Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


-And in the Shadows...-

Looking ove the two whom held a conversation, she listened in asthey spoke between each other and soon she heard how the new stranger asked if Jinx was a friend or not, it seemed that Deja was not quite a big fan of her which suited her just fine. They soon teleported off outside the Campus gate and Jinx only rolled her eyes as she walked over to listen in inside of them. It seemed she was underestimated, which suited her perfectly seeing as she didn't really care but their conversation was sure interesting. This 'Dios' Fellow sure seemed to not want the headmistress to know that he lurked around here, and Deja seemed to fall for him and supposedly serve as his spy. To find out where they had gone was quite an easy task, a teleportation always caused a Time and Space disortion to move something or somone between two separate locations. This of course being fairly easy for a 'Time Bandit' like Jinx herself to track and even remotely use herself if she really wished to, to only warp outside the gate to hold the conversation private must been one of the stupiest thing she ever seen, if they needed it to be private... then why not chose a remote location?...

She heard him vanish once mor eand Deja whisper to herself, she could even tell without looking at her lip movements what the girl said to herself. After all , Jinx had Catlike hearing, and she sure didn't really care much that she had ben called demon as she had heard much worse words beign said about her before. She leaped up at the wall and peered down at Deja from the shadows, her dagger twirling in her hands. "Sir Dios huh.. quite an interesting new boyfriend you got there Deja... The School spy huh... wow.. I almost feel like your taking my job here..." she said chuckling slightly to herself. "Demon Cur huh?... You flatter me with your honest oppinions... if he wanted both eyes and ears, perhaps he hould have chosen a double set that is working... peh, that he chose you as a servant feels like a bigger insult than anything... bah.. I'm wasting my time here.. Good bye... Spy Girl..." she said and leaped down from the wall once more, she then ran over to the Academy building.

Once inside Jinx wandered around for a while before stopping to ponder to herself 'So... where does one go to find something edible around here?...' she mumbled to herself and turned to see Daichi... "Hey you... Excuse me for a moment, but you seem old enough to know something about this place..." she said and frowned slightly "Do you perhaps know where the Food storage is?... or wherever you go to get something to eat in this place?..." she said and sighed slightly "Or is that perhaps too much to ask, seeing as the 'Queen' is a glutton whom dosen't seem afraid to stuff herself wit hfood in front of starving people?... bah.. this place sucks... In one day the 'Queen' have officially shown her disrespect for us others, Some Weirdo have attempted to wreck the place, my possible roomate have sold her soul to the possible devil... and bah... I think I go to sleep, I'm to angry to be hungry... its not like I usually eat more than once or twice a month anyway... Sorry for bothering you sir" she said bowing slightly before she wandered off.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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In a world where it appeared that most people were incapable of saying things like 'thank you' or rewarding a good deed, it was nice to see that at least the muscled monk was an old-fashioned enough person to praise Val for the heroic, divine things that he had done the day before. Even though, if Tai Yang had the same eyes and ears of Val Kaireiss, he'd be less than pleased with the Land God using the Ninja Janitor as a cushion. Accepting the gift with a smile of gratitude, and wondering what blessings he should shower upon Tai Yang afterwards, the blue-haired God took a look at the gift. It was a red candle, held in an aluminum candle holder that was carved in the shape of a lotus. The wax was organic, which was always a nice bonus, and he could already catch the subtle scent of flowers that wafted from it. Not bad, for something that had taken less than a day to make.

But, despite all that, there were things that drew his attention away from Tai Yang's lesson. It appeared that things were escalating between Dios and Deja, in which the former was seducing the latter into betraying the Academy or whatever. How dramatic. How spicy. How interesting. There was a demon girl that seemed to be eavesdropping on the 'secretive' pair as well, and Val was dying to ask her what she thought about all that...but he won't, not for now.

Instead, like any good Land God, he kept quiet about his own thoughts, and asked, more out of a lack of things to say than anything else, “By contemplation, do you mean discussion, Adjutant?”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

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Tai Yang

"Mmm, there will be discussion as well as a peaceful contemplation. Attempting to communicate with others what you have learned and what you feel, in other words, teaching, is one of the greatest ways to teach yourself. My master, Ming Yue said 'the path to mastery is an everlasting road to express what you know so clearly that others may understand. The goal of bringing enlightenment and joy to the darkest soul is the eternal struggle of everyone who bears the slightest candle.'" Tai Yang explained himself evenly. If Tai Yang noticed Val was making small talk, he did not express it. Buuuut it's pretty unlikely that he did.

"In other words, we shall begin with the introduction to the class, then practice meditation, then discuss what we have learned, if we feel we have. A lesson that teaches one only how to execute a task is not our goal. I would wish every student to become capable of spreading their light further." Tai Yang certainly included himself in the group pronouns he used.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 22 days ago

A frustrated Key came barreling into the room that held Tai Yang, Val, and a student whose name she did not know. Her heavy breathing showed her anger almost as much as the burning smell that accompanied her. It was hard to explain why she was angry, and even harder to say why she had made her way to this classroom. All she really knew was that it taught meditation. Could meditation even help with anger? Key wasn't sure, but her library was empty and she didn't really know what else to do.

In her first couple lives, she'd been quiet, and kept to herself. Her fire skills had her revered as a god, or blessed by one, and people respected and worshiped her. It was stressful, but also left her free to do what she wished. It was not until the prejudice against all of the supernatural (and vice versa) began that her anger started. It was slow to boil, taking until this life to spill over. This temper was something she'd never experienced, and it meant she had no idea how to control it.

This left Key confused, and slightly worried. She'd learned to control her powers long ago, but they were still greatly connected to her emotions and this anger... was messing with the, giving her less control than she was used to. She'd come here for some possible help, and almost walked right back out when she saw who was teaching. He had been in the meeting the previous day, but that didn't mean he looked old enough to be staff. In fact, he looked barely older than her body's current age. Oh. Right. She sighed.

"Meditation? Right? Teach." Was all she said as she took a seat, still trying to calm down.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Tai Yang

"Mmm...." Tai Yang noticed Key's distress and seemed to contemplate it for a moment, before he decided on a course of action.

"Meditiation, is, at the most basic level, a training of the mind. This class will attempt to teach us how to utilize our minds to calm ourselves, and if we get to it, to harness hostile emotions. This class will be focused more on the battlefield applications of meditation under high stress scenarios. We are to become Dawn Slayers, and we must not show fear or anger on the battlefield. We are to be shining examples before humanity and the paranormal that there is good within all of us, and that in goodness, we are NOT weak."

"To begin, let us discuss some of the more negative emotions. It is well known that stress has a negative effect on the body. A mental state of stress weakens the body. Other emotions have other effects. Anger gives strength and allows you to ignore pain, but it blinds you. The intent to kill allows you to strike remorselessly without hesitation, but removes your compassion and empathy. Pride gives confidence and relaxes you but gives way to fear when under pressure. Fear heightens your awareness and gives speed to your flight, but removes your initiative and resolve."

"To truly master meditation, we must use it in motion. To be calm and have control over our emotions when one sits quietly is a great feat, but we cannot always sit idly by. Eventually, we will attempt to meditate in motion, and we will try and summon the strengths of our negative emotions without the consequences they bring with them. To use the mind as adeptly as our hands."

"However, for now, we must first become familiar with our own minds. We should understand ourselves before we try to muck around in our own emotions."

"Position yourself, in whatever way feels comfortable. The beginning level of meditation is whatever way makes it easy for you to ignore what is around you. I have met those who were most comfortable in a sitting position, as I am now." Tai Yang was sitting in a crossed leg pose attached to meditation by many. "But I have also met those who meditated best in the stance of a warrior, their father's sword held tightly, or backstroking in a pool that happened to be on the ceiling by their own mystic arts. Do not be embarrassed to take your meditative pose, and if you require any special quarters, feel free to ask me, and I shall see whether I am able to accommodate. Now, breath deeply, consciously. Make it a slow deliberative act that you can focus your attention on. If you do not breath, or would prefer a different task, find some other self contained act that can be focused on and repeated safely. If juggling balls of fire is as natural as breathing to you, by all means, juggle balls of fire. If you are distracted by your eyes, close them. If your other senses betray you, focus on the task you have chosen."

"Now contemplate this. We are to be Dawn Slayers. We are to protect the Peace, whether by action or word. But what is that Peace we protect? What does the shape of that Peace take to you. Consider it carefully. Flesh out every detail like a painting. Each of us will explain what the Peace is to us at the end of the class. You do not truly know something until you can teach it, so take the class to learn what the Peace is to you in terms you can describe to all of us. And remember, the only wrong answer is a flippant one. The question is not only what you discover, but what you learn discovering it."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"Guard me with your life Toaster-san. Mine has now been entrusted in your....paws."

Hearing her ask such a thing of him, his eyes went big as saucers. So touched, so very very—too touched~! Getting up on two legs, the little toaster did a salute while trying to hold back the flow of happy tears…it was clear that in some small way, his admiration, his feels had been acknowledged by this great, benevolent! ”T-T-T-THIS PEON IS UNWORTHY, OVERLORD HEADMISTRESS-SAMA…BUT YOU, WHO ARE THE GREATEST OF MINDS, KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING! COUNT ON ME, FAIL YOU THIS PITIFUL, UNWORTHY PEON SHALL NOT!” With this, the little toaster made purring sounds and rubbed his side against the headmistress’s midsection…before turning fully to her and making a single happy ‘kyuuuuuuu~!’ as he hopped up and down excitedly! This toaster was going to spend much time with his headmistress, more so than he usually does!
Sitting behind his desk, Aram took careful steps to bookmark appropriate textbook pages with sticky notes, writing on them which paragraphs to emphasize exactly. Measuring cups and other cooking utensils had been laid out on the counters for students to take a look at once class starts…a few hours from now. It actually took him a little bit of a while to set them out, but Aram was glad he didn’t do that last minute…more could happen, might as well take advantage of not being too badly off.

Sitting in silence, he hears…something…outside…like…?! Snapping the textbook closed rather loudly, Aram rubbed his sleeved-bandaged arms carefully, before going to the door of the classroom. Pushing the door open and stepping out into the hall, with what he had heard from that open door along with his glutton-senses tingling…he stepped out in front of the female humanoid, “... ‘Not eat more than once or twice a month’, is it...? That simply won’t do, everybody needs nourishment.”

Giving her a kind smile, the demon conjured out a plate with a warm coloured cake, “Do you have any allergies, or…a specific, strict diet you follow? This is the vegan version of a lightly spiced chai cake,” Holding the plate with the wonderful presented cake out in one hand, and the fork out in the other…as much as he wanted this student to eat something, because the idea of starving oneself for weeks at a time horrified him, his arms were becoming sore almost immediately. Still, Aram held on, “It’s quite delicious…?”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


-The Cake of unspeakable Untruths...-

If one haven't seen a cat flying, what Jinx did as a door suddenly slid open next to her would probably seem like an acrobatic work of art. Getting surprised out of her normal senses, Jinx leaped high into the air, front flip/span around while pulling out the two daggers she had from their scabbards and made a skidding landing into a thief/assassin's battle position ready to strike as she saw her 'foe' armed with a Fork, and a Plate(shield). She hissed slightly as she looked possibly much like a pissed cat someone had thrown a bucket of water on, except for the wet fur part. "And who might you be!?... " she said angrily, "get those away from me... I don't take your poison... the cake's obviously a Lie!... "She said defensively as she did not trust anyone offering free food, especially not cake which she didn't really consider as 'food' in the first place... it weren't nutritious in the first place... just something 'gluttons' ate because they could, and because it was fancy to stuff their faces with fat stuff.

"I rather hunt down and eat a raw rat than eat that thing... and trust me because I have,,, thought I prefer them grilled... " she said and started to back away slowly while keeping her eyes on her opponents all the time. "And no! I don't have any weaknesses like allergy you can exploit... and my diet consist of eating anything I can salvage... except for things like those... icky snobby treats, likely poisoned... " she hissed and started running as she figured she had enough distance between them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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Yui tilted her head, genuinely curious about something. Looming closer, she peered right into Toaster's metal face. "Toaster-san, you are a toaster. And yet I cannot understand how you would display tears of joy. Would you not shock yourself?" The Headmistress frowned. "Or would it not matter seeing as you never plug yourself?"

Leaning on her hands, she traced a finger down the toaster's smooth metal side. "Hmm, there's also the question of your devoted loyalty to me. Is it because I provided you an occupation in the educational field? Perhaps it is because I allow you to cook my breakfast pastries on a daily basis? How strange...."

With nothing else to really do beside distract Toaster from causing a rampage, Yui figured that she might as well try to strike up conversation. Which reminded her. "I heard a lovely little rumor the other day Toaster-san. Something about having an ex?" A small but coy smirk curled itself on the Esper's lips.

"Well then? Is it not true? Why haven't I heard about this development prior?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"She is something..." Deja murmured, having followed the Jinx of a girl inside. She had refolded her parasol prior to reentering, curious to see where the pity of a being had decided to take her new information. Apparently, she had chosen to squander it with her inability to be even the slightest bit respectful. She came closer to the demon, apparently holding a piece of what he called 'cake.' "I do wonder what brought her to this school; as she apparently has no desire to help any other but herself. Such selfishness I wish to see punished, but no matter."

Deja bowed a little in respect to the teacher. "Hello. I am Deja Rith." She straightened her body, before cocking her head to the side. "I don't mean to be rude, as I wish to not tarry your time. I'm afraid, however, that my primarily eastern diet has limited me from this thing you call 'cake.' What is it?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 22 days ago

Though it seemed silly, Key listened to the boy, or was he man? It didn't honestly matter, she decided, as she moved into a standing position once more. Her most comfortable stance was one that most would not even recognize, and something she had not done in almost a century. Key clasped her hands together and raised them, palms outwards, towards the ceiling. As she rose on her toes, she took a deep breath. It was strange that something so simple would instantly begin to calm her down. Perhaps it was the familiarity of it, but she refused to believe it was just the breathing.

Once she was in position, she began to think over his questions. Peace. It was such an easy word to describe, she though. Peace was when everyone lived in harmony. Simple. And yet, when she closed her eyes, this was not the picture that came to her mind. Instead, she saw a time when she was a child, in the actual sense of the word, before she had known what she was. Together with the other children of the tribe, she danced around a fire and chanted. None of them really knew what they were doing, but it looked fun so they had joined in. The laughter carried and soon they were laying in the grass, worn out.

The warmth of the fire had soothed them into sleep, and it was the first time Key had felt that peace that Tai Yang had been talking about.

Her mind continued through her memories, and again stopped during her first life, after she had become an elder. Key had watched the people of her tribe grow older, have children, and then grandchildren. As she stared out at a family, she again found that sense of peace. A child was laughing with her mother, over what, she did not know.

Key found herself stumbling out of the position she'd been holding. She'd found her answer to his question, but the phoenix didn't like the journey or what she'd seen. Remembering had always been painful, and so she'd chosen to forget.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"And who might you be!?... get those away from me... I don't take your poison... the cake's obviously a Lie!... I rather hunt down and eat a raw rat than eat that thing... and trust me because I have,,, thought I prefer them grilled... And no! I don't have any weaknesses like allergy you can exploit... and my diet consist of eating anything I can salvage... except for things like those... icky snobby treats, likely poisoned... "

Each negative word about the cake was like a knife to the heart. Aram was fine with being discriminated for being a former incubus, that was fine...but cake was cake! Cake was nothing but pure thought and innocent dreams. Feeling a little bit faint, still, he vowed. As the student ran off, he vowed to have her enjoy a full meal one of these school days! Even if it killed him! As suddenly as that shock happened, another female student strode up to him and introduced herself with a little bow. In turn, a hand still holding the plate of cake up, the demon himself bowed to the student politely, "Nice to meet you Miss Deja Rith. I...am Aram Pollux, the cooking class and sex-ed teacher." ...before righting himself.

If one student wasn't planning on having it, it didn't mean the other couldn't enjoy it, "Bread and cake are in the same category, and both have existed for a long time before even some races of demon...surely, you must have eaten a form of it at some point in your life?" Giving her a teasing smile, he chuckled a little bit, raising the plate lightly, "This one is a lightly iced and lightly spiced chai tea cake." Taking a moment to list off all of the herb and spices of the standard chai tea, he paused thoughtfully, "This was the vegan version...in place of regular milk, there is instead a soymilk."

Thinking about such a cake not being eaten...a depressing thought, perish it! Giving her a charming smile, Aram reached and gently put the fork into her hand, ignoring the arm pain as usual, and asked her almost imploringly, "Try it. It isn't too sweet...?"
If the headmistress thought the presence of tears was odd for a toaster, his sweating bullets at the mention of an 'ex'...well, the little toaster was sweating bullets. "E-E-E-EX? ERM..." The little toaster had to think carefully about what he should say, honestly of course, or else his headmistress's opinion of him would sour..."W-WHICH ONE HAVE YOU BEEN HEARING OF, OVERLORD HEADMISTRESS-SAMA?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Deja had to chuckle as well, her blindfolded eyes keeping her from seeing what the cake looked like or for that matter what Aram looked like. "Well... I have had many rice based treats before... but the only bread I've ever eaten is Melon Bread..." She took the plate in her hand and the fork... then paused. A fork... she was never very good with these. Spending her whole life using chop sticks she was told she looked foolish by her father using such an eating instrument. Mentally preparing herself for the possible embarrassment of fork utilage, she slowly took a piece of cake (this took her a few tries, cake has no spiritual signature and thus this could get very messy) and brought it to her lips. She took it into her mouth for a moment....

And was still.

Then in a poetic eruption of bliss in which cherry blossoms swirled around them briefly and the cutest, most stupid looking smile came over Dejas face. Somewhere someone was having their first kiss, a new child was born and rivers of the valleys thrived in sparkling glee as Deja spoke once more with a blush on her face....
"It's so good~" She continue the eat the cake, savoring each bite, little flowers and hearts hovering around her. "Mmmm~ >u< When is your class? I believe you are my first period this day."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Lots of purple prose. That was the first bit that Val got out of Tai Yang's lecture, which spoke all about being pure good and shining examples of good people. He doubted that anyone in the first year would become a saint, but nevertheless, didn't speak a single word. Instead, he kept quiet and listened, a skill that he mastered a long time ago.

Being a Land God, more often than not, meant that he had to patiently listen to the rants of heartbroken wives as well. And women were scary, regardless of whether they were mortal or not.

The aspects of 'negative' emotion, though, was something that did interest Val. He never thought too deeply about such things before, rarely caring about whether he was angry or not when he had slew demons in the past. Yes, there was definitely an immense amount of malice and pride during that incident centuries ago, but even then, he didn't recall ever being disadvantaged by it. Was that what Tai Yang meant when it came to controlling negative emotions?

The Land God smiled then. If that was the case, he probably already mastered meditation.

Positioning himself in the most comfortable position possible, which, for him, was floating a few inches off the ground, his hands cradling his head while he lied down parallel to the ground, Val closed his eyes and thought about the idea of Peace, cutting off all breathing, because Land Gods did not truly need to breathe.

Instead of something, the God found nothing.

What was Peace to a God, when such a divine being could only focus on ensuring the Peace of others? His senses sharpened as he absolutely did nothing. His heart stopped pumping 'blood'. His lungs stopped taking in oxygen. Not a single part of his body moved as he entered a state of complete stillness.

He heard the breathing of all the humans in the city, and the heartbeats of all the animals that scurried along their lives. The vastness and exactness of his senses were incredible, but still, there was no particular feeling or thought that came when he invoked the non-existent imagery of Peace. There was nothing there.

That made sense.

A God was an empty being sustained by the prayers and blessings of the people, and thus, constantly held on a leash in order to ensure the happiness of others.

And then, Val wondered.

Are Gods just concepts then? A mass of beliefs given conscious thought?

Instead of thinking about peace, he mulled over that, all while in a state that most would consider 'dead'.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

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~He's just meditating right? He can't be dead dead? Right?~ Tai Yang's mind was not exactly in his most peaceful level. He thought he had prepared himself for the variety of species he would face here, but having one of his students suddenly ceased to function. When he had glanced over the room to find Val's body entirely non-functioning, his eyes had brightened with alarm and he closed them shut immediately afterwards to try and focus on the lesson.

~Guh... Must focus on lesson...~ Tai Yang focused on his breathing. In and out. Something about taking manual control over an involuntary function and repeating it endlessly emptied the mind.

Peace. In Tai Yang's mind, he saw again the vision he had seen before. It was still the same as it always was. Tai Yang had hoped the school might change it, and his heart sank a little when he saw that it did not. Still, his time here was short. Two days was such a little amount of time to change the heart.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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"Ah, well..." The sword-wielding student looked thoughtful, pondering how best to relay the answer to the health inspector. It was... An odd scenario, truth be told. Especially on the first day of a new school year. Granted, Abraham was fairly sure this was hardly a typical school year at the best of times. "Just after the introduction assembly yesterday, a man showed up. Actually, he tried to ask me where the Headmistress was. The janitor seemed to know something, and attacked him."

"The man identified himself as the school's first vice principal, I believe. He made a grandstanding speech and departed, leaving lava dragon golems to do some damage. Four of them, if I recall correctly. One was dismantled by Vice Principal Toaster, another by Tai Yang, a third by Ms. Deja, and the third by myself."

Listing yourself last. I'm not sure if you're unintentional over-humble, or intentionally humble. Though it is odd that the inspector can hear me.

"Does that answer your question, sir?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 2 days ago

Daichi raised another eyebrow before promptly dismissing it. Apparently Dios had some sort of vendetta against the school. However, it simply wasn't his fight so the man wouldn't cause concern quite yet. With a nod, he turned to leave the student behind.

"I see. Yes in fact it does. Well it appears you are experiencing great things in this facility. Carry on young one. Be sure to show that blade of yours many gratitudes and remarks, less it choose to one day dull in battle."

That being said, Daichi walked down the hallways in search of more inspection. Perhaps the sweets loving Sex Ed teacher? Or maybe the recent one who was said to teach a class on meditation? So many choices....regardless, it was now at least the middle of the day. Lunch and then afternoon classes would begin soon enough.

Meanwhile back in the main office, a certain Esper was quite enjoying her time with a certain flustered toaster. "Why, all of them Toaster-san. Surely I would like to know the history of all of my staff." She began tracing a circle absently on the machine's shiny side.

"For campus safety of course. We can't have an angry Ex running around, now can we? I want to hear more of these Exes. Every last one of them please...."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Though the cake’s visual style and presentation was pretty much massacred by the teen’s effort, the demon couldn’t help but smile widely, beaming brightly when little flowers and hearts practically fluttered in the student’s aura. It was apparent that she liked the cake, “I’m glad you like it, miss Deja. From your enthusiasm, I can tell you’ll fit right into my class, and I’ll be very happy to have you. It will start first thing this afternoon, right after lunch.” It was always great to see the youth of today enjoying sweets.

Well, speaking of lunch, Aram could really use his nth serving of cake today. Turning back to the direction of his classroom, he looked over at his student over his shoulder, “Carry on to lunch now…” Pausing briefly, he suddenly felt a pang of guilt over… “Say…if you meet that other female student around, the one I was speaking to before you, please tell her to take time to eat something hardy. Going to long without food isn’t good, for anyone.” With that, he gave a finally nod wit ha double tap of his left foot, “Have a good lunch, I’ll see you later.” Before finally retreating back to his classroom.
The toaster was quite touched that his headmistress was so understanding of his past relations, and wiped some small tears using the back of his hand. Wiggling closer as the girl traced circles on his side, he eventually just rolled flopped onto his back and waggled his little legs as she continued…making more ‘kyuuuu kyuuuuu~’ sounds. After a few minutes of this, the little toaster finally answered, ”MY EX-WIVES WILL NOT BE A PROBLEM, I ASSURE YOU, OVERLORD HEADMISTRESS-SAMA! MY FIRST WIFE WAS A HUMAN WOMAN, A FRENCH MODEL BACK IN THE THIRTIES…I DIVORCED HER ONCE I REALISED THAT I WASN’T HAPPY PRETENDING TO BE A HUMAN, INSTEAD OF EMBRACING MY HERITAGE OF BEING A TOASTAR BEESTEH~! MY SECOND WIFE IS A MICROWAVE I WAS MARRIED TO BEFORE I STARTED WORKING AT THE ACADEMY…WE ADOPTED THREE CHILDREN BEFORE I DIVORCED HER FOR BEING A WORTHLESS SCOLD!”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Tai Yang

"I will begin." Tai Yang intoned as they neared the end of their time in class.

"When I think of peace, I think of my valley and my home, far away from the hustle and bustle of this world that moves ever forward. When I look at my vision in the most positive light, I see that I believe there are places in this world untouched by the fighting between the strong and weak. Those are the places of peace I seek to protect with my strength. When I look at my vision in the most negative light, I see that I still value my home above the homes of others. Even as I walk the halls of this academy, I must always keep in mind that this place too is worth protecting. It is not my home, but that does not make it any less worthy. That is what I have learned."

Tai Yang let that moment hang. "And you two, feel free to express yourself in any way you so wish."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Deja nodded, not mentioning that she'd rather eat dirt then swap kind words with such a rude woman, and made her way to the cafeteria for lunch. Within she could hear a voice shrieking something about ex-wives, but she chose not to get involved and collected her food before taking a seat not too far from the voice. She listened intently, picking up the Headmistress' voice while carefully plucking at her food with chopsticks. The food was decent, at least it wasn't awful, but it couldn't compare to that cake.

Ah... she'd be having dreams about that cake. It could bring a woman to true bliss more than the pleasures of the body. Perhaps she would request Sir Arams recipe, and have him show it to her himself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 22 days ago

When her "teacher" finally stopped speaking, Key found herself opening her eyes, and gave her own answer to his question, "When I think of peace..." she paused, trying to phrase her answer in the correct way. "I think of family. The warmth and unconditional love it gives you."

"The positive end of this is that you can find family in anyone, not just someone who is related to you by blood. In any situation, you can find people who fill you with that sensation. I think that it is something we all strive to feel."

Key paused again, longer this time, and closed her eyes. This part of her answer was the hardest to say. "The negative end of my definition... is that it is easy to lose these people. Time will always take them away from you. Always." When she opened her eyes again, they were distant and filled with loss, but it was gone after a second and then she was smiling. "But even so, you have to keep making those connections." This was true. However, it was not something she actually did. After all her lives, she'd learned that often it was better to keep to herself instead of losing the people she cared about. Despite that, she said, "That is what I've learned."
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