Avatar of Xaltwind


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2 days ago
Current There is doom and gloom and things go boom, in Dexter's lab~!
9 days ago
Corporate Clinic put me up for three sick days to recover
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10 days ago
I think I'm catching a cold
19 days ago
O Rly? *Owl face*
24 days ago
Tired of being tired


  • I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
  • I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
  • I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend and/or infuriate you.
  • I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

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Typically more powerrful items are just made from higher grade or rarer materials. A novice wand could be made out of wood and encrusted with some low-value gem or jewel, whereas a master-rank wand needs stuff like gold and fancy gemstones like ruby, sapphire or topaz. The handle's length and thickness is completely dependant on the crafter though, and has very little to do with the actual mechanics of casting the spell itself - the relevant parts mostly being the gemstone and the enchantment that allows for the casting of the spell. But you are right, when a wand is "exhausted" it does break, either by falling apart or burning up or the gem just shattering.

As for how cast-times work, you're right again. Whether you cast a spell yourself or use a wand/staff, you have to draw in the ambient magic around yourself, and depending on the spell's size/strength, it requires more or less magic to be drawn in, which resuults in longer cast-times for more powerful spells.

Anyway, time to get to work on, slowly, writing up that initial IC post now.

@Sho Minazuki
You've been added to the waitlist as #1.
Tonight's menu:

Fried rice and spam
Dry toast

... Well, at least it's not canned beans and hardtack...
Ow, my face.
I am made of fat and dough, please don't expect me to do everything all at once. :<
It is done. Spot reserved in chronological order, unless someone infront of you choose not to reserve a spot.

This is the queue for those who wants to join the RP.

1. @Sho Minazuki
2. @Mistress Dizzy
3. @Expendable - The Bad Prince
4. @Tally Dor
Alrighty then. After going through the pages and looking all the CS'es, and I don't think I missed anone, a decision has been made and 7 characters have been approved.

Those on the list below, feel free to post your character sheets in the Character Tab at your leisure.

- Myrravel "Myrr" Velasien, @Dragonydas
- Yingmei Okudaira, @Rune_Alchemist
- Rinn Arniman, @Lupusintus
- MacKinnon, @ERode
- Brom Stronghammer @Remram
- Niara Rootwick, @CitrusArms
- Adrila Jaaxa, @BunniesOfDoom

To those of you (@Mistress Dizzy, @Sho Minazuki, @Expendable, @Crowvette) who didn't get to join at this time, please let me know if you'd like to reserve a spot on the waitlist. If any spot(s) should open up in the future, I'll contact you via PM or VM and let you know. If you don't want a spot on the waitlist you can state that as well, or simply not reply at all.

If you feel that you need to discuss the results of the selection for some reason, please do so by sending me a PM, don't do it here in the OOC.

With all of that said, and the cast selected, I'll start working on the intro and first IC post tomorrow after work, so this thing can finally get started.

Thanks to everyone for showing interest in this idea and for having the paetience to stick around. I really appreciate it. :)
Perfect. Everything is in order.
I will now go make some din-din and then start on the selecting.

Be prepared.
I suppose that's true. Money can buy a lot of things. Even political power. :P

And yes, since Bunnies has finished their sheet, there'll be no need to wait. Once they're done with the edits I pointed out, I can begin the selection process.

... And make a bunch of people sad... T-T

... But a bunch will get to be happy too! So, silver lining?
That is a very cute faceclaim and I like her obsessive nature.


There's no such thing as Telekinetic or Healing Magic "schools". The closest you could get to it would be Wind Magic (for moving things at range by making the wind carry it) and Light/Holy Magic (for casting Holy Healing spells).

I'd also urge you to check the "Magic:" hider and the "Spell List"-section therein, to properly list your spells.

Other than these bits though, she looks fine. Althought I'm not sure Village Chief is an "occupation" you can have before settling into and living in a place... xD
Awww, that's a shame. :(
I hope your schedule clears up and you get sore free time soon though. Thanks for the shown interest.

[@Everyone Else]
Since I don't want to keep you good noodles who've finished your CS'es already waiting too long, I'm now going to announce that this Wednesday will be the final deadline for anyone who hasn't finished, or still wants to edit, their sheet or submit a brand new character.

If your CS isn't done/finished up by then, well... You'll just have to to see if a spot opens up in the future.

Which brings me to the next point.

I want to reiterate what I said in the Interest Check:

Characters will not be accepted on a first come, first serve-basis. I will accept characters based on either my personal preference or on which characters I feel fits the setting the best. If you end up not getting one of the 7 remaining spots, please don't take it personal or as me saying your character is "bad" or "not good enough"

Those who don't get into the RP, at this time, may choose to reserve a spot on a waitlist though. And if an accepted player has to leave, or drops out, you'll be contacted via PM to let you know that there's an open spot. The waitlist will follow first come, first serve-protocols however, so whoever got their CS in the fastest - but didn't get picked - will be first in the queue.

I wish I could just accept everyone in and let you all run loose in this silly world. But, I just don't have the confidence as a GM that I could keep up with all 10+ of you, not when I also have a day-job. So again, I apologize to anyone in advance who'll feel like they got snubbed or robbed, or like they wasted time waiting on something and didn't get it. Perhaps in the future, if I do another roleplay, I can manage a bigger group. But that time is sadly not now.

With that out of the way, I'd also like to point anyone who hasn't noticed it yet to the Character Tab, where a very basic map/zone thingymuhbob has been added. I'll be filling it out bit by bit, so check back for updates~
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