Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Yawn~ It's still too early for me to be awake..."
Basha complained while rubbing her eyes, she was sitting at the edge of a wagon used to transport fruits for for the moment the only thing she could do was to look at the road behind.

"I told you we had to start moving really early!"
The merchant driving the wagon replied a bit angry because Basha did not listen to his warning last night and spend almost all night playing the lyre, now she was regreting it

"Calm down darling, after all she was a great help with that thief from yesterday"
The merchant's wife whispered into his ear, she did not like the idea of having such cute girl near her husband but she had to repay Basha somehow.

After a few hours of silence and boredom the wagon stopped near the famous academy knwon as Rondorio, Basha picked up her backpack, shield and sword and jumped off the wagon.

"Thank you so much! I couldn't have made it in time if it wasn't for you!"
Basha said before the merchants left.

The greek girl was finally at the academy, not that she was too excited, after all she was forced to enroll.
She just walked slowly passing through the huge stone gate, the stone walls were so high she would sure break more than just her legs if she jumped from there.

"All students hurry up to the square, the Headmaster will give the welcome speech in the square soon!"

Basha heard somene, surely a teacher, informing the students about the Headmaster's speech and so she ran to the square.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Sylvia. Wake up," Katherine told her niece, shaking her shoulder gently. The young girl stirred, sleepily opening her eyes.
"Did I fall asleep?" Sylvia sleepily asked.
"Yeah. It's my fault though, I brought you to school too early," Katherine answered.
"It's not your fault, Auntie Katherin. I insisted that you take me to school when you went," Sylvia said, sitting out and drawing her twin sickles. She pulled out a piece of cloth and polishing her blades.
"Come on, Sylvia. School's going to start soon, and the headmaster is going to give a speech in the square, get going," Katherin told Sylvia, who hastily sheathed her sickles, tucked her hair into her cap and sped out the door of her aunt's classroom, waving goodbye and heading for the square.
"She's hopeless," Katherin muttered as she watched her niece run out. The girl was fast, that was certain, but she was forgetful and clumsy sometimes. Katherin walked to the corner of her room and grabbed her axe, sitting down at her desk and polishing her axe with the cloth on the desk.

Sylvia lept and ran, cutting corners and taking shortcuts to save time in order to get to the square. She didn't want to be late. Especially if the headmaster was giving a speech.
After a short while, Sylvia skidded to a halt in the square, holding her hat in order to keep it from flying off when she stopped.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Rosie ran into the square with all of her weapons and belongings in a rather large sack on her back. It was heavier than it looked but Rosie didn't have too much trouble with it. Rosie had her baseball bat sticking out the top of the bag. She was excited about the Baseball team she was going to join later, even if her baseball bat was beat up it was important to her.

Rosie was excited about coming to the school, though a lot of other students looks a good deal older than her. As Rosie walked through the square looking at the other students she wasn't looking where she was going and ran into a girl who seemed to have a shield and sword(Basha). As she fell backwards from the knock some of her maces and clubs fell out of her bag. "Oh my gosh! I am so sorry are you ok Miss?" Rosie asked with great concern in her eyes as she looked at the girl worried.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jin sat with both knees on the ground and his bottom resting on his thighs. He casual sipped tea as he awaited the rest of the students arrival at the square. Jin was there unnecessarily early and got in a few minutes to polish his katana's. From the looks of it so far there were a lot of promising opponents and a lot of them weren't even wielders of swords. The thought of fighting a new and mysterious opponent sent happy chills up Jin's spine. Well of course he didn't show his happiness on the outside but he was truly a kid at a candy store happy. Both of his katanas rested on the left hip as he enjoyed the fresh air and the causal talks amongst passing students. Jin did seem a bit odd though. I mean guy with weapons at a school of this stature isn't odd or weird at all but a medium sized man, sipping tea and looking like he's cosplaying a samurai from the Edo Period of Japan is a bit odd. The fact that he was starring down half of the students that pass him. Honestly he wasn't trying to be a creep he was truly only being his natural self and searching for a suitable opponent simultaneously. After awhile stopped with eye candying and remembered this academy has a kendo club so could just defeat them before moving towards ideal opponents. Jin grinned a bit at the thought of battles soon to come his way. Don't gt me wrong the grin disappeared as fast as it came. The young Samuari sat there, finishing the rest of his tea and continued to wait for the announcements to begin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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booksmusicanime Photo Spam Queen

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Skyler sighed as she continued walking up the road toward Rondorio. When she had been in town she couldn't find anyone who would give her a ride up to the academy so she had to walk all the way there. Luckily for her she had gotten to the town fairly early so she had a good start to get to the academy.

When she finally could see the school she took off in a flat out sprint, her feet hitting the ground in bounding steps. Her dusty bookbag thumped almost painfully against her shoulders and her sword slapped her side as she slowed into a jog once she got passed the gate. Her one blue eye took in the beauty of the square as she approached it at a walk. She stopped at the edge of the square and silently looked at all the people, suddenly feeling very self-conscious about her eye patch.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Some time has passed since the beginning of his journey. Walking down the road, carrying a sack with his belongings on his back, Jafari could be seen carrying a piece of paper with directions to get to Rondorio Academy. Earlier, he had some trouble getting information to get to Rondorio after hearing that it was an academy for warriors, a place where you would face challenges that would test your skills to become one of the greatest warriors in the world. After the warnings his tribesmen spoke, Jafari still insisted on traveling out into the world to learn about the many cultures and the warriors they provide.

Getting closer to the academy, many people turned to stare at this young well built dark skinned man, which was not really common to see in these parts. The young man didn't pay any attention to the stares but upon getting closer to the school, Jafari could see a young woman with an eye patch and a sword on her side, running passed the gate, in which he followed and watched as many others were congregating towards the square. He casually walked through the gates and found the square where other warriors from all walks of life was waiting. Quietly, he walked in, standing in the back, not wanting to bring too much attention to himself so to wait on whoever it was that everyone else was waiting on but...the thought of seeing so many warriors from so many cultures in one place brought a slight smirk on the serious face of Jafari.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rosie ran into the square with all of her weapons and belongings in a rather large sack on her back. It was heavier than it looked but Rosie didn't have too much trouble with it. Rosie had her baseball bat sticking out the top of the bag. She was excited about the Baseball team she was going to join later, even if her baseball bat was beat up it was important to her.

Rosie was excited about coming to the school, though a lot of other students looks a good deal older than her. As Rosie walked through the square looking at the other students she wasn't looking where she was going and ran into a girl who seemed to have a shield and sword(Basha). As she fell backwards from the knock some of her maces and clubs fell out of her bag. "Oh my gosh! I am so sorry are you ok Miss?" Rosie asked with great concern in her eyes as she looked at the girl worried.

Basha was looking at all the people gathering in the square and wondered how many of that people would become her classmates.
She was suddenly pulled out of her thoughts when a girl carrying baseball bats bumped into her shield for no paying attention and fell to the floor.

"Oh my!"
Basha said worried for the girl and reached her hand to the girl .

"I'm fine, and you? I'm sorry if I hit you with the shield! I can be so clumsy sometimes!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Rex
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lance stretched as he walked towards the academy. It seemed like forever ago since he first started his journey here. It was easy getting to the academy, staying in an Inn for the night was a different story. Most of the time he’d stay up mixing chemicals together to make more of what he called his “Chemical bombs” and Most of the time he could do it without a hitch. However, sometimes his mind trailed off and started mixing chemicals to see what would happen. This, most if the time caused trouble as many of the chemicals would result in an explosion. This would cause the owner of the Inn to throw Lance out onto the street after his room, or in last night’s case: almost half the Inn got blown up. He was forced to sleep outside on the stone sidewalk.

“Really, you’re really going to make me sleep on the cold ground outside and not have the common decency to give me a blanket,” Lance sighed. A white cloud of smoke flew from his mouth. He took out the cigarette than hung from his mouth and tapped it so the red ash fell to the ground before placing it back into his mouth and continuing his rant to himself, “So what if I blow up half the Inn, it’s not like you can rebuild the place. Hell, I paid for the damages but you still throw me out! The academy better not do that to me.”

Lance stopped at the gates of the academy. It was a lot bigger then he thought. He noticed all the students entering the academy and sighed again, “So far none of them look like the science type. But I shouldn’t judge a book by its cover anyway.” Lance shrugged and walked into the academy courtyard. The female male ratio seems to favor the female over the male. That’s new, but maybe it’s just how it looks out here and the ratio will even out. Lance thought before he threw his cigarette to the ground and stepped on it before he pulled another out of the pack in his pocket and lit it.

Lance looked up as he heard the announcement and smiled, “Time to get this show on the road.” Lance headed towards the square as he wondered how the head master would look. He pictured an elderly man who, in his mind could probably take down a bear with his bare hands. Lance stopped and smacked himself in the head. Great pun idiot Lance thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aphelion
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Aphelion The / LION

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

In the square, a podium had been erected next to the fountain for the first day of the school year so that the Headmaster, Zeddicus, could give his usual welcoming speech to all of the new aspiring warriors joining the ranks of Rondorio. However, as students continued to pile into the square and the announcement had been made to arrive there, there was no sign of the Headmaster. Instead, a very angry looking woman carrying a parasol to block most of the sun's rays from her pale white skin was standing behind the podium, casting glances this way and that. She mumbled something angry under her breath before grasping the podium with one of her hands so hard that her knuckles went white, the other still holding the parasol.

She looked as if she might rip it apart and begin beating the gathering students to death with it in her frustration. “Ahem!” She said somewhat loudly, hoping to silence the din of chatter that accompanied large gatherings of people. When the chatting and whispers didn't cease, she slapped her hand full force against the podium, causing a loud resounding CRACK!! to echo across the square. With the attention of the students now firmly upon her, she breathed in deeply before continuing. “Velcome to ze Rondorio Academy for Varriors. Vat you vere before you came is inconsequential. You are now part of zis family, and you vill train till you sveat blood, and you VILL make us prou----” Before she could continue her rather uninspiring speech, a scream came from one of the girls in the front of the crowd.

“Oh my god, a pervert just lifted my skirt!!!!!”


“Somebody just touched my --- my ---!”

The last girl broke into sobs and finally the woman behind the podium had, had enough. “ZEDDICUS I VILL HURT YOU!” She slammed her fist directly against the podium and broke it entirely in half from the force of it.

“What a lovely field of flower blossoms we've attracted this year, El. Could do with some pruning, though...” Said a voice from behind her. Zeddicus, the Headmaster, stood on the stone wall of the fountain and gazed out at the students gathered. Clad in his usual clashing attire, a bright orange shirt and green knee-length shorts with black spots, as well as his flowing white cape and sandals, he looked more like a beggar than a Headmaster. Elysia, his assistant, resisted the urge to admonish him in front of the newcomers and instead made a sweeping gesture with her top-hat. “Zis is your Headmaster, Zeddicus. He vill NOW give his velcoming speech.” She said loudly to the students gathered. The last girl could still be heard softly sobbing.

Zeddicus threw his hands out wide, causing his cape to flair out behind him dramatically, and gave a deep booming laugh. “WELCOME TO RONDORIO, PUPS! What do you seek? Glory! Power! Fame! Fortune!” He paused for a moment and then shook his head. “Rid yourself of these thoughts! You are not special here – well, actually, that succulent delicious flower with the eyepatch is an exception, oh the things I woul – OW! A sharp rap of Elysia's rapier across his shin gave him warning that he was treading into dangerous territory. “Fine, fine. Ahem – You all, especially you ladies, are going to be fine tuned into True Warriors! What does that mean? Do you think you know?”

He paced across the stone fountain, and then pulled his sword, Farkas, from it's sheath and plunged it into the ground. “You are only on the first steps to knowing what it means to be a True Warrior! You will mold your bodies and minds into weapons, and if you do well, be awarded the opportunity to take on Quests. There you will prove your worth!” He gave a wide smile that took in all of the students. “You will also be allowed to join clubs – personally I enjoy the Swimming Club, ladies, I highly recommend you join that – OW!” Another welt sprang across his shin, just below the first from where Elysia's rapier struck him again. “Just a love slap. Shows how much she adores me!” He grinned and leaned on his sword, which was stuck firmly in the pavement. “Beyond Quests and Clubs, you will also be allowed a dorm partner if you so wish – same gender only, so you miscreants stay out of the flower bed, if you catch my drift...” He pulled Farkas out from the ground threateningly as he peered down at some of the male students to make his point.

“By the time the Tournament comes, I expect all of you to be warriors who will make Rondorio proud! Train vigorously and work up a sweat – especially you ladies – HA!” He said as he dodged another swift blow from Elysia's rapier by jumping into the fountain behind him, causing a wave of water to splash onto him and Elysia – the latter of whom looked like a pissed off wet cat. “Go forth now, pups, and make your destiny your own!” Zeddicus called out behind him as he waded through the fountain to escape Elysia's wrath.

Elysia, who was now wet and even angrier than before, turned back to the students gathered. “You are all now velcome to situate yourselves in your dorms, sign up vor your clubs, and attend your classes! Dismissed! With that, she turned and stalked angrily in the direction that Zeddicus had escaped, a parasol in one hand and her rapier in the other.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sylvia sighed in disappointment and pulled her hat lower to hide her face as she listened to the headmaster's speech. She was expecting something grand, and sure part of the speech was. But the inappropriate comments made Sylvia glad her long hair was tucked up and that she wore legging and a tunic. Sylvia reached for the bracelet on her wrist, wanting to feel the cool fangs and calm down. But the bracelet wasn't there. Had she left it with her aunt? Did she forget to bring it altogether? She was just about to start majorly freaking out when she heard something land gently next to her. Sylvia turned, it was Katherin. Katherin may have been an axe wielding warrior, but she was light on her feet and swift as well. Katherin held her axe against her shoulder with one hand and held out the other.
"Your bracelet," she quietly said, handing Sylvia the wolf fang item.
"Thanks," Sylvia responded. Katherin just stood, not bothering leaving. She was a teacher after all, and she should probably scope out the students.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rex
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lance sighed as he rubbed his eyes. He had pictured the Headmaster as a wise old man who took this place seriously and was strict. All he got out of this headmaster was welcome and how much of a pervert he was. However, the headmaster’s assistant scared the hell out of Lance.

“Note to self: don’t piss her off,” Lance said. When the whole ordeal was over he took his things and headed towards the dorms. He wanted to set everything up in his room before exploring the academy. He had a map, but he was going to mark all the places good for mixing chemicals. The school lab was obviously on the list, but he hoped to find a place outdoors. This way if something went wrong with the mixture. All that would be damaged was the grass and maybe a tree and possibly a passersby, but at least the buildings wouldn’t get damaged.

“Alright, so I’m in dorm 13, room 17A,” Lance said as he remembered the sheet that was delivered to his home. He stopped and examined the map and added, “Just head straight and take a left. Not too hard to find.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Listening and watching the head master from a distance behind most of the students, Jafari simply let out a "hmph" from what said and see. To him he saw the headmaster as a hypocrite as he warned the boys not to go peeping the girls or else there would be punishment....it was just ashame that he wasn't applying his own wisdom, giving the "Do as I say, not as I do" wisdom. For a moment Jafari thought he made a mistake coming to this place if the headmaster was like that but changed his mind from witnessing his assistant's actions towards him.

After the speech was over, Jafari took hold of his spear, which he had strapped to his back and went to find out which dorm room he would be in. He mostly wanted to explore the school grounds and check out the others skills and styles they studied under. Grabbing hold and caressing the lucky black fang that the elder gave him, He passed a few of the students. He was not used to this new land so of coarse he was a little lost and needed to find out where he needed to go to get information for his rooming. After which, he wondered if fights an sparring was allowed to happen any time or is there was a designated time and place to do such things?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Rosie looked at the girls shield. She got an inspired look as she looked at the shield. "That, is so cool!" Rosie said with a smile as she looked at the shield closer. "I've never seen a shield like this before! How strong is it? Can it withstand a hit from a mace?" Rosie asked almost jumping up and down. She was excited about seeing such a thing and wondered if it could really take a hit from her mace. Maybe even take a full blow from her. She had found someone who would most likely block attacks instead of dodging them like most fighters would.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Rosie looked at the girls shield. She got an inspired look as she looked at the shield. "That, is so cool!" Rosie said with a smile as she looked at the shield closer. "I've never seen a shield like this before! How strong is it? Can it withstand a hit from a mace?" Rosie asked almost jumping up and down. She was excited about seeing such a thing and wondered if it could really take a hit from her mace. Maybe even take a full blow from her. She had found someone who would most likely block attacks instead of dodging them like most fighters would.

"E-eh...Well, the shield is like 100 years old so...It would be a good idea not to test it...and it's a gift from my mother..."

Basha explained about her shield, which looked as a new one, a bit nervous due to Rosie's excitment, she then started to pick up the maces and other things Rosie droped.
Just when she was on her knees picking up one of the maces Basha felt her skirt being lifted up, as if it was by pure instint Basha pulled her sword, it's sheath attached to the internal side of the shield, and gave a slash backwards not hitting anyone or anything.
While standing up slwoly she could hear girls complaining about their skirts being lifted or even worse and looked at the podium, where a man who was not there moments ago was now giving a speech, a really disturbing one for the girls.

"I can't believe this pervert is the headmaster..."


Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Rex
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lance unlocked the door to his dorm room. it was made of stone and with two windows, two beds with bedside tables, two wardrobes, a table with four chairs and in a small separate room was the bathroom. He placed his bags on the bed to the left. He figured he’d unpack tonight and wanted to explore more of the academy. He closed the door to his room and locked it before exiting the dorm. With map in hand he began to explore the academy.

Lance examined the map before he looked up and stopped dead in his tracks. It was no secret to both his family and friends that Lance was deathly scared of spiders. The one on the stone side walk a few feet in front of him had to be almost the size of his hand. His heart raced as he looked at it and in most instances someone who feared these types of creatures would simply avoid it. Lance on the other had feared them so much he would go out of his way to annihilate them when he saw them. Lance slowly reached at his belt that had loops in it that held the test tubs which held his chemicals. The one he pulled out had a red liquid in it and a cork on the top. His chemicals reacted to both a sudden impact and the air mixing with them.one without the other made his chemicals useless. The chemical he grabbed was what he called his explosion chemical. It would create a massive fireball explosion that would burn who or whatever got caught in it.

“Burn in hell!” Lance yelled as he tossed the test tube at the spider. It hit the ground and shattered before an explosion erupted from where the test tube broke. When the smoke cleared, there was a scorched mark on the stone walk way and the spider was completely eradicated. Lance wasn’t one to over react but when it came to spiders, he’d much rather make sure they where dead then take the chance of it actually coming after him. in retrospect if Lance just walked towards it, the spider would have run away. However, Lance didn’t believe spiders where more scared of him then he was of them.

“Ok, that was close,” Lance said as he breathed a sigh of relief.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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booksmusicanime Photo Spam Queen

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Skyler's face blared bright red when the headmaster called her out. "Perverted old man." She grumbed as she started towards the dorms, struggling to read the paper that told her what dorm room she was in. "Stupid blind eye, always causing me problems." She grumbled even more as she kept trying to read the sheet. She didn't even realize where she was stepping until her foot caught on the sidewalk and sent her falling face first to the ground, the sheet falling out of her hand as she went towards the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Karl Kadaver
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Karl Kadaver Roleplay Zombie

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Moments ago:

A bright-eyed, and dare I say, cheerful-looking young woman stepped up to the gates of Rondorio. She stood up as straight as the spear she carried in her left hand. A smile was on her face. All the training, and being made fun of by her brothers and sisters, led up to this very moment. Not even the explosion that leveled half the inn she and her family were staying at would dissuade her from coming here. She turned around to face her entourage: her six siblings, and her father. Her mother had obligations at home, and they had already said their goodbyes.

Julie quickly bowed and proclaimed, "For you guys! Goodbye, Father, Jeorge, James, Jillian, Joshua, Jaqueline, and Jaylee! I will not fail you!" Her oldest sibling, Jeorge, strode over to her and clasped his hand on her shoulder. "You're our last hope Jules. We need at least one True Warrior in this family." Her big sister, Jaqueline, chimed in, "And if you don't make it, don't come back!" (She was only half serious, of course.) Julie bowed again. "I won't fail you! I swear on my-" Just then, a loud *CRACK* resounded through the courtyard alerting the already gathered students that the welcoming speech had begun. Julie's eyes went wide with a combination of excitement and fear. "I gotta go, guys! I'll see you when I've become a True Warrior!"

As she ran through the gates, her eldest sister, Jillian, called out, "Remember what I said about the headmaster! He's handsy, but harmless! Just go with it!"


Julie simply stood in the square after the welcoming speech, her jaw agape. The headmaster was nothing the way she expected. Her sisters had made it sound like he was just some creeper, (which he definitely seemed to be) but there was also an aura of just...sheer power about him.

After a moment, she noticed that the other students already seemed to be finding their respective dorm rooms or trying to find clubs to join. She noticed out of the corner of her eye, something white falling to the ground. She reacted almost instantly, thrusting her spear toward the wayward sheet of paper, stabbing it clean through. As her eyes went toward the end of her spear, to see exactly what she'd caught, she noticed a girl who seemed to be stumbling. In one swift motion, she brought her spear upward, catching the girl.

"I'm...uh sorry." She waggled the spear in her hands, shaking the paper. "Is this yours?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jin gave his attention to the source of the spontaneous sound that roared through the area. Finally school was gonna start and he can get his conquests of battles and possibly a bit of romance on the side. He listened to the introduction given by a women with a noticeable accent. Was she the head master? Jin never really got any word on what he or she would look like. The lady did seem tough and spoke like a true master or respectable sensei would.

Standing up to get a better view of the head master Jin attention was interrupted by a famales cry out of perviness. Before Jin retrieve his sword the wind picked up a bit but he couldn't see anything the only thing that he noticed that continues screams of young women. "Who could do such a thing!" And as if he asked the lady at the podium she quickly shouted out a mans name. He's probably the one responsible for this. Jin was ready to attack the guy.

That was until he was revealed to be their new Headmaster. Jin was you could say speechless. The more the guy talked the more pervy he sounded. "Why was dressed like that....." Jin questioned himself after awhile and left the younger version of Master Roshi alone to be what ever he want to be. Judging on how fast the dude did what he did he could even probably beat all the students at once. Jin accepted him for being a perv and decided to leave it alone.

Jin rolling up the little blanket he sat on to drink his tea packed it in his backpack. I know its really odd seeing a samurai with a backpack but it was school after all so get use to it. Jin concealed his sword next to the other and began walking towards the dorms. As he walked pass some students it seems that a lot of them were asking a bunch of future friends already. Jin kept walking though he'd love to have friends but he's not the start a conversation type.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Rosie looked up at the headmasters speech. "Yeah, I think I'll be avoiding him for the most part." Rosie said as she turned away Basha to watch the shenanigans of the Head Master. "Anyways! I'm Rosie it's nice to meet you and I hope we can be friends." Rosie said as she held out her hand to shake Basha's. Rosie was a kind person and she loved to be near others if she could. The only problem was that when others found out about what she's like during a fight they tend to back away from her due to her personality switch.

Cia meanwhile walked up behind the Headmaster. "Nice speech perv." Cia said teasingly. As she approached him Lucy the Gorilla came shooting out from behind her and leaped at the him in an attempt to tackle and hug him. "You certainly wooed Lucy, she just can't get enough of you." Cia said with a smile, Greg was by her side as always. Mary was currently in her classroom though awaiting any students who might come in and want to challenge her.

George in the mean time had been chasing after a rather tasty looking spider. That was until it got blown up. He let out a yelp while running in and out of bushes. He then noticed where the explosion had come from. A new student named Lance from the looks of it. George start to yell out again before leaping at Lance in an attempt to punish him for destroying his snack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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booksmusicanime Photo Spam Queen

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Karl Kadaver
"I-It's fine and yes it is...." Skyler mumbled quietly. Her blue eye focused on the ground as she took the paper from the girl. "Thank you for getting it for me. If you hadn't of grabbed it then I would've lost it." She said, fairly awkwardly at that.
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