Avatar of Letter Bee


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19 days ago
Current Two years, eight months, three threads... Four months more until my RP as a whole lasts three years.
1 mo ago
My Elder Scrolls RP may reach a third month... or die in a few days. It depends on luck.
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2 mos ago
My RP, despite many challenges, has ran for two years and seven months across three threads.
2 mos ago
Thanks to all who stood by me; you're all good people.
2 mos ago
We've done it. Noble Arms: The ASEAN War, lives.
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Noble Arms: The Normal People, an ASEAN War spinoff (Jets, Mechs, and Ships!)

It is 2022, nearly a century after the unintended consequences of one person's folly.

On the verge of Allied Victory in World War II, the British Scientist Alan Turing, one of the fathers of computer science, fed captured Nazi occult research into a prototype computer and accidentally made it work, leading to the manifestation of Noble Arms. These magical weapons are symbols of their user's inner selves, manifesting when a person undergoes great change and development in their lives, for good or for ill.

Taking the form of obsolete weapons and tools such as swords, spears, muskets, books, and even wooden ships, the Noble Arm can possess devastating powers that defy the laws of reality as we know it.

  • The ability to manipulate the elements to the user's will.
  • Forces that can reduce matter down to atoms in seconds.
  • The strength to withstand the explosion of a nuclear missile.

You are not one of them - You are a normal person who paid for their normalcy by giving up opportunities to gain a Noble Arm and the great power, prestige, and responsibilities that come with it.

But being normal does not mean staying powerless; your normal life has grounded, you, kept your mind clear, and you are willing to use technology to even the playing field against Arms Masters. These include machines of war that run on the Occult Principles which make Noble Arms work.

What does that mean? You are one of these individuals, given access to cutting-edge technology developed by the Paragons of Science, a group of renegades that took knowledge of the Occult Programming Language that created Noble Arms out of Britain and America's secret vaults and began giving it to the world.

Fighter Jets with infinite ammo and cockpits that negate G-Force. Mechs with railguns and plasma blades that can match an Arms Master and their Noble Arm one-on-one. All to save the world from its most recent crisis.

In the year 2022, this world is similar, yet different; bound to the history of another timeline yet struggling to break away and become its own thing.

The most immediate crisis is the war in Southeast Asia, where China has launched a special military operation against the ASEAN countries. In response, the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries, united by the threat of Chinese aggression, have fought back with a mixture of mundane grit and the strategic use of Arms Masters, applying supernatural force where it is most needed.

Called in to aid its Chinese ally, the Russian Pacific Fleet, bolstered with ships, ammunition, and Arms Masters from North Korea, is maneuvering south to the Tsushima Strait, entering Japanese waters in a deliberate act of war. In an unprecedented move, Japan and South Korea have set aside historical enmities to form a fragile alliance, determined to halt the Russian advance - Your group is key to doing so; you may lack the supernatural abilities of the Arms Masters, but you have the tactical minds and will to fight back.

This is an interest check for a Side RP/Spinoff RP of Noble Arms: The ASEAN War (link here), where the goal is to expand on the setting and elements that receive only mentions or exposition in the Main RP, as well as affect key elements in said RP, including if the JSSDF will show up to help the protagonists in that Main RP.

You are restricted to Normal People at the start of the RP, but depending on your personal development, you can gain a Noble Arm of your own.

Antagonists need special permission from all three members of the GM Council (Being Recruited).

You can find the Lore in the Noble Arms Lore Thread and the relevant lore for playing a character, plus the Character Sheet Skeleton, is below.

Relevant Lore

Character Sheet


Mikazuki Nakajima

Mikazuki Nakajima was happy. Happy enough to go cycling around town, eager to see his acquaintances in Substitute Shinigami-hood. Considering how he liked cafes, he decided to go for some coffee first and maybe talk with meet Mitsuaki, whom he knew worked in the nearest one.

Bad idea, as he witnessed the older youth walking out of his job in the coffee shop. Somehow, he did not think that Mitsuaki was the one in the wrong. But what should he do to help? Did Mitsuaki even want help? The boy knew that Juno Suzuma's death was one year ago, and he had gleaned enough to know that Mitsuaki had the look of someone who had lost his brother twice.

No, it was not his place to pry; the last time he, Mikazuki Nakajima, did that, he had found out his grandfather was a war criminal. He knew that it was highly irregular, even in these modern times, to side with a Westerner over his own flesh and blood, but Mr. Leonid and his squad did not deserve what had happened to them in that war far back in the last century - A war that still scarred Mr. Leonid and might do so all the way in the afterlife where Shinigami are from.

He cycled to try and look for Sara, finding her having just eaten takoyaki from his favorite takoyaki stall. Stopping his bike for a moment, he watched her go home, half-tempted to approach her, feeling that she needed help, but knowing full well he should not rush to do so - There was a fine line between concern and stalking.

Which was a shame; the two were just one year apart in age. If things had been different... No. It was always too late for regrets.

He decided to cycle over to Mr. Stone's house. Darius was a fun guy and he liked learning from him. Plus the American reminded him of how Mr. Leonid could have been if his grandfather, whose blood he inherited, had not inflicted horrors no one should go through, much less forced to see one's squad be subjected to.

The sound of acoustic music was as familiar as ever...

@WSilversun@LadyAnnaLee@Morgannis@Sho Minazuki

GM Post - Thank @QJT

Prime Minister H.S. grits his teeth. His office had a window view; he obviously couldn’t operate from there. Still, he should have heeded his bodyguards when they advised that the floor of the National Assembly was too spacious of an enclosure to defend adequately. His security detail could barely cover one door with two people. Granted, the janitorial closet couldn’t exactly house all the communications equipment, staff, and supply materials needed to conduct a hastily coordinated military operation.

Every few minutes an aide would report more foul tidings to him. The defections en masse around the Convention Center and the airport were shockingly bad, but then came the flip of the RCAF, the landing of troops, the arrival of US special forces, then even an explosion outside that very building. Likely a vehicle of some sort, but it was impossible to tell. Everyone nearby fell under heavy gunfire.

The paramilitaries were on the predetermined radio frequency. He couldn’t speak Russian or Spanish. They couldn’t speak Khmer. They compromised with broken English. It was difficult to understand the accents, but the message was clear.

“We need ammo! Where is your ammo?” shouted a livid man in a thick Novgorodian dialect.

“We just send it right down Street 274 and Street 268,” the minister assured. “It will be there soon!”

“Street 274?” The faint rustling of paper was heard in the background. “You send it right through traitor lines! Moron! Сука!”

That the defectors had reached that close to the National Assembly building was news to Prime Minister H.S. Already he tried to conjure a new convoy. “Hold your ground, we will send a new-“

“We cannot fight with no bullets!” The voice crescendoed into a scream before resigning to the standard military tone. “We pull back to the surburbs, to our supply lines, regroup from there.”

“No, stay where you are. We will-“

No sooner had the radio violently cut transmission than his chief of security approached him. “We cannot remain here, Prime Minister. They advance on the building, and there is no secret passage or safe room here. Our window of opportunity to evacuate closes fast. We must leave, now. Before they realize that our paramilitaries are gone and exploit that advantage.”

“No, our men - our loyal men, at least - are still fighting, and we’ll lose all of that if we abandon our communication equipment here.” He pointed emphatically at the circuitry. “Our only link to this military network is through this room. This entire operation fails if this falls.”

Speaking of loyal men, his phone vibrated with the call sign of his son. At least one man still fought true. He answered it without a second thought.

A flash of light, and suddenly the presence of many Arms Masters. He dropped his phone from shock, not that he’d ever pick it up again willingly knowing that that could happen. Was that a nun with a power fist? He blinked in disbelief.

He eyed the doors at his periphery as his protection stood off against his adversaries. The communications lost would be a setback, but his death or capture would be far more so. And how often did a dozen men with firearms fare well against these superpowered titans? No, it wouldn’t end like this. He suddenly made a mad dash for the exit door while his protection laid suppressing fire in his direction, careful not to shoot their own boss.

The sight outdoors was surreal. A scout car was completely overturned and inoperable, and none of the surrounding bodies were alive. The counter-snipers on the nearby rooftop were completely gone, replaced with someone, something, else. Except for a loose assortment of ragtag squads, he was completely isolated. The prime minister staggered forward to survey the wreckage, adrenaline compelling him to run towards… Were those mirrors in front of him?

@Gerlando@Nimbus@QJT@Amidatelion@Digmata@Chiro@Creative Chaos@4wheathRmany@Danyel@LimeTime966
@Sho Minazuki, give me a bit; I need to sleep due to me spending the past week without adequate sleep.
Mykhailo Martinez

"I'm glad to have you, Lieutenant Sokolov - I've heard my Mom talk about you before, albeit in passing. Let's just say that she and Dad have a vested interest in keeping the behemoth to the east - Russia - from regaining its former power and has backed your Government," Mykhailo decided to be more upfront about his stance on that nation this time, even though it got him people's ire. So, you're going to be fighting alongside us in this mission? Good - Glad to meet new friends. Let's protect that convoy together, shall we? What are the specs of your plane and its customizations? I have an F16 Flying Falcon in sky colors..."

To be honest, Mykhailo knew he was socially awkward, which got him in trouble with his friends and relatives back home in the Philippines. However, he also knew that money and good looks can help smooth over his lack of social skills as long as he had them. Not that those worked all the time, but point was... He knew he was bad at talking to people in general of any gender. He was trying to fix it, or at least smooth over the rough edges, but at the same time, sometimes being awkward meant being endearing, and that sort compensated for lack of social skils so well it might as well be an extra skill.

@Damo021@AvaP@Kensai@Smike@Rhona W@Shadow Daedalus
Ok, first post is up, please lmk if anything needs adjusting or trimming and I'll get right on it in the morning

Want to get on the Discord Server?

I want to discuss if Mykhailo's family knows Sokolov.
@Sho Minazuki, made an OC.

@AlmostEternity, hello!
@Menace2society, hello!
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