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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
Avatar of Thundercrash

Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Amy & Minako

Location: Private study room

Interacting with: Each other @Lasrever, @Thundercrash

Amy’s mood: Curious → Concerned → Thoughtful → Afraid → Relieved/Guilty → Reassuring → Anxious → Shocked → Thankful → Surprised/Enraptured → Flirty → Apologetic → Devious → Confused → Cheerful

Minako’s mood: Nervous → Happy → Nervous → Guilty/Upset → Confused → Self-recriminating → Surprised → Sympathetic → Aroused → Embarrassed → Anxious → Determined/Conspiring → Angry → Relaxed → Nervous

Making her way towards the library, Minako fired off an answering text.


I’ll meet you in one of the private study rooms in the library.

Most of the rooms appeared to be empty, so she had her pick of them. They were rather sparse rooms, small and occupied only by a single table with four chairs and outlets for computers, plus a large electronic projector screen dominating one wall. Taking her seat, she sent another text.


Room C.

Amy was snapped out of her plotting by the sound of her phone. She glanced down at it, looking slightly surprised to get a place so quickly. For a second, she considered putting it off until later, but she figured scheming could wait for a little while. Something, something, friendships were important. Besides, she had until the tournament to figure that stuff out.

She started on her way down towards the study rooms, glancing at the second message on her way. It definitely wasn’t busy, from what she could tell. Apparently the people at the superpower school had more exciting things to do than hang about at the library. Who’d have thought it?

Upon reaching the door to Room C, Amy pushed it open slowly, a slight smile appearing on her face when she caught sight of Minako. ”So, what’s up? You know, other than the whole tournament thing. It sounded like you had a few things to talk about.” she said, a little concern in her eyes as she took a seat across from the other girl.

Minako’s face lit up when Amy arrived, and she hurried from her seat to quickly embrace the other girl. ”I’m glad you came, we didn’t really have a chance to talk before the meeting.” As she held her, Minako briefly froze. It was faint, very faint, but she could detect a trace of roses in her hair. She swallowed, lingering slightly longer than she had meant to, and pulled away, taking her seat. ”And… yes. There is… something I need to confess to you, and apologize for.” She bit her lip nervously, fingers clutching at the hem of her skirt.

Amy didn’t really pay much attention to Minako’s hug lingering - she figured the girl was just happy to see her or something. It was a relief to be able to just talk after the stress of the morning. After Minako spoke, though, she leaned forward, hoping to gauge what was wrong. Seeing that she looked pretty nervous, Amy tried to lighten the mood a little. ”What’s wrong? You don’t need me to hide a body or something, do you? I think I’ve already met my quota for this week.” she smiled, trying to reassure Minako in her own way.

For a moment, Minako’s only response was a blank look, then a small smile broke across her face. She was joking, of course. ”No, although I’ll be sure to keep you in mind if it ever comes up.” Taking a deep breath, she forged ahead. ”It would be best to start at the beginning. You know what my powers, yes? The truth is, I haven’t always been able to do that. My powers appeared rather late, only two years ago. Before that, everyone believed that I was like my parents and sister; without powers. So, the plan was that I would go to a university in Japan, taking business classes so that I could properly enter our family’s business, and eventually take over from my father.”

She explained the incidents that began occurring during her self-defense classes, about the strange sensation she experienced every time she made eye contact with someone whenever her bodyguard Takeshi wasn’t near. ”After the same thing happened against my sensei, that is, my teacher, he recommended that I attend Mayweather when I graduated high school, so that I could learn how to properly control my powers. My parents agreed, and my father and I made a sort of… deal. He would allow me to operate with relative autonomy during my time here, and in exchange, I would send him monthly reports on my progress. How I was doing in classes, what sort of people I was meeting, what I thought of them.” Minako paused, looking across at her friend. ”Um, sorry, are you, following so far?”

After taking a second to try and absorb the information, Amy nodded. ”I think so. I got all of the history stuff, anyhow. What you’re saying is you’re basically stuck telling your dad all about everything that happens here, am I right?” she shrugged. She’d heard worse, although it seemed like Minako had more to say, so Amy wasn’t relieved quite yet. ”I hope you said nice things about me in this report of yours,” she said, hoping that the worst part was over. ”You know, my shining personality, good looks… All the usual stuff.” she said optimistically.

Minako smiled ruefully. ”It was...difficult, but I managed to gloss over some of your more detrimental qualities. You are exceedingly sarcastic, for one.” She was getting used to her friend’s unusual sense of humor. ”In truth, you, Kayla, Eliana and Gianna have been very good to me since I arrived, and I think my father was glad that I had become friends with someone who had similar powers to Takeshi. Which is why I feel the need to apologize for his actions.” Her face fell slightly. ”Particularly because I know he never will.”

Amy decided that it was probably not the time to crack any more jokes, and instead just sighed. Giving Minako a sympathetic look, she decided it was best to get it over with. ”Listen, whatever it is, I won’t blame you for it. It doesn’t sound like you had too much choice about this anyway. Just tell me, and I’ll deal with whatever it is, okay?” she spoke sincerely, seeming honestly sympathetic towards the other girl.

A small, grateful smile crossed Minako’s face. ”Your words are kind, Amy, but the actions of my family reflect on me, just as my actions reflect on them. I come from a very different culture than you do.” She took a deep breath again. ”I sent my father my first report the day after we met, because…” she paused for a moment, ”a lot happened in a short period of time. What I recently found out, is that after he received it, my father had background checks done on everyone I mentioned.” Minako hesitantly looked across at Amy, coming close but not quite reaching her eyes. ”Which includes you.”

Amy’s eyes widened. For a moment, she was taken aback, even though she’d sort of seen where this was going. She just hadn’t really wanted to think about it. Looking a little unbalanced by the revelation, she spoke to Minako again.”Um, right. O-okay. Mind if I ask how much detail these checks went into? And, if you had to guess, are they going to dig any deeper?” If it came to it, there were things she’d rather explain for herself, instead of having it come to light through some kind of report.

”Based on the results he sent me last night, no, I do not think he will dig any further than he already has. But,” Minako looked down at the table, ”My father achieved the position he has by always being one step ahead of everyone else, and he maintains that advantage by knowing more than everyone else. To that end, he is very… thorough. He wants me to make “informed decisions” about the people I choose to associate with.” She hesitantly raised her eyes. ”So, if what you are asking is this, yes, I… know what happened to you.”

Going pale as a ghost, Amy found herself a little lost for words for a few seconds. ”And you… I mean, I-” she took a deep breath. She couldn’t change the fact that Minako knew about the incident, but she wanted to know what story she’d been told. ”Well, what do you know about what happened? What was in the report, exactly?” she asked, clearly worried. The official version of events left out a few important details - namely, the events surrounding the attacker’s “suicide”. She needed to figure out what Minako knew.

Minako pulled her laptop out of her backpack. ”Here. I will not show you all of the reports, just as I promise not to show them yours, but, you should see it.” Searching through her files, she opened the one labelled “Amy Stevenson”, and spun her laptop around.

Amy’s eyes widened with shock as she read over the file. Not so much her own, she already knew that stuff, and her dad’s issues weren’t a secret, but the stuff about her mum was shocking. She’d have to call her more often. Wasn’t much else she could do from the UK. The most important thing, though, was that nowhere in the file was the real version of events stated.

Her heart hammering in her chest, tears threatening to reveal themselves, Minako bit her lip again. ”Amy… I know it doesn’t change the fact that it happened, but please believe me when I say that I had no idea he was going to do this. Not until he sent me the results last night!” Her voice trembled. ”And… I understand if you…don’t want to be friends anymore.”

Amy slowly stood up, walking over to Minako and pulling her tightly into a hug. ”I told you it wasn’t your fault, didn’t I? I know that, it’s just...” she said, her voice quavering slightly. As much as she was trying to stay calm about this, it was obvious she wasn’t keeping it together too well.

A storm of conflicting emotions was forming inside Amy. On the one hand, she was relieved, and glad that Minako didn’t know the whole truth, but she felt… guilty. Minako had been so honest with her, and here she was, relieved that she could keep secrets from her friend. After thinking it over for a few seconds, she resolved herself, making what was quite possibly a rash decision.

”The file’s wrong.” she said, releasing Minako from the hug with a look on her face somewhere between fear, anxiety and anger - the last one being directed at herself both for being too much of a coward to consider keeping the truth hidden, and for being enough of an impulsive idiot to actually tell her.

Minako blinked. Of all the things that she had been expecting Amy to say, that had not even remotely been on the list. ”Oh.” Immediately, she flushed slightly, berating herself for allowing such a simplistic response to slip out. ”I mean! You don’t have to tell me anything, Amy. This was an invasion of your privacy, I shouldn’t have gotten this information to begin with.”

”You’re right, you shouldn’t have. But you did, and this is how I’m dealing with it. I’d rather you had the whole truth instead of jumping to conclusions by yourself. Besides, it’s not too difficult to figure out from the files.” taking a deep breath, Amy forced herself to keep speaking. ”I should tell you that I didn’t know I had powers when it happened. The guy shattered the windows, started to… anyway, I lashed out. And he fell.”

Finally, she made eye contact with Minako. ”It wasn’t a suicide. I didn’t mean it, and hell knows that the bastard deserved it, but make no mistake, I killed him.” she spoke quietly, holding back tears. This was unfair of her, she knew it was unfair expecting Minako to just listen to that, but she couldn’t - she couldn’t stay silent. She was too weak to do that. ”I’m sorry. I shouldn’t-” she started to talk but went quiet, not trusting herself to say anything else.

To say that Minako was surprised would be an understatement. She was dumb-founded, and for a moment couldn’t think of anything to say. So instead, she simply stood up and wordless returned the embrace that Amy had given. ”Shhh. It’s okay.”

”I’m sorry.” Amy said quietly, accepting the girl’s hug gratefully. She was confused, but just glad that Minako didn’t seem to be blaming her for what had happened. ”We’re both a bit of a mess, aren’t we?” she looked at Minako, the slightest hint of her normal smile creeping back into her voice.

Minako simply smiled back. ”Never apologize for defending yourself. I would have done the same had I been in similar circumstances,” she answered with a firm voice. ”Besides, if you can forgive me for invading your privacy, then I think I can forgive you for not doing anything wrong when you were in danger.”

The relief almost sent her into a fit of giggles, managing to stop herself at the last second. Compared to her earlier conflict, the knowledge that Minako didn’t blame her for anything was a great feeling. Her mind was so focused on her giddiness that it took her thoughts off of her field, allowing Minako’s powers to work as normal. Not realizing this, she locked eyes with the other girl, intending to thank her.

When she saw Amy’s eyes seeking her own, Minako didn’t react, expecting that her friend was maintaining her power. So it was something of a surprise when a deep rush of warmth flooded through her, weakening her knees and sending a faint flush to her cheeks. ”Ah, um…”

Amy was taken by surprise herself, having assumed that her field was active. Upon making eye contact, Minako’s eyes seemed to almost pulse with light, rhythmically. It was… mesmerizing. Amy knew, on some level, that she could look away, but she didn’t want to. Something about it just made it impossible to resist looking at that pulse. It made her feel good, on some level, to keep on staring into the other girl’s eyes.

She felt a shiver run up her spine, feeling almost electric, and a slight tingling sensation in her hands and feet that was almost like mild pins and needles. For some reason, she felt weak, and vulnerable, as though someone could see everything about her. The things she loved, and hated, and feared, the core of who she was. It was as though Minako was looking at all of the things that made her her. The whole experience was definitely strange, but not in any way unpleasant. If anything, she’d say it was absorbing.

She’d figured out what was going on pretty much as soon as she’d locked eyes with Minako, but for some reason that wasn’t even clear to Amy herself, she didn’t extend the field right away. Perhaps because, unlike the first time, she trusted Minako. Or maybe she was just enjoying it. More likely, it was a combination of several different things.

From the moment they locked eyes, Minako became reminded of two things: first, exactly how close she was to her friend, and second, how very pretty Amy’s eyes were. The result was that her heart was now very desperately trying to bludgeon its way out of her chest, and after lingering for a couple seconds, she tore herself away. I-I-I’m sorry, I wasn’t… I thought you were still… I didn’t mean to do that,” she stammered, looking everywhere but at her friend.

Amy looked a little flustered herself, both from the experience and Minako’s reaction. That was… Different. Honestly, she’d kind of liked it, all things considered. She was a little confused about why the girl felt she had to apologise, though. Trying to reassure Minako, but slightly oblivious to the actual problem, she gestured for Minako to calm down. ”It’s fine! I could have stopped it if I’d wanted to, couldn’t I?”

Hesitating, Minako bit her lip, then gave a slight nod. ”I… yes, I suppose you could have. It’s just…” Her thighs together as the warmth concentrated in her core. ”I should have better control, and more respect for others than to let it happen,” she finished lamely.

Amy finally managed to pick up on Minako’s body language, and looked a little flustered at the situation. Although, she’d have been a liar if she’d said she minded all that much. It did make her wonder though, whether it was just part of her power, or had anything to do with Amy herself.

Normally she’d just let the girl be, but at this point Amy was curious. With a smile at Minako, she met her eyes again, although she’d extended the field this time to avoid a repeat performance. ”You know, I wouldn’t mind doing that again sometime.” she said, her voice ever-so-slightly lower than before. She intentionally left it a little open to interpretation, watching to see Minako’s reaction.

Minako swallowed hard and looked away, reddening further. She could guess what Amy was referring to by “that”. ”Amy… please… don’t go there. I can’t… do… that,” she said, her voicing clearly conveying her distress.

Eyes widening, Amy looked a little panicked. ”No, it’s cool. I get it, I’ll stop. That wasn’t fair. The field stays up,” she said, feeling sort of guilty. At the same time, though, she hadn’t expected such an intense reaction. If anything, she’d figured Minako would just get a little nervous or something. ”Power-free zone, okay?”

For a moment, Minako was silent, her expression deeply troubled as her fingers plucked at her skirt. ”Amy… promise me that you will never repeat what I am about to tell you.”

With a nod, Amy replied, her voice steady and expression sincere, ”I can keep a secret. Of course I promise.” Trying not to make things any more awkward, Amy spoke gently but didn’t say much more than she had to.

”You are… a very attractive girl, Amy. And it isn’t that I don’t want to use my powers. That is the entire point of my coming to Mayweather. It is just… I feel things that I shouldn’t, that I can’t.” Minako nervously looked at Amy. ”And if certain people, my family in particular, were to find out about it, it would make my life very… difficult.”

”Okay, so that’s the situation, huh?” Amy nodded to herself, pursing her lips. ”In that case, I won’t push anything. Promise.” After a few seconds of quiet, she pulled out her phone and glanced at the screen. ”We’ve been here a while, huh? Time flies.” she laughed, changing the subject with a slightly forced smile.

Sighing, Minako smiled gratefully. ”Thank you. I would actually like to talk about the tournament itself, unless there is somewhere you need to be?”

Giving Minako a more genuine smile, Amy just laughed lightly at the suggestion. ”Minako, am I ever busy? Go ahead.”

Once again taking her seat at the table, Minako gestured for Amy to join her. ”Right now, there are three things to address: the first two are knowledge and practice. It seems to me that our best chance of getting far in the tournament is knowing what the others can do, in terms of powers, general combat skills, and personality. Once we know that, then we can start figuring out potential weaknesses and advantages that we can use.” Taking back her laptop, Minako began setting up her own files. ”Because I’ve only arrived here recently, I don’t know very much about the other students participating, which was partially why I was hoping we could work together.”

Amy sat down, listening to Minako. ”I’m not the best person to ask. I try to avoid most of these people as much as possible, so I could only tell you about some of the more showy types.” she thought for a moment. ”Honestly, asking people will only get you so far. I don’t think there’s very many people in this school who know each other’s weaknesses unless they train together a ton.” she paused.

Minako nodded. ”I wasn’t expecting it to be easy, and I doubt that our competitors will be very forthcoming. But, weaknesses can be determined from strengths. No one is perfect. I already have an idea, but I’m open to anything you could suggest? This is as much for your benefit as mine.”

”Ideally, you want a source that you know is correct. Even if we get everyone to show off their powers in front of us, there’s no guarantee that we have any idea how they work. The only place I can think of would be the school database, but their security’s pretty much impossible to crack.” she laughed. ”Trust me, I’ve tried. If we could get a hold of their passwords or something, though, and find a computer where we can access the files, we’re golden. Thing is, I don’t think the two of us could pull that one off by ourselves.” she knew it wasn’t a perfect plan, but she didn’t have much else. ”What’s your idea?”

A sly smile crossed Minako’s face. ”You’re not wrong… perhaps my idea could help with that as well. I don’t know if she’ll help, but I was going to talk to Gianna, see what she knows. She’s been here longer than any of us, and she seems like the sociable type, so if anyone could have or get information, I suspect she would. And she might know someone who could get us into the database.” It will just be a matter of convincing her to help... she mused to herself.

Amy grinned. ”I guess if anyone knows, she’s probably a good place to start. Be careful she doesn’t rope you into anything, though. I’m not saying she will, but it’s always a possibility. As for me… I could ask around to try and find out more about the school’s security systems. I spend most of my time on my laptop anyway, so I can pass it off as just being curious.” she smiled, looking a little devious.

”Another avenue of inquiry is the arena itself. What it can do, how it works, what sort of things we might expect. Someone who’s good with technology could help with that too. Kayla might be able to help here, if her parents were involved in its creation.” Minako pursed her lips, her fingers tapping on the table. ”Anything else you can think of?”

Amy shook her head. ”Not much else until we get the information. Although, while we can, I say we try and get as many people on our side as possible. The more people want us to win, the more likely they are to watch our backs, or turn a blind eye to what we’re doing.”

Minako nodded. ”True. Gianna might help with that as well. We’ll see. It won’t be the first time I’ve negotiated with people.” Her eyes flicked to Amy. ”The second thing is practice. Have you taken any sort of self-defense or combat classes?”

With a small sigh, Amy replied. ”No, not unarmed. If I get a weapon, though, I’m able to use it properly. It’s a minor power, but I’m able to use any kind of tool at a high level. Hand-to-hand? I never really had a reason to learn. You?”

”I’ve taken martial arts classes since I was little, and I have some training in firearms. My father believes that an individual is their own last line of defense, and so should be able to protect themselves, not just to rely on others to do so.” Minako opened another file on her laptop. ”I suspect it will be a similar case with Kayla and Eliana. We should set up a time, outside of classes, where we can train with each other, both with and without powers. What we can do is all well and good, but we should give ourselves as many advantages as possible.”

Nodding, Amy agreed. ”You’re right. There’s no point doing all this preparation if we can’t fight properly when we have to. Besides, I have been slacking a bit. What sort of time suits you, then? Mornings? Evenings?”

”I do a basic routine in the morning, I’d be happy to teach all of you. What about you?”

”Depends how early you mean by mornings. As long as I get a decent sleep, that’s fine by me. It’s probably the best time if we don’t want people to watch us train, though. More people tend to practise after class, from what I can tell.”

”Then that works perfectly. I’ll see what Kayla and Eliana can do.” Minako sighed, her expression growing heavy. ”Which brings us to the third thing.”

”Third thing? What would that be, exactly?” Amy asked, her feet unconsciously tapping against the floor in nervousness.

Looking at her friend forlornly, Minako took a deep breath. ”There is a very good chance, almost guaranteed I would say, that at some point we will have to fight each other. Even if all goes well, and we all make it through the initial rounds, there is only one person who can be the final winner.”

”Oh. Yeah, that. You’re right, only one person wins, but what are we discussing about this exactly? I’m lost.” she said, with a puzzled look at Minako. ”Don’t get me wrong, it sucks, but those are the rules.”

Minako nodded. ”I know. I just want to make certain that, if we are forced to fight one another, that we will still be friends afterwards.” She smiled coyly. ”And to let you know that, I will not be holding anything back. Anything less would be an insult.”

Amy laughed. ”I agree completely. What happens in the arena stays there. We wouldn’t want there to be any hard feelings once I’m champion, after all.” she teased, smiling brightly. ”I won’t be holding back either, there’s no need to worry about that.”

Smiling almost kindly, Minako reached across the table and took Amy’s hands in her own. ”Oh, Amy. Don’t worry.” She patted her hands. ”We’ll cure you of your delusions eventually. One way or another, I always get what I want.” Eyes shining happily as she grinned, Minako sat back in her chair. ”Truthfully, I’m not concerned about who wins the tournament, as long as that brat Sylvia Vargas loses.” Her expression soured slightly.

”Eventually isn’t very specific, you know. Besides, I prefer to think of it as youthful optimism, thank you very much.” her eyes narrowed slightly as she continued. ”As for her, I think we can make sure she goes out. If she even makes it to the final eight in the first place. She strikes me as the kind of stroppy little princess that’s never had anyone stand up to her. I doubt someone like that could beat either of us in a fight.”

”It is more than that.” Minako’s expression became very severe and cold. ”You heard what she said when she arrived. It is unacceptable for someone to speak to a teacher in such a manner. Furthermore, I will not allow insults like that to my family to go unanswered. I have no interest in her outside of the tournament, she’s not worth the energy spent. But I will relish the chance to demonstrate to her what happens when you cross someone who actually works towards their goals. I’m not picky about who does it, as long as it happens.”

Thinking back to the events of the morning, Amy listened to Minako’s tirade, before raising her hand slightly to point something out. ”Correct me if I’m wrong, Minako, but she never said anything about your family. Or you, for that matter.” Amy figured that she was just remembering things wrong, but was still understandably confused. It was pretty fresh in her mind, after all.

Minako took a deep breath. Sylvia was not worth getting so worked up over. ”Amy, what do you define “family” to be?”

”I don’t know. Just like, my mum and dad and everyone, I guess. Why?” Amy honestly never really thought about it. She wasn’t sure what Minako was getting at, to be honest.

”Most people, I think would have the same answer as you. I think that family should be the people you can trust, who will stay by your side no matter what happens. I can’t choose who I am related to, but I can choose who my friends are. I do not see a meaningful distinction.”

”I see. What you were saying makes more sense now, I guess. I don’t completely get it, but I see where you’re coming from. I think. I get why you’re so angry about what she said, anyway, if that’s how you see things. We can make sure she doesn’t win, anyway.”

Smiling widely, Minako moved to stand beside Amy. ”That does include you, Amy. If there is anything you need, simply ask, and you have my word that I will do my best to help you.”

”Likewise. I think I’ll get going, though. See you later, Minako.”

The two girls hugged good-bye, and as Amy left Minako let out a breath while she sat down. One down, two to go.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aewin
Avatar of Aewin

Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 mos ago

LOCATION — Home → Airport → Mrs Lovelace's office
INTERACTING WITH — Her brother, Adarsh & Her father, ElliotMrs Lovelace @Lovely Complex
MOOD — Concerned → Proud → Back to concern again → Tired → Nervous


Ananya remembered it all: the fever, the pain, the hallucinations. Everything. Granted, she was only about eight when it had happened to her, but no one forgets that sort of pain so easily. It had taken over every fibre of her being, and lasted for much longer than it should've. The amount of times she'd accidentally shifted to her Nag state in midst of her pain was much more than she'd shifted her entire life. Her skin burned and froze all at the same time, and it was the sort of agony Ananya would never wish on her enemies.

Well maybe some, but what was besides the point.

Adarsh for the past week and a half had been writhing on his bed in cold sweat. Ananya remembered the weeks following up to it. The signs, the symptoms, and she recognised it in Adarsh — it was finally time for his Sabhya. But unlike her Sabhya where she had an experienced Nag guide her through the ordeal, Adarsh was all alone except for a just as clueless sister and human father. Ananya, as soon as she realised, decided to stay back. There was no way the young nagin could leave her brother in pain while she enjoyed her time at Mayweather. What sort of sister would that make her?

Instead, she tried helping Adarsh the same way their mother had helped her many moons ago. It wasn't as effective, Ananya knew that very well. But what could the young Nag do? She couldn't see him suffer, Adarsh was her little baby brother. At some points during the week she found herself even wishing that her brother wasn't a nag just so he wouldn't have to deal with the pain.

So he could be a normal teenager. But what would wishing do? Adarsh was now on the way to being considered a naga and Ananya could feel the swell of pride in her amidst the concern for her younger brother. The Sabhya only happened once, and once the pain was done, Adarsh would feel great.


Maybe unnecessarily long Sabhyas came with being a Sharma. Ananya didn't know whether this was true; maybe she and her brother were just anomalies compared to the rest of the Nags, or maybe each Nag suffered through over two weeks worth of pain as part of their nature as a magical snake-human hybrid. Her mother never told her how long her Sabhya had lasted for, so this was all based on Ananya's assumption.

"Arey, jaldi karo na! Daard ho raha hai, dídi!"

Her brother was curled up into a ball in his bed, blankets tossed off the side of the bed with sweat covering his dark skin as he shivered. Ananya nodded, taking the scrunched up towel and dipping it into the herbal mix for the x-th time that evening. Wringing out the excess - and wincing at the strong smell of disinfectant mixed in with the other ingredients - Ananya pressed the cold, damp towel against his side. Adarsh sighed as the coolness numbed his aching side, momentarily making him forget about the pain.

"Mani jaldi ara ha hai. Fikar mat karo."

"Fikar mai kaise mat karo? You didn't warn me it would hurt this bad when you told me it was time for my Sabhya."

Adarsh's shaky voice was accusatory, and all Ananya could do was wince. Maybe she did leave out that one crucial part when she sat Adarsh down almost a month ago to explain what was going to happen to him. To be fair, the young nagin didn't want to scare Adarsh, even if he was a (self-proclaimed) strong boy man. Even Elliot was stood there, leaning against the door frame while (trying to) discreetly chew on his nails from the anxiety. There was little Ananya could do to comfort him when she herself could barely handle seeing her baby brother in so much pain.

"It'll all get better soon, it's almost out anyway. Give it another day."

Ananya rubbed Adarsh's thick hair softly, humming under her breath. It was a song their mother liked to sing, using the soft, gentle melody to lull the once tiny Nags to sleep back in India. The habit stuck, and Ananya would find herself humming - even singing along to it sometimes - along to the song whenever she needed that little extra comfort.


"So now what? You're leaving because of some tournament thing you originally weren't even supposed to be a part of?"

Adarsh's Sabhya had ended three days ago, and the teen was finally able to walk around the house without looking like a typical zombie from The Walking Dead series. Ananya pulled her suitcase from out of her father's car trunk, letting the heavy case slam onto the trolley carelessly as her brother stood beside her, covered up in three blankets and a fluffy ski hat (which Ananya was almost certain was actually hers). Elliot shut the car door, reaching over to his son to give him something to hold onto as Ananya just shrugged in response to his question. Ananya, dressed in a light pink suit, pulled out her phone from the tote bag she was carrying.

"It's not like I have much choice in the matter. I'll ask Mrs. Lovelace when I arrive whether it's absolutely necessary to participate, but to do that I have no choice but to go visit her in Mayweather."

Ananya noticed a little frown on Adarsh's face, and she let out a soft sigh. She dropped her tote on top of the suitcase before reaching forward to pull her younger brother into a gentle hug, careful not to press into his side and aggravate the still sore wound. "You'll be fine. I'm just a phone call away. And I'll visit whenever I can. Just say the word, okay?" Ananya assured him, Adarsh's arms curling around his short sister's body. Ananya and Adarsh let out a surprised squeak as their father joined in the hug, pulling the two children into his chest with his hands patting their head.

"Oh come on, I can take care of you too. I'm not that bad."

Both Ananya and Adarsh let out a snort, and the soft patting turned into a harsh tap. The snort turned into laughter between the three, the family bonding for a little while longer. Before long, Ananya pulled away from the hug, giving both her father and Adarsh a kiss to their cheeks before smiling and waving as she pushed the trolley with her suitcase towards the airport entrance.


Boy was Ananya exhausted. The young nagin was ready to just collapse into her bed and sleep for the next couple weeks. After doing all nighters for the past few weeks, with barely enough resting time in between because of Adarsh's Sabhya, it wasn't a surprise that as soon as Ananya took her seat on the plane, she was asleep immediately. Thankfully, it was a dreamless sleep and the girl was able to gather as much of her energy as she could before having to meet Mrs Lovelace about the mix-up. All Ananya had received was an email with little warning yesterday morning, and by that night she already had her plane tickets and suitcase packed, ready for the year ahead of her.

And when Ananya finally reached Mayweather, the girl found herself just a bit excited. Maybe this was finally the time for Ananya to test her abilities against the other heroic students of Mayweather despite the chances of her butt getting whooped was quite high. After hurrying along the now familiar corridors of Mayweather, she couldn't help but notice there was an abundance of faces she didn't recognise - not everybody could be a new freshman, right? Ananya made a note of it to ask Mrs Lovelace about it later, but as of for now, her priority was making it there without crashing into a body in the crowded hallway.

Finally arriving, Ananya stood outside the door, taking a deep breath before raising her fist to knock on the door in front of her, and when she heard the her beckoning her inside, Ananya slowly opened the door, peeking inside before fully stepping into Mrs Lovelace's office. "You wanted to see me?" Ananya asked. In the office, along with Mrs Lovelace were two other people, two she didn't recognise at all. She gave them a nervous smile, before hiding her hands behind her back so she could play with her fingers.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lasrever
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Location; Out running → Campus Safety Building
Interacting With; Lucas via text @Legion02
Mood; Determined → Annoyed → Concerned/Confused → Irritated → Impatient

Keats was not a busy man. He'd gone for a jog around the school to stretch his legs after the meeting, psyching himself up to get started with his training. Getting himself in the right place mentally, so he could kick some major ass when the time came. There wasn't any point practising his moves if his thoughts weren't ready to keep up with the fighting. So, maybe surprisingly, the first thing on Keats' training agenda was to get his thoughts in order. After his jog, he figured he'd just head to his room and relax.

Or at least, that was the plan before life got in the way. Always happened at this school. He'd noticed that someone was texting him while he was jogging, but didn't want to throw himself off by stopping. He was just getting back to the dorm building when he heard the intercom, the sound of his own name bringing him to a halt just in front of the doors. Looking at himself, Keats figured he wasn't really dressed for a meeting, but why bother changing? It wasn't like he cared about being respectful to the fucking wardens.

As far as Keats was concerned, Leon Fulton and the rest of his them were just self-important assholes on a power trip. He couldn't care less what they had to say to him, but decided not to push his luck in case someone whose opinion actually mattered decided to get in on whatever the meeting was about. Keats had a few ideas about why he and Luke were being called in, but he didn't want to go jumping to conclusions.

Speaking of Luke... He checked his phone, noting the two texts. The first one was kind of unexpected. He couldn't think of anything that Luke would need to talk to him about off the top of his head. The second one, now that he could get on board with. Nothing better than a night at Delirium to take your mind off everything. He replied as he was walking over to the warden's office.

To: Luke

Talk after warden meeting? Get it done before tonight.

He sent the text, pocketing his phone. Hopefully the talk wasn't about anything too heavy, but if it was then he wanted to get it over with before they headed out. Didn't want anything to be screwing up the mood. Besides, if they had the conversation there, it was completely possible that they wouldn't remember it the next morning. Keats didn't like repeating himself.

Deliberately taking his time about it, he made his way to the Campus Safety Building, carrying himself with his head held high. Whatever they confronted him with, Keats planned to own it. He always did, after all. Not like there was too much competition around here. If they were planning to come down on him hard, well, Keats was gonna take it with a smile.

Arriving in the lobby, Keats didn't bother ringing the bell. What did they expect him to do? 'Please Mr. Warden, could you let me come in and get a lecture?'

Nah, he could live without that. If they wanted him to listen, they'd have to respect him. Step one in respecting him meant not forcing him to prance about and treat them like staff. Keats didn't respect the Wardens, and if anything thought they were kind of pathetic. Talk about sucking up to authority. Not to mention, for all their 'enforcement of the rules' crap, it wasn't like they ever changed anything.

So instead of being civil about it, Keats slammed his fist down on the counter, making a much louder noise than the bell probably would. "You gonna talk to me, or just sit around with your heads up your asses like normal?" he growled once he'd gotten their attention. "This'd better be quick. I got better things to do than hang around here."

Once he'd made it quite clear to everyone present that he was there waiting for his meeting, Keats stalked over to the other side of the room, leaning against the wall and scowling at any Warden that came into his line of sight. Now that he was here, he just wanted to get it over with.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Viciousmarrow
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Location: Wesley Cone Building
Interacting With: Each other @Viciousmarrow@BeastofDestiny; Keats and Lucas @Legion02@Lasrever

Unphased → Annoyed → Neutral
Composed → Embarrassed → Serious → Glad

“Mr. Masterson. Take a seat.” Leon waved a hand to the seat that Gianna had recently vacated. The raven haired and strangely pale man was something of an anomaly to the Chief, someone that he rarely ever had to interact with, which was probably a good thing for Elijah. That meant that he was, at the very least, a civil person that security didn’t need to keep an eye on.

”You’re not one that I usually have to worry about, Elijah. Not like Lucas and Keats out there, anyway. I was extremely worried about this incident that happened between you and Gianna last week though, and that’s part of the reason you’re in my office right now.” Leon went back to the monitors behind him. The cameras only caught what was happening in the halls and other public areas, not what happened within the personal domains of the students or the bathrooms. Firing up the video that he had show Gia earlier, Leon watched it again with silent interest. Although the Warden now knew the reasoning behind Elijah’s actions, the scene was still a disturbing one to behold. Letting it sink in, he folded his hands on his desk and leaned in, staring eye to eye with the man on the other side of the desk. While he studied him, he realized that Elijah was blind, and he might not have even seen the video being played. A sudden dawning of guilt hit him. “Shit. I forgot you couldn’t see. I’m so sorry about that.”

Elijah rounded the chair and took his seat, folding his arms over. His back was straight, posture perfect as he listened to what the Chief Warden had to say, and watched as he turned around to play something for Elijah to ‘watch’. Sitting in complete silence, the pyromancer had to wonder just how long it was going to take for the other male to realize his lack of sight. When it did finally dawn on Leon, Elijah simply held up his hand, ”Just get to the point Warden, why am I here?” Elijah already knew why when Leon mentioned his incident with Gianna last week, but he might as well have his crimes read off to him.

Clearing his throat awkwardly, Leon sat up straight in his chair, tapping a small rhythm out with his finger while he pondered how to proceed. “Well, I was going to show you the video evidence, but…” Elijah’s lack of sight certainly threw a monkey wrench at that problem. ”Anyway, you’re here because of what could have been interpreted as sexual harassment or worse against Ms. Gianna Daniels. The video showed a crying Gianna coming out of the bathroom with you in tail. Not exactly footage that works in your favor. On top of that, it’s pretty certain that you destroyed some of the stalls in the women’s bathroom.” Leon gave his reasonings and wondered how this all seemed to the blind man. It seemed farfetched that a man that was seemingly as docile as Elijah could do this, but maybe he just didn’t know the guy.

Elijah tapped his finger against his arm as he listened to Leon patiently. He explained the crimes against him, and yes it was true that he did destroy the stalls in total anger, but the sexual harassment? It could be ‘interpreted’ Leon said, which means that when he spoke with Gianna, she didn’t use that interpretation against him. This was at least somewhat of a relief, but that did make him wonder what Gianna even said to the Warden. ”Yes, I was in the bathroom with Gianna, no it wasn’t sexual harassment, and how certain are you that it was me who destroyed the stalls, or are we simply making assumptions?” He kept his tone as neutral as always, consistent and serious.

”Ms. Daniels informed me of your… crush… on her. She said that you asked her out while she was in there. Not exactly romantic, if you ask me.” Leon started. Why Elijah even entered the women’s bathroom was beyond him, though with him being blind and all, the Chief chalked it up to him simply not knowing where he was. The scene probably played out that he was in the bathroom, heard Gianna come in, and then he realized he wasn’t in the right restroom. However, since she was already in there and they were alone, Leon presumed that Elijah just went ahead and asked her out then and there. It seemed like the logical turn of events, anyway. “Unfortunately, it sounds like she denied your advances. And look, I get it. Getting rejected sucks. I can only imagine what you must have been feeling. So I think it’s extremely likely you took out your frustrations on the stalls.” There was sympathy in Leon’s voice, trying to understand everything that went on.

”Is that what she told you?” A slight tinge of annoyance in his tone. Though she didn’t exactly blow the sexual harassment out of the water, this wasn’t exactly the ideal lie that he wanted to hear. This being said, he played along with Gia’s game. Sighing deeply, he let emotion seep into his voice to play the actor’s role, ”Yes, it’s true. I’ve pined for Gianna ever since I met her and her boyfriend years ago. I’ve only heard stories of her beauty, but I’ve ‘seen’ more than that in her. I can’t deny that I felt jealousy for my friend Vincent for being with her, but I held back and ever since he passed on...I waited, but I just couldn’t any longer. I found an opportunity, I took a chance, I was rejected, her love for him is still strong and even though he’s gone, she couldn’t see herself being with me.” He laid it on, not too thick, but convincing enough that if Gia could get away with such a lie, then he could follow suit. ”I’d never lay a hand on Gianna, but as for the stalls, no, they did not see my wrath. Again, it sounds like you’re making assumptions.” His tone fell back to neutral.

”Look, let’s forget about the stalls. At worst, I’ll say it was a crime of passion. You’re not going to get punished for it regardless, unless the Headmasters really want to. I don’t really get to decide what happens to who anyway, although I can strongly suggest a course of action to them.” he explained to the blind man. Leon understood how he felt, and he was certainly glad Elijah had opened up to him about this. ”Think of me as both a counselor and a security guard. I’m here to talk to people about what they’ve done wrong, or otherwise, and to understand what’s happened. Essentially, I resolve all manner of issues, while the Headmasters deal out the real punishments. I have a little authority, but not much.” The Wardens had always been seen as sort of the campus police, and it was kind of true but perhaps people thought they had more authority than they actually did. They were basically the Headmasters’ bitches and glorified interns to the real security officers.

”Anyway, the only thing I want to do with you is give you an exercise in… dealing with the ladies. Man to man. I don’t want another repeat of this whole ‘let’s ask them out in the bathroom’ scenario. That’s bad form.” Leon went on, getting to this man’s “punishment” as per Gianna’s request. ”So… I think the best way to do this is with a little bit of roleplaying. I’m going to pretend that I’m a girl of your liking. Don’t think too hard about this, just do what comes naturally to you.” This was going to be an awkward experience, to say the least, but he was going to do whatever it took to get Elijah straight on what was proper and what was not when it came to asking girls out.

He listened to everything the man said involving the Warden’s authority and how they dished out punishments, or rather the headmasters dished out punishments. He was silent the whole way through, that is until Leon decided to bring up his idea on roleplaying and asking girls out on ‘dates’. He sat there, still silent, processing what had just been said to this. He simply stated, ”You can’t be serious…” As far as Elijah was concerned, based on everything Leon had said, he was free to leave, why he decided to go the extra mile was beyond him. ”You’ve listed my crimes, you aren’t going to punish me for them, I believe our business is concluded.” Elijah went to stand up and head for the door.

”Wait. You’ve got an appointment with the Headmasters tomorrow at 8am, if they decide to go forth with any punishments. If not, you’ll receive an email. You’ll more than likely receive an email though.” he called out to the leaving man. He wasn’t going to stop Elijah from leaving, and internally he was glad he didn’t have to act. Otherwise, he might have given a god awful caricature of a woman. “But seriously, come to me if you have girl issues.” he added.

He paused at the door turning to face Leon again, pausing slightly, ”I think I’ll live without your tutelage, thanks.” Then he exited, closing the door behind him. Walking out into the lobby area he ended up finding both Lucas and Keats waiting. ”I believe you two are next…”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
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LovelyComplex Retired Zone

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Mayweather East Dorm Roof → Mrs. Lovelace’s Office
Interacting With: Tris with random lady on the phone @ViciousmarrowMrs. Lovelace @lovely complex and those in her office: Hugo @BeastofDestiny, Ananya @Aewin, Cara @Wintergrey;; Mrs. Lovelace sends a text to her daughter and an email to Lucas @Legion02
Tranquil → Crushed → Invigorated → Giddy → Hypnotized → Flirty → Eager

The world was a wide open plain of exploration. So much to do, so much to see! So what’s wrong with taking the back streets? Wait that wasn’t his thought process, that was his phone ringing. All Star by Smashmouth was, of course, the only logical ring tone for someone such as himself. In fact, he considered himself much like the fabled Shrek, for he too was love, he too was life. Atop this bastion that was the student dorms, he could see all of this campus, this flourishing kingdom of Mayweather! Producing his phone from his pocket, he took the call, and voice of an elderly woman who had clearly had one too many cigarettes in her life whispered into his ear. ”Is this Tristram Cringe?” Those words were followed by a distinct cough. No doubt the poor woman was stricken by a plight of chronic bronchitis. “Yeah. That’s me.” he responded bluntly and unenthused. Better to lead them on with that mysterious air of disinterest! Too much excitement led people astray. “One of the contestants for the Mayweather Sixteen had to withdraw. Congratulations, you’ve been randomly selected as the replacement.” She was about as hyped as he was about it, which was to say not at all. “Please report to Mrs. Cecilia Lovelace. Now.” Tris didn’t even get a chance to respond before she hung up on him.

“...Unexpected.” he whispered to himself, his blue eyes darting about. He’d never been entered in the tournament before, and he certainly never had wanted to. Now he was expected to be in the spotlight and do things. Sighing, the blonde man paced back and forth on the rooftop. On the upside, he would be there with Eliana, his most cherished dove. And then there was Cecilia, who was almost as much of a joy as his beloved. Perhaps this wouldn’t be such a bad thing... But there would be the chance he would actually have to fight Eliana! What would he do in that predicament?! He could not harm such innocuous beauty! Frustrated, Tristram fell to his knees, threw up his arms, and cried up to the heavens. How dare the fates betray him like this! Like a defeated servant, his hands fell to the rough concrete and tears threatened to pour from his crystalline orbs. No! He could not cry! He had to be strong, to get through any obstacle that was thrown up him. If the fates wished to be like this, then he would bend them back into place! Collecting his bearings, he breathed deep and got back to his feet, feeling stronger than ever. He would not be defeated! The newly awakened Charade would vanquish anything in his path, anything for his emerald fairy.

Reality warped around Tristram’s illustrious form and moments later, he was standing before the blonde beauty that was Cecilia. How many times had he been in this office? Hundreds, no doubt. There was also the familiar form of Hugo, who he had actually just seen not so long ago in the White Room. How strange it was that he was here too! A new figure was standing in the office, a blonde that Tris had no recollection of. Oh, and then there was… Tris had to think about her name for a moment, but he was certain he had seen her before. She seemed nice, neat, swell! There were numerous words he could use to describe her, but perhaps the best was serpentine. Because she was a snake. Not like a traitorous sort of person though. An actual snake! How cool was that? Tris silently laughed to himself about it before waving at Cecilia. ”Hey, Cecilia. Guess I’m in the tournament now. Pretty cool, right? Also I didn’t get to tell you earlier but those black panties really look good on you.” As if to emphasize his comment, he gave her two thumbs up. Such was his relationship as a pest in Cecilia’s hair.

Mrs. Lovelace furrowed her eyebrows at the former Blink Dog’s banter. This year was impossible. Never in her entire teaching career had the school systems fail this much, all thanks to one ‘princess’ of the Sophomore class. The stress was evident in her facial expression as she examined the newcomer and the other three students sitting behind him. Her nail tapped on her desk as her green orbs scrutinized her students’ physiques. First came Hugo, who was always dreadfully dressed. He went by the alias ‘Slipman’ and loved that ‘rasta’ lifestyle. Then followed a student she hadn’t formally met yet, Cara Reaper. Though she’s been enrolled since the beginning of the school year, she has just made her arrival. Mrs. Lovelace was wondering when she would show up, it seems like the tournament drew her in. For a first year, her newfound reputation was already seen as a hindrance to the older woman. A young girl, who thought she could walk in and out of Mayweather when she pleased. Due to her poor attendance and failing grades, she would have to take a large assessment test to bring her F to a possible C, for all of her classes. Luckily, she was a freshmen so the assessment exam wouldn’t be as demanding. Ananya was excused due to her having to return to her family for a couple of weeks. She was an exceptional student and kept with her studies even while away. The modest and respectful Indian girl was the only one in this room that deserved any of her respect.

In came Tristram Cringe, someone who has always pestered her since day 1, even if his antics changed a year ago, he was still extremely tiresome. Fortunately, he would never be as troublesome as Ms. Vargas. Subtly, she shook her head in disapproval with just the thought of the red haired princess that somehow befriended her youngest daughter. “Sit down, Mr. Cringe. That way of talking is not only disrespectful but can get you written up. I don’t want to waste your time, so keep your talking to a minimum.

Tristram grinned joyfully at Mrs. Lovelace before sitting down right on the floor, his flowing garments sprawling everywhere. ”I don’t really think it matters if you write me up again, Professor. I mean, if you do, it’ll be like… the 447th time? I mean, honestly, I’ve done worse. Remember that time I surprised you in the bathroom? Even you have to laugh at that one.” he bantered, reminiscing on all the times he’d had with the blonde. Yes, she could be an intimidating woman, but truth be told, Tris loved it. Almost as much as he loved Eliana. Piping down for now, he let the woman say what she had to say.

Bringing her left hand to the crease on her forehead, Professor Lovelace was getting to that point in her day when she needed a shot of whiskey. Deciding to ignore the pest on the floor, she looked at the others, her gaze going to Cara first, “Ms. Reaper, you’ve missed a little over a month’s worth of school work. It’s nice to formally meet you, I am Mrs. Lovelace and I will be your Disciplinary & Defense Instructor--

“Sexy title, right? Absolutely scandalous. You can discipline me anyday, Professor.” Tris chided with a chuckle.

With an unfazed expression and a sharp, lethal glare, the professor continued, “I will not question why you decided to show up today, but before you can participate in the tournament I need you to take a SCAR (Superseding Conventional Arrangements and Registration) Screening Saturday to bring up your grades in some way, unless you want to fail out your first semester.” Her attention turned to everyone, “ Ms. Sylvia Vargas decided to place herself in the tournament, which swapped you three in. Though, I just received an email and it seems like one of our students has withdrawn and Mr. Cringe will be taking her place.” Under her breath, she muttered, “Unfortunately.

”It truly is a pleasure, though you may call me Charade. I have no doubt that I will at least come in 5th place. It’s a proper number, I think.” With a flourish of his indigo cloak, the blonde disappeared before reappearing on Cecilia’s desk, standing tall and posing like an 18th century general, one arm in the air and the other clutching a bottle of potent liquor. ”Professor, I think you could use a drink. You certainly look stressed.” Producing two shot glasses from his flowing clothes, he poured the dark liquid into the vessels and turned on his heel toward Cecilia. His glass in the air and his other hand offering her a drink, he gave a bawdy toast, “To good health and a hopefully uncrippled victor. Unless that contestant is already crippled! Then there is nothing we can do. Oh! And to our most bootilicious Professor!”

Well, Mrs. Lovelace had just about enough of this. With a quick snap of her right fingers, the noise resonantly echoed in the room and entered like sound waves to Tristram’s brain. With her emotionless voice, she demanded, “Put the two shot glasses down on my desk and the whiskey, sit beside Ananya and keep your mouth closed.

The eccentric man was hypnotized by Cecilia’s astonishing power, forced to comply with her demands in the order that she announced them. ”Oh, you tease. You know I love a good mind fuck.” he pestered her as he sat the shot glasses down, along with the exquisite bottle of alcohol. His legs seemed to have a mind of their own as they hopped down from her desk and flung himself next to the serpentine woman. Then, like a vice, his mouth was clamped shut, finally letting a calm silence settle on the room. Internally, he was laughing like a madman. He hadn’t had this much fun in ages.

So much time had already been wasted. “My apologies.” Her green orbs met with Ananya's stare and a subtle smile fell on her face, “I do hope your family is alright with your sudden participation in our annual event. I can easily convince the Headmasters to switch you out, if you cannot dedicate your time this year. Think about it and email me your decision within the next day or two, alright?” Oh, this was nice. Silence for once. No interruptions.

Looking over the others, Mrs. Lovelace clasped her hands together and stood silent for a moment before continuing, “Mayweather Sixteen, as most of you already know, is an all day event where you can showcase your skills and be observed by well known faces in the super community. Think of them as potential employers when you graduate. People that can help you get your name out there. I realized I forgot to tell this to the other’s participating, so I will send everyone on the roster an email reiterating all that the tournament encompasses. There will be breaks between battles, every battle will be timed, but you will also be judged. Winner is decided either by your opponent forfeiting or is incapable of fighting. That being said, you won’t be able to surrender until five minutes in. I can’t promise you that you will leave the arena unscathed, but I can say you won’t die.” Going silent for an instant, their professor opened up her desk drawer and took out a metal bracelet and held it up for them to see, “The hyGen Chrome band. This little thing may not seem much but it can read your body pressure, heartbeat, and your capacity to fight. It can even inject a sedative serum if it thinks you’re going too far. When the bracelet blinks red it will inform you that your opponent is reaching their limit and it would behoove you to stop but most students do not, which is where I come in and end the match.” Placing the bracelet back into her desk, she sighed, “This year after you have a one on one fight, the winners from the first 8 battles, will enter a free for all. The winner of that will be this year’s Champion.

Opening up her laptop, she began to write up the email for the participants about everything she went over at both meetings, while adding, “I suggest you study your opponents and talk to people who have been in the tournament before, like our previous winner, Leon Fulton, who can tell you a thing or two about the arena. Do not think your only opponent is the person standing in front of you. Life is never that easy. I will send you four the roster. Before the end of today, please email me three people you would like to face and why." Quickly finishing her email up (those who want to know everything about the tournament read Ceciliaaa!), Cecilia gave her students permission to leave, “One more thing, if you have any questions, email me. Ms. Reaper, I will send you a time and place for your exam this Saturday. Please do show up.” Bringing her head up, she nodded at her students and muttered, “Happy Tuesday.” Snapping once more, she released Tristram from his trance. It was obvious she wanted to be alone so regardless if any of them wanted to chat, they would have to wait another day.

Released from the mental restraints, Tristram was free once more! The prospect of choosing his opponents had him rushing over to Cecilia’s desk. Without even asking permission, he grabbed a pen and a presumably blank piece of paper and began to muse over his choices. After a moment, he had decided and furiously began scribbling down his selections.

1) Eliana Lovelace - Sorry, Professor, but I think she’d be really easy to beat. She’s a freshman and I haven’t heard anything good about her powers. I mean, seriously, this would be over in like… a minute. Really, I’d just want to fight her for the quick win. Also she’s your daughter, so I’m obligated to put her on this list to annoy you. ;)

2) Ananya Sharma - Snake?! SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!

3) Elijah Masterson - I have heard things about this fellow. That he sees the arcane and is something of a pyromancer. Is he good enough to challenge someone with my set of skills though? I’d like to see that for myself. Then again, maybe this is a terrible matchup ‘cause he might accidentally kill himself. He throws a fireball, I reflect it back, and… well… Let’s get out the broom and the dustpan. Actually, you might want to ignore this.

Secret Option 4) Leon Fulton - Seriously, have this guy come out just randomly during a fight. You know, like the WWE champion guys? Then we can fight him for the BELT in a STEEL CAGE MATCH. That would be awesome and I would literally love you forever.

P.S. I already love you forever. You’re the best bae teacher ever.
P.S.S. Seriously, those panties are an A+.
P.S.S.S. Call me, maybe? (414) 701-5632.

Tristram Cringe aka Your Loverboy<333

Finishing his masterpiece, he slid the paper over to her with a gleaming smile. “Don’t think about me too much while you’re alone here in this room. If you need a uh… concubine, you know my number.” With a tantalizing wink, Tris blew the lovely cougar a kiss before he strode out of her room, wiggling his hips like a supermodel all the way out. Oh, Cecilia! You’re breaking my heart! You’re shaking my confidence daily! That old Simon and Garfunkel song reverberated throughout his head as he sauntered back into the hallway. By all accounts, this meeting had gone splendidly. In fact, he would say it was probably the best meeting ever. But what new adventures awaited him next?!

Looking down at the piece of paper, which so happened to be one of her evaluations for a student, Kayla Styles to be exact, she uttered, “That’s rather unfortunate.” When the door closed and she was finally in blissful solitude, she grabbed her phone off her desk and quickly messaged her eldest daughter back.

To: Eliana
Alright. We’ll talk tomorrow. Relax for today. If you are good this week, I’ll give your card back.

From the stress that Tristram bestowed upon her to Jenna informing her Eliana hasn’t been herself lately, Cecilia tried to be more kind than Eliana would be use to. Elijah was right, she needed to trust her daughter more, but when you hear so much going around on campus, which so happens to involve her daughter, of course, a mother would worry.

To: Farweight, Lucas
Subject: Requesting a Meeting
Date: Oct 11, 2016 4:20 PM EST

Hello Lucas,

I would like to set a time for us to discuss certain matters. It doesn’t have to be today, since I’m sure you’ve had just as long of a day as me. However, I will be in my office for another thirty minutes, if you are able to. If you do choose to come after your talk with Leon Fulton, please forgive me if I’m not as professional… It’s just one of those days. My block period this week is from 11 AM to 12:45 PM or you can see me after 3 PM tomorrow. Your choice.


Mrs. Cecilia Lovelace
Disciplinary & Defense Instructor
Control Room Supervisor

After sending the email, Mrs. Lovelace reached for not the shot glasses, but the entire whiskey bottle and took a light swig. She needed to further discuss with Lucas of his experience last week in the red level stimulation room but also talk about the rumors she’s been hearing about him and her daughter. Teachers and mothers had imperfections. Mrs. Lovelace was no exception.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lasrever
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

L U C A S, L E O N, & K E A T S

Location; Wesley Cone Building
Interacting with; Each other @Lasrever@Legion02@Viciousmarrow
Concerned → Serious → Annoyed → Stressed
Dangerously happy → Observant → Angry → Pissed off → Disbelief → Fed up → Done → Tense
Hostile/Arrogant → Worried → Angry → Guilty → Conflicted

Keats' outburst caused a hulking middle aged man to storm out of his office, directly across from Leon's. By the looks of it, he was none to happy with the loud rap of the boy's fist against the counter. This was Officer Ashley "Breaker" Hinderson, though no one dared make fun of the behemoth of a man's first name. His alias didn't come from his large stature or his immense strength, it came from the fact that he could literally break one's bones with a mere thought. Osteokinesis, some might call it. He functioned as the leading Officer on campus and dealt with the crimes that were otherwise too senstive for the Wardens. "You use the bell, not your fist when you come into my building." he seethed toward Keats in an ominous tone. Jay, who was supposedly the only Warden in sight, seemed completely terrified of Officer Hinderson.

Leon hurried out of his office when he heard the commotion outside, and at the sight of Lucas Farweight and Samuel Keats, he could only shake his head and sigh. Not even a minute in, and one of them was already causing problems, as if they didn't realize they were in the central hub for all of the Security Officers on campus, not just the Warden's domain. He had hoped this would be a civil affair, but this seemed like a lost cause already. No doubt they'd be more inclined to fight him then to listen and accept the responsibility for their actions. Such was the mentality of youth, he supposed. "Mr. Farweight. Mr. Keats. In my office." he calmly spoke before retreating back to his desk. Officer Hinderson followed him in. "This is the vandalism case, isn't it?" the giant asked his underling. The Warden gave a nod in reply. "I'll be monitoring the situation then. I don't like the idea of leaving them alone with you." With that, Breaker leaned up against the wall, coldly watching the duo of miscreants with his beady eyes. Leon wasn't going to argue with him, even though he hadn't been alone in the first place. There was at least one other Warden in the office, unseen as he was.

Lucas had come in right after Keats. The kid had a literal skip in his steps, flaunting and spinning his phone. He loved doing that at the Wardens’ office. The amount of proof, plans and other things it held could be enough to give him detention for the rest of the year. But they couldn’t take his phone away. So right now it was as if he was holding a treasure map in front of their eyes telling them they can’t ever see it. The fact that the kid had a skip in his steps could only mean he was up to no good or did something bad and was far too happy about it. With a theatrical flair he lightly tapped the bell and beamed a smile. “Lucas Farweight, checking in!” The wardens were a joke to him. A bunch of vigilantes that were somehow allowed to work close with security.

Unlike Keats, Lucas looked far more willing to keep it civil. The wardens might be some justice idiots to Lucas, they had a semblance of authority he preferred to abide to. For now. His ears perched up when he heard the word ‘vandalism’. He could only think of one thing: the room raiding. How did they catch him? There were no people in the hallway. Keats and he made sure to look. Suddenly far less at ease and far tenser, Lucas entered Leon’s office and threw himself in the nearby chair. Sitting like he was a bag of potatoes. Still smiling confident. “So yeah. What’s this all about?”

Keats at least looked a little more subdued after Officer Hinderson had started prowling around. His face still betrayed open hostility, but it at least seemed as though he’d have the sense not to try and hurt anyone while the officer was around. Hey, he wasn’t exactly happy about this meeting, but that didn’t make him a complete moron. It was obvious that he didn’t respect Leon, though, as he swaggered into the office like he owned the place. His expression was that of someone who knew he’d done something wrong, and didn’t give a rat’s ass what anyone had to say about it.

To his credit, he managed to keep that particular shit-eating grin on his face even when he heard the officer's mention of vandalism, although his eyes showed a brief flash of worry. All of a sudden, he was a lot less confident that he could play it off. He sat himself down in the chair, stretching and leaning back as much as he dared with Hinderson present, and spoke. "Seriously, why’re we here anyways? Because whatever it is, I plead the fifth.”

Leon rubbed his hands together, glaring at the two boys as if he had caught quite a haul. They apparently had no idea what they were being brought in for, or at least they were trying very hard to feign ignorance over the issue. "Oh, I’m sure you two know exactly what happened last week. Vandalism, breaking and entering… I’m not sure what drugs you guys were on, but damn, did you raise some hell while I was gone.” he exclaimed to them. He felt a little unprofessional without the shirt he’d given Gianna, but nonetheless he had to make due until he could change. Behind him, the surveillance monitors flashed, and he gestured toward them, knowing they’d infer they had footage of their little adventure. ”I guess you guys didn’t care to look for cameras while you were raiding the building. Caused a bit of mayhem with a high price tag.” He swiveled his chair to face the monitors and several of the screens began playing a variety of scenes, starting with where they broke into Eliana’s room. "You two are up shit creek without a paddle. In fact, the Headmasters are very seriously considering expelling the two of you. I, personally, think that’s a bit harsh, considering you two are still getting adjusted to life here at Mayweather.”

Lucas looked at the images with a focus one would not expect from someone who was on the tapes. He didn’t really look for what he did or did not do. He looked for the angles. Where were those cams? If Leon thought he’d get Lucas twice on tape, he was horrible mistaking. After a moment of observing, feeling confident he knew where to look, he eased back into his chair. Internally he was debating whether or not to fight Leon on the subject. The evidence was hard enough and the results could be tied with them. Leon already told them he was pleading for something less than expulsion. So Lucas decided not to go up against the Warden. “Guess detention is fair. I suggest you take that up with Mrs. Lovelace.” He said. Trying to make clear he would accept a punishment but not one handed out by Leon. He very much doubted his own Headmaster would expel them for such a harmless prank. He did take note that Leon had access to cam imagery too. Maybe a more ‘mature’, politically charged article on the Delphina Times would rouse half the student body about a very peculiar privacy problem.

But Lucas wasn’t happy. In fact, he was pretty inclined to leave. Because he felt something boiling inside. He looked at Leon, then the screens and then at the officer in the office. He would have to be excused to leave now. And if he opened his mouth it wouldn’t be to ask for it. So he suddenly raised himself up and went to sit straight in his chair. Instantly looking more serious. “You know, Leon.” He began. Making clear something was irking him. “What I don’t get is that you called only Delphina students. Want me to sum up what shit Sam has pulled the last few days? Oh and what about my room?” he pointed at Keats and him now. “We just removed screws and put a knot in some clothes.” He didn’t feel he should fight Leon on this point. “But my door was… well… literally broken. My trousers were flushed. Again, literally. Oh, I bet you saw the pics of my mattress in the fountain. And I’m guessing that the fact that my laptop battery vanished is just ‘circumstantial’.” With every sentence his tone became ever more salty. “Tell me Leon, will you investigate that shit too. Or, because it were Mayweathers who did it, are you just going to let it pass?” his words were sharp. And he looked leered at Leon with a less than happy gaze.

Keats said nothing about the accusations themselves. Negotiating that kind of stuff was more up Luke’s street than his, anyway. The fact that he hadn’t heard about the cameras pissed him off, sure, but it wasn’t like there was anything he could do about it now. The only thing that seemed to have changed with him was the disappearance of his grin, replaced with a slightly resigned expression. There really wasn’t any way for them to get out of this scot-free, far as he could tell.

When Lucas started his rant, though, Keats found himself nodding in agreement. The guy had a point, as always. Admittedly, Keats didn’t tend to think too hard about whatever Lucas said, but even if he had he would’ve found himself agreeing. Even putting his own biases aside, there was no way that there should only have been Delphina students called in here.

If he wasn’t still a little scared of the giant in the back of the room, Keats would have leapt out of his chair to shout at Leon. As it was, he was basically snarling when he backed up his friend’s argument. ”Speaking of that kind of stuff, how about Sparky?” he growled, referring to Avalon. ”Came over to my room and threatened to zap me right after this went down. Sure, I messed up her stuff, but she threatened to assault me – besides the fact that she had no way of knowing for sure I even did it in the first place.”

The Warden almost laughed at Lucas’s mention of his simple punishment. No, he had a bit more in mind, considering the severity of the crimes. “Detention? Well, yeah, that and both of you are going to issue a public apology to everyone whose room you broke into. Your parents are probably going to be footing the bill for the damages too.” Leon calmly informed the two of his plan to talk down the Headmasters’ current mindset although he still had the possibility of reinforcing their decision if they didn’t work with him. After all, the Headmasters were much more likely to listen to him than the delinquents before him. Rubbing his temple, the Chief could feel the stress building up on him as Lucas and Keats kept on and on, bringing up more problems for him to worry about. Apparently, the school had been busy since he’d been gone on vacation.

“I didn’t know Sam or Avalon had done anything wrong since I just got back today. Still shuffling through all the reports and videos, you know? I’m willing to investigate anyone that has trampled over the rules though. My intent isn’t to bring attention just to Delphina students. It’s just you two were much more obvious. And that’s really the biggest difference: you two got caught. As for Elijah and Gianna, their thing was a whole different matter.” He honed in on the facts, subtly breaking it to them they had just been stupid and reckless whereas the others had been smarter about their decision. True to his word, Leon would be investigating these other accusations, though he would need time. He doubted he could get to it all, but he sure would try. On the matter of his own room, Leon’s visage lit up with curiosity. That, in particular, had infuriated him since one of their nice HD cameras were now caput. Whoever did that was definitely going to have to cough up some dough. "And, you know, I was actually going to ask you about your room. At first, I thought you two had broken into your own room, but that didn’t really make sense on account of the camera in that hallway was broken. Whoever messed up your stuff was a little more cautious, something uncharacteristic of the rampage you two went on. Any enemies you might have though? I’ll look into it.”

An apology? A public apology? This guy had to be kidding. What was this!? Middle school? Where you were forced to sit down with the other guy and say sorry? Nobody wins from that! Nobody gets better from it. Lucas leaned in on Leon’s desk. “Listen, Leon. Let’s be serious here for a second. You and me both know that public apology thing is bullshit. I’m not feeling sorry for what I’ve done. The most anyone is going to get from me is some half-hearted ‘sorry’. This isn’t elementary. Shit happened, people moved on.” He leaned back into his chair, getting a little more comfortable. “Just give me detention and some manual labor punishment for around the school. At the very least then I’m doing something useful. Because that apology will just be words and wind.” No, Lucas would not going to apologize for what he did. Nor would he feel bad for it. To him it was but a harmless prank. His parents would have to pay a few locks and get mad at him for it. But he could take that.

Lucas couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Leon didn’t know what shit Avalon and Sam pulled but he caught them on video!? Bullshit. “We… were the obvious ones?” Lucas said in disbelief. “So you’re telling me that…” For a second Lucas had to stifle a giggle. The entire situation was getting absolutely ridiculous. “Okay. Okay I’ll tell you what happened.” But he first turned to Keats. “Fill me in on what I missed, will you? I wasn’t there the entire night.” He said to his friend, after which he turned back to the warden with a face full of glee. “Okay so where to start? Oh yeah, Sam hosting an entire freaking party on top of the dorm building! You bet there was alcohol. And you bet quite a few freshmen and sophomores got drunk. Oh, damn. Nearly forgot. It was heroes only. Still, was quite a fun party.” Why did Lucas admit attendance? Because everyone was there. Leon could hardly punish the whole school, now could he? He eased back in his chair, feeling pretty well done with rant. But then he remembered Delphina Times and jumped straight up again. “Ah! Nearly forgot! Sam attacked Gianna. With her powers. So euhm. That comes down to: Hosting an unsanctioned event on school ground, discrimination between students, giving alcohol to minors, assault and abuse of power.” His face lit up with a wicked but viciously angry grin as he eased back into his chair. “Yet, here we are. Two guys pulling a prank. But you missed an entire party hosted right under your nose and you needed a Delphina student to tell you it happened.” No, Lucas was less than amused about Leon’s definition of justice. How could he miss the few hundred drunk semi-adults suddenly wandering the entire dorm building? To Lucas, it was sheer incompetence.

When Leon asked for his enemies, Lucas took a deep sigh. Was he for real? “Okay so how many stupid questions are going to follow after this one? It’s just, I need to be mentally prepared for this amount of bullshit now.” Lucas was getting unapologetically blunt now. Because he literally was getting tired of Leon. “You know what I do. Hell, you got my file. Read it before you ask questions! I play with Gianna on the schoolyard. So yeah, I got plenty of enemies!” His rant was becoming a toxic combination of sarcasm and feigned childishness. He was becoming more annoyed by the second. Every second wasted here was a second he could use to train or track down everyone’s powers. Yet here was, listening to an incompetent vigilante that was clearly biased. Lucas very much doubted Leon would look into the issue that much. Actually, he might, just to congratulate whatever fucker ruined his room.

Keats looked like he couldn’t believe his ears at this point. The guy was actually gonna go ahead and pretend he wasn’t biased, then say that kind of shit? ”Not going after Delphina my ass, Leon! Are you seriously pretending you don’t want to pin everything on our school? Bullshit!”

His hands tightened into fists. ”You said it yourself, right? Luke’s room got broken into, and the first thought in your empty fucking skull was to blame us!” Keats paused, taking a moment to try and calm himself down. When he next spoke, his voice was filled with cold, controlled anger. ”And the only reason you dropped that was because there was no camera footage, despite the pretty crucial fact that it was his own room. Don’t sit there and pretend you’re not biased against us.”

Turning his head to look at Lucas, Keats seemed at least a little more in control after his outburst. ”As for the party, I couldn’t tell you much more than you already got. I wasn’t there wherever all the drama went down,” he spoke without looking at Leon or the officer, ”But I don’t see how anyone couldn’t have noticed. I only went in at all because I couldn’t get sleep thanks to the thing. It was really difficult to miss.” The last comment was accompanied by a look of exaggerated sincerity, matched by his tone of voice as he continued, ”Really raises some questions about the integrity of our campus security, if you ask me. I’d hate to think that people were abusing their power to let their buddies off the hook.”

These two were really fighting for a leg to stand on, even going so far as to mention an event that Leon had no idea about. There was no way in hell that was going to remove the “public apology” clause now, no matter how much Lucas pleaded. The fact that he even brought the punishment into question showed the boy couldn’t stand the thought of it. And they kept mentioning bias. Why did they think he had any reason to target Delphina students? Just because he was a student of Mayweather? Though they didn’t know it, they were in presence of another powerful Delphina, who Leon was positive was simmering at their comments. Just when he thought they couldn’t be more stupid… “Apparently you two missed the memo when I said I was not here, so obviously I’m not going to know about that. It’s kind of hard to get the scoop when I’m all the way in Mississippi. I get that you're salty as hell, but you're acting like my little brother when he doesn't get his way. Sorry I ain’t got eyes in the back of my skull.” His patience was being tried and it certainly bled into his voice. However, he did have semblance of who might know something about this party. Or rather, a couple of brothers who might. Ignoring the hot air that came from Lucas and Keats, his dark eyes diverted upward. ”Subterfuge, go get Jay and Lou.” he barked. From the ceiling, something unseen dropped onto the Chief’s desk.

As if a cloak of invisibility was removed, a tall brazen man with long dark hair and perfectly etched facial hair revealed himself. This was Valentin “Subterfuge” Apostol, the first Delphina student to be indicted into the Wardens, though certainly not the last. As befitting of his name, he was rarely seen and not all of his abilities were accounted for. “You two are irresponsible prats who shame the great name of Delphina. Like a wounded animal, you lash out when you know you are defeated rather than die with honor. Pathetic, mewling kittens.” Valentin spoke harshly with a heavy Eastern European accent, great pride swelling within him when he mentioned his school. "Do you think you know everything, little kittens? What about the case of Rita Umbra, a Delphina who was nearly tortured to death by a Mayweather? Leon and I saved her and, together, we caught the perpetrator. In fact, it was Leon who pushed for the harshest sentence available. The worst part? Rita, a Delphina, was one of Leon's best friends. He'd go out of his way for anyone that needed it, no matter their allegiance. So do not dare call him biased, you impetulant fools." His eyes, empty like the void, downcast on them with disgust. "Leon's relationship with our poor Rita is much like Eliana Lovelace's relationship with Mitchell Danford. Do you understand that not everyone simply judges based on alignment? Or will you continue to live in your own sad, ignorant bubble?" The Senior questioned the two of them, hoping they would get it through those thick skulls of theirs. Some could say Subterfuge was a bit of a fanatic when it came to Headmaster Logan Danford and the past Headmasters of Delphina, but he was nonetheless a great asset to the Wardens. Unlike Keats and Lucas, he was understanding, and at least they knew where his loyalties lay.

Valentin’s visage distorted and his entire silhouette followed suit in a strange, glitchy pattern as he vanished from sight once more. Their whole bias angle was looking a lot more farfetched now, considering Valentin was more or less everything that embodied Delphina and Leon obviously trusted his life with him. The Chief didn’t make any moves to rub salt in that wound though. He was bigger than whatever games Lucas and Keats were trying to play. Not a moment later, Subterfuge was back with the Dewey brothers, both bound with sinister, eldritch bindings. Apparently the dark and mysterious man had decided to go the easy route and just kidnap the brothers… They both looked terrified, struggling against the coils that kept them from moving. “Jay. Lou. What the hell do you guys know about Sam’s party? Apparently I was kept out of the dark.”

Louis Dewey apologetically bowed, "I put the report in yesterday... it was vacation, Leon. I know, I know we're suppose to report these things near immediately but I have a lot on my plate being the Vice President and all. I would give it to Jay but..." As much as Leon wanted a perfect Warden staff, that was hardly plausible since they all were still college students, but that doesn't mean the Dewey boys were complete bitch boys to Sam. When it came to their duties, they never failed to do them, even if it wasn't in a timely manner. Why blame them? It was October vacation, who in their bright mind does work during vacation? Things were meant to be saved for the last day, like homework.

The youngest Dewey, who although was book smart, wasn't the most clever, looked down at his shoes in shame and muttered, "I had to leave for the MAA conference because the Algorithm Olympics is just around the corner." The only reason why Jay was in the Wardens was because he and his brother were a package deal when it came to their possible use of their abilities. His priorities were more toward his passion than anything else.

The eldest Dewey stepped in front of his brother in a protective manner, "I'll take the full blame on this one since I was still on campus. I should have just given you a call. If Valentin unshackles me, I can get you the report." There was no doubt that the Dewey brothers were still very much college students, hence why they didn't guard the door at the party for as long as Samantha and Avalon wanted them to.

Leon was shaking his head. He liked having Lou on his roster, but Jay? The boy was damn near worthless when it came to important matters. There was a reason the only duty he had was to watch the counter. "God damn, you two are stupid as hell. You have one fucking job, and you two have been part of the Wardens for a good while now. I expect a lot more. Valentin just god damn joined a couple months ago and he's already doing a hell of a lot more than you two. I bet Kayla Styles, who just joined today, is doing a better job too. You guys are in some real hot water now. One more fuck up like this and you're out." he angrily reprimanded the brothers before giving Valentin the signal to let them go. "And here I was hoping to crush the buffoons to death..." Leon shot Subterfuge a glare before letting Lou do whatever he needed to do.

Sighing to himself, Lou wondered why did he accept this position anyways? Oh, yeah. Mrs. Dunn wanted someone in the council to be actively involved in the Wardens' endeavors. Did Leon not understand that his job was ten times worse than his? Where Leon was the police, Louis was the government of the school trying to appease the wants of both Mayweather and Delphina minds alike, all the while regulating everything that happened on school grounds. That included the establishment of the Wardens. If Lou didn't agree with what the Wardens were accomplishing, he could request to shut them down, but he wasn't that stupid. The Wardens were nearly as important as the Student Council because of how much they helped with monitoring student activity. Fulton was an exceptional man and a better leader. His main problem was he didn't understand more than half of the student body thought like the Dewey brothers did. Everyone was still in college, after all. At the end of the day, Louis was to report to Winona, not Leon. Going to the hanging file system by Leon's door, Lou grabbed a stack of papers and began to rummage through them to find the report on the party.

"Well there you have it, boys. I'll be investigating this matter with Sam and Avalon. In the meantime, you can leave. You have an appointment with the Headmasters at 8:30 tomorrow morning. Put your best clothes on and don't get into anymore trouble. Otherwise, anything I say to them will be completely moot, which would just be bad news bears for you." Leon expressed diligently, gesturing behind them. Officer Hinderson opened the door for them and waited for the two kids to file out, while Valentin silently stood there with his arms crossed, leering daggers at Jay. Man, today was just one of those damned days, Leon thought to himself, contemplating on everything he had to get through by the end of the day. What a god damn mess.

Lucas sat rather defiantly eying the supposed ‘Delphina’ student. To Lucas he was nothing but a traitor. Someone now licking Delphina’s boots. A Delphina got tortured nearly to death? Well that was news. And also a terrible mistake coming from Valentin. “I hope the fucker got killed instead.” He spat. One thing nobody could disagree on was that Lucas loved his fellow Delphina students by default. Of course, there were idiots who went up against him. Or traitors like Valentin. But if you haven’t given him a reason to dislike you, he’ll defend you without even knowing you. So when he heard about this Rita person, he was definitely pissed off. Not at Leon, though he’d definitely wouldn’t thank him. But at himself and the person who harmed a Delphina and could make that fact slip his own nets. For whomever tortured Rita’s sake, he hoped the Mayweather kid was already expelled or it would get messy.

But Lucas got visibly shocked when Valentin mentioned Mitch and Eliana’s relation. This was… More than news! He suddenly looked like a slapped puppy. As if not a bombshell, but a nuke, got dropped straight on top of him. For a second he couldn’t process the information. Mitch!? His Mitch? His mate? Knew his arch-enemy? Knew her well!? His first reaction was grabbing his phone. But he kept himself under control. Just for now. Suddenly the punishments didn’t matter. Hell, Leon didn’t matter! Lucas got visibly anxious. The punishments didn’t faze him, nor Leon’s lack of patience in his voice. But something had, would Leon realize what it was?

He couldn’t even feel satisfied that the Dewey brothers got into trouble over the party. What did it matter!? When Leon said they could go, Lucas jumped out of his chair and sped outside. Barely hearing he had a meeting with the headmasters tomorrow. Great, even more stuff to attend. The day after a Delirium party! Well, hangover cures would have to be looked up. Because he wasn’t about to miss the greatest party of the month. Still, at the same rate he now had to think about how he would defend himself against the headmasters. Did he believe he should be punished? Sure. He got caught. He’d accept any form of detention, or having to help out around the school after hours. But the apology wouldn’t float. Not with him. If they forced him, he’d do it so half-hearty that it could be perceived more as an insult than an apology.

Upon getting outside he grabbed his phone and called Gianna. Texting would go too slow. Sadly, it went straight to voicemail:
Gianna, I- We got shit. We got some deep shit. Do me a favor. Look up Rita Umbra. She’s Delphina. Some shit went down with her. Wardens claim to have settled it. Probably not well enough. Also, blacklist Apostol. Asshole works for the Wardens. Oh and Mitch.. Fuck Mitch is… Ugh fuck, I can’t do this in a voicemail. Call me when you get this. Oh shit! Nearly forgot. Tonight you gotta tell me everything about the headmasters! K, bye!

His voice was more serious than ever. He straight up skipped the playful talks and went straight to business. Which was already odd for him. The information provided, well Lucas wasn’t sure how much Gianna already knew. Probably about Apostol. Though he had his doubts about the Umbra situation. Now the Wardens would probably have suspended the Mayweather student and thought it was done. But that’s not how villains handled things, according to Lucas. He had to send a message. He had to show the school that to screw with Delphina was screw with him. And nobody screwed with him and got away with it.

Next up was a text towards Mitch. It didn’t add up. If Mitch knew Eliana, he would have told Lucas. Why didn’t he say anything!? If it was to protect her, then he clearly failed at it. Lucas had become her bane. What was his friend up to?
To: Mitch
We gotta talk. For real. Idc where you are, meet me at the stump.

Lucas had more stashes than one. The stump was a place in the forest where he kept some other liquor hiding in a broken tree. Mitch and he would sometimes head out there, just to be away from it all. Though most of the time they’d hit the Big Apple. Lucas went straight towards the forest. While reading Mrs. Lovelace’s mail. It came over as a bit of a surprise. “It’s just one of those days.” She wasn’t kidding. Lucas was feeling more drained by the minute. The day had started out so good. With a Delerium night at the horizon. Yet here he stood. Feeling rather exhausted after the verbal fencing with Leon. He wouldn’t win from the Warden. He kept too tight to his own rule book. But maybe that could be used against him? Worries for later, for now, he had to work out different problems.

To: Lovelace, Cecilia
Subject: RE: Requesting a Meeting
Date: Oct 11, 2016 4:52 PM EST
Dear Mrs. Lovelace

With your permission, I’d come over for your meeting at 11AM tomorrow. Today seems to have taken quite a toll on me and I’m afraid I have different plans I am obligated to attend to.

Lucas Farweight.

And another meeting tomorrow. Fate really just couldn’t leave him alone, could it? He needed a drink. Just to feel his muscle tension lesson.

Keats actually looked kind of sorry about what he’d said to Leon after Valentin’s lecture, looking down at the ground and avoiding any sort of eye contact. Hey, he hadn’t known about any of that stuff! He was just thinking based off of most of the other Mayweathers he’d had to deal with since the year started. That and the fire, which one of them had to be responsible for. Still, he didn’t have any comeback to Valentin’s lecture, except to stay silent, and nod when they told him to leave.

As he walked out of the office, Keats looked conflicted and frustrated. It wasn’t like he wanted to sit there and fight people all the time, believe it or not. Honestly, Keats liked a bit of peace and quiet now and again, but there was so much fighting and drama in the school nowadays that you just couldn’t get any rest. He had to keep face – he was always seen as the second-best sibling anyway, and if he didn’t even stand up for his school, what good was he to anyone then?

But at the same time, he was tired of it. Tired of the drama, the infighting, the whole damn feud. For all his blustering and anti-Mayweather speak, it wasn’t like he was getting anywhere. Looking for someone to blame the whole time was starting to wear him down. Maybe it really was time to bury the hatchet.

No, what the hell was he thinking? He was a Delphina, not some whiny little hero kid who couldn’t deal with other people being upset! There wasn’t any point thinking about this stuff. It wasn’t as though he could dig any deeper than he already had about the case. Other information had to be out there, but none of the staff or security would trust him enough to say anything. Unless he did something to change that – no. No, he didn’t have to. He could stand on his own, figure things out on his own.

As he exited the building, it took a lot of self-control for Keats not to punch something. The meeting wasn’t even what was getting to him, not really. It was the fact that he was still letting himself be conflicted over what he was doing, feeling bad about it. He didn’t know why he couldn’t just suck it up and move on.

Hopefully he’d have sorted himself out before meeting the Headmasters in the morning. It wasn’t like any of that stuff actually mattered that much to him, right? He was a villain, he didn’t have to care about people getting hurt, or worry about doing the right thing. That wasn’t his job.

Sometimes Keats just really wanted to stop thinking.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cara Reaper

Location: Mrs. Lovelace’s Office
Interacting with: N/A
Mood: Bored - Shocked - Happy - Bubbly - Unsure - Angry - Disoriented - Happy

Cara entered the room to the Mrs. Lovelace's office, not exactly sure what to expect from the professor. Maybe some tights, certainly a cape. She was afterall, a superhero. Why couldn't the villain academy just not burn down. It would have made everything so much easier. Instead, Cara was rather disappointed by a normal office with a boring lady sitting in a chair. Throwing herself into one of the chairs across from Mrs. Lovelace, she threw a leg over the side and waited for the meeting to begin.

Glancing around at the other members of the room she noticed a super rasta reggae man, and an uptight indian woman. Immediately Cara was inclined towards the reggae dude. Besides the fact that he seemed super chill, he probably had some good weed seeing as he looked baked even now. Still Cara didn't say a word. Uncharacteristically for her sure, but she was a woman on a mission. She didn't intend to stay long, she had places to be, people to kill. It wasn't until a man, or maybe a woman she couldn't really tell at first, popped into the room that Cara really sat up to pay attention.

Holy shit. She stared at him openly for a solid minute. Was he a... like her? A large grin started to spread across her face, as she realized the new entry to the room was a teleporter. Giggling, she clasped her hands together, "I like this guy!" Bouncing closer to the edge of her seat she eagerly looked on, waiting to hear what he would say next.

Mrs. Lovelace, or Cecilia, and Mr. Cringe continued to banter back and forth, leaving Cara speechless. Who was this guy? In a way he was like her. In the crazy way, he certainly didn't get her good looks, but he was on a whole nother level. Just minutes into the room she could already feel the tension he brought up with Cecilia.

Cara was gazing so intently at Mr. Cringe that she almost missed Cecilia switching the conversation to her. Snapping her, somehow gaping, jaw shut she turned and tried to pay attention. The tournament sounded promising. She wasn't concerned with passing some stupid 'SCAR' screening. But... the darker side of Cara twisted and shouted from her stomach. Eli was still out there and growing stronger. Trying to shake her head of the thoughts she reasoned he could wait a few more months. It had after all, been years since they'd seen each other. Somedays it made her feel like giving up. Usually beating up someone fixed that feeling though.

While Cara was deep in her thoughts she didn't realize the rest of the meeting pass by. Blinking at the sound of her name, Cara stood up, cover gone for a moment. Quickly reinstating her facade, Cara grinned like the devil and flashed out of the room back into the hall. Time to find her room, meet her roommate. Put the fear of Cara into her. Or maybe meet that Leon, he sounded like villain. Maybe he turned into a blood-thirsty lion, that would be sooooo cool. Clapping her hands she proceeded to skip down the hallway merrily.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Viciousmarrow
Avatar of Viciousmarrow


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Location: Courtyard
Interacting With: With each other @Viciousmarrow@lovely complex and “Bailey, Jay’s Cat”
Time-wise: While Elijah is talking to Leon, before Lucas’ and Keats’ Meeting

Apathetic → Conniving → Kinda sore
Annoyed → Appreciative → Malicious → Enraged → Bothered → Apathetic
| Oufit | Outfit |

Lucas was such a bitch. The whore’s bitch, to be precise. Seriously, it was a wonder anyone even regarded him with any semblance of manliness or respect. He preyed on any weakness he could find, much like a high school drama queen out for vengeance. So petty! It was like he was so fixated on overcompensating for the lack of something, that he didn’t realize how much of an attention-seeking fuck boy he was. It was really pathetic. And annoying. Did he have daddy issues or something? Low self esteem? His compulsive need to ruin people’s days and his feeble attempts to put himself in the spotlight certainly hinted at some kind of mental illness. In fact, Lucas reminded Sylvia disturbingly of a certain dark haired someone she had the displeasure of having to spend every year of her education since preschool with: Sabrina Danford, Mitch’s cousin. That thought alone made her shudder, but she couldn’t lie… The similarity was uncanny.

Frowning profusely, Sylvia needed to get out of here. She just needed a moment to herself, to clean up and look a little more alive, especially since Jenna was going to be here later. As Eliana strode off by herself to the library, she looked over Amelia for a moment, admiring the beautiful woman’s gentle features. If Eliana’s sister hadn’t been in the picture, then Sylvia definitely would have liked to pursue more with the vampiress. “Thanks for everything... It’s hard to find real friends around here.” she expressed in a low tone, a small smile on her lips. As a show of gratitude, her lips pecked at Amelia’s cheek. “Um… I’ve got to be alone for a little while. I just need to think a bit. I’ll see you later though, okay?” She held one of the vampiress’ hands with both of hers, leering affectionately at Amelia, before she sauntered off to the outside world.

As she walked with Bailey, Jay’s cat, resting on her left shoulder, Gianna glanced down at her phone and with swift fingers, typed a blog on Delphina Time’s with Vincent’s old account, Amadeus. Pasting the picture of her wearing Leon’s shirt and the cat purring against her face, in front of his office door (at the top of the blog), she typed a quick description before hitting send. The title of her post read: Chief Warden sure loves his Pussy. She couldn’t help but chuckle at that. If anything, Leon would be annoyed at the stares he got. With her phone in hand, she walked toward the library to meet up with Minako, for some reason or another.

Sylvia’s umber orbs spotted the tramp near immediately in the sunlit courtyard. As if a Mexican Standoff were about to occur, the wind swept up the loose leaves on the ground and spun about like a miniature cyclone to dramatic effect. How perfect. She was wearing Leon’s shirt, no doubt a token for the services she provided him. And… was that a cat? The symbolism couldn’t be more clear there. A malicious grin spread upon the princess’ face as she advanced upon her loathsome foe. “Isn’t it a little early to be whoring yourself off? And here I thought prostitution was a night thing. Then again, you must have to give out free samples, considering no one would pay to sleep with a disease ridden slut like yourself.” Sylvia shot first, her words zinging out to meet Gianna.

The voice of the pathetic little girl known as Sylvia slipped into Gianna’s ears like a high pitched squeak. The worst part was… Sylvia thought she sounded pleasant and intelligent. She was just your stereotypical valley girl ‘like oh my god, really?’ The older woman used her agile hands to subtly press ‘record’ on her phone to collect the sound of her surroundings. After bringing her phone down by her right side, the villainess casually looked up and locked her chocolate orbs with the Princess’ umber gaze. She let the redhead go on her tangent, things that made the sad thing feel better about herself. Yawning and completely uninterested in Sylvia’s words, Gianna shrugged, “Whatever helps you sleep at night, doll.” With her free hand, she grabbed the cat off her shoulder and pretended to talk for the cat, while lifting it slightly in the air, “Oh Gianna. Look, it’s the crybaby. Let’s smile, wave, and act like we care.

The redhead’s left fist clenched as the girl before her mocked her. The fiery flames of passion and hatred roared to life as she focused on this bitch. Oh, Sylvia wanted so bad to knock her out. Slowly, her self-restraint began to wane, the shackles to a more violent Radiance tumbling to the ground. ”At least I have people who care about me. A loving mom, a great dad. What the fuck do you have? Oh, that’s right. Absolutely nothing. Not even a penny to your god damn name. Don’t even begin to think your trashy minions count for anything either.”

Gianna shook her head. Evidently Sylvia’s mother talked too much, but that didn’t matter. The Princess’ words were empty and filled with hot steam. Unfazed and unnerved, a smile curled on the Delphina Sovereign’s face, as she continued to egg her on, “And yet, Vince loved me.

”Apparently not enough to keep himself alive. I don’t blame him though. I probably would have killed myself too if I had to deal with you everyday.” Sylvia batted back. The princess had no remorse or empathy, going straight for the low blows, much like she had with Professor Lovelace earlier. A sadistic sort of expression skewed itself onto her visage, clearly enjoying prodding at Gianna’s dark past.

Words like these should have hurt her, should have made her want to start a fight or cry, but Gianna was passed the point of not caring. She was indifferent with the idiot’s words and the name Vince. “You’re a beautiful person. I’m sure you’re told that every day. It’s not like I have anything to lose, right?” Her voice came off unnervingly calm as she let a brief silence resonate in the air, before chuckling, “Jenna must love this side of you. I sure do.” People always forgot that Gianna was Mrs. Lovelace’s mentee, she knows way more than Sylvia will ever know. It was common knowledge that Sylvia was best friends with the youngest Lovelace girl, but Gianna hoped her positivity would cause the redhead to act on her anger, or perhaps, walk away. It didn’t matter how Sylvia reacted, Gianna was satisfied with the amount of dirt she had on her already. Funny thing is, Psyche hardly did anything. The bimbo put herself in this bottomless pit.

“Don’t bring Jenna into this. Don’t ever speak her name again--”

Or what? You’re gonna hurt me? Gia interjected. Her chocolate orbs were deadly, while her steady tone added, “Hit me with your best shot, sweetheart. Like you pointed out, I have ‘absolutely nothing’.

Twin transcendent wings sprouted from Sylvia’s back as she finally snapped, unleashing the rage she tried so ineffectively to contain. The only thing she wanted to do right now was beat this smug whore’s face in. Who was she to talk down to her, the descendant of American icons, a woman far beyond this lowly peasant? Radiant energy crackled around her hands, and with a thunderous motion, Sylvia slapped the ever living hell out of Gianna. She didn’t care about the repercussions. She just wanted to see this bitch suffer and put her in her place.

Allowing the action to be done, but making sure the cat didn’t get hurt, Gianna held it close to her as a loud ‘slap’ echoed in the courtyard, “That’s going to leave a mark.” and it did, kind of like the time she suckerpunched Elijah. Sighing to herself and still not bothered, Gia wasn’t going to use her powers. She’ll let the scene play out.

”No, this is.” Raising both of her palms to Gianna’s abdomen, dual bursts of light fired at point blank range. Though it was hardly powerful enough to incapacitate the other woman, it would leave a nasty bruise and knock her right on that dainty ass she liked to flaunt so much. Oh, Sylvia was beginning to feel so much better now.

Numb to the pain being dealt to her body, like she had mentally detached herself from this moment, Gianna was pushed backward, releasing the cat from her grasp, holding tight to her phone that was still recording, and falling right on her ass. Someone was going to think she had a kinky sex night if she showed too much skin tonight.

Free from the Queen of Delphina’s clutches, the cat revealed its true form, shifting back into the human shape of Sabrina Danford. She was gasping for breath, apparently being held a little too tight by Gianna. The petite girl, by modern conventions, could be described as attractive though her outfit was much more revealing than Gia’s. Perhaps the most alien feature of hers was a slender black-and-white tail that extended below her knees. ”Ugh I hate the name Bailey… I’m Sabrina, damnit!” she cursed to herself before focusing on the situation at hand. Though winded, Headmaster Danford’s niece quickly rushed to her fallen comrade’s aid. ”Hey, cut this out right now! This has gone way too far, Sylvia!” she called out in that horrible squeaky voice of hers. Hovering over Gianna’s form, she barred the sharp claws that ended at her fingertips in the most menacing way possible, which was to say not menacing at all.

The Princess of Mayweather visibly cringed as “Lynx” unexpectedly entered the fray. Now, under normal circumstances, she probably would have knocked that bitch right out too, but Sabrina was both related to a leading authority and, unfortunately for everyone, a Warden. Attacking her was a surefire way to get expelled from the school. Gritting her teeth, Sylvia had no choice but to cease her assault. Of all people, Sabrina would show up. She was quite possibly the most useless member of the Wardens, having all the abilities of a cat, including nine lives. However, that effectively amounted to nothing compared to most of the other students. It didn’t help that she was known as the school’s other slut. In fact, she was probably worse than Gianna in terms of promiscuity. It was hard to tell who hadn’t screwed the girl, honestly. Not to mention her attention-mongering ways… She always wanted people to tell her she was pretty even though she thought she was ugly, which made no goddamn sense at all to Sylvia.

”I can’t believe you said all those horrible things to my best friend! The poor girl! And then you attack her?! Like, what’s wrong with you?! I’m going to have to take you to the Headmasters right now!” the bubbly Warden called out.

No, no, it’s fine, Beanie.” Gianna picked herself up and rubbed her own ass, all the while smiling at Mitch’s cousin. She kept forgetting Sabrina had the ability to turn into a damn cat. “We can let this go. I’m fine.” She was, even if there was pain throughout most of her body and welts. Bruises were one thing, but Gianna had enough on Sylvia to ruin her happy life.

Both Sylvia and Sabrina had astonished looks on their faces, as if Gia had gone mad or something. There was plenty enough evidence to get the redhead, at the very least, suspended or packed with a hefty amount of detention. “Um, are you sure, Gigi? I mean, like, she’s totally fucked…” If Gianna thought Sylvia was a valley girl, then Sabrina was the avatar of all preppy stereotypes. ‘

Winking at the kitty cat of a girl, Gianna laughed, “I’ve felt worse.” Bringing her attention to her phone, she stopped the recording and uploaded it to the Delphina times. Raw and uncut. No title. Just the sound of Sylvia being a terrible person and the simpleminded Sabrina, appearing like a semi-decent Warden (although she’s the worst one of them all). What a busy day for the Times.

”Oh! I have to tell you all about my new boyfriend! You know, Professor Harrison?! We’re totally doing it!” Sabrina seemed to forget what she was doing at the moment, suddenly fixated on telling Gianna all about her new “partner”. Behind her, Sylvia looked visibly pained by the airhead’s change of subject. “Oh my god…” she muttered to herself.

Bringing her free hand to the brunette’s hair, Gianna gently ruffled it, out of habit, “Oh Sabrina…

“Sylvia Vargas to the Headmasters’ Office immediately.

And here Sylvia had thought she’d gotten away with this. Clicking her tongue, she shook her head and turned away from the duo of harlots. “Saved by the bell.” the princess uttered as she walked toward her requested destination, her vast, ethereal wings dissipating all the while. She could only wonder how little trouble she was about to get in. Worse came to worse, she’d just have to give mommy a call and tell her all about how that awful Gianna started the fight. Sylvia didn’t have a damn thing to worry about, or so she thought.

“Do you need an ice pack or something? Or, like… a good lick down? That might help, yeah?” the cat-girl asked her pal, shaking her head at mean ol’ Sylvia and finally getting back on track. “Or maybe you need a shoulder massage?!” If there was anything Sabrina was, it was dimwitted. It was speculated the only reason the 19 year old managed to get into Delphina was through her uncle. ”Wait, do you know how I can get Leon to notice me? I really like him, but I’m not allowed in his office anymore… Not after last time when I tried to uh… ‘touch’ him.” There she was, getting off on random, non-sequitur tangents again.

So many words for such a tiny girl. Glancing down at her phone and checking the time, Gianna apologized, “I have to be somewhere. Why don’t we chat some other time, yeah? I’ll tell you what really gets him going.

Sabrina’s eyes lit up like a little girl who was getting her one and only wish. ”Would you really, Gigi?! We def need to hang out more!” With that, she planted a full on kiss onto her best friend’s lips before shooing her away. ”I hope you, like… have a good time and stuff wherever you go.”

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SkeankySnack
Avatar of SkeankySnack

SkeankySnack Uncle Dr. Beast

Member Seen 5 days ago

Revelations 2

Kayla & Minako

Location: Private study room
Interacting with: Each other @BeastofDestiny, @Thundercrash, Amy Stevenson via text (@Lasrever)
Excited → Embarrassed → Confused/Concerned → Fearful → Angry → Fearful/Irrational → Authoritative → Reasoning → Understanding → Exhausted
Happy/anxious → Afraid → Distraught → Desperate → Afraid → Crushed → Grateful → Upset → Tired


I’ll meet you in one of the private study rooms in the library. Room C.

Kayla entered the library after reading Minako’s text message, briefly stumbling into Amy and greeting the young woman. She seemed only slightly more off than how she normally was, but perhaps Kayla was being a bit too judgmental, for now, she had to see Minako, after all the two of them were about to share news with one another. Come to think of it, perhaps it was something she should have mentioned to Amy and yet...she really wanted to tell Minako first. Finding the rather simple looking study she knocked on the door before entering greeting her good friend.

“Hey Minako! I can’t believe what I’m about to…” She paused a moment and flushed deciding, ”Actually you were the one who wanted to tell me something first, I’ll tell you my news afterwards.” She said, nervously shifting her weight from foot to foot, ”What was it you wanted to tell me anyway?”

Minako looked up when Kayla entered, and smiled happily as she rose to give her a hug. ”Wow, this is a change from the meeting.” She guided her to the table, her hand lingering on Kayla’s wrist. ”It… can wait. I want to know what put this big smile on your face. Are you sure you’re the same girl I saw?” It was half-true; she was genuinely curious. In the week and a half that she had known her, Minako had gotten the impression that her friend wasn’t often this visibly happy. She was very pretty when she smiled, and Minako didn’t want to spoil it so soon by revealing what her father had done.

Kayla should have registered the pause in Minako’s tone and yet she was far too excited to. Pulling the envelope from her backpack she handed it to Minako. Try as she might she couldn’t contain the growing grin on her face, even as she tried to bite her lip to stop it. ”I was invited to become a Warden, and I accepted.”

Frowning, but unable to suppress her smile in the face of such enthusiasm, Minako opened the envelope and unfolded the contents. ”Um, congratulations? I’m sorry, I’m just not sure of the significance of this. Who are the Wardens?”

”I-I’m sorry, I forgot,” Kayla blushed with embarrassment, ”You’ve only just transferred here so..um, The Wardens are like the peacekeepers of the school. If there’s an issue between students on campus or some kind of trouble arises, they’re usually the ones who help put a stop to it.” Perhaps that was a bit of an overstatement, but she always had an admiration for the group, even if most people believed them to be students with a power complex. She’d never once witnessed the group go beyond their authority or use it for personal gain, in other words, she felt like they were true heroes.

An uncomfortable silence stretched over the room, and the more Minako read and listened, the more ashen her face became. Oh, no. If her understanding of the situation was correct, then the Warden’s were essentially a group responsible for keeping order at the school, enforcing its rules and reporting what they found to the Headmasters. A group that likely would not be happy to know that her father had done an investigation of questionable legality into several students, the results of which Minako now possessed. A group whom her best friend was now a part of.

”Minako? What’s wrong?” A confused look spread across Kayla’s face, why all of a sudden was her friend so...pale? Did she do something wrong? Had something happened? The confusion only continued to spread until it dawned on her that...maybe Minako was in trouble? And Kayla was suddenly an enforcer of that trouble.. ”Minako...what did you do?”

Still, Minako remained silent, and she gently laid down the invitation on the table, her head bowed. This made things much, much more complicated. Father, why have you put me in this position? If she told her friend about what had happened, then she would undoubtedly be compelled to inform the Headmasters. Even now, she suspected that something was wrong. On the other hand, if Minako didn’t answer, then she would never be able to look her friend in the eye. Figuratively, of course, she couldn’t do that anyways, but in essence, that would be the result. It would linger in the back of her mind, tainting her every word with deception. Worse, if Kayla ever found out about it through some other means, as unlikely as that was, then it would destroy any trust that she would have in her.

Her gaze raised to the ceiling. What am I supposed to do, Otoosan? Even as she raised the question in her mind, she knew the answer. Her decision had been made already, to back out of it would be far worse than what the Headmasters would do. ”Gomen’nasai, Kayla. I… hope you can forgive me.” Without another word, she opened the document, and swivelled her laptop.

Kayla read the documentation that was before her and as she did so her face paled. It was...about her...not just little snippets, but everything from who she was, to where she lived, to what she wanted to do. It wasn’t just about her either, it was about her family, her brother, mother...father. As soon as she saw his name she slammed the laptop shut, her hand trembling. Every intimate secret was laid bare before her friend, oh god...what if dad found out? Kayla knew her father worked for the government, knew that his line of work in particular was extremely secretive, Kayla didn’t know what went on, what was going on with his life, but now Minako did? If her dad ever did find out about this. ”How...how did you get this?”

”My father sent it to me last night.” Minako’s voice was dull and flat, almost dead of emotion. She slowly raised her head, eyes glistening slightly, and laid out everything: how she came to get her powers, the agreement that she had with her father, all of it. “I… I swear, Kayla, I didn’t know. If I had, I would’ve…” Her breath caught in her throat. She would have what, told him not to? As if he would have listened. No, this would have happened regardless of what Minako had said if she had known before hand. Her father had made that perfectly clear. ”I had to tell you. This… I couldn’t keep this from you. You’re… you are one of the first friends I’ve ever made. And… if that has changed now, if you do what you need to do, I will understand.” Taking a shaky breath, she bowed her head again.

H...her father? How, how could… Suddenly her trembling hand was not that of fear, but of anger and she slammed her fist onto the table. ”Damn it, how could he do this to you? Your own father?!” Kayla wasn’t mad at Minako, far from it, though that could be interpreted in anyway by her friend. Not only had her father brought Kayla’s family into this, but even she knew that Minako had met others throughout her short time here. There had to be other families, she was at least sure that Amy’s was one of them, but who else could be on that list?

Minako flinched when Kayla struck the table, but otherwise was unmoved. Her friend was right to be angry. ”He wanted me to make sure I was making informed decisions about who I was associating with. Information is… very valuable in my family.” she answered. ”I doubt that he will investigate farther than what is in there right now unless I asked, which I will not. Though I realize that doesn’t make this any better.” Sighing heavily, she gestured to her laptop. ”You deserve to know all of it.”

A sudden realization dawned on Kayla; she had a duty to fulfill. As a Warden, it was Kayla’s job to bring such information to the headmasters attention, specifically Leon’s first. But could she do that? Even to her own friend? Like Minako said, her father was the one who sent this information in the first place..Kayla was determined to help her. Grabbing her friend by the shoulders she said, ”Minako, you have to delete those files.”

Blinking, Minako looked up. ”What?”

”What this is,” she started, pointing at the laptop, ”Is a huge breach of personal privacy. I know you’re not the one who intended for this to happen, but it happened and now you have it, your stupid, stupid dad, just landed you in a lot of trouble….but I don’t want to get you in trouble…” Kayla looked down, her hands gripping tighter onto Minako, ”So I’m asking you...begging you...delete every single one of those files or else….” She couldn’t even finish the words.

The Japanese freshman began looking increasingly agitated. ”I understand that, Kayla, I do. That’s why I am telling you this, but… do you mean, right now?” She clutched at her skirt. This was not how she was expecting these meetings to go at all, but surely Kayla wasn’t expecting her to hide this from the others?

Kayla looked back up almost bewildered at the question, ”Yes! Right now!” she exasperated. What was Minako even thinking asking that? Was she begging to be in more trouble than she already was? Was she going to tell everyone that she had this information? The sooner Minako got rid of it, the better it would turn out in the long run. ”Minako, you can’t tell anyone else about this, you have to get rid of it!”

”Kayla,” Minako’s eyes flicked between her friend and her laptop, looking aghast, ”I swear to you that I will delete it, but, I have to tell Eliana and Gianna. I can’t keep this from them, anymore than I could have kept this from you or Amy. You don’t know how much it means to me that you are giving me this chance, but I can’t keep this from them! I can’t lie to them and still consider myself an honourable friend.” She stood up, wrapping her arms tightly around herself as she stepped away from the table. How could she explain how important this was to her?

Kayla’s face paled even further; Minako had information on Eliana Lovelace? While the two of them weren’t exactly friends, Kayla knew that both their fathers have worked together, he even helped develop the Millennium hotels that Lucas Lovelace owned. For Minako to have information like that, Eliana’s father was even more powerful than her father and was just begging for even greater consequences. ”You can still call yourself an honorable friend Minako, you’re not the one at fault here, but who knows if they’ll see that, especially Eliana!” Kayla had to make a decision, one that could ultimately affect their entire friendship, but hopefully, keep Minako safe. Kayla’s hands clenched, ”Minako...I’m giving you one last chance to delete all that information, in front of me, right now. Or else,” Kayla began reaching for the computer on the table, ”I’ll do it myself…” Her voice was hollow and devoid of emotion, this was one of the hardest ultimatums Kayla had to follow on, but it was all for Minako’s safety, whether either of them liked it or not.

Especially Eliana? What is that supposed to mean? In truth, after reading the first couple files, Minako had stopped, having been too angry to continue. What was in the Lovelace file that made her being kept in the dark particularly important?

At her friend’s words, she turned back to the table, and fast a viper, Minako’s hand shot out and clamped onto Kayla’s wrist. ”Kayla, wait!” Instantly she released her, as though her friend’s skin had become burning hot. ”I-I’m sorry! Just, please, wait.” Hesitantly, brow furrowed in concern and confusion, Minako sat down. ”Why especially Eliana? I’m not trying to be difficult, please, just help me to understand.

Kayla paused in silence, ”...Even I don’t fully understand,” she started, ”It’s not like I know Eliana personally, but my dad and her’s have been business partners for years, and what I do know is that the Lovelace family is extremely powerful. If they know your father has been snooping on them, on their family...god I don’t even want to think of what my own father would do let alone hers…” She bit her lip, head still down, ”I can’t let you show her this...not just for your safety, but for your whole family...even your stupid dad…”

A yawning pit opened in Minako’s stomach. Mei. The worst part of all this was that it sounded exactly like her father, no, her family. Always trying to get an advantage, playing with fire for the sake of power. She knew that her father made calculated gambles, always weighing the risks versus the potential rewards, and choosing a course of action based on the information available. And every time, the risks he chose to make paid off. Knowing when to take that chance was the reason her grandfather had chosen him as a successor instead of one of her uncles. But this time… had he made a mistake?

”...I understand.” Her voice carrying a heavy, defeated tone, Minako bowed her head. No matter what, she couldn’t take the chance of something happening to her sister, regardless of what had happened to between them. ”I will delete the files on Eliana, right now, and I won’t tell her that I had them. Now that I have told you and Amy, I will delete those as well. But… Kayla, please understand where I am coming from.” Raising her head, she reached across the table gently took her friends hands in her own, drawing them into her lap. ”My Otoosan, my grandfather, taught me that honour is everything. That every person must have a code by which they live by. That code gives them meaning, and purpose. A person who lives without a code cannot truly live, and a person who breaks their code, cannot truly be trusted. It was you living by your code that led you to the Wardens, and it was mine that led me to telling you and Amy about this.”

Closing her eyes, she kept her head aimed as though she was looking directly at her friend. ”That is why it is so important that I at least tell Gianna. I will do my best to make her promise not to tell anyone about this, how important it is that she not. After that, I swear, I will come find you, and you can watch me delete the last of the files. I will even talk to my father again, and try to make sure things like this don’t happen. I can’t… promise it won’t. My father… is not the kind of man who does what others want. But I will try.” Her voice trembled as she thought about how that conversation was going to go. ”I am… I am trying my best here, Kayla. Please, I really am. And I know that this is difficult, for both of us. I know that it couldn’t have been easy for you to give me this chance. But if I cannot act with honour… who am I? How can you or anyone else ever trust me?” The tremble in her voice grew stronger. ”If...if you even still can.”

Kayla listened with intent to Minako’s counter-argument, and while she wasn’t giving her the best solution, it was better than if someone like Eliana found out about the documentation on her. Kayla sighed, ”Minako, I never doubted my trust in you, but you have to ask yourself this, is honor truly worth the risk of others suffering?” She let that question hang in the air for a moment before continuing, ”My dad once told me, that sometimes a hero has to sacrifice everything precious to them, for others to survive. That’s why there a lot of heroes with secret identities, that’s why some completely cut themselves off from contact with anyone, that’s why some heroes have suffered a loss that has completely shattered their spirit. Honor is a valuable thing to have, it does build trust...but sometimes, we have to make a decision that might not be the best for ourselves, but the best for those around us and the planet that we protect.”

Kayla’s hand gripped tightly into Minako’s, before releasing and she stood up, ”I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt for now Minako...I trust you’ll delete the files and won’t tell Eliana, but as for Gianna...while I don’t know much about her, you need to make a decision that might not be what you want it to be. She might be my friend...but from what I saw on that roof that night, she can be a powerful enemy and while I might have broken down at her attacking Samantha, if she did anything to you or your family...I don’t know what I would do…” She felt exhausted again and it was clearly showing on her face having to battle her friend for the deletion of those files. She needed to sleep before she met up with Leon later that night, ”I’m sorry...I didn’t sleep very well last night and I think it’s catching up with me, maybe we can talk later about the tournament? I think that’s the last thing I need on my mind right now..”

In a flash, Minako stood up and hugged Kayla tightly. ”Thank you, Kayla. I will make this up to you, I promise.” She rested her head on Kayla’s shoulder, her expression sad. ”I do understand what you are saying. I wish it were otherwise, but, as you say, we don’t always get what we want.” She sighed heavily. ”I… know that better than many.”

Tears at last began to make their way down her cheeks, and she clutched tighter. ”Some times.... I really hate my family.”

Kayla’s heart began to break piece by piece and she hugged her friend more tightly, ”It’s ok, really, you’ll be fine just...be smart about this okay? I don’t want anything happening to you, really…” She brushed Minako’s hair, cooing her to calm down.

”My entire life, I have never had a say. Everything was planned out before I was even born, and sometimes it seems like everyone wants me to fail.” Minako’s voice cracked slightly. ”I had hoped that this would be a chance to finally…” she trailed off, then pulled back, wiping her eyes clear. ”I’m sorry, you said you were tired, I shouldn’t burden you even more than I already have.”

While Kayla was concerned for her friend, and wanted to hear the whole story, a large yawn escaped her lips. ”S-sorry, why don’t we talk about this later Minako,” she tried to give an encouraging smile, ”I do want to hear what you have to say, I’m just...not in the right mindset, maybe we can talk later? After my meeting with Leon….he’s the Chief Warden.”

Minako nodded, trying and half-succeeding at a smile. ”Of course. And I really am happy to hear that you have this opportunity. You deserve it. I just wish that I didn’t have to sour things like this.” She glanced at her phone. ”I’m sure that Eliana or Gianna will be here soon, I’ll think of something. Don’t worry about me.”

”Thanks Minako, really,” she too smiled half-heartedly, ”We’ll talk later, I promise.” Giving her friend one last hug, Kayla made her way to the door and exited, heading straight for her dorm room. She didn’t want to give much more thought to what had just transpired, and truly she wondered if she had made the right decisions. Was she really cut out to be a Warden? Could she live up to Leon’s expectations? Unaware of even reaching her own room, having zoned out on auto-pilot, Kayla flopped onto her bed, immediately falling asleep.

The moment that Kayla left, Minako dropped down into her chair and let her head thunk onto the table. Of course this would make everything more complicated. She hadn’t told Kayla about what Amy was planning to do for the tournament, and it was looking like she shouldn’t do that either. This entire mess was bad enough, she didn’t want to put Kayla into another difficult position with her new job. Sighing heavily, she looked down at her phone.

To: Amy

Don’t tell Kayla about trying to get into the database. She just told me she’s part of the Wardens now, and I’ve made it difficult enough for her already.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Location: Forest (by a Stomp)
Interacting With: Each other @lovely complex
Pensive & Annoyed → Tired → Surprised → Honest → Terrible → Conclusive
Worried → Melancholy & Nostalgia → Relaxed but tired → Reminiscing → Sadness → Torn → Guilty → Angry → Acceptance

What does it mean to be a friend? A best friend? A lover? Mitch sat on the half wall of Mayweather Old West's roof. He stared down at the students on campus walking around and enjoying their days. His expression was withdrawn as he held onto his phone in worried anticipation. After the dance committee meeting, he made sure he ditched Samantha to find Milo, wherever he may be. His boyfriend decided to return late from vacation and his texts have been little to few. Surprisingly, Mitch recieved more contact from Eliana than Milo during this long week. Ever since his kind Asian went back home, he's been acting different.

There was something he wasn't telling him and it annoyed Mitch to no end. Even when he caught the innocent boy carrying a small duffel bag and saying goodbye to his parents by his dorm, there was something... different with the way he held himself. He smiled, but it was weak, he waved, but it was half-assed, and he stared, but it only lasted seconds. All Mitch was able to get out of him was, "I'll see you tonight!" before he was off and out of his grasp. Their embrace felt like he was miles away, as if Mitch was stranded on an island while Milo sailed away on the vast azure sea to a destination unknown. The Headmaster's son wasn't an idiot. If anything, Milo was probably thinking they would never work and that it was time to break things off. They hadn't even been dating for more than a week and he was already doubting him! That's how these things went. He was fully prepared to be left alone tonight with a dinner for two. He was a guy with commitment issues yet he felt like he was the one whooped. Feeling his phone vibrate, Mitch glanced down and saw an urgent text from Lucas. I wonder if he knows

As of lately, Mitch didn't understand his actions. There were just some things he needed to protect and he felt obligated to take risks that were beyond him. It didn't help that he felt like a gun was being pointed to his head. Regardless of where he stood, he needed to keep on persevering. If that meant he had to turn friends into enemies, then so be it. Walking to the stump, without texting Lucas back, he mentally prepared himself to put on his facade. The sound of leaves crunching could be heard in the forest. Focus, time, and skill were necessities when it came to fooling others as well as he did. If anyone could tell he was slightly off, it would be Eliana. She's known him since he was a grade schooler, which meant she has seen most of his faces. His main one being the son of Headmaster Danford, who has no worries! Someone who laughs at the face of death and plays childish games with his classmates. Yeah, that's the Mitch people knew and loved.

Getting to their spot first, he helped himself to some liquor and prepared Lucas with his own bottle. Dropping to the ground, he leaned against the stomp and stared at the falling leaves from the nearby trees and the gentle breeze cooly moving the branches. Autumn was nice, until everything died. Whatever Lucas wanted to talk about, Mitch was expecting the worst. How did he feel? He didn't know... perhaps exhausted, but that wasn't going to stop him from smiling. Who knows? Maybe Lucas needed someone to confide in but... he doubted that. When was the last time they did this? It's been awhile. Mitch has been so focused on pursuing Milo that he may have neglected his friendship with someone he considers a brother. Well, that same man tormented the kid he adored and he felt stuck in this odd situation where he ended up doing absolutely nothing.

You're just a coward. He thought to himself, while taking a long gulp of bitter alcohol. The bottle was held with a tight grip, as he waited.

Lucas was getting more and more mentally exhausted with every step. On his way towards his friend, he started to realize more and more that the conversation could take an ugly turn. He didn’t want more stuff to be piled on him. Not today. But the prospect of losing a valued friend did make him afraid. It kept gnawing at him. Whatever he’d learn, he wouldn’t like it. Eventually, the tree stump came in his field of view. With Mitch already sitting against it, sipping on a bottle. He got closer, opened his mouth, and then realized that talking wasn’t the first thing he wanted. Drinking was. He just grabbed the bottle and took two big gulps. Before collapsing on the ground and shuffling his ass against a nearby tree. Looking at Mitch. There was a certain doneness in his eyes. No frustration, or anger, or hate. Just being done and tired. He kept quiet for a long time. First trying to find the right words, then realizing there were no right words and finally just gathering the courage to get this very painfully conversation started. Just to add a bit to it, he took another sip and opened his mouth. Only to realize he still didn’t know what to say. He let out a deep sigh and put his head against the trunk, looking straight up at the leaves. No, he couldn’t start the conversation this way. “It’s been a long time since we last did this, you know?” Even in his tone, there was a certain toxic mixture of melancholy and nostalgia. The good old times felt so much better.

Tapping his nail on the bottle, Mitch nodded, "Yeah, I know." He felt it in the air. The creeping questions waiting to be unleashed, the weariness that emitted from the both of them, and the evident distance between the two, who use to spend nearly every day wrecking havoc together on campus. Distance could either make a bond stronger, or cause it to dwindle, along with the feelings they once shared. Lucas had his own worries now, may it be assisting Gianna in this trivial war or driving Eliana insane, but most importantly, growing stronger as a villain. Mitch was no exception. His concerns were kept locked up, though. There were some things better left unsaid.

After taking another sip of the burning liquid, he chuckled (obviously trying to make light of their situation but still pushing the conversation toward its inevitable fate), "You've been a busy man, Lucas." Turning his head to look at his old comrade, observing his tired eyes, his physique that just wanted to give out, "Is it worth it?" he kept things ambiguous in hopes that Lucas would come to his own conclusions of what Mitch wanted to hear.

Was it? Was it all really worth it? Back on Delphina, the real Delphina, him, Mitch, Gianna and the whole gang were on the top of the food chain. They could do everything and if they were smart enough, got away with it too. When they got caught, the punishments were often lenient. And then someone took vengeance and the ball went rolling again. To Lucas, that was a fun game. Because that’s all what it was. A game. Now it no longer felt like a game. It no longer felt like it was fun. “No. No, it’s not worth it.” He took another sip. The fighting, the bullshit he had to stick up with, the emotions and the straight up drain on his energy. It was all getting so much. “But… I guess it’s an investment. An investment of time. Now it’s not worth it, maybe in a month or two I’ll look back and think it was. Or I don’t, and then I’ve wasted half a year.” The prospect was less than amusing.

Finally, he had drank enough to feel his talk-muscles relax. “So… Why didn’t you tell me? About you and Lovelace?” he didn’t have the energy to be mad. He didn’t have the energy to sound sad. He just sounded inquiring. As if he was asking how Mitch’s bike was or something. It came over casual, but deep inside Lucas felt his heart screaming in the incomprehensible language of feelings.

To Mitch's surprise, Lucas brought up Eliana and not his Delphina Times' post. His eyebrows perked, as he glanced over at his friend and thought: I wonder who told him. He had a feeling it was a villain, who was playing his own game in this war. It was always a villain. Someone who could easily see what happens, from the shadows... his stomach curled with the thought of a certain someone, but deep down, he doubted it was that person. There was someone else, but thinking of who the perpetrator was felt useless right now. Before he answered, he made sure he had another good gulp of alcohol. Letting the buzz fill his mind, he hinted at his disapproval of Lucas' feud with his childhood friend, "No offense, Luke, but going up to you and being like 'Hey! I've known this girl for ages!' isn't as easy as it seems, especially since you and her got a lot of... tension." Mitch never was one who liked confrontations. His fighting style would be similiar to Gianna's but perhaps a bit more subtle since many people trusted him. Gianna's goals were obvious, especially to those she cared about. While Mitch seemed to do things for a good laugh or to cause shit to hit the fan, like when he made Sam gain anger for Gianna at the party - causing her to full on attack her (or try, at least). Granted, Sam made it hell of an easy task to mind control her. She was probably one of the easier people to manipulate because of how self absorbed she can be. Mitch came across as a villain who made messes for the sake of messes. "I can't pick sides, not when it comes to you two."

There was only truth in his words, he cared about both of them. Eliana knows way more about him than he'd like and he helped her through some rough times, while Lucas was someone he connected well with and for the most part, they understood each other. Or at least, they did. Things change. People change. Perhaps Mitch wasn't as great of a friend as he use to be. After all, he did use both of them on the Delphina Times possibly slandering Lucas' reputation, more so than Eliana's (since all he used for her was her family and her name). Mitch could use the excuse that: I did it for Milo. Stop bullying him. But that wasn't the case. If Mitch wanted to stop Lucas from bullying, he would use other methods (mind controller, hello!). Unfortunately, Lucas was as stubborn as they came, so telling him that he had doting affection for a kid that Luke loved to beat up was out of the question. Cross-school relationships were already frowned upon. Add homosexuality and close connection to BOTH his friends (Eliana and Lucas) that was just... bad. Does this mean Mitch didn't care about Milo enough to protect him or...? God, I don't even know myself. He knew as long as Eliana was alive, she would jump in front of Lucas' attacks aimed toward the innocent Asian. Whether she was too late or on time was a different story. If Mitch did the same, Lucas would probably cut him out of his life in an instant. The situation was complicated and his actions have been all over the place ever since the fire...

“I’m not asking you to take a side. I’d be kind of an asshole friend if I did? Wouldn’t I?” Lucas seemed calm, but inside so much was raging like a fire. One he desperately tried to extinguish. Even now he took another sip. Feeling his mind and cares seep out of him. He looked at the bottle. Fuck. At this rate, I’ll end up with alcoholism. His gaze lingered far too long on the amber substance in the bottle. “I could say a lot, you know? I could tell you she’s a bitch who… No. I hate her. God I hate her so much.” He dropped the amber filter and looked at Mitch directly. “I haven’t felt such a burning feeling since…” Amandine. He tried to swallow the thought. But recently the name alone felt like rubbing salt in a raw, half-healed wound. A painful reminder of a past he had forgotten for over 2 years. But what he felt for her. Their passion, their fire. They were the couple everyone envied and everyone hated. Amandine had this strange desire to constantly prove that her relationship was better than that of her friends. So she showed her affection for Lucas whenever she could. And Lucas was glad to return in kind. It felt as if it was the only comparison that could hold its ground with the pure hatred he felt for Eliana. Everything else he ever felt just paled with it.

“I’m not asking you to choose sides. I just wished… I just wished you told me. I just wished that you trusted me enough to tell me.” He felt a strange weight getting lifted from his heart, but simultaneously he felt an intense wave of sadness going over him. He heard his words and knew they were the right ones. But he couldn’t help but feel as if he was looking at their bridge with a match in his hands. He didn’t want to lose Mitch but at the same time, he knew he would never be able to stop going after Eliana.

The sadness of his friend did reach Mitch. Their conversation was turning out a lot heavier than he expected, but... Mitch was curious about some things himself. If Lucas had asked if he knew Eliana, he wouldn't have lied, it just never came up in conversation. They both have been busy with their own matters and Mitch wasn't going to bring something up that made his friend this angry, "Can I ask you something?" He placed his bottle down on the grass and clasped his hands together, resting them on his knees. "Why...why do you hate her so much? Is it because she's the one girl who doesn't put up with your shit, or is there more behind it?" As much as he wanted to understand his friend, when it came to Eliana, he couldn't. She was such a genuine girl (even if she didn't believe that herself) and he felt sorry for her. The cards that were dealt to her in her life were pretty terrible and yet she still finds a reason to walk around and continue about her business. She still finds reasons to live. "I'll tell you a bit about us, if you just answer that for me. I'm not one to give empty sorries. It's a bit too late for that, don't you think? So, I'll give you what you want. You want to know more about her, yes?"

Lucas wanted to take another sip. In fact, he hated the question so much that the glass nearly touched his lips. But he pulled it back when he realized that he had absolutely no right answer for the question. In fact, he didn’t have a wrong one either. Sure, he disliked going up against him. But she definitely wasn’t the first one. The fact that she managed to drop him once sure made her unique in a strange way. But even then, Mitch’s question did make him realize how trivial the annoyance of that felt compared to this unreasonable hatred. Again, only one thought came to his mind: Amandine. And the unreasonable affection they had for one another. The unexplainable attraction they had. Like magnets they just pulled towards another. Even on their first-day meeting, that was clear. But now it was on a whole opposite spectrum. He hated Eliana and couldn’t stop it. With every thought, he felt more and more defeated.

He didn’t really have to answer. The diary was still comfortably in his fake ceiling. Ready to be scanned and digitalized so he’d have a copy forever. Whatever he wanted to know about Eliana was in there. He only had to open it up. But looking at Mitch, he knew that was unfair. Was it to prove himself to his friend? Or to make a statement. Lucas didn’t know. But still, he decided to answer. Because he trusted Mitch: “I don’t know. Really, I don’t know why I hate her. She’s not the first to go up against me like that. She’ll definitely won’t be the last and…. It’s not like a bit of resistance should be a big thing. But… I-I don’t know.” Why was his mind continuing to compare Amandine and Eliana? He couldn’t stop thinking about the sheer inability to understand either situation. “I haven’t felt this way… ever… before.” He stammered. Hoping to sound convincing while anyone who knew Lucas knew it wasn’t. It was a lie to hide the truth. To repress the memories and scars. He took a deep breath. Enough with the question. He wouldn’t let it burn him up even more, so he decided to put the ball back in Mitch’s yard: “Your turn. Tell me whatever I should know.”

Mitch didn't inquire further. It was evident that this topic made Lucas struggle. Love and hate, what was the difference? Mitch didn't understand his infactuation for Milo, but he knew he cared about the kid, a lot. Love and hate were on the same coin, just a different side. Sometimes there was no need for an explanation. All one can say when it came to these extreme emotions is they couldn't stop. They couldn't stop thinking about this one person. "I've known Ellie since she was... six, I think. First grade. When you're that young, you're too innocent to gain ill feelings towards someone. I mean, sure, you can bully a kid, but the reasoning is simple. If someone asked a kid why they hated someone so much, they'd say: I just do. She stole my crayons. Kids are simple." Stretching his legs out, Mitch grabbed his drink and took a light sip before continuing, "You know, if her father didn't decide to raise his children in New York and I didn't get the chance to meet Eliana until now, I would probably be more of her nemesis than you. Two people that fuck with people's minds? Yeah, a recipe for disaster. Plus, it doesn't help that she and I always had a competitive relationship when it came to grades and gaining more influence over teachers." Twirling the bottle in his hand, he sighed, "And yet, I can't hate her like you do. I know too much. I've seen too much to hate her."

Lucas could only nod, and whisper to himself: “The butterfly effect.” The literal explanation was that a single gust from a butterfly’s wings could start a hurricane. Under the exact right conditions. Lucas sometimes thought about it in a different way, and so did many others. It was the idea that a single, small decision has an incredible effect on someone. A single threat from a parent could make a friendship that would last a lifetime happen. A single leap of faith could have forged the strongest bonds in existence. He often thought about it when a series of decisions had to pass for something to happen. If he wasn’t friends with Jef he would have never heard of his story. If Jef wouldn’t have gone to the party, Lucas wouldn’t have heard of it. If he didn’t feel to roofie a drink, nothing would have happened. If he hadn’t chosen Jenna, Lucas wouldn’t have heard a thing about it. Finally, if he hadn’t stumbled upon Eliana that faithful night, their entire war wouldn’t have begun. Yet it all came together in an event that had a chance of 1% or less to happen. But here he was.

“Her powers unleashed. The kid that got sent to the hospital for a week. Is that why you can’t hate her?” Lucas asked, not reallythinking about it. Only to realize seconds later that the only way he could have known that was through Brenna or the diary. And Brenna wasn’t often in the mood to tell about her past. Did Mitch know about the diary? Lucas definitely hoped not.

"Are you talking about her middle school or grade school incident?" Mitch had no idea how much Lucas knew of Eliana's past, but somehow he found out more than most would have cared to know.

Grade school? The same thing happened in middle school!? It would seem as if Brenna still kept some secrets to her. He couldn’t blame her, it was Brenna. But the idea that most of his close friends seemingly didn’t trust him began to irk him. With a sigh he answered: “Middle school.” The diary would have to be read again.

Silence surrounded them for a moment, as if Mitch was contemplating how to talk about Eliana's past. Was it even his place to tell her nemisis these things? It wasn't that he didn't trust Lucas... these things were just... kind of heavy. "To understand what happened in middle school, you need to know her as a child." He felt a sinking feeling with the thought of what he knew. He had to finish his bottle of alcohol and open up another one just to talk about this. "A power like her's comes with a price. Not everyone has it as easy... some powers are fucking scary." His gaze started drifting from the present, getting lost in the past as he thought about all those moments he found Eliana on the verge of tears. How many times did he find her hiding from people... or from herself? "I don't know if this is my place to tell you but Eliana suffers from what doctors call parasomnia or nightmare disorder. Now add girls pulling her hair down a hall, breaking some of her most treasured gifts from her father, grabbing her drink and pouring it on top of her..." He dropped his bottle and covered his face, "Fuck. I'm such a terrible friend." The guilt inside of him was building up (not only from this but from what he had done to Lucas on the Delphina Times), he couldn't do anything for her besides hug and tell her everything was going to be okay. Why didn't he do anything for her? "I could have calmed her down. I could have stopped her from making a bunch of girls transfer... and Lyla, oh god. Lyla tried to help her."

Under normal circumstances, Lucas may actually have told Mitch to go easy on the booze. But considering the subjects, he felt as if the stump may not hold enough alcohol to keep them both running. The very air began to feel loaded and thick. When Mitch told him about the bullying Eliana went through, Lucas couldn’t help but feel a stab. He did those things. He was the person who made sure those things happened to the right people. He tried to defend himself in his mind, and it worked to a point. He didn’t bully just to bully. He bullied to stay high up. To be the best. To be the strongest. That was what he and Amandine were. The best. In everything. The sweetest couple, the strongest fighters and the greatest people to have ever walked the school. You don’t stay that way by just being nice. But, as much as he defended himself, there were points where he made mistakes. Eliana only defended her sister and her friends. She never threatened to kick him off his throne.

Mitch started out telling it comprehensible enough. But soon descended into just vague sentences and names. “Mitch. Mitch! Don’t go what if on me, okay? Whatever happened… Whatever happened to this Lyla, it’s not your fault. Okay?” His friend was getting more and more distraught. Lucas didn’t know how Mitch saw him now, after all the stuff that happened and after all he did to Eliana. But in Lucas’ book Mitch was still a friend. And friends supported each other.

Pulling himself back to reality, he locked his dark gaze with Lucas. What Lucas did to Eliana wasn't nearly as bad as what she did to herself. She was her own worst enemy. "Yeah I know." was all he could let out before deciding if he should continue or not. The point of this conversation was to lead to the middle school incident, not talk about how Eliana was possibly the main reason why Lyla turned into what she is known for today: The Oracle. She has no idea what her powers have done. He wasn't even sure if it was entirely her fault that Lyla was never the same after that day. "Sorry... I had a moment." Picking the bottle back up and brushing the dirt off of it, Mitch sighed, "I don't know much about the middle school incident besides the kid's name and what he did. We were in different classes and I started hanging out with guys like you." He didn't mean that last part to come off as offensive, it just meant he started connecting more with the 'tough' guys. He didn't know how he should feel with Lucas bullying Eliana on a daily basis, but over the years, Eliana has gotten stronger. Mitch knew she could take care of herself. She always has.

Shrugging at the thought that him and Eliana were two different types of people (a jock and a nerd), he started to swirl the liquid inside the bottle while staring deep into the hole, "River McCoy. Everyone knew he was into Ellie, maybe besides Ellie herself. You know how she is, too busy reading books to notice her surroundings. I never thought he'd be the type to actually try... to have his way with her. If I'm not mistaken, there was this girl that helped her out. I can't remember her name for the life of me." Middle school was when Eliana and Mitch started drifting apart, sure they were childhood friends, but they didn't need to spend every waking moment with each other. Both of them had their own problems to worry about. "Just know, after River was hospitlized for a week, he never came back to school. Actually, I'm pretty sure he went missing. That's as far as I know."

Lucas couldn’t help to think about the Oracle. The girl Eliana had screwed over too. It would seem that the little nerdy girl made quite a few casualties. But one always had to pose the question: was this because of herself, her surroundings or her own power? Or the toxic mixture of all three. He looked at his own fists, observing the small scars. For the longest time, his mother had trained him to use the Solar Force. The pure kinetic and harmless radioactive energy in the form of light was a well-known phenomenon to Lucas. He knew its limits, its abilities and just how far he could push it. For a moment he tried to understand Eliana. To not have a grasp on your own power. How could he imagine such a thing? He had always been in control. Actual control. Not the fearful suppression so many thought they could call control. He actually understood his powers.

Or did he? Ever since she had dropped him in that hallway, he wasn’t so sure. The Darkstar was something different altogether. Apparently sentient, or so he thought. Little documentation exists of the superpower. It all came down to one thing: it was notoriously unpredictable. Was that how Eliana felt? As if her powers were unpredictable? Or did she just assume they were inherently evil and had to be tamed? So many people had so many philosophies behind super powers.

Wait, why was he wondering what Eliana felt? He shook it from his thoughts and looked up at Mitch, taking a very small sip of a liquid that for some reason didn’t taste as good anymore. “You’re not the first one to tell me such a story.” He said calmly. “I’ve heard one before. Actually, I heard two different people tell me just how dangerous she is.” He looked at the ground. “I’m… I wish I could stop… You know. But I can’t. Like, even now I thought about taking a step back from her. When even you tell me something’s dangerous, I know I should back off. But I can’t… Fucking hell, why can’t I?” the last parts he murmured more to himself than said it to Mitch.

Mitch couldn't answer that for him. Whether it was to prove something to himself or because he enjoyed the attention he got from her, that was something Lucas had to figure out. This conversation did make Mitch realize what he needed to do. He didn't want to pick sides but as long as those two kept their feud, he needed to take a step back. There were things he needed to take care of that he didn't want either of them to be involved in. He had given Lucas what he wanted and with that he needed to close the curtain.

Standing up, leaving his bottle on the floor, he made his way to Lucas and offered his hand, "She probably doesn't understand why she hates you either." He gave his friend a genuine smile and then sighed, "I think you both know what I need to do." He knew this would hurt both Lucas and Eliana but he needed to do this, more so for himself than them, "You both are important to me and because of that, I need to step aside. It also doesn't help that we're in the middle of a war. We're going to do what we have to do. No reason in explaining ourselves."

Lucas eyed his friend with an expression of both amazement but understanding. Of course, Mitch would have to back out. He couldn’t choose, but to Lucas, it was a stupid choice. He chooses to burn both bridges. It’s not easy to step out of someone’s life and then, after they went through hell and back, to enter it again. Especially when you know what they will be going through. It gives the other side a sense of abandonment. But when he mentioned the war, Lucas shot up. “Let’s make something clear here and now.” He said dead serious.

“The war has nothing to do with Eliana.” He started, with a fire in his eyes. But this was different, he knew why he was fighting it. Even if it wasn’t worth it, he knew why he was doing it. It was logical and understandable. “I don’t want this war either, you know! But suddenly the roaches seem far too courageous. Some asshole actually tried to destroy my reputation by putting up some made up story about me and Mrs. Lovelace. Man, if I find out who did… bones will break.” He said the last part with such calm certainty, just to make sure it didn’t come over jokingly. He really was going to hurt the person who did it. “Besides, it’s not like I even chose the fucking war. We had no choice. Delphina was forced. The hell Samantha thought would happen when she threw a heroes only party? That we, the guys who will actively fiddle with the laws, just obey because Mother Mayweather tells us? If anything she should be thanking Gianna and me. We made that party worthwhile. But no, bitch had to attack Gia.” He almost spat when he said the last sentence. But all his words were made of pure poison. “She can’t win, though. She doesn’t get it yet, but she can’t. Because we’re not even playing the same game.” There was something wicked about Lucas now. “Either she can sit back helplessly and see how we tear down everything around her. Or she can stoop down to our level but be revealed as the false hero she actually is.”

Mitch wanted to tell him to shut the fuck up, that he had no idea of the bigger picture, but that would give away too much. Lucas needed to stay in the dark. It would be far too dangerous if he knew more than he should, at least for now. He wanted to say no one was going to win. There were so many words his tongue was holding back. His stomach felt nauseous that he was part of this terrible game and that he had to hurt his friends for their own protection, but he couldn't say anything. One of the most powerful mind controllers in school was cornered to a wall and all he could do was watch this mess he's assisting on making, in nervewrecking anxiety. Instead, he went up to his friend and placed his right hand on his shoulder, "You're right. She can't win." Another ambiguous phrase for Lucas to interpret as his own, "... You'll definitely be a major player in this war, that's for sure."

Without any mental preparation, he looked at his friend with genuine care, something that read: farewell. Without further adieu, Mitch used his powers on Lucas, "From this day on, we won't be friends until the conflict is resolved. I need you, Lucas, to watch over Eliana. At random times of the day you'll feel a strong urge to see what she is up to. An urge that will be incredibly hard to fight. Follow that urge. When I snap my finger, you will not remember anything I just told you but you will still carry out my demands." He didn't take any breaks. One extra second and Lucas would realize he was being mind controlled by him. With a snap of his fingers, he released his friend from his mental hold and brought his hand back to his side. "So... this is goodbye, Lucas." He didn't know what else to say. After this roller coaster of emotions, he just wanted to leave.

For a moment Lucas watched Mitch going. Losing a friend like that, no losing a friend in any way, hurts. But how else could it have gone? The pain, however, felt errely numb. He guessed that the emotional onslaught on him of the past few hours had finally taken its toll. Dullness had taken him over, probably in combination with the unwinding feel of alcohol. It was for the better though. At a certain point it was better to simply feel numb and go on. Taking a deep sigh, he turned away from Mitch. On the road back he let his mind wander. What was Eliana doing now?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 27 days ago

B R E N N A & J A M E S

Location: Brenna's Dorm
Interacting With: Eachother
Mood: Nervous -> Vulnerable -> Hurt -> Devastated -> Angry -> Numb
Mood: Curious -> Sad -> Regretful


The door to Brenna's dorm shut, and she turned to face this boy who'd nearly stolen her heart. Is it really stealing if you wanted someone to have it? she asked herself silently, her face a mask of melancholy and thought. Looking up into James' face, she bit her lip. He made her nervous. So, so, so nervous. She shook her head. It's just like ripping off a band-aid she thought, taking a deep breath.

"I think we need to end this," James said, before Brenna could even open up her mouth. Her breath left her. Her eyes grew wide with shock. "Wha-what?" she managed to eke out of her trembling lips. Was this real? He was leaving her? Her? "Brenna, it's not you. You're perfect, it's just...it's Gia. This whole thing has gotten too out of hand. It's too much for me, and I can't stand by you while you go down this path," James said, his voice trembling slightly.

Brenna backed up from him, more out of instinct than reason. She couldn't be near him right now, and her brain knew this. Her breathing was becoming more rapid as her brain processed the things he said, as her eyes began to well up with tears. "You can't do this," she whispered, her breath turning to a cloud of mist that hung in front of her face as the room grew steadily colder, so much so that James, not prepared for a flash freeze was shivering.

"You can't do this!" she shouted this time, her scream sending James stepping back this time. Her hand curled into a fist and slammed down on her desk, tears streaming down her face, her sobs growing louder. "You're just like the rest of them! You're a coward! Gia is fighting prejudice! We're fighting the judgement they've been heaping onto us since day one! And you're too afraid to change things! You bastard!" Her voice broke on the last scream, and everything she'd been trying to hold back came flooding forth, and she collapsed in a mess of tears and sobs.

"Brenna, wait," but Brenna cut him off. Once more he began, trying to speak over the spiraling mess that was Brenna Lancaster. "Gia isn't fighting any prejudice! What she did to Avalon and Will at that party was wrong! And she's going to drag you down to her level!" "Get out! Get out! Get out, get out, get out!" Brenna shrieked, and James fled the room.

Brenna wasn't sure how long she sat there, but it was long enough for her tears to dry, leaving her eyes red and swollen. She sniffled as she looked at herself in the mirror. She was a mess. Why though? She had only been flirting with James for a month or so. They hadn't even been dating. But you'd wanted to she thought. That was it. She hadn't been close with anyone in so long, hadn't entertained the idea of a boyfriend, of someone to hold in so long. And she'd let the thought infect her, make her wake. Well, she wouldn't make that mistake again. From now on, she'd be the Snow Queen they all knew her to be. She'd be as cold as ice.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SkeankySnack
Avatar of SkeankySnack

SkeankySnack Uncle Dr. Beast

Member Seen 5 days ago

Elijah & Cara

Location: Outside the Wardens office → Outside the Control Room → Outside of Old East → Atop a Campus Tower
Interacting With: Each other @BeastofDestiny@Wintergrey

Sneaky → Angry → Villainous → Hopeful → Ticked Off → Happy → Careful → On Edge → Giggly → Curious → Bored → Annoyed → Bubbly → Teasing → Furious → Confused → Furious → Murderous → Surprised → Venomous → Lonely
Complacent → Annoyed → Threatening → Intrigued → Interrogative → Sarcastic → Informative → Explanatory → Interrogative → Unhelpful → Empathetic → Revealed → Defensive → Supportive → Contemplative

Cara was wandering through the halls of the campus, just for the sake of exploring. It was a habit of hers to find every nook and cranny when she came somewhere new. Eli has engraved that into her. He figured if she knew her surroundings it would give her the advantage she needed over metahumans. As much as she hated him, he wasn’t wrong. And in a place like Mayweather, she needed every advantage she could get over the other metas.

After making a quick pit stop at her room to throw her bags, Cara began to walk down the corridor of rooms. Cara froze in place the second she heard voices coming from inside one of the rooms. Pressing herself against the wall, she looked to her left and saw an open door, with two girls sitting inside. At least one was a girl, besides a crooked nose she seemed normal enough. For the other it was a little harder to tell. She was completely bald with glowing fissures streaking through her skull. Fucking gross. Still Cara didn’t make a sound, this was the perfect opportunity to get info.

“-hear about Lucas and Eliana?” Crooked nose.

Fissure face laughed, “I can’t even tell with those two. They totally are in love with each other, but they show it soooo weird.”

“In love? No-” Waving the nose job needy girl off, fissure face interrupted.

“Oh come on, haven’t you seen the Delphina Times?” So they were Delphina villains, huh. “It’s all there. Lucas literally talking to like every one of Eliana’s family can’t be a coincidence. They must be one of those love-hate relationships.”

Crooked rolled her eyes, “If you’d let me finish, I was about to say that Eliana is totally fucking Eli-” Cara immediately tuned out of the rest of the conversation. Everything seemed to go grey and silent around her. Eli was here… Waiting for her, teasing her. It was just like the bastard. Clenching her fist, Cara teleported into the room directly in front of Crooked. The girl startled back in surprise at the sudden woman in her room. “What the fuck did you just say? Where’s Eli?” Cara’s hand shot out to the girl’s throat.

Fear evident in her eyes. The girl started babbling, “I-I don’t know. Please don’t hurt me.” Some villain. Rolling her eyes, Cara tossed her to the side and turned for fissure face, only to see her missing. In her place was a large glowing crystal. “Fuck!” Cara started striding out of the room when she heard Crooked stutter out, “W-who are you?”

Laughing, Cara teleported back in front of her, causing her to flinch in fear once again. Staring at her closely for a moment, as if studying her, Cara replied, “I’m the bloody Reaper, and I’m here to collect my dues.” She gave the girl a smile as crooked as her nose. Leaning in real close, Cara licked the side of her cheek. Crooked stiffened, shaking at the crazy girl in her room.

Cara disappeared without another word. She hadn’t seen most of the Academy, but luckily she didn’t have to search long for the person she was looking for. The pale sunglass guy that first showed her to the Mrs. Lovelace. It wasn’t a great lead, but right now he was the only one in this place she knew. Teleporting next to him she threw an arm around her shoulder. “Listen, glasses, I need your help with something.”

Elijah’s conversation with Lucas and Keats was rather short lived as he made his way out the building and Leon ushered those two into his office. He walked along the pathway, and gave ponder to the events that had just previously transpired. Gianna literally had him around a noose, she could have blown the rape whistle, or hell even told Leon of what really transpired and how she defended herself from their confrontation. Yet instead she told the man that he had confessed and professed his love to her...that was a slightly sickening thought, yet completely unlike her and yet….it was like her old self. Before his mind could wander any further a sudden weight was placed on his body, nothing too heavy, just something that literally wasn’t there before. A voice spoke to him and his head turned as he inclined on the sudden new presence.

Teleporters weren’t a rare occurrence at this school, but to have one suddenly beside him, made him not so much uneasy as cautious. His head tilted and his eyebrow raised as he tried to identify the woman next to him, ”Have we met before?” He browsed his memory, finally recognizing the swirling and cruel aura beside him, ”Ah...yes, the one I escorted to the professor’s office.” Why had she come to him? Perhaps because he was the first person she interacted with? Their interaction was brief, but he supposed it was notable, it wasn’t like everyone on campus was wearing archaic robes from another realm. ”To what do I owe this...chance encounter?”

Cara cocked her head to the side watching him. Sticking out her bottom lip in a slight pout she asked, “Is that any way to speak to the most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen?” She had no way of knowing that the man in front of her was blind, and had no idea what she looked like. Cara’s mood changed from disappointed to cheerful and bubbly in the blink of an eye. “Cara’s the name, Shady! Cara Reaper.” Holding her hand out to shake, Cara delightedly grinned, tongue running across her widely exposed teeth.

”If only I could see, then maybe I would appreciate such beauty,” what a narcissus, even if Elijah could ‘see’ he could at least tell plenty enough from the aura this woman exuded; quite distasteful. ”I’ll ask again Ms. Reaper, more bluntly this time, what do you want from me?” His voice was rather stern,and though he noted her hand’s extension, the gesture was not reciprocated. He was not one to be bothered with petty introductions and requests, if there was something someone wanted, they’d better spit it out, not that he’d do anything in retribution, he just hated being annoyed.

Cara rolled her eyes over dramatically. She made a face, sticking out her tongue before asking rather rudely, “Does being blind always make you this cranky?” Dropping her hand to her side Cara grew serious. “I’m looking for a man, okay. His name’s Eli, and you’re going to tell me everything you know about him.” Cara rested a hand firmly on Shady’s shirt, ready to grab him and teleport at a moment's notice. If he needed any persuading, Cara knew a place about 20,000 feet up.

Eli? Few people knew his nickname, even fewer called him by it, but when her attitude came off as threatening, Elijah countered. ”And if you were any the wiser then you would let go, lest you get burnt.” he grabbed the hand that touched him, a forceful grab, an intimidating and knowing kind of touch that refused to let go, just as she refused to let go of him as the temperature began to rise. Why did she want to know of him, or perhaps it was another Eli she was referring of? Regardless he was curious, ”Fine, I shall show you of Eli, but if you refuse to let go, you’ll certainly turn to cinder. So would you rather have information? Or a Barbeque?” the young pyromancer informed in a rather intimidating tone. Somehow he figured this wouldn’t faze her, but at the same time, he was the only one who knew of ‘Eli’, why else would she come to him?

Cara stared deep into the man’s sunglasses. Seconds passed without a word, not even a movement. The air around the two of them felt tense. Slowly a the grin reappeared on Cara’s face. She started to laugh hard. Grabbing her sides, Cara slide to the ground. Wiping a tear away from her eye she said, “ I love barbeque. Rain Check though, I just ate.” Throwing out her hand to see if he would help her up she added, “well, no time to dilly dally. Let’s go hon.”

This girl was...unusual, first she makes threats, then laughs in the face of retaliation. He tried to key her aura, but it was wild and changing, though one thing stood out the most, instability. This being said, the girl wasn’t going to do anything to him, not unless she wanted answers, so he took her extended hand and lifted her up. ”Fine then, what do you wish to know of Eli? Where he lives? What he does? His purpose on campus?” Whatever the reason, he had questions for her and what her interest in him was

Cara graciously took the hand up and started playing with her hair. Looking very innocent as she twirled it between her fingers she gazed at him. “What do I want..? I want to know where Eli is so I can put a bullet between- Sorry, that was rude of me.” Giggling she said, “You know how we villians get.” Walking a few steps ahead of him, she turned and called over her shoulder. “Come on, might as well give me a tour while we talk. Really is no need to be rude.”

She wanted him dead? Again this raised the question as to whether or not she really meant him, or some other Eli. She didn’t have to say she was a villain, it was already clear as day, unpredictability, coupled with instability and perhaps a touch of insanity; she was the epitome of a dangerous villain. His brow narrowed at her request though, ”Really?” he asked unimpressed, ”You’re going to come to the one blind student on campus and ask me to show you around?” He paused for a moment, it’s not like he didn’t know his way around the school, even if he had only been here a couple of months. However, if she was expecting something quite grandiose, she’d be sorely disappointed, still he wanted some answers and he’d probe for them in conversation. ”Very well,” he started moving, ”Let us walk then, but we’ll start with the building behind me, those are The Warden offices, think of them as super powered hall monitors, they have authority and can use it, to an extent. Are they respected? That’s a whole other story, though unfortunately they have a pretty direct line to the school headmasters, and their office is jointed to the actual campus security office.”

Cara clapped her hands in delight as he agreed to show her around. Waiting for him to catch up she linked arms with him and skipped along side. Cara glanced back at the first building he pointed out. Hall monitors, what a bunch of pricks. “How do you know where everything is, if you’re blind? Are you like a bat with sonar? Can I call you batman?” She grinned, looking up at him happily, joking around.

They walked along the path and he didn't resist her when she linked arms with him. Upon her question though he looked towards her, ”It's complicated to explain, simply know that while I may not see, I 'see’ things that others do not. Call it sonar or whatever you wish, it doesn't matter.”

Cara quickly grew bored when Sunglasses tried to explain, “Yeah, yeah whatever batman. Back to Eli. You know where to find him, right? Can we just skip to that part?”

Hm, straight to the point then? ”Perhaps, perhaps not. As a villain you should well know that knowledge is power, and one favor calls for another. I’m giving you a tour, I’m helping you find Eli, but first I want to know why? What has he done that makes you wish to kill him?” They passed by the control room and he continued speaking, ”That rather large building is the control room, that’s where we just were. It's essentially a proving grounds, a place to train and hone your skills as well. There are multiple rooms, all with different simulations and levels of difficulty, some of those levels can be crippling to both the body and mind. The large room we were all just in earlier is for large scale battles and where the tournament is going to be held. I assume that since you spoke with the professor you are participating? I didn’t see you when all of us were together.”

Oh my god. “You heroes are all the same!” Cara’s head rolled up to the sky, like rolling her eyes wasn’t enough anymore to convey her emotion. “Blah blah why do you wanna kill him. Blah blah be the bigger person. You wanna talk favors fine, but I’ve been here for all of 30 minutes and you really think I’m going to give up my life story?” Cara faced away from him so he couldn’t see, or batsense, her smile drop momentarily. Turning back to him, the smile returned to its proper place she splayed her arms, showing off the dozens are scars laced across them. At the end of each wrist, much clearer scars showed themselves, evidence of cuffs. “He did give me these though. Lots of these lovelies, all over.” Reaching up to the neck of her shirt she grabbed at the collar and pulled it down slightly, “You wanna see the others?”

”Don't delude yourself, no true hero would threaten another's life,” he briefly recalled, wishing he had made good on his promise earlier, ”but as I’ve said, knowledge is power, power even villains like you or I could utilize,” Elijah looked over to find the young woman’s aura suddenly...damper, before it picked right back up again. She explained her story and the scars across her body were much more prominent now, even the ones not so visible to him, ”So you are filled with suffering then...and you seek redemption for the crimes committed against you?” it was a tale told once before, by many others long ago, yet this sealed that she was not looking for him. ”I guarantee you will not find peace in Eli’s death, and suffering will only continue to follow in your wake, but do as you will for that is the villain’s creed, is it not?” Their walk took them towards the campus housing, at least building East, ”Old East, one of the two campus dormitories, it's co-ed, just like its sister building on the west side, you’ll find that regardless of which building, both dormitories hold students of Delphina and Mayweather, though my room is in the west building.”

Glancing in the direction of the west dormitories Cara said, “Well well batman, already trying to woe me to your room? Well it won’t work! I am a woman of dignity.” Unable to keep up the lie, she burst out laughing before wondering another thing about her strange tour guide. “Do you always talk like a 5th century knight?” Cara marched around Eli, using her best impression of his voice to imitate him, “I guarantee you will not find peace. I say, knowledge is power, if my name isn’t…” Cara paused. Turning her head to face him she asked, “What’d you say your name was?”

If Elijah could roll his eyes, he would, ‘please…’ he thought. That’s when the real question came out after a rather unimpressionable mockery, ”I didn’t,” he slowly strode past her, ”And yet I’m sorry to inform you that I’m not the Eli you’re looking for.” he mentioned this a few good feet away from her before turning to face her, ”Truthfully, most would call me Elijah. As for the Eli you seek, I know nothing of him, though for the scars he caused you, it does not surprise me you seek him.” The truth was out, she wasn’t after him, but considering he did lead her on, he did expect some form of retaliation, though she was unpredictable and could potentially do nothing. Either way, he’d be prepared.

Paused halfway through her playful march, Cara mood changed drastically. One moment she was a couple feet away practically dancing, the next she was standing an inch away from Eli quivering with tension and rage. “What kind of fucking game do you think this is Eli? This another one of your tricks, your lessons?” Cara never took her eyes off of his face, watching him like she wasn’t sure whether to run or attack. Teleporting back away, Cara reappeared crouching with her head between her hands, “You were here the whole time weren’t you, Eli. Hiding, like a coward. Who disguised you, huh, that bitch Alexis?” She completely ignored the words about not being the same Eli she was after.

Teleporting to a standing position, Cara pointed a finger straight at Eli, “Don’t you- don’t you fucking say a word! Just-” In the heat of the moment she didn’t even know what to say. It had always been something she would figure out when the time came, but now that she was faced with her(supposed) adversary she couldn’t even find the words to talk. So why bother. Breaking out into a sprint, Cara dove nearly 10 feet away, teleporting right into Eli’s stomach. The second the two collided she teleported again, onto a tower she remembered seeing on the tour. “Come the fuck on then, stop running and lets finish this.” She teleported again appearing moments later with a golf club in hand.

This was an unexpected turn of events, suddenly he was teleported to a tower, after a random and rather explosive breakdown; she had a weapon, but he was prepared to fight. Dodging and weaving, he avoided any blows that were directed towards him. Her blows could have killed any normal person, but he was far from it, and eventually her swing had slowed enough for his hand to shoot out and grab at the weapon she wielded and melting its metallic form in their hands. It may have burned her, but hopefully that would stop her from performing any more idiotic feats. ”Listen to me!” his voice was stern and commandingl, ”I understand you are in great pain, but I am not the enemy you seek. Trust in me, and if you seek guidance I shall help you, your past is burdened, but your future could be bright.” his hands gripped tightly on her shoulders, rendering any sudden movement as he tried to calm the young woman. She was strong, but unpredictable, Elijah had to be prepared for whatever moves she made, and he repeated again, ”I am not your enemy, but if you would like, I can become your ally….”

Just like the old days, when they spared together. Until the club melted in her hands. Yelping in pain, Cara lept back staring at the deep red marks seared into both palms. What the hell. Eli couldn’t melt stuff, only cut. He was telling the truth. This imposter in front of her wasn’t the one she was looking for. He grabbed her by the shoulder roughly, holding her in place. Cara’s head dipped towards her shoes as she spoke. “I work alone.” The words came out of her mouth at barely a whisper. Before he had a chance to respond she grabbed his hand and bit down hard. Her mouth filled with blood, dribbling down the corner of her mouth. Pulling back from him, mouth stained red she teleported away leaving him stuck on the roof of the tower she had just brought him to. “I’m always alone.” Though she was certain he couldn’t hear her from across campus, she continued to talk. Maybe it was to try and reassure herself, though it didn’t do much good.

Elijah, though expecting the unexpected, was unable to predict such a powerful bite. Though he held his tongue as the pain flowed through him, the young woman teleported away and he was left atop the campus tower; alone. He was very high up, and he could have jumped down at anytime, but he needed time, time to think. There was another soul in need of guidance and though he was no hero, he was determined to help the estranged woman, perhaps find her some peace. The crimson liquid dripped from his body as water from a stalactite, clenching his fist, his hand began to sear the wound, the blood bubbling and boiling. Soon enough the wound blistered into a cauterized scar and he seated himself atop the tower in a meditative pose, pondering over the events that transpired. His mind wandered to Cara’s final words before she left, and he thought to himself, ’If you were truly alone, then why did you come to me?’
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
Avatar of LovelyComplex

LovelyComplex Retired Zone

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

A faceless account wrote on the Mayweather Facebook thread about the events that are to transpire tonight with the time and address. "So Gianna thinks she's going to have fun tonight, huh? Why don't we return the favor and crash Delirium? Our task is a bit more challenging since it is an actual establishment but isn't that more fitting? Since we are HEROES. Any businessman cannot refuse a paying customer and someone told me that the family that owns the strip of nightclubs does not only cater to villains, even if that is what they are. They are here to entertain. It's just over the years heroes grew too scared to enter the wolf's den. Let's change that, shall we?"

Rightfully known for its nightlife, NYC is the home for some of the best sophisticated cocktail dens, wild and exotic bars, and the bewitching nightclubs. The City's after-dark entertainment is electrifying, thrilling, and sometimes dangerous. Delirium is one of the larger venues of its kind, owned by the notorious Hart family (the family known for some of the strongest Shadow Manipulators and Necromancers today). With the sexiest dance floor catered to the young, creatures of the night, an elevated VIP Section, and the best servic e in the region, Delirium offers sinful pleasures with blue color tones throughout the massive warehouse. The VIP lounge, only given access to special guests, loyal clients, and well paying customers (must have a gold card - purchase at a bar), offers Bottle Service, a full drink menu, comfortable and extravagant seating, and just the right ambiance to socialize with "class". This club in particular usually hosts major events for young adults and even has a cabaret room for musically lustful shows that is currently blocked off for the night. It attracts the top DJ talent and the main level dance floor hovers over a pool of water (yes, there are open parts that you could fall into) while the room itself will captivate you with pulsating sounds, dazzling lights, and surprises in every corner (ie. fog machines, nooks and crannies to make out in, platforms to dance on like a stripper). The biggest thing that separates Delirium from the rest of the nightclubs on the strip is the private lounges that dual roles as a place for Karaoke. Let's just say that this establishment WANTS YOUR MONEY.

The basement is known as "The Wolf's Den" which is a home in itself, a place for the "family" and people that get specifically invited in by intimidating men with completely black suits on. If you're found in there, without an invitation expect to have an issue on your hands. Loyalty is one of the biggest values for anything relating to the Hart's, the nightclub is open to all those that know the price of entering their domain. You'll lose all your inhibitions, you'll make mistakes, and they will reap the benefits. Delirium is a 21 + joint but if you are underage and you slip in, the Harts aren't liable of what could happen to you. They believe all those that want to enter their playground should have fun. When things stop being fun, oh no no, that won't do. Take any drama and fights you have outside or expect to be invited to the Wolf's Den but for all the wrong reasons. If anyone knows anything about Leonardo Hart, the man behind most dark entertainment businesses in NYC, know that he is a man of his word and you do not want to make him or his family your enemy. They're reasonable, so respect their home and they'll respect you. Yes Delirium is their home, along with every other nightclub and bar on this strip.

When you enter through the large doors with a psychedelic and large sign over it that spells 'D E L I R I U M' in large letters, that shimmers the colors of a trance dream, you find yourself in this spacious blue colored room when going down the entrance stairs to a nice sitting area, with a check-in coat room, for a calm "happy hour". If you continue forward, there is a "cherry" tunnel that will lead you to the bar that Giovanni (a family friend to the Hart's) tends. Go left for the dance floor and lounges (including the elevated VIP lounge), go right for the cabaret and the door to the side stairways that lead down to the Wolf's Den, straight to an alleyway, and up to... a place that no one has ventured to. Well besides Familia. Do not dare.

Please enjoy your stay, we look forward to meeting you.

Location: Outside of Delirium → The Wolf's Den
Time: A little before 9
Stoked & Excited to be in NYC

"Nico! Niccolo! oh and Jimmy. My boy!" A short, 17 year old boy with his brown hair sleeked back, a black classy as fuck suit (with a gray button up) and polished shoes, gave the bald bouncer with tats and a deadly amber stare a fist bump, while simply nodding at the other bouncer who wasn't Italian (Reference picture). He wore large red skull candy headphones with a cord that led to his pant's pocket, blaring out Bang Bang by Nancy Sinatra and surprisingly not holding his camera since it's the second night he's been in town and he heard friends were going to be here. Can't always carry his life around, you know? (He's dying internally). Before any of them could respond, the squirrel brained kid grinned, "I heard Vince's babe is hosting a par-tah tonight. So you know, I had to come. Is there people I should keep a special 'eye' on?" His eyebrows moved up and down giving off that: maybe I'll find a bodacious lady to have pop with. Knowing the young Hart would prefer hearing an answer from Nico than Jimmy, the non-Italian kept quiet while Nico with an unsettling quiet and husky voice muttered, "Lovelace girls, Virgil."

"Oh damn! Gia be makin' friends with them? Movin' up in the world. Now I'm definitely down with being up in this club." He raised his fist in the air like the dork that he was, feeling achieved with his sudden decision to live in New York with his uncle. "Send them to the Wolf's Den. Alleyway-access. I wants to meet them personally." The Italian upbringing could definitely be heard in Virgil Hart's voice.

His light brown orbs met with Jimmy, who answered with a laid back and chill voice, "And if they have other's with them?"

"If they got boobs, send them too! The guys can wait in line like the rest of 'em." Both men nodded before Virgil dismissed himself and rather than walk through the grand entrance, he went to the alleyway and used a key card to enter through the side, disappearing from moonlit night.

(Keeping his words short. You'll see more of Virgil soon <3)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 27 days ago

A V A L O N & W I L L

Location: Delirium
Interacting With: No one
Interacting With: | [color=]Eliana[/color] @lovely complex |
Mood: Conspiratory -> Nervous -> Excited -> Intrigued
Mood: Why the hell did I agree to this?
Avalon's Outfit Will's Outfit

"Is this really a good idea Ava?" Will asked, as he shivered against the frosty night air of New York City. Avalon turned to him, cocked her head, and smirked. "Of course! They crashed our party, so we're going to crash theirs. Not to mention, Eliana Lovelace is going to be here, and it's your job to be her friend. Get in close to her, and then strike, bring her to our side." Avalon kept her voice hushed as they shuffled through the line. Will was shivering, despite the layers he was wearing, but Avalon was standing strong, refusing to show that she was cold at all. She was stepping into the cave of wolves. Weakness was not an option.

Will nodded in agreement. He couldn't not agree. His best friend and his sort of kinda girlfriend were leading the charge against Delphina. Of course he'd be there helping anyway he could. It just so happened that he was much more convincing than Avalon the Warmonger, and so, he'd been placed in charge of recruitment. By any means necessary. If that meant befriending Lovelace and turning her to Sam's side, then so be it. It was sleazy, but who cared? It needed to be done. Right?

Their silence was interrupted as they reached the front of the line, and the bouncer motioned for them to enter, his face conveying the same emotion as a brick wall. The music was deafening and the heat was constricting. This was not Will's scene. But Avalon's grin said it surely was hers. She turned to her friend and nodded to him. "Call me if you run into trouble. Look out for Lovelace or her friends, and I'll look around for Gia and her cronies, try and keep them from working your magic. Good luck. Oh and hold this." With that said, Avalon disappeared on the dance floor, handing off her purse to Will and searching for her targets in a sea of people, with the occasional break to dance with a sweaty guy.

Will on the other hand, bit his nails nervously and moved to the bar, where he sat down and ordered a drink, flashing a fake at the bartender, who didn't seem especially concerned. As he drank he chuckled at the irony of a hero using a fake ID to drink illegally. He sat at the bar and looked out across the bar, keeping an eye trained on the entrance through the cherry tunnel, just in case his marks came through. If they did, he'd be ready.

And as if God was having a laugh at him, the moment he turns his head, Eliana Lovelace is standing at the bar, looking as if she'd been there longer than he had. What in the hell?. Ignoring the way she seemed to just appear, he moved closer to her and took a seat at her side. He wouldn't let Avalon down. And he definitely wouldn't let Sam down. It was go time. Hopefully it didn't all go to hell. "Eliana Lovelace. Here to drink away the stress of the tournament? Because if so, feel free to join me," he said with a smooth grin and a charming laugh.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Location; Outside Delirium
Interacting With; Bouncers, people in line.
Mood; Happy & Excited → Suspicious → Teasing

Lucas Farweight felt home as anyone ever could in New York City. Manhattan was and will be forever the place to be for him. At the epicenter of its greatness were many things. Among it, was Delirium. The club that received legendary status from him. He rarely visited but was received with open arms and the ability to cut the line like some celebrity. That alone was a reason to enter to have a party there. But it was only the beginning, the sound, the people, the drinks. You could smell the sins in every room. From lust to greed to sloth. Everything was peaceful but no-one was at peace. This was a place of demons and nobody could claim to be a victim once they pass the threshold.

So when Lucas was passing the waiting line he was literally skipping a step. He came alone, not caring to meet up with his friends first. They’d find him, or he would be found. Tonight, like any night in Delirium would be a night of not caring. A night of no trouble. For once, he refused his current situation to have a hold over him. With all worries left at Mayweather, he arrived at the two big bouncers of Delirium. Lucas had no idea if Nico or Jimmy had any superpowers. He never saw them use anything. So far, that never was required. Only once did he see them throw a guy out. Until then he never thought the saying could be applied literally. But Nico and Jimmy gave the guy some free flying lessons, right before he hit the street face first. The two were stone-faced, but Lucas counted them among his acquaintances. “Jimmy! Nico! How are my two favorite gorillas?” They just grumped at him. Probably disliking the comparison. Lucas believed it was a good one, but he only said it to tease. He outstretched his hand, shaking both the bouncers’. “So, anything special already lined up for tonight?” Lucas asked curiously. Nico and Jimmy looked at each other. Clearly doubting if they should speak. Lucas assumed that Gianna had something lined up. Maybe a karaoke like on her birthday last year. He actually couldn’t remember what he sang exactly but he’d swear the entire room was laughing or clapping. He’d kill to relive that night, but then again, he’d kill to relive any night at Delirium.

But it never starts out the way it ends. That was the power of Delirium. Gianna’s birthday party didn’t start as a karaoke. But it sure as hell ended like one. At Delirium, you don’t know what’s going to happen. After every shady spot, there is a surprise. From every shadowy corner, something could jump you. So as the bouncers were doubtfully looking at each other, Lucas decided to cut in: “You know what, just don’t tell me. It is Delirium after all. No plan survives first contact. Now, I’m going to guess I’m on the list, right? Could I go in?” the last part was asked respectfully. Despite being an asshole sometimes, Lucas knew what respect was and to who to give it. Jimmy nodded without even checking the list, and Nico opened up the small rope-gate to let him in.

Much to the annoyance of the line. Whom were nearly all male. “C’mon man! You can’t do that! I’m on the list too!” the one in front of the line said. Lucas perched his ears and made a 90° turn on his heel. He marched straight at the guy and asked: “If you’re on the list, you would be inside already.” He said it with a nice smile, but it was clear that nothing about those words were meant to comfort. “Hey man, I’m on the list, okay? Leopold –euhm- Turner. Yeah.” The kid, about 19, wasn’t particularly convincing. With questioning eyes, he looked at the kid. “Leopold… Turner.” He repeated, looking at Nico. Who just shook his head. Lucas turned back to the kid waiting. “I actually know Leo.” He saw the kid suddenly getting anxious. “Yeah, yeah I do. Big fellow. About 35 with a kid now I think. Yeah, yeah, I remember. You know he once knocked a guy unconscious because he was flirting with his wife. Well, he bought her a drink really. Didn’t slip anything in it even. Good old Leo would have slipped it. But yeah, no. The kid had to wink. Next thing he was on the floor. Blood running from his nose. Judging from the angle, I’d say it was broken. He was lucky, actually. Leo hit him with his left.” He made the story on the fly, really. There was no doubt this kid just grabbed a semi-important name from the internet and tried to wave it around at bars, hoping to get in. But right now he looked positively terrified. “You know.” Lucas grabbed the kid by the front of his shirt and pulled him closer. “If I see Leo, I’ll tell him some punk ass kid tried to impersonate him. I want to see what a right hook does to someone’s face.” The kid wrestled himself free but only because Lucas let him. He and his jock buddies started moving back in the line, trying to get away. While Lucas waved them goodbye with a wicked grin. Until Nico literally held open the door, letting the blue flashing lights and the loud music out. While saying: “Mr. Farweight. Please.” It wasn’t a request. The bouncers probably didn’t like it either that someone was raising hell at the lines. With a nod, he went to the entrance. Feeling the wave of heat, music, and smell as he passed the doors. Yes, tonight would be a night he’d never forget.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
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LovelyComplex Retired Zone

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Upstairs by the VIP Lounge → In front of Everyone near the main dance floor, above the DJ → VIP Lounge
Interacting with: Herself → Everyone → Catalyst (Leonardo Hart Jr., Vince's older brother)
Giovanni interacts with: Will & Eliana @smarty0114 → Everyone
Ready for a good night → Blissful and doing what she loves to do (Dance) → Withdrawn

Leaning against the railing from the outside of the VIP lounge room, peering down at the pool and the dance floor, Gianna watched like a hawk at all the club goers losing their inhibitions. She held a glass of a mysterious, florescent blue liquid, as she waited for more... students to arrive. She received a drunk text from Jenna about her convincing Eliana to 1) wear an outfit she isn't use to and 2) drink more than she is use to. The young Lovelace could be of use to the Delphina Sovereign, especially since her older sister was as unyielding as they came. Her puppy had a hard task at hand, but with the help of the younger Lovelace, perhaps they could make faster leaps on converting Eliana to their side. Gianna didn't need Eliana but the future prospects... were delightful. Her actions weren't just for a petty school war, though let's be honest, the chaos of it all made the young students show more passion than they would have if they were just "studying". Having someone who won't take no for an answer, like her, wouldn't be a bad investment. Jenna may be young but she knows what she's doing and she harbors ill feelings that have yet to come to surface.

Luckily the incident from earlier, with the rich 'princess' Sylvia, that left bruises on Gianna's body could easily be solved with waterproof makeup. She had received a request from the family (there wasn't a first name on the letter, it only had "Hart" written at the bottom) to use her talents to intrigue the party goers, including her powers to enhance the... ecstasy. Before she would change into a less showy outfit, since tonight was one of those nights she wanted to stay on the sidelines after her performance, she wore high black stilettos and a black leotard that made her ass pop.

She knew once she was on the ground floor and by the main star pole, near the dance floor, most of her guests would be here, including the one's that didn't receive an invitation. She saw Avalon dancing with people and could only assume that she was looking for her. Then there was Will, who sat at the bar with Eliana (Eliana will officially get to the bar at the end of my collab with Legion and Vicious). Gianna wasn't one to hide. If they wanted to find her, they would. From what Jenna has told Gianna (or well "Lucas") about Eliana, Will would be in for a treat. Little Miss Ellie wouldn't be the same girl tonight, especially with some assistance with the masses. This club belonged to villains. They ran this place and heroes were all the more welcomed to join in on the sinful pleasures.

Tonight would be a night for fun. Whether the heroes liked it or not, they would not disrupt her happy place with the school's feud. That is another reason why she accepted to dance in front of everyone, because her influence would help everyone push their worries and most importantly, duties aside. Tonight was a night for mistakes, regrets, and bad romances, and the Villainess would make sure of it. This was her late boyfriend's family's establishment, if people wanted to duke it out, they better take it outside.
- 9:30 pm - Ideally, after everyone has arrived.

By the dance floor, near the large HD TVs, the lights went completely dark and DJ Predator, a guy who didn't show any of his face, left to be a mystery to the world, gave Giovanni the 'okay' to make an announcement by bringing the music volume low. Giovanni, who was a distance away from the main dance floor, pressed a button on his ear piece that was also used as a mic. He glanced at Will and Eliana. Eliana gave him, yes the older bartender, a flirtatious stare, while she chatted with her scrawny friend. Before talking into his headset, Giovanni scribbled on a napkin "You should drink more" and placed a tequila shot on it (hiding the message) with a piece of lemon beside it. He pushed it toward Will. This was not an offer. If Gio gave you a drink on the house, you accepted that shit. He even made a cherry bomb for Eliana that went well with her daring dress. He had already told the gorgeous, young lady she was going to be the talk of the night with the way she looked, which made her grace him with such an adorable blush. He was looking forward to how tonight would end, with all eyes on her.

DJ Predator, as far as regulars were concerned, was a mute, and the best DJ in the East Coast (Bailey/Banshee could only wish to aspire to be him). Part of what made Delirium incredibly appealing to the masses was visitors, even regulars, knew hardly anything about the staff members or even the 'Familia'. The Harts did have a notorious reputation but they were good at cleaning their messes and although you may know about some of their deeds, the only way to learn about the person is if you met them up close and personal. Leonardo Hart Sr. liked the appeal of filtering information and feeding his fans a little at the time. While Lucio Hart Sr. was in the limelight of Hollywood, he and his family in New York would take care of things in the shadows. The only person that anyone seemed to know anything about when it came to the staff of Delirium was Giovanni, the personable bartender. He was the face and served the Hart's like family. Delirium was his baby.

"Lucky you for finding out about tonight. You all know we're always open during the weekend but it takes a true and loyal Delirium customer to find out any other days. The Harts send their regards. As always, we expect you to... forget yourself." He gave a calm chuckle and a seductive wink toward Eliana. Giovanni's voice was dark and alluring. His dulcet tone embraced the air like the evening perfume of night flowers, smooth with rich flow. "Out of request from a family member, we would like to start the night with a favored guest's performance. This wouldn't be the first time you've seen her work her magic. Creatures of the night, I give you... Gianna Daniels."

The colors of Delirium turned a burning red and the HD TVs displayed the inferno that was hell. The platform hovering over the DJ stand, which was customized specifically for tonight, with a long dancing pole at the center of a massive metal circle rested Gia, who had her eyes closed and her legs gracefully wrapped around the pole high in the air. Here is how her performance went: Gia's dance. The dance itself was mesmerizing, no one could take their eyes off of her. The sudden effects of actual fire made the crowd jump, but they were still in wonder and awe, having no idea that Gianna was slowly but surely filling the room with the drug that was her scent. Her faint ghost-like wings could not be seen. Everyone would still have a choice, but their urges would be enhanced and hard to fight. She wasn't forcing anyone to do anything, she couldn't even if she tried. Gia wasn't a mind controller, all she did was affect the body (one's pheromones). Due to how big Delirium was the effects of her performance would hide the illusion of her emotion-manifested wings. She simply wanted people's moods to be positive and their minds more willing to let their guard down and have fun. Fire. Her performance was on fire. Everything about Gianna was hot, dangerous, overwhelming, and smoldering as that of fire. She was capable of igniting emotions within others that they never thought they'd ever experience because she herself was as fierce as the consuming flames that burned her school to the ground.

Once her performance came to a close and she laid on the floor, facing away from her audience, the dancer vanished right in front of their eyes as a dark mist surrounded her and carried her back to the VIP lounge, away from their sight. Placing her down on the metal flooring outside of the private lounge, the heir to the Hart's legacy, transformed back to his human form, "Beautiful as ever, Psyche."

"You're pretty handsome yourself, Catalyst. Your wife is one lucky woman." She brushed herself off and stared up at the man, who would have been her brother-in-law if Vince were still alive. He lit a cigar before replying.

"Debatable. I'd say I'm the lucky one because she would kill me." His lips curved into a smirk as he thought of his beloved, "That's one hell of a woman right there." They both leaned on the railing and watched as the club was brought to a whole new high. The colors returned to shades of blue and everyone was ready to let their wild beast out. "How you been holding up?"

"I'm fine. You know better than most I can take care of myself."

He took his cigar and placed it in between his lips as he nodded, "Of course. I'm still glad you have people looking after you." His gaze searched through the crowd for Gianna's friends, taking heavy puffs of his addiction. "The moment we admit we are weak is the moment we fall. Just know... you're still family to us. Don't hesitate to give us a call. Vince really did love you." His phone beeped uncontrollably and in response, he grumbled (never a moment to himself), "In my family, my wife's the boss. I'll catch you later, Daniels." And with that, Leonardo Hart Jr. disappeared into the darkness of the club.

For a long moment, Gianna kept silent, just staring down at the party. Her gaze was distant, her expression was detached. After observing everything she needed to see, she slipped into the lounge to change into more appropriate clothes.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Viciousmarrow
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Location: A balcony over the dance floor within Delirium → The dance floor
Interacting With: Briefly with Sabrina and Jay
Mood: Bored → Contemplative → Worried → Impressed → Lucid → Conflicted → Drunk

Here the Wardens were, all 6 of them, standing around in the flickering lights and the hot atmosphere of Delirium, due to the fact that the word about Delphina’s little party somehow got out to Mayweather students. Under normal circumstances, Leon would have stayed the hell away from anything like this, but the tensions between the two student bodies were too much to ignore. Who knew what might happen? Yes, the club had its own security and they were totally capable of handling it themselves. However, there needed to be a set of eyes and ears to ensure a correct testimony got to the Headmasters should anything happen tonight. No more of this he said, she said bullshit. Leon was going to witness everything for himself.

The Chief Warden didn’t even bother to go incognito for this event. Letting his presence be known would speak a message by itself, namely that mischief wasn’t going to be tolerated. The tall man hovered above the dance floor on a platform, his hands, adorned with black fingerless gloves, laced around the guard rail that protected him from toppling down into the hopping masses below. He wasn’t dressed in anything particularly spectacular, just a black, graphic t-shirt and a pair of jeans. There was no need to be flashy, after all. Nothing of intrigue had happened since they’d been here, yet Leon felt as though that were soon to change. Behind him, Jay and Sabrina made small talk on a black couch, though it was mostly the cat girl exclaiming about her new boyfriend. ”He’s like… so sweet to me! It’s kind of weird though. He makes me dress up in dresses that are way too small for me.” Sabrina… Such a naive woman. What kind of freak she’d managed to round up this time, Leon could only guess. Jay attempted to say something, but he was immediately shut down by her jumping into a non-sequitur outburst about muffins. Suddenly, the Chief wished he hadn’t sent Kayla with Valentin to keep an eye on the ground level. There was only so much Sabrina one could handle in a day. At least their newest member would be in safe hands… Leon didn’t know the specifics of it, all he knew was that their mysterious Valentin had close connections to the family that ran Delirium. Well, the entirety of the underworld, really. Nobody would mess around with him or his “escort” lest they end up on the wrong end of a smoking barrel. Or worse.

Forgetting the chatter behind him, his dark eyes were peeled on the crowd below, but the only thing going on was dancing and conversing. Nothing out of the ordinary, thankfully. The absence of action was, unfortunately, a boring experience, and he solemnly wished he could leave here without worry. Part of him envied the hellions below, reveling in their wanton bliss. They had no care, no worries at all. Even people Leon never would have guessed in a million years were here for reasons unbeknownst to him, such as the usually secluded Eliana. Their minds were fixated solely on indulging in on their own desires, no more, no less. The sights made him think: How long had it been since he had actually let go of inhibitions? A better question was: had he ever done that before? No, Leon didn’t suppose he had. He was always concentrating on the task at hand and working towards an ultimate goal, that which was to provide a better lifestyle for his family. There was never any time to rest. Even today, he had been working since the start of the school day and now when he was supposed to be “off”, he was still on the prowl. Honestly, this reflection made him realize how exhausted he was. Alas, such was the life he chose.

Suddenly, the lights dimmed and the music came to a temporary close. A suspicious looking, well dressed gentleman took center stage. Leon had no idea who he was nor did he particularly care, but he took note of every word he spoke. Favored guest? Recurring performances? Gianna Daniels?! Had the Warden been drinking anything, he would’ve spit it out at the revelation. There was shock and awe written all over his face as the club’s screens flickered to life, painting the picture of a circle of hell. There their scantily clad star was, dangling on a pole above a crowd. Concern for the poor girl welled up in his chest. He immediately assumed she was stripping for the crowd and working as an exotic dancer for the Harts. Had she really fallen this low since her boyfriend’s death? Part of him wanted to drop down and rescue her from this prison, but he was smarter than that. That would ultimately be a death knell for him if he stole away the Hart’s prized dancer… Forced to watch, he cringed at the start of Evanescence’s Bring Me to Life. Nothing beginning with that terrible song could result in any good.

At the conclusion of Gianna’s performance, Leon’s lips were slightly agape, as if he were astounded by what he had seen. There had been no shedding of clothes, no actual dirty dancing; this performance was an artistic medium that bled of raw emotion. He wasn’t great at interpreting dance or the meaning behind it, but whatever that was, Gia was a master of it. In fact, after her show, he felt, well, ecstatic now. It was as if all his burdens had been lifted off of his shoulders and tossed away, a sensation that urged him to celebrate the fleeting glory of the present. The sound of lustful moaning behind him told him that he wasn’t the only one that got that vibe. Curiously, he turned and beheld the sight of Sabrina riding a pantsless Jay like a bucking bronco. ”What the fuck?!” Leon’s words of surprise were lost in the music and the man quickly scurried away from his companions' frantic tryst. One moment, Sabrina had been talking about her new boyfriend and muffins, and now she was screwing Jay. They weren’t even drunk! The girl made no sense to him, but he wasn’t about to intervene in their rendezvous. They could deal with the consequences of their actions tomorrow on their own accord.

On the bottom floor, the Chief was surrounded on all sides by dancing bodies. He simply wanted to find Kayla and Valentin and assess the situation, but… there was a gnawing feeling that beckoned for him to join the masses. Why bother with work when he could relax for once? There wasn’t anything to worry about. Everything would be fine. He should leave all his stress behind and go get a drink or two. A silent clash between his responsibility as a Warden and the prospect of hedonism erupted. "Fuck it." he whispered to himself. In the end, his feet carried him over to a nearby bar. His true objective was lost in whatever comforting sensation Gianna’s performance had wrought, and the next thing he knew, he had already had two shots of whiskey. Money was practically falling out of his pockets as he took another two shots. By the time Leon was out of cash, the world was a lucid vortex of bright color and loud music. But mostly, his stern visage was now beaming brightly at everything around him.

Into the deep, the Warden went, moving his body to the beat with every step. He was on top of the world, and there wasn’t much that could improve his mood at the moment. Well, save for a beautiful woman in his arms. Someone like… Amelia.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BogeyDope
Avatar of BogeyDope


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Location: NYC Suburbs → Heading to Delirium
Interacting With: Kevante
Mood: Content → Bewildered → Serious → Prepared and Pumped

DMX - Where the Hood At?

It's been more than a week since Carmen has left Mayweather and the entire school itself. At that time, when she left, she had her own moments of self-doubt, doubting whether or not that she may complete the school, and whether or not she can stay sane around all of these pendejos that roam the so-called "schools". After 10 days of chilling out, playing video games and smoking dope (and some studying here and there), she finally decided to return to a life that she was most familiar with, the life of crime. Well, petty and most often non-violent crime anyway, it seems as if Mayweather rubbed off on her in the brief month she spent there. Swift robberies, proper car theft, and with hints of embezzlement, Carmen and her crew almost had the whole taco salad of illegitimate cash, without an innocent soul harmed or taken. She was tempted to rob a Wall Street banker at gunpoint, but she decided against it... there were children around too.

Cut to today, in the suburbs of NYC. Both Carmen and Kevante just got done picking up food from a taco truck on a nearby street corner. The two haven't had anything to eat in the longest amount of time, and it took forever for them to actually get their food. It was well worth it in the end, though, those tacos and burritos knocked Taco Hell right out of the park!

"Taco Trucks on Every Corner?" Carmen laughed as she munched on her burrito, walking back to her beloved Cobra with her BFF Kevante. Carmen was wearing a leather N7 jacket with her shoulder-holstered P99 underneath, and a pair of black jeans that hugged her form. At the moment, she was recalling when one of the 'latinos for trump' was justifying Trump's xenophobia by saying that there will be 'taco trucks on every corner' if nothing is done. "Was that asshole high? Dios mío!"

"Hey, I think that's a good thing if you ask me!" Kevante replied, eating his taco up like a pro (and by that I mean spilling sauce all over his grey shirt). His blue jeans were just as messy, though his work boots were safe... for now. "Who doesn't want this kind of food on every corner? This is better than Taco Hell!"

"Yeah... I agree with ya... but seriously..." She chuckled, walking to her Cobra, which still had its top up.

Soon enough, after a lot of munching, crunching and taco sauce being splattered everywhere, the two finished up their meal and cleaned themselves off, Kevante leaving stains all over his shirt and jeans. Unlocking her beauty with her remote starter, both Carmen and Kevante entered the vehicle, with Kevante in the passenger seat and Carmen in the driver's seat. After buckling up, Carmen spoke again.

"You wanna know something that really bothers me?" Carmen asked.

Kevante looked up from his smartphone. "What?" He asked, putting his Android away.

"These... videogames, the ones that take place in the US or whatever. Particularly Zombie games and such. I've noticed that in these games, AK-variants are really prolific in the world." Carmen looked to Kevante with a bewildered look on her face. "Do you know how hard it is to get an AK around here, especially one that actually looks and feels like an AK, rather than a cheap overpriced American-made knockoff?"

Kevante simply stared at her. After a short pause, he spoke. "You seriously need to go back to Mayweather."

Carmen groaned at the thought of that. To go back to Mayweather, to her the idea in of itself was a waste of time. She didn't like the idea going back, being hated by both the heroes and the villains. She didn't feel like she belonged there, and she never thought that she ever will. "No, I'm not going back that... cesspool of... weirdness!" Carmen said. "I don't feel like I belong there anyway..."

"Yes you do." Kevante said. "Well... I think you do, anyway. You've actually... become a much better person after you've been there... and you've actually been a very big help to me." He explained. "You actually pulled my ass out of the fire more times than I care to remember. I owe that to you, and Mayweather."

Carmen sighed and shook her head... that comment was just a little offensive. Carmen was better than that, she didn't need a stupid Hero School to make her save her friends when they are in need. She never was the type that would leave anyone behind, and she never will be, no matter the situation. "Kev... don't say that man..." She said softly. "... that was all on my own volition. Mayweather has nothing to do with that. And we're friends... that's what we're supposed to do. No one left behind... no one left forgotten."

Kevin looked ahead. "Yeah... I guess you're right. But still... go to Mayweather. This is free education. Do you know how expensive college is nowadays? With Bernie out of the scene now... that dream of free college ain't gonna come true, fam! You got a good enough hand to play, I'd hate to see you fold."

Carmen looked ahead, staring off into the street. She thought about it. The political scene isn't looking too good, both of the candidates scare her to death. A crazy racist or a corrupt warmonger? Yeah. No. It would take eons for Marijuana to be legal now, and it would take even longer for College to be free... in a society where that is a necessity, and where it is priced as a luxury. Carmen agreed at that point, she knew that she shouldn't squander this opportunity. "Yeah... you're right. Maybe I'll go back... but I need to think about it first. But before we do all of that... I have someone to see over at Delirium."

Kevante looked to Carmen in disbelief. "Delirium?" He asked. "That place is the biggest Villain Bar you can ever find here in NYC! It's for high-ballers only. What the hell you on... makin' you wanna go there?"

"This person contacted me by my full name... formally too." Carmen explained. "He says that he's well aware of my abilities... and that he has a proposition for me." She explained. She too had doubts about this, the person who contacted her contacted her by mail, and by text, both of them without a return address. It looked shady as hell, but she wasn't one to turn down opportunities either.

"How could you be sure to trust him like that?"

Carmen brandished her P99, which was holstered underneath one of her jacket flaps. "That's why I'm bringing this in." She said, straightening her jacket back out. "I know what I'm doing. Don't worry about a thing, I got this."

And with that, the keys were turned. The Cobra woke up, and was brought to life once again. The upgraded gauges sprung to life, and the radio was back on, blasting heavy bass, a blast from the past. With a quick shift in gears, the Cobra roared and peeled out from the parallel parking area... speeding down towards Delirium.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SkeankySnack
Avatar of SkeankySnack

SkeankySnack Uncle Dr. Beast

Member Seen 5 days ago

Location; Delirium
Interacting With; Valentin, and Leon @Viciousmarrow.
Mood; Wary → Scared/Angry → Tripping Balls

Two silhouettes made their way up an ominous set of stairs. The tall, dark haired Valentine guided his blonde companion, the newest Warden, to a place no man worth his skin ought to go, yet there was no fear set in those dark eyes of his. There was no emotion to him at all. He strode forth with purpose though. Not so long ago, Leon had left him in charge of showing the fresh meat how things were done. They were to be on the lookout for any trouble that might occur on the ground floor or any of the side passages within the club, but Valentin had other plans. Devious ones, in fact. There was a drastic change in scenery as they climbed the stairs. Where ground level was a decadent display of colors and sounds, the further up they went, the less decoration they saw. Everything seemed to deteriorate into a foreboding atmosphere, one that evoked a sense of dread and fear. By the time they had reached the end of the steps, there was no color, just dimly lit cement on both sides of them. A large, black door impeded their progress forward, adorned with a sign that warned them to turn back for nothing good awaited those who entered. However, on the other side, distant screams of pain could be heard. Something was definitely happening back there.

Valentin knew very well what horrors lay behind that door, but he showed no hint of it. What could pass as a concerned expression flashed onto his visage, and warily, he turned to Kayla. “It sounds like someone is in trouble… I think we ought to help them.” he whispered to her. “Prepare yourself, Kayla. There could be anything behind this door.” At least he gave her some kind of warning, but truly, there was no amount of preparation one could do once they glimpsed into the Maw. Slowly, he edged forward and put his hand to the lock. A purplish haze came forth and siphoned into the keyhole, and not a second later, the door was unlocked. The stealthy Subterfuge swiftly entered into the torture chamber, beckoning for his comrade to follow him.

Inside, a blood trail immediately greeted them. The crimson streaks went further down the chamber before they tapered off at another door at the opposite end. The concrete walls, adorned with heavy chains, showed evidence of violence: the remnants of blood splatters, chips missing from heavy swings of a blunt object, and even bullet holes. There were even torture devices in plain sight, some of them quite medieval in design. A rack, a wooden horse, and even a guillotine were the most notable of the horrible contraptions inside. It was quite obvious that no amount of partying went down here; this was a place where the Harts punished those that did them wrong. It was a familiar landscape to Valentin, one that he had seen on multiple occasions. He actually had his own personal key, but he had chosen to betray Kayla’s sense of trust. “By God…”

Kayla was...wary… Ever since Leon had requested that she meet with him at 8 for their training, she was ecstatic. A possible one on one with a man she absolutely admired and wanted, yet she was disappointed that he brought along the rest of his crew for a mission of utmost importance he had said. She sighed, knowing it couldn’t be helped, if there was trouble the Wardens would be there and since she was a Warden now, she’d be in the thick of it too. Still she believed that Leon would be by her side to train her, yet she was put under the charge of Valentin, his second in command. Not a bad deal by any shot, but still not the man she thought she’d be with tonight.

Although Kayla had heard of the place they were going to, she’d never actually been there before. That being said, she selected to use the same dress she would have worn at the rooftop party, had that of course not been so short lived. So here she was, in a lacy white dress, showing off more skin than she was normally comfortable with, and due to the color in complete contrast to the environment she was in. She and Valentin had been assigned to scope the ground floor, but it seemed he had other plans in mind as he began to climb the stairs, higher and higher until...Kayla felt a very foreboding feeling in the pit of her stomach. They reached some kind of door at the end of a long hallway, she could hear sounds from the other side...terrible sounds… Valentin gave her some assurance, they were Wardens after all, this was the kind of stuff she knew she’d eventually have to deal with, so why not now?

She clutched at her bracelet tightly, ready to summon her mech at a moment’s notice. Valentin had picked the lock using his powers and as soon as the door opened, the young girl’s face paled and her hands went to her mouth. What she saw was something someone would see in a horror movie, blood splatters, torture devices, markings in the wall; this was absolutely horrible. Valentin summed it up well in just two words, and the screams came again, ”Valentin...this is horrible, we can’t just let that poor girl suffer in here, we have to help her.” Kayla’s eyes were pleading, naive of whatever true intentions the Warden had for her.

The mysterious man had to give Kayla some credit. She was quite courageous for someone with no powers. Unfortunately, her bravery amounted to nothing when faced with treachery. Valentin let her speak her peace, but as soon as she stopped talking, a wave of his hand summoned forth black, eldritch tentacles that sprung from the ceiling and wrenched her hands apart. He let out a chuckle before he turned and faced his captive, another set of dark limbs summoned to hold her ankles as he did so. “The only poor girl in this building is you, my dear Kayla.” His words were spat out in mocking manner, a coy smirk splayed upon his dark face. “There’s been a change of plans for tonight. I won’t have the Wardens mucking around with Delphina’s party. The Mayweathers and my peers might end up fighting, and I do hope so, but we won’t be there to intervene.” he informed her. The robed Valentin stepped up to his captive until his face was just inches from hers. “No, tonight is going to be a festive night. For you, for me… For everyone.”

Suddenly entangled and trapped, Kayla’s eyes shot open wide with fear, ”W-What?!” Shock, fear, disbelief, these were the things Kayla felt, and as Valentin spoke his peace and drew himself closer to the shorter girl, anger suddenly entered the equation. ”Y-you bastard!” She whipped her head forward; hard. Smashing her skull right into the Warden’s face, ”How dare you! How dare you call yourself a Warden! You’re not going to get away with this!” She was angry, but she was scared, and all that was on her mind right now was Leon and how she desperately wanted, no, needed him to be here right now.

Pain split into Valentin’s skull as the unpredictable blonde smashed her head right into his own. Gritting his teeth and absolutely seething, he backhanded the insolent, little prat in a momentary fit of rage. “I see why they selected to you to be part of our family…” He stepped back a good foot, not daring to let her have another go at him. Holding a palm to his forehead, he could feel a small splotch of blood. How long had it been since anyone had been able to harm him? It felt like an eternity. His dark orbs loomed over her and he silently debated on what to do with the new addition to the Wardens. Obviously, there was no way she was going to go along with any of his demands. “I had hoped you would see it my way, Kayla. That we might have been able to come to some arrangement. Unfortunately, I don’t see that as a possible route.” Valentin’s tone was one of false sympathy. From beneath his black garb, he produced a syringe filled with a olive green liquid. Whatever substance lay dormant within couldn’t be anything good. “I want you to have a good time though. I won’t have any harm come to our precious Kayla. So, consider this my gift to you… My little initiation rite.” The warlock circled around the tiny blonde and approached her behind. Roughly, one of his cold hands gripped her hair and jerked her head back before he sank the syringe into the delicate flesh of her neck. ”This is an experimental drug. A sort of lust draft. You’ll lose all of you inhibitions and do deeds you normally wouldn’t. There’s no telling what the side effects might be… The only one I’m sure of is that you won’t remember tonight.” he whispered into her ear as the contents of the syringe began to course through her veins.

Kayla’s head whipped to the side as she received the backhand, but her head straightened back, her hair a little frazzled and her cheek stinging red. Her anger helped to dull the pain, but she was nonetheless still hurting from it. She was confused though, why would a Warden want the Wardens to not intervene it just didn’t make any sense. But when Valentin produced the vial, the anger suddenly subsided and fear took over as her eyes widened once again. She struggled in vain against her captor and as he circled around her, gripping her hair tight, Kayla let out a small yelp and felt a sharp pain in her neck. As Valentin spoke his words were already starting to fade out, ’Leon...please...help.’ the tiny blonde thought as a whole new world was suddenly unfolding before her. What was once fear and anger suddenly became...very, very hot, her body felt like it was on fire and her pupils dilated as the drug flowed through her veins. Her breathing became heavy and her body felt weak, her breaths came in pants, pleading and wanting, what was happening to her?

”You, like Leon, will fall to me. He wants to settle the war with peace. I won’t let that be the case though. One way or another, Delphina will swallow Mayweather whole. You and all of your peers will bow to us.” Valentin exclaimed his ideals to the fading girl, knowing fully well she would remember nothing of this. Pride welled in his bosom, a haughty arrogance that resonated in his very being. Satisfied with the work he had done tonight, he grabbed the woman by back of her dress and skirted her back downstairs. With no more business to conclude, the enigma that was Valentin Apostol vanished into the elite chambers above.

She felt her body moving, where was it going? Oh god it was so hot, she couldn’t believe the heat she was feeling and the huge amount of it that was welling up in between her legs. Suddenly she found herself in a throng of people, people she didn’t recognize, but it seemed like everyone was on her, touching her, feeling her, dancing with her. Every little motion sent shivers up her spine, pleasure she had never once felt before, God she just...just, wanted somebody, anybody. Leon...Leon was on her mind, where was Leon? She wanted him, Leon, Leon, Leon. Somehow she made her way through the crowds and slammed chest first into someone, looking up a lustrous smile graced her lips, ”Leon~”

The intoxicated Leon felt the presence of another collide straight into him, nearly tipping him over. At the sight of the golden locks of hair, his heart fluttered, guessing it might be the enchanting form of Amelia. As his skewed vision locked onto the face, he made out the prominent features of Kayla instead. Normally, he wouldn’t see a “coworker” as someone he could be with, but the alcohol in his system threw that out of the door. After all, she was just as gorgeous as Amelia. ”Kayla!” he slurred out before taking her hands and dancing in a silly manner with her. He didn’t seem to notice the change in her demeanor, nor did he wonder where Valentin had gone off to. Like everyone else in the club, he was living in the moment.

Oh my, he was dancing with her, but this wasn’t the dancing she had in mind, no, this was a club, and the bass was dropping real, real low. She twisted her body so that her backside was right up against him. Despite her small stature in comparison to his tall and toned one, she wanted him to feel every inch of her, just as much as she wanted to feel every inch of him. Her booty swayed to the music, and her hands reached up and behind to graze his skin and feel every fiber of muscle beneath his shirt. Eventually her hand traveled to his and pulled it down so it was right on her waist, his touch making her gasp in delight. She had wanted this for so long and tonight she was going to have him all to herself, what more could she want?

Leon was absolutely flabbergasted by the extremely sensual performance Kayla was giving him. The grin on his face stretched out further and his eyes went wide like a little boy in a candy store. Excitement pulsed with every beat of his heart, and the club was getting exceedingly hot. If this kept up, there was no telling where he and the newly instated Warden would end up. “God damn, girl, you’re on fire!” he exclaimed, following her lead in this erotic moment. There was no use in fighting the current, he just went with the flow! She was too damn hot to let go off.

Location; In dorm room → At Delirium
Interacting With; No one
Mood; Suspicious/Worried → Disguising → Surveying

A party at Delirium...that spelt a lot of trouble, especially both Gianna and Samantha’s troupe were involved. Getting down from that tower earlier wasn’t difficult and Cara was nowhere to be found afterwards, though considering her power, that wasn’t surprising. It didn’t take long for word to reach his ear of the events at Delirium and it seemed an anonymous tip went out to the Mayweathers that Delphina students were hosting it. Normally such things wouldn’t interest him, but considering the state of disarray both schools were in, he had a personal interest and somewhere along the line, Eliana was involved. Having someone of that stature, in a place of that reputation, where both sides were recruiting, was literally a recipe for disaster and Elijah had every intention of keeping the young Lovelace out of harm’s way, along with collecting any information he could. This came the tricky part.

Despite being a loner in his own right, he was easily recognizable, his clothing made that fairly easy to begin with and it wasn’t like he had a normal wardrobe. No, if he was to infiltrate the club unnoticed, he’d have to go...incognito; to do so, he’d have to rely on the arcane. Rifling through his stuff he happened upon the magical item that would help him in his endeavor. A scroll, very rare and very ancient, a gift from his father only to be used in emergencies or times of great need; this to Elijah was a time of great need. Unfurling the papyrus the ancient arcane etchings glowed in his vision and he began reciting the incantation laden upon the scrollwork. The tongue was unrecognizable, an ancient language belonging to beings long forgotten, on a plane residing far beyond this one. The script began to glow and as it was finished, the scroll burst into flames, the fire encircling Elijah’s body and transforming his form; to say it was painful would be an understatement.

Has one ever experienced their form changing? Their flesh and bone reshaping itself into the visage of another? Such a feat was not easy, and it took all of his will to not cry out in agony, but when the process was complete, Elijah was on the floor, sweating and panting. Achingly he picked himself up and stepped forward to look at the mirror, he still could not see, but as he reached up for his eye, it was not closed; a fortunate side effect of the scroll. He knew he looked different, he certainly felt different, his form was still tall and lanky, but his face was different and his hair color changed, if he assumed correctly. The hair he stole from another student certainly told that story well enough, one he knew wouldn’t attend such a party due to illness, some Delphina illusionist if he remembered correctly; his clothes would do nicely as well. Shedding himself of his robe he donned the other student’s clothing, just a simple white t-shirt with jeans, something that would at least help him blend into the crowd.

Elijah knew where to go, he’d been there only once before on business and once again, he found himself there on business. The bouncers wouldn’t let him in, not in his current form, so he’d have to sneak in and blend, very well. The rooftop was always an option, it lead straight through a torture chamber that only the bold dared to enter and anyone caught sneaking in that way, had a one way trip to the guillotine. He’d been lucky the first time and once again lucky as he snuck his way through, quiet as a church mouse, a shadow in a dark valley, to put it mildly. Surprisingly the door that lead to the bottom floor was already unlocked, a fortunate coincidence as Elijah slipped down the steps and blended in with the crowd. There were quite a number of people here, lots of auras to survey, though they all conveyed a similar emotion, lust and want. The waves of emotion he saw were almost overwhelming, but he’d have to block it out along with the bass, the music was blaringly loud and he was glad to not have the sight to deal with whatever else happened here. He’d have some difficulty, but if he could help it, he had to get his ‘eyes’ on Sam and Gianna’s group, along with Eliana to make sure no harm would befall her.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Aewin
Avatar of Aewin

Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Location: Delirium Entrance → Delirium Bar
Interacting with: Eachother@Legion02
Teasing → Happy → Devious → Genuinely interested → Unconcerned
Neutral → Anxious → Surprised → Drunk
Anya's Outfit

Who even was this guy? Entering the office with a swagger and a sharp tongue caused Ananya to frown in her seat. Was this the way he showed respect to his elders? She nodded at Cecilia, thankful to have a chance to think about her participation in the tournament - of course Ananya already knew she was going to join, but who to pick as her first opponents was a challenge on it's own. Maybe that really disrespectful manchild that would insist making it harder for Mrs Lovelace to inform the newer participants of their upcoming tasks.

She needed something, anything that would help her decide. Especially with the sudden influx of Delphina students from the fire (yeah, she'd heard about that once she arrived in her dorm room) to explain the new faces, she didn't want to just stick with battling against Mayweather students. Why not use this as an opportunity to see where she's slacking in her training - and what better way to test this out than fighting villains?

And that was when she'd heard whispers - something about a party to probably celebrate a birthday - I mean, why else would someone spend so much money to host a party if it weren't for a birthday? That anonymous Facebook account that posted the details on the Mayweather group was definitely helpful. She didn't know what exactly the person meant by returning the favour, but she could only assume she missed out a lot that past two months between the two sets of students.

Let's change that, shall we?

Ananya took the challenge. And so here she was; alone in New York in front of Delirium night club, shivering and cursing her choice of wear in the cold night. The line was long and filled with obviously underaged teenagers -not that she was any different: she was still a year younger than what the bar owners wanted, according to what she'd read up online - but still better than that seventeen year old boy with wide eyes and a hopeful look on his face. But that raises different problems: how the hell was she supposed to get inside herself?!

“Is she with you, sir?” It was Jimmy. Not Nico, who was still holding the door for Lucas. He looked at the bouncer confused until the big man gave a nod towards a strange girl. She had a hint of Indian in her face, but didn’t look full blood to him. The poor girl seemed to be a little confused as she looked around in the line. She’d get in soon enough with her beauty alone. Even though Lucas judged her to be still shy of 21. Usually Lucas would have left her outside, not caring for who she was. But there was something mystical about her, as if there was more about her that met the eye. Well, it was a night of not knowing what to happen and to take all the chances, so why not take a leap of fate?

He cut through the line like a man revered. People moved aside for his self-confident stare, but even more because most had seen him both talk to the bouncers like friends do and scare away the first in the line. He quickly arrived at Ananya and asked: “Now tell me, what does a beautiful lady like you do all alone in a line for Delirium?” His tone was a mixture of arrogance, inquiry and just a bit genuine. Enough to blunt any sarcastic edge.

When Ananya looked away from the line of underaged boys towards the voice that spoke, she was surprised to see that it was the same guy that scared the living crap outta the other kid -- Leopold something. Now, she was nowhere near close enough to figure out what was said between the two, but she knew it was enough to send that kid and his buddies running in fear of him. That was more than enough to cause her to be guarded against the arrogant man.

"I heard there was a party for Gia, if you know her?" She tried sounding as if she knew the villain well enough to have any sort of business at a club filled with villains she'd never even heard of - let alone met.

Lucas was surprised for a second. Was she Delphina, Mayweather or an outsider? He hadn’t seen her ever in his life and the school had started for some time now, so Mayweather or Delphina seemed impossible. Gianna certainly knew a lot of people, but she wasn’t invited. If she was, she’d also know that she could cut the line and enter with the mere mention of that name here. So here was a girl that knew of the name Gia, but not good enough to know what power that name held in a place like here. She was also alone, in New York City. Not the safest of places to wander alone. So she was definitely an outsider. But not one that knew Gianna well enough.

“Oh yeah. I know Gia. Very good friend actually. You got an invite too?” he prodded, checking if she knew more. Gia rarely sent actual invitations. You just knew when things would go down in Delirium and you showed up. Making plans for a place like this was impossible to do. But Lucas wanted to test if the strange girl knew that. If she did, then she’d visit Delirium before when Gianna was here. If she didn’t, then she learned about Gianna’s existence somewhere else. What the senior getting internet famous now too?

Oh that was not good. Out of all the people she could run into, why did it have to be someone that could see through her lies? Ananya wasn't sure whether she would get away with admitting that she was a Mayweather student trying to crash a Delphina party, so the truth was out. She thought for a moment about her lie. She didn't know Gianna enough, only that it was her party and she was - for the lack of a better word - the queen bee of Delphina. Do queen bees pass invitations? Probably, right? They wouldn't want just anyone getting into their parties.

So swallowing down her anxiety, Ananya responded. "Of course, didn't you?" Was she pushing it? "She doesn't want just anyone strolling in, if you know what I mean?" Maybe hinting that she was a Delphina student to a villain was not the best idea, but she was already in this mess. What's the worst that could happen?

Lucas could pull the game for so long as he wanted, that much was clear to him. This poor girl had no idea she was digging her own grave. Then again, Lucas had to admire the fact that she was willing to bluff her way through it. Not that she was successful, though. If anything, Lucas could “punish” her too for abusing a name like he did with good old “Leopold”. But then again, why scare away the girls? The more the merrier and definitely in a club. Besides with her exotic appearance she’d get plenty of drinks. That means plenty of extra drinks paid for. Beauty is always good for business.

“No, actually.” Lucas grinned. “If I know one thing about Gianna, then it is that she loves getting to know strangers. But you got an invitation, you say? Strange, I didn’t.” he pulled his phone, slowly and pulled Gianna from his contacts. He showed the small screen at the Indian girl and then turned it back to him. “You got 15 seconds to say who you are and why you’re here. Or I’m calling Gianna and see if she knows who ever the hell you’ll claim you are.” His voice was completely serious, though inside he was snickering like hell. Would he call Gianna? Of course, he would. And she’d just tell him to let the girl in so she could introduce herself. If she confessed about being some imposter she’d get in too. But his tone certainly didn’t convey that message. It was far more intimidating. Telling the girl that either she’d tell the truth or be thrown to the wolves, despite still being in line. This was a part of Lucas he liked the most sometimes. His intimidating side.


Luck really had a way of screwing with her, one way or another. Ananya didn't just shoot herself in the foot twice by name dropping the birthday girl, but she pretty much threw herself into a hungry lion's cage wearing nothing but Lady Gaga's meat dress. It was not good. There was no way she could keep claiming she was a Delphina student, especially since the man in front of her was already suspicious - and if Ananya wanted to leave the lion's cage alive, she had to tell the truth.

"Alright, fine. I'm a Mayweather student. I had to miss the first month back because of... reasons... but what's wrong with trying to get to know my new classmates?" That was at least partially honest, there was no way she'd let anyone know that she wanted to scope out potential opponents for the tournament. Now all Ananya could do was pray to Shiva that the man in front of her was going to let her go with little problems.

“Ah, that wasn’t so hard now was it.” He said, feeling the sweet victory. Now it was his turn. He put back his phone and came to stand next to her. Putting his closest, left arm around her to rest on her hip he started leading her through the crowd, which parted like the red sea. Jimmy opened up the rope gate to let them both through. All the while Lucas was saying: “You know, a beautiful girl like you could easily get in most clubs here. Believe me, owners don’t care. Beauty brings business. Also, flaunting the name Gianna like that will either open doors or make sure you just got on the wrong side of someone. Don’t worry, it just opened a door for you.” His tone was relaxed and cheery, and his timing perfect. Because right when he said that Nico opened up Delirium’s door for them.

“Let me be the first to welcome you to paradise. Delirium!” He announced with his right hand, keeping his left on her hip. He dragged her on to the nearby bar and coat room. Where he released his hand from her hip, handed his own coat and ordered two white martini’s to start the night with. He took one for himself and shoved the other one to the girl. “So tell me, who are you? I mean you name, and such stuff.” He smiled while asking, and then took a sip of his drink. Indicating it was her turn to talk, but his entire intimidating nature was gone. Instead, now he was curious of who this exotic beauty really was.

Now this isn't what she'd expected. Maybe a little satisfaction from his end for getting what he wanted, maybe a little gloating - but to be guided into the club despite lying to his face? Definitely not what she thought would happen. Maybe her luck wasn't too bad... yet. He was still an intimidating guy, and one look from him sent terrified shivers down her spine. If this was Gia's friend... she could only imagine how scary the Delphina queen bee would be.

Maybe her luck would last long enough for her to get out of the club without being noticed by the birthday girl? Ananya handed her thin coat before leaning against the bar as Lucas pushed the glass towards her. "Oh I don't--" Oh what the hell, she'd made it through inside, she could celebrate with one drink. She took the glass and sipped, nose wrinkling slightly. "I'm Ananya. Or... er, Naagin. Have you even heard of me? Probably not since I'm not much of a hero but," Anya shrugged, before taking another small sip. "And who are you? I can't keep calling you 'that intimidating guy' in my head."

“As we are sharing our aliases-“ he inched closer to her ear, brushing away some of her hair. He whispered: “They call me Twilight.” Now the name Twilight wasn’t meant anything special. But there was a certain power in an alias to Lucas. Maybe in years to come he’d become a legend? The name Twilight would suddenly mean so much, while so few knew his real name. It was a thought just to entertain because he had no idea how anything in his future would go. Not that it matter. “Intimidating guy, eh? I like that. Maybe I should keep my real name a secret?” he said with a playful smile. After which he took a quick sip. “I’m Lucas. Farweight. Though, you’re Mayweather right? You’ll probably get to know me as Gia’s puppy.” The nickname clearly didn’t hurt him but did give off the feel that there was a story there.

“So you’re here to meet new people, eh? As a Mayweather?” He looked at the top liquor shelf for a second, deciding what to grab next. “You know, for a Mayweather you’re really in the wrong place. No offense, I’m happy you’re here. Half your ‘classmates’ wouldn’t even dare cross that door.” He said, turning on the barstool towards the entrance. “You really think this is the place where you get to know your classmates?” Obviously, it wasn’t. The main crowd was clearly older than 22. The only people you’d ever get to know was Gianna’s people. So did she want to get to know Gianna? Or was she really as naïve as she said she was?

"Twilight, as in the sparkly Vampire Twilight?" Anya couldn't help but laugh. It may not be the case, but that was the first thought that came into the Nag's head when she heard him. Anya took another sip, her mind trying to figure out what his ability was without having to ask and seem too nosey or suspicious. Anyway, it wasn't like her alias was any better; in fact it was the least creative thing someone could come up with. She was a naagin, with the same alias - it wouldn't really take long for someone to figure out what she could do if they knew her language.

"I wouldn't really peg you for a puppy type, maybe more of a... I don't know? Tiger? Something dangerous, but I guess Gia's tiger doesn't have as much of a ring to it." Ananya figeted with the hem of her dress as he brought up Mayweather again, before answering. "Maybe I don't want to meet only other Mayweather students. If I wanted to, I would've stuck to the library. I think... the Mayweather students that would try to come to a villain's club on a special night for the queen of Delphina... I think those people are a lot more interesting." At least, if they're brave enough to try to crash a villain's party, surely they'll be potentially skilled opponents.

Lucas never liked the comparison with vampirism. That stuff was for girly-girls who had nothing to do but fantasize constantly about their future boyfriend. Those into the whole vampire thing struck him as incredibly teensy. Like teen girl trying to be a little edgy. It always failed. Still, the difference was a jab he disliked. With all seriousness, he turned back towards the girl. “You like to piss off people you shouldn’t, don’t you?” After that, he just turned back to the bar to take another sip of his drink while listening what else she got to say.

And what she said struck him as particularly odd. Him, a tiger? That was the first time a Mayweather actually dared to talk like that to him. Many talked behind his back, but none would even say a word to his face. But this girl, she talked with him without any prejudice. With an entertained but confused face he turned at the Indian girl. Her comment about the library actually earned her a chuckle from the villain. And he nodded in confirmation about her crashing the night. He knew Mayweather wouldn’t let it pass without incident. But at least now he had confirmation that they were up to something.

“Are you sure you’re Mayweather?” he asked, as he finished his drink. “I mean if anything, you’d fit right in with Delphina.” He said with a chuckle. Before ordering two shots of tequila. “You know, anyone trying to crash this party has a death wish. Even I wouldn’t want to ruin a party at one of Hart’s places.” He exclaimed, as the shot glasses arrived. He forced the salt shaker in one of Ananya’s free hands, saying: “This is Delirium. No way you stay sober here for longer than 30 minutes. C’mon, you go first.”

Anya finished her drink, pushing the glass away from her and raising her arms up in a mock-surrender gesture. "I meant no harm, just... it was the first thing I thought." Ananya kept forgetting that the man she was talking to was a villain, a student from Delphina- she needed to be a lot more careful with her words lest she trigger something bad and the last thing Ananya wanted tonight was to make enemies out of people that were more powerful than her.

But this was proving to be a helpful experience: Lucas seemed the type of man to be annoyed easily - given that he didn't take her Twilight comment lightly. Or maybe she'd hit the spot luckily, she didn't know. Ananya figured the only way to find out was to carry on the chit chat. Ananya's eyes opened wide as Lucas ordered another two shots of tequila, protests forming at the back of her throat. "Oh, god no I can't. I'm a lightweight, plus I'm pretty sure is against my faith." Her hand curled around the salt shaker, contemplating.

If she drank some more, Ananya figured he'd be willing to sit around long enough for her to figure things out about him. But on the other hand, she truly was a lightweight - hell, that martini already got the Nag buzzed. "I guess I can't plead innocence? I had no malicious intent, just... curiosity." She looked at the salt shaker and drink again, before finally giving in. "Just this one time." She muttered before applying salt to the back of her hand, licking it and quickly taking the shot of tequila - all with a winced expression on her face.

Lucas wasn’t often one to mock faith. He himself wasn’t much of a believer, but he knew just how powerful a belief could be. Then again, they were in Delirium. The temple of sin. Whatever you did here no god could hold against you. The place was worse than Las Vegas. “C’mon. You’re telling me you don’t really want to try it? You’re in Delirium! Do what you want, drink what you want! This place is exactly what Lucifer had in mind when he gave humans free will!” Lucas exclaimed. Maybe naming the devil wasn’t such a good idea, then again she was in the devil’s club. She had to drink.

And to Lucas’ triumph she did. He cheered as she threw back the shot. But apparently forgot the lemon slice. When the wincing on her face was gone and she looked at him he couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m-I’m so sorry it’s just. You’re the first person I’ve met who forgot the lemon. Here, lemme show you.” He took the salt shaker from her hand, put some on his hand, licked it, threw back the shot as if it was water and put the lemon slice in his mouth. With a straight face, he looked at her, with just a millimeter or two of yellow lemon slice keeping his lips apart. Eventually, he took it out, spit out a pit and showed her how he literally consumed all the flesh inside. With a smile, he told her: “See? You have to eat the lemon. All of it. C’mon, do it again!” He wouldn’t give her much time to say no as he already ordered 2 extra shots and gave her the salt shaker back. The bartender was surprisingly fast with the new shots, and Lucas gave Ananya her second glass, making clear that he wouldn’t take no for an answer.

How much worse could it get? She'd already had one martini, and now a shot. She'd already sinned in God's eye, so why not just throw it to the wind? It was all in the name of research anyway, surely He would understand - though Ananya was certain that her mother was shaking her head up in heaven - how could the daughter of a bartender forget the lemon!?

Ananya made a face at Lucas as he showed her how a shot was supposed to be done - the lemon included before he ordered one more. She could already feel the effects of the alcohol in her system, but she was still a couple shots away from being out of her mind. "Cut me some slack, I've never had shots before." Still cringing slightly at the taste, Ananya took the salt shaker from Lucas before putting some more on the back of her hand. "Just know I'll be upset if the lemon doesn't make the shot taste any better." And with that, Ananya mimicked what Lucas had done: licked the salt, downed the shot before putting the slice of lemon into her mouth, spitting the citrus out moments later with another wince and a groaned "it didn't." while rubbing her lips, as if the taste would go away with those actions.

"I hope you're happy," she groaned again. "That was god awful, why would you willingly take that and not make a face!?"

Lucas, in a slight buzz, held his own second shot glass aloft to examine it. It has been so long ago since when he took his first shot of Tequila. In fact, he was only 17. It was a wild night, he could remember that much. They didn’t even have lemon. But he definitely shared the salt with someone. They licked it off another’s hands. It was then that he realized with whom he shared, and his eyes went big for a moment. Way too fast he grabbed the salt, licked some off his hand, threw back the glass, draining it like an actually shot, and bit the lemon. Successfully washing down the bad memory. However, his face did wince from the sourness of the lemon.

“Oh god, that was far sourer than I thought it would be.” He said as his face relaxed and he spat out the lemon. “Honestly, I have no clue?” he followed up while laughing. “Guess you get used to it. Though, sometimes it takes you by surprise.” He looked at the shot standing before him. Tequila was a good start, but this was clearly a girl’s first bar time. Well, no reason not to make it memorable. Or completely forgotten. Depending on how far he could get her. “You know what you should try? Ricard.” Again, he didn’t leave her much choice. As he ordered it immediately from the bartender. Though she looked a bit busy, so they still had some time before her shot arrived. No way Lucas would pour that down. The only time he ever did it was with Gianna, and back then he too got tricked into it. “It has –euhm- a unique taste. Trust me, it’s really special!” he assured the Indian girl. As the bartender, in the distance was preparing the shot. It was served simple, in a glass. Lucas pushed it toward Ananya while saying: “C’mon, all in one.”

Ricard... it sounded vaguely familiar, but it wasn't something she was aware of all that much (again, probably causing her mother to shake her head in heaven). She gave the glass a wary look, then at Lucas with narrowed eyes. "And why aren't you drinking it, mister Tiger?" She was already not thinking about her words as much as she normally does, and this could only end in a disasterous night filled with regrets.

Taking the glass in hand, she sighed heavily. "If I have no choice, then I suppose it's bottoms up..." In an act she would later regret, Ananya brought the glass up to her lips, her nose wrinkled as she downed the drink as quickly as she could, the licorice taste filling her mouth causing the Nag to push the glass back down onto the counter as she gagged. "I'm never trusting you again, I've never tasted something more vile!"

Lucas couldn’t do anything but laugh as she downed the glass. She actually did it, and that would just be the start of it all. Still, the boy nearly fell off his barstool laughing. “Oh god. Oh god, I… Okay no, I’m not entirely sorry. Well, I’d give you a sweeter cocktail but as you said, you no longer trust me. Still, I’m going to order one.” He said with a smile, as he ordered a Sex on the Beach. The soft cocktail he strangely enough liked very much. Though he was smart enough to ask for 2 straws. And a glass of water, which he passed towards Ananya.

“Here, drink this. You’ll feel better.” He said as he started drinking from his own cocktail. “So tell me, where are you from?” The question was genuine. The booze was just intended to loosen everyone involved up a little. Right now he honestly wanted nothing more than to get to know the strange, Indian girl. The fact that she only just arrived at Mayweather without any of the prejudice earned her a lot of brownie points with Lucas, something she may learn to be a very valuable thing. If she chooses not to believe every gossip thrown around at Mayweather.

Ananya took the glass of water gratefully, drinking the cool beverage with a soft sigh. She set the glass back onto the counter, rubbing the side of her neck and grumbling under her breath. "I am willing... to bet my left kidney that that drink was revenge for Twilight." Ananya said slowly after finishing her glass of water. There was no way she was going to drink that cocktail and leave the party with enough of a mind to remember things the next day.

Her mother really would be proud...

"India, really. Left after... well.. after my mother... died... yeah..." Ananya used air-quotes around died, before shaking her head. "Killed, actually. Not a verryy nice man." Ananya's words were slurred a little bit, but not enough to sound incomprehensible. "Didja know, she was a bartender when she met my dad? Yeah, look at me now ma." Ananya then raised the empty glass of water in the air, laughing at herself. Ananya had no chance of getting information about potential opponents anymore. There was no way. She was already so... out of it, and it barely took her a martini and two shots.

“Well… you did sort of earn it.” He chuckled, as he took a sip from his cocktail. “You can taste if you want, you know.” He offered her the second, unused straw. The cocktail was very much the opposite of revenge for him. It tasted nice and soft and wasn’t even that heavy. Then again, as she slurred her words Lucas realized she might be far further down the line that he thought he would be. When he heard about the dead of her mother, Lucas felt rather bad. So far he was blessed in that area. With no deaths in the family yet, Lucas was spared that pain, for now. Though deep inside, he knew it would happen someday. Probably a day he was least prepared for. Though when Ananya raised her empty glass he joined in, laughing.

And then he turned with a surprised face towards the Indian girl. “Your mom was a bartender!? No! You never drank a shot of Tequila! How is that possible!? And you just… she never told you about Ricard?” Lucas couldn’t help but be amazed. The girl was full of surprises. “Hell yeah your mom would be proud!” he said, full with excitement. “Look at you, sharing drinks with a stranger.” Lucas was clearly having fun. “Who would have thought that would ever happen in your life!?” He didn’t even know the girl, but she definitely looked like the kind that wouldn’t be doing any of the stuff she was doing now under normal circumstances.

With the raised toast in one hand, Ananya took the offered straw with the other. "Doesn't seem like a bad idea anymore, but this better taste good." Pointing the straw at him like a weapon, Ananya then slipped it into the glass before taking a hesitant sip, sighing when the drink wasn't as bad as she'd expected. Normally Ananya would feel like utter shit after talking about her mother, but here she was drunkenly raising a toast for her. This was definitely not how Ananya thought the night would go, and at this rate, Ananya was not going to remember a single moment of it.

Ananya laughed as the occupation of her late mother excited Lucas. She didn't know why it was funny, but she was drunk! Everything is funny to a drunk. "She served drinks to strangers, and here I am on the other side! But- oh! We gotta keep this hush hush from papa, okay? His drinking days are over and he would be sad if he knew this-" Ananya waved her finger around, pointing at herself then at the drink between her and Lucas, before continuing, "-was happening."

Ananya then frowned at the song that was playing. This wouldn't do at all, it was too... boring. She couldn't tell what exactly was playing, but it didn't matter to the drunk. Instead, Ananya stood up from her barstool, wobbling for a moment before grabbing hold of the edge of the bartop for support, laughing all the while. "Whoops- need to be careful!" After making sure she wasn't going to collapse, Ananya set off towards the DJ, stumbling through the small crowd to reach DJ Predator.

If Ananya was going to dance, it was going to be to one of her favourite songs. It took little convincing, a bat of eyelashes here and some giggling there, but soon the drunk snake finally convinced the DJ to play her song. With the thumping beat filling the room, Ananya turned in her place to face Lucas, still grinning widely. "Care to dance with me, mister Tiger?" She asked as she stepped towards him.

Lucas was taken pretty off guard when the girl suddenly jumped up from the barstool. As a reaction he got off too, keeping his hands near her in case he would need to catch her. When it was clear that she’d go off towards somewhere Lucas was pretty much forced to down his cocktail. Luckily it was easy to drink entirely. After that, he quickly went after Ananya who didn’t get too far yet. Again he kept his hands around the small of her back, ready to catch her should it be needed. Eventually, she crawled up the DJ platform. A place Lucas preferred not to be seen on.

Whatever she asked, she got it. And once she did she made her way back to Lucas, telling him to join in. Lucas looked confused at the DJ, trying to understand what kind of song was playing. Then he heard the Hindi. “I.. I don’t know this song!” he exclaimed with some fake, playful panic at Ananya. But then again, he was at Delirium. “Know what? What the hell! Lead the way, Anya!”

Arrey ladki beautiful, kar gayi chull!
1x Laugh Laugh
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