Avatar of Zeroth


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18 days ago
Current Say "thanks," when they compliment you and smile. Watch more of what's going on around you instead of staying inside your head. If eye contact's hard, stare at her forehead.
1 like
1 mo ago
@ColdAtlus: Cheems.
1 like
2 mos ago
If commissioning an artist isn't possible, could look into using AI and then editing what it puts out. Lots of ppl are salty about AI art so maybe use a disclaimer, but it's an option.
2 mos ago
1-liners become impossible if you actually write. What're your characters' 5 senses picking up? What emotions/thoughts do they have as they speak? What body language do they show? No bulli, just fact.
2 mos ago
In the AI era, you can only get ghosted if you choose to be.


On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

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The ancient enemy of Elves, Dwarves, and Men alike. Why does it seem that every story told about these often brutal, oafish, or downright twisted mockeries of muscle and cruelty treats them as such a menace to all life around them?

Is it perhaps that, like every other Enlightened Race--those capable of forming their own societies, harnessing magic or technology, and sharing distinct cultures--they are bipedal pursuit predators, omnivorous (though perhaps with a preference for meat, and perhaps less emphasis on the preparation of foodstuffs than its consumption), and capable of altering their surroundings to suit themselves rather than relying on their natural adaptations? Does this biological niche simply force them into competition with every other creature that fulfills these same criteria?

Is it because they are prone to being rallied under the flag of an even greater evil who forces them to follow through sheer force or magical coercion, whether or not they will it so?

Is it because their cultures crave violence, or because their brains are less inclined to intellect? Are Orcs naturally born evil? If an Orc became good, would it cease to be an Orc?

Perhaps the answer is more simple. Perhaps Orcs are seen as a threat because of a singular ability, or as this particular World calls it...a Skill.

Ingestion - The ability to absorb certain types of Skills from a given amount of consumed biomass.

Every creature in this World possesses at least one Skill. The Enlightened Races are unique in their capacity to learn as many Skills as their lifetimes and efforts allow. The Demon Races, however--including everything from Greater Devils to the lowly Slime--merely draw Skills from a process of Inheritance, and their innate natures limit the amount or types of Skills they can use. Orcs, for instance, often Inherit the Skills [Berserk] and [Dusk Vision]...and [Ingestion] allows them to, much like the Enlightened, learn new Skills they would not normally have.

In addition to this, Orcs are one of the Demon Races with the most prolific Evolution Potential--that is, a young Orc Runt may show significant variance from the rest of their species by the time they reach adulthood, and adult Orcs may even evolve further into stronger Demons.

Theirs is a rough lot. Only the strongest and most capable have a chance of surviving--and even they will face danger from all sides. Can you imagine, Human, what it would be like to be reborn as an Orc?

How would you fare...?

Info and Character Sheets

Character Sheet Information:
Feel free to change the aesthetics, colors, formatting codes, etc if you like to spruce up your CSs! Also, it's completely optional, but consider adding a Theme Song somewhere in there!

@Guy0fV4lor@King Cosmos@ReusableSword@Such A Birch@ERode@SubjectVision@Crusader Lord@Kazemitsu@Unkown58
@SubjectVision Thanks, same to you! Welcome aboard!

@Crusader Lord Will do, good to have you!

@Kazemitsu Another subject returns to grovel at the feet of the true Demon King! *laughs maniacally while posing*

@Unkown58 Yep, just in time! Welcome!

We are currently at NINE players interested, if my count's correct, so I'll be making the OOC and linking it here shortly!

EDIT: And it's up! roleplayerguild.com/topics/190247-why…
If this is still open i'd love to join.

Yep, just started so come on in!

@ERode Welcome, welcome! I actually did debate whether or not to do goblins, but I figured Orcs have more of a "society" to play around with. That and I just really really liked the Nemesis system from the SoM/W games, lol.

GENERAL UPDATE: I'll get some work done on the Character Sheet after all the family Easter festivities have been taken care of!

EDIT: The Character Sheet info is up, along with an NPC who is both an example of the CS, as well as a peek of what a later Orc form and skills might look like!
@Guy0fV4lor@King Cosmos@ReusableSword

My loyal subjects return! Hope you guys've all been well! Hopefully, this time I've got things streamlined out so I won't drive myself crazy keeping up with the Skills lol. It also helps that I've changed careers since the last time the Demon King summoned you all.

Hopefully we'll get some more interest soon, and I'll get to working on the CS!

The ancient enemy of Elves, Dwarves, and Men alike. Why does it seem that every story told about these often brutal, oafish, or downright twisted mockeries of muscle and cruelty treats them as such a menace to all life around them?

Is it perhaps that, like every other Enlightened Race--those capable of forming their own societies, harnessing magic or technology, and sharing distinct cultures--they are bipedal pursuit predators, omnivorous (though perhaps with a preference for meat, and perhaps less emphasis on the preparation of foodstuffs than its consumption), and capable of altering their surroundings to suit themselves rather than relying on their natural adaptations? Does this biological niche simply force them into competition with every other creature that fulfills these same criteria?

Is it because they are prone to being rallied under the flag of an even greater evil who forces them to follow through sheer force or magical coercion, whether or not they will it so?

Is it because their cultures crave violence, or because their brains are less inclined to intellect? Are Orcs naturally born evil? If an Orc became good, would it cease to be an Orc?

Perhaps the answer is more simple. Perhaps Orcs are seen as a threat because of a singular ability, or as this particular World calls it...a Skill.

Ingestion - The ability to absorb certain types of Skills from a given amount of consumed biomass.

Every creature in this World possesses at least one Skill. The Enlightened Races are unique in their capacity to learn as many Skills as their lifetimes and efforts allow. The Demon Races, however--including everything from Greater Devils to the lowly Slime--merely draw Skills from a process of Inheritance, and their innate natures limit the amount or types of Skills they can use. Orcs, for instance, often Inherit the Skills [Berserk] and [Dusk Vision]...and [Ingestion] allows them to, much like the Enlightened, learn new Skills they would not normally have.

In addition to this, Orcs are one of the Demon Races with the most prolific Evolution Potential--that is, a young Orc Runt may show significant variance from the rest of their species by the time they reach adulthood, and adult Orcs may even evolve further into stronger Demons.

Theirs is a rough lot. Only the strongest and most capable have a chance of surviving--and even they will face danger from all sides. Can you imagine, Human, what it would be like to be reborn as an Orc?

How would you fare...?

Greetings, Runts! I'll be your friendly Demon King tonight!

In this RP, Players will take the role of characters from "our" world who have been ISEKAI'D during Truck-kun's latest rampage. Before they can truly pass on, however, it seems a force beyond human comprehension had the great idea to use their souls for an experiment: Are Orcs all that different from the other intelligent species they constantly find themselves battling? If members of those same species, such as say, Humans, suddenly somehow coincidentally became Orcs, what would happen?

Your journey, your decisions, and how or even IF your actions shape this world will provide the answers they seek.

I'm looking to cap this at between 7-10 players, for the sake of my own sanity. GM posts would likely occur on a once-per-week basis, most likely on weekends. The game would begin with the Players being soul-swapped into the bodies of several Orc Runts (you'll choose the specifics yourself, of course, during character creation) and awakening in a brand new world full of magic and fantasy. Players will "progress" through the game in typical Open-World-RPG fashion, building on the Skills they start with in various ways and, over time, possibly becoming something much greater than a simple Orc.

"But wait, Zeroth," I hear you say--And by the way, that's Zeroth-Dai-Maou-Sama to you!--"What's an Orc Runt? What kind of Orcs are we even talking about--Tolkien's? Blizzard's? Da Boyz!?" So here's a quick rundown:

If you didn't read the run-down, or you're still not clear on the flavor of Orcs I'm going for, here's some references to various other works that have inspired this RP that will hopefully instill the "atmosphere" I want:
  • Shadow of Mordor/War
  • Skyrim
  • Re: Monster
  • Goblin Slayer (but not QUITE so brutal and grimdark)
  • Slime Tensei (but not QUITE so sugar sweet and happy)

"And what about these Skills, then?" I now pretend to hear you ask! "Skills" in this RP simply refers to the "special moves," "magic spells," or other terms for unique feats, traits, and so forth Players and NPCs alike can use to try and accomplish their goals. Something like The Legend of Zelda's [Spin Attack], a Dragon's [Fire Breath] and so on. They'll consist of both magic and melee, actives and passives, all that jazz. Once a Skill is gained by Ingestion or any other method, its Rank can be increased to make it more powerful or versatile. Much like Skyrim, practice makes perfect--but don't think your character can just spam the Skill willy-nilly and level up without any further effort! Diminishing returns, the inherent dangers of the skills themselves, and...maybe some unforeseen side effects...will quickly put a kibosh on that!

In addition to all this, there will be a grand world full of other species to slaughter discover, civilizations to conquer explore, and all sorts of other fun stuff I've spent quite a bit of time preparing! So, feel free to field me any of your own questions or concerns, but I have just ONE left for YOU!

Would You Be Interested?

Character Sheet Information:
Feel free to change the aesthetics, colors, formatting codes, etc if you like to spruce up your CSs! Also, it's completely optional, but consider adding a Theme Song somewhere in there!


Between a Fire and a Hard Demon...Wait no not like that--

“Hrm. So it’s one of those types that just squish when you try to flatten them…” Kyozan grumbled as he fell. Then the blob sent several tendrils careening towards him, and he snarled. The first one to lunge at him was sliced to pieces with one sweep of his claws, and he went into a spin through the air. The next tried to wrap around his waist, but was met with his iron grip then bitten in two–this time, he spat out the foul tasting substance. A third seemed less like an octopus tentacle and more like a mass of human hands growing more hands on the end of its fingers. This one Kyozan kicked away with a blow strong enough to burst it like a balloon–but he had no more leverage in the air, and the tendrils were all around him now. One wrapped his ankle and pulled him back through all the twists and turns it had made, only in reverse, before slamming him into the earth near the reformed hive. The others lashed to him–his wrists, his knee, and one managed to get around his torso like a shoulder strap. But still the Rakshasha’s sheer muscle kept him upright as he roared his defiance.

A surge of spiritual energy seemed to distract literally every being in the park for an instant. Kyozan stopped wrestling at the same time the giant grudge-mother stopped trying to strangle him, and he looked at the rather voluptuous “new” ally that had appeared. This was the Resonance technique that had replaced the old school of Familiar Contracts? Was it always so…tantric, in nature? Not that he minded that idea, necessarily…

Sato-squared told him to keep the giant blob from running away, and he started to ask what was going to make it run, if it hadn’t already fled from the mere sight of himself? But when the fused woman released her flames, he saw through the strategy to cut off its movement.

And sure enough, when the writhing creature tried to get away from those encroaching flames…it would find itself anchored to the spot by a tall demon, pulling on its tendrils with every muscle in his huge body as taut as piano wire. Veins and sinew bulged beneath Kyozan’s skin as he cackled.

“What’s the matter, coward?! Got yourself caught when you tried so hard to catch me!?” He let out a warcry, and twisted with all his might. His feet cracked craters as he sank into the earth under all the weight, but he dragged the Grudge Hive right back into the heart of the flames. Kyozan closed his eyes and concentrated…


Prep Phase

”It only deforms against blunt attacks! Can you cut it from a distance?!”

Mika opened her eyes as she nodded. Her partner would feel her affirmation even if they couldn’t see each other. Still watching the laptop screen for any changes, she flipped open her bag and drew out a standard sized notebook and a calligraphy pen. As she gathered energy, the notebook floated open in front of her and its pages began to flutter as if turned by the breeze.

“Keep fighting, Kyo-chan! Something that can travel over that distance will take me a bit!” She whipped her pen across the pages, the pink tip of her tongue poking out as she concentrated. Whenever she completed a sigil, she placed her hand on the paper sheet. It separated itself from the booklet, and began to orbit around her. One sheet at a time, she began to build something that seemed like…a paper airplane? But it was more like paper-mache than a single folded sheet from a notebook. Its shape, too, began to resemble something like a stealth bomber–a continuous straight edge in a V shape over its nose and wings…

“Kamigetsu-Ou!” She recited, pen and hands still working in tandem. “Great Sparrow Sword…”


Please Don't Break, Please Don't Break

“Eh? Wa-wait, I’m not–!” Left with the laptop, Mika had not expected to find herself so quickly face to face with one of her great nemeses–technology. She could manage the basics, of course, but being from an old fashioned family out in the countryside and having a…somewhat different…upbringing from many of her peers, she had never quite caught on to all the latest media trends. She looked from side to side as if expecting someone to take the burden off of her…but with Kaeru, Nyoko, and both Satos gone, it seemed like she had no other options. She approached the device with all the caution of one whose home only contains plastic plants when asked by a friend to care for their prized azaleas.

Okay. Okay, she could do this. She didn’t have to touch any buttons, did she? The screen didn’t look that bad. The large image was clearly a map of the park. That other window in the corner seemed to be displaying several…charts? Wavelengths? Some kind of data being measured? Could spiritual energy be analyzed by non-magical means? It certainly seemed to be peaking in regards to the large mass at the park’s center. Mika furrowed her brows and leaned closer.

This wasn’t like the torii gateway of a sacred site, was it? Or a demon’s personal domain, where their powers could alter the surroundings inside their lairs? Was this a passage that the Grudges were coming through, or some kind of giant “mother” Grudge that was spawning the others? Either way, it had to be destroyed–research could come later.

“Kyo-chan, destroy it!” she ordered, holding one hand in the rin seal to direct her thoughts through their link. His answer was immediate,

Don’t gotta tell me twice!


I'm Gonna Break It

He slashed and bludgeoned his way through the enemy, roaring with centuries of pent up fury. But the Raskhasa pulled back in surprise for an instant as ghostly hands lunged from the earth to grapple with the Grudge’s limbs. Though the amorphous beings tried to escape by shifting in a variety of ways, the grasping hands waved like grass in the field wherever they went. Kyozan lunged with his claws outstretched–

“Ha! If you pathetic wretches can’t even escape spirits of that level, I should’ve just–!”

And immediately tripped to slam face first into the dirt, his huge frame completely stretched out flat. He could almost hear a certain feline femme’s purring laughter as the ghostly hands released his legs. His own throat let out a rumbling growl–but when he lifted his face up, he had a wry smile and licked his lips.

“I shall play with you later.” He muttered. While he climbed back to his feet, the other Contracted pair joined the battle. That tall human woman packed a surprising stiff punch, and her demon followed it up with flames that blew apart the rest of the Grudge’s head. As Kyozan resumed carving his swathe of destruction, Suzume asked him if he knew what they were looking for–and not a moment later, he received a message from Mika. The image flashed in his head, and he leaped up to the top of a nearby swingset. As the metal creaked under his bulk, he peered over the dark throng and saw the larger, pulsating mass from whence they came.

“Don’t gotta tell me twice!” He looked down at the crowd again–given how much space he’d cleared, the cat’s restraints, and the fiery female pair, he didn’t think they’d have any trouble with the remaining Grudges. And all the mewling human peasants had been evacuated. So now he could really cut loose!

Kyozan leaped as high as he could, straight up–and then, as if kicking off the air, he flickered away like a black-and-blue flame through the sky. As he lost speed his form reappeared some distance over the crowd, but now he fell at an angle towards that disgusting hive.

“Behold my wrath!” he said, followed by a maniacal, howling laughter. He raised one clenched fist, and an enormous ball of azure fire blossomed over his shoulder. As he fell, accelerated once more by gravity, the mass of spiritual power took the form of an enormous fist. “Rokusho-Ken!

The disembodied limb, easily bigger than Kyozan himself, hurtled down at the black mass with incredible force…

A Lotta Talkin'

Town Hall
The next to enter the Hall was the Ghoul, and Walker noted the man's own position across the way. Far as he could tell, he and Sam Smith shared a lot in common--"old men" by everyone else's definition, wanderers who simply stumbled into town one day and then stuck around. And he had seen the mutant hit a crack shot more than once...but then, the way the rumors went, he'd had over a hundred years to practice. Walker felt confident that he'd gotten just as good in less than half the time. But other than that...

He'd never let it show, and thus far hadn't said anything. But to be perfectly honest...Walker thought of Ghouls like time bombs. So far as he knew, they always went Feral. It was just a matter of when. And anyone who claimed they weren't disgusted with the mutants' looks were lying to themselves out of social virtue, in the old Texan's point of view. Sure, it didn't mean you had to treat the man any different...but human beings had a tendency to avoid or feel uncomfortable around stuff like that for a reason. So, when he couldn't help thinking like that...it seemed the more polite and honorable thing to just avoid Sam where he could, and keep interactions short when he couldn't.

More of the Mormons entered the old church as well, filtering between the pews. Aside from them, Walker saw Eliza take a back row seat in front of Sam. When she pulled out the .45 and swiftly checked the safety, Walker once again admired the weapon. Not enough people really knew how to take care of their equipment anymore, at least not like the girl did. Wherever she was from, she'd clearly been trained and educated. The same was true of Elijah, who came close to blocking the doorway as he placed a hand on his weapon. Walker mentally took back his last thought about the man's education, and blew out the edges of his mustache. No need to put hands on a gun if you weren't about to draw--the last thing they needed in this crowded little matchbox was for someone to get jumpy or an itchy trigger finger.

Raven, and those three dunderheads he called a "militia," were next through the doors. Alexander, the northerner whom Walker suspected had just come back from a patrol, also took up a position on the wall like many of the others but not at the back of the room. Instead he posted up about halfway across the room. Whitlash had accrued itself quite a little posse for itself over the past few years...a lot of combat experience, it seemed, for a little out of the way gaggle of farmsteaders.

Finally, Mayor Nicholas and that little croney of his, Johnathan, climbed onto the podium. After a quick and pointless thanks and assurance that they had, indeed, rung the bell for a reason, the fisherman got to the reason.

Dammit, shoulda bet somebody. Would've won the caps. Walker rolled his mouth as if he were going to spit, but held back for the sake of the old church's floorboards.

So Raiders had captured one of the outlying facilities Whitlash operated, along with everyone working in it--including one of Nicholas's daughters. When Walker heard that, his lip curled and his nose wrinkled...like a dog with its hackles up. In his mind, an old scene played out--

A little girl was screaming. He was trying to get through the door--it finally gave way with a vicious kick. Smoke was starting to fill the house. He saw the man standing over the girl and cocked the hammer back--

His name was called, snapping the man out of his flashback. Somehow, he was able to replay what Nicholas had said despite disassociating for a moment. So the mayor wanted him, and some of these other rag-taggers, to take on the Helena Raiders Legion? Walker had heard of a Legion before, but for some reason these didn't seem like the same varmints. The rest of the town was told to disperse--but Walker had an iffy feeling about things.

Nick should've called our names from the get-go, then told the rest of 'em to leave without any more details. What if someone from the town decided to try and play hero, or do something else equally stupid and risky? What if the Raiders had a man or woman on the inside? Or some thick browed idiot decided they wanted to run away from home and live the criminal life, and decided to give the Raiders a heads-up as a way of ingratiating themselves to the gang?

Well, he was stuck in it now. Best to pay attention. The mayor outlined the rest of the situation, and again Walker rolled his mouth. His eyes never left the map from the moment it was unrolled, as he committed every squiggle to memory. That was something else he was proud of, at his age...although it also made sleeping difficult, some nights when the memories he didn't want decided to pop back up...

When Nicholas asked if there were any questions, Walker knew it was going to open a damn flood gate. Conor wanted to know the enemy's numbers--a smart question, but one that Walker imagined would be useless. Even if Nicholas had a scout or two setting eyes on the factory, they were apparently dealing with a "legion" of Raiders. This group might be able to call reinforcements--or said numbers might've already arrived. Any report they were liable to get couldn't be treated as gospel, only speculation. And you could spend all day speculating and never get anywhere.

Elijah was confident--too confident, for Walker's taste. And he immediately laucnhed into a plan for a stealth operation. The Texas didn't like the repairman's body language; like Elijah already felt in charge of the situation.
Then Sam chimed in, in his gravelly voice. Walker's brow furrowed. He understood the point the Ghoul was making--but felt like Sam had it backwards. Raiders weren't the type to keep to deals, and sure as hell wouldn't give up the hostages and leave first. To Walker's mind, if they did give in to the thugs' demands and deliver food, supplies, and so forth, the raiders would simply take the hostages with them until they were far enough away to escape pursuit, then release the hostages to run back home. And that was only best case scenario. Given Walker's experience...the Raiders would just take everything and demand more.

The whole "kill 'em all," bit, though, that he liked. And even the staked bodies part. The Ghoul's methods were as gristly as his face, but that didn't have to be a bad thing.

Raven wanted to know about the Raiders' weapons, armor, and tactics. Again, smart questions--if somebody worth a damn would teach these boys, Whitlash wouldn't be short on leader-types. But having too many chiefs and not enough indians would be a problem in itself. Then, though, the conversation turned to soemthing about drugging the food, sniping, negotiations, and then Walker tuned it out.

"Stop." said the old man, raising his voice in a loud growl for the first time that morning. He looked at the others, then directed his gaze at Nicholas. "Who's leading?"

If there wasn't a leader, someone to say "ten hut!" and have the rest snap to attention, then this whole damn thing would turn into arguing over the best way to do the same damn things over and over. Whether all these different suggestions were feasible or not--Walker had no idea where Raven expected to get a damned "delayed action sedative" in a podunk town where the closest thing to a hospital was a tent full of Mormons--was one thing, whether their group could agree on who got to do what was another, and Walker didn't have the time or patience to put it all to a vote.

Neither did those hostages at the factory.
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