Ran: “Young miss, would you prefer to lie down for a while? There is a tree behind you that you can lean against if you feel too dizzy to lie down flat.”
The male voice almost startled the pink-haired man who currently had his head drooped downwards out of exhaustion. ’Shoot! My hair is a wreck.’ Suddenly, a high pitched purr gurgled out in front of him and Lesley couldn’t help but look up to see what exactly was making that noise? Once his gaze trailed up the clawed, scaly paws of Cobalt, he came to stare at a toothy-grinning baby dragon. The reptile blinked and bared its teeth as it widened its smile. “Oh well, aren't you just a precious lil’ thing!” Lesley gushed and reached forward, squishing Cobalt’s cheek in one hand. Finally turning his attention to Ran, he flashed the gentleman a charming grin and flicked his bouncy curls lightly. “I would, but could you help me get over there?” He asked with a pained tone and a slight pout.
Once Ran picked him up, Lesley wrapped his arms around the man’s neck in satisfaction with his compliance to the request. After he was set back down against the base of the tree trunk, Ran asked about help coming to get them.
“I hope it’ll be soon” Lesley mumbled to no one in particular as he combed his fingers through his knotted locks.
To everyone’s dismay, help never came and they set out on the journey back to Sol on foot, injuries and fatigue weighing down on them the entire trip. Lesley’s limb-loss was treated and replaced with a functioning prosthetic hand. Though his real hand could never be brought back, he was still thankful for his new one.
Laying in his cot, Lesley fiddled with his artificial hand in deep thought. He heard some of the nurses talking about Avian’s cremation and how Victoria had reacted to the loss. Just imagining it made him tear up on the infirmary bed. It made him wonder what his parents might be thinking by now. His mom was probably causing all hell to break loose at Empire just looking for him. Cringing, he decided to push out the somber thoughts by sleeping.
Lesley was sitting alone at the bar sipping on a fermented candy drink when Queen Delirium stood up and clinked her glass to call everyone’s attention. ’She looks nice…’
Queeny: "Thank you very much for attending this grand celebration. Never before in Nowhere's history have the humans come so close to completing the living list."
Raising his champagne glass in front of him, he swished the liquid in circular motions with a snort. ’Ah, so I was right. No human batch has ever gotten home yet. They all died before any of em’ could finish.’
Queeny: "As of now, they only lack two more items, then those dearies can finally go home, and when they do," a smile crept up her face. "All of Nowhere will celebrate!"
Crowd: "Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!"
Bringing the rim of the glass up to his lips, he downed the rest of the alcohol in one swift tilt. ’I wonder where the others are.’ The cheering and sounds of celebration sounded like a blurred murmur to him.
Amiel: "I'm charmed to make such a lovely woman's acquaintance. Oh, where are my manners.”
Hearing a voice directed at him from his right side, Lesley swiveled around on his barstool to face the speaker. The pink-haired man had been seeking to get drunk that night and had asked for a second refill. Taking a quick swig of his drink before turning, after coming face to face with the gentleman who had so graciously struck up a conversation with him, Lesley almost spit up the contents within his mouth. Doing the sign of the cross hastily, he forced his drink down with a troubled gulp. ]’Lord, he’s gorgeous.’
Amiel: “My name is Amiel Brightenburg, perchance could I ask for your name, fair maiden? It would be an honor."
Placing a hand into Amiel’s extended one, he cleared his throat daintily. “Lesley. Lesley LaBelle.” He flashed the male an exuberant smile along with one of his “looks”.
Amiel: "My father is good friends with the queen, so I've been here more times than I can count. If you like, I could show you around. There are many rooms in this castle, some so beautiful they just take your breath away."
“I would love to!” He replied excitedly. ’I’m sure I’ll take your breath away’ The pink haired man giggled mischievously to himself. Linking his arm around Amiel’s, the two made their way through the crowded dance floor towards one of the halls. Once they emerged from the jumble of Nobodies, he was pleasantly surprised to find Riley and Ace standing there fixing their own outfits. Pulling his new friend towards the girls, he smoothed out the hem of Ace’s dress. “Wow, you two look fabulous!”
“Amiel, meet Ace and Riley” Pointing his prosthetic palm at each lady, he was glad that Amiel could at least show them around. Alone time would have to wait.