Avatar of Zeroth


Recent Statuses

5 days ago
Current Just finished the last 5 episodes of Cobra Kai. MAN. Every time Mr. Miyagi gets brought up I start thinking about my own sensei and martial arts journey. To me, Karate's always been the HYPEST shit!
12 days ago
Another new guy at work asked me "What year did you graduate high school?" I looked at him for a moment and said, "Son, I graduated college about 10 years ago." Apparently I am very well preserved. XD
14 days ago
@Cleveraptor: If you did the best you could with what you had, then you did well today. If you look back on the past and wish you'd done it better, it means you learned. Celebrate small wins!
22 days ago
TFW a "training session" turns into an 8 hour shift and the assistant manager quits so you automatically are now training for that position. This feels a little like being a Sith.
1 mo ago
Write for 1 hour every single day. If you miss, just add it to the next day! It's incredible! Tomorrow I'm writing for 7 years.
1 like


On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

Most Recent Posts

@Queen of Aces@Dark Cloud
Here's the profile for Empusa, Seiji's contractor. Let me know if anything needs to be tweaked. As mentioned before, her only participation will be in character interaction, and only if stakes get extraordinarily high would she petition Gello to get involved in Events, battles, etc. Otherwise, the only one she'd bother would be Seiji...and maybe whoever has the bad luck to sleep on the other side of his walls. And maybe under his floors. And over his ceiling. And...probably just anywhere in the same building.

@Dark Cloud
Seiji: Steel Blue
Empusa: Orchid

yeah it's just the color of their text no I swear I put thought into it shut up
Since @Queen of Aces has approved Seiji, I'm posting him for y'all to see. There's been a few small tweaks, I promise I didn't try to slip anything past the GM, but if anyone wants to give feedback I'm ready for ya, lol. His Demonic companion, Empusa, will be finished later on.

@Queen of Aces

Anyone have any questions?

I do have a few, actually, although GM and I are still working through the PM part. These should be more general though:
I've seen some powers that stick to solely supernatural events, and some that are more descriptions of capabilities. Is the intention for a Power to be only something like "Fire Manipulation" or "Teleportation?" Or do all of our character's abilities need to be included--things like "Hand to Hand Combat" for someone who knows Karate, or "Enhanced Strength" for a Demon whose body-type is yoked out? I know the GM wants the big powers to progress in stages, and I'm not sure what the overall "power level" of the RP is yet.

Also, if we had to assign a genre to this, would it be more Slice of Life, Romcom/harem (just with multiple couples), or something like Highschool DxD that throws a little action in there too?
Lucifer - Pride, Satan - Wrath, Leviathan - Envy, Beelzebub - Gluttony, Belphegor - Sloth, Mammon - Greed, Asmodeus - Lust.

Don't ask how I know these off the top of my head.

It's because of Digimon, isn't it? Either that or SMT.
@Queen of Aces

If you are still accepting I'd like to throw my hat in as well, with another Contracted Human/Demon Pair. I don't know if I'd be using the Demon as a full Player Character, I feel she'd fit more as kind of an NPC/supporter, but I'll be sending you the CS as it is over PM shortly since it may need a lot of tweaking or clarification.

EDIT: PM has been sent.
Mentions are listed in no particular order. I am deeply thankful to all of these players, and those of you who were only with us for a short time at different points. Please see the above announcement, and again I apologize.

@SilverPaw@Stabby@Kazemitsu@Haeo@King Cosmos@ReusableSword@Gardevoiran@Searat
A list of mentions will follow after this, as there are too many to fit in one post.

As much as it pains me to say so, I am sure it is obvious at this point. Those of you in the Discord know what I've been struggling with for a long time, but please know that I still feel absolutely terrible about my inability to perform my duties as a GM. As of now, I do not think I am capable of continuing "I, The Demon King, Will Summon My Own Damned Heroes!" and I feel it is best to go ahead and announce it instead of dragging anyone else along with false hope. In addition to my own IRL problems, we have lost several players, and between writer's block, depression, and other things I am in the paradox of feeling like I do WANT to keep going, but at the same time don't have the drive to actually put in the work. You all have my absolute deepest apologies, and I want you to know that watching you enjoy this world I worked so hard creating--biting off so much more than I could actually chew--has been one of the best roleplaying, creative writing, and group gaming experiences I have ever had in my 10+ years of this hobby. This RP lasted for almost 3 years, the longest and most successful of anything I've ever written, and again I apologize that so little actually happened in terms of plot and so forth during that time frame.

In the hopes of leaving a better taste in one's mouth and perhaps providing a little bit of closure, I wanted to elaborate on a few things that were planned for this RP--maybe it will provide inspiration for those of you who wish to look back on this story in the future, as I know some of you like Rune have even participated in other RPs with similar Isekai, reborn Monster themes.

Again, I am so sorry that I simply did not have the skill, the time, or the emotional energy to finish this RP with you all. My job's crazy, I live a crazy life in general, and the System I put so much time into turned out to be just way too much for me to handle. With the loss of several players, I feel it is time to go ahead and close the shop, rather than try to force it now that we've lost so much momentum. It's entirely my decision, and I felt I needed to make this announcement so as not to drag you all along any further. I cannot apologize enough.

I will be leaving the discord group up for the foreseeable future. Feel free to send friend requests, PMs with questions if you really wanted to know something about the setting, so on and so forth. If you want to get in touch with me on discord, my tag there is Zeroth#2130. I will certainly keep on the lookout for you all when and if I ever have the time to try and GM again, or just if I get the chance to join other RPs. Again, I have enjoyed our time together immensely, and thank you all for giving me this opportunity.

Fare thee well, my Damned Heroes...
@Borosev Thanks! It's mostly just practice. I'm the type of writer who can ramble on or go on tangents easily, so what I've found helps me get more detailed without making walls of text is using a thesaurus and the Hemingway app to make my word choices and sentence structure more effective. As far as making it look nice goes, there's a cheat sheet at the bottom of the site with all the code tags in it, and if you look up stuff for BBCode (like color hexes, different fonts, etc) you can usually find other cheat sheets pretty easily. I tried to get the right shade of orange-brown to bring to mind a rubber band, lol.
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