Hidden 2 days ago Post by Raineh Daze
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The question wasn't really addressed to her, but Tyaethe dropped back all the same, hissing a brief "Daisy!" as her mount started to take an interest in… was that Gerard, or Gerard's horse? Honestly, she couldn't tell, he was such an unfriendly beast at times.

"Consider it a perk of being a knight. Sometimes, you just get to go places and enjoy their food without fighting because someone else has business there."
Hidden 2 days ago Post by The Otter
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Fionn MacKerracher

"Why would you name a stallion something like 'Daisy,' Tyaethe?"
Hidden 2 days ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Because," she said, slowly and clearly, "A daisy is white, and he's a white horse. And flowers are pretty, and he's a very beautiful horse, aren't you boy?"
Hidden 2 days ago Post by Octo
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Octo Tentacular Cephalopod

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Gertrude floated alongside the knights, a thoroughly unimpressed expression on her face. A few seemed to be just as off-put as she was that they were being sent to interrogate a madman. Old age? Disease? Too many siblings for parents? It didn't seem the sort of matter for a contingent of knights to occupy themselves with, but with the medical and magical experts already called in and nothing to show for it, she supposed a horde of dunderpates might as well give it a shot.

A noble probably wouldn't have had a hack mage called in unless they were someone's nephew, but it was possible she could pick up on something that even an experienced finger-wiggler wouldn't. The rest seemed a bit excessive, save for the alchemist, but apparently the Roses had enough bad experiences in this forest to warrant considerably more firepower than Gertrude thought they needed.

Still, the lout wasn't completely wrong. Names had power, and it seemed that this wood had historically more than enough animosity for the Roses. It would be best to remain alert, so Gertrude opened her senses up as much as she could to the presence of mana, trying to tune the vampiric nexus out as much as she could.

...Goddesses, that woman could fawn over a horse.

"Think they'll let me cast on the old sod," Gertrude called up to Fanilly, "if I promise it's to his benefit? I mean, if you can't trust the Roses, who can you trust?"
Hidden 2 days ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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"It would be best if you didn't refer to Duke Thedric in that eway once we've arrived," Fanilly commented with a wince. Not that she necessarily expected the coarse-tongued mage to listen, but she had to try, if nothing else.

"Though, given they've already sought the assistance of mages, I'm certain they'll allow to you cast on him, as long as it helps to discover what happened."

If it was as she feared, Fanilly wasn't certain there would be any way to cure Duke Thedric's mind. At the same time, however, there were no reports of any kind of violence.

The fact that the madness suddenly emerged abruptly, with no prior signs of any sort of mental decline, when he awoke one morning...

Was it possible the shard was being used in some sort of plot targeting the nobility?

Fanilly had to confess she doubted that possibility, moments after it rose in her mind. It wouldn't be a very efficient way to try and remove them from power.

But it certainly seemed as if something strange had happened.

The stone-and-wood walls of Brennan loomed ahead, now. It wasn't as large as Aimlenn, certainly, but even from outside it was clear that Brennan's healthy trade had granted it a great deal of resources.

There was a shout from atop the walls, and the great doors opened ahead of them.

A young man with dark hair and green eyes, clad in fine blue-and-orange clothing with a sword on his hip and a cape on his back was there to greet them. Behind him stood an entourage of Brennan's garrisoned soldiers.

"While I can't say I expected it, I'm glad you've come to offer your aid, Knight-Captain," the man said as he stepped forward, bowing his head, "I am Sir Aglan, and I wish I could welcome you and your knights to our city in better times."

He let out a heavy sigh.

"You may take your horses to the garrison stable, after that---"

He hesitated a moment.

Fanilly took a moment to glance past him. Brennan hardly seemed to be in a particularly unusual state. The stone path lead deeper into town, the buildings here near the gate made primarily of wood. But past them, she could see larger, stone buildings, and in the distance the second set of walls around the Duke's manor.

There were people visible, too, going about their daily business.

If she had to guess---

It was almost certain the matter of the Duke's madness had been kept from the people of Brennan.

"---After that, it's best that you come and see the situation for yourself."

"---And that's the proof that I am Prince Erion, and by my word, it is time to begin baking the cake that will reach the heavens!"

Of all the things that Fanilly had expected, upon hearing of Duke Thedric's madness, this was nothing like any of them.

His manor was a tall, stately building, surrounded by a small garden. It took up less space then a castle, but it still spoke of its lords' taste in natural surroundings and greenery.

But the lord within...

He was as Fanilly remembered him. Older, of course, but still tall and with a muscular, robust body. A thick, dark beard tinted with grey was matched by a full head of hair, and his blue eyes were bright.

But he was wearing a bright pink dress, stretched over his muscular form, and thrusting a baguette into the air.

"Now, come with me, comrades! We shall conquer the Kingdom of Pudding! We shall celebrate with the Lamplighters every day! And I shall sing the Song of Lythenne!"

Did Duke Thedric even know the Song of Lythenne's untranslated high elven lyrics?

"... As you can see, it's almost like a parody of madness," Sir Aglan said with a heavy sigh, as Duke Thedric lept onto his bed. It creaked audibly, "But nothing has worked to recover his wits. He simply woke up and began acting... like this."

Fanilly hesitated. What did she say? This certainly wasn't the work of a shard of Angroron, but---

"I... I see," she began, "Did anything unusual happen, er, the night before?"

"I wish you were the first who asked that, because then we might have an answer," Sir Aglan responded wearily, "Alas, no-one seems to have seen anything. There was a party late into the night, Duke Thedric retired to his bed afterwards, and awakened having gone mad."
Hidden 2 days ago Post by Creative Chaos
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Waking up in his room, Vier took a moment to collect his thoughts after the experiences he gained in Talderia. Groaning a bit, he rolled out of bed and opened his windows, letting the night air cool him off as he shook the sleepiness from his eyes. Leaning on the windowsill, he looked out at the area and sighed.

The weeks of training hit him all at once, and it took him some time to sort it out. Vier had a lot more experience to work with, and a new tool within his arsenal through shield focused magic. While his body was well rested, his mind was tired after it all, and he simply spent his days busying himself with menial tasks and training to get back to a routine.

The trip was a bit longer than he’d have liked, but the mundanity was a welcome bonus. Dealing with a monarch’s madness didn’t quite seem like a job for knights so much as a doctor. Still, it was work, and

Vier chuckles at the interaction between the knights, looking at the manor walls as they get closer to their destination. Out of all the things he wanted to learn when it came to becoming a knight, caring for horses was not something he could afford to take part in before he became a Rose, but the thought always was there.

”I don’t know what I expected…” For the first time in a while, Vier didn’t know whether to laugh or offer the duke a hug. Where did he get the dress, and why is he wasting the bagu-Right, madness. He leans against a wall and listens to the explanation of recent events, letting the skeleton for a timeline of events build up in his mind.

“Did someone slip anything in his drink? Anyone who could get in and out of this room without drawing suspicion?” While he wasn’t a detective, basic things like figuring out the how and why of the duke’s condition would help the more book smart members of the Roses figure out the who and what.
Hidden 2 days ago Post by The Otter
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Fionn MacKerracher

Fionn shook his head at Tyaethe. "Why not something more masculine, though? Like...oh, how do they say it out west, over in Demet..." He looked down, unfocused eyes gazing at Echaid's mane as his brow furrowed deep in thought. "No, wait, Blodwyn is a girls' name too...ah, Linden, that would work! They have nice white flowers, too!"

Upon witnessing the duke's madness in person, Fionn quickly turned aside from the rest of the group, pulling one of the servants over. "Aye, could you go grab me another baguette and a large pot lid? The sort that's got a handle, not a knob. Need to look right, like." The bewildered servant nodded once, quickly leaving the duke's bedroom. Fionn quickly returned to contemplating the duke himself.

The man was acting madder than a serious suggestion that Tyaethe rename her fully-grown horse would be, but like Sir Aglan had said, it nearly seemed like an act. Like a game being played by a child that didn't understand how humans would actually be as they lost their minds to age, disease, or the like. Still, a man of Thedric's age engaging in such an act was mad in and of itself, so the worry remained fitting.

In order to solve it the quickest and easiest, they'd likely need to hunt down the source of whatever had gone wrong in the duke's head, but asking him normally wasn't likely to result in any useful information...


Fionn turned back with a small jolt of surprise. The servant girl had returned quite a bit faster than he'd been expecting...though the manor was smaller than Candaeln, and likely she didn't want to remain in the vicinity any longer than absolutely necessary. He took the offered loaf of bread and lid with a nod, stepping past the rest of the knights with a very clear aim.

Sorry, captain, but this might get something useful.

Right for the mad duke himself.

"Your highness!" he called sharply, coming to a stop a couple feet away from the bed that Thedric stood so proudly upon. "You're getting ahead of yourself! How can we march to war when our forces seem to have scattered to the four winds?" Nobody could ever accuse Fionn of being a good actor with a straight face, although in the face of such a childish play good acting was hardly necessary. His voice wavered slightly, hoping that he could manage to sound distressed for a moment, and not break out laughing at the absurdity of it all.

But, ever the dutiful soldier, he still held his lid-shield smartly at his side, giving a measured—if shaky—salute with his bread-sword to his sworn prince.

"And in your court dress, for the Goddesses' sake! Where's your marching uniform? Has the jester stolen it from you again?"
Hidden 1 day ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

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Yes, but a linden was a tree; a solid and sturdy emplacement. She was naming a charger here; a noble mount for a battle. Most emphatically not a carthorse, nor something that she wished to test the sturdiness of. Much better if her horses never found themselves in such harm, as effective as a charge could be. This influx of mercenary footmen had reduced their ability to do that, and so far the vampire hadn't found reason to complain...


Well, this situation was a farce. The lord appeared a man merely playing at madness rather than addled and now Fionn was playing along. Honestly... no, there was nothing she could offer here. Some prayer, perhaps, but that was just another reason to remove herself from this situation before it gave her a headache. And ruined any remaining good mood from the trip.

"If anyone needs me I'll be looking after the horses." There, that was something that needed doing, and someone had to help the stablehands out. Or make sure they hadn't gotten bitten...
Hidden 1 day ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

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"Seeking out pointers might not be a terrible idea, though I wouldn't fight from horseback if I could help it." Rolan had already several plans to abandon the horse should conflict come up abruptly, the only reason to not do so would be if a retreat was immediately in order. Even then, he suspected he had better odds making for the tree line and escaping through the woods, but that should not be needed. Before that train of thought could even start, however, Ser Renar interrupted, though for good reason it seemed.

"Ser Renar. It is fair to say I know a thing or three about alchemical mixtures, yes." Rolan met the quieter, lower tone with one of his own, recognizing an attempt at discretion when it was made. An interesting consideration, one that earned some respect from Rolan, more so than anything else. A safe concession to make that an untraceable poison, one that is wholly natural, would be too unlikely to be in play here. Especially one that simply struck the victim mad rather than dead. "I am inclined to agree, my concern is that all the mages and priests might overlook something mundane."

Ser Fionn made a broad question to everyone, though Tyaethe seemed to assume they would just be idling around while the Captain worked, investigated, and waited for orders. Oh no, he would not be idle simply because there was no combat to be had. Even if he could not cure the madness, he could look into how it came about. Gertrude continued to be herself, once again reminded that the part of him hoping she had not come back with them had been thoroughly disappointed, but she could banter and argue with the other practitioners of the magical arts. Ser Aglan was a tad younger than expected, but judging by the general peace and calm of those they passed, it was safe to assume that the madness of the Duke was a well kept secret right now. Hopefully seeing the madness first hand would give them a hint as to what caused it.

"I am at a genuine loss for words..."

To say Rolan was even more confused than before would be an understatement. The moment he laid eyes on the Duke and his antics, it was safe to rule out anything natural. He could make something that would leave someone delirious, probably, but not to this extent and certainly not for this long. That meant it was probably something magical in nature, which placed it much further outside his realm of debatable expertise. Ser Vier seemed concerned about something being slipped into drinks, which was a reasonable direction to look, however, anything he could think of in a drink would have worked out of the Duke's system by now. Fionn, Fionn started engaging the Duke in his own madness, causing Rolan to blink in disbelief at the display. No, no, he was not going to touch on that one at all, rather he stepped over to speak quietly with Ser Aglan to ask his own question while Tyaethe declared her intent to tend to the horses.

"Ser Aglan, where did this party take place, in specific? And has anyone else been stricken mad? I am hoping something was overlooked where the party took place, and since I assume we do not want word of this madness spreading, asking the other party goers would not be wise." Rolan intended to investigate where the party took place, since the secrecy around the Duke's madness meant he could not go asking the others present at the time what happened. It had to be better than standing around here watching a grown man parade around in a dress too small for him. Honestly, at least have the decency to have it properly fitted before madly dancing around in it.
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