Avatar of Xaltwind


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6 days ago
Had me dear old dad help me clean out the PC today . So much dust... Thanks dad, love ya, old timer
11 days ago
There is doom and gloom and things go boom, in Dexter's lab~!
18 days ago
Corporate Clinic put me up for three sick days to recover
1 like
19 days ago
I think I'm catching a cold
28 days ago
O Rly? *Owl face*


  • I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
  • I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
  • I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend and/or infuriate you.
  • I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

Most Recent Posts

Theft it is! 8D

On another note, how many (more) people are you looking for for this? ^^
... Is this vampire Toshino Kyouko in disguise? *eyebrow raising*

I forgot a very important question!

... How, uh... How do the monsters... Y'know... Get disposable income...? Like, are we gonna have to go out and get office jobs or work at MgRonald's or something to support our livelihood and pay rent...? xD
I've got an idea for a dragon, living in the penthouse on the top floor, overlooking the pool (which means there's an interstitial space the floor below for a mechanical room and the pool itself). Or maybe an indoor pool on the first floor to avoid helicopters and drones? The dragon wouldn't mind putting up some plants for a green space. Or are you going to be playing the dragon?

Goddamned 1% dragons and your high-roller lifestyles, with your penthouses and private pool parties and treasure hoards. >:(
Wonderful~ Then I'm very interested and will watch this closely. :)

6. All is allowed. Dragons, Kitsunes, Slimes, the flying spaguetti monster... go for it

... If someone doesn't make a flying platter of spaghetti with meatballs for eyes - and Gilbert Godfrey's voice, - now, I'm going to be very disappoint... xD
This seems like it could be fun. A bit of laid-back slice of life shennanigans with monster girls, along with the potential for some action/suspense could be an enjoyable setting. ^^

Just a few questions though:

1. Does this take place in "ou" world/on Earth? And if so, in what country/location?

2. Are there any particular monsters that're off-limits to play as? Or ones you'd prefer people to avoid?

3. To keep things from stagnating, do the apartment complex have any sort of recreational or other special amenities/facilities besides jjust... Well, living spaces? I imagine it'd have areas to cater or take care of monsters with special needs - such if someone played a mermaid or some kind of arctic/ice monster. But will there be other things to do inside the apartments? Or is this where going outside comes into play?

4. How will you handle time-progression? Given that some people might be staying indoors just chatting, while others go outside to venture, how are you going to keep the time-of-day coherent between players? This isn't really an important question, more just morbid curiosity on my part.

5. Do you prefer people to play as a single, focused character, or can players make more than one toon for this RP - if they want?

Those're all the things I'm wanting to know right now. Thank you for your time.


Uwaaah, I almost forgot! A very important addendum-questions!

6. In regards to the monsters we'll be playing. Are they going to be actual 100% monsters in terms of shape and size, or are we allowed to play more... Anime-esque monsters, like... A kitsune who looks like a human but has fox ears and a tail, or a lizardman who has green skin/scales but a human-ish face? Or do you want people to pick and play as just monstrous monsters?
Southern District

Streets Of Ortus

It would seem that, contrary to popular beliefs, flying-type monsters weren't weak to lightning... Who would've guessed? That monster manual must've been written by a complete quack... That, or angels just got to be naturally resistant towards elements that came down from the heavens. Oh well....

It would seem that Iskah had managed to catch up with her rival and future fiancee though, as they all went tumbling down into a fountain together. A bit of water sports? Well, at least it was nighttime, so there weren't any on-lookers. Hopefully. Otherwise they might all get arrested for public indecency. That said, Vanessa raised an eyebrow when the Cupid fired off her dual arrows, which then morphed into... Whips? Vines? Strange... She'd not seen a technique like that before. It seemed they had some kind of binding or restricting quality to them. If she was really unlucky, they might even have some kind of magic dampening or abosrbing properties. Not that it mattered. The dark mage's attention and interest didn't lie in trying to fight the winged messenger of Eros after all.

Instead, the sorceress gave the cupid a big smirk.

"Are you sure it's me you should be focusing your attention on?"

With that line said, before the whippy arrow-vines had reached her, Vanessa's head turned to the fountain again. Raising one arm, an icy azure circle of magic manifested infront of her open palm.

"Icicle Rain."

As the words left her lips, the ring of magic patterns flashed, and unleashed a hailstorm of sharp, pointy - and most importantly - frozen ice spikes that rained down towards the fountain where the trio of contenders had crashed. Why was she opening fire on her own ally? Simple:

Iskah wasn't actually a lizardman, and she was protected by a shielding spell taht nullified magic projectiles. Aun was an incubus, was wearing armor and - given what she'd seen of his skills in the previous city, prior to the orphanage - he could handle himself against magic. Which left the salamander. Not only had she just now falllen into a big gulp of water, but her kind was the type to get stronger and more ferocious the longer a fight went on... But at the same time, she was an actual reptiliant monster, one aligned with fire to boot. Which, of course, meant that being drenched in below-room-temperature water, and then being bombarded with shards of biting cold arctic origins wouldn't exactly do her any favors.

Vanessa thus made absolutely no move to avoid the incoming wrap-attack of the angel, focusing instead on pelting the fountain - and the general area around it - with her frozen projectiles. Indeed, ont only was Iskah shielded by her own magic from before, but she also had the physical enhancement buff. This, coupled with the water-logged salamander now also coming under attack by chilling cover-fire would hopefully be enough to allow the doppel-lizard to overcome her enemy and win the day!

... Or something like that...

... Could just be that Vanessa was too tired and feeling a bit lazy to deal with these sorts of shennanigans this soon after having had to fight the Lot Knights... You never know.
Sad to hear it had to come to this, but RL takes presidence over all - so sayeth random infection in my bod'.

It was fun while it laseed, and I hope you'll consider running another RP in the future. :)

A special thanks to @SilverPaw and @Remram, I had a lot of fun hanging out with you guys both IC and OOC. :)

Hope to see you both in future RPs, after I get healthy. ^^
So, apparently I got an infection and will be need to to be medicated for (at least) 10 days or so. I'm probably not gonna be super-active during this time, 'cuz, y'know, big sick.

I'll still probably log in and lurk, or watch for PM's as usual, but I won't likely be making any big posts. 'Cuz brain is mush and head is spin. :(

Just thought I'd give a heads-up.

Now to go sleep.
@Cyrania, @Theyra, @LimeTime966, @Double, @Thunder999999, @Morgannis, @Remram,@Letter Bee, @Sho Minazuki, @Mistress Dizzy

Jeez, I didn't realize just how many interested people there were for this until I had to send out this all-call.

Anyway, I'm sad to report that I am apparently sick. As my (previous) status implied, I went to the doctors to have myself checked up, on account of not having been feeling well for several days, and for not seeing any improvement (I've actually felt like it's been getting worse). Turns out I have some kind of infection in me ol' bod', and got myself a nice fat presciprtion from medicine to take. Antibiotics, to be specific.

This has led to two very unfortunate circumstances:

1. It's caused my panic anxiety which has for quite some time been alright to resurface. On account of the whole, my brain going: HOLY FAKKEN SHIT, YU MIGHT CROAK! - thing. I know it's not very likely, on account of the doctors finding it and me getting meds for it, but it still makes my subconscious go to all the worst cases and scenarios, which - as you might guess - is kinda putting a lot of strees on my already tired and weary person.

2. Since I've been sick, and will likely continue to be so for at least another week (hopefully the mds will cure that if they take, otherwise I'll have to get stronger stuff if there's no improvement by next week) I've not exactly been making any major headway or progress on the RP. Partly because sick, tired and not able wor think or write very well, and partly because the above.

In addition to this, the next week I was supposed to do a lot of RL things for my eyes. However, as I'm sick, that'll have to be post-poned, which means my schedule is going to get cramped and become very dense, following my (hopeful) recovery.

Ultimately, this has led to me to come to the conclusion that right now probably isn't a good time for me to try and start up and GM an entire RP as elaborate as this. I could tell you that: "Hey, don't worry, I'll be back in shape NEXT week and we can start things up then!" - but given taht I already promised you guys that we'd get stuff up THIS week, and I won't be able to fulfill that, I feel like my credibility would be - to put it mildly - questionable at that point.

I know this'll be disappointing,a nd some of you might not consider joining anything I make in the future - which is completely fair. However, I felt that I should inform and be transparent about this, rather than sit and make up excuses or keep you all in the dark... Or just let the topic drop down into obscurity and never respond to it again in the hopes that you'd all forget about it. I'm rambling, huh? Yeah, my brain feel like mush and I'm a bit dizzy atm... Please forgive any spelling or grammar mistakes I mighta made, or if something doesn't seem cohernet.

Still, I wanna thank everyone who showed interest and were active and invested in this idea. It really was nice to see people who were inspired to participate in this idea of mine Hopefully, all or at least some of us can meet again in either a future RP, or someone else's creation.


  • Me confirmed sick
  • Unable to launch RP
  • CHristmas cancelled
  • Big sad
There's a class I want to make my character, but it's inexplicably gender locked. fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Brawler

I just want to make a woman with big fist weapons. is that ok?

It's my intention that there'll be no gender-locked classes in this RP. So feel free to make wha'chu want. :)
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