Strangely, it felt like only yesterday that Katherine Pryde was walking into this very office as a fresh faced teenager who had recently learned she could walk through walls. Now thirty three and married, the world had changed for Kitty. The man she loved was half way across the world helping the less fortunate in a humanitarian effort to rebuilt towns and villages. She was getting broody and really wanted some children of her own. Many of her friends had all but disappeared from her life and her hero was dead. Kitty raised her pretty doe eyes upwards from her desk and turned to look at the beautiful portrait that hung on the wall behind her. Professor Charles Xavier, her hero and the mutant leader that inspired generations to be the best version of themselves that they could be. Professor X died for his cause and now Kitty sits in his place, Headmistress of his life’s work. She could only hope that she was half the person he was. Getting to her feet, she straightened out the figure hugging black dress she wore and stepped out of the office. It was time to welcome the students and faculty back after a few weeks’ vacation.It had taken well over a year but Kitty had managed to salvage what she could and rebuild the X-Mansion and if she did say so herself make it better than before. As she walked through the halls to the auditorium, she looked at the young faces of the students around her. Some, looked like any other young teen would. Others weren’t as normal. Some were scaled or furred, bright yellow eyes, fangs. None though felt like outcasts, they were safe here. This mansion was a haven. Kitty entered the auditorium and stood behind the red curtain where the other faculty members had gathered. Some of the faculty were quite young, others were pretty old but all brought something unique to the table. “Everybody ready, let’s welcome these kids back.”
Upstairs, Armonía had arrived hours earlier in secrecy and silence, heading to her old room. As a child and teen at the place she had her own room. Single rooms were usually reserved for staff and special case students but she was given a pass, told that it was for all of her art and music tools. As of recently, she knew that it was because she was a special case child. She remembered nightmares and waking up to having set the bed on fire, her body having become a laser. But after regaining her memory months ago she began to slowly come back to herself, finding her happy medium. She had initially denied Kitty's request to return, feeling that she wasn't ready. But when her old friend dangled the possibility of seeing Alfredo... She had to accept. Perhaps he was the key to her centering herself completely. Her old flame had always made her feel whole in the past and she needed to apologize anyways.
Slipping into a pencil skirt and a tight button-down tank top, she paused to look st herself in the mirror. Knowing the truth behind the scars that she once hid in shame made her see them differently. They were a sign of her strength and endurance, showing how far she was willing to go to protect her people. She was proud of her scars and the people she saved. A smile on the tattooed beauty's face, she slipped in a few piercings on her face and headed downstairs with bare feet. "Miss me?" She smiled as she snuck up behind her friends and tapped Kitty's shoulder. The Head Mistress turned and smiled, sweeping her friend into a hug. "Welcome home. Good to see you showing some skin." Her mood lightened a bit but the woman turned back around soon enough and headed for the large and ornate double doors.
Of course he had slept in. Typical Freddie. Rolling out of bed, the young man quickly flicked his wrist and the can of deodorant on the other side of the room flew into his hands. Some days he loved being telekinetic. He sprayed the contents of the can under his armpits and tossed the aluminium roll onto the floor and moved to the wardrobe to get ready. Being the phys-ed coach meant that he didn't have to dress as formally as the other teachers, he could settle for pants and a polo shirt which he very much preferred. The top was tight and showed off his thin but muscled frame very well. As he dressed, Freddie was subconsciously applying toothpaste to his tooth brush in the bathroom. Once he was dressed, washed and looking somewhat presentable, he took one last look in the mirror. Nia was downstairs so he had to be careful. Despite mastery of his abilities, Fred still had a temper and the loss of control could be devastating. Taking the deep breath, the Sicilian opened the door of his bedroom and hurried down the hall and stairs towards the atrium. He managed to slide in with the other teachers as Kitty reached the double doors. "Hey Freddie" she didn't even bother to turn to greet him. For someone who wasn't psychic, the new headmistress sure did know a lot. With icy blue eyes he looked at Nia who stood off to the side, he offered a slight courteous smile. They'd have to catch up later.
Kitty opened the doors and began to welcome the students as they all filed in and took their seats. Most of them had joined the school when it re-opened six months ago. For others, this was their first day at mutant high as some might call it. There were mature students, teenagers and some were even younger. Looking at their faces, even with all other past experience, Kitty still found it hard to believe the amount of power and sheer danger that now existed in that room. Closing the doors behind her, the young woman silently wished for her husband to appear out of nowhere but she knew that would never happen. The room fell silent, the only sound was the click of Kitty's heels across the wood panel floor. She stood up to the podium and offered a smile to the line of teachers behind her before she looked towards the crowd. "Hello, for those of you who I haven't met yet I am Katherine Pryde and I want to be the first to welcome you and welcome some of you back to the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngers. Welcome home, everybody"