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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


@Iamme@Dragon Arts@Digmata@Gerlando@BlackMaiden
@Letter Bee@The Man Emperor@Aku the Samurai@JrVader@Paingodsson

I am here to thank you for your earnest participation in this RP, Just Another Hero for this past 3 months, we all had our ups and downs but regardless, I'm grateful for y'all sticking towards the end and for believing in each other, believing in us, including whatever RPs will Urizen Productions that you're partaking.

We are about to end this first arc and will head to the next, the upcoming posts y'all be making with me are going to be its contents.

I love y'all.

Keyaru brushed off whatever's left of Kaiga's supermove, unscathed.

He felt the mental tremor emitting from Kanako, whose mindbase was directed to one his Eight Bullets. Unless she's human, death was a one way ticket but far be it from humanity, despite the world-shattering pains, her nomu-bioengineered body maintained the integrity of her mind & body. Keyaru smiled and quickly eliminated Kanako by temporarily disabling her Quirk with his own Antiquirk Pistol, never was there a need to use his Quirks against children, his withdrawing of artillery was too fast for the naked eye to see. Gazing upon the remaining Heroes, he intends to kill all of them except Kanako & Matsuru.

Suddenly, black feathers prevented his quick-witted reflexes, knowing well not to react poorly against Ravens.

Keyaru remained calm & in-control of the situation, he proceeded blitzing Ravens, who could react to his fast-pacing movements. Against a winged hero, remaining on guard is something crucial, having fought not just Hawks but also his Agents to a standstill, Keyaru knew that at any given moment, underhanded tactics is his WP and that diversion on all sides was a given. Before he knew it so, Keyaru has fallen prey to the illusion of Ravens, who not only quickly evacuated the wounded at the level of Hawks speed.

Keyaru's impressed that there were still Heroes of that caliber.

It's clear to him that not only the wounded was evacuated to safety but also the civilians and Kanako herself, leaving him inclined to believe that Ravens knew of his plot to take Kanako from the Heroes, who Ravens flew away with Hebi in tow.

"As expected of the #2 Hero and successor of Hawks."

He saw that Matsuru's body has revived & slowly regaining his conscience, Keyaru deduced that Matsuru had Yusuke's Quirk, feeding off the recently copied Super Regeneration Quirk.

Ants after another, Rin arrived and froze him off of his tracks.

Both had eye contact, Rin wasn't showing any signs of fear but only hatred against Keyaru.

Unfortunately, she was knocked out by surprise by his redhead henchman, Rin was impaled by photokinetic light spears, who then shifted her attention towards Haru & Yusuke.

Yusuke once again served as a meatshield to Haru.

"You owe me two for this!"

"Lisara, do not entertain, go forth, I don't need you here." Keyaru reprimanded his henchman not to kill the students, Lisara disappeared.

Reality crumbled as space altered into a concised form.

The Heroes across the other locations got transported into the same place as Keyaru, his henchmen was also nowhere to be found, as his henchmen settled their scores with the Proheroes.

Keyaru glared at Akira, Mei, Yui, Amaya, Matsuru, Haru, Yusuke, Chinmoku, Hikari, Rin, Kazuki & Ria as he released an invisible field of force that threw off their gravity, they were being crushed by the weight of the gravity, they were also receiving images of death.

"Eirei Heroes, let this be a warning to never intervene with my business, Endeavor made a mistake, retiring without a proper successor." Within that confined domain space, there appeared a gigantic fireball, coming in fast like a meteor.

Within that confined domain space, we could see the buildings, crumbling and falling as debris, burning and melting.

Besides the crushing weight of gravity that was pulling them down, restraining them forcefully, along with the imagery of death, they could also feel their throat, burning from the intense scorching atmosphere as the fireball drew closer and closer...

The space domain is a sealed and contained area, only those inside will be obliterated into cinders while the outside world is unaffected.

You can't run because Keyaru is here.

Keyaru stood atop, whether this was a godly display of power or not, either they live or die.

What're his intentions?

Is it over for our Heroes or will there be someone to save them?
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kazuki Yamagata

For a brief moment, Kazuki flashed back to the fall of Jaku City, how his parents had died, and how he had been captured by the League of Villains back then. How he had cried and screamed as they hurt him again and again and again -

His eyes blazed with fury, glinting with reflected light. Now that he had been teleported along with his friends to where Keyaru was grandstanding, he had enough space to force himself up, if only he could overcome the enhanced gravity, the visions of death and destruction that brought bile to his throat, and the burning meteor bearing down on them; a meteor he was suspected was an illusion.

If his gun was intact, he would raise it, pushing himself beyond his limits, gritting his teeth as he pushed the words through his lips, "Keyaru... I trust Ravens."

He pulled the trigger, hoping against hope there was an Anti-Quirk bullet in the magazine. If the meteor was an illusion or some sort of Quirk-based power, an Anti-Quirk Bullet would cancel it out. And if not, then at least he lived a full life, having experienced joy and pain and found the girl of his dreams. If he spent the last moments of his life defying Keyaru, it would be a life lived well. But even if his gun was not intact and that fact was obscured by the visions of death all around him, Kazuki would howl out even louder, "I TRUST RAVENS!"

When Jaku City had fallen, a mysterious woman from the Hawks Agency had saved him. He did not know who she was; she looked different from Ravens, after all. But after seeing the real Ravens into action, a magnificent vision of beauty second only to Hikari, his girlfriend, he knew this - Even if Ravens was not that mysterious woman in another guise, she was similar enough to trust.

He forced more words out, ignoring the pain and the strain on his body and how his eyes began to blur with tears, "Fuck Kites and his assertions - He must be a fool to put his 'Shadow Hawks' above protecting other people! Ravens came to stop you despite Kites being there; that's proof enough that she can be trusted! So fuck you, Keyaru! Meteor, gravity, or just another type of illusion, I will defy you till the very end!"

Blinking, clearing his eyes just long enough to see if he could shoot, Kazuki pointed his gun at Keyaru a second time, hoping against hope it could still shoot...

@Iamme@Dragon Arts@Digmata@Gerlando@BlackMaiden@Letter Bee@The Man Emperor@Aku the Samurai@JrVader@Paingodsson
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by The Man Emperor
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The Man Emperor Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

Member Seen 2 days ago

Ueno Haru

"You owe me two for this!"

Haru shuddered as Yusuke once again took a hit that was meant for him. For the second time today, no less. He knew that Yusuke would be alright, as he began to regenerate before his eyes, but knowing that someone is sacrificing themselves just to ensure that you’re not the one getting hurt…

Is this what the civilians feel when they see heroes get battered in battles against villains?

Haru wouldn’t have any more time to ponder that feeling when another of the villains appeared, calling upon his henchmen to fall back. His presence, his aura… it was all but overwhelming. Haru immediately readied another beam of light only for the sheer gravity of the new villain’s existence in that place to manifest quite literally. Space and time ripped apart as the villain imprisoned the heroes within a cage made out of visions and impossible timelines. The city turned into a true hellscape, even more so than when the Nomu from earlier had ravaged the streets. And far above them, a ball of fire beckoned, screaming death and destruction.

“Congratulations, Mr. Ueno. It appears that your son has an Inverted Quirk.”

‘Huh. Why am I seeing the day of my Quirk assessment?’

Haru looked at his four year old self. The blue skinned boy held an All Might action figure in his dainty little hands, his grey hair cascading onto the sides of his hair. He sat on his father’s lap, whose very presence dimmed the light around him. Like his son, the father had blue skin and grey hair; a set of mutations passed from generation to generation.

“An inverted quirk… so it is the opposite of mine?” The now-retired Pro Hero known as Storm Shadow asked the doctor while his son held the All Might figurine up here like it was a holy artifact. “A strange development…”

“Your wife being Quirkless could be a contributing factor,” the doctor replied with a shrug. “But we’ve been studying quirks for more than two centuries, and we still don’t know where Quirk Factors came from, exactly! Quirk inversions are rare, but in most cases, one of the two parents is Quirkless. If its an opposite kind of quirk, like ice and fire, you get quirk fusions, like Endeavor’s kids.”

“Hnn,” Storm Shadow nodded. “What do you want to do with your Quirk, Haru?”

“I want to be a hero, like you and All Might!”

Storm Shadow grinned. “And why do you want to be a hero?”

“I wish… I wish to make other people look and know that everything will be okay. Why? Because I AM HERE!”

“That’s the spirit…” Storm Shadow nodded. He set the boy down on the floor and bowed at the doctor. “Good afternoon doctor.”

“With a strong quirk like that, I’m sure little Haru will be a great hero one day.”


Everything is so heavy.

Haru groaned as he struggled against the gravitational distortion that the thrice-damned villain, Keyaru, summoned. He rose from the ground, his body protesting with every inch he defied the pull of the earth. Though the villain nor anyone else here would see it, for his goggled mask obscured his face, Haru’s eyes burned with defiance. No one tells Sol Invictus to just lie down and take an incoming fireball!

Haru stood up. Unlike some of the others, he wasn’t as tired yet. He hadn’t pulled off his supermove, Supernova, yet. He had yet to be injured beyond a few cuts and bruises. Still, being imprisoned in folded space, surrounded by illusions of shattered buildings, and a blazing ball of fire coming down like a proverbial Sword of Damocles, and his wounded allies all around him… one could say that this was as dire a situation any hero may find themself in.

“What can you do with your Quirk, Ueno?”

“I eat light and shit it back out.”

“No, really?”

“That is an abridged version.”

“I’m sure that you can do much more! You basically control photons, right?”


“Imagine all the applications, Ueno!”


And see through the lies.

Haru scanned the illusions all around him. None of this was real, of course. No one, save for maybe All Might and All for One, can reduce a city to rubble in an instant. And the abilities of this villain so far don’t line up with mass devastation. He was more of a manipulator of the fabric of spacetime.

Holograms are little more than lasers being manipulated in such a way that they form a coherent image. Lasers are just a concentrated stream of photons. And illusions… they are nothing more than photons being rearranged to make the beholder see what is not there. After all, sight is merely the brain’s interpretation of its reception of photons.

“I want to be a hero like you and All Might!”

Haru held out his hands and PULLED. He could feel every photon dancing upon every atom of air, on every quark that made up the most basic building block of reality. They were like grains of sand on a glass canvas, rearranged and manipulated to form a most sordid bastardization of what was real.

“Why do you want to be a hero?”

Separate the truth from the lies. The fake from reality. Put photons back where they should be.

“Because I AM HERE!”

The veil weakens.

Haru tugged at the illusion and ripped it apart with the sound of shattering glass. He could only imagine the surprise on the yakuza leader’s face as the intricately constructed lie unravelled and died.


That damn fireball was real?!

Would taking the radiance away from a fireball work? Haru didn’t know. But he knew well enough that he had to try. Kazuki was going to try to shoot the yakuza leader, and so Haru still had another role to play.

Haru reached out his hand to the fireball, willing it to go silent and snuff out. He wouldn’t see the result, however, as the restored world around him began to fade away, replaced by darkness.

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Hidden 2 mos ago 8 days ago Post by Digmata


Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Akira Yuzuki

For a brief moment, Akira’s eyes flashed back to a familiar yet unwelcomed house. He knew what exactly this place was but he had long discarded memories in exchange for happier ones.

So when flames suddenly began to spread he had no other thought than he needed to leave. He was about to open the door when he felt something else.

Suddenly he was on the floor, someone’s arms was on his neck and air was starting to be taken from him

Ĭ̵̡̾̓͒̕t̴̬̝̻̗͚͋͌̓͆̀ ̴̹͓͔̣̩̥̝̽̽̃̒̓ͅs̶̢̫̻͚̟̟͉̅̇h̷̠̟̘̍̋͌͒͝͝ó̸̢̻̪̠̳͔͂̚͝ṳ̵͔̠̈́̎̊̏̅̚l̶̛̖̦̃̐̈́̂̀̓d̶̗̯͉̹͂͋̂́́̾̈́͝ͅ ̷̜́͋̆̉͒́̑h̵̘̻̔̄͐͋ͅȃ̸̡͕͐́̉͘ͅv̶̘̫̯͎̐̌̌̽͠e̴̡͖̬̰̞̱̲̔̓̃͊̎̑͊͝ ̶̠͍̮̲͖͚̒̽̈b̷̰̅̏̑́̔̚ë̷̡̜̦̱͈̳͜e̴̫͖̜̓̄̌͑͠͝ň̵̫̭̥̱́̈̔́̃͝ ̷̨͕̦̩̹̄́̀̇̚͠m̸̩̌̑ȇ̸̘͆͌̏̿͘͝.̴̦̟͔̲͉͌͑͊̆́̒̽̈

Before any other thoughts entered his head, he found himself back to reality.

Back to his still bleeding body, to the now unthawed and injured Mei.

And to the upcoming meteor about to burn the entire class to ashes. He had a good life but he also wanted a long life.

Because every is born deserving of one.

"Everyone! Brace yourselves and don't lose everyone."

As if the meteor’s lost of flames was a signal, Class B’s representative jumped into the fray using the barriers the propel him closer to large rock.

There is no escape, so he would throw his best defense and hope that it is enough like always.

A yellow barrier shined to catch the meteor, in a closer look it wasn’t a singular barrier but an overlapping layer of countless ones. This is the culmination of his life as hero student and as kid saved by the Streetlight Office.

Akira ignored the splitting headache and bleeding nose as he let out a satisfied smile, if he was going to die. He will die trying his best, so what if it turned out to be futile?

If nothing else matters, why not try screaming into the void? So that you'll die with the comfort you die your best.

As the meteor crashed into his massive shield and about to makes it's was through something peculiar happened.

The remnants of the barrier morphed around the meteor, slowing it down massively as it attempts to crush the weapon on impact.

Meanwhile, Akira's eyes began bleeding.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Paingodsson
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Paingodsson A Dreamer

Member Seen 6 days ago

Chinmoku would look to Nemesis, a grin on his face as he could tell, that the Nomu was not expecting someone to trade blows with him. "You know, not that you have much of your own thought, but-" He would find himself completely in another area... something... somewhere had teleported him. It took him only a moment to realize what was happening as he suddenly went to his knees at the.. pressure. This pressure as if Gravity had been turned up in the room. He looked up as he saw an images of death flashing before his eyes. The panic began to set in as he seemed to hear muffled sounds of others saying things around him.

"No... NO." Chin said as he shook his head as best he could to flush the images. "That's not reality...." But that giant meteor he just realized was coming down.. was real... was very real as he noticed the people around him. Trying to stop it. Chinmoku took only a moment to close his eyes and take a breath. His senses now calmed, he opened his eyes a determined look trying to ignore the painful pressing of the gravity that continued to push down on him. "Cover your ears! Don't ask just do! He shouted to those around him. He was only supposed to use this in case of an emergency and this.... this giant meteor that seemed ready to destroy everyone and everything , was definitely that. An emergency. He was so focused he didn't even see the villains who were doing all this. One problem at a time.

He needed to take a breath. He needed a moment he wasn't sure he had. Until a boy with long hair seemed to be able to slow the meteor. I will have to remember to say thank you. thought Chin. He took a few baited breaths before taking a big breath. He had to try even harder as the gravity made it difficult the even breathe... Chinmoku realized he was going to have to give this his absolute all.... No... there was no choice, in this, it was either his all, or everyone died... or he died.... Chin's eyes widened, if he died his father would be disappointed, that on his first day.... he failed. A look of disdain covered his face as he looked up finally finished with that breath.

A screech, a yell, a scream. Whatever you wanted to call it, came from Chinmoku as he used his Banshee Screech.
youtube.com/watch?v=6rtI86rgZ9I&ab_ch… (This is essentially what I'm going for his screech.)
Louder, harder, EVERYTHING...I .... HAVE! he thought as the scream got even louder, you could see the shockwaves coming from his mouth slamming into the meteor with ferocity, but it wasn't just one. It was a shockwave, after shockwave, after shockwave slamming harder the louder his scream got. Glass would start shattering around them if there was any from the decibels that he was raising his screech to. But he couldn't stop until this meteor was destroyed.
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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Iamme
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Kaiga Asagumo

Location: ??? Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture

As Kaiga opened his eyes he spotted where he was and wasn’t happy destroyed buildings surrounded him decayed and destroyed. “If I’m here that must mean…” Kaiga looked around before someone spoke up. “Lighten up you make that face every time your here. Kaiga grimaced as he looked up at the figure.

You.Kaiga grumbled out. “Yes me, as the figure jumped down we got a good view of him he looked, exactly like Kaiga however he gave off the air of being more “mature.” “Why am I here. Kaiga asked receiving a scoff from the figure.

Your here for the same reason you are every time, you lost and I’m gonna make fun of you. Kaiga scoffed visibly frowning “If that’s the reason send me back, I don’t have time to play with you. The other Kaiga smirked at him “That’s a pretty big attitude for someone who lost, why do you want to go back so fast anyway do you need to save your little girlfriend.

Both Kaiga’s glare at each other before the other one sighs “I’ve told you this multiple times I can’t send you back when you pass out, this is diffrent from me dragging you in when you sleep. Kaiga sighed before looking away “I should have known your useless anyway.

The other Kaiga frowns “I hate that attitude of yours You know I’ve always been trying to protect you and you act like nothing but a spoiled brat, and you’ll be gone soon anyway.The other Kaiga pointed at Kaiga’s body as it was slowly disintegrating.

You hate me because I represent the you from before but I’m also the person who knows you best, you won’t be able to get rid of me until you accept me because we are one and the same. The other Kaiga turned his back on Kaiga before jumping onto a decayed building “I’ll be waiting for you.

Kaiga jolted up as soon as he was back looking around and letting out a sigh of relief after seeing Ria was safe before he looked up at the looming meteor. That guy (Keyaru) this is probably his doing. Kaiga growled as he said his names before getting into a position for a fire arrow.

“[color=ed1c24]Not enough got to go stronger.[color] Closing his eyes he imagined fire flowing through him before it poured out, “[color=ed1c24]FLASHFIRE FIST.[color]” Flowing all the fire he could produced into his hand Kaiga shaped it into the biggest fire arrow he could create before launching it [color=ed1c24]FIRE ARROW:MAXIMUM.[color]”
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Hidden 29 days ago Post by Iamme
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Member Seen 3 days ago

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Hidden 20 days ago 19 days ago Post by Danyel
Avatar of Danyel

Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Keyaru deadpan amidst the earnest efforts of provisional heroes to corner him, they ain't stuck with them, they're stuck with him because he is him.

Having dodged Kaiga's maximum fire arrow, the fireball absorbed and only grew from his arrow. Keyaru noticed an oddly familiar person, he didn't want to lose his business partner over some petty scuffle but then again, it was for the best, not to press on his attack based on the high risk loss of business. Keyaru stood his place firmly.

What type of adult would use his true power against mere children?

Before Keyaru noticed, it was too late, had it not been for his regeneration, multiquirks and assets, he would've loss badly, imprisoned or killed.

The fireball wasn't stopping but Keyaru was petrified for a while by Rin, Yusuke and Kanako's mental grip.

I didn't expect that brat's telepathic range to be this potent! This must be Ravens' doing, damn you. A glimpse of Ravens, consented, more like convinced Kanako to be injected with Trigger and three Telepathy are holding him in place, his mind was frozen by Dark Rin, scrambled by Kanako and layered amplified by Yusuke, who inflicted pain, threshold. It seems that this body is perfect for a sixth generation but the mind isn't. Keyaru tried holding back his inner thoughts but the triad approach between Kanako, Yusuke and Rin, only made him oversurface his thoughts, and potential leaks of his plans.

Rin finessed by using two Quirks at once, her mental grip, stalled Keyaru but she couldn't be so sure if alone, hence why she got Kanako and Yusuke's help.

Rin called unto Ria, Mei and Amaya.

"Amaya, do your Aunty a favor and freeze that fireball, Plus Ultra, Ria, you too, I'd do the same before Icyhot comes in." Rin started blasting and freezing to deprive the heat of the fireball.

Mei used all her power to keep the fireball from further expanding, she can't make fire but control it while Ria artistically coated the flames into ice cages to cool it.

Rin praised Chinmoku and the rest for their efforts.

"Good job everyone, Mei, Amaya, Ria and I will handle the fireball while I also keep Keyaru mentally occupied! Sol, Heartbeat, Gauss, Achilles, damage the body enough so it won't regenerate, give everything you got, Arsenal, give Duskrunner some of your weapons, keep shooting Antiquirk Bullets, so Keyaru won't have time to use any Quirks at his disposal! And Gauss, it has to be you, focus all that energy with everyone!"

"Darling, overcome your fear this time." She said to Matsuru.

Keyaru was smiling, however but be it fear or not, we never know.

Suddenly, behind Ueno was a figure that was too fond of him, Lisara, snatched him away.

@Iamme@Dragon Arts@Digmata@Gerlando@BlackMaiden
@Letter Bee@The Man Emperor@Aku the Samurai@JrVader@Paingodsson
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Hidden 19 days ago Post by Letter Bee
Avatar of Letter Bee

Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kazuki Yamagata

"It's Armory, not Arsenal," Kazuki said as he kept shooting at Keyaru while giving what weapons - He had extra weapons? - he still had, all the while scenting victory in the air. He could infer it; Ravens had done something to interfere with Keyaru. Smiling, Kazuki continued to follow the instructions given to him, scenting victory in the air. However, despite all their efforts, he just could not shake the feeling that this was too easy - It probably was.

So he conserved part of his strength for when Keyaru pulled something out of his ass to escape...

@Danyel@Iamme@Dragon Arts@Digmata@Gerlando@BlackMaiden@The Man Emperor@Aku the Samurai@JrVader@Paingodsson
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Hidden 19 days ago Post by Aku the Samurai
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Aku the Samurai

Member Seen 1 day ago


Location: Outside Le'Nombril Restau, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture

It happened faster than he could even begin to react. Space twisted and everything around him changed, making him stumble in his steps.

His knee slammed onto the pavement, sending a jolt throughout his body and a gasp of surprise slipped from his lips. His Quirk kicked in quickly afterwards and redistributed the force in short order. Still, he could barely move, the sheer gravity of the villain’s power forcing him to a knee even as his Quirk tried to compensate. The scenery around him was one of utter devastation; ruined buildings and shattered streets as far as the eye could see. In the sky, a giant ball of flames fell, promising ever more destruction in its wake. Everyone was dealing with the pressure one way or another, but the biggest threat was only growing larger despite their best efforts.

There wasn’t enough time to move everyone, even if he had enough energy to do so in the first place. Fortunately, he didn’t have to come up with a solution just yet, since someone else did instead. Mei and Rin jumped into action and slowed the meteor, keeping it from getting bigger. It was still moving, but the most important thing was that now they had time to deal with its source, and that was exactly the plan his senior gave.

It was easier said than done, though. It wasn’t the best idea, but he didn’t have the luxury of coming up with anything else.

Gauss cracked his neck and stepped in front of his fellow heroes, facing Keyaru with an excited grin, “You heard our senpai. Don't hold back and hit me with everything you’ve got. I’m gonna make this big.”

@Danyel@Iamme@Dragon Arts@Digmata@Gerlando@BlackMaiden@The Man Emperor@Aku the Samurai@JrVader@Paingodsson@Letter Bee
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Hidden 10 days ago Post by Iamme
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Kaiga Asagumo

Location: ??? Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture

Kaiga grit his teeth as he watched the meteor easily swallow up his fire-arrow not only had his attack completly failed he had also worsened the situation...of course he had what did he think he could do? He was always like this wasn't he rushing in and worsening things he was the reason his family was dead if only if only...

Kaiga quickly shook his head before staring at the meteor he couldn't afford to self-loath he had to help. Kaiga started forming fire in his hand once more he wouldn't be a burden this time he would do something...but the moment he took one step forward he fell on his face. "Damnit, I used up everything with that fire arrow." Kaiga mentally cursed himself as he looked at the others. "They're giving it everything now here I am on my face, how pathethic." It hadn't been a day and he already wanted to lose his smile.
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Hidden 8 days ago Post by Digmata


Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Akira Yuzuki

“Got it.” the class representative yelled as he landed, trying to ignore the splitting headache he is starting to get. The next few days are definitely going to suck.

He stared at Keyaru for a moment. Unlike most people there is no fear in his eyes, perhaps Akira was being foolish or perhaps the exhaustion put those thoughts at the back of his mind.

The white haired teen returned to his practiced movements. He knew he cannot last long with his bleeding nose, so he decided that he would throw everything in this one move.

He coated his spear with his barrier, giving it an increased size along with empowering his throw to the man.

[Super Move: Titan’s Javelin]

Akira nearly fell after using his attack, his vision is getting blurry due to overusing his quirk.



He was still…

…losing blood.
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Hidden 5 days ago Post by JrVader
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JrVader Wanderer

Member Seen 3 days ago


Fleeting vestiges
Futile delusions from the eyes of gods eternal"

'Was I dreaming?
No, I'm sinking...

Matsuru felt incorporeal. His mind was hazy, like a fog overtaking a mountain village. In a strange sense he felt at peace. He was dying. Or dead. Or both? Nothing seemed to matter to him. And for once, the Observant Hero's mind fell silent amidst the lapping waves of blissful slumber.

... Wait, waves?

He awoke in a jolt, gasping for breath as if he was submerged underwater. When his head broke the surface of the ocean, all he could see was paradise. A beach on an abandoned island, ripe with life. He struggled to get onto shore. When he did he collapsed onto the sandy beach, turning onto his back and catching his breath. After a few minutes, he chuckled. He didn't know what was funny, it all just seemed so strange. Stranger, though, was the fact that he couldn't use any of his quirks. Not only the quirks he copied, but his Judgement Gaze as well did not want to work. "Strange." he muddled to himself. He walked over to a tree and leaned on its trunk. Feeling the brush of the wind on his face and the sway of the coconuts above filled him with an idyllic comfort. Like all the woes and worries of the battle were being washed away by the gentle rhythm of mother nature...

'The battle?
What battle?
Wait... I was fighting-

Matsuru practically jumped when the realization of everything that happened came back to him. He was at the cafe, he fought Slap, and... Keyaru came... What happened after? He looked down to his hands and legs, feeling something eerie. "Why does this feel... wrong." A quick glance around didn't reveal anything unordinary.

After he recollected, Matsuru summarized all that has happened. "I died... Or at least I think I did. My arm and leg shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be here... But where exactly is here?" He was at a loss. He doesn't know where he is, how he got here, or what happened after he lost consciousness. "Only thing I can do is wait, I guess." Matsuru looked back to the tree he was leaning on minutes ago, as if expecting it too answer all his questions. "No chance you're a wise, mystical tree?" His half-given attempt at humor didn't illicit any laughter from the plants, but it sure did make him feel a little better.

"Darling, overcome your fear this time."

A whisper, so soft it could be mistaken for the sea foam, whisp'd over Matsuru. In a fraction of an instant, his senses sharpened. He looked back out to the ocean, now becoming more and more turbulent. Waves the size of a man started for form and crash into the sand. "Ri-?" He was cut off. A child's chuckle interrupted him. Started, he looked back. There were... three kids? 'No, that couldn't be.' Matsuru thought to himself, 'I would've known if there were other people here...' He slowly approached the three children. They were... playing with some toys on the beach. They seemed completely enthralled in their activities, so much so they didn't react to Matsuru as he got closer.

One kid had rime-frost blue hair, her eyes sparkled like snowflakes. One boy had curly auburn hair, and held an aura of mischievousness to him. And the other boy had lighter blue hair, with a twinkle of perfection in everything he did. Matsuru knew these kids... Wait he knew exactly what was happening. It was years ago, when he was little. His childhood friends came over that day to play with Matsuru. It was the first time they ever went to his house... He looked back on those memories very fondly. But memories don't sprout out of your brain and take shape in front of you.

"... Fuck me, I know where I am."

It was like in the old books Matsuru used to read. A detective, stumped in his investigation, gets a "Eurika!" moment. This was his mindscape... It was Harpy's quirk! Practically forgetting about the vision in front of him, he started cackling like a madman. "Snow Resplendence!! Matsuru, you idiot, how could you not think of that!" He yells in pity and excitement. He wasn't dead. He can still fight! He can still-

"If you go out there, you might die again?" A voice spoke up behind him. He turned back around to see the kid with blue hair speaking to him. The kid's eyes began to glow purple.

Matsuru chuckled a little and knelt down to get to his younger self's height. "I know."
"Your body subconsciously copied Clap's regenerative quirk, Yusuke probably had something to do with it."
"I know this."
"But even so, It won't be enough to save you again. If you go and fight again, you may truly die."
"I know, mini me. But even so, I have to go out."

A large wave formed in the horizon. It was tens of feet tall, practically a tsunami. Neither Matsuru or his younger self gave it any thought. The little one spoke up again. "Even though dad tortured us to become a hero... you still do it? Wouldn't that make you wanna stop helping?"

Matsuru gave it some thought. He could feel the direction of the wind changing. "It almost did. He melded me into his ideal image so well that I forgot what identity was."
"Than why do you still go out and fight?"
The wave was seconds from hitting the shore. But that question resonated strongly in Matsuru's mind. Why does he still go out to fight? The answer was simple, really.
"If you ever saw the Class, I'm sure you'd want to save them as well."
The wave engulfed the entire island, dragging everything into the murky depths


Matsuru practically bounded off the floor. Even though it was all in a fraction of a second, his Judgement Gaze allowed him to see everything. There was a meteor above, and Keyaru below. The other students were either fighting the monster of man or attempting to delay the meteor. His body move instinctually. He activated Rin's Quirk, Ice Manipulation. He willed a snowstorm to encompass the entire meteor. If he can have the ice infiltrate the cracks within the rock, the other student's will have an easier time breaking it apart. "Weaken the structure, and blow it apart." He mumbled to himself

The sky above him was frigid. Compared to the heat coming off the ground battle, Matsuru left the sky above a freezing temperature. Even now his muscles were screaming in exhaustion. But he knew he had to keep going. Forcing his Regeneration into overdrive to heal his body, He began plummoting back to the ground.

"Look to the sky, Hero's!" Matsuru yelled out. "Keyaru's meteor is weak, and he is beginning to waver! Victory is close at hand!! Do not waver now, keep pushing!"

He remembers in fantasy novels that the hero will sometimes give a rally cry in the midst of a battle to bolster his soldiers. Matsuru, by no means, thinks himself the protagonist. But, in truth, it felt right in the moment. Surely he'll look back on this moment and cringe.

If they all make it out alive.
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Hidden 2 days ago Post by The Man Emperor
Avatar of The Man Emperor

The Man Emperor Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

Member Seen 2 days ago

Ueno Haru

Collab Between Man Emperor and Danyel

What caught Haru off of his game was something that penetrated his mind so gently, as if he's tapped & stroked with care.

“You're grotesquely beautiful as you're inside me.” Lisara teased.

“Flattering,” Haru deadpanned. He tried to summon his quirk, but nothing happened. Must be a dreamscape, then. Damn mentalist quirks. “I don't think we've even met.”

“We will, soon enough.” The dreaming turns into something resembling Haru to be precise. Perhaps a distant future where he got normal skin while having his Quirk intact and hefty treats like All Might merchandise around him, which later turned into visual cues of vanity to secrecy of Heroes then vs now.

The sensation of memories, not now but from the future looked deceiving yet enticing, it's a distant memory of Lisara & Haru being together in Eirei not too far from now.

“You know that he's going to get back up anytime now and the Police aren't taking your side.” Lisara refers to a much later event.

“What is this… sorcery that you're trying to use on me?” Haru questioned. He was quite proud of his mutation, since it was a constant reminder of his heroic father, one of two great inspirations for him. He could never imagine himself voluntarily giving it up for anything, Creature Rejection Clan idiots be damned. “Are you trying to tell me that you can tell the future?” He knew of only one other person with future sight, and that was Sir Nighteye. Even then, Haru had never taken visions as inscribed in stone. They can always change… right?

“These… cannot happen. These are false. Lies! Return me to reality at once, woman!” Haru hissed. Oh no, just because the villain was a lady didn't mean he'd pull his punches. After all… a villain's a villain.

“It depends on how you'll reach it, but sooner or later, you'll be dying light if you don't pick up what's yours.”

Whatever that meant, she muses of the idea of breaking Haru and curious about his long term progress.

“Have you tried living your best potential?”

“What are you on about?” Haru decided to entertain the witch, if only to make this whole conversation somewhat productive. “Pick up what's mine? Living up to my best potential Why, I'm quite satisfied with the life I have so far, thank you very much! I'll reach my potential, eventually. All things take time, so… what exactly do you want out of talking with me?”

“Oh, are you now satisfied?” She teased and gaslighted him to see how he'd react.

“Listen, you don't have much time, he is going to kill everyone and not even the likes of Endeavor’s children and those of legacy Heroes can drop him, I am helping you reach your potential, not just in Quirk but also every bit of your life.” She hugged him from behind, whether it's suggestive or not, she was rather stark.

She whispered in Haru’s ear.

“If you're living the best way you are now, why is it, even the most selfish Hero like Yusuke, keeps laying his life down for you? Does that mean you're living your full potential or are you simply too afraid to act on your own and take the risks? How much more good Heroes like him, must sacrifice their future for you, there will come a time that you're gonna be alone and you'll realize it too late, that's what you get for relying too much on others.”

“I don't rely too much on others,” Haru hissed, though the thought of Yusuke taking a hit from a Nomu for him did weigh on him. Despite his mind's protests, he ignored that the witch was hugging him from behind; while he did consider himself a hugger, this… was just not right. “I know my own weaknesses. This is why we have teams and team ups. So, pray tell, how exactly are you going to help me reach my full potential? By rearranging my neurons?”

“You will see.”
-Conversation Ended-

Snapback to reality, Yusuke took another hit for Haru, Keyaru laughed at the attacks like nothing happened.

“Fucking witch dug her way into my brain,” Haru growled as he began to collect photons, readying a powerful attack against Keyaru. “Hey,” he bent down to get a little closer to Yusuke just as he released an enormous stream of burning light capable of melting through rock straight towards the Yakuza leader. “Are you good? Sorry that I blacked out. Stupid mentalist quirk hit me.” The Luminous Hero paused for a second as he sent out another beam of light. "I suppose I owe you three drinks now."
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