"

"Emergence Gate closure confirmed," Shiro's mental voice chimed in.

"Good," Ayako took another drag, glancing at the construction workers and the rest of the crowd. Many of them were cheering at the obvious defeat of the demon, even if some of them were clearly a bit dismayed at how much cleanup and rebuilding they'd need to do.

It was better then dying, after all.

"Time to head back."

The ride back to base was uneventful, and their return was equally so(aside from Terada immediately appearing to check the vehicle for damage).

After a brief meeting to summarize the events of the mission, the operatives were free to do what they liked.

Shiro had departed to return to her room, quietly, while Ayako remained in her office.

@Raineh Daze@Rune_Alchemist@RolePlayerRoxas@Quartz@Emeth@LuckyBlackCat
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