Avatar of Nallore


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7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds I’m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad I’m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

I shall have a post up tomorrow.
Riley was on one of her evening runs like she had always done just to stay in shape, that and she enjoyed running while the sun was setting. Her usual route was always by the old mall that barely anyone ever used anymore. Riley was jogging past the mall when she stopped to feel the earth starting to shake, she actually thought it was an earthquake which was a common occurrence here in California. Riley slowly walked towards the back of the mall and quickly covered her mouth with her hands seeing what looked like an alien space ship, she looked around seeing a group of other people who happened to be near it and see what it was.

Being a bit adventurous and intrigued by it maybe it was out of stupidity or curiosity she slowly started to approach it seeing the bright lights shining through the opening as Riley was one of the first to enter the alien craft. She looked around the small hallway until she entered a room, there Riley saw a holographic image of Earth, as well as a marker pointed over San Francisco. Then she heard a voice in her head, and with a terrified look she could see what looked like an actual alien in front of her holding a strange glowing blue cube. She slowly approached it kneeling down but still kept her distance. "What are you?" Riley asked.
In --- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@AbandonedIntel Is this still open? I'd like to join. :)
Riley Walker

Location: Red Lake Clinic
Interacting With: @Damo021 Miranda & Cleo @Meiyuki Alyssa @Zhaliora Patricia @smarty0114 Charlie & Avalon @BlackPanther Aron & Gage @Caits Cassandra @Anima Kimberly & @BeautifulSnow Vanessa[/center]

Riley sat there in her bed looking around as everyone was gathered into their room, she was happy to see that everyone was still alive she was really happy everyone was okay though shaken up but they were all okay. Riley looked over towards Patricia and reached out to hold out her hand, just as Vanessa came into the room. Then Vanessa finally started to explain what had actually happened to them, the wolf that attacked them was an actual werewolf she always thought that they were myths but after seeing the bite on her shoulder healing quickly as it did sort of confirmed that and the really good hearing.

Though Riley wasn't even sure what to think about the whole thing now she was actually going to turn into one of those things the next month was actually going to be scaring her, she was nervous as to what was going to happen the only people who now knew were Avalon and Patricia , and Gloria who happened to be the lucky ones who weren't attacked by the wolf that Vanessa apparently had knew who she was. Riley bit her lower lip she looked between Gloria and Cassandra for a moment.

"I have to say that it was completely my fault, I should have just canceled the trip after the news of the wolf attacks on the farms outside of town.. please forgive me everyone." Riley said softly feeling that she was the one who was actually responsible for what had happened to all of her friends, she felt bad for Avalon to actually witness everything happened. "But I think Vanessa is telling the truth." Riley said as she stood up and slowly pulled the sleeve down slightly to reveal the bandage and removed it revealing just a scar now. "It healed like really quick." Riley looked over her shoulder seeing a woman she had never seen before standing just outside of the door and wondered who this person was she didn't see her at the lake before.

Anastasia Beaumont

Location: Red Lake Clinic
Interacting With: @lydyn Gloria Winter

Anastasia sat there for a moment and then she started to get another scent of a wolf and turned around seeing Vanessa coming into the room, she had lifted up Cassandra and carried her out of the room. Ana looked towards Gloria for a moment and bit her lower lip she knew that the woman was a werewolf but she wasn't sure if Vanessa would actually find her out as well. Ana slowly stood up and turned around and followed quietly behind Gloria and stood outside of the door where she actually started to get a much larger scent of wolves within that room alone noticing that they were all young teens.

She couldn't help but feel sad for them knowing what they all will deal with once a month every year from now on until the rest of their lives. Anastasia decided to stay outside of the room just so that she didn't feel like that she was intruding on any of them, Ana then decided to just simply lean herself up against the wall until their little wolf meeting was over.
I'll have a post up tomorrow.
In CLOSED. 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I shall have a character up tomorrow.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Grimm High School Gym.
Interacting With: @Lady Amalthea Cynthia McMillan & Tim (Forgetting his last name but yeah Tim the cop. :P )@Salrynn Jae-kwoon Park & Hye-eun Song.

Riley felt Hye's hands on her shoulder pulling her into a hug and trying to calm her down which helped a little bit, but still she was visible shaken by the whole thing. Riley shook her head slowly as she remembered she just cleared the storage of her old things with her manager and some others before she was to go on tour five years ago. "I'd have to find out and call I wasn't there during the auction." Riley answered her friend as she sighed taking in a deep breath as she tried to figure out what to do next then she looked towards Cynthia she didn't care about the nickname that Cynthia had just given her and then ran off towards one of the tables to grab something.

Riley looked at the picture seeing everyone in the photo who was there including herself then she looked towards her friends and everyone else in the room. "Everyone here could be the next target then.." Riley said biting her lower lip as she thought about just leaving town but she was going to stay here until the very end and try and be there for her friends Riley then turned to look at Jae, Hye and Cynthia. "I'll ride with you Hye, but maybe all of us in the picture should all leave at the same time and leave together."
Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Block Party!
Interacting With: @Morose Cecily Ashworth, @Xtreme JD Mason, @Lady Amalthea Detective Roy Gregory, @POOHEAD189 Joseph 'Tank' Cooper & @Pundii Jeremy Bennet

”Like the song says, if you got it, flaunt it” Riley laughed softly and smiled she totally did agree with what she had said. "That is totally true, and that wa-" Riley was about to finish what she was saying then she caught a glimpse of something large falling down from the sky, then a very loud crash. Then she felt instant pain as one of the metal pieces supporting the table hitting her head as well as her right arm. The young woman hit the ground rather hard with a completely dazed look Riley started to feel something warm and wet sliding down the side of her head and right arm. Riley then caught a glimpse of a body that was laying right in front of her, Riley blinked several times trying to clear her vision then she recognized the body of Danica Graves. Looking at the body in horror Riley covered her left hand over her mouth holding back a scream as the music instantly came to a stop then several loud screams.

Riley watched as Cecily quickly stepped up she watched as Cecily quickly went to work to try and preserve the crime scene, then she remembered hearing what had happened six months ago before she moved to Justice and moving into the Boston Heights. Riley looked up towards JD Riley remained very still groaning to herself as she propped herself up against another table.

Then she saw Joseph running up getting some of the people away from the crime scene and then running off towards the uncomplete building that was still under construction, as well as Roy handing Cecily a pair of gloves. Riley looked down she was still holding her drink in her hand and took a sip from it turning her attention back towards JD. "Could you help a girl up?" Riley asked running a hand through her hair wincing slightly as the pain in her forehead was still there.

The Smith Sisters

Location: Infirmary, Newnan, Georgia
Interacting With: Kris talking to an unconscious older sister & Froggy@Charnobylisk

Kristina bit her lower lip and nodded slowly as she just sat there just as Victor had gotten up and started to go around the infirmary and around the courthouse. She gently ran a hand through Maria's hair slowly she started seeing her sister getting paler as Victor continued to gather his blood samples from the others. Maria's breathing started getting heavier as Kristina noticed it she could see her sister's bandages started getting soaked in blood. Kristina started to panic she wasn't able to do anything to help her sister seeing her sister's condition worsening she quickly went over to her sister's right side and held her hand to the bleeding stump to try and slow the bleeding. "Please you can't go Maria!" Kris said applying some more pressure.

Then Victor came back into the room as he started doing some testing on the blood samples that he had been gathering, he went to doing some of the tests. "Doc shes getting worse!" Kristina yelled, as he kept saying Merci over and over again before yelling louder to try and get the French man's attention to her sister's condition. "DOC help please!" Kristina yelled again to try and get his attention once more. Kristina's mind was racing she didn't want to see her sister die in front of her, hearing Lorna dying just a few minutes ago was hard enough and being reunited with Maria again only to lose her again she didn't want that to happen.

Sophia Harris

location: Westside Baptist Church, Smokey Road
Interacting With: @Caits Niesha Burkstien, @Lady Amalthea Astrid Hansen, @Sigil Bridgette Vinters & @Charnobylisk Agnes Brynja Johannsson

Sophia sat in the back of the moving horse cart for a good few seconds she looked over her shoulder at Astrid as she told Niesha about her horse Edgar and where she had come from before shit hit the fan. As the fire started to get worse, Sophia noticed about twelve Walkers starting to approach them. Sophia reached for her machete just as Astrid had gotten up to take care of them, she was getting up out of the cart without even realizing that two Walkers had approached her from the left. Sophia cried out in pain as she suddenly felt teeth sinking down into her left hand she quickly turned around when Astrid quickly caught up to her and quickly dispatched the walker.

Sophia sat back hissing in pain as she looked down at her left hand holding it seeing blood coming out of the wound. "God fucking damn it!" Sophia yelled as she started to panic the thought of losing her hand made her nervous. Then the second armored chick came up to them asking if any of them were bit. "Well theres the answer to your question." Sophia said as she quickly reached for her belt as Niesha rushed over she started doing her best to tie it as tight as she could. As Astrid quickly drew out her axe, Sophia quickly took the stick and looked towards the girl she saved just the day before. "It's not your fault, I guess it makes us even I saved you and your saving me." Sophia said with a slight laugh.

Sophia laid down on her back as she held onto Niesha's hand tightly putting the stick into her mouth and quickly bit down on it, looking up towards Niesha as Sophia held out her left hand and held Niesha's as tightly as she could doing exactly as Niesha instructed her to do.
@The Giant King@Divine Ferocity Hi there you two and welcome to RPG! :D If any of you want to RP or chat feel free to ask! :)
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