Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 37 min ago

Sabine Bassard

Location: Training Room B
Skills: Memory Manipulation, Acting

Sabine had just about enough of this.

For those that knew Sabine, she came across as aloof, a bitch, stand-offish, unless you really knew her and were in her inner circle. The truth of the matter was she paid those she didn't know little mind. You either were good in her book or not.

Though there were few that dared to delve into the other realm. The one where Sabine held anger towards. Those people were few and far between, sure, bu there were some. Sabine had special plans for them. In due time. Dorian was VERY close to going there. Percy also, though she forgave him a bit since she knew it was Dorian's fault. Still, sitting there with vomit on her drove her to the end.

Sabine clenched her fist. It would not serve her well to get angry at Percy. She needed to do something to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. She looked to where Nemo was. He was far away, but maybe.....she hadn't tried this before. No time like the present.

She sent her essence over to Nemo in an attempt to get into his memories. At first, she was having difficulty. More than likely due to the distance. Eventually, she got in, but only a little. She saw a memory of Nemo getting married to a really handsome man. Though she wanted to look at the cuteness some more, she had a job to do. She pushed herself and, finally, got into Nemo's memory.

She implanted a memory of Sabine and Percy crossing the finish line, winning the obstacle course. She left his mind and stood up. "Hope you are a good actor. Follow my lead." She called over to Nemo and put on her best performance. "What did you link Nemo? Despite some hiccups there, I think we did rather well! I'm sure the others did too, but they just couldn't beat us."

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 4 days ago

Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (Passive)

Andy nodded at Mads offer of friendship. If she wanted to fit in and have friends she had to make them. So Mads would be her first friend after Zari. She stepped off to the side with Mary Sue.

"So I've never done - Well that's not true. I suppose I have done something like this before." Andy shakes her head. "Alright, so I've seen you make things. The sword you made I could channel my lightning through, but the cage was non-reactive. Do you have other powers? I can do the lightning thing, I'm really good at dodging, usually, and I suppose I can drain people of their life energy. I try to avoid that though."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago


"You missed her," Usagi said pointedly. The cat seemed disappointed, but also pleased at the same time? When Diana wasn't giving active instructions, she'd notice that Calamity Ganon seemed to move on his own as well - the great flaming axe was swung at Leah, but it was a direct miss. "If you want to scream at them to not be losers, there's an intercomm button here," Usagi added, pointing towards a big red button.


Arcade was silent in his hiding place at the edge of the arena, considering that Vicky said. She was right though - Zari was a god in this arena. And that wasn't fair. They needed some sort of way to disconnect her from her powers... but what sort of cocktail worked on a demigod? He made a mental note to look more into Thor's weaknesses later - maybe there was some sort of Asgardian kryptonite they could use.

Finally, Arcade spoke. He didn't move from his hiding spot, knowing Vicky was well aware of where he was and could hear him too from this distance. "I do, yeah - but I need your suit to interface with the Framework. I don't have any tech on me," Arcade admitted. "I know this place better than anyone else... Spent all summer sneaking up here to use it... But I'm useless without a way to interface."

There was, of course, another problem with Vicky's goal to take over the Master Hand. The Master Hand was gone, glitching out of existence. A strange entity took its place. Calamity Ganon, from the popular Legend of Zelda game series. Arcade loved that game. But to defeat Ganon, they needed... there!

Jammed into the ground in a forgotten portion of the arena, like a sword in the stone, was the Master Sword. The Sword that seals the Darkness. If they didn't get that, they'd be toast. He hesitated, looking at the others, before Arcade made a sprint for the sword. There were a bunch of koroks as well on the battlefield, floating and bopping around, as Calamity Ganon swung its fiery axe at Leah this time. Its aim was wide and it missed terribly.

April Flynn

Location: Gym - Training Room A
Skills: N/A

April beamed, returning Mads' hug. Tears pricked in the corners of her eyes. She hadn't realized how much she needed that. Her love language was physical touch - and in that moment, she felt loved. Platonically, of course. She blinked back her tears, letting go of Mads. And while she was excited to see Mads performing magic, April couldn't help but feel... disappointed. It wasn't really flashy. More fine tuning of her control was great and all, but where was the pizazz? The flare? The drama?

"Hmm, I feel like we should try to spice things up a bit - like, this is totally cool, and you're totally wicked cool, but like... I think we could put on more of a show?" April suggested, hoping Mads wasn't too pissed. "Like... Like we should have an Elsa in her ice castle sort of moment. Ooo, wait! Do you think we could make clothes out of water together, combining your powers with mine? Our own runway couture?" April added, her eyes sparkling. Maybe Mads' spell was enough to give her the fine control to make that happen, but April didn't think she could make the water turn to actual threads.

She snuck a glance over at Andy and Mary Sue. It didn't seem like they had anything to show for yet. April couldn't help but smile a bit smugly. She loved to win. She didn't often admit it, but she was competitive. She wanted to crush them in this not-contest.

Percy Novikov

Location: Gym - Training Room B
Skills: N/A

Percy found himself suddenly dragged up to his feet, by virtue of Sabine standing up. Those ropes were really starting to get frustrating. The movement made him feel dizzy and dazed, the world rotating rapidly around him. Usually, he felt better after he had puked. But right now.... he felt sorta the same. He nodded though, trying to focus on Sabine's voice even though she felt so distant.

"The fucking assholes threw us back after we already finished!" Percy shouted. It wasn't a lie. They had finished all of the obstacles. Dorian Gray had just made sure to force them majorly behind, and in the process, had clearly done something to make Percy violently ill. There was silence for a moment, before the next thing he knew, a door in the wall opened up. Ser Nemo stood behind it in. In the distance, Percy could see Firestar and his roommate. What were they doing here?

Ser Nemo wrinkled his nose. "Oh, my..." he said, taking in the state of the two of them. "Perhaps the reward should have been a visit to the dry cleaner's - rather than pizza," Nemo commented. "At any rate, congratulations are in order. And a trip to the shower. There should be spare uniforms for both of you to change into."

Ser Nemo cut the rope connecting the two of them, and Percy collapsed to the ground, his knees giving out.

"Oh! Dear me, I almost forgot. I am sorry, Mr. Novikov. My presence can have this sort of effect on those with similar powers to mine. Here, take these," he said producing a pill bottle from his pocket, and handing them to Percy. The pills looked completely ordinary. There was a label on the bottle indicating it was approved by the TVA. "One a day, taken with or without food."

Percy caught the bottle. He barely had the focus in him to glare at Ser Nemo. Or really the conscious mind to protest to being given a pill by a basically a stranger. His fingers mechanically opened up the bottle, and he downed a pill. Like most meds, there weren't any immediate effects.

Instead, Percy laid his head back and closed his eyes. "We fucking won. Yay," he mumbled.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Danny Kingston

Location: Training Room B
Skills: N/A

"It's okay, it's okay. I got t'is." Danni pushed himself up as Dee shifted the vines around like the cool cat he was. The handhold now visible, Danni leapt at them and started climbing. One hand up, one foot next, hand, foot, hand, foot, hand… "Oh my God, Dee what t'e fuck." Danni wheezed, his arms shaking and his lungs burning as he struggled up the wall. It went on forever and his jealousy at Dee's effortless ability to fucking fly with basically no repercussions skyrocketed. "What sick asshole gets off on torturing children like t'is? I am a minor and t'is is cruel and unusual." He could feel his heartbeat in his fingers, his knuckles popping angrily in protest.

Eventually, he dragged himself up the over the edge, flopping onto the floor, and gulping down air in his burning lungs. "Never. Again. Gunna get t'is flyin' shit down stat." He panted as he lay. Once he felt under control again, he pushed himself up once more and opened the box. Danni wrinkled his nose at a tooth sitting inside the box with photos nearby. What was he supposed to do here, figure out which one of these creeps the tooth belong to? That was impossible, so there must be another way to figure out which door to go through.

"Whelp, let's take a little look see at these doors shall we?" Danni asked as he walked to the left one. He examined the door in full, hoping there was a code or secret message that would help them bit when they found nothing, Danni shrugged and banged furiously on the door. He paused, put his ear to the door but didn't jear anything. Seemed safe enough. He repeated the process with the next door and instead heard a wierd whining. "Okay, def not this door. Not vibin' wit' t'e whole noise stuff so let's go t'rough t'at door!" Danni decided, pointing at the first door he knocked on.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Zelda Flynn

Location: Hallway
Skills: N/A

Zelda just sort of followed along after Firestar, unsure of what else to really do. Since she didn't exactly want to get caught potentially wandering around without a teacher and getting yelled at. That probably would cause another issue where she would then breakdown crying again. That was not something that she wanted to repeat or anything like that, it was pretty bad if it happened again. She really just wanted to not have to worry about that sort of thing again or anything.

She still wasn't entirely sure about what Nemo would think of her running out like that still. So for the most part she kind of just hung back a bit, barely in the room at all trying to sort of blend in with the wall at times really, while Firestar spoke with Nemo. Zelda saw that the obstacle course competition or whatever it was seemed to be over now for the moment at least. She still didn't want to be around all of these people at the moment anyway, so she didn't say anything.

Zarina Raynordattir

Location: Framework
Skills: Hacking, Computer Programming, Integrated Circuits, Computer Systems

Zari was unsure what was going on with the freaky flying hand, but the others seemed to be dealing with that for the most part. Well, after she had already injured the thing by cutting off one of it's fingers making it more difficult for it to do anything, but yet it still was managing to piss off Leah. So this was definitely an interesting fight to say the least. Of course, things didn't seem to last forever as she saw the hand start to disappear to only be replaced with something else. "Well this definitely seems like an interesting development. This is awesome!" she said gleefully as the thing tried to attack but seemingly missed instead.

Her attention shifted as she saw Arcade was doing something, or rather heading for something, and she looked over to see what it was, that being some sword in a pedestal sort of thing, and that made her instantly want to go grab it. Arcade seemed to know a lot about this sort of place, so if he thought there was a reason to go for the sword, then she was going to go for it too. Only she could get there faster. Zari started running, and in the blink of an eye she glitched over and suddenly was at the sword. "Well this looks important, so let's see how this goes shall we?" she said as she put her hands on the sword hilt and started to pull trying to get it free.

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Location: Framework simulation
Skills: Armored ground combat
Equipment: Shieldmaiden armor

It all started so well. Ed realized that working together was to the benefit of them both, he had an in to do what they needed to do, and all he needed was an interface. Vicky immediately created a limited access guest user account for him, and was about to hand him her helmet when things started breaking up.

First, Master Hand vanished. Okay, no matter. The goal is to keep Usagi out of control so I can slay in peace. The strategy holds.

Then the new enemy tried to shoot a laser at her and missed. That did not match the script. Time out! What's going on out there? I am the only one who actually killed something, why am In the crosshairs? Teach' has absolutely no reason to target m- Oooooh. You gave Diana the helm. Vicky looked up to the sky. You failure! You are supposed to be one of the people I could not easily beat, and could beat me! Now you are given god access and this is what you have to show for it?! Stop being so mediocre and give me the challenge I know you can! she demanded in her loudest thoughts, just short of yelling it out loud.

Was that the end of it? Ooooh, no sir! In that moment Ed decided to forget the thing they were thinking about and rush out into the arena. No coordinating with her, nothing. Forget suggesting ADHD medicine, Victoria was going to force feed it to her team at this pace. Turning to look over her shoulder, she saw he was heading for a sword stuck in a rock. Not having a clue why it was relevant, she was about to cut her losses (literally) and cut Arcade down, when something else happened.

Namely, Zarina suddenly Diana'd over to the sword, no doubt intending to steal it before Edward could. Vicky expected something like that, but seeing it happen angered her anyway. Sure, break reality 'because you can'. And learn fucking nothing that would be applicable to you in a real fight. I hate it when people treat this school like a damn amusement park! At least with our hack, it's similar to trying to hack Rhodey's suit on the battlefield or something. But this? You are here to learn to save lives, not to have a fun time! Like hell will I stand for it, first that noodle sword fight and now here. Everything you do is an insult! Well, have at thee!

Victoria was unsure how durable Zarina was, so she opted to strike with force. She would have to employ highly damaging attack, and deliberated using more than one in case Zarina tried her hacking bullshit and dodged one, an action plan forming in her mind. She eventually chose higher accuracy in favor of multiple attacks or maintaining some defense. As she stood with her back facing the sword pedestal, she would use her rear generators as a stereoscopic laser rangefinder to confirm the distance rather than eyeball it. Then she would turn around and fire the same overcharged attack that she used against Diana. She was aware she was leaving herself more open than usual, so she would leg it behind one of Leah's pillars immediately after attacking.

Running the strike in a simulation, she was happy with the result and executed it.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Leah Jordan

Location: Framework
Skills: Battlefield Manipulation
Today’s Fit

What in the god damn fuck was that fucking guy? And why did he have a fucking volcano in his left tit?! Leah didn’t know that Diana was the one at the wheel right now, so the conclusion she came to was that Usagi must’ve been into some weird shit. Then again, it didn’t take Mr. Krakatita to extrapolate such information. He was swinging around a giant fuck-off flaming axe- That much she did understand and watched it sail right over her head. This was a time to open up herself, and so she reached deep into the ground to rip it apart. Alas, Leah overestimated her control in this current situation, so she didn’t get the boulder to loose itself from the dirt, only raising the ground by about half a foot. In the time it took her to focus on this, Mount Mammary got in a good swing.

Leah blacked out and woke up back on one of the pedestals. She looked herself over and, holy shit. She was normal again. Whatever the hell Zarina did to her was undone… The pain stopped. She was shorter, and felt none of that burning power inside her chest anymore. Leah stayed there for a moment, staring at her hands as if she had gone crazy and just missed the gray skin she had moments ago. What happened to her? She was trained to deal with curveballs for years, this shouldn’t be affected her this badly. Why? Why?

She took in a deep breath.

The wind does not move the mountain, She thought to herself. It comes, and it goes. It was a way to remind herself to be a rock, and that she had to be better than this. It was a simulation. A test. A game which one or two of them had godlike control over. So, detached from the battlefield, Leah put her strategist skills to proper use. Leah saw Ed and Zarina both gunning for a weapon. If those two both worked together then they could theoretically snap Magma Milkers out of existence. But she doubted they would coordinate like that. Even if they did, Usagi was holding the reins to end all reins, and so this would go on until they amused her or all wiped. This must’ve been an “impossible odds” situation. One to determine how they handled themselves in a situation where they couldn’t win to begin with.

For all intents and purposes, they were playing a game- and Usagi was the opponent. How do you win a game without a viable win condition? You don’t. If they can’t win, then Usagi couldn’t lose. But if Leah’s team didn’t actually lose either… No, the simulation would just escalate past their abilities.

Unless they did well enough now.

Leah re-entered the battlefield, walking up to Victoria’s side and staying there. ”He’s huge, and has a lot of reach. If we stay out of it and keep him in his then he can’t hit us with that axe. I can’t make quicksand without April. But…”

Leah bent down and slammed both of her hands into the dirt. She poured her power into it to turn the ground under the Voluptuous Volcano’s feet into a huge pit of fine sand. Ideally, his mass would cause him to sink like a rock when he shuffled around, causing him to get stuck.

”Do you think Zarina could glitch in a few phaser rifles on vaporize to fuck him up?”

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 13 days ago

Mary Sue Sullivan

Location: The Gym- Training Room A
Skills: Friendship

Mary Sue was frozen as Andy spoke to her. She had no idea what they could do here, she simply didn't know enough about her powers. As Andy asked her if she could do anything else, she just sheepishly shook her head. "I... Don't know if there's anything more." She said, scratching the back of her head. She hoped that that didn't sound dumb, but everything she thought she knew about what she could do changed at that audition, and she still hasn't had enough time to experiment. She unconsciously took a step backwards at hearing that Andy was obstensibly some kind of life vampire, deciding that that wasn't the thing to try to use.

"Um, I might have an idea." She said, putting her hands out. She'd really only made rigid things up until this point, but if her powers were more flexible than that, she might have a lot of utility. Light gathered up in her hands, before condensing into a lasso. She allowed herself a small, self satisfied smile, and presented it to her. "If you can pass your electricity through my constructs, like you did with my sword, then you might be able to do the same with this. If you can use this properly, you can have a lot finer control than just firing off lightning bolts." She said this with what happened with Mothman and Lady Nimue in mind, this could help reduce collateral damage.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Dorian Gray

Location: Training Room B
Skills: Possession Combat First Day Fit

If plants could snicker, they would. There was a light rustling of the thorny vines after Danni had managed to make his way over the wall. A soft shshshshshsh sound could be heard as the stringy plants rustled against the wall as Dorian laughed towards his best friend. It was just a rock climbing wall, how bad could it be? He left out of the possession as he watched Danni knocking against two doors. It wasn’t a bad plan, and much better plan than trying to figure out what they even wanted them to do with a tooth and three photographs of strange men. Dorian recognized one of the names. His name was hardly ever brought up, but when it was it was never anything good. If Selene was the boogeyman, this man was her shadow. Lurking in the dark waiting for moments to strike with silver tongue and hidden needle. It was one of his uncle's fathers, and a grade A asshole. Dorian had to wonder why they even had these images, and if that meant that the other two were equally as wretched people. Or was this one of those two truths one lie scenario where two were heroes and the third was a villain posing as such. Either way before he could manage to say anything, Danni had figured out which door he thought it was, and Dorian found no faults in his logic for picking it. He placed the photographs back onto the table leaving all thoughts about them behind with it.

”Got it! Maybe we can sneak some Framework practice to get t’at flyin’ in check. Ooooo or maybe we can do a weighted trainin’ montage to ‘elp develop your flyin’ muscles!” Dorian commented as he began to turn the handle and open up the door. Beyond it was just emptiness. Well, emptiness and a singular table with an item set upon it. Danni had done most of the leg work so far, so Dorian was ok with letting him stick behind by the door while he inspected the final challenge. It was a bomb, with a small timer clock on it and a crazy amount of wires coming off it. Did bombs really look like this? Dorian just rolled his eyes, deciding it was a test to diffuse the danger, and whats better than to toss it into another realm where it wouldn’t be a danger anymore? He placed his hands on the bomb and tried phasing back into the Astral Realm. The thing was surprisingly resilient, either that or he was running out of juice like Danni had been. He kept on trying to pull it towards the other plane when finally he stopped with a bit of a huff and heavy breathing. Suddenly the timer lit up, thirty seconds on the clock and counting. Everything left Dorian’s mind as he recalled the massive sound of the blast from when he was inside of Percy. He looked towards Danni and tried to bolt towards him to save him from the explosion.

As he turned on the spot, his foot twisted round and one got placed before the other causing his next step to trip him up. Dorian went falling down and slamming against the floor. Fear was in his eyes as he wondered how he’d ever make it to Danni in time for the explosion to miss his best friend. Was this how it happened? Did he lose Danni this early and April later on? His heart wrenched and all Dorian could think about was how much he hoped that Danni’s omega gene had kicked in enough after these years to give him flame immunity. But just in case…”Danni Run!” Dorian yelled like a blood curdling banshee before his body instinctively ripped him into the Astral Realm to save him from the massive blast of the bomb.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Diana Novikova

Location: Avenger's Academy, Outside of Framework Hub
Skills: N/A

Diana turned to Usagi for a moment. "I know I missed." Diana said as her attention turned back to the controls, as she assumed control once more of Ganon, seeing that he had just killed Leah and giggled slightly. It was actually pretty fun and it felt like she was actually playing a game as well to. She then noticed that Zari and Ed were both gunning for a sword, it took her a moment before she remembered that the Master Sword was always the thing that killed Ganon in most of the Zelda games. She knew that this was more or less a simulation and she had a feeling that Zari wouldn't take it to hard.

She aimed Ganon towards Zari and managed to fire off a perfect shot at Zari just as she managed to yank the sword free from it's pedestal, before speaking into the microphone that Usagi had pointed out. "Sorry Zari i'll buy you dinner once we finish training!" Diana said as she turned to Victoria, she was annoyed that she managed to take her out so quickly. "I'll make sure to get you back now by the way for killing me three fucking times." Diana said she was still annoyed at her.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Avenger's Academy, Training Room A
Skills: Eldritch Magic
Grimoire: N/A

Madalyne smiled at April of course she wanted to do something really flashy, like making outfits made out of water for this fight, as she looked over at Andy though. "I love the idea but Andy's electrical power and a water outfit wouldn't mix all that well. But we can totally try that once we are done with training today!" Madalyne said as she started to think about what to do as she looked between Andy and Mary-Sue. She started to close her eyes again as she concentrated and started to chant another spell as she modified April's water, if she could slow them down in someway that would help quiet a bit.

"Okay here's my idea, if you can like ice sled or surf us around the area like Katara does in Avatar and you blast them with water. I enchanted it so that it can temporarily paralyze them." Madalyne suggested, it would be pretty fun and she could have a lot of fun just trying that as well to, and also show that they were combining their powers together.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 37 min ago

Sabine Bassard

Location: Training Room B
Skills: N/A

Sabine felt fine. She didn't cheat. The whole point of this exercise was to get through the training course with your partner and make it to the end. To that effect, they had won. They would have been done if Dorian had not stepped in to throw them nearly to the front again. Far as she could tell, she ensured that fact.

Percy didn't seem all that jazzed about their win. Perhaps it was because he was made a fool of, again, by the same boy. "For what it's worth, we wouldn't have won without you. The first two obstacles were all you and we only got through the last two because I needed your help. So take the win and enjoy the pizza. And shower, because the next time you blow chunks all over me, possessed or not, I will end you."

She made her way over to Nemo, unsure what the others were doing. Since Dorian flew off, she assumed he was going back to the others to finish the race. "Shower sounds good. Going to take a quick one and change. Should be back out when they finally finish." With that, she made her way to the showers to change into a clean uniform and wash Percy's bile off of her.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Nallore: "Why are you apologizing??? Kill her again!!" Usagi screamed. She felt like pulling her eyeballs out in frustration. This kid was way too nice. That wasn't going to work. Usagi wasn't interested in nice kids. She was interested in ones who were cutthroat, bloodthirsty killers. Anything less and things were just going to be boring. This was taking too long, too, in her opinion. People had way too much HP.

Usagi then grabbed the microphone from Diana and yelled into the arena. "SUDDEN DEATH! YOU'RE TAKING TOO LONG!"

-Diana tells Usagi she knows she missed, apologizes to Zari, and then starts to target Diana

@Achronum@Trainerblue192: The bomb went off. Just as before, the C4 was very real. This wasn't a fake bomb, no confetti or whatnot went off. This explosion would have killed an ordinary person. Dorian fled into the astral plane, but even there he would be able to feel the immense vibrations, the heat given off, the destructive force. Danni, meanwhile, was caught in the thick of it. He would be able to run out of the range of most of the blast, but it still caught him.

It's a good thing he happens to be an omega level mutant. His body is naturally immune to fire. His clothing... not so much. But some cosmic force of the universe, invested in keeping teenagers clothed, causes his clothing to be smoking, tattered rags - rather than burning away completely to a crisp.


"Damn it!" Arcade cursed, as Zari grabbed the sword out from in front of him. He didn't see the attack Vicky had aimed at Zari coming. Ganon, as noted previously in the narrative, managed to kill Zari when she was caught unawares. So then Vicky's attack, rather than hitting Zari, hit Arcade and killed him instantly, forcing him to respawn too.

The voice of god, otherwise known as Usagi, suddenly interrupted them all. "SUDDEN DEATH! YOU'RE TAKING TOO LONG!" God shouted. And then, everyone would feel themselves lose lives. Everyone was down to one life. Well, everyone except for Calamity Ganon of course.

Leah's attack was successful, the ground beneath Ganon's MASSIVE feet turning to sand. A heavy and gigantic creature, he immediately started to sink in the sand, losing traction and mobility. Fortunately for Ganon, he doesn't need to grab you to kill you. He has some ranged attacks that are more than sufficient.

April Flynn

Location: Gym - Training Room A
Skills: Hydrokinesis

"Wait, hold the phone, I didn't think we were actually fighting them?" April asked Mads, confused. She thought Nimue had just asked for them to show an application of their combined powers. She did NOT want to fight her maybe-aunt-the-vampire. She would very much prefer to never be put up in a combat situation against her. All of her dad's bio siblings were CRAZY. She was pretty sure the same would hold for Andy. After all, the girl had already turned Mads into some sort of weird demon form and lost control of her powers.

April could fight Mary Sue though - but she knew she'd feel bad about it. Mary Sue seemed like such a shy sweetheart, April would pull her punches just to not feel guilty. It would be like trying to spar with a kitten or a puppy - a sad, lost puppy. April wasn't the sort of person who wanted to fight sad puppies.

"But, okay okay okay, we should try this! I've never surfed or like ice shredded - well, I mean, I've gone SURFING with like a board and all - I'm actually pretty epic at it - but I've never done it without a board. Or maybe I could make a board out of ice, and then we could shred on water around with that?" April rambled. "I like the Katara inspiration though - maybe next year I'll do a Katara based routine for the auditions. Could convince Danni or someone to pretend to be the boy in the Iceberg, Dori could be my brother..." Her mind was aflutter, going through logistics and getting distracted.

She shook her head and clapped her hands together. There was still plenty of water in the room from the fight. April grabbed Mads' hands, pulling her in close like they were about to slow dance. "Hold on!" The water began to pool beneath their feet, bubbling up and then pushing them up into the air. A wave formed and the girls hit it, April doing a slow turn as they surfed the wave, before hitting the ground. "How was that? Do you think you could do your magic stuff while I do that?"

Percy Novikov

Location: Gym - Training Room B
Skills: N/A

Percy blinked, as normality was slowly restored within his body. His ears flushed at Sabine's praise/threat. She was like a femme fatale come to life, the sort of character and television personality that he just couldn't help being obsessed with. He wanted to see her as the villain in a million different reality TV shows, beginning with the Real Housewives and ending with the Circle. She'd slay on Survivor too. Or Big Brother.

"If I throw up on you again, I might just end my life personally," Percy said dryly. He was feeling much better, thanks to Nemo's pills. Percy glanced at the pill bottle again, his eyes furrowing as he noticed that the patient's name had been crossed out. He could make out the beginning of a D, but not much else. He made a mental note to send one of the pills to his parents, to make sure he hadn't just been given roofies or something from Ser Nemo... but it was probably fine. He felt better. Almost suspiciously better.

He glanced over at Zelda, seeing how she was hanging in the back, seemingly afraid of her own shadow. And then... Percy swallowed thickly. Then there was the bear. He didn't recognize his own roommate. Teddy had always been relatively normal looking. But this... this was basically Cocaine Bear in an academy uniform. Percy gave Zelda an awkward wave, before hurrying off to the showers. He didn't want to spend another minute covered in his own vomit either.

"So, what do you want to do?" Firestar asked Zelda. "Do you want to give training another shot again?"

Not even Teddy looked particularly excited. Firestar couldn't help but feel like a failure - again. She had two students under her supervision right now, both of whom seemed to want nothing to do with the Contest of Champions. She didn't understand the entire thing. It was weird to her that the event was mandatory, but it was weirder to her that someone at the superhero school wouldn't want to, well, practice being a superhero.

"Teddy, are you up to this?" Firestar then added, looking at her other charge.

Ser Nemo was being strangely quiet.

"Erm, yeah, I can do this!" Teddy answered, trying to psyche himself up. "What... what is this again, exactly?" he asked, looking at the training course. He flinched at the sound of a massive explosion.

"Ah, that'll be the C4," Ser Nemo murmured, not looking concerned at all.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Leah Jordan

Location: Framework
Skills: Battlefield Manipulation
Today’s Fit

Fuck yeah! Ganon was starting to sink into the sand. Good enough to slow him down, but the big motherfucker likely had more tricks up his sleeves… Well, he wasn’t wearing a damn shirt, but maybe he had more tricks in that giant crater of his. Leah noticed he was starting to get stuck, but surely that alone wouldn’t be enough to immobilize the fucker. Leah, being the resident crowd controller and reshaped of playing fields, was in a position to keep immobilizing him further. ”The less he moves, the easier he is to burn down,” She said, looking over to Vicky. ”’ll keep him stuck.“

Leah swung her arm up and at an angle. The ground swelled and shot up from far enough away that it was made of solid stone and not sand. The distance made the spike crumble under its own weight before it made contact… She tried again and the same thing happened, only leaving crumbling stones on the sand with Ganon. The third, though… Leah made the third spike thicker. The type of rock she had to work with must’ve been brittle, but this time it sunk straight into Ganon’s right arm. That would make it much more difficult to swing that axe, and to get out of the sand pit or even turn around if someone were to hit him from behind.

”There, now hit him with something!”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 4 days ago

Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (Passive), Electrokinesis

Andy took the rope from Mary Sue. She first tested that her electricity would pass through it. When it did she smiled brightly. "I've never really used a rope. But I'll give it a try." Andy had seen enough bad movies to have an idea of what to do with the rope. She tested it, and at first, she was pretty bad with it.

After a moment of trying though she got the rope going and was able to do something resembling the things she had seen in movies. "It'll take some time to get used to, but I think I could learn how to do this. Smart!" She wished there was a way to help Mary Sue with her powers. But since the girl barely even knew what she could do she wasn't sure how to help her.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Location: Framework simulation
Equipment: Shieldmaiden armor

As she predicted, Diana could be heard on the horn where Usagi was before. Vicky could not help but feel a smug smile settle on her face as she predicted that correctly, perfectly happy about it being hidden by her helmet. That said, she seemed to be having trouble remembering exactly what happened. So Vicky got on a horn of her own, jacking the speakers on her suit to maximum volume.

"What do you mean? As far as I'm aware, the third time you killed yourself, and the first time it could be argued it was your arrogance that killed you, really. I mean, seriously now? You stopped within punching range to brag about the fact you didn't even do what you set out to do, and then gloated about it being good enough. You better not get into any rap battles, because you'll get laughed out of them." She could not help teasing a bit.

"Still, if food is a required compensation for doing what we were told to do, then I guess a dinner AND breakfast in bed are on me? So long as I'm not obliged to be the one cooking, I don't want to actually kill you for real." She shrugged. Seeing that Leah seemed to have the giant red monster somewhat in hand, she looked at the rest ofthe battlefield.

Having blasted Edward to oblivion rather than Zari was unexpected, but not unwelcome or for that matter unplanned. Victoria's grand strategy was to get herself to a situation where she had the most lives left, and then launch attacks at masse to kill everyone, at the expense of her life if need be. In the end, she would come out on top. That meant killing Edward as soon as Zari was down a heart. Diana merely expedited the effort.

Now, she merely needed to blow herself up twice and- NGHH!!! She groaned in her mind as the Felix Infernal shouted again and she felt herself die twice over. She had to fight down the urge to just take her helmet off and blast a hole through her own head, just so she could be done with this shit! So that's what it is. We're not playing hunger games. We're not playing Zelda. We are in fucking worms. Probably what she thinks of us, too.

Okay, breathe innnnnn... Breathe outttttt... I'm fine, I'm fine. Plan B... Vicky looked around. Diana was dead. Leah was trying to contain the monser. Ed was looking around, disgruntled. Zari was fawning over a blade. And herself, she has done more teaching than learning here. This entire session summed up in a word? Lame. "That's it. Everyone dies." She grumbled for herself and charged up her hand projectors. Two beams of red lasers sliced through the air, only to shut down immediately as the MF generators gave out under the load, as in her bewildered state, she forgot to let them cool down after the boosted attack.

Okay. It's okay. Breathe innnnnnn...


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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Dorian Gray

Location: Training Room B
Skills: Possession Combat First Day Fit

Vibrations littered the ground beneath him. His elbows tingling as they lay against the floor of the Astral Plane with his hands placed atop his head in an attempt to take cover from the blast. It was irrational to seek physical cover from something happening in an adjacent plane, like hopping in your seat when attempting to jump across a chasm in a video game. It didn't help any, but the instinct was still there. He waited there, laying on the floor until the sensation passed and the heat rolled off into the air leaving only the cool air of the Astral world once more. He opened his eyes, pressure relieving him from how hard he'd held them closed as his blurred vision slowly came back into focus to see Danni was still alive and well. His clothes were tattered, smoke trailed off the cindered rags, and he appeared to be shaken, but otherwise his best friend was fine.

Dorian got up, slowly making his steps towards Danni until he broke out into a full on burst. He tried to phase back in as he ran, failing to do so as he stumbled both in powers and his stride until he finally reached Danni and just as he came back to the material world, he wrapped his arms around him into a tight hug with such force that it propelled them to spun around once in place. He held him there tightly for a moment, muttering to himself before finally pulling away from him, standing at arms length as his hands clasped both his shoulders and he began to inspect Danni. "You're OK! Oh I'm so glad t'at you're OK! I tried to get to you, to knock us bot' out of t'e way from t'e blast but…" Tears welled up as he spoke and his voice broke midway into the sentence. He needed to outline together, he could tell just by the sight of Danni that he was about to have a meltdown. Sure it was only academy clothing, but he took his appearance very seriously. "Love t'e new look on you t'ough. Very apocalyptic chic, but if you're not into all t'at maybe Z can 'elp ya make a fireproof school uni."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Zelda Flynn

Location: Hallway
Skills: N/A

Zelda just sort of waved slightly in response to Percy, figuring it was best to not go into the whole situation as to why she wasn't with the two people she was supposed to be stuck with in the course. Since she was very much not super thrilled with being around Dorian or Danni still. Or Sabine actually. Which lucky her, meant she kind of didn't like half her team which was always a good thing in whatever team sport or whatever you were in clearly.

She wasn't entirely sure what sort of answer to give to Firestar when she was asked if she wanted to give training another shot or something. There wasn't much of a reason for her to be here at the moment, considering Sabine clearly hated her, and Danni and Dorian seemed to have a really big problem with boundaries since she had left to begin with to calm down and they decided to hug her and follow her when she just had needed a moment to calm down. Yeah, she wasn't entirely sure what to do. "I don't know..." was the only the thing she managed to mutter to Firestar.

Zarina Raynordattir

Location: Framework
Skills: Sword Fighting

"Wow ruuuuude," she said in response to Diana killing her, but she was giggling. Zari was definitely enjoying herself with the entire simulation. To her this was literally a video game or something more then something to take super seriously. Of course, it didn't surprise her that seemingly Usagi was not super happy with what all was going on with their current fight. Well what did the cat expect to have happen when you decided to add random things to attack? That would result in less people trying to kill each other sort of thing.

She however was all for maybe working together on the whole situation. "Will do! Honestly I prefer this to actually trying to kill each other, that sort of thing is overrated to me anyway. More fun this way," she said happily, completely ignoring Victoria entirely as she charged forward with the sword in her hand, and jumped up to attack with the sword. Her first swing was powerful and sliced off one of his arms. Her second swing he managed to block it which was annoying, but that wasn't the end of the world as with her last strike she ran straight through the monster, killing it.

"Yaaaaaaay we did it! Nice job Leah thank you!" she said happily to her.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Danny Kingston

Location: Training Room B
Skills: N/A

"Yeah, let's do t'at! Gotta get t'is whole flyin' t'in' under control. Takes too much outta me right now." Danni agreed as Dee made his way into the door he hadn't heard anything behind. He leaned on the door frame as Dee headed over to the bomb and fiddled with it. Danni closed his eyes, resting his head on the door frame as Dee handled the boom boom machine. God knows if Danni got his hands on it, he might accidently explode it! So much fire, so much fun…

He was lost in his imagination of what he could do with that much sudden fire when Dee's shouting startled him back into reality and he opened his eyes just in time to watch the boom machine go, well, BOOM! His scream was lost in the roar of the bomb.

Danni pushed off the door frame as Dee flickered out of this plane, Danni very, very jealous in that moment as he scrambled away from the explosions. His legs felt like lead despite how hard his heart was pounding in his chest. "Whoever fuckin' said lettin' kids fuck around wit' bombs is a God damned idiot!" Danni screamed as he tried to dive for the table but the force of the explosions threw him off balance and he fell harder than he wanted, doing everything he could to protect his face. Time traveler or not, Danni would set fire to Poisson-Pas's mustache if his perfect face had a single blemish on it after this.

He curled up as best he could as the heat came next, engulfing him in a matter of seconds, and Danni braced himself for the pain. But it never came. It felt like walking out into a warm day after being in a slightly too cold room, a sense of… defrosting, if that made any sense. Damn, this was nice. Maybe Poisson-Pas really did know what he was doing…

"Ah shit, my ears." Danni grumbled as he pushed himself to his feet and suddenly found himself spinning in Dee's arms. Danni wasn't certain he knew what was happening but he squeezed back, laughing as he was put back on the ground. Danni followed Dee's gaze as he inspected him, and Danni sucked in a sharp breath. His clothes, if these disgusting rags could even be called clothes anymore, hanging off him, tattered, torn, and smoldering.

Was the air in the room thinning? He felt like he couldn't get enough, his head spinning and his chest hurting, and he felt the tell-tale sting at the corners of his eyes. He tried to speak again and again but only a strange sort of strangled noise came through. He grabbed at Dee, he could see him talking, could hear him talking but the words wouldn't stick.

"Dee." Danni managed to choke out, panic rising quickly as he clung to his best friend like he was the only thing keeping him up. "I didn't brin' a change of clothes. I can't… I can't… T'ey can't see me like t'is! What do I do?! I can't go back like t'is!"

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Diana Novikova

Location: Avenger's Academy, Outside of Framework Hub
Skills: N/A

Diana watched through the monitor as Leah started to attack Ganon she wanted to attack the rest of them but she wasn't able to move him at all due to the sand and getting hit in the arm as well to. She really wasn't having a good day today and it was now just embarrassing as well to her. She really did need to spent a lot more time practicing now as Victoria started to talk to her now as well to which was also just annoying.

She wondered how her mothers would have reacted if they were here right now as well to, she was about to target Leah when Zari used the Master Sword against Calamity Ganon which instantly killed him. Diana turned to Usagi the others still had one more life and she wanted to summon something else. "Can you like summon the Death Star in there and have it just Alderaan the entire arena or something?" Diana asked, that way they all would loose.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Avenger's Academy, Training Room A
Skills: N/A
Grimoire: Mirror Image

Madalyne thought for a moment she wasn't sure if they were to be sparing or anything like that but she went with April and nodded. "Okay true maybe we aren't supposed to be sparing or something." Madalyne said rubbing the back of her neck slightly as she smiled a little bit she was glad that April agreed to her idea. "Oh yeah if you want me to be in it or whatever i'd totally would be down for it." Madalyne said, she did enjoy watching Avatar quiet a bit.

She blushed slightly when April grabbed her and she held onto her friend tightly as April started to surf them around the room, and quickly the ride had ended as April set her back down and nodded it was her first time surfing really as well to. "That was awesome, you should teach me to do actual surfing sometime. But yeah I can use some spells and stuff while you do that." She then started to think a little bit. "Another idea, do the same thing, I know a spell called Mirror Image, and could make more than one illusion of us." Madalyne suggested it was a spell that she was learning over the summer, and managed to make three illusions if she had more time to master it she knew that they'd be physical.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 13 days ago

Mary Sue Sullivan

Location: The Gym- Training Room A
Skills: Friendship

Mary Sue forced a smile and rubbed the back of her head. It was something, but it wasn't an idea she was particularly proud of. She just really didn't know enough about what she could or couldn't do. The other major issue was that she knew nothing about the physics of electricity, which prevented her from coming up with clever ways to integrate with Andy. She wanted to push herself still though, and tried to make armor over the two of them.

And it worked! Soon, Andy and Mary Sue were engulfed in balls of light, growing bright as can be, before appearing in the magical outfits of their dreams, something that, hypothetically, should protect them from attacks. Mary Sue looked around, surprised that thst had worked, and moves around, making what she could of this new application of her powers. She was satisfied, but not surprised, so she tried something harder. Sticking her hand out, she watched as a small strand of wire and element were engulfed by a small bulb of glass. She gingerly handed it to Andy, saying, "I uh... I. Know this isn't a weapon, but see if you can pass electricity through it an make it glow? Just as a proof of concept." She had no idea of that would work or not, but if it did, that gave the two of them serious options.
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