Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thread Generator SIN
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Thread Generator SIN

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

20 Years ago, Central 46 Compound

"We shall now pass judgement!"
A commanding yet worn voice called down from the recesses above as a blond haired man sat in a chair under a bright light, his wrist bound in his lap. The judge who addressed him continued. "Former twelfth squad captain Garner, Alexander! For the research of forbidden material against direct orders, and the endangerment and injury of your comrades with your abominable experiments, you are sentenced to execution by Sokyoku on the morning of the quarter moon!" Silent murmurs were exchanged behind identity concealing banners. There was no response from the sullen Alexander, his gaze lowered, and his lips pursed. In his mind, he relived the events that led him to his situation.

"Well Garner...if you have any final words to speak before us...say them now!" The hall was silent for several moments before the defendant managed his response. "....The research..." Confused whispers peppered the hall as elder ears struggled to hear Alexander's words. "Speak up!" Commanded a judge finally. "What did you do with the hollowfication research?!" A mix of regret and concern bled out in his voice. But the response was still irate. "What did he say?" "Such insolence!" "Impudent fool..." Called out several voices from the darkened recesses above. A judge finally broke the rabble with his own more moderated tone. "What makes you think you have any rite to-" "You don't understand! I know the protocol for these situations...you lock everything away in a vault somewhere because the soul society is a bunch of pack rats." Alexanders interruption took the prosecution aback, many taking offense to such impertinence. A judge quickly scolded him for his actions. "Watch your tongue! You're in no place to spea-" "Oh what're you gonna do...have me killed?" Interrupted the bound man, the tone of his voice gaining confidence in the realization of his fate. Caught off guard, no retort was given.

Expectantly receiving no answer, Alexander continued. "The research, everything...it must be destroyed immediately. Not even you can comprehend what it could result in." An enraged voice suddenly chimed in from above. "We should have him removed for his insolence!" But a hand was raised amongst the judges and the voice was suppressed. "Tell me...Garner, in light of your inevitable judgement, why would you have this research destroyed?" Alexander raised his gaze to the darkness, though there were only faceless posts to return his stare. "I spent years simply observing the hollowfication process and it's various stages. I took samples. Ran tests. Produced many results. My work was quite progressive...up until it was all seized." His tone was sharp for a moment before he went on. "But I knew I was on to discovering something, if I had only a bit more time..." Impatience began to rise amongst the elders above as frustrated whispers exchanged ears. "This is pointless..." "He should be gone already."

"My point is!..." Called out Alexander, subduing the dull roar. "...Before the...accident...What I found...it goes beyond hollowfication. Far beyond anything the soul society has ever faced. A state of-" "Enough of this!" Interjected a judge, having heard enough. There were other judgements to be given and these questions were of no importance as far as they were concerned. "The fate of any research or information pertaining to it is the decision of the council and of no regards to you. We will hear no more of your ramblings. It is a waist of precious time...which you cant afford." The cutting tone of the judges voice resounded throughout the hall as he prepared to have the offender taken away. But before he could give the order, the determined voice called out again. "I don't care of you tell me what happens to it. I'm telling you it must be destroyed immediately! Every last bit of it!!" But the decision was made. "Remove him!" Commanded a judge, signalling an assembly of four guards to enter the room.

"Don't be fools! In the wrong hands, it could mean the end of the soul society! The end of everything! Destroy the research!" Raved Alexander as he was forced out of his seat and dragged toward the dark invite of a near by exit. But his pleas fell on deaf ears, met with only aggravated reply from the jury. "Be silent!" "Hear, hear!" "Bind his mouth!"
Current day Shin'ō Academy

Wooded practice swords clashed in mass as several pairs of young, would be soul reapers crossed blades on the Training Field of Shin'ō Academy. "Now attack your opponent!" Declared the rigid voice of a drill teacher who looked over the trainees with sharp and observant eyes. He paced back and forth, casting his glare over anyone performing sub par. Among them, was a pair mid battle. Two young students who difference in skill level was made clear quickly when one attacked in a clumsy mannor, leaving himself open to be knocked onto the ground. However what caught the teachers eye was when the student still standing went to strike at their fallen classmate. Before the wooden edge of the practice blade could hit it's mark, a heavy hand interrupted it's path, grabbing it firmly. "What do you think you're doing?" Asked the teacher, who's comparatively large form bared over the student. "I saw an opening sensei! My enemy was unable to defend himself so I..wha-" Before he could finish his sentence, he noticed the encroaching shadow of his teacher getting closer. Just as he looked up to see into his teachers eyes, their heads rammed.

Falling to his knees in pain, the young man could only wonder why. However he needn't wait long for the response, and the scolding words of his instructor began to erupt over him. "This is not your enemy! This is your opponent...be very clear on this!" With a furrowed brow and rigid tone, he went on. "A hollow is a dangerous and unpredictable monster. They have no sense of honor...only hunger. They are your enemy and must be killed by any means." A brief glance was passed to the other student, still on the floor, slightly shocked. "An opponent is an adversary who's matching their skills with yours. To them, you show honor." Reaching down, the fallen student was helped to his feet. "Thank you sensei. I...wha-" The fast approaching visage of his teacher ended with him on his knees next to his classmate in the same pain. "Never overstep into your opponents stance!" A final glare was cast over the rest of the class, who had paused briefly to watch events unfold. But their curiosity was quickly halted as they noticed the instructors eyes looking in their direction. "I never said take a break! Resume training!" For fear of suffering a fate similar to their classmates, the students hastily followed orders.
Karakura Town

A brilliant blend of orange and red painted the sky as the sun slowly descended over the horizon. The calmness of the evening was pierced by the chiming call of a school bell. It was the final bell at Karakura High School, ending after school activities for the day. Most of everyone had gone home or was making preparations to do so. However, sitting alone in the library in front of a stack of books, was a young girl carefully reading over the text before her. Her eyes were heavy as was her head, propped up by her hand as she used the other to turn the page. "Uzami...you're still here?" From just across the room entering from the hallway was another young woman with her book bag in hand. "Hm?" Responded Uzami, who had been studying since class let out. She was slightly surprised, having been lost in the pages of her book. "Aiko..Hi!" She declared, shifting her gaze to the clock above the doorway. "I didn't see how late it's gotten...I guess I lost track of time."

Aiko, who stepped in from the doorway and approached, looked down at the book that was open in front of Uzami. "Oh? Is that for history?" She asked motioning toward the book. "Huh? Oh yeah. It's for a test tomorrow in Mr.Fujimura's class. He's the only teacher I need an A for. But he's so uptight about everything! I keep getting B's in his class. so I'm going over the material again." Aiko raised a finger to her chin. "Whats so bad about a B?" She asked, being a little less set on getting the best grades. Uzami turned her eyes down to the book as she replied. "If I get straight A's, I'll finally get to start learning to drive!" The thought of getting her own car made her slightly giddy. But she was good at hiding her feelings. Looking back to her friend, she couldn't help but wonder why Aiko was here late as well. It wasn't like her to study too hard nor did she really participate in after school clubs. "But what about you?" She finally asked, folding the corner of the page she was on. "Who me?" Answered Aiko, looking away with a slight blush across her cheeks. "I may or may not have been cheering for Choukichi at the softball game." A giggle escaped Uzami as she raised her hand to cover her grin. "You mean softball practice?" Aiko's face grew even redder. "Hmph! Whatever! I was just showing my support." Her cheeks puffed up as she looked even further in the opposite direction. "You mean your love!?" Pushed Uzami, poking her flustered friend in the thigh. "It's not like that!" Shouted Aiko. "You got the hots for Choukichi!" Shouted back Uzami. "Hush already!" The both of them burst out in a fit of bubbly laughter before Aiko finally flipped Uzami's book closed and shot her a playful smile. "C'mon! It's getting dark out. Lets walk home together okay?" Uzami was quiet for a moment but quickly returned the smile and nodded her head. With that, they packed up and left the library.
The sun made its descent, disappearing behind the distant hills and casting a shadow over the town of Karakura. As darkness engulfed the streets, illumination from streetlamps and building windows began to flicker on. Deep in the shadows of a vacant alleyway, the air grew especially cold and dreary. The ominous tension in the air finally broke as a small section of the ground tore itself open in a bizarre flash of tainted light. The air became heavy with a mysterious corroded energy as the darkened silhouette of a hulking monstrosity heaved itself from the black void beneath the open ground. Deep yellow eyes pierced the darkness as a terrible roar escaped the empty alley.
"Bye Aiko! I'll see you tomorrow!" Called out the young Uzami as she waved to her friend standing in the doorway her house. "Are you sure you don't want me to have Etsuo walk you home?" Replied Aiko with concern for her friend walking home at night. "Oh it's just a couple blocks away. I'll be fine." Reasured Uzami, waving again to Aiko's brother as he passed by. Aiko seemed worried but managed another smile and continued. "Okay...don't stay up all night studying okay!?" Uzami laughed and began walking down the sidewalk toward her home. "No promises!" She called back. "Kay bye text me!" Said Aiko,finally stepping inside and closing the door. As she walked home, Uzami giggled. Her friend sure had a lot of energy she thought.

Passing the corner. something caught the young students attention. The rustling of a bush just ahead raised her curiosity. "Hello?" Asked Uzami, slowly approaching the shrubs. "Is there someone there?" Step by step, she grew closer to the sound, torn between her wonder and fear. Standing withing arms length of the foliage, Uzami couldn't manage any more words. The fear wouldn't let her speak and she started to wonder why she had even approached in he first place until something finally lunged out of the bushes. A shrill scream escaped the startled girl as a small black cat shot between her legs and darted beneath a car. "Aaah! Oh my goodness! It...it was just a cat."

Catching her breath and letting her heart beat calm down, Uzami knelt down and looked between the wheels of the car for the kitten. "Here kitty kitty! I'm not gonna hurt you." Getting down lower and tilting her head, Uzami finally managed to see a pair of little yellow eyes and a little furry face looking back up at her. "There you are! Awe you're so cute. You sure scared me a lot you know that?" As she cautiously reached over to try and coax the cat loser, a frightened hiss bled out from under the car. "Huh...what the matter kitty?" The look on the cats face became threatened as it bare it's fangs and arched it's back. However the cats gaze was not on the girl, but on something behind her. The ground vibrated lightly as an unseen entity approached from behind Uzami. The sound startled her, breaking her attention away from the cat who darted out from under the car. But when she turned to confront whoever was behind her, she saw nothing. Looking around, she began to back up, feeling the weight of something bearing down on her. Suddenly, just a few feet away, a sign post crashed with the ground as its form was bent and twisted by some unknown force. Fear returned to Uzami as she backed away. "Wha...what was-" Before the feeble words could be completed, Uzami felt the massive force of something crash against her side as if struck by a car, then darkness as her body suddenly fell limp to the ground.

"Whats going on...what happened?" Asked Uzami, opening her eyes slowly. She tried to stand but the pain in her side kept her from gaining balance. "Ow...why can't I move?" Looking down, she found herself unable to even crawl away. Hanging from her chest was some sort of chain. As she followed its path, she saw someone laying strew across the sidewalk. Before she could get a look at the persons face, the massive form of a creature overcame her, casting it's shadow down on her back. "So...hungry..." Hissed the monster as Uzami turned to see what it was. As she beheld the monster, terror filled her and she became frantic. Looking down at her was a massive green and black beast with a pale skull like head and burning yellow eyes. Another shriek fled her lips as it's encroaching form reached out for her. "Aaaaaaahhh!" But her scream was answered by the tight grip of a massive had wrapping around her body. "It hurts. The pain...so hungry!" Roared the monster as it drew her closer to it's drooling maw. Barely able to breath, Uzami desperately called out for help."S-someone...p-please." Her voice was quiet under the crushing pressure of the beasts embrace. "Somebody heeelp!!"
Ikijigoku Pub

"Help yourselves gents! Drinks are on me!"
Patrons withing the dull confines of a dimly let bar joked and jostled as mugs of cold dark brown liquor were passed about. A few waitresses gracefully made their rounds from table to table, absently shooing wandering hands and pinching fingers. Several men and women stood around a set of pool tables at the back of the bar while others posted themselves in front of the bartender, knocking back well drinks like sugar water. "Hey I saw you hide that ace!" "Hey babe...let me buy you a drink" "He said...he said eighteen! eighteen of em-" "Hey lemme have some saké!!" "Pour me some..." Several voices competed for clarity as laughter and shouting filled the building. Sitting in a booth quietly conversing under cover of the rabble were two young men in suits. A likely pair of news reporters discussing their stories. However a strange looked crossed the face of the tallest one, who had just raised his glass to drink. "I'm saying there are ghosts in this crazy city man! Weird shit is always happening." Taking a sip and setting down his glass, the taller man finally gave in to the ranting. "And just what makes you say that?" He asked sceptically. "Think about it man..." Began the shorter man. "Random deaths with people just passing out in the middle of the street...or all those missing persons...and what about all that destroyed property? I'm telling you Karakura town is haunted! Or worse!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 28 min ago

Angelo was walking by karakura town with his bag of groceries, Angelo knew that the only cook they actually had needed stuff to make dinner and unfortunately Angelo drew the short straw and was told to go and buy some stuff. While both his hands were occupied he simply walked down the street thinking back to his old life as a soon to be captain, he was going to be a great assassin leader once upon a time before his hollowfication took that chance away, although now Angelo could really be faster then any soul reaper in the seretai it also made him go through the process itself and made Angelo weaker when it came to a strength test. So Angelo just had to believe that this was just one of those situations where it was the speed to make 1000 cuts or one big one and Angelo honestly believed he was the first one when it came to fighting.

As Angelo walked down the street he could hear someone calling for help and he turned to see a young girl about to be eaten by a hollow. While Angelo was no longer a soul reaper he couldn't ignore someone's cry for help but it was just a hollow so it wasn't like Angelo needed to worry, he put his groceries down on a bench nearby and he used his shunpo and got in front of the creatures face in front of the girl and he said "boom" before he snapped his fingers and in front of him the sonic boom was generated making the hollow quickly let go of the girl to grab where its ears would be then Angelo caught the girl before she hit the ground and used his flash step to put her on the bench with the groceries "watch these for me okay?" Angelo asked her and without waiting for a response he made another flash step in front of the creature that now looked angry
"the pain! it hurts to much!" The hollow yelled out as it tried to lash out at Angelo but Angelo was to quick and ended up behind the hollow and Angelo said "rest in peace" before he slashed the hollows head cutting it down and making it vanish.

Once the hollow was dealt with Angelo walked over to the bench where he put the groceries and the left the girl alone before he said "be safe" before he made one last flash step to get away and avoid being followed. Soon after another half hour of walking he got back to the old warehouse building they all lived in and he called out " I got the stuff you need for dinner!" he called out as he put the stuff near their crappy little stove and Angelo went to his perch near the top of the warehouse and started to relax on his mattress...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Art of Fun
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Art of Fun oh dear

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Karakura Town

Martha sucked on her teeth, relaxing her colossal bowstring and dissipating the spear of Reishi which she hadn't been able to fire. So much for taking down that Hollow. The moment the final bell of school went, she'd gone to look for something to shoot. Even now, three years since she took residence in Karakura town, she hated going to school. Sitting in one place learning about things she could get from a book in her own time wasn't exactly conductive to her, so she thought at least. But that wasn't the point of going to school. It was normal - made a good part of a normal persona.

Her search did not take long, much to Martha's relief. One of the monsters had emerged from whatever hellhole they come from, immediately going about doing what Hollows did; look for food. Martha wasn't the kind of person or Quincy to rush in, Spirit Weapon blazing, so she watched and observed just out of sight. She took in small things like how it moved, the shape of its mask, the distance between its feet and the amount of force applied on the ground with each step - those were the things which were surprisingly helpful if a hunt turned bad.

Once content with her observations she set herself up, forming her giant Spirit Bow and waiting for the creature to pass from her ad hoc 'sniping roost'. The good thing about being in a town like this was the amount of elevated places she could work from - no one ever looked up, after all. With her mind set and her weapon ready, she waited for the creature to find something to eat.

As it turns out it was in the mood for school girl. Watching one of her fellow Karakura High students get hit by a car did not exactly make her comfortable, but if her time in Waldes Heer had taught her anything it was that people die, herself included. That's why they had lived hard and fast, hunting some of the most dangerous creatures on Earth for the thrill and honor.

Then that guy showed up and had to spill her cheerios everywhere. He wasn't a Shinigami, that's for sure. Shinigami don't a) go shopping b) dress like people, and c) leave spirits behind without a Konso. So not only had her quarry been stolen, it had been stolen by a guy who was not even a complete Shinigami. Now she was just left with the spirit of a girl who she had essentially enabled the death of. Frustrating.

It wasn't guilt which compelled her to use Hirenkyaku and approach the spirit of Uzami, but rather a sense of responsibility. A blur of speed later, she found herself next to the bench where the girl had been left. It was probably entirely overwhelming for the poor girl, being killed, nearly eaten, then saved and then having someone in the same school uniform as you appear from seemingly nowhere. It wouldn't be unlikely that the girl was at least aware of who Martha was - it wasn't every day transfer students from Europe showed up, let alone ones with gnarly scars on one side of their face.

"Hello." He greeting was simple and formal in tone, formal being the only type of tone she was taught to speak Japanese in. "You appear to be dead." Her sharp eyes drifted to the chain dangling from the girls chest. "Moving is ill advised, wait here for someone to come and find you. You will know who."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Stranger Danger"
Karakura Town
A breeze blows over the two young girls, standing alone on the streets of Karakura. They were being watched from a distance, but strangely, the individual watching them wouldn't be sensed until a particular moment. That moment was when they disappeared completely, arriving at the scene a few meters away from where Martha stood. Now revealed to the light, the stranger's large cloak and hood are clearly visible, while their face is carefully concealed. The only visible parts of their body, their lower face and left hand, were wrapped entirely in pure white bandages.

Now that they were so close, the Quincy would almost certainly sense the stranger's reiatsu. It was suffocating but subdued, making the stranger out to be only at about the strength of an entry-level shinigami. Still, something about her presence would stick out as unusual, especially since the Quincy wouldn't have sensed her until she got close. Taking advantage of the situation, the hooded stranger steps forwards and whistles-

"That guy really ought to be in less of a hurry, leaving the two of you behind like that. Ah, a Ghost and a Quincy, fancy meeting the two of you in a place like this."

The person's voice is clearly muffled by the bandages covering their body, so their gender and tone remain a mystery. Regardless of their veiled intentions, they seem to be gazing intently at Martha from beneath their hood, as if watching to see what their next move was. As if intentionally, a tiny bit of the mysterious stranger's presence seems to leak from their disguise, revealing a vaguely hollow-like feeling. An ominous smile appears on their face, followed by a tilt of the head in Uzami's direction.

"You mind if I finish the job?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Seireitei was boring. This was the unavoidable conclusion of the Head-Captain, who had set her lieutenant to doing all the necessary paperwork and then gone for a walk, specifically looking for trouble and something to fight. Hollows, rowdy captains, the 11th Division--everything and anything that might possibly pick a fight with Kotohime was conspicuously absent as she searched for something to deal with her boredom.

She hated her position as it stood right now. She was a fighter, and had her position because she was good at it. As a result? Paperwork, and sitting around in an office all day, sending other people out to do something that she'd much rather do herself. So typically, when she did get away from it all for a while... Seireitei was a ghost town. Well, it was always a ghost town, but in this case it was almost dead silent.

Bored of wandering aimlessly, Kotohime instead decided to check in on the Academy. From the rooftop, it seemed that combat training was taking place... perfect.

The students were the first to notice her arrival, haori acting somewhat like a parachute when the captain made her way from rooftop to floor. The instructor, of course, couldn't fail to notice the sudden paralysing pressure when she decided to 'announce' herself.

"I have a challenge for you all," the one-eyed captain said, arms folded, "All of you, attack me. You can use whatever you want or know, I'll use my bare hands. Get a single hit in, you graduate, and if you don't have the minimum skills needed, I'll train you up."

It was an attractive offer--she might have been the head-captain, but she was vastly outnumbered and had stated she wasn't going to even use a practice blade or the like. On top of that, she was shorter than essentially every other shinigami out to practice. It should be easy, right?

The toothy grin as the pressure weakened so the students could even move to fight foretold how badly this would go.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 3 days ago

Karakura Town

While hollows seemed to appear out of nowhere, only to be slain by the shimigami that hunted them, two hollows, or arrancar as they were called, went relatively unnoticed. Of course unlike the hollows who just want to devour human souls, these arrancars were in karakura town to catch the sights and enjoy themselves, as they had some sense of intelligence about them. That and they found human souls not very tasty, more so due to the immense effort that goes into getting one, and the miniscule reward from it, unlike hunting hollows. Though this time they were more enjoying the human world than hunting.

"Hey MC, have you tried the burgers from this shop? they're pretty good!" The female arrancar said, handing the man a small diamond for payment, the man puzzled but happy at the generous payment. "I bet Light. But I'm more of a drinks sorta guy. Like this juice over here. I dunno what its called, but it tastes pretty peppy." the 'male' arrancar replied, the nearby drink machine overloaded due to being zapped by electricity, which caused it to constantly spit out drinks, the nearby people scooping the drinks up as they came out.

How could two Arrancars, spiritual beings, interact just fine with the human world? It was all thanks to the masks they wore, which only the two of them saw. These masks, conjured by the male looking arrancar MC, caused the two arrancars to look human, which also translated onto the human plane. Plus hollows could already interact with the human world, though only as invisible things to the average human, so it only made sense.

The two of them took in the sights, MC conjuring diamonds for Light to use as payment for whatever she wanted to buy, occasionally buying things himself. The two only seemed to be interested in different food products though, unlike the other shoppers nearby who were buying cloths and technology from the other shops on the plaza. Each shopkeeper gave the pair the same odd look as they were casually passed a diamond instead of actual money, wondering exactly who these two strange people were, but still accepting the payment anyway.

Things went on like this for about an hour, Light mostly eating food while MC bought different drinks, until the two found themselves in the park, looking for more sights to see. At this moment they saw the soul of some recently deceased girl, another live girl apparently talking to it, and a shimigami looming over the pair. The two didn't really give them more then a second glance though, and moved onwards. they didn't get too far from the trio when another hollow showed up, this hollow interested in the girl's soul, though also vaguely interested in the two 'humans' that were right in front of it. (Due to another one of MC's abilities, the two had the spiritual pressure of normal humans at the moment, instead of other hollows.)

"Great... a dog. And not a fun one either." Light said as the hollow approached the two, apparently oblivious to the shimigami not 2 blocks away. the wolf like hollow howled, while MC conjured a small wrestling bell as Light cracked her knuckles. and as the hollow lunged, MC rang the bell, at which point Light landed a nasty uppercut into the jaw of the attacking hollow, knocking it skyward. Now bored with the distraction, not to mention the shimigami nearby, the two walked away, Light pointing out another place for them to check out, commenting that she had filled up on hot dogs anyway. The hollow she had punched landed close to the trio near the park bench, disoriented from the flight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Nekketsu Keiko, Shin'ō Academy, Seireitei

The Head Captain wasn't the only ranked member of the Gotei 13 hanging around the Academy out of boredom, it turned out. Even before she had arrived, a blur in a red beret was buzzing about excitedly, poking her head in to see what the new trainees were up to. It wasn't as though Keiko was shirking her duties or anything, as she'd already finished all her paperwork for the day, but there were probably better things for her to be doing right now. But no, instead here she was, swiftly moving from trainee to trainee, acting as though they were the most amazing thing in the world.

To be fair, though, she seemed to act like that towards just about everything she came across.

When the Head Captain made her challenge, however, her attention was drawn away from the aspiring Reapers to her superior officer. Practically leaping across the whole courtyard, she landed beside her, giving a rather intricate salute as she unintentionally towered over the shorter girl.

"Oh gosh oh golly it's the... The Head Captain Commander Person Thingy! Hey, remember me?" The blue-haired Reaper bounced about all around Kotohime, absolutely giddy about being in the presence of the highest ranked member of the Gotei 13, only occassionaly stopping to bask in her glory. "Do you remember me? Lieutenant Nekketsu Keiko of Squad Five? Do you? Do you do you do you you remember me right? I mean we only really met once before but I'm sure I made an impression on you at least I hope I did did I? Um, a-ahem, um..."

Turning to face the trainees, she gave a goofy smile as she kept pointing at Kotohime, as though to emphasise her existence as much as possible.

"Don't let her looks fool you! She may be a tiny adorable girl but her skill and power is HUGE! Like... Like a Gillian but only if we're comparing it to her size since really Gillians aren't that strong once you get the hang of them but still don't take her lightly! I'll be reeeaaally impressed if any of you can last even ten... No, even five seconds against her!"

...And then finally, Keiko stopped to catch her breath. How she'd managed to say all of that in a single breath is something that would confound anyone who met her, really.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ChibiYuki


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Karakura Town

"Here Kitty Kitty Kitty, Here Kitty Kitty Kitty..." Aaron said out loud as he looked for his little cat who had ran off earlier. He had been searching for his little obnoxious cat, who had been making him chase the darn thing all over tower today, instead of doing something more important like earning money for the two of them to live. Of course he didn't need food to live, it was mostly for the rent they needed to pay for their apartment they stayed and the food to feed Amy.

Yes, he did went to school but lucky his cat liked to taunt him during his adventure today and walked along the campus as he was in School being terrorized in the horrendous art of Math, mostly Algebra. But he was in luck, as the bell rang before he abruptly got out of his seat and left to go chase down his cat who had cause all his problems today. Although he had a head start on that darn cat, he lost it mid-way across the campus as Amy entered an alleyway. His best option after the lost his cat companion was to traveled across the roof to look down to find that cat.

It wasn't hard to find Amy, as a loud bang was heard easily from his distance, something like a car which had hit something. It was most likely a Hollow who did that to a human, and where a Human and Hollow was, there was no doubt Amy would be there. He leaped across the roofs, with his Reiastu being suppressed and hidden, he quietly 'shunpo' over to the scene where he silent called for Amy. The cat had surprising survived the fatal Hollow attack, as she climbed up the building somehow and crawled over his shoulder, in shock from the hollow attacking the poor defenseless cat.

From below, he could see a human or what seemed to be one as he could sense that person reiastu briefly before his attention turned to the Quincy and Ghost below. But then from nowhere a shinigami too, appeared from nowhere. He sighed as today was growing stranger for him as people were beginning to just pop out of everywhere today. Now, we just need some Hollows or Arrancar to pop out and that would make his day..... And then came the Dog... Another thing that just randomly popped out of nowhere that seemed to be neutral for the moment.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Yukihime Tomoko, Shin'ō Academy, Seireitei

What a sorry bunch of trainees. One of them, a girl, had even managed to trip herself up and fall, her rear in the air as the fact that she really was that clumsy sank in. At least, this is what the diminutive lieutenant assumed. Tomoko had, simply, been out on a quick errand when she felt something right from the academy. To put it simply, there was no way she would miss this. And, well, why not take a seat when it was offered?

The trainee opened her eyes, her long pink hair pooling around her head, in time to see Tomoko pat her backside much like it was a cushion... and then sit down. Oh, it wasn't that much weight even in such an awkward position, Tomoko knew that. Besides, it was fun getting that kind of look. And it was a good seat to watch the upcoming show! A show the Eleventh Division Lieutenant had no intention of missing out on. She glanced over shoulder, down at the pink-haired trainee. The tiny black-haired girl simply smiled. She was feeling playful, and the rather surprising presence of fangs was openly displayed as she grinned down at the unfortunate girl. Or fortunate, she was a mere trainee and Tomoko was a Lieutenant. She should clearly be happy to be used as a cushion!

... That thought was so ridiculous Tomoko couldn't help but giggle to herself. Still, the girl was going to endure it for now. "Sit still, trainee. Think of this as your punishment for managing to trip yourself up so badly. It could be worse, couldn't it? You have the cute and adorable Eleventh Division Lieutenant as company!"

With that, ignoring the confused sounds coming from the trainee, Tomoko rested her elbows on her knees and her chin on her hands. "Besides, that's the Head Captain. I'm not missing this."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thread Generator SIN
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Thread Generator SIN

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shin'ō Academy
Continuing his rounds, the academy teacher moved toward another set of students who appeared to need guidance. However something stopped him in his tracks. The other students, not powerful enough to sense what came, looked at the teachers surprised expression, exchanging puzzled whispers and confused stares. Turning his gaze to the sky, the instructor spotted an approaching figure leaping in from the distance. "This spiritual pressure...is that?" Asked the teacher toward nobody in particular as his suspicions came true. Landing with a light thunk on a near by rooftop was head captain Minamoto. Making her entrance, the instructor immediately bowed. The class of students finally took notice once the head captain landed amongst them, reacting with varied phases of awe and bewilderment. "What the hell are you all doing?! Show some respect in the presence of your Head Captain!" Commanded the instructor from his bow. In unison, the students saluted their highest ranking officer with a prompt bow.
Roaming through a corridor with a brightly colored umbrella over his shoulder, Akihiro Igarashi couldn't help but notice the familiar pressure of the head captains presence pass over head. "What are you doin away from the nest mother bird?" He asked to the empty hallway, slowly shifting over to a near by window. Looking out across the way to the academy training ground, Akihiro could barely make out the figure of Kotohime as she jumped down, giving the students quite a shock. To get a better view of what business the head captain had down here with the trainees, Akihiro squeezed through the window onto the shingles of the roof below. Using a door seemed overrated to him at the moment and he didn't have the focus to remember going to the academy once looking away from it. For that matter he couldn't remember what he was doing before climbing through this window but it was of little importance to him now. His curiosity for such an interesting situation was too great to ignore.

A quick flash step landed the 5th squad captain next to the 11th squad lieutenant, who found a seat on a poor unwary student. His tall clogs clacked against the ground and his white coat flowed lightly in the breeze. "Hey you..." He said in a low tone, looking down his nose at the young Yukihime, arms crossed. He stared at her for several quiet moments with a furrowed brow. Finally he stepped toward her, taking a seat next to her on the poor students back. "Why didn't you bring any snacks?" He asked as the student, who could hold up a child rather easily, struggled to support a full grown man. Still, he didn't place his whole weight on her. He wasn't heartless after all. Just lazy. "I sure hope I didn't miss much..." Declared Akihiko, just as the head captain issued her challenge to the inexperienced trainees. "Ooh, apparently not."

"Did you see that?" "She came out of nowhere!" "Who is that?" "It's the head captain stupid!" "Quick, bow before she see's us." The students quickly submitted to the presence of their commanding officer, clearing a circle around her and bowing. But it was when she listed the terms and reward of her challenge, that they really began to whisper amongst eachother. Some wondered if she was serious. Others didn't dare approach her for fear of being embarrassed. But a few considered the offer. The class was an introductory one and these students were fresh out of the Rukongai. The chance to go from their first class straight to soldier rank was like a dream. From the bunch of intimidated students stepped forth a small group of five. Three young men and two young women, each holding up their swords in basic combat stances. "A-Alright mam! Er...Head Captain! W-we'll take you on!" Declared one of the men. "I...I think we can do it..." Quietly responded one of the girls.

The crowd of students backed even further away, leaving plenty of space to not be mistaken as getting involved. Even the instructor took his paces, knowing any lack of skill in his students performance reflected on his own skill. Exchanging a few unsure looks between each other, the students slowly moved into positions, surrounding Kotohime. "O-okay...we're r-ready!" Almost in unison, the students lunged at the head captain with their wooden swords, striking at different parts of her body in hopes of getting even the slightest hit. At this, captain Akihiko chuckled and called out to his own lieutenant, who had been erratically fawning over their commander the entire time. "Hey Nekketsu! I would get some distance if I were you! Even when she's playing around, the head cap is no joke." Casting his gaze over to Yukihime, Akihiko gave a rather devious smile. "Hey kido...you got enough lunch money to make this interesting?" Asked the strange captain, offering a bet. "How about a thousand kan on two minutes?"

Karakura Town
Disintegrating shadows dissipated into the air like ashes as the hollow was quickly dispatched by the young man who happened by. Uzami, who had collapsed out of the hollows hands onto the ground, lay confused and scared as her savior wished her his condolences and continued about his own business. A shivering gaze moved to the ground where the hollow once stood, now a fading pile of ashes. "I...W-what...w-wait." The chain that connected her to the body rattled across the ground as she moved. Still very frightened and unsure of what to do, she decided to approach the body. Still numb on the side of her body from the hollows attack, she could hardly even limp over. But she managed. The sight she beheld however, wrought her with even more terror and confusion. What she saw was her own face, looking blankly into the sky. "Oh my god..." She gasped, stumbling back and losing her balance.

Becoming erratic, it wasn't surprising that the approach and greetings of another young student startled her. At first, she shirked away, overwhelmed by the events of her night. But after a few moments, Uzami recognized the face that addressed her. "M...Miss Richter?" She asked, wiping away a tear line from her cheek. As the young Quincy vaguely explained her situation, Uzami's eyes widened. "I'm....dead? I'm...I'm sorry b-but...what do you mean...I'm d-dead?" Before she could get an answer, another person appeared on the scene, the sound of her coat in the wind alerting the confused Uzami to her arrival. The night was hectic as it is and Uzami was starting to feel like it was all a dream. "I...I must be sleeping. Yeah thats it." She said in a shakey tone, trying to stand to her feet. "Unh...yeah. This is..it must be a dream." She forced a chuckle, holding her side and telling herself the pain was imaginary. "I guess I fell asleep studying. I-I should have listened to Aiko..."
"How fascinating...." Uttered the quiet words of an observer who watched the events from up high, concealed and invisible in the sky. His voice was deep and calm though it could be heard by no one but he from so high. Still, seeing such a strange event unfold in front of him all from a little hollow attack forced him to react with surprise. In a matter of minutes, A simple hollow attack on a human became a short fight between the hollow and a Visored. Very short. Then it attracted the Quincy who had been posted near by for quite some time. Quite unexpected indeed. Followed shortly the arrival of a strange entity not yet known to the observer. Some form of artificial human as it appeared, who watched from a rooftop. Before he could make his conclusions, yet another Visored appeared. In spite of their concealed spiritual pressure, the accumulation of powerful souls was more then enough to attract another hollow. It was at this point that the observer made his move, dropping from the sky and landing next to Aaron without a word. With the invisibility fading, the figure was seen to be wearing a long worn coat made of a brown leather and tattered at the ends. A fur tipped hood was drawn over the mans face, hiding his visage.

As fast as he landed, the mysterious figure leaped away, bounding over a tree and down onto the back of the bus bench at the center of the small, slowly growing, group. Making no sounds and having no discernible spiritual pressure of any kind, the figure was able to step over to the body of young Uzami unnoticed. He crouched down and observed the soul chain that still connected Uzami to her body. Finally, just as the second hollow came in contact with the two 'humans' in the distance, the mysterious cloaked man stood and spoke, revealing his presence to the Quincy and the Visored. "She's not dead..." He spoke, his tone calm and unwavering. "...Just close to it." He finished, stepping passed the body and over to Uzami, who was having a mental break down. "Little girl...come to me." At the sound of his voice, the ravings of the histerical girl came to a halt. Looking over, her eyes met with those of the man, who's face was only clear to her. Somehow, his voice lulled her into a subdued state, and slowly led her to step toward him. "That's it. It's okay. I'll wake you up from this dream, little girl."

Uzami approached the unknown man, unsure of what drew her to him. But somehow, his words were more clear then anything else that happened that night. From beneath the frayed cloak raised a hand, lightly caressing Uzami's cheek with a gentle touch of his fingers. The warm hue of a dim light emanated from the mans palm and flowed into the young girl through where their skin met and in a slowly growing flash of light, the spirit of Uzami disappeared back into her body. There was a short silence, as the whole event took place rather quickly and unexpectedly. Still, Uzami's body shifted lightly as she remained unconscious, but alive. "She'll wake up soon enough. That is..." Paused the man as another, dog like hollow, came sailing through the air and landing on the ground next to the bench in a pile of disintegrating ashes. "...unless something else gets to her first." Then, as fast as he appeared, the mysterious man took his leave, leaping up onto a power line and casually stepping away.

Ikijigoku Pub
Stepping through the creaky old wooden door of the packed pub was a tall blond man wearing a fedora and overcoat. A shifty gaze left his eyes as he looked over it's dimly lit confines and rowdy patrons. Having found whatever he was looking for, or a lack of, the man subtly made his way through the crowd and over to a booth at the back of the bar. After getting situated, it didn't take long for someone to join him. A young lady in jean shorts and a plaid over shirt with dark red hair falling over her shoulders set down two brown colored drinks. Having a seat across from the somewhat suspicious man, the lady gave a toothy grin and pushed one of the drinks toward him. "So you've finally arrived...Alexander." Said the woman, stirring her drink with a small straw. "You're late pal. You know that?"

A smile made it's way across Alexander's face. He couldn't help it in the face of an old friend. It had been several months since the last time they had spoke and to be honest, Alexander missed her company. "I had...business to attend to." He said, looking out a window across the room. "Don't you always?" She asked, taking a sip. "Oh Asuna...I'm here aren't I?" It was fun to toy around with Alexander for a moment. It was reminiscent of the old days, back when he used to be a part of the soul society. But in spite of it's causal appearance, this visit was not one of pleasure. Reaching into the purse at her side, Asuna removed a manilla envelope and slid it across the table. "Here...I brought you the files you needed." Alexander smiled, accepting the gift and hiding away in his briefcase. "Thanks Asuna...you don't know how important this is." Asuna passed a short scowl before setting her drink down a bit hard, spilling a little of it's contents onto the table. "What I do know is how much shit I'll be in if they find out I'm helping you at all."

Alexander's expression sank a bit, though this was not Asuna's intention. "I'm...I'm sorry As-" "Oh just be quiet and pay for these drinks you idiot!" Interrupted Asuna, lightening up the mood and playfully punching Alexander in the arm. There was a few shared chuckles and then a couple moments of silnce before Alexander finally spoke again, keeping his voice low for only them to hear. "So...how are things in the seireitei?" He asked, breaking the slight awkwardness.

Hueco Mundo

Howling winds and moaning shadows sang in the voidish emptiness of the alabaster desert, made a pale white by the crescent moons continuous stare. The landscape was baron, save for the occasional rock formation or quartz tree. However, sitting in the middle of nowhere beneath the shadow of a large boulder, was a black haired figure with skin just as pale as the sands around him. Red bangs flowed in the ominous breeze, waving as if submerged in water. Deep red eyes looked out into the endless nothingness as the ageless mind of the being pondered his own existence. He thought back to his days as a hollow, when he would roam the forest of menos, searching for his next meal. His next means of avoiding regression. But now, that little bit of purpose was gone. There was no effort in hunting hollows anymore and barely a hunger for them anyway. So instead, this pale skinned arrancar pondered the meaning of life and death, and then pondered his own purpose in it all. Shifting his gaze to the bright moon above, the man pondered his thoughts out loud. "Why am I here?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Shin'ō Academy

There was one instruction for the fifth division's lieutenant: "Referee if someone hits."

"Ooh, feisty," was all that Kotohime could get out before she had to focus on fighting--well, not so much 'had to' as 'wanted to'. If she didn't focus, there was still effectively no chance of her being injured... but the risk to the students was far higher. For instance, all these swords: whilst she could have dropped to the ground and just lashed out as hard as possible, this would probably result in one less potential shinigami in the future. Whilst the squads were hardly lacking for manpower, ruining a future potential captain just because she wasn't paying attention was undesirable.

Thus, the head captain's response was much flashier: hop onto one of the swords, maintaining her balance for just long enough to introduce its wielder's face to her foot, and then hop backwards onto another sword. Really, it was quite sad; these trainees hadn't even been handed asauchi. It was depressing; none of them posed the slightest threat unless they had the sheer power to maybe sneak a hit in. She didn't feel anyone like that around--even though there were quite a few watching.

The second student to meet her displeasure, before the first had noticeably completed his path to the ground, was a girl who found herself hoisted up by the diminutive leader, blinking and trying to work out what was going on--before being cast away. Not, however, on any wild trajectory: Kotohime was aiming straight for Agarashi. Always good to keep her captains on their toes.

"You better have some sake for me, y'hear?"

The scarred shinigami dropped back to the ground, feeling that things were getting a bit crowded. The trainees were preparing for a second strike--so she retaliated in advance, snatching one lagging blade, and spinning it round to trip as many of the novices as possible. Fortunately, she missed the owner, and it was returned in due order: handle to the face.

She wasn't using her zanpakutou. This didn't mean she couldn't use the bokken the morons were trying to hit her with.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thread Generator SIN
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Thread Generator SIN

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mashiba Warehouse

The distant howl of a stray dog echoed through the quiet Mashiba district in as the young Angelo mad his way home. This area of town was rather quiet during this time of day, since Mashiba middle school and the few factories closed after dark. Though this part of town didn't host too many residential areas, there were quite a few warehouses and old work studios. Among them, was a rather large, abandoned warehouse surrounded by a barb wire fence. Having not been maintained in years, there were plenty of holes and parts in the fence for Angelo to enter through as he made his way onto the property and into a makeshift metal door. Though the outside was fairly unmanaged, covered in weeds and dust, the inside was actually kept neat and orderly. What used to be used as a conveyor belt stood as a kitchen table and an old television set played reruns of cartoons in the middle of the worksop, which had been transformed into a living room. Sitting on the couch in front of the TV was a little boy who looked no older then 13. He had short brown hair that fell over his eyes and wore baggy clothing a few sized to big for himself.

Despite intently watching the images that appeared on the screen in front of him, a pair of headphones dangled from his ear, playing music loud enough to be heard standing next to him. Kicking his legs back and forth, the kid sensed the presence of Angelo as he entered the warehouse. He turned slightly, looking toward their makeshift kitchen before returning his gaze to the television. "Don't sit so close to that thing or you'll rot your eyes out!" Shouted a woman's voice as a slender hand reached down and pulled the ear buds away from the kid. "Ouch! What are you doing Junko! I was using that!" Shouted the little boy, pouting his lips. "Oh don't give me that look Ezzy. Angelo just brought back groceries so come help me cook." Ezekiel didn't move, defiantly putting his headphones back in. "Unless you wanna go on a diet starting tonight!" It couldn't be helped, thought the boy, letting out an exaggerated sigh as he reluctantly stood up.

"Hey shy guy! Not even gonna say hi?!" Shouted Junko as she grabbed the bag of groceries on the stove. "I guess you couldn't put anything away either huh?" Piece by piece, she unloaded the food and drinks onto the 'counter' made from an old industrial heating vent covered with a wooden board and coated with a table cloth. There would be more actual furniture here, however when the Visored first came to this place, they had nothing but the clothes on their back. So buying things like a regular dining table or a matching set of chairs was pretty far off. Still, they made do with what they had. Ezekiel stood at the other side of the table with a bored look on his face, as if he had a thousand better things to do. "Hey how about you stop being mister loner up there and come give me a hand with this?" Asked Junko finally, putting a hand on her hip as she looked up toward Angelo's little nest.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 28 min ago

Angelo sighed loudly not even ten minutes in and already he was being called down by the ball and chain of his life but he couldn't help teasing junko about it "help you even though I drew the short stick and went and got the groceries in the first place? SURE why not!?" Angelo said sarcastically as he stretched his back making it crack loudly in the empty warehouse as he breathed a loud sigh of relief then he shunpo down next to junko "of course ill help dear, how about this we go out on a nice romantic evening?" Angelo asked only teasing her since that was one of the few pleasured Angelo actually had was to tease the motherly figure of warehouse about being his considering that Angelo didn't bother using the tv since Ezekiel was always watching tv so Angelo had the few comforts of teasing junko and of reading his comic books that he had stashed in his nest so Ezekiel wouldn't find it and want to read them.

Angelo went over and started to set up the table for junko as he watched Ezekiel listen to his music then once everything was set Angelo went and put the groceries they had left in their "fridge" which was no more then an old ice box Angelo found one day in the junkyard that Angelo thought they would use to preserve their food at least for a few days if nothing else ready to help junko with the other stuff like cooking but junko also knew that she would have to face more of Angelo teasing if she let him stay and help...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Art of Fun
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Art of Fun oh dear

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Karakura Town

Karakura Town wasn't usually this odd, not as far as Martha remembered. A hub of spiritual activity, of course, but this was strange even for that.

To say she was cautious of the bandage clad stranger would be underselling it, for not only was this the second individual who she mentally filed as a pseudo-Shinigami, this one dressed in a manner less than reassuring. Their reiatsu was constrained, held back by force of will, but still overwhelming in a sense. Martha really did not want to fight a foe she knew nothing about, but the possible necessity made its self-evident once she caught on to it; a hollow.

Martha's reaction was instant, her Great Bow forming once more from surrounding spirit particles and held up in a position that was ready to fire. It wasn't totally a hollow, which was the odd thing, a strange amalgamation between the sensation of a Shinigami and her quarry. Still, all you needed was a bit of Hollow to send the alarm bells off in Martha's head. She formed no arrow, not yet at least, squinting her hawk-like eyes at the stranger. Through her actions and body language, she communicated her point clearly: She was ready to fight.

Martha snorted in mock amusement at the stranger's question. "I feel two things from you, creature. Neither should belong together." She stated sharply, her finger tugging at the bowstring somewhat. "What are you?"

Then came the other fellow. Ominous cloaks and coats were in season, it seems. In her mind, the situation had gone from one potential foe to two, warranting the forming of a spear-like arrow, drawn and ready to fire at any one of the two strangers. What followed was unexpected but welcome - the return of Uzami's spirit to her body. It only begged the question of who the second stranger was. He'd left, leaving Martha with the out-cold form of a schoolmate, the first stranger and a Hollow corpse. This night was getting way too freaky too fast.

She turned her complete focus to the Shinigami-Hollow, aiming. "A friend of yours?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Tomoko glanced up. Well. There was the Fifth Division Captain. Huh. She raised her eyebrows, surprised at his sudden appearance for a moment, as he seemed somewhat annoyed... but really, she should know better. The moment he asked about the snacks, she couldn't help but grin again and display her fangs. It was a more cheerful and less mischevious one then she had flashed the unfortunate pink-haired student. She was awfully cute, really. The perfect, if unfortunate, seat. "Trust me, if I knew what was going to happen, I would've brought along every piece of candy I own, sir. I probably could've sold some to the spectators..."

Then she shrugged. "If I didn't eat them all myself."

Oh, dear, the student was really getting strained now... maybe Tomoko would think of a way to compensate her for supporting the Captain, too. Maybe some sweets or something. Then again, maybe if she was this good as a cushion she shouldn't have any more sweets. Certainly there had to be another way. But now was not the time to think on how to compensate the trainee for what had started as a punishment.

"Two minutes? I don't think they'll even last one," she added, when the Captain brought up betting. Seriously, this was the Head Captain they were talking about. The students would be lucky to manage that.

... And almost on cue one of them went flying towards her. Well, more towards Captain Igarashi, but she happened to be there as well. And so, Tomoko's only real option was to immediately duck to avoid being hit in the face with some body part or another.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 3 days ago

Karakura Town

While Light started to walk off towards another group of lights, unsure of what they were but curious all the same, MC held her back, pointing in the direction of the Quincy, shimgaim-thing, and spirit. The pair watched as an interesting turn of events unfolded as more people arrived, another cloaked person with roughly the same energy that the first one in bandages had, according to MC anyway. "Hey Light, if you wanna check it out, I'm game. At worst they should only see us as Vizards, at best humans. Just stay near me and don't take off your mask." MC said as the two approached the group of travelers.

They watched as the newcomer had somehow rejoined the spirit to the body of the human who had just died, a technique MC was interested in due to being new, but not too fond of either. Of course now that he was closer, MC could sense that one of the fellows was part hollow, the other... a candy?, while the girl, who had drawn a spirit bow and aimed it at the hollow guy, was a Quincy.

"Hello!" Light chimed cheerfully at the group. "How did you do that? And what did you do?" She continued, acting like she was any ordinary human, and she would look just like one due to the illusion mask she wore, although with blue hair and a blue dress.

"Yes, I'm curious as well." MC said, his human illusion wearing a fancy blue robe with a yellow cloak and hood. "What did you just do and how?"

"Also, why is that girl holding some sort of glowing bow?" Light continued, remarking at how strange the situation was with a cheery smile. MC didn't comment, as unlike Light, he was unable to lie, and they were trying to give the idea that they were just humans, knowing how hostile things would potentially become, and how the pair were just looking for a good enjoyable night, and not a destructive battle.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Morric
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Morric Roleplay Enthusiast

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Karakura Town, Ikijigoku Pub

"Order up!"

Within the dim Ikijigoku Pub, a small crowd of rowdy drinkers shoved and joked, laughing amongst each other while sharing in dazed stupors. Among them, lining up his shot on a pool table in the corner, was Baldir. In one smooth motion, he hit the white cue ball and cleared the table in a symphony of clacks and rattles. A hearty grin crossed his face as another man standing across from him spitefully tossed a crumbled up wad of cash onto the table before grabbing his drink and stumbling away. "Hey don't be so salty man! I'm just on a lucky streak." Shouted Baldir rather arrogantly. Personally, he had half hoped the man would get irritated enough throw a punch. But being a rather large man, he rarely received any challenge from the regulars at a small town bar like this. Collecting his winnings, Baldir seemed completely oblivious to the strange, clearly suspicious blonde man who entered. Realistically, many suspicious characters came and went when came to places like bars and clubs, so Baldir had no reason to single the man out. However something about him seemed familiar as he made his way through the crowd and took his seat. There was no clear sign of reiatsu as far as he could tell. Then again even if there might be, a suspicious looking man like that would likely hide it. Even so, something about the man reminded Baldir of himself. However, before he could gather any conclusions, another sucker had made their way over to the pool table with the drunken confidence to take him on, and Baldir was not the type to refuse a challenge. Little did the patrons of this bar know, he had a couple thousand years of experience in bar games to back him up. Pool was like pie.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ChibiYuki


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"What was that Amy?" Aaron said confused as he almost did not see the stranger who landed next to him, but he did luckily out of the corner of his eye he barely caught him. He sighed as he sprawled down, laying on his stomach as he watched the group down on the street, clearly interested in what was going on. This might be one of the few times this place might not be so boring, after all nothing much happens here in Karakura Town. So, might as well enjoy this while it last cause this might be one of the most interesting events that might happen when he is alive. So, from the rooftop he looked at the group below trying to study their Reshi signatures and seeing if he could determine what they were. From a easy observation, he could determine that one of the girl was a Quincy, but the others seemed to be more difficult to examine as they had their Reshi suppressed

Amy on the other hand was distracted by the two... strange looking people, who were talking to the Girl down on the street. Her vision seemed to be blurry on the two, but when she looked at the girl, she was normal. Her curiosity was around the mask those two strange humans wore and she wanted to play with them, as she jumped off Aaron's shoulder and climbed down to the alley way, into the group.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Nekketsu Keiko, Shin'ō Academy, Seireitei

"Aye-aye, captain!" Keiko performed the same overly-elaborate salute she had given Kotohime, nodding emphatically to her direct superior. She never really understood why everyone thought he was weird... Then again, she thought that pretty much every captain was incredibly cool. As well as all the other lieutenants. And a surprisingly large number of her subordinates, and those huge guys that guarded the gates, and even though they were evil and nasty and all that some of the Hollows at least looked pretty awesome, and...

To be perfectly honest, there wasn't much that Keiko didn't find fascinating and exciting in some way or another. Her viewpoint always seemed to be "it exists, thus it is awesome". And speaking of awesome...

"Wowzers!" The lieutenant squealed excitedly, as the first challenger went flying past her barely seconds after attempting to attack Kotohime. "You're so awesomely amazingly... Awesome, Captain Commander Leader General Minamoto!" Keiko couldn't help but pump her arms in the air like some kind of undead samurai cheerleader as the Head Captain made short work of the first wave of challengers.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thread Generator SIN
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Thread Generator SIN

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shin'ō Academy
"So then it's a deal?" Asked captain Akihiko shooting the doubtful lieutenant a toothy grin. However, he only looked over at the young Tomoko in time to see her ducking away from the incoming student, flung in their direction, or rather Akihiko's direction, by the head captain. He had just enough time to get out a befuddled; "Wha-?" before the young trainee crashed into his lap, promptly knocking him off the pink haired student and onto the ground a couple feet away. "Ugh...I guess she noticed me." Muttered Akihiko, propping himself up and rubbing his head. Having her fall broken by a captain, of all people, made the young student rather flustered. "C-captain Igarashi?!" She quickly leaped from the 5th squad captains lap and bowed several times. "I'm s-sorry captain!" Cried the blushing student before she hastily dashed off. Had the student been more experienced, he might have left her to land on her own. But other then the risk of a broken vase, it was of little consequence to be a safety net for a fellow soul reaper.

Pulling himself to his feet, made slightly difficult by his strange elongated clogs, Akihiko absently checked the small vase that dangled off a ribbon at his side just beneath his haori. "Whew..." A sigh of relief was followed by a grunt and a raised eyebrow as Akihiko waved a finger at Kotohime. "You know, there wont be any sake to save when you smash my container with your flying girl attack." Unsure if Kotohime was even still paying attention to him, Akihiko continued to observe, keeping his wits about him in case another student or object came hurtling his way. Mean while a pair of students lied on the floor, clutching their faces from the retaliations of their head captain. Their classmates, the last two of the remaining challengers, exchanged discouraged looks as they watched their comrades fall. Had they been any closer, they too would have been swept onto the ground.

With little confidence left, the students backed away. Having seen the acrobatics and power of their commander, even while holding back, the thought of landing a hit grew further and further from their minds. Also, neither were too eager to suffer the same fate of their classmates. Rubbing a hand down his face, the class instructor could only think of how unfortunate his luck was, having to watch his novice students take a pounding in front of captains and lieutenants. He was already disappointed only 5 students stepped up. But for them to do so badly even in their first week was almost unbearable to watch. Still, not much could be expected from such a nubile bunch. An equally bitter expression managed it's way onto Captain Igarashi's face, reaching for a small pouch of coins from the baggy sleeve of his coat. "I should have bet on one minute."

Suddenly, the blur of a black figure appeared, kneeling next to Kotohime. It was a member of squad 1 flash stepping in. "Head Captain Minamoto! Please forgive me for this interruption. I have important information of private nature pertaining to the Rukon District." Declared the soul reaper. "Hmm? I wonder what that's about?" Curiously asked Akihiko, scratching the stubble of his chin as he noticed the arrival of the head captain's subordinate. Pulling back from his sleeve, shot a shifty look toward Tomoko. "Whelp the battles been stopped...I guess the bets off."

Mashiba Warehouse
A vein popped on Junko's head as Angelo joked around, descending from his section of the warehouse. "Yeah right! I don't hear any complaints when your stomach is full, so deal with it!" Lopping off the head of a onion, she continued. "And you couldn't take me out anyway with that bit of chicken scratch you make." She laughed mockingly, sweeping the onion slices into a skillet. The sizzling sounds of frying beef and bubbling of stewing miso filled the warehouse as Junko prepared dinner. A pot of boiling udon billowed steam into the air as it's lid was removed. It didn't take long for the aroma of delicious food wafted through the 'kitchen' and into the warehouse. Even Ezekiel couldn't help but be overcame by the scent as he hungrily stared at the stove top, anticipating the meal to come. Though he didn't dare go near the food for fear of Junko's wrath. Instead, he absently stirred a pitcher of ice tea.
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