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7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds I’m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad I’m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

@pyroman Posted! Sorry it took longer then I had wanted it to.
Jessica slowly got into her car while holding the watch in one hand, she activated the blutooth setting on her phone which hooked up to the car's speakers that way she was still able to talk to him. Jessica turned the keys and slowly started to drive through the parking garage that was connected to her apartment. She waited for a few minutes before she could hear his voice again and nodded it was good that he still kept up with his job as a teacher. "Just mainly working at the hospital i'm on call a lot so whenever they call me I go in, then going through medical records and then giving meds to patients and assisting doctors, you know the usual stuff." Jessica answered as she ran a hand through her hair and stopped at a red light. Jessica took out her phone and quickly set up the GPS for the store that Brendan had given her. "Got it, i'm gonna hang up for now but i'll see you once I get there." Jessica said as she hung up the phone.

Jessica continued to drive it was a good fifteen minutes driving down Route 90 and eventually she was driving through the winding city intersections once she had entered the city. Jessica looked down at her phone once more as she started getting closer and closer, eventually she was at the right location noticing the church and then the café in question noticing the Japanese sign on it. She could see her former high school friend.

Once she crossed the street Jessica entered the café and smiled at him and quickly pulled the man into a loving and friendly hug. "Hey Brendan, and thanks for letting me come over." Jessica said as she pulled up a seat and sighed softly to herself as she thought about how to bring up the time travel, maybe even have him learn it the hard way she wasn't sure how to bring it up. She then slowly pulled out the watch in question that had been giving her a hard time. "Sooo yeah this is the watch I got awhile back."
Hospital Time!

Well looks like everyone has been attacked by their lovely wolf, and now it was killed by Vanessa and the EMT's finally had arrived to the campsite a lot of the teens were badly injured during the attack. Well now they are going to be going to the Clinic back in town where they shall make a full recovery eventually! But for the teens the wolf had left them a little gift, or curse if you want to call it that. Their wounds have slowly started to heal though not completely just enough for them to survive the night! All of the teen's parents have been called and now they are all rushed to the hospital! The lucky few who have not been attacked, they either were given the okay to go home or if they wanted to they could stay with their friends and make sure that they are still safe and sound of course you all are gonna be poked and prodded by needles so enjoy that!

Riley Walker

Location: Red Lake, then the Red Lake Clinic
Interacting With: @Damo021@Meiyuki@Zhaliora@smarty0114@BlackPanther@Caits@Ace of flames01@Maria 127@BeautifulSnow

As Riley laid there she could hear the EMT's coming into the RV and saw them looking over towards Patricia and held onto her hand for a moment as she was slowly lifted up and then taken to one of the many ambulances that had come up to the lake after hearing news of the wolf attack. Riley could see her friends slowly being carried or put onto gurneys and put into the ambulances, she couldn't help but feel like it was all completely her own fault she should have postponed the event then none of this would ever happen.

Riley couldn't help but wipe away some of the tears away as she started to wonder if any of her friends started to make it, once she was inside the ambulance Riley and the others were quickly driven back towards camp leaving their campsite in shambles. Once Riley and the others were quickly taken to separate rooms Riley had a room luckily with her best friends, Miranda, Kim and Alyssa. Riley looked over at them Riley winced seeing their injuries Riley wasn't sure if any of them were actually awake and reached out towards them. "Guys?" Riley asked softly, then she instantly could hear her mother's voice as she came rushing into the room and saw her father there as well. "Riley are you all okay?!" Riley's mother asked with a lot of concern on her face, Riley nodded slowly as the medical staff then quickly started to get to work on their newest large group of patients that the town has ever had.

Riley bit her lower lip and nodded slowly at her mother and father she was still very much worried about her friends all of them of course she wanted to get up and make sure all of them were alright. "I'm fine mom really.."

Anastasia Beaumont

Location: Red Lake Café
Interacting With: @lydynGloria Winter

Anastasia looked towards Gloria and smiled softly at her friend as she started to talk about the new girl named Cassandra and nodded then Gloria brought about her preference. "Hun I've been around for awhile now so i'm totally fine with that, as long as its something that this Cassandra is into. I'm fine with sharing." Ana said with a soft smile as she ran a hand through her hair as she quickly finished up eating the last bit of her meal. Anastasia looked over the menu as she started to think about some desert that they could have together as she turned the desert menu over to Gloria.

"I was thinking we could share a sundae or something like that, what do you think?" Anastasia asked as she started to hear a swarm of ambulances driving down the street heading towards the Red Lake clinic and started to wonder what all of that was actually about and raised an eyebrow this town certainly started to become very interesting. "And after that, maybe we can head over to your place and just hang out? Or did you want to call it a night?" Anastasia asked with a soft smile.
Writing up a post now peeps!
@WaterWitch Hi there and welcome to RPG! :D If you have any questions or just want to RP or chat feel free to ask! :)
Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Classic Building 3C - Top Floor
Interacting With: @Morose Cecily Ashworth.

Riley smiled as Cecily got up from the couch and headed over to grab her sandwich and quickly shook her head while she scrounged up to find some money to pay her back for the meal. "No, no, you don't have to at all hun." Riley said as she closed Cecily's hand back and gently pushed the hand away. "Save your money for something better like a new car instead of that rusted death trap you have." Riley said with a soft smile as she headed over towards the table with her drink and sandwich in hand. "Though you could maybe pay me back by going out to dinner sometime?" Riley said with a playfully wink to her roommate Cecily was cute after all, of course she was going to do a little bit of flirting from time to time or maybe a bit of teasing here and there.

"Though the block party... That'll be weird, huh? People down at the lab were talking about it--some girl killed herself at the last one... Think that'll happen tonight?" Riley took a bite out of her sandwich and leaned herself back in her chair, she did hear rumors over the girl who had killed herself awhile back. She felt bad hearing about the story but she wasn't in the apartments at the time of the murder she was on tour before even moving to Justice. "I don't think something like that will happen this year." Riley said as she could hear the music down on the streets getting gradually louder from DJ Ally Cranks, and seeing the smoke coming up from Lawson's smoker.

Riley smiled slightly at Cecily suggesting that she ask the DJ to perform at the block party, it was a good idea but then again that would bring more unwanted attention she was all for doing a free concert and everything. "Hmm I don't know I might, but then again we would have more people coming then if I ended up performing, and it would just be myself the other bandmates are busy the rest of the day as well."
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Grimm High School Gym.
Interacting With: @Lady Amalthea Adelaide Grimaldi, Cynthia McMillan & Marc Tinder, @Charnobylisk Ashley Cunningham & Kai Malana, @Salrynn Jae-kwoon Park & Hye-eun Song.

Riley sat down next to Ada and looked over towards her as she listened to her friend explain what had been going on between both her and Kai, which would explain why she had just randomly disappeared for the last couple of minutes she kind of smirked when Ada said he lifted her up over his shoulder. She looked up towards Ashley she could see the expression on her face that none of it really sat well with her friend, but it wasn't her problem David, Ada and Kai would have to work something out amongst themselves. But being a friend she would offer so help or advice or just be the shoulder to cry on if any of them had gotten upset. "Well i'm really glad for the two of you, but like Kai said you have to talk to David about everything and be honest. That's what i'd do anyway if my dead spouse suddenly rose out of the grave." Riley said as she ran a hand through her hair and sighed softly.

As Ashley then started to wrap up Ada's sprained ankle she stood up and dusted herself off looking towards Marc for a moment he had been talking on the phone for quiet awhile and was curious who he was talking to. Riley started making her way back towards the gym with Ashley, Kai and Ada. But before she could enter the gym she felt Ashley's hand on her shoulder and gave her a quick nod. "Don't worry i'm not going to. I'll only do it if they bring it up, or if they need a shoulder to cry on." Riley said with a soft smile and gave Ashley a gentle pat on the shoulder.

"I'm gonna go and get a drink you guys, so if you need anything feel free to come and talk to me." Riley said and gave Marc a quick nod as she headed over towards the table and grabbed herself a cup and poured herself some punch. Riley silently watched as David got up from the bleachers and headed over towards Ada finally, it was going to be an interesting talk she thought. Riley made her way back over towards Cyn, Hye as well as Jae and smiled at her two friends as well as Cyn. "So whats up?" Riley asked them.

@Sigil The hell is animal husbandry anyway? Do you like marry an animal or something? lol

1. Ocean Drive – Duke Dumont (JD’s Dance)
2. Haunted as the Minutes Drag – Love and Rockets (Mirror Gazing)
3. Walking on a Dream – Empire of the Sun (Wake Up Lana)
4. I’m a Wreck – Summer City (Lana’s Dance)
5. Drive – Miss Pepper (Lyle and Lana)
6. Touch, Peel & Stand – Days of the New (Enter the Tank)
7. Cruise – Florida Georgia Line (Meeting Mrs White)
8. A Real Hero – College featuring Electric Youth (Mr and Mrs White Dance in Techno)
9. Freak Like Me – Haelstorm (Mustang Riley)
10. Help is On the Way – Rise Against (Mustang Riley Part 2)

@Lady Amalthea @Scallop @POOHEAD189 @Sigil @Morose @Dragoknighte @DizzyIsabella @Charnobylisk @Kingfisher @Nallore

Bookmark this page people as this will be constantly updated as the rp goes on

Where da hell do you get that awesome pic did you make it? If so you must teach me your ways! :P

The Amputated Archer

Location: Newnan Streets, then Newnan Infirmary.
Interacting With: @Lady Amalthea Zoie Crawford @Charnobylisk Dr. Victor Bonheur, Richard Johnson & Kristina Smith

"Get away from there! Are ya freakin' nuts!" Was all that Maria had heard, then a very sharp pain coursed through her arm, which caused Maria to yell out in pain turning her head to see that a Walker had managed to get close enough to her and was taking a bite out of her upper arm. The day had just turned from a happy reunion to a day in hell, she had lost not only people she had come to trust, to her closest friend and now she was going to be some walker's lunch?

A lot of emotions were going through her mind now, fear that she was going to turn and then leaving her sister alone with no one that she knows. Maria was about to draw out her knife when she heard a gun shot go off. The walker that had taken a bite out of her it's blood splattering over the side of her face as it's head was shot. Maria was breathing heavily as she looked down at her arm seeing where she had been bitten, her own blood slowly flowing out of the wound.

"Fuck!" Maria hissed in pain as Zoie had rushed over to her and tied her belt just below her shoulder cutting off some of the blood circulation to her arm. Maria looked down at her left hand still holding onto Lorna's dog tags, she looked over towards the armory as Zoie quickly started rushing her over back to the Infirmary where she had been. She wanted to help out the rest of her friends on the ground but instead she was being moved back. "I fucked up so fucking bad, I was going to help the others.."

"Well ya ain't gonna be doin' no one no good if ya start chompin' at us," Zoie grunted as she helped Maria through the remaining fray on the streets. It was one thing to dart through a fight, when you had someone you were dragging along, it made things slow down considerably. Mr. James seemed to be helping keeping the way clear and Zoie was beyond grateful that she only had to pull the trigger three times between the kiss of death and the courthouse.

Pushing her way passed the people of Newnan, Zoie rushed over to where she had dropped Honkey Tonk off. The door was baracaded shut. "Christ on a cracker," she grumbled before her boot connected with the door several times. "Froggy! Time to jump! I'sa gots one bit needin' some of that french magic of yers, open the fuckin' door!"

Kristina stood there watching as a few Newnans walked past her, then she saw Zoie and her sister moving past them, she could easily see the blood on Maria's arm and saw the bite mark where she had been bit and froze. She was scared of losing her sister now and quickly rushed over towards her side. "Maria what happened?!" Kris asked as she moved alongside Zoie and Maria. "I did something really stupid." Maria answered.

Victor jumped up from his assessment of their new prisoner, his eyes heavily glaring at the pile of human waste as he "checked" the pain tolerance for the wound. "Oui Miss Zoie!" He knocked the prisoner across the back of the head with his arm as he hurried towards the door, removing the obstacles preventing Zoie and his latest patient from entering the room. Richard eyed the harassed doctor whilst keeping his gun trained on the bastard sitting down from him.

Removing the last item, Victor flung the doors open and allowed Zoie and the bitten woman entry to the room. Zoie kept a hold of Maria as she helped her into the room. Zoie looked like she went ten rounds with a pit fighter but she was holding her own at least for then. "Thanks Froggy, she gots bit. I dun what you showed me with the belt to keep the blood from flowing but ain't nothin' else I could do out there. She been bit maybe three minutes ago, we booked it here," Zoie said quickly to fill Victor in on what was going on.

Richard tried to see who it was that had been bit but couldn't quite see past Victor's large frame. "Oi, sweetcheeks, ya doin' alright darlin'?" He wasn't entirely sure why he cared, but he did. It was new for him but not entirely unwelcome just yet. It was... nice? That sounded so gay.

"Yeah, don't you bee worrying none about me Honkey Tonk, sweet as Southern Tea, just like always," she said as she handed Maria over to Victor and stepped into view. She looked rough. Her nose was bleeding, her lip busted, a nice shiner; not to mention various other cuts and abrasions dotting her exposed skin. Richard's jaw clenched as he saw the state of Zoie and he tried to move out of the bed only to find the pain in his ribs prevented him from doing so. He winced at the shooting pains coursing through him.

Maria quickly moved over towards one of the open tables, then she looked over and saw Richard across the room pointing his gun at the unconcious Edenian Maria gave Richard a quick glare. "Finally being useful and guarding a bound man huh?" Maria said she then looked over towards Victor Kristina moved over towards her sister's side and held onto Maria's hand tightly. Richard growled through the pain and glared at Maria. "So was it you, the Dykes or the Marine that did the number on Zoie? I figure it was the Marine since Zoie's helping your sorry ass to live right now." He quickly stopped talking when he heard Zoie defending him. That wasn't what he was used to.

"Hey, I knows you be all messed in the head right now after gettin' bit but if it weren't for ol' Honkey Tonk here, I'd be deader than a doornail from them Eater out on the street earlier. I be dead you an' still be out there being gnawed on by them like a dog with a bone," Zoie retorted quickly as she stepped over to the sisters.

"True. But that fuck face over there three months ago before coming here I was in a group with me, Lorna and my sister as well as him. Well quick story is he fucking left me for dead, thats why I fucking lost it there. Go ahead and ask him yourself, or do you want me to show you the scar when he shot me?"

Zoie just rolled her eyes. "Well ya ain't ded, so stuff it," she barked. Zoie wasn't one to give a damn about what happened in the past between people. Wasn't her concern. People were judged by their actions in front of her. So far Richard was okay. Victor walked over to Maria and forced her head to look away from where Richard was laying. "Ignore this nonsense. You are about to die. Act like an adult or die like a dog." He folded his arms and stared down at Maria before grabbing a rubber tube from a trolley that he had nearby.

Stepping behind Maria she grabbed her shoulders and laid her down on the table full and smiled. "Now, you find her somethan' to be bitin' down on, Froggy gotta work.' Victor nodded to Zoie and walked over to grab a towel that had been folded neatly onto the shelves. Deciding that it was not hard enough, he quickly threw it down and grabbed a wooden handled brush before breaking the brush head off of it over his knee.

"Bite on this. We do not need any more noise attracting the dead here. You! Keep guard!" He pointed at Sidd and sent him to watch the main doors of the courthouse. He placed the wooden handle into the mouth of Maria. He looked to Zoie with a worried face and then grabbed the bone saw from the trolley before speaking to Maria again. "This is going to hurt a lot. Brace yourself, blood is coming." Zoie tightened her grip on Maria and pushed down hard on the woman's shoulders. She had seen this done before and it wasn't going to be pretty. He checked the position of the bite and where the blood circulation had been cut off and began to saw the arm off from just below the shoulder.

Maria sighed as Victor quickly put the wooden handle in her mouth she started to bite down as had as she could. Kristina held onto Maria's hand tightly as she tried to calm her down, then Victor started to saw off Maria's arm. Maria's grip started to tighten around Kris's hand and started to let out a muffled cry in pain as Victor cut deeper into her arm. "I'm here Maria." Kristina said while she just focused on her sister and nothing else, she was scared of losing her sister but she wanted to be strong for her.
"Girl, let it out. Screamin' be the only way to deal with this pain. Ain't no one gonna think less of ya. Hell, I'd be done bit through that wood," Zoie said as she held her still.

Victor continued sawing more and more, the blood sprayed everywhere and he cursed himself for forgetting to grab something to cover his clothing but really, it was nothing new. He grunted with the effort of using the saw and he worked through and through in an attempt to save the young woman's life. Zoie grimaced at the blood but there was nothing that could be done about it right then. Hopefully the place would have something for them to change into once this was all over. Richard watched from the sidelines, a satisfied smirk on his face as he heard Maria crying in pain. Now the bitch knew real pain, she'd realise what he'd done months ago was nothing.

Maria's muffled cries started to turn into screams as Victor cut deeper and deeper, tears started going down the sides of her face as Maria breathed heavily her eyes were shut as tightly as she could. Kristina slowly turned her attention over towards Richard seeing him smirking over at her sister, she wanted nothing to do but strangle the man but her focus was on her sister's well being.

"Breath girl, it be over with soon. Just a bit longer and Froggy have that dead part off and be stitchin' ya up in no time," Zoie reassured Maria as she continued to keep the woman pinned down on the table. She hated to have to do it to someone but it was better to have to hold her down than to have her flail and her end up in worse shape.

Grimacing, Victor continued with his work and when the telltale sound of metal on metal sounded, Victor quickly got to work and did what he had to do in order to stem the blood flow and get the wound closed up as best as he could. It would be a long recovery period if the woman even survived. It was pretty much a 50/50 in his mind but time would tell.
Zoie finally released her grip from Maria and leaned over, pulling a sheet over the woman. "You did good girl, you did good," Zoie said in a reassuring voice. Taking a breath she grabbed a towel for herself and stepped over to Richard to check on him.

When he was done with the cleaning and closing of the wound, Victor dashed to find some pain management medication for his latest patient. Richard had changed his attention to the prisoner again but still looked rather satisfied with something that only he and Kris would be aware of. Zoie perked a brow at the look on Richards face but didn't say anything, she was too busy trying to get the mess off herself. God she wanted a shower. Or at least a jump into a creek.

Maria's breathing slowed down somewhat as Victor finished cutting off her arm, she just wanted to roll over and vomit from the pain. She remained very still and quiet as she tried to focus away from the pain. Kristina looked up towards Victor as he walked away to find something for the pain. "Will she survive?" Kristina finally asked, she continued to just try and comfort her older sister as best as she could.

Victor looked down at his handiwork and could do nothing more than consider the odds. "Time will tell. I cannot give you an exact answer but what I can tell you is that she needs constant security until such times as we can tell if she is going to turn or not. The amputation is not a guarantee, it is only a possible treatment." He placed a gentle hand over the top of the two girls's hands and gently patted them both. "I am sorry that I cannot tell you more."

Zoie didn't know the answer to that, she would leave that to Victor. Plopping down next to Richard on the edge of the bed she gave him a bit of a smile as she wiped away the last bit of blood from under her nose. "And to answer yer earlier question, no. Neither of them had a tussle with me. Was an old aquaintance. Had to give him the boot," she said with a smirk on her lips. The smirk faded as she took a breath. "Marine is gone, she got a bullet to the heart out of no where, but don't fret none. That old aquaintance was the cause, he done be taken care of. He lost his head," she said quielty but as she remembered his head rolling across the floor she couldn't help but chuckle.

Richard's eyebrows rose when he heard that Lorna had been killed. He swallowed the lump in his throat and wondered if she'd turned or if she'd became Deadbrain chow. He nodded to Zoie as she filled him in. At least it hadn't been because of her defending of him that caused her to be so bloodied and beaten. He shifted himself on his bed and tried to sit up straighter as he watched her chuckling. The woman really was bad ass. "Well... I'm glad you're alright, dolly."

Kristina looked up at Victor she didn't want to see her sister die, she nodded slowly as she ran her hand through Maria's hair. Maria had closed her eyes lost consciousness shortly after she was still breathing. She looked over at her sister's hand and saw her holding Lorna's dog tags, just as Zoie told her what happened to her. Tears started going down her face after hearing the news Maria was the only person that she had left now. "I'm not going to leave her side." Kristina said softly and looked towards Victor. "Is there anything else I can do?" Victor shook his head and made with starting to clean the mess he had created with Maria's help.

Zoie looked over towards Richard and shook her head a bit as she watched him try to sit up more. "I be just fine, nothin' be getting ol Zo' down. Now you just relax there ya hear me," she said as she reached over and brushed his hair back a bit. He flinched slightly, unsure what to do at her touch in that moment but he managed to smile to her. Apparently his beating had made him more jumpy than he realised. "Thanks sweetheart. Appreciate it." He glanced over to the sisters and considered them both. At least Maria wasn't going to be giving him a mean right hook again, that was for sure.
He heard Kris's reaction to Lorna's death and he balked a little. How the fuck was this little girl not reacting more to the death of the woman that had taken care of her for the last however many months? He shook his head and glared at Kris. He expected more from her.

Kristina took another look at Lorna's dog tags again slowly moving her hand free from her sister's grip. Tears started going down her face as she thought of Lorna the woman who protected and watched over her for the past four months. And the thought of now losing her sister, she laid her head down on Maria's chest and started to cry loudly holding onto her sister she was so scared now being alone.

Zoies eyes went over to the sisters and she cringed somewhat. She was wondering when the break down was going to occur. There was really no words she could offer to try to make things better. Only thing she could think of was perhaps the girls needed to be alone right then. Turning she looked at Froggy. "Froggy, push me over that wheelchair. I gonna take Honkey Tonk out of here. If that bastard down there wakes up, put a bullet in his brain would ya. Or do ya need me to go ahead and get it done?"

Victor glanced up and gave a quick nod before fetching the wheelchair for Zoie. He pushed it over beside Richard and helped him move into the seat. "Thanks Doc. Appreciate it." He gave Victor a quick pat on the arm as thanks and looked towards the sisters. He might have felt bad for them once, but not now. He had no sympathy for them. He really did not give a fuck.

Victor moved over to Kris as she cried on her sister's chest and ran a comforting hand across the top of her back, trying to help her let it all out. He looked to Zoie and considered the idea of shooting the man. His nostrils flared and he looked to Zoie. "I will not shoot him but I will kill him if necessary. Perhaps sending in the young man from outside to watch him may be a good idea?"

Kristina felt Victor gently patting her back, she knew he was trying his best to comfort her at the moment Kris was to upset with lossing Lorna and the thought of Maria for good this time. "Please don't leave me Maria.." Kristina said softly between sobs. Victor removed his hand from the girl's back and nodded. "If you need anything I will just be across the room. When Maria wakes up please let me know and we can move her onto a more comfortable bed." He walked away and began to tidy and clean the instruments that he had used so far.

Zoie nodded towards Victor as she stepped behind the wheel chair and moved them over to the door, pushing it open with Richards feet. "Hey, can yousa go in there and keep an eye out on that bastard for me? Gonna get Honkey Tonk away from them two for a bit. Much appriciated. With that she pushed Richard out into the next room and wheeled him over to a window so she could take a peek out to see what was going on.
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