Avatar of Carlyle


Recent Statuses

11 days ago
Current I'm so tired of this cold weather. I can't wait for the warmer months to come by.
11 days ago
4 more hours until I'm out of work. Closing shifts are suffering.
15 days ago
The new Captain America movie is definitely flawed, but it wasn't trash cinema IMO.
24 days ago
Oh, yeah. I forgot it's Wednesday. Time to go watch the trailer.
1 like
29 days ago
Cleaning out PMs and other test threads. It's amazing how much junk you can easily accumulate over time.


twenty-five x central standard time x open for roleplays

[ ] C U R R E N T R O L E P L A Y P R O J E C T S

Most Recent Posts

I've got a post typed up, but I'm going to rewrite portions of it later today before posting it since I'm not 100% happy with what I jotted down before my overnight shift.
I'll be making my rounds for posting starting tomorrow. Worked late last night so I'm gonna turn in for the night.

Yeah, I gotta go to work in a few hours myself so I'm probably gonna just chill for the rest of the day. Night? Who knows.
@Yankee gib bread pls :(
So, after thinking on it, these are the sheets that will be going forward at this time with this roleplay.

1. @AWildSquirtle
2. @sovlereign
3. @Aeolian
4. @BurningCold
5. @Ti
6. @Scribe of Thoth
7. @Chrys
8. @Crimson Flame
9. @Crusader Lord
10. @Little Bird
11. @Animal

Those in this list are free to post their character sheets in the CS tab and also yell at me for not finishing my own sheet LOL.

Location: Alderdice General Store -> Town Streets
Timeframe: Early Morning

Interaction(s): Mimi @Lemons, Jane @Cyrania, Erin @Yankee
Previously: Click Here

There had been no response from the Alderdices, much less even a sign of stirring inside the general store they owned. Fia grumped, unfortunately disappointed by the lack of response. Her shoulders sulked, and her stomach growled like a rumbling beast. What was she supposed to do now for breakfast? Eat something else? It was a nightmare in the making. The Millers' bread had been her favorite, and Fia loved a heaping helping of the dough every morning. Yet she was supposed to go a morning without the sweet, fresh taste of warm, buttered bread? Oh, by all the Gods in the world, what did she do to deserve this?

Had she accidentally painted on a long forgotten shrine? Had she accidentally stolen from their gardens in a search for supplies? The horror raced in her head, coming in the form of plentiful worries.

"Pleaaaaaase," Fia begged the sky. To others, she probably looked like she was crazy. "I just wanted some bread!"

Of course, there was also no response from the Gods about her bread-induced woes. Her bag of art supplies felt unusually heavy on her back as Fia looked dejectedly towards the ground and began to walk away from the general store. Dirt and pebble were kicked up with each step she took, leaving a trail of dust and oddly-mishappened footprint streaks in the earth.

"Bread..." Fia sadly uttered, repeating the word over and over. She felt as if her world had ended without it. A sniffle could be heard as she was on the path of collision with a group of townsfolk talking amongst themselves. "My bread...!"
Kali Nordstrom

Location: New York Streets, Outside Home
Skills: N/A

"We will, officer." She responded to his request. They were right outside her house to begin with, anyway. Kali walked over to Gladys, offering to assist her getting back inside in case she needed it, as she glanced to Isaac. "You're welcome to come inside. Unless you have to get home, too. I don't want to hold you up with this madness going on."

Of course, madness was saying it lightly. A nearby car alarm went off, sending the cops into a frenzy. Guns were drawn, commands were shouted. There was tension in the air, and Kali didn't wish to be caught in the potential crossfire.

"C'mon, Gladys." Kali said, urgently. She hurried the woman towards the door of the apartment complex, hoping Isaac would either follow or get into his car and get out of dodge. Even if the kid was raising their hands, weapons were still drawn. It didn't take a genius to put a few inches of brick between yourself and the guns, especially as the car began to drive off from the scene in front of the officers. All it would take is one jumpy officer with an itchy trigger finger, and bullets would be flying.

Better to play it safe than become swiss cheese, Kali felt.
Welcome to the guild, @Nani.
Posts coming either tonight or tomorrow. I'm still working overnights so it'll probably at an odd time.
I will be posting the OP either tonight or some time tomorrow. I'm still working overnights so I might be up at odd hours.

Also, I've decided to go with freeform moves rather than being locked into moves. I just ask it isn't cheesed.
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