Time: Morning
Location: Forest near Guarav Village
Interactions: Cyrus @Helo, Ophelia @princess, Dante @FunnyGuy Darius @Samreaper Menzai
Viola's nervousness was clear on her expression as she heard Cypress' words. Knowing Ophelia could be in danger was incredibly worrying, but Viola had no choice but to trust both in Ophelia's plan and her brother Cyrus. Still, it didn't make much to make her less nervous about the situation.
Despite the tense situation and how nervous Viola was, it was still impossible to ignore the impossible feats the two elves were performing. Starting with riding on top of huge rocks before throwing them at the Roc and only getting even more absurd from then on: Building domes of rock to protect themselves from the Roc and even making a cloud of dust to blind the Roc's sight. Regardless of how strange the two elves were, Viola didn't really have much time to worry neither about them or the strange Demi-human at the moment. The fact that they seemed to be Ophelia's allies also let Viola focus her attention on the thing that was clearly their enemy, before she started worrying about the strange elves and the demi-human who were nearby.
The two elves' warning echoed through the forest as the dust cloud rose above them, warning for them to stay under the dust in order to not let the Roc see them. Using that brief moment of distraction, Cyrus' words drew Viola's attention, as he asked if her plant was still hungry.
"The Roc will break free the moment it starts feeling the vines gripping him. I need it to be distracted, even if only for a single second, to bind it down with the rose's vines..." Viola replied, knowing what Cyrus was asking her to do.
Unfortunately, the dust was only able to delay the Roc for a brief moment. After it became aware it wouldn't be able to hunt from the air with the dust, the Roc immediately began beating it's wings, preparing to land and dispersing the dust. The very moment the dust cloud was blown away, Viola immediately started frantically looking for Ophelia.
There was no time for Viola to do anything but to feel her heart tightening with desperation as her eyes finally found Ophelia, with the Roc already diving towards her, ready to attack. Realistically, there was nothing Viola could do in such a short time and she knew that. Neither her not her vines would be able to close the distance quickly enough. Fortunately, the demi-human from before somehow was able to get to Phia quickly enough. Moving fast enough to turn himself into nothing but a white blur, the demi-human pushed Ophelia away in the last moment, taking her place as the Roc closed it's beak on the Demi-human's arm, ripping it away from his body before flinging the unconscious demi-human aside.
Despite the terrible noises of bones breaking and flesh being ripped, Viola couldn't feel anything but relief, even though one of Ophelia's allies was gravely wounded, even if he had his arm ripped from his body, the fact that Ophelia wasn't wounded was all Viola cared about.
But saving Phia wasn't all that the demi-human did. By jumping in front of the Roc, he also gave both Cyrus and Viola herself the perfect opportunity to deal with the Roc. With Cyrus using his magic to send every single big of plant and wood towards the Roc, Viola did the same.
The Blood Rose's vines tightened around Viola's body, their thorns piercing her skin and getting soaking in blood, contrasting with her beautiful, immaculately white skin. The moment the Blood Rose tasted Viola's blood, they shot downwards into the ground, burying themselves into the ground as they moved towards the Roc.
It only took a single second until countless vines shot upwards directly from below the Roc, quickly aiming to get a hold of the creature, focusing to first hold it down into the ground before slowly suffocating it, draining it's blood.