Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Press was almost done with his breakfast when he heard someone with an angry tone in his voice. He took his attention away from his breakfast enough to put his hand near the opening of his storage cube and take out a stun gun. He finished the rest of his cereal, checked that his stun gun was fully charged, and went over to the direction of the voice. If push came to shove, then someone had to do something about it. It was the boy who had fallen yesterday, scolding the one who had stolen all the bagels. Nathan and Cora, if he remembered. Apparently the match up was getting worse and worse already, and he took another stun gun out of his cube, just in case.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kilo6


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Avis had kept to herself oddly enough that entire night. She was frankly jet lagged and exhausted from the long trip from her home to be bothered to try to interact with anyone. Thus she took it upon herself to say goodnight to the friendly A.I. and go to bed immediately.... Though for the night, she could hardly sleep. It was odd, now living in a place like this. She lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, wondering about her future. "Well here I am... Sanctum... With plenty of potential allies... and enemies to make... Fuck I need to get some sleep...." she rolled over and closed her eyes...


Avis's eyes slowly opened and she gave out a loud groan. "UUuuuuuuuughhhhh....... Noooo..... Not this early......" Like some sort of jello, she rolled out of bed, then dragged herself to the bathroom. She wore only her tank top and sweat pants, her short hair a tangled mess as she slowly began to brush her teeth and wash her face. Avis arrived in the kitchen, her uniform somewhat sloppily put on and her hair still messy. Though she was her normal self instead of the night before, no odd animal features and normal yellow eyes.

"Coffee...." was all she muttered to herself as she slouched pass her fellow teammates. When she walked pass Cora, however, she simply mumbled in a groggy, tired tone, "Biiiiitch...." Avis walked to the coffee machine in the kitchen and began to get a cup of her beloved energy drink. Glancing around, she casually observed her team while taking a sip from her drink. After a long swig, she set cup down and sighed. "Too....early... for this bullshit..." was all she mumbled before walking out the kitchen with her coffee and a piece of bread she had grabbed. Avis sat down on the couch decided to relax and enjoy her small breakfast in peace. Her late night made this morning particularly hard on this typical teen, so she wanted a little time to herself in the morning.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Famotill
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"No...no....no.." Ming moaned in what must have been pure agony, even her super strength couldn't hold the pillow tight enough to her head to stop the ringing. She was going to punch that stupid robot, virtu-whatever the hell it is! Deciding that there was no choice in the matter, and that she'd probably end up screwing herself over if she didn't get up, MIng rose out of bed. As she slowly stood, like a person rising from a grave, she felt a sickening rumble in her stomach. She was starving, and for a Titan starving meant life-or-death, intestine twisting, stomach aching hunger. They naturally had faster metabolisms. She didn't even care about brushing her teeth, as she made her way to her suitcase. She had packed tons of candy, food she figured wouldn't be here at the base, though they seemed to have an array of junk foods much to her surprise. She reached into the suitcase, finally pulling out chocolate pocky sticks. Normally, she'd eat one at a time, but it was too early for formality, she thought as she stuffed around five in her mouth, crunching down as she moaned in joyous food nirvana. She could also really go for some orange juice, so she decided to head out into the kitchen.

She was greeted by almost the entire team, up and out of bed. They all seemed to be interacting. "Jesus..." she muttered to herself, "this is a nightmare...". Slowly, with a zombie like gait Ming headed to the fridge, before finding herself some OJ. She poured herself a glass before heading to the table where Press had been sitting. Taking a large gulp of the drink, Ming let out a small burp, "Heh.." she chuckled to herself.

Feng like Ming, had been in a deep sleep when Vita's alarm went off, Feng took a bit too wake up from it. Finally getting up, Feng wiped the drool from his mouth, noticing it was on his pillow as well. He made a face of disgust, before rolling to his side. Not accounting for the size difference between his bed at home and the one here, Feng fell to the floor. "Ugh..." he mumbled, slightly disoriented. Pushing himself up, Feng made his way into the bathroom, before going out into the kitchen. Feng looked around to see a host of the people he had met last night. His dark blue pajamas top flung open, exposing the toned stomach underneath them, while the pajama bottoms were a dark red, and obviously didn't originally belong with the top. Feng followed in the footsteps of Avis, heading over to the coffee machine. He was surprised to see that no one was using it, maybe most of these people didn't drink it? Unsure of where to stand once his coffee was done, Feng took a post up against a wall that connected the living room and the kitchen, observing quietly the events that were transpiring between some of the group.

Ambrose unlike the other two, had been up for a while. He had been thinking about all the new people that had come into his life so quickly. He remembered all of their names, from Press, to Kyle, to Eve, to Leonard, even the people who had skipped out on the ice-breakers. He held a bond with these people now, and that meant that he wouldn't fail them. The nightmare came again, it always did whenever a new chapter in Ambrose's life began. It changed a little here and there, but the basics were still there. The worst nightmares, are the ones that are real, the one's that aren't just nightmares. Studying his blade in his hands- the same one which he hadn't touched since entering Sanctum- Ambrose rose with new resolve. He'd push through, and so would all of them. He headed out into the kitchen, and was glad to see pretty much all of the team. He walked past a few people giving smiles and whatnot before noticing Nathan and Cora seemingly having a conversation, though it did look a bit one-sided. Deciding the safest bet was to maintain a bit of distance, Ambrose decided he'd sit next to Avis. He looked to the girl with a half smile, "Too damn early for this," he mused, he smooth and genuine voice giving hints of a joke. He was completely oblivious to how tired Avis looked herself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 1 yr ago

She had not gotten much sleep last night. She had waited until it was late then quietly crept back into the living room. Magara extended her power to make sure that no one was there to see her. “One… Two… Three… Four…” She started with one hand on the wall and measured her footsteps around the perimeter, measuring its size, then she would learn where everything inside was placed. Once she ‘mapped’ the room she would be able to get around quite comfortably, but tonight she nearly knocked over the television, stubbed her toe once, and knocked her knee twice. If she sensed anyone approaching she would quickly head back to her room.

She was dreaming that her and her family were playing all the ‘ice breaker’ games that the team had played last night. Then Vita’s alarm blared in her ears and shattered the fantasy. She clamped her hands over her ears, the blind girl was sensitive to sounds as well as the reactions to the neighbors within her empathetic field. Magara was used to a much gentler alarm named Carl…

Carl sat upright and gave a single warning bark. He dashed out into the hallway to see the source of the noise. He saw Vita, and a few recruits beginning to emerge. Wake-up-noise! In Carl’s experience breakfast was shortly after the wake-up-noise. He dashed back into the room and up onto the bed wagging his tail. He licked Magara’s neck and face to rouse her. He was a morning-dog.

It took her a bit longer than the rest to get ready, but soon she'd have her routine streamlined and she would be as fast as the rest (except for the Blur). Carl was helpful, fetching her things as she needed them. She didn’t have any sporty clothes for training. She wore a long sleeved tunic-length shirt (she didn’t know it but it was white with printed blue flowers), and loose pants (black), she bound up her fluffy hair under a long scarf (robins egg blue, a much different blue than her blouse). After she and Carl were dressed and freshened up they went into the hall and toward the kitchen.

Carl eagerly led the way. Magara had released him from duty, so he immediately found Ming at the kitchen table, sitting squarely beside her he gave her his best doggie-smile and wagged his tail.

Her power would ensure that she would not bump-into anyone, and she thought that her internal-map was good enough to find the kitchen, until she clipped the piano bench with her knee. ‘I thought that was three more steps to the left.’[i/] She thought, disappointed in herself. [i]'Perhaps someone moved it...'

The ice-breaker games and general interaction from the night before helped her learn the names, powers, and voices of her new mates. She could feel where they gathered, and felt various expression of hunger and fatigue rolling around groggily, peppered with satisfaction as food and coffee was found and consumed. She recognized their voices as she drew closer: Bruce, Linn, Stitches, Kyle… the electric guy (Cue sound of blender), Avis, Ming, Ambrose, there were a few others around who weren’t talking.

There was one she could identify with her power, it was the first time she found herself able to do such a thing, and was sure to stay away from him. He was the one who had been hurt last night, she had learned from the teachers that he had not been attacked, but had hurt himself with his power. His name was Nathaniel, and now he was in the middle of the living room area seething and boiling with anger, it bloomed from him. ’Does he always feel like that?

She reprimanded herself for not exploring the kitchen last night. She had no idea where anything was. Her hands found marble counter. She sighed as she smelled fresh coffee and sweet fruits. She turned toward the smell of coffee and with some luck found the machine. She usually had breakfast and tea before coffee, but was unsure of how much time was allotted before training.

She found the coffee machine, and slid her hands on the counter around it. She paused, reasoning with herself. 'Magara, I might look far less foolish asking for help than by groping around like a wild… blind person.'

Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but she walked to the nearest person (unsure of exactly who it was). “Excuse me, can you help me find a mug? And a plate? I’m sorry but I do not know where anything is yet. And dog food." She spoke in a soft meek tone. "T-they told me that there would be food for Carl here?" She hoped that whoever she was talking to would understand. "I apologize..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

(Guess I'll help the blind person.)

Press had his attention on the bitch and the man of rage when he heard someone behind him ask for help. He turned around and saw Magara, if he recalled her name correctly. He looked back at the two, then said to Magara, "Oh sure, no problem. No need to apologize, I understand." He looked down at Carl and said, "Hey boy, let's go get some food. Come on, boy," using the tone of voice that people used when talking to pets. He went over to the cupboards and found the ones holding the cups and plates. He set those on the table and looked around for some dog food. He eventually found a bag and filled a bowl with it, then set it on the ground for him. He then took the cup and plate off the table and handed them over to Magara, saying, "Here you go. Anything else you need, just ask."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SaraRPs


Member Offline since relaunch

Linn listened intently too Nathan’s explanation of his power, to her it seemed like such a horrible burden for him to bear, but weren't all their abilities at one point or another? But the way his worked seemed like a heavier cross than theirs though, she did find it oddly funny that he was the equivalent of fire and she of water but she decided to save the humor for when they knew each other better. “Your powers are very intuitive. I find it fascinating how much the titan gene can morph into our…Nathan?” Linn directed her eyes to what he was gazing at to see the Cora girl she had not spoken to much last night. ‘Why is he-wait where is he going?’

“Nathan?” She called out as he brushed by her stalking towards the girl, she didn’t know what was going on but she couldn’t let Nathan get himself into trouble. She started after him but then noticed Magara walking into the room with Carl at her side. It was good to see a person she enjoyed the company of last night. Linn noticed that her clothes were…interesting and she’d have to question it later because she could hear Nathan berate the Cora girl quite loudly to her right. Linn then walked in their direction and decided it be best to try and calm him some before the girl retorted back. Linn reached out grasping his forearm to tug him away, “Nathan. Hey come on it’s not worth-” His skin was hot no, it was burning and her hand stung harshly against it. She gasped, wincing a little and redrew her hand allowing it to ice over and heal itself. She made sure to try and cover her pain but as it was already fading because of her ice. She remained close though in case she would have to intervene. She did not want them getting off on the wrong side on their first day of training.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ColouredCyan

ColouredCyan Wind Up Merchant

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"Psch. Lazy, Stitches, it's gonna get you killed. Only thing people are good for are stabbing you in the back. You want a bagel, you can go ask me. Nicely. If I'm in the mood, I might give you one."

Eve watched as Coraline strutted away triumphant with the bagels, it was kind of cute, like how a emo pomeranian might leave the room with its favouite toy. If she was trying to get a rise out of her it wasn't going to happen, certainly not over bagels. She was being childish and it was unimpressive, we're soldiers now. Adults. Unfornately, Eve wouldn't be the one that have to beat it out of her. Come to think of it, it was kind of flattering actually, if she had to be a little bitch already then she felt Eve was competition.

Eve had been around long enough to knew exactly how this "winding up" thing goes down, there was nothing Coraline could say that would catch her off guard, even if did offend her, first its attacks on possessions, bagels, clothes, etc. Then physical appearance, for which she'll have limitless ammo. And if that doesn't work, attacks on her personality. After this she'll have exhausted everything and resort to violence, so lets hope it doesn't get that far.

There was still the matter of the bagels. After fixating on them for about an hour there was no way a breakfast subtitute would do. She had two options, walk up to the table and try to take the bagels, which would definitely lead to more childish goings on or she could give up on the bagels and have a unsatisfactory breakfast but not give Cora the satisfaction and possibly nip this in the bud early. Could she sacrifice a lone breakfast for a brighter tomorrow?

Turns out she didn't have to. The foreign weight of about 4 bagels accumalated in her open hand in conjunction with a gentle breeze. It was crisis averted, but not problem solved. A small victory from an unknown source although Eve had her suspicions. She removed a bagel from the bag and ploped it in her mouth. It was definitely a victory of sorts.

"Thanks Coraline, do you want them back or should I leave them here in the kitchen so people can help themselves to them?" Eve shouted from the kitchen as she did her best to hide her delight at Cora being foiled already in her plans.

"Thanks Bruce, I didn't know it was going to be this difficult to get them down when I asked, if I had I'd have gotten them myself. What on Earth are we going to do about her? Its a little early for having your knickers in a twist already"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"I'm being a dick because people here are coveting food. Eat and be done with it. Besides," Cora spread her hands wide, after taking the bagel out of her mouth, "I don't have them anymore. Blur took 'em. So simmer down before I knock you unconscious. It's a messy way to start the morning." Cor adjusted in her seat and chewed on the bagel. She'd probably have to go back to the kitchen and grab more food, since she'd skipped out on dinner last night. She fixed the kitchen's layout in her mind so she could jump over to it in case she needed to. Nathan was getting angry, so Cora attempted to placate him once more, "listen, it's not a personal thing. I hate it when people waste food or refuse to do anything for themselves. Besides, I thought Stitches was top dog. She ain't nothing but a whining bitch." she said the last part loud enough for Stitches to hear.

Cora then looked away from Nathan, as if ignoring him already. He wasn't important enough to deal with anyway. Cora didn't even know why they were trying to team her up with these kids anyway. Didn't they know her past? If they did, then they were clearly ignorant as well as idiotic. She heard Magara enter the kitchen, and debated whether or not she wanted to harass her while secretly slipping the dog some extra food. She had a soft spot for animals. Cora adjusted the sunglasses on her face as she took another bite of her well-won bagel. Nah, she'd probably do that when she wasn't being stared down by a psycho rage man.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The problem wasn't solved but she was right, it was too early for this crap. Pinching the bridge of his nose and taking a deep breath, Nathan let it go. Stepping away from, Cora was her name?, Nathan turned to see Linn icing her hand over and trying to not show any pain. At this sight, Nathan felt extremely guilty, she was probably trying to calm him down or something. Seeing as she was trying to hide it, Nathan decided not to say anything and instead asked her if she wanted any food as he went to the kitchen.

Nathan wasn't a big eater, it had something to do with his powers. Looking around he found some apples, a bag of granola, and a cup of yogurt. As he combined all the ingredients, Nathan noticed a guy with a robo bird on his shoulder. He didn't recognize him but the bird was cool. He had to remind himself to ask him about it later as he dug into his makeshift breakfast.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 29 days ago

"Uh, hah, no," Bruce said to Eve as he sipped his green smoothie. "I'm not doing shit about anyone. Not my business, not my problem. If people have issues I'm just going to let them work through it themselves. In the meantime, I will interfere when they start bullying other peeps."

He got distracted looking at the... robot... guy. He knew going in, and especially after the ice breaker junk last night, but there were some weird people here. Case en point, Miss Stitches. But at least most of them were pretty pleasant. Or at least not openly antagonistic. He could deal with one exception. She'd calm her tits eventually.

"So," he said to the kitchen at large, hoping to defuse the obvious tension that Cora had caused. "Training day, huh? You guys ready?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

It seemed that the tension had deflated enough so that violence would not be made, so Press put away his stun guns back into his storage cube. He flexed his right hand, the one that was wearing the glove for quick access to his cube, and wondered if he should make another one for his left hand. Deciding that he'd make it later, he cast those thoughts aside and let out a sigh. He turned to the guy asking if they were ready and responded with, "Ready as can be."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kilo6


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Avis raised an eyebrow to the young man that had sat down next to her on the couch. She took a bite from the piece of bread in her hand and waved her hand dismissively at Ambrose.

"Meh, says the guy who looks more fired up than ever. You morning people don't understand the struggle a jet lagged, hormone filled girl myself must endure each every day! It is a struggle, no, the burden we must take on for the sake of humanity!" She said, standing up and striking a heroic pose. A grin came across her face and she laughed a bit before flopping back down on the couch. "Or something like that. Sorry, I wasn't able to chat around last night, but your.... Ambrose right? I'm Avis. Guten Morgan meine freund." she said with a smile. Avis was now more awake than before, the caffeine finally flowing through her veins. She gave sigh though, and motioned to the kitchen. "Wish I could say the same for everyone else, but apparently bagels are valuable currency here. I guess I should mark that down on the "The stuff I should give a shit about" list. Heh heh." she said the Ambrose with a grin.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Cora finished off her bagel and stared angrily at the television as though it could summon her food. When it didn't, Cora stood up to grab some more food from the fridge. After her little stunt backfired and instead didn't put her in charge, she didn't think that her usual tactics would work. She was better than them, but apparently these morons were more complex than her usual crowd, so she'd have to think on it more. So instead of creating more of a scene, despite the fact that she really wanted to, she tamely pulled out a box of cereal -she didn't know what the brand was, she didn't look- as well as the whole gallon of milk they had stored in the fridge to go eat them in the living room. She would have taken a few of the fruits as well, but she didn't want to right now. She'd save that for later.

She arrived back at her couch and dug her whole hand into the box, stuffing the whole handful into her mouth and washing down the strangely fruity cereal with a swig out of the gallon of milk. When she finished the box, she sat back and debated whether or not she could take a shower at this point in time or not. She hadn't showered in a while, but there were going to be some kind of activity later so she probably would have to attend that. I'm so freaking tired, how do people do this? she thought as she tried to stop herself from completely falling asleep on the couch. Her habit of stuffing herself then passing out was something she needed to break, it had been fine while she'd been on the streets, but now it would just leave her vulnerable. A quick nap couldn't hurt anyone though... with that, Cora fell asleep on the couch, covered in cereal and snoring like a schnauzer with the sniffles.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Famotill
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ambrose let out a hardy laugh as the girl struck her pose. "Same to you my friend, and yes it's Ambrose." Ambrose listened to the girl as she spoke, no doubt the coffee she had been drinking had finally worked it's magic as she seemed a bit more energized now. Despite her joking manner, she was certainly right, they were paying a pretty hefty price in order to keep humanity safe, and he didn't mean just waking up early. He wondered if that was what Commander Nunez meant yesterday when she called them soldiers, people just serving as protectors the only way they knew how. Shaking the thought and coming back to reality, Ambrose continued his chat with Avis. "I have a feeling that list is going to get uncomfortably bigger day by day," he chuckled. When he was with his brother, all he had to worry about was himself and his crew, but now- who knew.


Feng had observed the conflict between Nathan and Cora, it seemed that she was already making some enemies. Feng could remember his father telling him that some people gifted with these powers didn't have it as easy as they could. Some people had to fight, day in and day out because of it. Feng knew what he meant now, some of these people have seen things Feng could never relate to. His father's iconic status meant that he lived well off, sure there were Sanctum guards always protecting his house, but some of these people probably only had themselves for protection. Whether that made them physically strong, Feng wasn't sure. He had an urge to approach Cora, but decided against it, he'd probably only make her angry at this point. Instead he resolved to head over towards the other group in the kitchen. He headed towards Bruce and Press, if he remembered correctly, he had heard Bruce asking if everyone was ready for training day. "Sanctum officers are pretty well trained, whatever it is we're doing today, I definitely hope we're ready." He gave a smile to the two, though he made his statement somewhat sheepishly, not sure if he was intruding.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SaraRPs


Member Offline since relaunch

She didn’t want enemies but that girl had proven herself with her response to Nathan and her behavior towards Stiches. Stitches was a nice person and she came in and bullied her. That earned Cora the glare Linn gave her as she walked past her heading towards the fridge. ‘Hm..’ She decided to go with an apple and a bottle of water, light but it would give her energy. She had to talk to Magara she decided. When she heard the guy ask everyone that particular question she pondered for a moment before responding, “I don’t know about you all but I’m really nervous.” That was all she said. Walking by Nathan going over to Magara she reached out and pat him on his shoulder with the formerly burned hand, smiling. She hoped it would give him some reassurance.

Finally getting to Magara, Linn reached out and took her hand, “Hey I’m sorry I didn’t come into the kitchen with you, I had to deal with something.” Taking a glance at her outfit she grimaced, facing conflict. ‘Don’t comment on her clothes. Just modify it.’ She chuckled reaching out for the scarf that threw the outfit off, “This thing could slow you down today in training. Here.” Pulling out an extra elastic band from her bag as she pulled off the scarf placing it on the counter, gently as she could Linn gathered Magara’s long hair and pulled it up into a ponytail then braiding it and wrapping it into a bun. “It’s good to have your hair out of the way so you can concentrate? You like it?” She asked now biting into her apple.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As Nathan finished his yogurt concoction, he was relieved at the pat he got from Linn. It was with the hand that he had...burnt and seeing her use it freely took a load of his shoulders. With nothing left to worry about Nathan through his garbage in the trash and walked back to the fridge, trying to find something to drink. After several moments of scanning the fridge Nathan found what he was craving, some apple juice. Getting himself a glass, Nathan stood in a corner.

While nursing his drink, Nathan used his height advantage to survey the group. It was odd, it seemed more what he imagined college would be. Kids taking a break after a long class and not soldiers to be. His expression darkened a bit at that thought. Thinking to himself, if they were supposed to be soldiers than there were going to be things that will break some of them. Hell, it took him months to get over what happened in Alaska. Shivering at the thought, Nathan decided to not worry about it and instead walked over to Blur and the wolf eared girl from the line up.

As he got closer, he noticed that they were most likely not fake. Every now and again they would twitch and turn towards noises. As he reached his destination, Nathan extended his hand and introduced himself, "Hi, names Nathan and if you don't mind the question...What can you do?" with a friendly tone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by athanshadow
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athanshadow Amateur Occultist

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Brookes woke to complete silence. "Just what I like to hear." He whispered to himself. He got up rather lazily, not considering that he woke up late. He had a tendency to sleep past most alarms and it always screwed him over in the end. He slipped on some basic clothes. A pair of black jeans, a basic black hat which he hoped would cover up his ears, and a black t-shirt with holes in the back for his wings. Then he put on a leather jacket which looked way too big for his small structure, stretching it's sleeves far past his hands. He quickly brushed his hair and lazily opened the door, slipping through the small crack he made. So tired, he instantly walked into an adjacent door. "Verpiss dich." He said haphazardly to the door before walking to a nearby couch and sat down, careful of his wings. He smiled gently when he realized he was late and that he just walked out of his door, smashed into another one, then cursed at the door.

"Today seems like it will go well for me." He said to himself sarcastically. Looking around, he noticed the large diversity in the group of people. "Everyone is so different here. It's sort of exciting." He thought to himself when he comprehended maybe he wouldn't be teased for being different because here, everyone was different. He gazed around for a bit longer and took in most of the people. He couldn't tell where most of them were from but he could see someone who looked like they could be German and he took note of her. He thought about how he looked. He couldn't instantly be told as a German because the fairy blood in him changed some of his features. His face was somewhat softer despite his thinner nose. And obviously his pointed ears sort of gave it away too.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Press sighed. He felt as if he had no friends, and he was probably right. He wasn't exactly social; it wasn't in him to just walk up to someone and say hi. Even back home he only had a few trusted friends. Maybe, just maybe, it was time to change that. After all, he was in a new place, filled with people he barely knew. He spotted a person who looked like he arrived late, judging by the fact that he was the one closet to the entrance they had all come from. Press noticed that he had pointed ears, but that wasn't a concern. After all, there was a person here with fox ears. He walked up to him and said, "Hi there. Um, name's Press, and this is Horus," motioning to his automaton falcon on his shoulder. He tried to give a friendly smile and extended his hand to shake, the one with the metal glove.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by athanshadow
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athanshadow Amateur Occultist

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Brookes looked up, now more aware but still slightly tired. The man in front of him looked slightly odd with his automaton perched on his shoulder. Brookes silently wondered if he were a Titan or not. Maybe he just possessed a high intelligence naturally. If he were a Titan then his power must not be very strong if he makes those machines. Brookes extended his hand to shake Press'. Too tired for it to register in his mind that the glove could possibly contain some iron. He shook the hand and instantly pulled his back, screaming quickly and quietly. "I am so sorry. I did not mean to do that," He said looking at his burnt hand. "My name is Brookes." He added quietly, almost forgetting to introduce himself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Press withdrew his hand, fearing something malfunctioned in his glove. "It's alright, Brookes, it's probably my fault. Sometimes these devices of mine tend to show malfunctions in weird ways." He looked at his glove, wondering what could have done that. However, judging by the shape of the burn on Brookes' hand, it seemed that if his glove had malfunctioned, it would have done so across the entire surface of the glove, which would be impossible even for Press, since malfunctions never went that far. Casting the thought aside, he asked, "So... what can you do? You've already seen my specialty here," motioning once again to Horus and his glove.
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