Avatar of Zeroth


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17 days ago
Current Say "thanks," when they compliment you and smile. Watch more of what's going on around you instead of staying inside your head. If eye contact's hard, stare at her forehead.
1 like
1 mo ago
@ColdAtlus: Cheems.
1 like
2 mos ago
If commissioning an artist isn't possible, could look into using AI and then editing what it puts out. Lots of ppl are salty about AI art so maybe use a disclaimer, but it's an option.
2 mos ago
1-liners become impossible if you actually write. What're your characters' 5 senses picking up? What emotions/thoughts do they have as they speak? What body language do they show? No bulli, just fact.
2 mos ago
In the AI era, you can only get ghosted if you choose to be.


On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

Most Recent Posts

@ZerothFor confirmation, Esfir’s back was facing Grunthor. If Akron’s Elwet attacked them from behind, would they have run over Grunthor in the process?

Ah, my mistake. Was picturing a camera angle in my head when I wrote it, lol. It's basically just charging into the midst of them, whatever their orientation.

"Uh, hi! I'm gunna go out an hunt! But did ya say sumthin bout a cave in da north? What were ya doing up dere? Were you fightin monstahs, or maybe huntin?"

“Eh?” The adult orcs seemed surprised that Gren had even approached them, much less started talking to them, and they glanced at each other as if to say ‘is this Runt one of yours?’ Luckily, Vola stayed further back and out of sight, so none of the three noticed her before they turned back to Gren. The one in particular that he tried to butter up simply snorted and spat a disgusting glob of phlegm into the fire, where it hissed.

“I was scoutin’, is all. Warchief wants to make sure ain’t nothing around here to catch the drop on us.”

"You look really strong, yeah! You musta killed lots before. I wanna know how to be strong like you, so when I go huntin I'll get something good for tha camp!" As Gren showcased his elite skills, the three orcs sat there for a moment—then burst out into raucous laughter.

“Aye, th’ li’l bugger ain’t bad, eh!?” chortled one, nudging the other. “A real terror, innit?!”

“Lookie ‘ere, Runt!” The one in the middle suddenly reached back behind his hip, and drew out a large, drop-tipped cleaver. It was made of considerably old and worn iron, but the edge had been taken care of well—the weapon’s body had a roughness and spots of rust to it, but that thin, ragged white line looked perfectly serviceable. “Before you worry about gettin’ tough, worry about stayin’ alive!” He flourished the cleaver before symbolically drawing the back of the metal across his own throat. “If ya’s get back from yer hunt, you’re still gonna have to train with Auguz! ‘E’s a tough bastard ‘e is, and ain’t nuthin’ makes ‘im happier than putting a runt like you in yer place! Just ask that fatty, Builge!”

“Ah, das right, Builge was in da brood afore dis one, wasn’t he?” chuckled the third orc. “No wonder he’s been a right li’l shite lately.”

The three commenced to discussing whether it’d be worth the verbal abuse from Auguz or the Warchief if they were to go kick Builge’s tower out from under him, or if they could get away with just throwing rocks at him. It didn’t take long at all for them to forget Gren entirely…

…In other words, it looked like he and Vola had made a clean getaway.

Item Acquired!

Stone Hatchet - Equip, Weapon/Tool - A thick tree bough has been carved into a tapered shape and had a hole bored through it, then fire-hardened. A knapped and sharpened stone blade has been driven through the hole in such a way that impacts will push it further into the handle. Further security is provided by some cordage and sticky tree sap. At your current size, it is considered a two-handed, heavy weapon.

Akeno blocked the fireball, Lazash tackled the flame-spitter, Grunthor wrestled the screeching bird, and Esfir pondered how no plan ever survives first contact with the enemy. Lazash was dragged along as she tried to strangle her wounded prey, Grunthor suffered half a dozen vicious pecks as he beat his victim with a rock, Esfir leaped into action, and Akeno reacted on a sense of muscle memory that still didn’t quite fit with this new body. But as her hips torqued, for an instant the kick felt “right,” and slammed into the Elwet with a satisfying thud! The creature crowed in pain—and one of its wings suddenly drooped at an unnatural angle. The beast was knocked off its feet but quickly recovered, scrambling and flapping away—right towards the rest of the chaotic mess.

The bird carrying Lazash ran into Esfir’s stick just like a charging boar was supposed to, and the impact struck it dead center in the body—it gave a hoarse squawk, as if the breath was knocked out of it. Its charge was halted, jerking Lazash around, but she kept a tight hold and with all the fury that only a creature desperate to kill another can generate, twisted with both hands. There was a single instant of resistance—CRACK.

The fire-spitting bird suddenly thrashed and kicked in one last death throe, spinning in circles on the ground. Its dangerous claws and powerful wings created a flurry of pain for the two orc females! What was more, the injured Elwet Akeno had been fighting now crashed into them from behind!

Assuming Grunthor kept weathering the beak trying to pierce his bald head and flailing at the creature with his rock, he would feel his opponent’s body suddenly go rigid after one heavy blow, and then limp. Though his wounds bled and stung like nobody’s business and made him look like hell, as long as he avoided getting hit in the eye they wouldn’t be seriously debilitating…but then again, open wounds meant a greater chance of infection, and nothing about the Orc camp suggested they had much in the way of medicines…

Enemy Elwet Appeared!
Defeated: 2/4
Fled: 1/4

As Rik moved among the trees and the underbrush, carefully picking his way across the root-strewn and uneven forest floor, he would hear sudden movement headed right for him. But just as he readied himself, the brown-and-white-blur shot out of the bushes and barreled right past him, too swift for him to react to! He got a decent look at the blurred figure, at least—it was one of those rabbits with antlers, the Jackalope. Even compared to regular rabbits back on earth, the thing was bloody fast.

But almost as soon as the critter had disappeared into the brush again, he heard the calls of the Elwets—and they were definitely not happy about something. If Rik chose to investigate, he would also hear the sounds and cries of battle. Had more Runts come out this way? There were definitely multiple Elwets; dare he risk taking them on by himself?

Before such a decision could be made, however, something else came charging through the bushes. This one wasn’t near as fast as the Jackalope, and that beast had already put Rik on edge. So with his reflexes already revved up, he had the upper hand as an Elwet came almost blindly stumbling out of the bushes right in front of him, horned head turning back from looking over its shoulder…

As Duram and Agar began moving in the direction of Ushnekh’s testing ground—though of course, they had yet to discover that the other Runt was there—they moved away from the gravelly slopes and into the dense treeline. Agar paused, and with a cautious crouch tried to summon up his newfound power—or the Skill, as this world seemed to refer to it.

Duram wouldn’t be able to see or feel it, but from Agar’s perspective, a neon-green circle spread out from his body through his feet, expanding until it covered the entire range of the Skill and then rebounding off every living thing in the vicinity. Trees and other plantlife caused a reaction, but if he didn’t look with his eyes and only “felt” the effects, it was as if they were soft, semi-transparent images. Instead, the “living creatures” specified by the skill description he’d seen began to glow with a soft green "flame," the size of which seemed to indicate their general size or strength.

A Dire Rat was currently moving away from the two runts, stealthy dashing underneath the brush to their left. It had little interest in them, as one might expect of a rodent, and simply wanted to get away from the bigger shapes crashing through the underbrush. To their right and perhaps a few yards into the forest, there was a tree whose outline included something vibrant and round…was that one of those Leppa Fruits, then? It glowed separately from the main tree’s body, up in the branches.

But straight ahead of them, at the very edge of the skill’s range, Agar picked up a much larger and somehow familiar signal—it had to mean that another of the Runts was out here. And though the two were overlapping, somehow the Field Scan could differentiate between two separate creatures. From the chaotic way the signals moved, it seemed like the larger life-sign was under attack! If it was indeed a Runt, what could they be fighting? And should he and Duram intervene?

Moving backwards along with his attack proved to be the right choice thanks to Ushnekh’s instincts. The Tatzelwurm’s jaws snapped shut on empty air, but before it could regather itself for another lunge it was smacked in the face by a piece of rough wood. The creature’s catlike claws slashed at the stick, slicing a deep notch into it and knocking it away. But then the Orc Runt did something quite unexpected—Very, very rarely did any of them have magic at this young of an age. But Ushnekh did!

“[Earth Wave]!” Somehow, shouting the skill made it feel…stronger. But after already using it once that morning, Ushnekh felt a great deal of energy drain out of him-—he might be able to use it just once more, something deep inside his new body told him.

The Tatzelwurm was assaulted by a rolling wave of dirt and debris, slamming into it like a moving wall! The earth itself seemed to lift the creature and toss it on a low trajectory, where it bounced once upon impact. The monster’s long body thrashed and writhed as it struggled to right itself—a fight like this wasn’t worth it to the ambush predator, and as soon as it had its bearings it was going to make a mad dash for the brush! Would Ushnekh be fast enough, or capable enough, to finish it off!?
@MaeGoh's CS, info about the added skills, and his musings about other characters have been added to the appropriate tab! Let me know if any revisions to format, etc need to be made.

Are the small icons behind his house meant to be his animal snares? Wouldn't those go in the forests?

@Theyra@Dark Cloud The entire town is just empty, flat ground save for like, the well and the inn, and all the other houses are spread out like a mushroom fairy ring cause no one wants to live away from the "outskirts" XD
I have most of a post written up, but if anyone else would like to shoot a reply in there, go ahead! I'll give it a little more time before the update.

Also, I have some time off from work this week, so I may be able to get a midweek update in as well. But I want to be sure others aren't left behind and we don't end up with a timeline discrepancy between groups.
Speaking of connections, how bout we forge dem connections while we all wait in the meantime?

This is what I've got so far. I took some liberties with worldbuilding here and there, so everyone--especially @Mae--feel free to veto or correct anything I've written out.

@Zeroth I'm imagining Old Man Goh's house might be close to the Smithy so he gets some residual heat in the part of the house closest.. but maybe not. purely curious, does he like to grab his meals at the inn or cook for himself at home? I can imagine him enjoying the slow life and he might know Ingrid as well.

Accepted! Happy to have some kids running around town too. Skill lists we can develop together, I'm trying to keep the syntax consistent for referencing during the RP more then anything. Feel free to add anything you think is missing. 'Dangersense - Protect Ward' is ward as in student. If the kids were in trouble nearby, he'd know.

Slash Resistance II
Blunt Resistance I
Cold Resistance I
Passive: Dangersense - Killing Intent
Passive: Dangersense - Protect Ward
Inert Magic - Killer Glare
Swordsmanship (Precise)
Wayfaring - Plains
Crafting - Trapmaking
Jack of Trades: Odd Jobs
Training: Swordsmanship
Detect Deception
Detect Intent

Being close to the smithy would be fine--he'd probably enjoy wandering over there to admire the craftsmanship from time to time. He would cook for himself, though it would be very basic: Rabbit caught fresh from a snare trap, some wild onions and herbs plucked on a walk, and some dry rice from a big sack he keeps in storage all thrown into a boiling pot, that kind of thing. Self-sufficient stuff you'd expect someone used to roughing it to eat.

I think he'd know Ingrid, and given that the idea was that he'd been in the village for perhaps 5-7 years, I was going to do a little write up to add to his character sheet that was basically his "first impressions" of most other characters and NPCs.

Would the following proposal be suitable for Skills? Feel free to change any names:

First Aid: Self (He knows how to stitch and bandage himself up, disinfect his own wounds, reset his own bones, etc, but he's not a trained doctor or experienced in treating other people like Nibby)

Passive: Identify - Technique (The ability to understand--not copy--someone else's combat skills, for instance if he saw Rallis at target practice he'd deduce something like "Hm. He crouches low and aims through the target, instead of launching the arrow up and over. He's a game archer, then, not a soldier." Or he might recognize that someone's a student of a prominent sword style just by the stance they take up.)

Inert Skill: Instant Movement (High speed, no telegraph, multiple directions, greater distance)

  • Inert Skill: Blink Step (High speed, no telegraph, one direction, medium distance)

    • Active: Quick Step (High Speed, telegraphed, one direction, short distance)

Essentially, the above would be your generic "move real fast" technique any good swordsman should have. Quick Step just covers about 2 meters, but if one knows what to look for they could predict it and it basically moves in a straight line. Blink Step is where it gets to "flicker out of sight" levels because it uses the enemy's blindspot, and Instant Movement just improves on the whole package while being usable from any bodily position, such as standing still, without giving the movement away.
@Zeroth I think story beat wise that'd fit in really well. Would you be willing to fit in having some sort of curse or wound from his last battle that butchered some of his high tier skills? A seasoned veteran should definitely start with some upgraded skills if his specialty. But I don't want a vastly different power level if it might tilt the balance too much. I think it'd be fun for his resistances to stay intact so we could do the tropes of the old man thing out to be a bit of a beast when he does need to be. And also his key weapon skill. But there would be a reason why he doesn't have access to some abilities he might of picked up...although if you prefer, we could instead say it's his ages that's made him rusty. Of course he can develop as oyu like through the roleplay either way.

Also yeah - the warzone is far to the south and won't affect the story, but it gives an opportunity for people to want to travel here and join the village. Any dangerous dungeons would have reasons to be sealed and people would have to go out of their way to find them.

My thoughts on progression were definitely along the lines of: For everyone else, they're growing and getting stronger. For him, it's more like "shaking the rust off." Rather than a curse or wound, though, a big limiter on his abilities aside from his actual age getting in the way would be his own sheer stubbornness--he really never wants to take another life again if he can at all help it, and he wouldn't even be willing to fight in self-defense or for his own honor in a large number of cases. Something like stopping an angry boar or cutting off fish heads wouldn't bother him, but he'd go pretty far out of his way to avoid violence as long as there wasn't someone else who needed his help--and in that case, it's easier to grab the dumb kid or whoever got themselves into trouble and drag them away than it is for him to actually inflict harm on someone again. If it were just him, and somebody wanted to kill him...he might just stand there, honestly.

Also, if it helps at all, I hadn't envisioned him having many magic-oriented skills aside from, maybe, some representation of "Murderous Intent that inflicts Fear status". If something like "Dynamic Vision: Able to see and track fast moving objects" counts as magic rather than something that could be trained, maybe some of those would be there, but no like "Enchant weapon with an element/Shoot a sword beam while screaming the move's name/Create shadow clone" type abilities. His whole deal is cutting--to the point that he could probably actually serve a secondary purpose to the village as a surgeon, if the need required it, because he's mastered not "swordsmanship" on its own, but the concept of "dividing substance using a sharp edge."

Maybe you could represent the degeneration of age by having "higher level" versions of skills with a strikethrough, and the lower level versions of them that are still usable until he "gets back into shape?" Some of them might have "degraded" multiple times, even, or it might not be a question of physical ability, but mental state--like maybe that "Murderous Intent" move from before isn't usable to the same extent anymore cause he doesn't have enough hatred in his heart anymore.
Hello all! Since the GM like'd my question regarding my character in the interest check, I assumed that was go-ahead to post the CS draft? Let me know if there are any issues that need to be fixed!

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