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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

....All Elizabeth wanted to do was to be a good magic caster but all she did was mess up people and make it worse in her old town. Elizabeth made a bunch of plants to attack people on her town but as soon as she did she snapped back out of her nightmare waking up and popping out of her bed. "Oh lord.....not again.." she sighed running a hand through her hair as she got up from her bed and walked to her bathroom, showering and then putting on her clothes. "Let's start out this daaay!" She looked at her flowers seeing that they were healthy and all. It was good because Elizabeth wanted her flowers to be in good condition.

As she made it out her room she walked towards the Guild Hall with her arms crossed closed to her chest. There were so many new faces around the hall, and all the old faces were doing jobs or something. Yeah, she was running low on money but she was also tired so she didnt really want to do a job now. Maybe she will wait for a bit later. Elizabeth was wearing a white skirt with highsocks black boots and a whiteshirt with a bow in the middle. She skipped towards her friend Lach which she thought that he was real cute and there was Elliot. "Heeeey! GUYS!" She smiled waiving at them. "Sooooo how are you guys? What you guys doing? Searching for jobs? I wanna do a job. But I dont know yet." Eli nodded smiling at Lach. "How are you?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Orin was watching the sight before him, and what a sight it was. He wouldn't have called it a grand battle but he was watching some insane luck on the side of the wood mage, if he meant it or not he made it all the way and-, "Oooo!" Orin and even the gangsters all gasped and hid their own groin as if instinctively as they witnessed the sight. This gave Orin enough time to wrap up the remaining gangsters with his chains as the boy was asking for support.

"Seemed like the plan worked better than ever hahahahah!" With a manly laugh Orin dusted off his hands and walked towards Kaldis. "You can come out now. You won the day for us" He wasn't lying about that, he did in a way. Grasping the wall and leaning around it he smiled brightly "Good job heh. We should get out of here, I can see the touches of the guard from here." As he said this the sound of a walking stick could be heared, and with a 'thwak' it struck Orin's back. "Yeow!" HE jumped, turning around to see the old man waving his stick. "More noise and you put holes in our street!"

Orin rubbed the back of his head in shame "Sorry about th-," He was interrupted by another swing of the old mans cane, but it was just a swipe to silence. "However... You did help... I suppose I may have been wrong about you. Clearly you were not with those thugs from before. The young girl with strange music and a boy with a HUGE axe did not show such restraint... Anyway, thank you" Orin smiled before getting another strike on the forehead, along with Kaldis if he was near. "Now all of you scoot out of town before the guard get here. Go on, get!" Orin nodded and signaled for them to leave. He went to grab his sister as well, after all Beatrix would be mad if he left her behind.
Beatrix was thinking the place was getting rather crowded so before she answered anything she made sure to serve and get rid of all the customers of her magic shop for the time being. After she brought her attention to Measha "Ah, that is true... You may have to wait until the delivery tomorrow until some show up.... I guess you could handle the Enchantment Needed one, that is still there." She didn't know what to tell him.. She would have to make sure to order in twice as many jobs tomorrow.

"You're late Elliot, where were you this morning?" She said, but got a little cross at the fact that she just walked away. If the bar and two tohers were not in the way she would have put the girl into a paper coffin!

With a swipe of her hand she put the seal onto Hector, and right at the same time she let out her answer. "No way D class." Owch... "I am not going to have you go off on your own to a S class of all things, even if you are a Dragon Slayer. I will decide that sort of thing tonight, so you will have to wait like all the others." She knew full well this was not what they wanted to hear but she had not had the chance to class all of these new members yet...

She was in such thought that she did not see the new arrival until he sat down. "Sorry the bar and shop is closed right now-,... So you come to join the guild?" She Changed her tone suddenly, almost as if she had noticed the fact he was a magic user. Though he answered she would not have the time to respond right then and there, as Orion had arrived. She smiled at a successful job. "So how did it go? Going alone was risky but you seem fine!" She was clearly excited about this.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyre101


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Walking into the building, he took a seat near the bar, leaving the door open to allow the wind in, carrying a box in his hands. His hair flew up as the air blew it with a gentle breeze. Kael looked around to see the Master talking to a newbie. Orin was gone, probably gone on a job. He sighed at the look of the job board. It was empty once more. He had left for a bit, following the wind to the ocean, and now there were no jobs now.

Turning to the bar, he popped his box onto the table and opened it. He lifted a slice of his pizza, covered in cheese and lots of bacon on it and took a bite. As he tasted the cheese, the wind began to pick up, spreading the smell throughout the guild hall. Hopefully, somebody else would like a slice. He would like to meet some of the new people. Also, he may want to catch up with Beatrix.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 5 mos ago

when Orion made his way back to the Guild. while some of his energy had returned he was still to low to do anything other than walk. o he walked all the way back to the guild. he had enough time to try to put two and two together. nothing was adding up though. why would someone try to frame the guild. they were brand new and as far as he knew no one had any vendetta against them. When he made it back to the guild he went to Beatrix, interupting what ever conversation she may have been in the middle of. "I'm so sorry to interrupt, I really am, but we have an issue. asside from being jumped by the bandits I was supposed to take out, there is someone impersonating us... in the ' i think im going to raise all kinds of Hell for Azure Dragon and make people blame them for things they have nothing to do with" kind of way. all i know is that it was an old man responsible for attacking the employer and provoking the bandits at the same time."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Elliot frowned as there wasn't much to be done or at least much to be challenging. It seemed like she'd be hanging around until they got some new ones in, which meant that Hector would probably doing the same. Wonderful. She stuffed her hands into her pocket and was about to move away when Lach came over to the broad and joined her. She nodded to him, answering his question, "I did. Pretty good reward too... But you know me, can't stand sitting still," She shrugged, "I tried to get back early enough to grab myself another job but seems that I came to late."

She glanced over to Hector and laughed, shaking her head, "Ha! He wishes. No, met him on a job sometime ago... Left on... not to pleasant terms," she might have elaborated more if Elizabeth hadn't shown up and asked them questions in rapid fire. She opened her mouth, "I'm go-" She stopped as the girl turned to Lach and repeated her question, directed to him alone, "Aaaand you don't care..."

She gave Lach a small wave and removed herself from the group. She had little to no interest in standing there as Elizabeth, clearly, fawned all over Lach and stroked his ego. Not exactly her scene. She sighed a little and walked over to an empty table. She took a seat and relaxed, it seemed she have to do so until a least tomorrow. Unless a job fell out of the sky and into her lap. Although, she highly doubted that was going to happen... Too bad though, that sounded like it might be interesting. She looked over at Hector and narrowed her eyes slightly, what was really up with that guy?...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Kaldis' heart was racing as he waited behind the wall, hoping to whatever god that could hear him that Orin could handle all those mobst-"Seemed like the plan worked better than ever hahahahah!" Orin's voice boomed with a hearty laugh as he approached the wall Kaldis' heart nearly jumped out of his chest from the surprise of it all as he slammed his head against the wall, clutching it for a moment while rubbing the new bruise under his hair, before rising to attention as Orin came around the wall, bashfully scratching the area next to the bruise. "W-Well you were the one doing all the work...I only took out one guy...and I can't say I feel proud about beating him like I did...I wouldn't be able to live knowing someone busted my...*gulp* my privates."

Before he could even nod and say he was ready to go, Orin was thwacked over the head by some sort of stick. Kaldis almost thought it was a mobster until he saw the not-so-friendly old man form earlier when they'd first arrived, who was also yelling at Orin for making holes in the ground. He was positively beaming when he heard that now the old man was actually thanking them this time around, though he too received a blow from the elder's walking stick, right on his forehead. Holding back slight tears in the corner of his eyes, he ran back to the wagon after saying to the old man as he walked away: "I-if you want help fixing up the town, I'd be more than glad to help tomorrow!", and began fixing it for them all to leave. Feeling exceptionally tired after that whole ordeal, he clambered into the back of the wagon and damn near collapsed onto the deck of the back of the wagon, sleep taking him in only a few moments.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The soft grass of the fields had been replaced by the cold stones of the city. A bit of a setback for Sam, as he walked them barefoot. He had experienced quite a few setbacks these last few weeks. But he was confident he would find a new opportunity in this town. "Sooo, where do you want to go?" Asked Horace in a voice a few octaves lower than you would expect from a talking raccoon. But then, you wouldn't expect a raccoon to talk anyways. "Ugh, I don't know. Some place they'll let us stay, some place I can make some cash, some place I can meet people?" Sam responded with a tired voice.

"Wait!" Suddenly Horace stopped and got on his hind legs so he could grab Sam's leg.
"What? Did you see something?"
"No. I smell something... something weirdly delicious. Something I've never experienced before!"
"Do you think it might be of magical nature?"
"It would have to be!"

Together they sprinted down a dirt road to a large building that was still under construction. Sam halted in front of it to witness two workers lift a large sign reading "Azure Dragon". Horace however did not halt, he knew exactly where he was going.
When Sam carefully stepped inside he saw a crowded area, everywhere were wizards discussing work and drinking. This was a guild! Perfect! He always wanted to join a guild someday, maybe they'd let them try out.

Sam got up to the counter and tried to get the woman behind the bar her attention. She would know where to sign up and things like that. But she was very busy, seemed she was popular. Trying to hold a conversation with a bunch of people at the same time. No wonder no one at the bar was getting their drinks.
Sam hopped behind the bar and tugged on her sleeve.
"Hello, my name is Sam. I am looking for work. But enough about me who are you? Hold on! You seem very busy right now, so how about I help you out first so you can focus on these people first?" Sam started to rant. "I can handle myself quite well you'll see." He went on as he juggled a few glasses. "I'll handle the drinks, is this the price list? Cool I know most of these drinks. Now where's the- oh there it is!" Before waiting for an answer Sam had made himself familiar with the bar and was cleaning up a glass while scanning the bar for thirsty people.

With great effort, Horace had made his way up on the bar stool next to Kael. With large eyes of wonder and desire he stared at the pizza in front of Kael, then at Kael, then back at the pizza.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyre101


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Taking another bite, he saw that a new guy was cleaning glasses and speaking really fast. He needed to slow down, relax, or else life was going to fly by. Kael took another look around and saw the bar stool next to him rattling as it was moved. He looked down to see a raccoon climbing up onto the seat. Amused, he continued to stare on until the creature started to look at his pizza and then back to him.

Kael looked to his pizza and then back to the animal and back to the pizza box. Should he? Was it healthy to give a raccoon a slice of pizza? Deciding to take a chance, he pushed the box closer to the raccoon and waved his hand, as if to say, go right ahead. It was curious to see a wild animal inside a civilized area, but Kael shrugged his shoulders. They go where the winds take them. Or their stomachs.

He spoke to the creature: So why are you here? He hoped the raccoon would be able to understand, but given that giant apes can speak, why can't a raccoon?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Horace quickly grabbed the slice of pizza and was about to stuff his face with it when he was asked a question. This human expected him to talk? Maybe they had seen weirder things in the city.

"I follow Sam around, got nuthin else to do. Ya'know bein a Raccoon an all."

He then proceeded to cram the slice of pizza into his mouth. In seconds the slice had disappeared.
"Ah by the whispers! What in the world is this divine food!?" He shouted with a mouth full.

Sam chuckled, then started pouring drinks for people.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Teancum


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Elliot nodded to him, answering his question, "I did. Pretty good reward too... But you know me, can't stand sitting still," She shrugged, "I tried to get back early enough to grab myself another job but seems that I came to late."

He under stood slighly there were times where he wasnt lazy and needed to get out and do something....but that wasnt today.

She glanced over to Hector and he followed with his eyes as well as she laughed, shaking her head, "Ha! He wishes. No, met him on a job sometime ago... Left on... not to pleasant terms," There was a pause and he leaned his head toward her as if he wanted to elaborated more, but he quickly realized what was the cause to the end of her story was that Elizabeth had popped up and started asked them questions.

"Heeeey! GUYS!" She smiled waiving at them. "Sooooo how are you guys? What you guys doing? Searching for jobs? I wanna do a job. But I dont know yet."

Elliot opened her mouth, "I'm go-" she stopped suddenly as Eli nodded smiling at him. "How are you?" She asked again. It was clear she was more interested talking to him than Elliot.

"Aaaand you don't care..." Elliot said as she gave him a small wave before leaving. He made a painful smile, he hated when that happened, he gave the same small wave at Elliot back before looking to Eli and smiled back.

"Im fine how have you been?" He asked as he placed the palm of his left hand on the pommel of his katana. as she would answer he would look around the room and notice another man with a Katana. He suddenly felt excited and yet at the same time territorial, Here was someone who he could spar with, he had to make sure he looked good for the women of the Guild,being beat by this other guy wont do well... He wondered who he was he looked experianced, but experiance is not the same for everyone.

After Eli finished answering his first question he added," looks like there are no more we can go on for today, only one left is the S class and no one here is cleared for that. I mean I could d it if I wanted to, but that would put Beatrixs panties in a bind. "

He also noted a guy walk in off the street talk to beatrix and hop over the bar and started working like that.. and a raccoon followed after him and ploped himself next to Kael and look at his food long enough to manage a score a piece. "Heeeeeeey." he wined " Kael! Dont go waisting a good slice of pizza on a racoon like that!"

He put up his finger and said excuse me to Eli before walking over and leaning on the counter and grabbed a piece" thanks Illl spot ya next time." Mid bite he realized that the Racoon was talking. At which he paused with the pizza in his mouth and stared at the raccon for a moment before narrowing his eyes and slowly reaching out with his free hand and poked it in the chest a few times.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Horace was taken back by this sudden invasion of his personal space. He stepped back almost tumbling off the bar stool.
"Hey! Is that normal where you come from?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Beatrix halted anything the others near her may have wanted to say by holding up her hand to Hector, mainly because he was the biggest there and so in turn everyone would have seen it. When Orion came up to the bar and gave a report on what had happened, and it had clearly ticked her off as she started thinking. Well trying to think until wind started blowing and some kid jumped behind her bar!

Forming a paper airplane she tossed it along the winds at such force that it would strike Kael like it was a flick to the forehead. "Stop that, I told you before how annoying it is! And you!" She moved over to try and grab Sam by the scuff of his shirt and lift him up. "...." With a sigh she let him go. "Carry on..." If the kid wanted to work for free at her bar who was she to argue, and if he annoyed her she could always silence him with a paper muzzle.

"Now let me think.."
Orin made his way back to the Wagon too, placing Sophia in the back with Kaldis so the two of them could rest. "We need to head back to the guild. This is bothering me and we should tell moth-, Beatrix about what we saw." With the two of them asleep by the time he finished talking the large guy just chuckled, rubbing the back of his head as he grabbed onto the wooden horse and placed it on the drivers seat where he would have sat. Instead he picked up the front with his arms and started running away from the town with the wagon in tow! They would be back to the guild in record time that as for sure.
Beatrix did not have all that time to think it seemed as a loud beating, like music, echoed from outside and one of the windows shattered! Hiowever, before the others could do so Beatrix grabbed onto the table napkins and cast them towards the windows, protecting them from breaking from the ear wrenching sound! "Well, get out there and deal with this!" She commanded.


Orin had been coming up onto the guild, witnessing three strangers outside of the guild: One had a uniform and a huge axe, the other was a hunched over old man and another was a girl with a magic box like device that was sending shock waves right at the guild! Taking action, as action first and questions later was how he was brought up, Orin grabbed onto the wagon tightly before using all his power to throw it down the street towards the group! Of course he had not forgotten its important cargo. "Chain Whip!" Extending two chains he grabbed and pulled back Sophia and Kaldis into his arms before setting them onto the floor.

"It seems to have failed..."
"My music never fails old man!"
"How un-powerful."

It was then that the mummy like boy noticed the incoming wagon, and almost effortlessly extended his arms and caught the wagon, using its momentum to toss it right back at insane speeds! Leaving Orin to step forwards and cover his face, dreading what he was about to try and block! The group did not stick around to discover what the end result was, as a goo like substance moved around the groups feet and hey had vanished under it like sinking into quick sand.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Several glasses shattered and a few others dropped to the ground. These shattered too, but seconds later.
Sam stared outside slackjawed. "What the actual fuck just happened?"
"Hell if I know!' Horace replied.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyre101


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Turning to Lach, Kael had a frown on his face. Lach, sure, have a piece. And the food is pizza. It has lots of cheese and bac-

He was just finishing the ingredients when he got stabbed in the eye with a paper plane. He fell off the stool as it happened. He clutched his eye, breathing slowly to allow the pain to pass. He looked up to see Beatrix turning to grab the new guy/bartender. Kael stood up, about to rebuke Beatrix when one of the windows exploded. He felt it a moment before, as the wind was humming, something it usually does not. He was rushed towards the door, wanting to know who had committed this atrocity. He rushed out to see three people, one of them a girl with a box where the source of the vibrations was coming from. He rushed out, forming the wind into blades and tossing them at them.

Not willing to wait around to see if he hit, he flew into the sky, readying himself for a counterattack. He began to rotate his hands in a particular pattern, forming the wind into a tornado that would entrap them if they did anything.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thundercat
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Well, get out there and deal with this!"

As the words left Beatrix's mouth Measha darted to the doors and outside, a wave of excitement overcame him, his heart burned for action. Measha took a defensive stance as one of three strangers caught a wagon with ease, and launched it towards somebody in the distance. "Flaming Fists: Whirlwind!" Measha began spinning in place at high speeds as fire began to surround the area around him. Without thinking, he guided the flames and launched a fireball three times his size towards the wagon. If Measha had taken a second longer the wagon would've smashed into the man in the distance, but fortunately his fireball exploded into the side of the wagon as chunks of crisp wood flew everywhere.

Measha realized he was left wide open to an attack from the three strangers, but to his luck a wizard from inside the guild had rushed out just in time, tossing wind blades at the group. As the wizard fired his wind blades, Measha noticed some type of goo material had already surrounded the groups feet, and they vanished into the ground just before the wind blades could make contact. It was disappointing that they had decided to retreat, but than again maybe they weren't retreating? Measha, realizing that beside the man in the distance lay a boy and a girl, cautiously approached the group, in fear that the strangers were still here, and could be preparing for another attack.

"Are you guys okay?" He asked, stepping over the chunks of wood everywhere.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

With a swipe of her hand she put the seal onto Hector, and right at the same time she let out her answer. "No way D class." At which his eyes Narrowed, "I am not going to have you go off on your own to a S class of all things, even if you are a Dragon Slayer. I will decide that sort of thing tonight, so you will have to wait like all the others."

Before he could say anything she was off talking with others. She KNEW he could handle himself... he's been doing it alone for twenty years. on more difficult jobs than that. This is the reason he didn't join any guilds in the first place, no one can get in your way. Yet he looked away as he knew that he was now in one and it was for Beatrix's sake... not his.

He was going to say something about it though when she held up her hand to him. As she did another kid came up and started reporting about what happened on his job and it didnt sound good. But it sounded good for him. He cracked his knuckles and was going to tell Beatrix let him hunt this man down When suddenly there came music so loud and horrible that it shattered one of the windows. She then Yelled at everyone to deal with it. At which he saw the first kid who just join Bolt out side... as well as another.

He moved outside to see the Young kid blowing up a wagon. and the other throwing wind blades at a second group that quickly vanished into a goo. "Cowards...." Hector said under his breath as he followed the young Fire wizard to the first group. He quickly realizedit was Orin standing infront of two others on the ground.

He stopped a few feet away and said, after the fire wizard asked if they are ok. "You are always in over your head Orin..." He looked to the two on the ground behind him and asked. "Whats with them?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sam ran off into the kitchen and put a kettle on the fire, quickly filled it with water and rand off to the pantry.
From there he took a handful of berries, a scoop of sugar and a bottle of a whine he didn't recognize. Stirring a spoon with one hand and carefully throwing the ingredients into the boiling water with the other he chanted quietly to himself. "Two parts raspberries, one part sugar, a few drops of wine...right... He grabbed a knife and made a small cut on the side of his hand. "One, two, three drops of blood..." The potion turned a light glowing red. "Effect type: Conjuration, Healing. 5 Charges. Area of Effect: Imbiber." Constantly stirring.

A sweet scent filled the kitchen as faint red smoke came from the kettle.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The goo from below the groups feet stretched over them, consuming their forms just as the wind blades struck, slicing the good and spraying it across the street, however nothing of the three remained there and soon even the goo was sinking into the ground where it had come from. Though they had truly retreated for the time being, the others did have the chance to notice their faces, not to mention the fact they also bared guild tattoo's that were strikingly alike to their own.


Orin was about to take the brunt of the wagon just before it burst into a flaming wreck, easily shattering against his body, and with one sweep of his arms he sent the pieces to his sides so that it avoided the two behind him. Though he had some minor burns, which Sophia was panicking over, he was thankful that he did not have to stop something solid coming at him full speed like that.


Orin said it simply, but mainly because his attention was focused on Hector who was coming towards them. The guy was just as big as him, though older and he respected the guy in a way... That is if he didn't constantly try flirting with his mother. "Bah, I am fine. Nothing that can not be sorted. Besides they started it." Sophia, his sister, sighed before looking to Hector. "Hello. Yeah, he is right. They... Pretended to be us on our last job and wrecked a entire town. Kaldis and Orin fixed it though"
Meanwhile Beatrix was confused as to what Sam was doing, btu she had more important things to worry about as she got out a large book from the books on the wall which read 'Big Book of Guild's" before placing it onto the counter of the bar and opening it to study it. She had to make sure but the others could tell her when they got back. She needed a right description before she made any rash choices.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Elliot jumped to her feet when the glass of the guild shattered. She jumped out one of the windows, being sure to avoid any of the newly broken glass and looked around outside, ready to fight. However, when she got out there, it seem the attackers had already feld and there was nothing and no one to be dealt with. Ellie was a little disappointed, she was itching to do something! She sighed and crossed her arms, not impressed. She over heard Orin talking to Hector about the people impersonating them on their mission. She walked over, "Well, that's... odd," she said quietly, "Why would people be wanting to ruin our image? We're just barely a guild... It's not like we are a threat to anyone..." She pursed her lips, "Maybe it has something to do with the job that you guys were doing..."

She looked at Hector and smirked slightly at the tattoo on his wrist. He clearly had something for Beatrix or someone, if he was willing to stick around at a low tier guild that she was at. He really did seem to hate her. She looked back at Orin, "Did they say anything?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thundercat
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

During all the commotion, Akira merely sat at the bar, observing how the others reacted to the situation. As one member sprinted outside and another followed, Akira ran outside himself to watch the action. While one wizard launched a fireball and another conjured wind blades, Akira took note of the three strangers standing outside the guild. He was familiar with the guild seals they possessed. and certainty did not expect the Azure Dragon to attract this sort of attention. Very interesting indeed. He was impressed with the tenacity the other members showed as they darted outside to assess the situation. Turning towards the bar, he noticed Beatrix slam a familiar book onto the counter. Things were definitely about to get much more interesting. Akira ran to the group outside to help. "Hey, is everybody okay? Is anyone hurt?" He asked in a worried tone.
A simple thanks was all the man would muster before turning his attention to the man from before, the one with the giant ego. So the guys name was Orin? He recalled Beatrix speaking of him earlier. Measha noticed Orin's guild tattoo, along with the others. So this must have been the group that went out on the mission. The girl that lay unconscious beside him seemed awake. Apparently the strangers had impersonated the guild, wrecking an entire town in the process. Something was very suspicious, he doubted it was a coincidence these strangers impersonated the guild, and then the guild itself was then attacked. Measha assumed the boy that lay asleep was Kaldis. "What a heavy sleeper" he thought to himself. As another girl approached the group and spoke to Orin and somebody with long blue hair wielding a katana rushed outside to join them, Measha couldn't help but feel out of place. Everyone seemed to know eachother except for him. The best thing to do was inform Beatrix of the situation.

Measha ran inside the guild and saw Beatrix at the bar, studying a book. This reminded him that when the opportunity presented itself, he should take a look at the book Fargo had given him earlier. But that wasn't important right now, he ran up and approached Beatrix. "Master, the situation is somewhat under control. The source of the noise seemed to be coming from three strangers standing outside of the guild, I wasn't really able to get a good look at them, some kind of goo absorbed their bodies and they vanished into the ground. One of the three was wearing a uniform, and wielding a large axe, another was a girl holding some kind of box, and the last was an old man, hunched over wearing glasses. Um, somebody by the name of Orin just arrived too, along with two others. I think their okay, i'm not sure. What should we do next?" Measha gave somewhat of a military like report to Beatrix. He was eager to hear her response, and was ready to confront the strangers that attacked the guild. He wasn't able to fight them properly, but he would make sure to remedy that the next time they met.
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