Morris: OutskirtsThe tranquil sounds of birds chirping, and the pleasant midday sun hanging overhead gave way to another peaceful day in the serene town of Morris. A peaceful day that was once again shattered by the Pride’s travels for the second time that day. Case in point…
"Who dat smelly guy? He's been following us for like the last ten minutes."
"What?! Oi! Why you stalkin' us?! What do you want?"
"Are you lost? Because I'm not sure if we're the best people to ask, we're not from around here."
“Are you going to the Phillis circus? Uh, if you are, I bet it’s there around that corner! If you keep walking, that is,”
"If you are going to the circus I guess you could come with us? Since we're heading over anyways, it shouldn't be problem, I think."
"Yes, we're headed there as well. It shouldn't be too far away now."The Pride all stopped in surprise and confusion as they realised the strange man they had seen at the Guild, first emerging from the Guild’s toilet facilities and then claiming a seat at the bar to absentmindedly slurp on a milk float had been walking behind them, all the whilst slurping his milk float, and then stopped as soon as they did to confront him. Both parties stood stock still, looking towards the other, the Pride being friendly enough to try and accommodate whoever it was the stranger was and what he wanted, whilst the man, with his scruffy haircut and fuzzy chin, crinkled suit and creased shirt looked back… and said nothing.
A minute passed… and not a single word was said. The birds chirped through the air yet again. The man continued to stare at the Pride.
“What’s… up with this guy…?” Estelle whispered to her friends. Lucien shrugged.
The Pride kept staring… and the man stared back.
Moira’s eyes tensed as she affixed a powerful glare at the man, trying to feel him out. She was experienced enough to know that something like this… someone staring at them this long and this intensely… normally led to trouble. Her and the rest of the Pride’s bodies grew more tense, perspiration dripping down their bodies. A horrible thought flashed through some of the Pride’s minds… maybe this guy… had something to do with the missing people…?
The Pride stared.
The man stared back.
The Pride stared.
The man kept staring back.
The Pride stare-
The man slurped his milk float.
The man stopped his slurping, and looked up at Moira, his gaze colder and more steeled then before. The middle aged woman’s face twisted into an angry glare. “IF YOU’RE LOOKING FOR A FIGHT THEN WE’LL BRING IT!”
Another cold, suspense filled silence. The man, with his straw raised to his lips, didn’t slurp his drink. Instead he looked to the Pride, his own stare colder and harder. Seconds passed, before finally, the man spoke.
“Don’t. Or someone will die.”
The Pride instinctively reached for the grips of their weapons.
A smirk affixed Moira’s lips. A fight, eh?
“And who would that be?” She asked.
“Me.” The man replied.
“YOU?!” Moira shouted back, almost falling over.
“You freakin’…!” The berserker started to grow angry, but she was held back by a hand patting her on the shoulder, trying to reel the angry woman back from starting a needless fight.
“Hey. Don’t get pissed off, Moira,” Syed tried to cool her down, as Moira grunted under her lips.
“Playing with me…”
Lute stepped in front of the pair, hoping to play out the rest of this interaction peacefully and with diplomacy as Syed held the team's berserker back. He coughed and composed himself, smiling towards the strange man in front of them.
“Hey, er, Mister…” Lute began. “If you don’t mind me asking, who are you…?”
The stranger’s eyes widened with sharpness, and he glared back at the Pride. Another tense and suspenseful mood surrounded the group, as they awaited the peculiar man’s answer… after his cold and uneasy glare… a cold bead of perspiration slid down the back of Lute’s neck.
And then finally…!
“If you want something from someone, it’s proper manners to introduce yourself first.”
Lute took a step back and blinked, and his lips quivered into a half smile upon realising that indeed… they hadn’t introduced themselves. It would be polite to help do that first, and would probably help to make this man feel less tense, correct? Even if he had been the one following them…
“Y-yeah, you’re right… my mistake. My name’s Lu-”
“My name’s Eric Coil,” The stranger interrupted over Lute. “I’m 35 years old, Gemini, Blood Type AB…”
“CAN I KILL HIM?!” Lute raged.

“What… what do you want?” Estelle asked with a frown, as Aria helped try to control Lute the same way Syed did for Moira. “Why are you following us…?”
“Can I come with you?” Eric asked in reply. “My niece kinda went missing, and I’m looking for her...”
He slurped his milk float again.