Morris: Outskirts
"Kinda? So, so is she missing or not missing?" Trixie spoke up for everyone. She pushed herself to the front of the Pride and reached for Eric's free hand. He didn't have much of a chance to reach back for her hand as she just snatched it into her own two and shook it wildly. "My name's Trixie! And if she is missing, we're totally gonna find her! You can count on us! We're really good at finding missing stuff and stopping kidnappers and stealers. You're a guilder too, right, right? Are you gonna fight along with us?"
Still gripping onto his hand, Trixie tugged the suited man along with her back towards to the Pride, much to their dismay. "Cuz it gon' be dangerous - real dangerous." She snickered, flicking a thumbs up towards Lucien and Lute. "There's gonna be lots 'a butt-kickin' and ear blood~"
She soon let go of his wrist as she looked back over her shoulder to the Pride members behind her. "Come on guysss, the circus isn't gonna wait for us to attack it all day! We need to keep moving!" Trixie continued marching forward regardless of their responses or pleas to wait for them. Or to even deliberate over whether this joke was joining them or not. Was she really forcefully dragging this guy along with them just like that...?
Trixie had her reasons.
Suddenly she whipped out the two uzis from her butt pockets, twirled them around her fingers, before reloading them and aiming their barrels skyward. Drat, all she was missing was a steamy lollipop stick and she'd look hella cool. She even had that whole sidewards beret thing going on - though her braided pigtails killed any sense of badassery her image could've had. It wasn't enough to deter her from having a cocky, confident grin though. "Time to play detective. Inspector Pixie on the case."
The prankster whirled around and jammed the barrel of one gun into Eric's face - well, she tried to at least. On her tip-toes she couldn't even reach his chin with her gun's barrel, so she just pointed it at his shoulder. "All right, Mister! Start talkin'! What's yo niece look like? When was she kidnapped? Why was she kidnapped? Did you see her kidnappers take her? Is she one of those guys over there?" She jerked her second gun in Aria's direction, towards the posters that she held. "Was she... kidnapped by the circus? Did the circus kidnap her? The circus kidnapped her, didn't they!? Oh my omelets, I knew they were bad guys this whole time, I called it!!"
Trixie jumped away from the man and continued marching forward, motioning wildly with her guns. Thankfully no bullets were blazing. "We're gonna charge in there - and be like 'bang bang bang!' And be like, yooo this is a holdup! Release all your kidnapped peoples now or else-- oh hey wait a second." She brought a finger to her pouted lips. "Wait, wait, guys, what are we gonna do. I mean if the circus guys really are really bad guys - what... do we do? Do we like... just walk in through the front?"
Trixie looked over her shoulder to the others behind her as she continued walking. Moira's sword jutted out from over her shoulder, Estelle's scabbard was visible on her waist... "I mean one time me and Amy went to the store to buy some socks, they kicked me out cuz I had these baes." She twirled around her guns again before pocketing them. "I was like 'but but but' and they were all 'DENIED!' Anyway - what I'm trying to say is - uh... I mean..." she scratched her head, looking forward again as they continued walking on. She decided not to clarify herself in the end, instead just coughing randomly and clearing her throat until someone else spoke.