Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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The world has undergone a revolution with the development and discovery of an incredible capacity within the human mind: Esper powers. Psychic abilities to tap into the minds of others or manipulate the world at large, from reading minds to igniting and directing flames. Naturally, this capability to use psychic abilities at first occurred in only small numbers, but as time went on they became increasingly common. While espers remain in a minority, their numbers have still risen. Additionally, the creation of treatments to facilitate the development of esper powers in powerless humans(at least those who have enough compatibility with these treatments) has opened a window for further developments in psychic power.

Needless to say, research into the military use of espers had already begun when they appeared.

The first was dubbed an "Autonomous Extrasensory Phenomena", or AEP. A strange, inhuman shape, it was recorded on many devices and witnesses by hundreds of thousands as it wandered seemingly aimlessly through Shinjuku. A second appeared randomly in Berlin. The third in Seoul. Hazy, unidentifiable shapes that nevertheless existed in the eyes of all who witnessed them. Nations all over the world attempted to understand what these strange entities were, but the answer came much faster then they would have expected.

February 14th, 2032, is the day that the they attacked. Bizarre and unnatural creatures, the AEPs having become tangible beings, suddenly appeared all across the world and began killing human beings indiscriminately. In the initial panic and mass evacuations, large stretches of land were given up to the creatures, which became inactive once there were no human beings left within range.

These places would become known as 'Ghost Zones', abandoned towns and even large stretches of cities infested with AEPs. Standard military weapon proved ineffective against the creatures, failing except in massive overwhelming amounts for even a single AEP, or Phantom as they had come to be known.

But humanity wouldn't be defeated so easily. Even as Ghost Zones steadily began to grow wider, research accelerated. It was soon discovered that esper abilities were capable of piercing Phantom defenses, even objects manipulated by telekinesis could tear right through them. Theorized to be due to Phantoms using their own psychic abilities as a form of defense, this lead to the creation of the Anti-Phantom Suppression Unit. The APSU was the first military unit formed entirely of Espers, originating in Japan but eventually becoming a worldwide organization.

Capable of containing the growth of Ghost Zones and even penetrating them in order to recover assets lost during the initial invasion, the APSU has proven vital to humanity's survival.

Twenty years later, and while Ghost Zones remain it has become possible for most of humanity to regain a largely normal life.

But the goal of one day exterminating the mysterious Phantoms entirely still remains.

Reconnaissance indicates, however, that something new may be stirring among them... Recently, Phantoms have attacked residential areas once again after being largely contained.

It's up to the APSU to stop them.

For this RP, I'll be looking for up to six players to play as a squad within the Japanese division of the APSU. Each player will have access to an esper power, a psychic ability of some form that allows them to combat the deadly Phantoms. They will also have some form of Neural Link weapon. Neural Link weapons are wirelessly connected to the wielder's brain, most effective with melee weapons in constant contact with the wielder's body or with weapons that are directly manipulated by the wielder's psychic abilities. These weapons can pierce the defenses of Phantoms and destroy their cores. Other objects manipulated via psychic abilities may also be used as impromptu weapons against Phantoms.

For a few more setting details...

  • Phantoms: Bizarre, otherworldly entities of unknown origin. Initially assumed to be some form of strange psychic phenomena, it became clear that they were in fact some form of hostile creature. Coming in a variety of shapes and sizes with widely varying abilities, Phantoms are linked by the fact they seem to operate as a single faction and are universally hostile to human beings. Immediately on sighting a human, a Phantom will attempt to kill them without hesitation and consume their body. All Phantoms also possess a core, usually located at center mass, destruction of which will cause immediate death dispersal of the body. It is theorized that Phantoms are in some part composed of psychic energy, explaining why psychic abilities are capable of damaging them so easily. Phantoms are categorized by their overall danger level:
    • Level 1: Threat Level Low. A trained APSU operative should have no issue dispatching a Level 1 Phantom.
    • Level 2: Threat Level Moderate. Caution should be exercised, but a trained APSU operative should be able to dispatch Level 2 Phantoms as long as they are aware of the potential danger.
    • Level 3: Threat Level Medium. Experienced APSU operatives advised. Extra care should be taken when engaging a Level 3 Phantom.
    • Level 4: Threat Level High. Multiple APSU operatives advised. Do not engage without support.
    • Level 5: Threat Level Extreme. Do not engage unless absolutely necessary.
  • Ghost Zone: Abandoned areas overtaken by Phantoms. Commonly the site of APSU missions, efforts to reclaim Ghost Zones have been in the works recently. They are populated with numerous Phantoms, and in many cases are heavily overgrown and in states of disrepair. Caution is advised.
  • Neural Link Weapon: Specially designed weaponry created to wirelessly link to the brain of an APSU operative. Most commonly they are melee weapons, or weapons specifically manipulated via the use of esper powers. Nearly all APSU field operatives utilize some form of Neural Link Weapon.

A couple more things: I'll be enforcing a weekly posting schedule to keep the RP moving. If you do not think you will be able to keep up with that, please keep that in mind before signing up. If you are unable to post for whatever reason, I am willing to extend the deadline for up to one additional week.

  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Appearance:
  • Personality:
  • Brief Backstory:
  • Esper Power:
  • Equipment:
  • Skills:
Tsugihara Runa

Runa immediately stepped closer to the thuggish young man, concluding that there was no point asking the murderous coward at the end of Benienma's blade anything more, at least not yet. But keeping him at bladepoint made it hard for him to order the deaths of the people around them, so nevertheless it was important to make sure he couldn't move no matter what happened.

"Testing something...?" she asked, brushing her black hair back slightly as she regarded the device. To be frank, she was completely inept when it came to all forms of technology, but even she was able to understand what she was looking at here. Seven figures, five of them left anonymous.

In a city of Servants and Masters, there should not have been any significance to one set over another. So why were these specific ones set against one another? Was it something about the specific Servants that had summoned? Funohara's Lancer seemed to possess considerable power, but there was no way of knowing if that was the connection between the Servants in question.

For that matter-

@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze@KoL

Saber - Artoria Pendragon

There were mere seconds in which to act. The jester-like Caster could easily activate the bombs he had planted in the people in the restaurant and kill almost everyone in the room if given a scant moment to act.

Magical energy erupted from the King of Knights' body. There was no time to waste. The light poured off of her, her hands bringing her invisible blade up over her shoulder as she made to close the gap between herself at the mad bomb-wielding Servant as swiftly as possible. Even the slightest delay could have allowed for so many deaths, in an instant, including her Master.

Her armored foot hit the floor and shot up sparks as she skidded along the ruined floor, planting both feet firmly as she drew her sword high over her head.

This Caster would not harm anyone else...!

She swung her weapon down.

@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze@KoL

Mihama Nanako

"Uwah?! Meltryllis?!"

Without warning, Nanako had been scooped into the Alter Ego's arms and lifted into the air. To be truthful, being carried like this wasn't bad at all. For one thing they'd get there much quicker, but at the same time she hadn't been expecting it at all!

Hesitating for only a moment, she wrapped her arms around the petite, graceful Alter Ego for stability, feeling the wind whipping through her hair as she was carried over buildings. It was surreal, a graceful dance over the city as if she was part of some high-flying ballet of impossibility.

In spite of the situation, knowing so little about what they were doing, remembering the nightmarish situations they had previously encountered under BB's orders, Nanako couldn't help but find the sensation of soaring over the rooftops exhilarating.

When they landed, it took her slightly longer then she probably should have to release her Servant's shoulders and step back, taking in a deep breath as she steadied herself. She'd almost felt weightless, with how slender Meltryllis was it was easy to forget that her fighting style wasn't merely based on speed. Any Servant, no matter their origins, was stronger then the average human being. Whether it be due to their nature in life or the container itself enhancing their abilities.

Meltryllis was no exception, even if the reason behind her power was markedly different.

"Don't worry, Meltryllis," she began, "This time I won't get hurt!"

Nanako never entered a club like this. She didn't know much about them, aside from the fact that this one catered to a wide range of performers both Servant and human, and all different kinds of performances. To be honest, she was too young to even enter it normally. Apparently you were expected to purchase adult beverages while you were there, which Nanako couldn't exactly do yet.

She'd heard that a Caster had established a bounded field inside the building once, something about changing the scenery to match the performance on the fly.

But something about the air felt strange the moment Master and Servant entered the building. She could feel it, the air itself felt strangely heavy and oppressive. While she didn't know how to felt normally, she doubted that anyone would want to perform under these conditions.

Nothing seemed amiss, a ticket hall with unoccupied stations leading deeper into the building, to a set of double doors seeming to be the norm for a place like this. But...

"Something's wrong," she whispered to her Servant, "The magical energy here, everything feels heavy, why-"


A voice from somewhere deeper in the building, sounding like that of a girl around Nanako's age or somewhat younger.

"We have intruders! Aah, I made sure no-one else knew about our little party, too... oh well. Kill them~"

The double doors burst open, and a number of armed figures, several with guns marched through it. Immediately they trained their weapons on the pair and opened fire!

Just glad that you've posted!

I'll get something up in the next couple days.
I'll give a little more time before I go ahead and update.
@Darner: Waiting on you.
The scout drones were simply not equipped to deal with such a focused counteroffensive. The drone that was targeted by Freyja was caught seconds before it opened fire, the darkness-coated sword slicing through its armor like butter and cleaving it neatly in half, sparks flying as both portions of the machine toppled to the side and caught fire.

The remaining drone was unable to pierce the barriers put ahead of its guns, though upon realizing this they seemed to begin adjusting its positioning in a bid to get around the shields. Unfortunately for the automaton, this put it directly in the path of the weaponry of its disabled fellow as Cadenza wrenched the cannon out of place, and the hail of bullets shred through its armor and tore delicate systems apart, a small explosion erupting from the drone as it crumpled backwards.

The only remaining drone was crippled in the pugilistic girl's hands, functioning leg whirring helplessly.

Tsugihara Runa

"... I think it's about time you began telling us everything."

Runa stepped into the kitchen. Her Saber's blade was positioned against the bomber's throat. She had never felt any doubt that, if the perpetrator was present, her Servant would be capable of apprehending them. To cause all this devastation and pain for what purpose? Even a cruel magus at least typically had a purpose in their actions. She couldn't see one here. All of these people were injured in the blast, and yet there didn't seem to be any valid purpose aside from targeting the thuggish young man who served as that Lancer's Master. Whatever dispute they had, there was no reason to involve all of these people.

It was a disgusting display. Only an utter failure as a magus would resort to these tactics. Or someone who was hopelessly deranged, either way she had nothing but scorn for the man currently held at the point of Benienma's blade.

"Pathetically begging will get you no-where," she added, taking another step closer though she kept her distance, "If you try anything, Saber will ensure your life ends as punishment for your crimes. Do you really want to take that chance?"

If they could extract any information from him, this was the time to do it.

@Raineh Daze@PKMNB0Y@KoL

Saber - Artoria Pendragon

There were no problems with Caenis's suggestion. It only made sense to take their opponent on by closing off their escape routes as quickly as possible, and there was truthfully only one way to do that as quickly as possible.

Turning, the Saber sprinted for the side of the building, placing one foot firmly on the side and using it to push herself up. The wind rushed passed her, whipping her dress back as each armored foot carried her further and further up on the building. She ascended further, only gaining speed as she tore her way up the side of the structure. The faster she reached her target, the less time they could have to attempt to escape, and the more likely they would be cut off by the Lancer even if their attempt to flee was successful.

Immediately as she reached the top, the knight lept over the edge of the roof and landed, steel-clad feet sending up sparks as she skidded along the concrete. Her hidden blade swirling with wind, she immediately scanned her surroundings...


Mihama Nanako

Nanako took a deep breath, nodding towards Meltryllis as she did. There was no way this was a simple as BB made it sound, no matter what the 'package' was.

Breakfast as a much more rushed affair as a result, and the brunette left her apartment, pulling out her phone so she could follow the map that the strange girl had sent them. There was no telling what was actually waiting for them there, especially given what BB's requests had resulted in previously. Therefore, they really had to be prepared for whatever could possibly be going on!

Even given the fact they had only been around one another for a short time, Fanilly could tell that Alette had spoken with uncharacteristic graveness.

"But... what happened here?" she pressed, stepping closer to the mercenary. They'd killed one another... the thought was almost too horrific to imagine. These proud soldiers of Thaln, stationed here for the sake of her people, now dead from killing one another... Who did this to them? What could have caused them to take such measures against one another? "Why would they kill one another so horribly? It's like some sort of madness took them..."

She trailed off, as Alette simply shrugged.

"I can't say," she replied, "Don't have the first clue why they'd turn on one another like this. Pretty nasty business."

"Captain," spoke the iron-clad mountain of a man that had emerged from the fortress, "There is no reason not to tell them, now."

"Tch, as if I'd rat on our employer," she folded her arms, red eyes narrowed, "Bors, you know by now that a mercenary gets no-where by giving out information like that."

"You can inform them of what our employer asked for without telling them of their identity, Captain," Bors insisted, "You would prefer this mystery to be solved as well, would you not?"


For a few moments, the blue-haired mercenary was silent. Then, she let out a huff, reaching into a pack at her side before retrieving a sheet of paper, thrusting it at Fanilly while looking away.


After a moment, the smallish blonde knight took the paper and unfolded it.

"Something has gone wrong," Fanilly read aloud, "And so you must perform the duty I hired you for. It is a black, glossy piece of metal, appearing dark even in a well-lit room. It should be wrapped in several layers of cloth, but if it is not take care not to touch it with your bare hands. Do not allow anyone to come into direct physical contact with the shard. Wrap it carefully and return to me."

She lowered the sheet. A black, glossy shard? What did it mean?

"That's all we know," declared Alette with a idle wave of her hand.

Meanwhile, within the fort, the deathly pale woman straightened. She was, ignoring her corpselike pallor, stunningly beautiful with slender, soft features and amber eyes.

"Abigail," she began, "Abigail the Stingray. It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir Fleuri."

Her voice was airy and strange, almost dreamlike as she curtsied, as if this was a meeting of high society.

"... They butchered one another," she commented as she straightened, "So much blood, oh my... but my dear, dear Alette wasn't phased at all. Isn't she lovely?"

She placed a hand dreamily to her cheek, staring past the knights and out the door, towards where the mercenary captain stood.

"... I don't know why they did it. No-one does but them, and they're not moving. How unfortunate, all of them dying and not a single one getting up..."

She trailed off for a few moments as her gaze drifted back to the corpse at her feet.

'Abigail the Stingray'

It was rumored that among the Shark's mercenaries was a strange, ethereal, enigmatic figure. One who had lost entire limbs unphased, simply to reattach them to her body. One who coated her blades in poison so foul it could curdle the blood like old milk. One who called herself 'The Stingray'.

"... I took this from one of those ugly pigs, do you want it?"

She drew a note from her bag, and offered it to Fleuri.

It would be hastily scrawled, telling of a 'black shard' they were hired to pick up, and not to touch it, and to kill anyone who showed up to stop them.

@HereComesTheSnow@TheFake@Crimson Paladin@PaulHaynek@FlappyTheSpybot@Raineh Daze@ghastlyinc@Krayzikk
For some clarification, originally planned to update today but looks like it'll be tomorrow instead. Sorry! ^^;
@Searat: I unfortunately didn't really know what to do after losing people in rapid succession.
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