Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Carlyle
Avatar of Carlyle


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Ocean Pier
Timeframe: Morning

Interaction(s): Everyone
Previously: N/A

It had been a beautiful morning.

The sky had been a bright blue, with very few clouds to hide the sunny view. Soft waves gently rocked against the yacht as it rested next to the shore pier, eagerly awaiting its next round of guests. The cry of Wingulls echoed in the air, while various ocean-dwelling Pokémon splashed about the shoreline. In short, it was the perfect scenery for a luxurious seaside trip to "the place of any trainer's dreams!", as they had advertised to the group of people now lined up before the vessel.

Of course, whether or not that was the truth had been yet to be seen. Vitesse wasn't much interested in finding out, however, as they waited for the captain to arrive. She hadn't cared much about the battle resort, much less actually going there. Still, there wasn't much free will to be had when you were surrounded by sponsors and had an agent dictating your every move, and so Vitesse found herself dragged here and standing alongside seven other equally or even more important individuals.

Glancing at her soon-to-be acquaintances, she took stock of who had been invited. If they were going to be stuck on a boat with each other, well, it might be at least worthwhile to know who she was with.

Some faces were easy to identify. Syl, Edward, and Kaison—all champions and victors of one or another battle league throughout the world. It was difficult for someone to not to know who they were, given that league battles were always plastered all over the television and internet. Then there was André, a famous actor. Vitesse honestly couldn't recall seeing many of his prior movies, but his face had been just familiar enough for her to remember who he was.

The other three, however, Vitesse hadn't recognized. She hadn't the slightest idea of the two silver-haired men, yet the bright blue-pink hair of the girl reminded her of Iono. Had she been a professional cosplayer of sorts? Iono's fanbase was massive, and Vitesse wouldn't have put it behind them to imitate her style. Or maybe she was just comparing an apple to an orange and overthinking things.

Whoever the three were, though, there was time to learn who they were later on. Their motley group still needed to get on the yacht, and the clock was ticking. If they planned on arriving to the battle resort on time for the event, they needed to leave for open sea soon. That, and Vitesse didn't want to hear her agent's fake worry about her late arrival. As if they actually cared about her wellbeing, and not the fat paycheck she was for them—yeah, right.

"The captain is late." Vitesse spoke, who had been counting every second that passed from their agreed departure time. Her tone had seemed exhaustive. Bored, even. "I wonder how much longer it'll be before we can board."
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

People Watching and Poffin Munching

Location: Pier Interaction(s): Everyone

Today, Auggie reckoned, was going to be a swell one. Last night was a lengthy process overseeing the loading team as they secured his art exhibits within the ship, but it all went smoothly. Plus it was funny watching the trainers toil alongside their machokes as if the latter needed any help. Anything to feel like a team he supposed.

Arriving at the pier, he scanned the sights before him with sleepy eyes and an easy smile on his face. His pockets jangled with loose paraphernalia as he approached.

Clear, beautiful skies, a picturesque coastal vista, and was that THE SuperSophfey!? Cool. Auggie knew they were gonna get popular trainers for their little resort thing, but he didn’t think they’d get any actual celebrities. They asked him after all, right? Most of the people here were league champions that he vaguely recognized from battle highlights on RotomTube (mostly ones put together by SuperSophfey). That was hard work, no doubt, and they all seemed nice enough, but Auggie was just relieved to not be the only content creator on the ship. Especially with a superstar like Sophfey.

There were some others he didn’t recognize either, including a guy with cool glasses whose general demeanor reminded Auggie of an absol, and another guy with cool glasses whose general demeanor reminded him of the exact opposite of an absol, decked out in bright pinks as he was. Either way, Auggie didn’t judge books by their cover, or people by their clothes, as it were. He debunked that whole absols-cause-disasters thing already anyways.

And there was a young girl too, emphasis on young. Auggie hoped she was happy to be here, but the blank, slightly grouchy look on her face said otherwise. That was too bad.

His interest in watching the crowd waning as time dragged on, Auggie stretched languidly before fumbling a hand into his overalls pockets. Loose pokéballs, a roll of spirit tags held together by a rubber band, a Hearthome City gym badge, and other assorted trinkets were pushed aside as his hand fished for H.D.’s pokéball. Finally, he withdrew the quick ball (no one would ever believe how insanely lucky he got if he hadn’t been recording the event) and released his rotom into the air before him.


“I’m stuck on this level of Mark of the Greninja. Can you beat it for me?” Auggie held up his cell phone.


With a satisfied trill, H.D. dove into the device and the screen lit up to the video game in question. Auggie dropped his phone into his overalls front pocket. “Thanks man. Just go back into your ball when you’re done. And there’s a surprise for you waiting in our cabin. A desk fan and a minifridge! I tried to negotiate a lawn mower but they said no, I’m sorry, I know its your favorite.” He pat the phone in his pocket gently before sighing with contentment. Life would never not be incredibly cool.

"The captain is late." The tired girl said. She sounded exactly how she looked. "I wonder how much longer it'll be before we can board."

Auggie bit his inner cheek before speaking up. “...More time to get to know everyone, yeah?” He looked around the group pleasantly, flashing a little wave and smile at Sophie when his gaze passed over her, before addressing everyone once more. “I’m, ah, Auggie. I do artwork. Mostly painting. And I do ghost stuff. It’s not usually ghosts though.” He spoke with an airy, languorous tone, before reaching into one of his overstuffed pockets and pulling out a slightly stale poffin. He peered at the others while nibbling on the treat.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Pier

Interactions: Vitesse@Carlyle Auggie @BurningCold Syl@Aku the Samurai Sophie @Yankee

A candy pink limousine pulled up to the pier. The door swung open, and out stepped André in all his pink glory. A few fans near the pier immediately recognized him, pulling out their phones and whispering excitedly. Never one to deny his admirers, André flashed a dazzling smile, waved and blew a few kisses to the gathering onlookers. “Bonjour, mes amours!”

From the passenger seat of the car, Jolie the Clefable gracefully hopped out, and followed alongside her trainer, mirroring his movements.

André sauntered toward the boarding area, completely unbothered. When he reached the other guests, he removed his sunglasses with a flourish. “No need to worry, the star has arrived!” He looked at the others who had gathered. He figured it would mostly be Champions and people associated with Battling. He didn’t really recognize most of them. But they were all attractive in their own ways, even though in André’s opinion, they were all dressed rather plainly. One young man was wearing overalls. OVERALLS! This was supposed to be a celebration, and he chose the most tackiest outfit imaginable… His face was still cute though.

There were only two people he recognized in the group. One was Syl Archer, the Kalos Champion, and the one who had beaten one of his idols, Diantha. The other was Sophfey. You would think a busy movie star like André wouldn’t have time to watch internet content, but you’d be wrong. André loved her entire aesthetic, and watched some of her videos in his spare time. It was a pure coincidence that André just happened to have an Azumarill named Sophie…

The other girl complained about the captain being late, and the overall boy, who introduced himself as Auggie chimed in. André placed a hand dramatically over his heart and gave an exaggerated sigh. “Ah, mon dieu! A late captain? How tragic! But worry not—your wait is over now that I am here! I am André Bellamy by the way. But I am certain you all knew that already.”

He gestured toward Auggie with a playful twirl of his wrist. “And you, monsieur… overalls at an event like this? Très audacieux! You must have some incredible confidence to pull off such a… rustic ensemble.” He said while observing his ensemble.

“And Syl Archer! Le grande championne!” André spread his arms wide as if welcoming an old friend, despite never meeting him in person before. “You are even more handsome in real life than you are on screen. I must say, I am envious! Beating Diantha… such talent!”

His attention shifted to Sophfey. “And Sophfey! Chérie, I adore your content. I simply had to tell you in person. You inspire me more than you know.” He gave her a nod before adding, “We must collaborate someday.”
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Aku the Samurai
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Aku the Samurai

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Pier
Interaction(s): Everyone

The sun was high in the sky and the breeze was crisp and breezy as could be.

Syl took a deep, measured breath of the seaside air, feeling the wind blow through his hair and making it even more of a mess than it usually was. He absent-mindedly brushed a hand through his dishevelled locks, eyes scanning the pier with a curious intensity.

It was a given that a variety of celebrities would attend this event—or, he supposed, the soon-to-be event. Of course, that didn’t mean he would recognise all of them, or even any of them really, but he was nothing if not willing to learn. As his gaze swept over the group, he found that he did, in fact, recognise some of those present. Well, two of them really, though he couldn’t really say he knew either of them by name, only remembering them as league champions from what little television he watched.

The others he didn’t recognise nearly as well, though the flamboyant pink-clad guy was vaguely familiar. Other than him, there was a rather eclectic selection of people gathered on the pier. A grumpy-looking girl was standing off to the side and looking not particularly thrilled to be there, two pale-haired guys with very different aesthetics, and then there was the last one. Then there was the last one, a two-toned-haired girl that Syl wasn’t sure what to make of quite yet.

All in all, they were a colourful bunch, some very much more so than others. If that composition was any indication, this trip was going to be anything but boring, and that fueled Syl’s anticipation even further. A glance at the bracelet on his wrist left him lost in his thoughts for a moment. His musing was broken by a two-pronged tail waving itself in front of his face, and his eyes were drawn to the weight that had settled itself upon his shoulders. His lips twitched in mild amusement.

“Still not willing to walk, huh?”


Absolutely spoiled rotten, she was.

The grumpy girl bemoaned the captain’s tardiness and one of the pale-haired guys—Auggie, as he introduced himself, chimed in with an optimistic view of the situation. Syl just shrugged nonchalantly, offering an alternative.

“Maybe the captain fell overboard and got swept away. Wouldn’t be the first time. We can still get to know each other, though.”

It was then that the pink-clad drama queen introduced himself as André Bellamy, claiming that everyone should already know who he was.

Of course, Syl had no way of knowing that. He couldn’t speak for the others though.

Then, the flamboyant blond was greeting him specifically as if he were more than just a stranger to him. Theatrical as he was though, he was complimenting Syl, if in a way that was a bit more.... novel than he was used to.

“.... right. Thanks, I guess...?”
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Mentions: Everyone Location: Ocean Pier

So.. today was the day..

For most, the idea of being granted passage onto a luxurious, exclusive cruise was one to be enthusiastically coveted. What wasn't there to like about being passenger upon a charmingly grandiose yacht that had all the best entertainment, guests, foods, and all other manner of amenities? The opportunity to meet any number of famous or semi-famous figures, while soaking up a warm ray of sun, Iapapa-twist Martini in hand? And at the end they'd set foot onto an acclaimed, state-of-the-art battle resort?? Oh, the luxury - the excitement! But even so, Bat Standiford was a bit.. bothered.

There he stood, lined up with the others aside the yacht that would take them on their arduous- er, luxurious- voyage. Mind you, the treat that was such an event was not lost on Bat - in part, he was just as excited as anyone else to be able to take part in such a trip as this one. He was.. just a bit bothered that it had to be.. on a ship. On the water. Like.. off-shore. One might think it odd, a tropical-dish specialist with an aversion to the ocean. Bat had his reasons.. but so far he had managed to largely avoid the water. Over the years he has managed to temper, in small degree, his trepidation of the water, at least to the measure that he could endure a cruise, if the vessel was large enough. Sometimes though, the process of embarking was the worst - it was the anticipation of it all, you see.

Bat blinked a few times at the tugging he felt on his collar. His eyes refocused as he was pulled back from the thoughts of anxiety and distress that rolled through his head. His gaze shifted to his right shoulder, upon which perched a dark-furred Alolan Rattata, which gazed back at him with a concerned expression. Its eyes shifted to Bat's left hand, which was white-knuckle gripped around the handle of his luggage. He released his grip alongside a weary sigh and offered a small, appreciative smile as his companion proffered to him a small Leppa berry. Bat raised his gloved right hand to pluck the treat from the Pokémon's small hands before popping it into his mouth. He, momentarily, enjoyed the smooth, even flavors of the berry, closing his eyes and shutting out his nervousness for but a moment.

Before he quickly interrupted himself, and his eyes opened as his gaze snapped back to Rawst, the little Rattata. "Where'd you get this? Did you steal it??" He insisted, a hint of annoyance creeping into his voice. The small Pokémon had a history of stealing food - something Bat has been trying desperately to get rid of since childhood. Rawst shook her head, chin held high as she pointed to Bat's bag, which was left opened and clearly tampered with. His gaze relaxed again, his pale visage seeming to lose a touch of its visible stress in general, at the distractions of his companion. He cast a small, sideways glance at the rodent before he began to stoop slightly and re-zip his baggage. "Mhm.. good." He stood again, running a hand through his silver hair as he looked around him.

He spotted a few vaguely familiar faces - at the very least he could recognize a few figures who had held, or at least officially earned, championship titles. Some of the other faces he saw throughout the most immediate crowd, which seemed to be more VIP-focused, he didn't recognize all too well - maybe he was just in the wrong circles. Alongside the championship-winners, there was a recently-arrived, rather glammy-looking individual who was clearly an actor of some kind, and a silver-haired dude in overalls, going on with his own devices. There were two faces that he could recognize right away by name - Vitesse Relais and Sophia Dolci. The former individual Bat recognized pretty quickly as a Pokéathlon athlete - and a good one at that. Bat had always enjoyed the spectacles achieved in the Pokéathlon competitions, and had always wondered if he'd've been capable of competing, if not for his sickliness. The one individual he most enjoyed seeing though was the renowned Sophie. It was a simple appeal - the passion through which she viewed and handled Pokémon was nothing less than uplifting. He could all but guarantee she felt the same way about Pokémon as he felt about food.

A small smile crept up into the corners of his mouth. It might seem a bit funny, but in situations like this, Bat felt.. a little out of his depth. And that was reason to smile, for him. He was surprisingly often surrounded by incredibly successful people - gym leaders, famous actors, Champions, and any other number of affluent personalities, all more prosperous than the last. But there was one thing they all held in common, no matter what - they all needed to eat. The feeling that he got from bringing a smile to someone's lips, no matter their station, was something that never waned. It was for that reason that he would endure a voyage such as the one that approached. It wasn't so bad, after all, if he could delve into his craft as a distraction.

Bat reached up and gave Rawst a friendly scratch on the shoulder, the small Pokémon chittering contently. The two of them listened to the rest of the group chatting amongst themselves. Bat's gaze shifted from one to another as each of them spoke, some of them annoyed at the Captain's tardiness, and others simply excited, or friendly. He took it all in, nodding as a couple of them introduced themselves to the group. He didn't even bat an eye at the loud, flamboyant nature of their fellow pink-clad passenger - he was, perhaps surprisingly, quite used to such displays. He did have to suppress a grin at the mention of Auggie's overalls, covering his mouth with a black-gloved hand.

He was dressed rather casually himself - a peach t-shirt with white flowers, topped by an open, black button-up shirt with the sleeves folded up to the elbow. He wore peach-colored tight-ankle cargo pants, with a pair of comfy black loafers. And of course, his signature black-lens round-rim glasses and a black glove on his right hand, the other tucked into his back pocket. It wasn't long that they dwelled on fashion though, and Bat was grateful to have Andre refresh his memory on the name of one of the present champions. He nodded slowly, wondering to himself how well the lot of them would get along. Hopefully well enough.

Syl had his own theory on what could've happened to the Captain - a though that Bat grimaced at, be it a joke or not. He nervously ran his hand through his hair again. "I'm-" He started once there was break in the dialogue, being interrupted by himself as he coughed into a gloved fist. "-sure the Captain is fine.." He soothed, his brief set of coughs fading away quickly. "Just a little hiccup along the way, assumably.." He spoke, an assuring tone creeping into his voice, which itself was neither soft nor rough. He then remained silent for a moment, before he took the opportunity to address himself as well.

"Aha, my name is Bat Standifur." He stated, offering a friendly smile to the group. He didn't expect any of them to know him by name, but they might -- in culinary circles he was quite popular, but that wasn't saying much for the grand scheme of things.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Thunder999999
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Location: Pier
Interaction(s): Everyone

Edward was in an excellent mood as he stood on the pier enjoying the coastal breeze, the weather is fantastic, the salty air in his lungs is refreshing and his coat is flapping in the breeze. It felt like a good day for adventure, a little more civilised than normal, certainly, but everything from the fancy yacht, looking far more impressive than the small vessels he usually charters, to the destination and his fellow passengers promise to be a new experience.

He looks over to the passengers, turning away from the sparkling sea and is surprised how many faces he recognises.
Kaison and Syl are a given, he doesn't usually have time to watch live, but he always catches up on the latest championship bouts between travels, he's also pretty sure these particular champions were as keen to do the actual job as he was.
The silver haired man in overalls looks familiar, but it's not until he introduces himself as Auggie that Edward remembers watching a video of him trying to make sense of the Ruins of Alph.
He recognises Sophie from a few thumbnails he's seen of her posing with some rare pokemon or other, he couldn't tell you what she actually does though.
He doesn't know the rest, though the name Bat Standifur rings a bell for some reason and does not miss that the young girl is seemingly the one person who doesn't actually want to be here.

Edward steps forward at the mention of their missing captain, joining the conversation with a smile "Of course the captain's fine, the water's far too calm for an experienced sailor to fall in, perhaps he overslep."
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Ryik
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Ryik Wandering Phantasm

Member Seen 27 min ago

Location: Ocean Pier
Prompts: @Bartimaeus

On the day the S.S. Avalon was to set sail, Kaison had slept right through his alarm, rushed to get ready, flew off at a blistering pace on the back of Elysium, his Togekiss, only to arrive over half an hour early. Checking over the invitation again, then double-checking the time on his phone and the clocks on the S.S. Avalon, he realized he had compensated for daylight savings time when he shouldn't have, having gotten used to doing so since Unova observed it but Alola did not. It all worked out in the end, he supposes, since he wanted to arrive early anyway to take pictures of the ship, doing a fly-around on Elysium. He had to decide which six pokémon to bring on-board, at least initially, and Téhōm's water-bound nature made it an unfortunate exclusion by necessity, at least until he decides to take a dip in the ship's pool, and unfortunately only then. Avici, ever the mature one, offered to step down next, and while Nihil said they should follow suit, the rest of his team agreed with him that having a nice vacation would do the Smeargle some good. Elysium was mandatory, since Kaison needed transportation to the ship itself, and it felt rude to just box her as soon as she got there. Given the potential he would have to participate in some battles on the ship itself, he wanted to bring his lazy monkey, Naraka, since Téhōm's exclusion made his team vulnerable to fire types, and his ace, Samsara. While the Lurantis might have been outwardly mirroring Avici's borderline ascetic lack of concern, Kaison knew better than to actually believe her. It wasn't that Samsara believed she would be okay with sitting things out, it's that she was deliberately playing coy. if he was less charitable, he'd call it outright lying. She'd insist otherwise, of course, but the subtle passive-aggression to follow was just easier to not deal with.

Tartarus, drama queen that he is, would take it as a personal slight to be left out, even if he didn't actually care to participate, and Nemesis seemed ready to throw a tantrum to get her way on the matter. Ultimately, it was all too easy for the team to accept Avalon's offer to step down, which didn't feel fair given how the number one reason he was going on this trip in the first place was because the cruise ship shared a name with the Escavalier. He was too self-sacrificing for his own good, and while he was technically in a similar boat to Nihil, he wasn't chronically depressed and didn't have the same kicked-puppy look Nihil did. Ultimately Kaison just promised he'd take pictures for Avalon to peruse, which meant it would be harder to bench Elysium later after all the extra work she put in helping him get said pictures.

Hopefully Tartarus will get bored, Avalon takes his place, Nemesis doesn't set the ship on fire by accident, and that will be the end of that. It might get awkward talking to and about Avalon when everyone associates the name with the ship, but that's a bridge they can cross when they get there.

As he finishes taking pictures, he flies back down to the pier, waiting for the ship's staff to let people on board. Of course, nothing happens for quite a while, even as the designated boarding time comes and goes. After tiring of the games on his phone, he figures he should go socialize. Most of these people are famous right? Maybe he'll recognize someone.


Not a single face in the small crowd rings a bell. If they weren't notable in the Sinnoh, Unovan or Alolan leagues, they probably didn't show up on his personal radar, and he's never been keen on social media. Even if one of these people had been on every channel, he prefers playing, modding or making games over television. Sure, he's met famous trainers from foreign regions before; anyone with the "special trainer" designation in the Battle Tree was worth taking note of, and sometimes he looks up relevant trainers when he wants to learn something specific about his pokémon, but yeah, he has no idea who these people are.

He overhears a rather flamboyant man wreathed in pink address one 'Syl Archer' as champion, and he can't help but wonder if he's an acting champion or someone who just earned the champion title, like himself. He wanders over, in any case, wondering just how many champions were invited, when he spots an Alolan Rattata and just can't keep his mouth shut.

"Cool Rattata. Not a lot of people like them. Are they a battler? F.E.A.R. Strat perhaps? It's an all-time classic."
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Yankee
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Yankee God of Typos

Member Seen 3 days ago

After receiving the invitation, setting aside the time, and confirming the date, Sophia had made sure to arrive at the port on time. In stylish loafers, slouchy socks, miniskirt, and sweater, she'd even shown up early, just to make sure she didn't miss the boat. A luxury yacht cruise headed to an island resort? Yes please! She could just imagine all of the different kinds of pokémon she'd be able to meet. She knew she was technically invited in order to promote the resort, but there wasn't a better way to advertise than just treating it like an island getaway vacation, right?

So once she'd arrived, Sophia promptly dumped her bags and suitcase onto the dock and then went off to explore a little.

She didn't go far, just to the boardwalk and the small beach with the 'no swimming' sign. Her Comfey was wrapped around her neck like a lei, smiling happily as the two of them posed for selfies against the ocean, the city, some Wingulls they found, some Clamperls they found, some Pidoves they found... and more.

After the latest photo Sophia wiggled her fingers together, peace sign formed into scissors. "Mmkay, I guess we should go get comfey on the ship," she told Bibi with a smile. The pokémon chirped back at her.

With Bibi still around her neck Sophia wandered back to the ship having expected the boarding to be underway already. She was surprised to see it wasn't. And then still wasn't even ten minutes later.

"What the haxorus... why are we all still standing around..." she muttered quietly to herself.

With all of the invitees (or at least all of the ones that accepted the invites) just waiting to board, the air between them got a little awkward. Sophia thought about going to look around some more, but she didn't want to be gone whenever the captain and crew did show up. Instead she turned her attention to some of the more interesting members of their little group:

There was an Espeon and a Rattata here!

Look at those cute puffy whiskers! She thought to herself, admiring the tufts of fur on both of the pokémon. It was clear they were well looked after. Look how shiny that jewel is...♥ And how sharp those fangs are...!

While she swooned, she was treated to a few other nice surprises. The first was one of the men (actually, was she and the shorty the only girls on this trip?) sending out a Rotom. Sophia's attention snapped to it, her eyes sparkling. That rare color! ♥ Aw, and it plays games! So cute!

Then, someone flew down on their Togekiss. Oh wow! That plumage! Hehehe, I can feel that good luck already!

This trip was going to be preeeeeetty nice if she was going to be close quarters with a bunch of pokémon she could get to know. Maybe it wasn't all that bad that the captain was late after all.

She didn't even notice the complaints, the people beginning to break the awkwardness with introductions, or the final arrival until her name was said. Then it was like a little light in her brain started blinking, bringing her back to the real world.

"Hm...?" She blinked and looked up, finding the face of the man that addressed her. Oh, shit. Had everyone just been talking around her?

Without missing a beat Sophia smiled at André, raising both of her hands into V-shaped peace signs next to her cheeks. "Yaaay, always nice to meet a fan~" she said, her voice high pitched and lax. "My socmed manager handles the collab requests though~"

She then noticed another splendid attendee: a Clefable at the man's heels. Wooow, that plush pink belly...!! That swirly hair! ♥ she thought, but before she could fall back into spacing out she seemed to recognize this particular pokémon.

"Oooh, isn't this Jolie?" she asked, looking back up at André. "Then that makes you... Jolie's co-star!"

This was how she connected the dots that she was talking to an actual movie star. She'd seen plenty of André's movies before, as a fan of the Clefable to often took an acting role with him. "Hehehe, sorry, sorry~ I didn't recognize you at first."

She'd definitely love to have Jolie in a video on her channel.

Now Sophia was taking more of an interest in the actual humans with her. She glanced around, scanning their faces. That was... a pokémon champion. Which made that Togekiss... Elysium, if she recalled? Another famous pokémon! And that was another championship trainer, meaning... that Espeon was Sai, wasn't it? So many celebrities... maybe the Rattata and Rotom were too?

Sophia squinted at Bat and August. The former she wasn't really sure if she knew. He looked fancy enough, but... well, she'd just have to get to know his Rattata him. The other man seemed more familiar; she was pretty sure he was an artist. She recalled seeing some of his work before, but unfortunately the name of his Rotom didn't come to mind. She'd just have to get to know his Rotom him as well.

Naturally, any of the other equally famous guests didn't get more than a passing glance since they didn't have their partners out.

"I think we'll all have a good time~ Let's just see when the captain gets here~"
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Will You Sign My Slowking?

Location: Pier Interaction(s): @Crimson Flame,@Yankee

Auggie stared at the apparently famous actor with an airy smile on his face. He didn’t really watch a lot of live action stuff. When André called out his choice of apparel, he said, “Uh… Yeah! Thanks. My mom gave them to me as a birthday present last year. She sewed them herse-” But the man had already shifted his attention to the others. Looking down at the mismatched pink and blue sneakers he wore, he wondered vaguely if he had just been made fun of. Probably, he thought, as his shoulders rose and fell in a slow shrug. Wouldn’t be the first time, wouldn’t be the last. So it goes, eh?

He watched passively for a few moments as what was initially a group interaction began to break up into smaller conversations, slowly finishing the rest of his poffin. André seemed to be, what was it called, schmoozing? Yeah, schmoozing towards Sophfey and one of the champions, who was apparently called Syl. Meanwhile the only guy yet to introduce himself was talking about some kind of Pokémon tactic or other with the guy with cool glasses. He said his name was Bat, which Auggie found to be sort of funny. It reminded him of zubats, but zubats were blind and wouldn’t ever need to wear glasses. He supposed they were still allowed to though.

There was also someone in a blue coat that Auggie recognized from a reaction gif that was made of him riding a gyarados towards some island. He lacked any and all context beyond that point but yeah, still pretty cool. Maybe he was some sort of water Pokémon trainer?

And there was that moody girl, still standing off to the side. Unconsciously, he found himself smiling softly at her with sympathy in his eyes before turning his focus elsewhere.

Softly, the breeze tousled his hair about and he briefly closed his eyes, taking in the dual sensations of warm sun and cool wind. He needed to take these moments when he found them.

Back to reality, he surveyed the pier once more with a dreamier tinge to his eyes.

All righty. You get one chance at making a good impression on Sophfey. Should be easy. He’d been watching her channel since before it blew up. Just be normal. Not too normal though! She liked normal types but they weren’t exactly her favorite either. And then he was walking over, a vaguely clueless expression on his face as his hand curled around a random pokéball in his pocket. Reaching her, he withdrew a premier ball and sighed with relief. Anything but the luxury ball would have been fine.

“Uh, hey,” He said in an even tone. He wasn’t nervous to talk to her. He just didn’t want to mess it up. “I’ve been a big fan of SuperSophfey for the longest time now. I, ah, it’s cool to meet the person behind the channel. I actually have a RotomTube channel too. AuggieInvestigates, same as my blog.” He cleared his throat, running a hand through his silvery hair. “Uh, check this out.” He clicked the release on the premier ball, his slowking materializing before them. “I saw you noticing my rotom earlier. Well, this guy isn’t a rare color but he can do something else, isn’t that right, my good sir?” Auggie gently reached up to pat the six foot tall slowking on the shoulder.

“Ein… stein?”

"Once more, with confidence my man! You're not just smart for a Pokémon, you're smart, period! Show SuperSophfey what you've got!"

The calm, vacant look in Einstein's eyes was quickly replaced with deep focus as it puffed its chest out with pride. It wasn't just some slowking! It was...


"YES!" Flashing jazz hands at Sophie, Auggie exclaimed, “See! He says his name!” He cleared his throat again. “Maybe we can get to know each other’s Pokémon more on this trip?” At Auggie's side, Einstein beamed with pride.

Nailed it.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Mentions: @Ryik, @Yankee Location: Ocean Pier

Bat's gaze shifted to Kaison as an appreciative, closed-mouth smile reaching his lips and eyes whilst the other guy complimented his companion. It was true, what he said - not many people liked Rattata. It was widely seen as a bit of a pest species, especially in Alola. But Bat had never been one to judge a Pokémon by a label slapped upon them by others - after all, Rawst had always been his closest friend, even since childhood. He smoothly crossed his arms over his chest, Rawst taking the opportunity to hop down into the cradle of his forearms and make itself comfortable.

"Aha, why thank you!" Bat chimed, his hand curling up momentarily to give the small Pokémon a scritch under the chin. He looked over Kaison, a faint hint of memory touching the surface of his brain. He was once seen as the champion of Unova, if it was correctly recalled. Unova had been one of Bat's favorite regions to visit - which aided in his recollection of the detail. "This one fancies herself a nuisance more than a battler." He replied, looking down at the rodent and sticking out his tongue shortly. "I must confess though-" he continued, looking at Kaison once again. "-she can put up a fight for such a little critter."

Rawst let out small, familiar chitters at her trainer's remarks, whiskers twitching as the salty air occasionally buffeted the lot of them. Bat's eyes took to scanning the pier and the surrounding town, trying to pick out a sign that the Captain was soon to arrive. There was a small, creeping feeling of anxiousness slowly crawling up his spine again.

His eyes caught a glimpse of one of the others momentarily squinting at him and his Pokémon - Sophie. He offered a slight smile to her as well, wiggling the fingers of one hand cordially in his cross-armed stature before he continued looking over the area, his eyes largely obscured by his dark lenses.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Carlyle
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Ocean Pier
Timeframe: Morning

Interaction(s): Everyone
Previously: Click Here

Vitesse wished there had been a wall nearby, if only to slam her head against it. She could feel a headache begin to fruit, and internally groaned as Vitesse listened to the others speak up.

Rhyhorn trample me now, Vitesse thought as she listened in agony to André.

He couldn't sound any worse; the socialite tone he radiated tiring to be around. And the Iono cosplayer—Sophfey, apparently—wasn't making it any better with with her awful, cheesy puns. Where did the Pokétopia Foundation find these people? Granted, they were all famous, but why did it have to be them? This was going to be a long boat ride, but hopefully it would be over soon.

"Well, if we want to arrive on time," Vitesse spoke, glancing at the others. "We'll have to leave soon for the island. My Mantine could've had us over there already in probably less time than we've had to wait."

Of course, that was a ridiculous statement reeking of bravado. Her Mantine, the victor of last year's Alolan Pro surfing championship, was certainly fast. But it definitely wasn't that fast. Still, Vitesse hoped her point was made.

"I'm coming!"

A voice shouted from off in the distance, prompting Vitesse to turn around. The yacht captain, a stout fellow with a bushy mustache of his own, hurried down some steps and continued running until he had reached the group of guests. Behind him, a Machamp, presumably owned by the captain, followed closely.

Finally, Tess thought. One more step closer to getting this trip over with.

"I'm huff sorry," He spoke, trying to catch his breath in between words. "There was huff a Snorlax sleeping in the huff road. We had to take huff a detour around huff it."

Producing a clipboard, he flipped a few pages to his copy of the guest list.

"Now, is everyone huff here?" The captain asked, looking at those gathered before him. "Bat Standifur? Kaison Locke? Vitesse Relais?"

"Tess," Vitesse immediately interjected as he called her name, "Please."

"Right," He replied, checking off her name. "My apologies, Ms. Relais."

Turning his gaze back to the others, the captain waited for anyone else to speak up so he could mark the remaining names off his list. As he went down the list, the Machamp moved from behind him and towards the gathered group, attempting to assist with carrying whatever luggage they might've brought with them in one of its four arms.
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Thunder999999
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Either that girl is seriously overestimating her Mantine, or Edward's been rather misled about the length of his luxury yacht trip.

And now the captain is seriously giving them the 'Snorlax in the road' excuse, yup, he definitely overslept.

Edward shakes his head at the machamp and lifts his single piece of luggage, no doubt the other passengers have plenty of work for it already. "Edward Keys, got to say, I'm looking forward to this trip, should we make our way aboard?"

He then waves over at the girl, Tess, "We might not need a ride anymore, but if your Mantine can keep up with a ship and is big enough to carry this many people, you've gotta let it out once we're going, I don't think even Gyarados could quite pull that off!"
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Yankee
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Yankee God of Typos

Member Seen 3 days ago

Blinking at being caught staring, Sophia gave Bat a cutesy wave back. Further socializing was not something she had accounted for. She really should have - she was in a group of people with nothing to do but talk to each other after all. But the thought hadn't crossed her mind, so when another fan (the Rotom-haver) spoke up, she give him a small smile and tried her best not to zone out. Thankfully, after a whole three and a quarter sentences the man - Auggie - mentioned something that got her attention.

"Oooh, that's where I know you from," she said, pointing a finger at him. She hadn't put the face to the name, but she recalled seeing said face before when looking at his artwork of pokémon. It must have been because she'd seen his videos linked on the blog. "I've Watchog'd a few of your vids before~"

Truthfully she only watched the ones where something actually happened in them though, eager to get a look at some ghost-types in their natural habitats. So really, only a few of them every now and then.

This time she expected to exchange a few more empty pleasantries, so she was delighted at the surprise that came with Auggie releasing another of his pokémon. Sophia's eyes sparkled as she looked the Slowking over, leaning closer to get a better look. A nice collar and clear eyes... And its Shellder looks so sturdy! Oooh I want to pinch his cheeks! ♥

Sophia glanced at Auggie, curious as to what amazing thing this Slowking could allegedly do. Besides being super smart and super adorable. She waited with her fists clenched in front of her, silently supporting the pokémon in its endeavor as it... spoke! It spoke its name!

"Wow!" Sophie gave Einstein a little applause and a wide smile. "Good job! That's amazing! I think... you've definitely got Orangurus beat! Maybe you're the smartest Slowking in existence? Let's see if we can find an Alakazam and set up a quiz show battle!"

She spoke directly to Einstein, cooing over the pokémon. Eventually she did address Auggie again.

"That sounds nice~ I've got a few amazing friends of my own, ehehe~" As she said that, the Comfey around her neck chirped contentedly. Of course Bibi was just a normal Comfey, but she was special in her own way - namely by being Sophia's first partner.

She might have engaged in more show and tell with Auggie right there on the dock, but her ears perked when the only other woman present said 'Mantine.' Then Sophia looked at her, all but leering at Vitesse. "No waaaay, really? Prove it! Show me your Mantine!"

Unfortunately for the maniac, she wouldn't get a chance to see it just yet. Almost as if conjured by Vitesse's boasting, the yacht captain came running onto the dock. His appearance, while a relief, wasn't even half as well received by Sophia as the Machamp behind him.

"Kyaaa!" Sophia let out, slapping her palms to her cheeks. Bibi was unphased, more than used to her trainer's eccentricities. "Those muscles! That head ridge! ♥"

She completely ignored the captain's excuse, hurrying over to lay her hands on the Machamp and feel its back muscles, a look of complete happiness spreading on her face. She was practically melting, but Bibi tugged on one of her ponytails when the captain began to check everyone's names.

"Ehehehe~ Oooh, right. Sophie Dolci, present~" she said. She saw that some, like the man who now introduced himself as Edward, were beginning to board. When Machamp moved to take luggage she moved with it, still glued to the pokémon until she peeled herself away to gather up the few bags she had dumped on the pier and hand them over to it. She seemed disproportionately excited that her things were going to be carried aboard by the creature.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Aku the Samurai
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Aku the Samurai

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Pier
Interaction(s): N/A

Syl barely paid any attention to the conversations going on around him, not that he had much of a choice. A lazy smile rested on his lips as his fingers danced to a soundless tune beneath his purring Espeon’s chin. When Sai wanted attention, she got it.

That didn’t mean he was entirely out of the loop, but it did mean he mostly caught bits and pieces instead of full sentences.

The Pokétopia Foundation had gathered quite the group for their grand opening. Everyone here was famous in one way or another, even if he didn’t recognise many of them—Professor Sycamore might have been right about him needing to find a hobby. He couldn’t help himself though, they were just too entrancing for him to step away. Training and researching were two sides of the same coin, and both sides were his passion. It might have–


The grumpy girl, uh, whatever her name was. Anyway, something she said finally brought his attention back to the group.

“Oh? I’ve got a Salamence who’d take that as a challenge. What say we put them to the test? We could even–”

Ah, there was the captain.

Syl’s eyes wandered past the captain to the Machamp following him. Well-formed head ridge, developed muscles, and a healthy shine. It was certainly well taken care of if nothing else. It lacked the ruggedness of its more battle-focused brethren, though whether that was because it wasn’t one or it just hadn’t done battle in a while, Syl couldn’t say. Either way, it was a good specimen. He would have loved to have a closer look at it in his lab. That wasn’t allowed though. Apparently, he needed to “get out more” and “interact with people”. As if he didn’t get enough of that already.


Right. They were supposed to be taking attendance.

Syl flashed a smile, idly scratching Sai under her chin in thanks, “Syl Archer. Here and present. Nice to see you alive, captain. I feared the worst.”

Syl paused and tilted his head as he watched the Machamp pass by. Did he remember to pack his luggage?
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Ryik
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Ryik Wandering Phantasm

Member Seen 27 min ago

It was a bit disheartening hearing that the little critter before him wasn't likely to put up much of a fight at higher levels of competition, for as much as he'd like to believe in its fighting prowess like Bat, he was intimately familiar with the practical constraints of a pokémon defying the conventions of its species. For a depressingly large percentage of species, the convention was to be outshone. To offer a unique combination of traits in battle that was ultimately without significant merit, or perhaps worse, did offer something special, only to be countered by pokémon who could simply wield greater raw power.

Kaison didn't think he resented straightforward strength in a pokémon. Half his team, give or take, could probably be called relatively simple in terms of their gameplan, and he cannot deny that he chose, in part, to raise them because of the potential their species held as battlers. Although he certainly isn't the type to look no further than their raw power, there are some pokémon he fears he would simply let down as their trainer. After all, when he felt his team could be improved by a water type, his first thought was the 'Beautifly of the Sea.'

Storm Drain... Perhaps in double battles, though he didn't often partake in them, and his team mainly wanted a water type to handle opposing fire and ice types. Swift Swim? Besides Avici, his team couldn't particularly support weather manipulation, and they weren't known for their offensive prowess to begin with. W- ugh. Water Veil wasn't really an ability any water pokémon often needed, much less ones who didn't particularly fear the physical limitations a burn imposed. Looking at moves... Tailwind support? Defog support? Swagger and Psych Up combined with... uh... No Aqua Jet? It gets- but it doesn't get- that wouldn't work, maybe- no. Urgh.

No matter how he tried, he couldn't plan out a strategy that could take full advantage of a Lumineon's strengths, and as the Captain finally arrived and a girl named Tess made mention of her Mantine, he couldn't help but be reminded of one of the many pokémon species he kept comparing Lumineon to. Tougher. Stronger. Able to learn Defog, Tailwind, and even having a reliable recovery move in Roost whereas Lumineon was stuck relying on Rest, it was hard to argue that a Lumineon could do a Mantine's job better. He didn't want to accept training up a pokémon only for it to be a functionally inferior version of another species doing the same job. He didn't want that for any of his pokémon, ever. Perhaps his inability to find a way to use Lumineon was just his failing as a trainer. Perhaps he was grasping for some type of equality where there wasn't any. Who's to say? Grimsley would have said that nothing but the outcome matters, but he never did ask him what that would mean for the use of such pokémon.

He supposes it doesn't matter now that he has little Téhōm. He might adopt more pokémon in the future, perhaps even more water pokémon, but he finds it difficult to imagine another pokémon being quite as reliable as his cute little Téhōm.

Back to reality, he supposes he should clarify his identity. "Kaison, present."

Now, on the topic of the ship captain's Machamp... Kaison idly pulled out his phone, looking through databases with the relevant information on the species. No Guard and Dynamic Punch, obviously, but there's also Skill Swap shenanigans in doubles, often with a more supportive role with Wide Guard, usually partnered wi-

Wait a second... Machamp can learn Fissure!?
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Hidden 2 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Pier

Interactions: Vitesse@Carlyle Sophie @Yankee

At the mention of his Clefable, Jolie let out an excited Clefaaa! and twirled in place, clasping her tiny hands together before curtseying. She was accustomed to admiration, and delighted in it as much as her trainer did.

André though was confused. Most people fixated on him first, but Sophie had immediately honed in on the Pokémon instead. As a matter of fact, most of these people didn’t even acknowledge that they were in the presence of a movie star. He couldn’t help feeling a little hurt by it…

His movies were international hits. His face was plastered across billboards, magazine covers, and perfume ads. His fashion was iconic. And yet… no reaction from any of them. No gasps of recognition, no excited murmurings about being in the presence of the André Bellamy, no requests for selfies. It was as if he were just another passenger on this yacht. It was almost insulting. Did these people not go to movies?

He exhaled through his nose, regained his composure, and smiled. It was fine. He would just have to make sure that by the end of this trip, they wouldn’t forget him.

André let out an exaggerated sigh of relief when the captain finally arrived, placing a hand over his heart. “Ah, enfin! The captain arrives! For a moment I was worried we would have to swim there.”

Jolie mimicked his distress, clutching her tiny hands to her face and letting out a Clefaaa! of faux despair. Equally as dramatic as her trainer.

As the captain flipped through his clipboard, André stepped forward with effortless grace. “André Bellamy,” he declared with a dazzling smile. “Actor, celebrity, icon.” He said almost glaring at the others. Then he gestured to the piles of pink luggage behind him. “Careful with those. They are designer, très cher!” He reached into his pocket, pulled out a wrapped Poképuff, and handed it to the Machamp with a wink. “A little treat for your troubles, hm?”

Jolie crossed her arms, and pouted. Annoyed that her trainer gave a random Machamp a Pokepuff that was meant to be hers.

André caught Jolie’s pout from the corner of his eye and let out a soft chuckle, He gave her an affectionate pat on the head. “Ma chère Jolie,” he cooed. “Do not fret, mon amour. I have plenty more for you.” With a flourish, he produced another Poképuff from his pocket, and gave it to her.

Jolie sniffed indignantly, huffing for dramatic effect before finally accepting the treat, nibbling on it with a satisfied hmph! André chuckled again, standing back up and dusting off his coat.

Crisis averted.

With that settled, André turned back toward the group. “Well, mes amis, it seems our adventure is about to begin!” He cast a knowing glance at Vitesse, lips curling slightly at her clear exasperation. “Oh, Tess,” he said smoothly. “You must try to enjoy yourself. A beautiful voyage awaits! Do not let a small delay ruin the mood!”

Then, spotting Sophie, he extended his hand with a wink. “Would you care to board with moi, ma chérie?”
Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Carlyle
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Ocean Pier -> Yacht
Timeframe: Morning

Interaction(s): Everyone
Previously: Click Here

Vitesse felt annoyed by her fellow attendees' interest over her Mantine. The excitement she would've once felt at such a challenge—to prove her own prowess against the man's Salamence—had long since dissipated. It reminded her of her fans; those who only showed interest in her skills and not her as a person.

The Machamp meanwhile ate the offered puff treat with eagerness, replying with a upbeat "Machamp!" as a thank you. It then reached downwards with each of its four arms, and picked up what luggage that the guests hadn't already brought aboard the ship. Despite the weight of the luggage, the Pokémon made light work of it as the luggage was carried up the ramp that linked the luxury yacht to the pier, almost as if it was making a show of its strength for the captain's guests.

"I'll try," Vitesse responded to André, shrugging her shoulders with indifference as the captain finished checking off his list. Sliding her hands into the pockets of her hoodie, she proceeded to follow him and his Machamp on board.

As she stepped on the yacht, Vitesse looked around the boat and took it all in. As expected, the ship was top-of-the-line, perfectly suitable for a group of rich, famous types. Fanciful, expensive furniture, made from the finest Pokémon-friendly materials available, decorated the yacht. There was even a sizeable bottle of Shuckle Juice, chilled in a ice bath, along with a helping of Tropius bananas, Lentali fluffruit and other such snacks for the guests to enjoy. Clearly, the Pokétopia Foundation pulled out all the stops to make the ride as enjoyable as they possibly could for their star attendees.

Yet for Vitesse, once you've seen all the stops pulled before, you've seen it all. One too many trips to Hotel Ionia, and all the excitement and magic doesn't seem as impressive as it once did.

"The guest rooms are down below." The captain announced the group, while the Machamp took a flight of stairs to the ship's quarters. "My partner will ensure your belongings are delivered to your quarters, so feel free to make yourself at home with our amenities. I'll be upstairs in the bridge if any of you need anything."

With that, the captain disappeared up top, leaving the group to do as they pleased.

Taking the lead, Vitesse was among the first to move from the crowd, and over to where the assorted snack trays had been delicately placed. She grabbed two of the fluffruit from the tray, and began to head back outside onto the yacht's deck.

"I'll be outside," Vitesse explained to no one in particular. She hadn't a strong urge to hang with any of her fellow attendees, nor take in all the fanciful offerings laid out for them to partake in. "I guess."
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Hidden 27 days ago Post by Thunder999999
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Location: S.S. Avalon

Edwards slows his walk as he takes in the room, it's been a while since he was anywhere quite this luxurious.
"I can certainly forgive the wait if this is what we're looking forward to." With that comment to noone in particular, he pours a glass of berry juice, grabs a banana and sits in a very comfortable synthetic leather chair by one of the front windows.
As he sips the juice he taps one of the balls on his belt, letting Ribombee out to sit on his shoulder, naturally she steals a chunk of fruit half her height.
He looks over as Vitesse leaves, but speaks to the rest of the passengers rather than following,"Somehow I don't think she's off to let her mantine out for that competition, probably best to wait until we're out of port for anything exciting anyway." his tone makes its pretty clear he's not taking it seriously, "Oh and guard anything sweet, Ribombee here would fight a charizard for a bowl sugar."
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